Here are the first 2 of the 1000 who got wristbands to allow them in this evening:
The line started last night at 9 PM.
More pictures like that, by Sam Riche, at the link.
Meanwhile, Fox News screws up by showing video from last year to illustrate a story about the crowds at her current book tour.
She's due twice in Florida, but only hitting Orlando and one other place (the Villages, I should imagine).
It's great that she's concentrating on small-town America, but she's got a huge amount of support in the big cities too. Oh well.
Fox screws up? Again? C'mon Ann, where is that cruelly neutral bullshit detector? It happens way too many times to be a "screw up"...
You know, I saw similar photos of voters lined up the day before President Obama was to speak just last month. /-sarc/
I think she is going need to transcend her "rural rules" theme to capture enough votes to be viable.
@garage Why on earth would they want to expose themselves to this criticism? It's not as if there aren't crowds today and they needed to fake it.
The book tour must be Sarah's version of a 200 mile Iron Dog Snow Machine Race. I suspect that Alex and Hdhouse hope she puts ducktape on here face ...over that mouth of hers which keeps destroying the Official Illusions of the day as fast as they can be crafted by Gibbs and Obama.
It's really nice when journalists get caught red-handed.
You know, I don't know if Palin is necessarily a good candidate for the Presidency. I just don't know.
But I'm favorably impressed with her, and I like her.
And of course it's hilarious to see how she brings out the crazy in the leftists. She must be whistling a note only leftists can hear.
I think it was Mel Brooks who said he would be President of the United States if he looked like John F. Kennedy and wasn’t obsessed with poop.
As Ann knows but is too polite (for now) to say, Garage is a robot pavlovian dog.
"Banrbarkbarkbarkbark . . . "
As for Fox, they need to staff up in the editing department.
You know, I don't know if Palin is necessarily a good candidate for the Presidency. I just don't know.
But I'm favorably impressed with her, and I like her.
She's recently been flintier in her interviews (I saw her on Hannity, who is obviously a sympathetic interviewer) this week. She has a tough directness that isn't at all the perky cheerleader tone she had during the presidential campaign.
THAT is the Sarah Palin I like. The Barracuda. When she's bubbly, I just keep thinking of her bad traits. I daresay a lot of Americans who aren't rabid anti-Palinists are the same way.
Fox is an entertainment network for conservatives. It does very little journalism. It hardly breaks stories. It follows what's broken by Drudge and the right-wing blogs.
The repeated manipulative use of editing would be fine if it was not accompanied by anchors describing the footage as something that it is not, or producers manipulating crowds to perform for segments. This does happen with other news outlets but Fox has revealed itself to be particularly and incompetently hackish.
Again, it's not news. It's entertainment for people who already hold a certain set of opinions. Nothing wrong with that but don't claim it's news.
Too bad I couldn't get the day off otherwise I'd be down there too. Noblesville is about 8 miles from my house.
Miller said, "She must be whistling a note only leftists can hear."
Were you watching about a year ago this time. She said so many ridiculous things it was hard to keep up with them. The conspiracy theorists even suggested she and McCain were throwing the election on purpose.
I admit the left went way overboard in mocking her, but please don't try to say it was all invented by a bunch of crazies.
As Ann knows but is too polite (for now) to say, Garage is a robot pavlovian dog
Now be nice. Garage is a liberal because its easier than actually thinking.
Noblesville: Small city, Big mall.
@garage Why on earth would they want to expose themselves to this criticism? It's not as if there aren't crowds today and they needed to fake it..
I don't know....they never seem to error on showing smaller crowd sizes for Republicans, or putting a -R next to disgraced Democrat, etc. How come other networks don't seem to have so many problems with file footage? But you're right, you'd think they would know there are "watchers" dissecting every minute of their broadcasts. I always thought Fox could be the sole network that could bring on unapologetic to anybody, both sides, and have real barn burning debates that could be great TV. They're probably the best in the business on how they package their product. About the only good thing about cables news though, is not that many people watch it, other than pure partisans.
"Were you watching about a year ago this time. She said so many ridiculous things it was hard to keep up with them."
Mike, I will give you an easy task, and it shouldn't take you 11 AP writers.
Just list the "many ridiculous things."
Remember, don't include the "I can see Russia from my house!" statement. That seems to get leftists every time.
How come other networks don't seem to have so many problems with file footage?
Cause they're too busy fucking up the big things. Like trying to effect a Presidential election with fake memos. But of course that's your team that does it garage so its ok.
She said so many ridiculous things it was hard to keep up with them.
Like what?
Just saying it doesn't make it so, unless you can say what ridiculous things and why you think they are ridiculous.
Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass.
Dang. Hoosiers are smart. :)
Just list the "many ridiculous things."
A while back I asked my 7th grade daughter what language they speak in Austria and even she knew it was German. She also knows there are 50 states and that Which means she's smarter than President Shortpants.
Then again so is my cat.
Dan Rather got fired from CBS. Who has gotten fired from Fox?
