৩০ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

"Come on, folks, we're being asked to believe that the Secret Service let these people in without going through checkpoints?"

Rush Limbaugh — speaking on the radio right now — does not believe the story of the state dinner gate-crashers. He's suggesting they were, in fact, on the guest list, and the White House later found a reason to want to distance itself from them. He notes that when he's gone to a White House function — he, a very recognizable celebrity — he has had to give his Social Security number and go through multiple checkpoints with the Secret Service. There is something more to this, he wants us to know.

ADDED: Is the Secret Service taking a fall for Obama even as Tiger Woods is (perhaps) taking a fall for Elin Nordegren? That is, perhaps, there is a damaging connection between the gate-crashers and the Obama administration, and the Secret Service is absorbing the blow by taking the blame, when in fact it made no mistake. And Tiger Woods, perhaps, is saying that he's to blame for his accident...
The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.
... when it may be that Elin did things that are, in fact, crimes.

২৩৮টি মন্তব্য:

238 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Jeremy বলেছেন...

Rush is a frigging moron...but he's also the "leader" of the GOP:
(He's also one of Ann's heroes)

NEW YORK — By a wide margin, Americans consider Rush Limbaugh the nation's most influential conservative voice.

Those are the results of a poll conducted by "60 Minutes" and Vanity Fair magazine and issued Sunday. The radio host was picked by 26 percent of those who responded, followed by Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck at 11 percent. Actual politicians – former Vice President Dick Cheney and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin – were the choice of 10 percent each.

J. Cricket বলেছেন...

And lucky for Rush, he has a professor/stooge willing to post his crazy ideas on her blog!

Unknown বলেছেন...

El Rushbo makes an excellent point, although, given the name involved, could this be another Major Hasan situation? They looked at the name and didn't want to start anything, particularly since The Zero might not want to appear to be "exclusionary"?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Jeremy...What about the Frigging Moron's good question? I suppose that question wasn't on your guest list of questions, but it has crashed the party.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Gawker has a theory that seems plausible.

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

Conservatism is a movement, sort of like Jeremy's comments are often akin to a bowel movement.

Thus, to be recognized as influential in a cultural/political movement is not necessarily to be "the leader of" one of the political parties.

Reading comprehension; something to work on, I guess.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Speaking of White House guests...and whether they were indeed INVITED:

When it comes to social events at the White House, the only thing worse for a President than self-serving gate crashers is when the miscreant has an invitation.

And so while conservatives gloat over the Secret Service failure that allowed climbers Michaele and Tareq Salahi to crash the state dinner for the Indian prime minister, it's worth remembering...

...that when Republican uber lobbyist and convicted felon Jack Abramoff roamed the Bush White House, he was an honored guest.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

If they're invited, they'd have an invitation to show. You don't throw those things out.

Appearing to have crashed the White House event might be better publicity than just going to it. Especially if you were trying to be part of the oh-so-important Wives of DC -- and who wouldn't want that?

Still, the easiest explanation is that someone in security screwed up. So I'll stick with that and let the conspiracy believers spin what they want.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Touche, Jeremy...You have reminded us that Bush was bad too and that everybody does it. Thanks for helping us forget the question.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

traditional dolt - The entire affair is an embarrassment, and a breach of security, but something from an "objective" party, and one who really knows how things were handled, I'm not going to just take what this fat wing nut asshole says as being the least bit accurate. (I've read that they were cleared through metal detectors, just as all of the guests.)

YOU tell me what this fat prick is basing his "conjecture" on? That he visited the White House and now he knows exactly what was or was not done in this case?

It's nothing more than the standard fat man bullshit, designed to stir the pot.

And of course, to get YOU and the "Queen" into his corner.

What Ann Althouse finds so interesting about this weasel and anything he says is difficult to understand...you, considering how "independent" she says she is.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

veni vidi vici said..."Conservatism is a movement..."

And Rush Limbaugh is your "leader."

Quite the "movement."

Expat(ish) বলেছেন...

Hmm, @Jeremy & 'conservative gloating.'

I am not saying nobody is, but I haven't met anyone who is pleased.

It would be hard to find someone with less regard for The Won and his 'accomplishments' than me.

But I want him kept safe as he is my president.


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The Secret Service cannot afford to be as thoughtful as Obama.

There was a line .. people were waiting.

Come on down ;)

Jeremy বলেছেন...

traditional dolt said..."Touche, Jeremy...You have reminded us that Bush was bad too and that everybody does it. Thanks for helping us forget the question."

It's not the "question"...it's the fact that in this case, there was a breach of security, and I'm sure heads will roll.

In the case of Bush, he literally invited and honored the man who currently spends his days in a prison cell.

You get dumber by the minute.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Lem - C'mon...we all know that the only line you stand in is at the liquor store.

Down a couple more shots and add something pithy.

miller বলেছেন...

Well, yeah. The question is "Why did the SS admit someone who wasn't on the guest list?" and not "Why can't people remember how bad Bush was?"

I will stipulate for this discussion that Bush was the worst president ever.

Now can we get back to the original question -- how the heck did the most important nation in the world let two cranks get close enough to the President to shake hands with him at an event that had multiple screening levels?

You think the enemies of America didn't take notice of this?

While I did not and will not ever vote for MC President, he is still the chief executive of the most powerful nation on the planet & he (and his family) needs to be kept secure and safe.

This is a catastrophic FAIL if the SS cannot keep nuts away from the President.

Scott M বলেছেন...

My father was on loan to the Secret Service from the Army during the Carter-Reagan campaign (EOD expert). He completely disagrees with the current spin on this story and, though he doesn't listen to, agrees point for point with El Rushbo on this one.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Jeremy the Great...After all of this Science thrown around this week reacting to the missing Faux Data in East Anglia, my doltish mind remembers a comment that all science and truth comes by the asking of skeptical questions. So far your logical response to Rush's skeptical question has been that Fat Men cannot think.If this is true, then Weiss is out at Notre Dame.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I miss Teresa. At least when she posts as much as Jeremy we find out how much a DVD set of Punky Brewster costs.

It is time for holiday shopping after all.

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

MadisonMan said...
If they're invited, they'd have an invitation to show. You don't throw those things out.

what MM said.

the SS screwed up and got lucky that it was just to celebritney's.

They need to get their act together. Most of their success was driven from that image of perfection. The SS showed flaws and our enemies notice things like that.

Factory Yoyo বলেছেন...


You may not care for his politics, but when you say, "Rush is a frigging moron" you lose whatever weight your argument might have had. While you obviously have not listened to him much, you sure seem to have absorbed the Left's talking points about him. I have listened for over 20 years and while he isn't perfect, he does have an astute ear about bullshit (ear implants or no ear implants).

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I just don't think it is fair that these pousers are the first "Real Housewives" to get to the White House. After all, Michelle loves to wear the "She by Sheree" line.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Rush just made an excellent point..

Remember how big tobacco was pilloried for hiding the data about nicotine? They are still paying for that.

Same thing is happening now with Climagate.

Hide the Decline

jeff বলেছেন...

Clearly Jeremy has nothing better to do this morning, hopefully his medication will be delivered soon.

