November 18, 2009

The Sexiest Man Alive.

According to People Magazine. I agree about the top choice — even though he'd be even better if he shaved.

Also, Adam Lambert gets an honorable mention, which is pretty ridiculous.


Fred4Pres said...

Nuthin for me.

My wife met him once and said he is "beautiful."

Jason (the commenter) said...

I agree about the top choice

You must not watch that many Johnny Depp movies.

Maybe it's a guy thing, but I found the list kind of laughable. I'm sure People Magazine chose many of the people it did just to get interviews with them. Hell, they probably sell spaces on the list for interviews.

ricpic said...

Bob Hoskins is the sexiest man alive.

chickelit said...

Johnny Depp beats out Meade?

vbspurs said...

Glambert ain't sexy to me...

Hasn't Beckham and Depp gotten the People SMA nod before? It's clearly between either, if not.

Beckham, in a walk. And I hate tats.

And LOL at the pic of Jerry O'Connell pumping gas.

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Glambert ain't sexy to me...

Haven't Beckham and Depp gotten the People SMA nod before? It's clearly between either, if not.

Beckham, in a walk. And I hate tats.

And LOL at the pic of Jerry O'Connell pumping gas.

vbspurs said...


wv: hunge (!!!!)

vbspurs said...

Oh wait, I thought these were the choices. Depp WON? He's very nice. I like the fact that he's married to Vanessa Paradis for a while, and seems a good husband and father.

But the man makes grunge look clean.

Big Mike said...

Apparently the key to being sexy in 2009 is to have either (1) very scraggly facial hair or (2) an overall androgynous look (Lambert, Cho).

It's way too late for Meade to adopt the androgynous look, but perhaps he can grow some scraggly whiskers.

Or is that why you suggested Depp get shaved -- so that Meade won't stop trimming his whiskers?

Dark Eden said...

There sure seems to be a lot of the current crop of femmy men in this list. I definitely prefer the more rugged look. Depp and Beckham do stand out as looking like men not androgynes.

muddimo said...

Hopefully, this selection was according to men in the fashion industry. If these pretty boys are what women look to I call "seeds of our destruction!"

former law student said...

I'm going to say the the professor's scoffing of Adam Lambert relects her heterocentrism. "Straight privilege" the gays call it. She should send the link to Dan Savage, for his take on it.

muddimo said...

Depp is a good actor but he plays a gay pirate in POTC, and other fey characters, pretty convincingly. Not saying he's gay, I doubt that, but he is no masculine archetype.

Dark Eden said...

Depp is a good actor but he plays a gay pirate in POTC, and other fey characters, pretty convincingly. Not saying he's gay, I doubt that, but he is no masculine archetype.

Maybe he gets points for standing next to Adam Lambert, I dunno, but on that grouping he comes off as much more manly.

muddimo said...

It's not heterocentrism when 90% of the population is hetero. It's normalcy. Same reason we tend to use race to describe someone when they are not of the relevant majority. Not racist, just pointing out a feature that is not the norm. "Sexiest Man" implies "according to women."

muddimo said...

DE, you have a good point.

knox said...

It's not heterocentrism when 90% of the population is hetero.

pretty sure he was joshing.

Life in the Fifties said...

My husband finally gave up and got me a six foot door poster of Jack Sparrow for my accounting office. Nice taste.

knox said...

I still have a soft spot for Keanu. Sue me!!

I also think George Clooney is quite attractive. None of the femme thing going on there. But I am biased, he does remind me of my hubby, pardon my bragging...

muddimo said...

Joshing but also making a point. No big deal, we are all just wasting time. (Sorry Prof.)

veni vidi vici said...

Two things:

a) The guy lying on his bed sucking in his stomach and pursing his Jaggeresque lips at the camera is a solid bet for "douchebag of the year" if that photo's any indication of the strength of his application for the prize; and

b) Why isn't Tom Ford on this list? People, the same guys that bring us Time mag and its reckless banality, clearly have scant idea of "What is Sexy?"

wv: "staniza" -- poetic diplomacy under the previous administration.

Jason (the commenter) said...

former law student: I'm going to say the the professor's scoffing of Adam Lambert relects her heterocentrism. "Straight privilege" the gays call it. She should send the link to Dan Savage, for his take on it.

We've been through this before, a lot of gays on here thought Chris Allen was sexier. And he didn't make the list!

Christy said...

I agree about the top choice, I've known women of a certain age to host Johnny Depp movie night.

I'm curious. Why is Adam Lambert not sexy? Although I think John Barrowman is much sexier if we are going to include gay men that women like.

victoria said...

John Hamm, mmmmm, USDA Prime. Simon Baker, double mmmmmm.

Vicki from Pasadena

Meade said...

chickenlittle said...
Johnny Depp beats out Meade?