Cause they're too busy fucking up the big things. Like trying to effect a Presidential election with fake memos. But of course that's your team that does it garage so its ok.
Or effecting outcomes by holding back stories (Hi NYT!) until after elections. I always thought that Rather memo was a Rovian ratfuck anyhow, are you saying Rather sat down with MS Word and forged it? CBS isn't "my team" either.
Professor, unfortunately I had meetings today therefore could not get the time off otherwise I would have been camped out myself and sent you choice pictures of the festivities.
I say festivities because I know damn well fried pork rinds and beers is flowing there.
Damn it!
Shows how much people know. ED Hill, of "terrorist fist bump" (WTF was that about) was fired from Fox News. Oh excuse me, "her contract was not renewed" for the clinically pedantic.
I'm still waiting MSNBC to fire Chris Matthews for calling McCain a "troll" or all the incredibly misogynistic things he said during the campaign, about Hillary Clinton (especially) and Palin. Keith Olbermann, well, the list is too long with the unprofessionalism in journalism he displays night in, night out.
Dan Rather got fired from CBS. Who has gotten fired from Fox?
Let me know when they falsify a story to effect a Presidential election.
I always thought that Rather memo was a Rovian ratfuck anyhow,
Oh thats precious. I mean really. That's right up there with the truthers and Albright saying Bush had Osama in some secret cell just waiting to bring him out for an October surprise.
are you saying Rather sat down with MS Word and forged it?
Somebody did. Rather probably wasn't bright enough to do it. Considering his replacement was perky Katie with an IQ of my shoe, suffice to say they weren't looking to improve on the talent.
CBS isn't "my team" either.
Oh no of course not.
"She said so many ridiculous things it was hard to keep up with them."
Not as many and not as ridiculous as her opponent for the Veepship - not to mention The One.
Since this was in Flyover Country, the NYT said it did not happen.
She is enough for her audience. Obama was enough for his audience. Neither comes anywhere close to the expectations I have. The Republicans lowered the bar for the office of the presidency and liberals matched them with Obama (like I say, a dog with a Dem label would have won the GE last year). Now the Dems (especially women) are crying/howling/waling foul over Palin, a woman (a dumb woman in their eyes) who they fear might just become the next president benefiting from the rising tide of low expectations. Just to punish them for ditching Hillary I will support Palin. She can't be any worse than Obama, especially now that he and his minions have made Roe V. Wade irrelevant (with their passing of Stupak amendment) and with rationing women's care in their health insurance reform.
Fox's mistake wasn't that they ran random file footage it was that the anchor set up by saying, "this just in."
Considering the guy is going back and forth between a tele-prompter, listening to some guy talking in his ear to set up the next clip, and speaking live on TV I'm surprised they don't make a lot more mistakes like this.
I heard this morning (half-asleep, so check the details) that Palin's coming to Costco in Reno next month, and they will let in the first 1000 members to hear her.
Fox is an entertainment network for conservatives. It does very little journalism. It hardly breaks stories.
I would say the same is true of most all tv media these days. Which is why I rarely watch.
I hope these hillbillies are being smart and putting all of their life savings into gold.
ED Hill, of "terrorist fist bump" (WTF was that about) was fired from Fox News. Oh excuse me, "her contract was not renewed" for the clinically pedantic.
Oh good, because that was idiotic. WTF indeed.
I lined up to see Elvis Costello perform in Omaha in 1983.
I was the only one in line.
In the interest of full disclosure, Nobelesville is the county seat of Hamilton county in Hoosierville and just happens to be the most conservative county in the state so the crowd she is drawing there is no big surprise.
Suffice to say you didn't see any Obambi signs in my neck of the woods, mainly because the folks here work hard for our money and wanted to keep it.
Oh points of interest in Nobletucky (as we refer to it) is Deer Creek music center (known as Verizon but it will always be Deer Creek. Saw Aerosmith, Sting and Buffet there), awesome cigar bar and some very historical taverns still in operation and very cool antique shops in the downtown area and also a cool ghost walk in the town center.
Classic Norman Rockwell town.
MM - "Who has gotten fired from Fox?"
Van Jones, That Mao communications director, The NEA dweeb, The guy who wanted to close Gitmo, The Rev whose goose has come home to roost ...
(I wish I had a link to the Sher tune: "And the Beat Goes On")
And, Hoosier Daddy, don't forget the great Perkins Restaurant with those wonderful blue berry pancakes. Yum, yum!
Dan Rather got fired from CBS. Who has gotten fired from Fox?
When the leftists get tired of yawning about the foul frauds they perpetuate in the name of "news" let us all know.
What was the "scoop" a month or so ago --- Mary Mapes knew before they did the show that the documents were fake? Notice how the left cared?
Fake but accurate™
Choose Poverty.
Vote Democrat.
And of course it's hilarious to see how she brings out the crazy in the leftists. She must be whistling a note only leftists can hear.
She may be whistling some of those, but if so she's also whistling other notes only conservatives can hear.
Doing both at the same time takes real talent.
She has a tough directness that isn't at all the perky cheerleader tone she had during the presidential campaign.