As many have noted, his reading comprehension leave much to be desired. He has shown time and time to be frigging moron, who couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag.

Anyway...to the topic at hand. I suspect the secret service didn't just let them walk in, I think we will find someone from the White House walked them thru security. I seriously doubt Obama knew anything about this until the story broke.

What is interesting to speculate on though, is why Jeremy has completely gone ape shit over a question that is legitimate, no matter who is asking. Sometimes (most times) his fascist tendencies just jump out. Oh no, Rush has a question.......KILL HIM!

WV aushic def: what Jeremy is. autistic and drunk.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course if any lowly Secret Service flunky would stop to guestion Sheree, we know exactly what she would say:"Who gonna check me boo?"

Martha বলেছেন...

Obama may not have wanted Tareq Salahi's name on the guest list---from gatewaypundit:

Tareq Salahi, the polo-playing intruder, is a Palestinian nationalist with ties to the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) , a pro-Palestine lobby demanding the “right of return” for all Palestinian refugees and their descendants.

Angst বলেছেন...

Jeremy - Thou doust protest too much!

I do believe that Jeremy has a big-time MAN CRUSH on Rush.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course Kim Zolciak was at the White House many times when George Bush was President. But that was only because Dick Cheney was "Big Poppa."

Jen বলেছেন...

Cheney did say that Rush is the consummate Republican, and we should believe everything that Cheney says.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

jeffrey - The fact that I think Rush Limbaugh is a wing nut prick or that I find it rather strange that a law professor would be so enamored with this loudmouth has nothing to do with medication.

Instead of blathering on about ME (and sucking up to your fellow wing nuts here), why not direct your comment to why you think Limbaugh would know anything about what happened that evening at the White House?

All he's doing is throwing out the usual right wing chum to idiots like yourself...who happily gobble it up.

Keep on suckin'...dittohead.

TWM বলেছেন...

Invited guests or uninvited gate-crashers,they still made Barry's first official dinner look silly. Par for the course with this administration so far.

I heard that Rove said it was probably some low-level staffer who got them in past security. Sounds reasonable to me and typical of the morons Barry has surrounded himself with.

Oh, and BTW, the worst president ever was Carter. An example that Barry is following with zeal.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

What is more likely - that the Secret Service let someone through with no checks, or that these people were OK'd by someone relatively high?

OhioAnne বলেছেন...

Washington Post this summer had an article on Secret Service training. (July, I think)

No one takes that much crap to get a job and then risks the same job by "assuming" that someone else is taking care of anything.

I don't know if Rush is correct, but I absolutely believe there is more to the story.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

"Is saying they weren't invited sufficent to say they violated some law by showing up at the WH entrance during an official function and asking to be let in?"

Probably, yes.

Attempting to or actually avoiding the security at the White House (or any federal building/airport) is most certainly against he law.

If you don't think so, try wandering into your local courthouse without passing through a metal detector and other security measures.

Unless of course, you think anyone who appears at the White House door can just walk in.

Is that what you think?

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course every single one of the Real Housewives of Orange County were snuck past the Secret Service by President Bill Clinton.

So they could give him a blow job.

miller বলেছেন...

So the Administration let some cranks in without approving them, and this is somehow all right?

I don't get that part.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"The fact that I think Rush Limbaugh is a wing nut prick or that I find it rather strange that a law professor would be so enamored with this loudmouth has nothing to do with medication."

Do you know many law professors? I do. The "law professor" angle is so much worse than you imagine it to be.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

TRO - "I heard that Rove said it was probably some low-level staffer who got them in past security."

Well, if anyone would know about such thing, it would be Karl Rove.

Remember Jeff Gannon (same Jeff who posts here?) who was planted at the press conferences with little Georgie?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The folks were members of the Palestinian wealthy class always showing up in DC and Brussels to demand a few billion more dollars for their oppressed rufugees to be put into Swiss Bank Accounts until Israel is wiped off the map. The golden flow stops when Israel stops existing. That is a quandry calling for a Community Activist's skills. If this is reported in the media, then it is not important. But if the media goes "run silent run deep" on this real part of the story, then we will know that Obama's Czars are trying to get some of this flow of Palestinian Aid loot kicked back for themselves.

Der Hahn বলেছেন...

Jeremy -

If I though that, I would not have pointed out the question that must be answered about this affair.

"On whose authority were they (the Sahalis) waved through the screening?"

That is the question you clique seems to want to keep from being answered.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

How funny. I was in traffic right now, and tuned in (from NPR, heh) to Rush in time to hear him say that!

He said he had been to several White House functions and each time he has to give his Social and DOB, which triggers a new security check each time.

I had no idea the security procedures were so strict. As a woman, my first thought was "those middle-aged women who lie about their names have to blurt out their DOB for all to hear?" or...can they write it down on a piece of paper. ;)

The moment I heard the name of the husband especially, Tareq Salahi, I knew this was going to be a huge story -- perhaps for all the wrong sensationalist reasons.

An Arab-American and his wife penetrating an exclusive, and highly secure area like the White House, at a STATE DINNER, and getting to shake hands with the President of the US?

Whatever you think, you have to admit the story writes itself. But there IS a question tied to his origins that people should be asking.

Is this political correctness at work again, like in the Ft. Hood massacre? Where you fear being labeled anti-Arab or anti-Muslim if you come down too hard on them?


Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course the Real Housewives of New Jersey would visit the governor’s mansion all the time when Mario Cuomo was the Governor of New York State. But that was only because they were all members of the Genovese family.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

No, Ann, I don't know as many law professors as you, but I also find it rather bizarre that a law professor who says she is an independent (and voted for President Obama) thinks Rush Limbaugh is some kind of amazing fountain of useful (or true) information.

Are you implying law professors in general, also think Rush is a really interesting and informative force in America...or just the ones who relish in the fact that they've been mentioned by the fat man on his radio show?

I doubt it.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Adele Mundy - Good lord...have you got anything a tad more current?

Cuomo left office about 15 years ago.

Maybe you can throw something out about JFK?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Ann, Rush made a point about Tiger Woods' story that I haven't heard anyone else cover so far. At the end of the statement, he said, "It won't happen again".

How can anyone make this statement, that an accident won't happen again, being as it is beyond our control?

That is a Freudian slip on his part, which relates to either an Elin coverup ("the missus won't be running at me with a golf club again, you can be sure of that") or an admission of guilt on his part about his affair OR, less salaciously, that if they do argue again as husbands and wives do, that he will think twice before getting into a car and smashing into a tree and fire hydrant in anger.

Either way, those words are damning.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

I attended about 6 presidential/vice presidential events during W's term and there is no way anyone could get into those events sans invite without someone inside vouching for the party crashers.

No way.

I attended Bush Sr.'s inauguration, was walking across the Capitol grounds with credentials hanging around my neck and was still stopped four times by SS even after passing thru a couple layers of security outside the fence, including a metal detecter.

Not buying the SS screwed up story. Doesn't pass the smell test.

ricpic বলেছেন...

There can never be enough Palis in the Muzzie White House.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course Mario's son is going to be the next governor of New York, not that facts matter to you sweetheart.