It's okay. No one can win 'em all. At least I came in 13th in that she looked at the photo and was sure it was me. Must be because I wear the very same thing for working in the yard.

That, or else she had on the wrong contact lenses.

Note to self: Hide all other lenses.

Dark Eden said...

A lot of gays are are tired of the look too, frankly.

There's nothing wrong with Lambert really just personally getting sick of that look. Give me a manly man.

The one that stood out for me the most was Jake Gyllenhall however its spelled. Wasn't he the Bubble Boy? He represents a group of well... eternal boys. No matter how messy his hair is, no matter how much scraggle he has on his chin, he looks like a boy not a man. And I'm not into pedo, thank you.

Republican said...

Depp deserves it.

Julie C said...

Jon Hamm Jon Hamm Jon Hamm. I like Johnny Depp, but there is no other man but Hamm.

I laughed out loud at the Jerry O'Connell picture. A good sense of humor is quite sexy!

Darcy said...

Ugh. I like Depp, but no.

It's Ralph Fiennes. And Beckham? Ewww.

(But Simon Baker was a good mention, vicki.)

Darcy said...

And where is that Men of Althouse calendar, btw? Let's get it going, guys. ;-)

Phil 314 said...

I thought Althouse said she was reading Palin's book. Is she that fast of a reader? Is the Cliff's Notes version out already?

Jana said...

I loved Johnny 7th grade. I had to check the calendar and make sure that it wasn't 1992.

Johnny Depp? Really?

Penny said...

Can anyone remember last year's winner without looking it up?

Darcy said...

Probably Matthew McConaughey? He's alright. I hardly ever agree with these things.

Jason (the commenter) said...

c3: I thought Althouse said she was reading Palin's book. Is she that fast of a reader? Is the Cliff's Notes version out already?

You make it sound like she's supposed to isolate herself from society, put tissue boxes on her feet, and collect her own urine in glass jars until she has it finished. I wonder if that's what Sullivan is doing.

Awesome said...

That's sexy? The photo at People looks like it belongs on this website:

The Drill SGT said...

Beckham, in a walk.

Beckham has that traditional SMA look. The same one Sean Connery, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, or Cary Grant had.

Ralph L said...

Daughtry is the only one who wouldn't make a good looking woman.

I'll be glad when the stubble look is passe.

Synova said...

Oh yuck! I didn't even think he was *sexy* as Jack Sparrow. Talented, yes. Sexy? Egad!

Some whiskers usually improve things, but not all that much.

(Now off to enjoy the rest of the pictures... I'm going to assume the Adam Lambert one wasn't his Liza Minelli look alike.)

Titus said...

Daughtry is the hot one.

Lambert not hot.

Love Jerry O's pic. He was the fat kid in Stand By Me, now all thin and gorgeous. Kudos to him.

victoria said...

Personally, i'd rather read People's Sexiest Man Alive than "Going Rouge (oops Rogue). More interesting and probably more truthful, even with the airbrushing

Vicki from Pas

Synova said...

1. No 2. Maybe 3. Heck No 4. I guess 5. Just 'cause I like him 6. OK 7. Bleh 8. It's a cute show 9. Maybe 10. He's got foundation on his lips! 11. No 12. Like the smile 13. can't be unseen 14. Average but nice looking 15. eeewwww 16. Where are the sexy ones?

Where is Zachary Levi or Sam Worthington?


Couldn't they even find an old picture of Hugh Jackman?

Synova said...

Which one is Jerry O? (I will go check.)

Synova said...

Oh dear... I've got him down as "can't be unseen."

Funny though, because he's standing there in a speedo and the caption says he does that to get back at his kids and embarass them... so I appreciate the humor (and horror).

If he won a battle with weight, bravo to him!

Ann Althouse said...

It's the second guy -- Ryan Reynolds -- who looks like Meade.

Synova said...

"Not racist, just pointing out a feature that is not the norm. "Sexiest Man" implies "according to women.""

I donno.

Because a couple years ago there was a sexy men in the military calendar that the guys at GayPatriot were oogling over and it seemed to me that "sexiest man" seemed a rather universal constant.

Granted, some of the sidebar ads I've seen directed at gay men *did* have models I thought were sort of unappealing on account they were way way way too skinny. Bleh.

Meade said...

Titus said...
Love Jerry O's pic. He was the fat kid in Stand By Me, now all thin and gorgeous. Kudos to him.

Why thank you!

Anton said...

"I agree about the top choice"

You mean other than Meade!

Ann Althouse said...

Meade is much sexier than Jerry -- gas pump or no.

Nora said...

Ouch. This is rediculous. They should call it "The sexiest male celebrity ..." or something.

Titus said...

I actually find most the guys on this list too feminine looking.

Do women like feminine looking guys?