I believe for the campaign she was trying to appear upbeat and nice, and I believe she was instructed to do so. I was glad to see that part of her personality.
Since I had watched the available videos of her gubernatorial debates I knew she could do the direct plain-spoken thing.
I never thought she was dumb, but I think she's more intelligent than I was giving her credit for.
Reading her book I understand that she has a better grasp of issues than I had been led to believe.
A few people asked me what I meant. I used google.
"Deer Creek music center"
Been there many times myself (and you're Dead on about it always being Deer Creek). It's where I saw a tear gas cloud for the only time in my entire life.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"Noblesville is about 8 miles from my house."
Turn left at the U-turn and go straight to the end of the earth. It's a mile ahead on the far far far right.
Big lines under the sign "abandon all hope ...". Catch the first boat and look for the idiot with a pen and hip waders..
that's your girl.
Crimso said...
"It's where I saw a tear gas cloud for the only time in my entire life."
ahhh that was Ms. Palin and it wasn't tear gas........
I heard this morning (half-asleep, so check the details) that Palin's coming to Costco in Reno next month, and they will let in the first 1000 members to hear her.
That means I will have to go out and join Costco. I prefer Sams Club, and my girlfriend has the Costco membership, so I haven't needed one, until now.
Frankly, I think she would have done better at Sam's Club any way, given the difference in demographics between the two businesses. Nevertheless, I predict long lines, probably all night. We shall see.
Turn left at the U-turn and go straight to the end of the earth. It's a mile ahead on the far far far right.
Hi shir for brains. I see the nurse is late in changing your diapers again.
Fox is an entertainment network for conservatives. It does very little journalism. It hardly breaks stories. It follows what's broken by Drudge and the right-wing blogs.
What I thought of when I read that were all those ACORN videos that the rest of the networks were shamed into playing after Fox had started running them. Of course, Fox didn't actually do the investigative reporting there either, but rather, picked them up from Breitbart.
But, it still comes down to the fact that the other networks pretty much don't report anything negative to the Democrats, and, in particular, President Obama, unless shamed into it by Fox.
I think illustrative of this was the difference between how the AP handled Obama's last book, and how they handled this one from Palin. They assigned 11 fact checkers to the Palin book, and apparently none to the last Obama book.
Of course though, a liberal might argue that since Democrats don't commit crimes or get involved in corruption, it is a waste of manpower to assign any reporters to digging up dirt on Democratic politicians. Plus, true investigative journalism is only valid if a Republican, or at least a Republican sympathizer is the target of an investigation.
I know that it isn't legitimate to point this out, but Fox has broken, or at least picked up well ahead of its competition, a large number of stories involving corruption by Democrats since the assumption by power by Obama and the Democrats in Congress.
I think illustrative of this was the difference between how the AP handled Obama's last book, and how they handled this one from Palin. They assigned 11 fact checkers to the Palin book, and apparently none to the last Obama book.
This is a common recent conservative meme which I don't understand. Palin's book is an autobiography, replete with facts that can be checked, while Obama's Audacity of Hope merely laid out his ideas and political positions. What can a skeptical AP say, "No, you do not think that way."?
The degree of interest is quite different. Palin is fresh in the national public's mind, from her governorship, her VP campaign, and her abrupt resignation from the governorship. In contrast, the freshman Senator Obama was known, if at all, for a speech he made in 2004. His book tour spanned two weeks and a dozen cities before he went back to work. Palin's making 31 stops in three weeks.
The short gap between when copies were available to the press and to the public put the AP under time pressure. For a "fact-checking" article to have any impact, it has to come out at the same time, or better, before the book itself. One guy isn't going to be able to assess a 400 page book in any reasonable amount of time. Therefore the AP assigned multiple people to split up the work.
Is teamwork alien to conservatives? Because that's the only way assigning 11 reporters to the book could surprise them, to my way of thinking.
Watch last night's Daily Show. John Stewart is so right.
I actually tried to get the book for my husband, a Palin fan and he said that he didn't want anymore money in her coffers. Go figure.
I think I got the jist of the book, whine, whine, whine, I am a roque. Whine, whine whine, I have been treated unfairly. Boo hoo.
Vicki from Pasadena
This give you a pretty good idea of how exciting Indiana is.
Just ask the local tea bagger: Hoosier Daddy.
As for the "crowds," Fox (as usual) did their part by running video from campaign stops versus the real video from the book tour.
Princess Sarah is merely lining her pockets with this tripe.
mariner - "Reading her book I understand that she has a better grasp of issues than I had been led to believe."
And you base this on reading her book?
As if she actually even wrote the damn thing?
I (and most here) could write a book on almost any subject, given the time to research exactly what I want to write and how I want to sound...and make it appear I have a reasonable or excellent grasp of the subject matter.
Anybody who can't say what they read is not one to trust.
I read today that during her "interview" with Hannity, when asked what she actually reads...the first publication she cites is NewsMax.
Good lord...
Is Sarah Palin the Moses, or is she the Howard Dean, of the Republican Party?
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