You see he is following in the family business. Like John Gotti Jr.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Attempting to or actually avoiding the security at the White House (or any federal building/airport) is most certainly against he law.

They didn't avoid security, they walked through the checkpoints everyone else walks through to get into the White House. The question is, who let them through without an invite and why?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

He notes that when he's gone to a White House function — he, a very recognizable celebrity — he has had to give his Social Security number and go through multiple checkpoints with the Secret Service.

Limbaugh getting through checkpoints is pretty alarming in of itself.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Der Hahn "On whose authority were they (the Sahalis) waved through the screening?" That is the question you clique seems to want to keep from being answered.

Are you saying you don't think this is being investigated and that we will never hear who was responsible?

The Secret Service has already issued a statement that they take responsibility for the breach and are looking into exactly how this happened.

This is just Rush throwing out the kind of nonsense he does every day.

Oh, and anybody who believes Rush Limbaugh had to literally "give his Social and DOB" whenever he visited the White House is a fool.

It's ridiculous and I don't believe it for a minute.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course, JFK snuck woman past the Secret Service all the time. Judith Campbell Exner was waved through by the Secret Service whenever Jackie was out of town.

Of course she was vouched for by Frank Sinatra. And Sam Giancana.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Dogwood - They avoided security by lying about whether they were indeed invited. They also passed through metal detectors along with everybody else.

You don't have to go "around" security to avoid/evade it.

Unless of course, you think using a fake passport to move through security at the airport isn't really a form of avoidance or evasion.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Is the Secret Service taking a fall for Obama even as Tiger Woods is (perhaps) taking a fall for Elin Nordegren? That is, perhaps, there is a damaging connection between the gate-crashers and the Obama administration..

The connection I see is that when Libs are in charge, things like cheating on a spouse, sexting and crashing a WH party taking on more significance.. that is.. they are judged harsher as opposed to when conservatives are in charge.

It's counterintuitive.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Adele Mundy - WOW!!!

You really know your "inside" Presidential stuff.

Got anything you want to share on Lincoln?

People wanna know.

former law student বলেছেন...

He notes that when he's gone to a White House function — he, a very recognizable celebrity — he has had to give his Social Security number and go through multiple checkpoints with the Secret Service.

I would not take Rush's word as gospel, because I suspect that procedures may vary from administration to administration, and I seriously doubt that either Obama or Clinton invited him.

In my limited experience, however, your name does have to be on a list to get into the White House. What sort of pre-admission vetting they do I don't know. I remember being checked in at the gate, but I don't remember any checking after that.

The most likely scenario is that they were the guests of a formal invitee, who had them added to the guest list ahead of time.

At any rate, someone must have vouched for them.

American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) , a pro-Palestine lobby demanding the “right of return” for all Palestinian refugees and their descendants.

Not according to sourcewatch. The ATFP advocates a two-state solution so that Israel and Palestine can live side by side in peace and security.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Vspurs...As a member in good standing of the married male class, let me interpret Tiger's statement for you. "THAT" will never happen again is the message. Once can be considered an oops. Twice is a pattern that must be dealt with rather than swept under the rug.There will be a lot of Kobi Bryant style making up to do at Chez Woods this winter. The Escalade can be fixed, but fixing Elin's heart will be a harder task taking more patience than Tiger may have.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Not buying the SS screwed up story. Doesn't pass the smell test.

Dogwood, there is a very simple explanation which doesn't involve conspiracies (not that you are suggesting there is one -- simply that there was an insider who gave the final okay).

Incompetence explains many things, especially at the Obama White House.


Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course President Abraham Lincoln would sneak his old roommate Joshua Fry Speed past the Pinkertons all the time during the Civil War. Of course the next day one side of his face would noticeably sag.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Incompetence explains many things, especially at the Obama White House.


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Following todays theme, I think its fair to ask - Is it possible the gate crashers would not have made it in had it not being a blond?

Sofa King বলেছেন...

Are you saying you don't think this is being investigated and that we will never hear who was responsible?

I'm still waiting to hear who was responsible for the Air Force one NYC flyover. Whose idea and why, and who approved it? Who was on the plane?

We were promised an investigation and answers. Where are they?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

I thought as much, TradGuy. Thanks for the code-breaking. ;)

BTW, what are the chances you or any other American male could run into a fire hydrant and a tree with your car, then dick around the police when they came to interview you, cancelling the meeting three times, only for the matter to be dropped after an "official statement" on your part?

It's good to be rich and famous.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

We were promised an investigation and answers. Where are they?

My dear Sofa King! How dare you question the most transparent Administration that ever was in American history??!

Of course, they could've meant transparent not as in "characterised by honesty and accountability" and meant simply "lying so apparent it's gossamer thin".


traditionalguy বলেছেন...

FLS...The two State solution requires Trillions of dollars to be pumped into a near worthless area whose only value is as a good neighbor of Israel doing grunt work or as a jumping off point for The Next Final Solution to steal the Jews wealth. But its for Peace on Earth says the cartoon like UN and Obama. Therfore Obama is getting ready to organize that new State for a very large fee paid to cut out men. I only hope that the Swiss banks can hold that much money.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Incidentally, Obama's transparency pledge reminds me of Clinton making a big stink about his staff signing very strict "Ethics Codes".

It's just there to cover your ass, like anger management and sensitivity courses. It's all for show.

Ricardo বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Vspurs ...Being rich and famous seldom hurts, but the key is being loved, which Tiger is in the world of Golf. Racists need not apply at the Masters. However, Sexists may be another matter.

Tank বলেছেন...

Ann asks if Tiger is taking the hit for Elin (and maybe the SS is doing the same for Obama).

For Tiger, a more likely explanation is that they are both covering up a domestic violence incident which could cost both of them millions of dollars.

When Nike says Just Do It, DV is not what they're looking for.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

There could have been an insider who let them in.

Ricardo, that was what I was suggesting Dogwood was saying, not exactly my idea of what happened.

Although I do have to say that seems to be a likely explanation.

Another one that comes to mind is this: this was the first State Dinner and the SS were out of practise since the last one (I Googled, it was for the President of Ghana on September 15, 2008), more than a year ago.

I personally think the White House Chief of Protocol or whomever is in charge of invitations should be fired, at minimum.

He or she already have goofed in the question of President Obama shouting out the Infanta Cristina of Spain's name when she wasn't present at a Democratic function (clearly she wasn't invited or she refused but the CoP failed to inform the President she wasn't there, making him look like an incompetent dumbass).

Now this. My God, it's Amateur Hour, all the FREAKING time.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I personally think the White House Chief of Protocol or whomever is in charge of invitations should be fired, at minimum.

I heard there was one and the new WH let her go.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

That bus is really getting crowded underneath, Lem.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Now this. My God, it's Amateur Hour, all the FREAKING time..

Almost wants you to long for the time when gay prostitutes from fake news orgs were given credentials. At least that crew knew what is was doing.

"Jeff, did you have something?"
"Back to you Jeff".

Beth বলেছেন...