Some straight women seem to think Lambert is hot which is so weird to me.

And gay men generally don't like a feminine looking guy.

I would much rather a guy who is harder looking and not so pretty as the guys on this list.

I think the People list should be "prettiest guys" not sexiest guys.

The leaf blowing crew at my expensive loft building were sexy today. I have a thing for blue collar guys, don't find actors sexy.

The Crack Emcee said...

And the "masculinity" tag is used for what?

Ralph L said...

Do women like feminine looking guys?

Brad Pitt
Leonardo DeCaprio

Beldar said...

I don't blame these metrosexual wimps, but if this honestly reflects the preferences of modern women, our species is in terrible, terrible trouble.

Irene said...

Nobody's mentioned Todd Palin.

Patm said...

I once saw Depp, too. He is, in fact, "beautiful."

But not really "sexy."

Conserve Liberty said...

My wife agrees with you. On both counts.

Bruce Hayden said...

I actually find most the guys on this list too feminine looking.

Some straight women seem to think Lambert is hot which is so weird to me.

And gay men generally don't like a feminine looking guy.

I would much rather a guy who is harder looking and not so pretty as the guys on this list

Girlfriend's ex is still massive as he nears 60 (a year older than Ann). 6'3, about 250 with a 34 inch waist. Huge pecs, arms, legs, etc. The type of guy who panics when his BMI nears double digits. Yet, naturally, as he has never lifted weights (just everything else).

So, she used to worry that I looked to gay, esp. since I like vivid colors (or used to, until she stole everything of mine in pink, purple, etc.) And, then I was able to convince her that her ex was the one whom she should be worried about. I suggested that gays much prefer his build to mine. And, he is homophobic enough that he freaks any time she brings it up to him.

Chip Ahoy said...

I like Lindsey's tie better than Holder's, but I wouldn't wear either one of them. Too staid.

I hereby formulate a new rule regarding ties. For now on all my new ties will be either Hermes or Ferragamo in a very nice color and with some ridiculous picture repeated of an animal doing something improbable. What would be the point of wearing anything else?

The satisfaction of this decision has caused me to Photoshop Peoples Magazine 10th sexiest man alive. (It seems to me they did a rather lazy job of surveying all the men alive, but whatev.)

Bruce Hayden said...

My problem with Depp is that he has played some very weird and freaky people over the years. Yes, he is very good, but that same talent that makes him so good, likely also gets him those weird and freaky roles.

I am not sure that I would call his Pirates role gay, but more effeminate. He did seem to be trying to get Keira Knightley away from Legolas (Orlando Bloom) (ok, he was Will Turner in that movie).

Which reminds me, when LOR came out, that blond elf Legolas, with no facial hair, was the heartthrob of the middle school girls. And, esp. that scene where he swings up onto Aragorn's horse. So, I used to tease them about how he must be gay, because he was so metrosexual, with no facial hair, but long flowing golden locks. That was not appreciated.

Chip Ahoy said...

Have you seen Jedward? Irish twins John and Edward Grimes on Britain's X-Factor. 17 yrs. old. They couldn't sing on key or hold a tune if their lives depended on it, they can't dance period, they're completely obnoxious. Naturally, the girls love them. Several perfectly awful vids on Youtube.

victoria said...

Irene, you are not serious, are you? Todd Palin? No thanks. If we are going to pick spouses, lets hear i for my man, BC. Bill Clinton. Met him once in Los Angeles, and boy, he draws you in and you are lost. HAte the man, love the sexiness.

Vicki from pas

Ralph L said...

Victoria, you know if Bill Clinton were a waiter, you'd just think he was a dirty old man when he leared at you.

vbspurs said...

My dear Ralph, if Clinton were a waiter the only tip he'd get from me is to lose weight and get some Grecian Formula!

...oh, that Victoria. Well I'm Victoria the First. And the only
"Vickis" I know who spell it that way are all exotic dancers.


rhhardin said...

I never heard of him.

He looks like a grunge celebrity from the pic.

Movie star? Singer? I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there an earlier article or thread about the rise in preference of women for androgynous males corresponding with the use of oral contraceptives. Goodbye to Bogie, hello Depp.

knox said...

And where is that Men of Althouse calendar, btw? Let's get it going, guys. ;-)


Meade said...

knox said...
And where is that Men of Althouse calendar, btw? Let's get it going, guys. ;-)


Problem is there are way too many for just one calendar.

Beaverdam said...

I am the sexiest man alive. My wife does not lie.

Synova said...

"Wasn't there an earlier article or thread about the rise in preference of women for androgynous males corresponding with the use of oral contraceptives. Goodbye to Bogie, hello Depp."


Well that explains me, anyhow. I've probably been on hormone based contraceptives less than five years total.

I knew there was some reason I didn't like the idea of messing with myself that way.

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