I keep trying to have an open mind, but nothing so far has persuaded me that listening to Rush makes anyone smarter or more well-informed. Least of all this post.

I mean, come on, folks.

From Inwood বলেছেন...

teresa seems to have hijacked the previous Tiger site for her contribution to cyber Monday, so let me make a new entry in the poetry contest (apologies to Leigh Hunt:

Rachel kissed me when we met,

Jumping from the place she lay’bout;

Enquirer, you thief, who love to get

Scandals in your list, keep that out:

Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,

Say that temptations have not missed me,

Say I’m old, just don’t but add

Rachel kissed me.

Otherwise old Elin will take a shot

And some divorce lawyer, all I’ve got.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Is it possible the gate crashers would not have made it in had it not being a blond?

A well-dressed, well-heeled blonde, Lem. I don't see some bouncy blonde Hooters gal and her husband crashing the White House. There is a look that this couple has, that screams socialites. That's what got them inside.

Ricardo বলেছেন...

Sorry, Victoria. I realized my mistake, and pulled my comment, but you saw it before I could delete.

There's a reasonable chance that someone on the inside (meaning protocol staff, another WH staffer, someone in the Indian delegation, whoever) got these people in. That person needs to be fired. In every organization, there are established procedures for "sneaking someone in". But the stakes are too high at the White House, and the Secret Service needs to be part of the "sneaking someone in" procedure. At the same time, the Salahi's (if this is the scenario) knew that they were being snuck in, and depending on what lies they may or may not have told the Secret Service at the checkpoints, they too must be accountable for their actions. There's a lot of blame to pass around here, and we're not just looking for one scapegoat. Everyone should take the hit for this breach of security.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Guys, I haven't checked Ann's posts before today, so forgive me if this has been posted before, but check out the Salahis' photos with other "celebrities". It's a gold mine for any followup "Six Degress of Separation" game you might want to play!

How to get from Justice Anthony Kennedy to Matt Damon or Roland Burriss in one degree? The Salahis.

It reminds me of that funny quote from the movie of the same name, when Stockard Channing said:

"Oh, let's not be star-f*ckers"

That's precisely what the Salahis are.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

No worries, Ricardo! You didn't have to delete it. :)

Everyone should take the hit for this breach of security.

Apart from anything else, the security of the People's Mansion was put at risk, NOT TO MENTION our President's life, for crying out loud. This is awful.

I mean, this is as bad as the Secret Service agents boozing and whoring at a burlesque club the night before Dallas 1963. It's about being ready and alert for all possibilities, and neither they nor today's version were.

holdfast বলেছেন...

I personally think the White House Chief of Protocol or whomever is in charge of invitations should be fired, at minimum.

I think Obama's multiple protocol gaffes have made it rather apparent that no such person exists.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

So why haven't they been arrested for trespass?

Sofa King বলেছেন...

So why haven't they been arrested for trespass?

Are you being serious?

Beth বলেছেন...

But Victoria, the President's life couldn't be in danger if he was secretly inviting them so they could secretly plan the sharia takeover of the homeland.

Come on, folks! He's distancing himself, with the collusion of the Secret Service, from his secret PLO connections.

I'm just saying.

It's almost like Obama is an abusive husband and America is the enabling spouse. Like Tiger. Or something.

My friends, there's something more to this.

melo বলেছেন...

I think it's very fishy. I recently had a meeting with a mid-level official at the Old Executive Building. My social security number, full name, and date of birth were required in advance and I had to show my drivers license at a check point before I could even get close to the building. Then had to show it again and get wanded before I could get into the lobby. If they weren't on the list, their getting into the dinner is completely indefensible.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

secret PLO connections.

They're secret? ;)

vbspurs বলেছেন...

If they weren't on the list, their getting into the dinner is completely indefensible.

Thank God Tareq Salahi is not Pakistani, because you can imagine the conspiracy theories the Indians could dream up about their sworn enemies.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Speaking of GOP leaders and the insanity they spew...

Here's another absolutely ridiculous gaffe via the GOP's 10% favorite as their new and improved "leader"...

Princess Sarah:

In her new comic book, Going Rogue, this idiot attributes a quote to UCLA basketball legend John Wooden.

The quote: "Our land is everything to us... I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it--with their lives."

Try to imagine someone who thinks they can be President of the United States, attributing a quote like that...to an ex-UCLA basketball coach...when in reality it was...

...written by a Native American activist named John Wooden Legs in an essay entitled "Back on the War Ponies," which appeared in a an anthology, We Are the People: Voices from the Other Side of American History, edited by Nathaniel May, Clint Willis, and James W. Loewen.

And many here would vote for this twit?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Beth - "My friends, there's something more to this."


Maybe these people have his birth certificate...his secret Muslim decoder ring.


KCFleming বলেছেন...

Jeremy, don't you at least have some DVDs to sell us?

X বলেছেন...

Jeremy, Beth agrees with you 100%. on everything. duh.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Pogo - You have to have a player and a TV so what would be the point of selling you something you can't use?

Try a community college, they sell books.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Comrade X said..."Jeremy, Beth agrees with you 100%. on everything. duh."

I was being sarcastic...duh.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I wish Balloon Boy had floated down out of the sky and crushed the Salahis.

wv: minked - punk'd by the haute bourgeousie

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why did Jeremy appear all of the sudden? Another Huckabee pardon gone awry?

KCFleming বলেছেন...

He's working on his PhD in Online Pedantry and Sophistry.

Just two credits and 1.5 million comments to go.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Only 1.5 million? Now that he's managed to figure out the password to his parents' computer, that should only take him until next Tuesday (according to projections provided by the University of East Anglia CRU).

Der Hahn বলেছেন...

MadisonMan said So why haven't they been arrested for trespass?

That's the dog that didn't bark, MM.

If you usher me through the front door of your house, I am not tresspassing.

Despite various rantings that they evaded security, they didn't leap over the Rose Garden fence to get inside. They were let in the front door and announced in the same manner as all other guests.

"On whose authority were they waved through the checkpoints?"

vbspurs বলেছেন...

wv: minked - punk'd by the haute bourgeousie


Curiously, that sounds like a TV show tailor made for the Salahis. Watch them mink Obama again.

Ricardo বলেছেন...

"... when it may be that Elin did things that are, in fact, crimes."

Maybe. But if I'm on the jury, Elin walks. And Tiger has apparently cancelled the rest of his golf schedule for this year, to attend to his #1 priority (damage control). As a commenter said here a day or two ago, Tiger is really good at what he does (golf and image), so it will be interesting to see how he goes about fixing his various problems.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I keep trying to have an open mind, but nothing so far has persuaded me that listening to Rush makes anyone smarter or more well-informed.

Please try harder, Beth, unless you've personally been to a White House state dinner and alreay knew how much vetting and passing through checkpoints an invited guest goes through.

Has the Secret Service suddenly gotten lax? I'd like to believe not, but either that or else the Salahi couple really were invited. Some people, apparently including Rush Limbaugh, have noted the thoroughness of the Secret Service in the past and the sloppy staff work of this administration and concluded the latter. I'd rather he was right than that the Secret Service screwed up this badly.

And for the record, Jeremy and you other members of the certifiably lunatic political fringe, every Republican I know is extremely concerned that allegedly uninvited guests could not only crash a state dinner but get physically close to the President himself. What was to stop Michaele Salahi, who was photographed shaking hands with Obama, from concealing a nonmetallic, poisonous, needle as part of her outfit's decorations? I hope I speak for all of us when I say that we would be really happy if JFK is the last President to be assassinated ever.

From Inwood বলেছেন...

Ever notice that if Rush were to say that the sun was shining, some insecure people would, rather than discuss whether the sun was in fact shining, try to be the first to say:

"There is no reason for an educated, reasonable person to listen to, much less quote [fill in derogatory term of your choice to describe] Rush

And yet who do they, in turn go to for their own “facts”, “truth”, or insights? Well, the MSM or leftwing blogs.

Witness the AGW debate. It appears that the MSM let its anti-capitalist tendencies, its leftist agenda, & its disdain for reasonable scientific skepticism overcome its reasoning abilities.

Yet these “First Responders” know that there are only two audiences for American news or entertainment: joyless fundamentalist, under-educated religious uptight jerks and the brave, urbane cosmopolitans who resist them.

If some think Rush has no insight or news for us benighted fools, OK. But why do they themselves usually consider the MSM infallible?

Secret: The MSM depends on the NYT to set the news agenda but their epigoni don’t think of themselves as having no independent thought or insight or being otherwise unaware of “the news”. Or as unfair & unbalanced. And, peeking behind the curtain, we see that the NYT’s “news” often consists of tips (often spin & speculation) from people with the NYT’s agenda.

But the NYT could fulfill its role of dishonest distorter playing to ite readers" prejudices, it being the “news” since truth-tellers had no chance to respond in a timely fashion. Now rightwing Blogs & Talk Radio, & not-so-rightwing except in relation to the MSM, Fox News can, deo gratias, use other sources (e.g. leaked e-mails about AGW supporters channeling Algore & inventing AGW “proof”) to begin a thought process without a PC-preconceived conclusion.

It would be amusing if it were not so serious when the MSM & its epigoni respond immediately with "Rush is a racist" & “FOX is not a ‘real’ News Channel".And feels it necessary & appropriate to respond further, that whatever FOX or Rush is claiming to have occurred never occurred or if it did it occur, it didn’t actually, you know, occur as FOX or Rush said it occurred, or it wasn't as important as FOX or Rush made it sound to their déclassé audiences, or it was more nuanced than FOX or Rush understood.

david7134 বলেছেন...

I case you haven't noticed from his post, Jeremy is a high school kid with little understanding of the world.

As you will note, he frequently listens to Rush even though he is obvious in his hatred to him. I suspect this is a serious psychological problem. In addition, Rush is on at times in which high school kids are in school, so this guy is not attending class.

He is not experienced enough to know the the Secreat Services have in place very definite ways of handling the president that do not change. The last president to try and tell them what to do was Kennedy.

From what we have come to know of Obama, it is clear that he would consider these actors as important people. He may have bowed to them as well.

Jenn বলেছেন...

Where did they sit at dinner? Don't they have place cards and assigned tables at state dinners like these? I don't think that this is a vast conspiracy, but I don't think they "really" sneaked in. Someone got them in. I seriously doubt Obama knew anything about it, but someone at the White House knew they were coming and made it okay.

Der Hahn বলেছেন...

The Director of the agency, Mark Sullivan, released this statement tonight:

"The Secret Service is deeply concerned and embarrassed by the circumstances surrounding the State Dinner on Tuesday, November 24.

The preliminary findings of our internal investigation have determined established protocols were not followed at an initial checkpoint, verifying that two individuals were on the guest list.

Although these individuals went through magnetometers and other levels of screening, they should have been prohibited from entering the event entirely. That failing is ours. ...

That's interesting but ambigious. We know they weren't on the guest list. We know they should have been prohibited from entering.

It leaves unanswered why the protocols were not followed, and nothing in that statement is inconsistent with assuming someone assisted the Salahis.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I do not understand the excitement over this thing.

I think it went like this:

The list is not part of the security. The list is just like any fancy party list, who's invited. Only let the invited people in. Fine.

The security is a separate thing. That's the part where you show ID, give your Social Security number, walk through a metal detector, etc.

They talked their way past the list guy, but they still had to go through actual security.

Not seeing what the big deal is here.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

For all we know, people crash White House functions all the time. They just don't post a million pictures of it on Facebook.

Beth বলেছেন...

But why do they themselves usually consider the MSM infallible?

Come on, folks, we're being asked to believe that everyone who thinks Rush is a windbag, gives mega-dittos to the MSM?

Beth বলেছেন...

But Freeman, that sounds so sensible. Security here, invitation list there.

Dang. You're a real wet blanket!

WV: borum. What sensible, very likely theories do to people looking for something to be up in arms about.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

As you will note, he frequently listens to Rush even though he is obvious in his hatred to him. I suspect this is a serious psychological problem

You know, I just don't understand this phenomenon. I have a friend who can't stand Rush. She gets all purple in the face and says that she HATES Rush. My question to her is: "Why do you listen to him then? If you don't like him.....don't listen to his show."

I purposely do not listen to Olberman or Maddow and a few others that I really detest. Olberman because he is just and idiot and Maddow because she uses the purposely insulting and indecent "Teabagging" term with a snide snicker.

If you want to listen and be informed of what all sides are saying, that's a fine thing. But if the person disturbs you so much that you HATE, drool and spew all over the keyboard like Jeremy. Don't listen.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

When NeNe and Kim tried to get into Sheree's independance party when NeNe's name wasn't on the list they were stopped in their tracks by that crack Real Housewives of Atlanta security.

Maybe the White House should hire them.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...


Say you went to a club that had a cover charge. You didn't want to pay, so you talked your way past the coverage charge guy. Then you walked through the metal detector and had to get a pat down from the pat down guy.

Later on, everyone finds out that you didn't pay the cover charge. Would that make you a security threat?


There are tons of Presidential events where there is no list at all. Events where people will be within touching distance of the President. A list is not some holy grail of security. Someone ON the list can be a threat. That's why security is its own thing.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Freeman, sorry to disagree with you. My understanding is that the Secret Service gets to see the draft guest list well in advance and perform background checks on the people on it before the invitations are sent out. I have that from someone who was actually a guest at a White House event for a prior administration (I don't even know which one -- he's part of the the "permanent Washington establishment" and seems to find himself employed no matter which party is in power).

So let's suppose somebody has published material on the Internet that, say, endorses jihad. And that person decides to crash a White House function. How comfortable do you feel about that?

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I think they got in because they knew all the words to "Don't be Tardy to the Party."

garage mahal বলেছেন...

The left just can't dislike anybody like Limbaugh or Palin [unlike the right, who are reasonable, measured, and respectful of people on the left they dislike] whenever these posts show up every day. They go into convulsions, drool and spit all over their keyboards. Oh yea, and as Beth mentioned, ALL worship MSM.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

And many here would vote for this twit?

Well I did vote for the ticket she was running on. The alternative was to vote for a ticket where the guy at the top was even less qualified than she was and the guy opposite her was an alleged Con Law professor who didn't even know that Article I establishes the legislative branch of our government.

I still think Palin is more knowledgeable than Joe Biden, but I recognize that it's a pretty low threshold.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

DBQ wrote:

Why do you listen to him then? If you don't like him.....don't listen to his show."

I purposely do not listen to Olberman or Maddow and a few others that I really detest.

Me three. I have to listen to family, friends and academics who are all Lefties, so I purposely avoid them in media. It's enough with the constant daily onslaught around me.

Of course, Dust Bunny Queen, this phenomenon displayed by your friend explains why Fox News and talk radio do so very well. Just about everyone tunes in. Mostly Lefties tune into Air America and MSNBC.

Beth বলেছেন...

garage, you're being pedantic. It's unfair to notice how the right gets a-dither over liberals making sexist comments about Palin's looks or IQ, instead of offering substantive critique, but starts screaming WHORE! at Mary Landrieu (Ditto, Rush!), instead of oh, I don't know, offering substantive criticism. But Rush sez 'tis a pity she's a whore, and there you go. Suddenly that's what passes for reason and wisdom.


Beth বলেছেন...

Victoria, so to sum up:

Everyone listens to their own flavor of idiots, on the radio, or the TV.

I agree; that's about right.

I listen to my iPod or sports talk radio, and if I can avoid TV talking heads, I feel like I've had a good day.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Of course the Secret Service would never have let Theresa of the Real Housewives of New Jersey into the party.

She might have turned over a table.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

Don't any of your people watch the Real Housewives franchise at all?

Enough with Rush and Maddow and all Chris tingly leg.

"The Real Housewives" are the "Real America."

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

The security is a separate thing. That's the part where you show ID, give your Social Security number, walk through a metal detector, etc.

They talked their way past the list guy, but they still had to go through actual security.

Not seeing what the big deal is here.

I'm with Mike. In normal times, the adults as in the SS are in charge. Nibody but nobody changes the security rules and all guest lists are screened in advance.

An interesting question is: has the Obama WH put the social secretary types in charge? is everybody frightened of Michelle? Have there been lots of other people escorted through / around security to avoid having their names show up on a FOIA, so that now the SS feels browbeaten?

I don't buy the Rush theory, but I am shocked (really schocked, not Capt Renault shocked) that the SS screwed up a security checkpoint on their own turf, unless of course the whole thing was a goat rope of exceptions to rules and some protocol weenie was calling the shots at Michelle's direction.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I think you spend all your time in snooty cafes reading Sarte.

Who is not a "Real American."

Shame on you.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

There are tons of Presidential events where there is no list at all.

I was thinking of the White House Easter Egg hunts. Surely not everyone is checked beforehand, and the Secret Service merely rely on the security checkpoints on the grounds?

But as to your question, I suspect this is a big deal, Freeman Hunt, because it's the FIRST time we've had publically exposed White House event gatecrashers, at the FIRST State Dinner (of a man who happens to be the FIRST black American president, although it's not relevant to our story). Add the Facebook angle, which is also a first, and you have a lot of first-time happenings merging into one.

Personally, I think Americans are the opposite of Ed Asner's character on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. They like spunk.


Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I bet Sarah Palin cooks up a big bunch of mooseburgers and fries and breaks out a litre bottle of Mountain Dew and the whole family sits down to watch the Real Housewives every week.

Like a "Real American" should.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Big Mike - "Please try harder, Beth, unless you've personally been to a White House state dinner and alreay knew how much vetting and passing through checkpoints an invited guest goes through."

But of course, you base everything on believing everything the fat man says.

Do you also believe he didn't buy drugs from his maid or travel to Mexico to also buy drugs illegally?

Sucking up to fellow wing nuts doesn't make anything they say any more believable.

Do YOU really believe that when this fat tub of lard, who's been on TV and radio for years on end...with millions of wing nut minions (like yourself) hanging on his every word...was really asked for his social, security number and birth date to get into the White House...after being invited...so they could be sure he was really the fat man??

I don't believe a word of it.

Beth বলেছেন...

I can't believe I just admitted to listening to sports talk radio. I just realized I typed that.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@garage, your language may be vulgar but somehow you seem to have gotten the message.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

The Drill Sgt. - I was wondering when Michelle would be thrown into the wing nut conspiracy mix.

Thanks for helping out.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

So let's suppose somebody has published material on the Internet that, say, endorses jihad. And that person decides to crash a White House function. How comfortable do you feel about that?

The President meets with people who hate him and us all the time. I would imagine he's already met with such people and that they've actually been on the list.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I listen to my iPod or sports talk radio, and if I can avoid TV talking heads, I feel like I've had a good day.

You will lose IQ just from watching the ticker on the bottom of your TV. It's that dumb. It's all prepared from a script already written.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Beth wrote:

I listen to my iPod or sports talk radio, and if I can avoid TV talking heads, I feel like I've had a good day.

I did that for almost a year, Elizabeth. It was sooo serene. I literally had peace of mind not getting worked up about the latest media-driven meme, of either political stripe.

But you know what? I wasn't meant to be a hermit, isolated from public opinion. I felt the world was spinning around me, and I was standing stock still. I felt like I imagine illiterate people live or that I was in a Third World country (like the many I grew up in), where important stuff never seems to matter all that much.


blake বলেছেন...

Ah, Victoria may be right.

It's the "unprecedented" thing going the other way.

I think Freem is also right. The security has to be good enough so that whether a person is on the list or not, they're not a threat to the President.

The list is pretty irrelevant in that context.

Still, I think it's funny that they're so politically inconvenient.

Adele Mundy বলেছেন...

I feel sorry for all of you.

I have to go. My stories are coming on.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

vbspurs - "Just about everyone tunes in"...to Fox News?

You mean the tea bagger and wing nut crowd tunes in...right?

Fox's very top rated show only draws about 4 million viewers.

The 25th rated broadcast show draws over twice as many viewers.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Sorry for the double posting but vbspurs has to read everything twice before understanding.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Everyone listens to their own flavor of idiots, on the radio, or the TV.

Well, I don't listen to talk radio, mainly because I'm working when it is on and it is too tedious with the repetitions and commercial breaks.

I do make a point of watching some MSNBC and CNN in the morning before work. Mostly I watch Fox Business Channel.

I do avoid people that are stupid (Olberman) or insulting (Maddow) and occasionally watch Matthews for a few minutes, mostly because I'm fascinated by his drooling.

Can't stand Hannity: he is too strident and has his own parroting of talking points...boring. O'Reilly is a huge gasbag and a complete dope when it comes to economic things like oil prices, but he often has interesting guests. I really enjoy Cavuto and his panel which includes Juan Williams with whom I often agree with and often disagree with. Mr. Williams strikes me as a very sensible person who has his own thoughts and values.

So if I dislike a personality like Olberman, I just don't bother with him. On the other hand, people like Jeremy, my friend can't seem to exercise self control. They go ballistic over Rush, Palin, Beck etc. If they were to just ignore Rush et al, the personalities would lose their power but instead the liberals just keep feeding the beast by watching, listening, attacking, creating interest and power where there might not be anything if they just left it alone..

I don't get it.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Do YOU really believe that when this fat tub of lard, who's been on TV and radio for years on end...with millions of wing nut minions (like yourself) hanging on his every word...was really asked for his social, [sic] security number and birth date to get into the White House...after being invited...so they could be sure he was really the fat man??

Well, let's see. First of all, I don't listen to any sort of talk radio (I'm trusting the Professor when she claims to be quoting Rush, but a man with good sense like Meade would not have married her if she routinely made things up). Just now Rush is not particularly overweight; I've seen pictures of him since his diet and he seems fairly trim.

Third, you should never use the "f-word" to describe us weight-challenged people. It hurts our feelings and we will have to picket your home and your place of business.

But, getting to the main point, do I really believe that [Rush Limbaugh] was really asked for his social, [sic] security number and birth date to get into the White House...after being invited...so they could be sure he was really [Rush Limbaugh]?? Sure. Why not? It jibes with experience of another person who claims to have gone to a White House function, so why wouldn't I believe it?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Dust Bunny - "On the other hand, people like Jeremy, my friend can't seem to exercise self control. They go ballistic over Rush, Palin, Beck etc."

I never listen to the fat man, the Princess or the Nutcase.

I just find it strange that so many here, who apparently think of themselves as educated, thinking people, would pay attention to anything fats, the Princess or Nutcase have to say.

They're entire goal is to maximize their incomes, and as for Olbermann being "stupid," take a few minutes to compare his education to the three wing nuts.

Beth বলেছেন...

I wasn't meant to be a hermit, isolated from public opinion.

True, but I'm not. I read. Lots. I just don't think any of the talking morons are any more able than I am to understand and analyze news from a range of sources, and I don't have the added agenda of needing people to Ditto! me.

I'd much rather parse things out with people I can dialogue with here, at work, on other blogs, at home, than listen to politically driven dimwits from either side of the spectrum, with their thickly laden coating of huckterism and so-called entertainment.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The President meets with people who hate him and us all the time. I would imagine he's already met with such people and that they've actually been on the list.

Well, Freeman, you're more sanguine than I am. I'd rather no one -- other than foreign leaders in controlled settings -- with such views gets close to the President. You can't stop everybody, I suppose, but there's no reason to invite trouble.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Big Mike - Keep on suckin', Mike.

Your fellow wing nuts appreciate the effort.

And no, I do not believe the fat man was asked for his SS number and birth date.

Do YOU believe they had both on record at the check point...for everybody?

Jen বলেছেন...

Ahhh Jeremy. . . .it seems you are the only independent commentator in a sea of sycophants.
I don't have cable. I don't watch the television. I do NOT read hotair etc. etc. No story is ever as simple as the 2 minute attention span of the average American TV viewer. Fox has mastered it. Pick up Lapham's Quarterly. Live a little.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Beth, did Rush really call Mary Landrieu a whore?

Shame on him. For $300M she is well out of the "whore" category and even above "call girl" status.

Couldn't resist. Sorry.

From what little I know about her, Landrieu seems to be a fairly effective senator. But trading your vote for $300M does seem pretty crass.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

"han listen to politically driven dimwits from either side of the spectrum, with their thickly laden coating of huckterism and so-called entertainment"

(heh, couldn't resist, Beth)

I only occasionally read the WSJ.
I read the local rag because it doesn't cover much except local crap.

I leave the room anytime any news channel is on for any reason.

I can't even watch breaking news except for a few seconds; time enough to tell if they know anything (usually they don't).

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

They're entire goal is to maximize their incomes, and as for Olbermann being "stupid," take a few minutes to compare his education to the three wing nuts.

Education /= intellegent.

Some of the dumbest people I know have college degrees. And sorry to offend the teachers out here who may not fall into this "too stupid to help" category, most of the educators that I have met are terminally stupid and have no common sense.

I refuse to take teachers as clients unless they are the hard science or math types.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Do YOU believe they had both on record at the check point...for everybody?

My dear boy, there are buildings in and around Washington, DC, that are well below the White House in status and security level and that I cannot enter without trusted people having passed my SSN and date and place of birth 24 hours in advance. So, yes, I certainly do believe that. Why would I not?

You and Freeman might be comfortable with the thought that anybody can walk in off the street and crash a state dinner but I'm not.

(That may be the only thing you and she ever agree on!)

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Can't stand Hannity: he is too strident and has his own parroting of talking points...boring. O'Reilly is a huge gasbag and a complete dope when it comes to economic things like oil prices, but he often has interesting guests. I really enjoy Cavuto and his panel which includes Juan Williams with whom I often agree with and often disagree with. Mr. Williams strikes me as a very sensible person who has his own thoughts and values.

Can't stand Beck. Really can't stand him. Am also bored with Hannity. Rush's ego is more childlike, more obvious than O'Reilly's ridiculously prickly, Irish version but I adore big personalities, which they definitely are. Just about the only guy I admire is Mark Levin, who is on so late for me, that I rarely tune in. It took me a while to get over my distaste for his loud Hanna Barbera accent, when he launches into his rants, but they are backed by deep patriotism and knowledge of our country's history and ethos. Plus he's Jewish, and I have a particular respect for Jewish righties (as I do for black ones). It can't be easy.


Roger J. বলেছেন...

Have absolutely no experience with white house functions, and the SS protocols that govern--dont give a damn what Rush Limbaugh says about the event--While I cannot abide our current president, I am greatly disturbed that two people who were by all accounts uninvited, were able to slip thru security and get close enough to our president to do him bodily harm had they wished to do so. That really bothers me. Heads should roll for this glaring blunder.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Jen - "Ahhh Jeremy. . . .it seems you are the only independent commentator in a sea of sycophants."

Be careful...

These hyenas can be vicious if they feel their dittohead turf is being invaded by any form of independence or...liberal thought.

Thank God most of 'em don't have many teeth left and the cars are all up on blocks.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Roger - "Heads should roll for this glaring blunder."

And will.

Are you also sad we can't return to the wonderful and highly effective Bush years when gay internet prostitutes gathered at the press briefings?

Think they asked for Gannon's SS number and date of birth...or just the length of his dick and his hourly pricing?

JAL বলেছেন...

Just skimmed the comments to see if anyone else had heard ---

Tareq Sahali knows Rashid Khalili. Through some Palestinian rights group.

You know Khalili, the dude who the Obama's celebrated with when he went to NY? The party that the LA Times sat on the tape of (too much yukking up for the Palestinians on it). The guy who claims he wasn't really PLO ---.

Not to mention the buzz out there is that Obama knows the Sahalis -- they were supporters who did a fundraiser for him? There are said to be pictures, and it would not surprise me. But I won't hold my breath. The link I was following took me to a newspaper page that said the story wasn't up yet. Still being written. Come back in 5 minutes type thing.

Oh yeah. That relative of mine who is Secret Service. Not at the WH for the party. BUt you can be sure they won't divulge all they do for security.

Someone speculated that perhaps Obama gave the Sahalis the last minute OK to get in? And Rahm Emanuel looks happy with them ... Mmmmmm. Must not have known they had a camera crew traipsing around with them outside the gates.


Gibbs and the English BA Climate Czar are illustrating their ignorance blowing off ClimateGate while at the least "science" has expereinced a deep wound and will be damaged for untold years, and the MSM is churning up the golfer and the gate crasher stories.

Neither one of the latter two matters One. Single. Bit.


Jen বলেছেন...

LOL. Thank Odin even.

JAL বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
vbspurs বলেছেন...

I am greatly disturbed that two people who were by all accounts uninvited, were able to slip thru security and get close enough to our president to do him bodily harm had they wished to do so

ROGER, HELLO...why aren't people getting this point as much? When I saw Biden's dopey Chiclet grin next to the Salahis, as well as Rahm Emanuel, I was dumbstruck. But then I saw the pic of Michele Salahi in her orange wannabe sari in front of President Obama, and the first thing I thought was...imagine if she were a sleeper terrorist? HE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED.

This isn't faux concern for a man whose politics I dislike. I may not like Obama, but the thought of any president of the United States left so vulnerable by his own security forces makes wince.

Frankly, I'm surprised this angle hasn't been pushed by Lefties, that hey, maybe there's a rogue anti-Obama element in the Secret Service, and this lackadaisical handling of security at this event is proof of that. That's terrifying.


Roger J. বলেছেন...

Jeremy--my comment was addressed to the SS glaring failure at a state dinner involving POTUS--Nothing more--do you feel a need to attribute to me things I didnt address?

You are a pathetic little cocksucker--go fuck yourself little man; you are a scurvy piece of shit.

garage mahal বলেছেন...


You have hundreds of emails. What's the holdup?

Jen বলেছেন...

What is so dangerous about entertainment news is that it quickly becomes "fact." It's as if reality is created by Rush, Fox, etc. etc. Is there REALLY no watchdog press left? Have they all had their teeth pulled out by Michael Vick? Bastard.

XWL বলেছেন...

Scary thought, given that Obama, Biden and Pelosi were at the event, if these were crazies intent on mayhem instead of publicity seeking idiots, they could have infected themselves with a nasty biological agent in suicide attack, passed it on, and taken out the top three in the line of succession in a single day. That would be a hard type of attack to prevent, assuming there are such diseases/poisons that don't present immediate symptoms for the carrier.

We could have woken up to President Robert Byrd this week. Wouldn't that be a fun time?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Roger - That memory course you took is evidently not paying off. You didn't just comment on the SS, you also said this: "While I cannot abide our current president"

And as for those cocksucking and little man things, I'm straight, happily married, and over six feet tall.

Run it by Pogo, he's always interested in tea bagging.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Wow Jeremy--straight and over six feet tall--a man among men--is that why you always want other people to suck your cock? You are a pathetic piece of shit, son.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

What if that woman had had all of her bones embedded with poison needles that would shoot out through her skin at the press of a kneecap? Then we would really have been in trouble.

Or what if the man had had deadly microwave emitters implanted in his eyes? Scary.

Or what if the woman didn't have a foot and was hiding a cobra in her shoe? Yikes!

former law student বলেছেন...

Khalili, the dude who the Obama's celebrated with when he went to NY?

Attending a farewell party for a colleague lured away from your university with a named professorship -- that's questionable nowadays?

Was UofC nursing a viper in its bosom?

Are there faculty farewells that Althouse avoids for political reasons? Doubt it.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Was UofC nursing a viper in its bosom?

Perhaps literally even. And what if someone had come back in a time machine to tell an evil villain at UofC that Obama would be President, and he had the viper bite him?!

Jen বলেছেন...

Does anyone feel that there is truly an independent source of real news out there? Like I said, I like Lapham but that's in depth, slow, and complicated. For "breaking" news is anyone really reporting? Is Democracy Now! really dreck? Really? Or are they telling the truth? Are they any more sensational than Fox? Really? I don't listen to either, I'm just asking.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Or what if the woman didn't have a foot and was hiding a cobra in her shoe? Yikes!

OMG! They let in Heather Mills too?

Sofa King বলেছেন...

Or what if the woman didn't have a foot and was hiding a cobra in her shoe? Yikes!

Or how about just a ceramic knife? Available everywhere and ceramic doesn't register on magnetometers, don't you know. I would have guessed that anyone permitted to be withing "hugging" proximity of the POTUS would have undergone at least a cursory background check. If they don't, they should.

David বলেছেন...


Jeremy বলেছেন...

Let's make sure we understand the fat man is in an uproar and thinks something is fishy because:

He had to have his SS number and provide his birth date to get into the White House, as an invited guest, but was never concerned about a gay internet prostitute attending press briefings and asking questions of President Bush?

And most here go along with this tripe, and also think there's much more to the story?

Have we got that right?

former law student বলেছেন...

Is Democracy Now! really dreck? Really? Or are they telling the truth? Are they any more sensational than Fox? Really?

More sensational? No. More depressing to listen to.

Check it out. It's only an hour.

One difference: At the Republican National Convention, Minneapolis police arrested four Democracy Now employees, including the host Amy Goodman. No Fox employees were arrested while covering the Democratic National Convention.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

David - "Troll-O-Rama!"

Translated: Who let someone who disagrees with us into this forum?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said..."What if that woman had had all of her bones embedded with poison needles that would shoot out through her skin at the press of a kneecap? Then we would really have been in trouble."

What if Gannon had a huge, electronic, vibrating dildo with a really, really sharp point at the White House briefings?

Now that's trouble.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Jen - "Does anyone feel that there is truly an independent source of real news out there?"

NPR certainly has a liberal or independent slant, but they always provide both sides of the discussion or debate.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Jeremy said: "I'm straight, happily married, and over six feet tall."

...who just happens to ask men for oral sex, repeatedly.

And J, I will take your offer of oral sex as a peace offering but will have to decline. While I appreciate the gesture, I am very much straight. I am flattered, but feel it would be better if we refrained from giving in to desire at this stage of our relationship. And besides, I would not want to risk doing anything that may damage our friendship - which I have come to value very much.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...


"I can't believe I just admitted to listening to sports talk radio."

Whoa, strange new disrespect!

KCFleming বলেছেন...

"NPR certainly has a liberal or independent slant, but they always provide both sides of the discussion or debate."


Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

Oh, wait Beth--don't you teach something more or less in the area of English? Perhaps you could concoct a cover story that you're writing a paper on Jockspeak, and that's why you're listing to sports talk.

wv: voksi - sports talk radio is the real voksi populi.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Pogo said..."who just happens to ask men for oral sex, repeatedly."

No, you got that wrong weenie.

When someone says "fuck you" or "blow me" or "suck my dick" or "shove it up your lying ass" or "cram it" or "shove it" or any number of other colorful and fun things to say to idiots like yourself...they're not really inviting a sexual encounter, they're telling you what they think of you and what you can do with your bullshit.

You'd know that if you ever got out of the trailer.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...

You'd know that if you ever got out of the trailer.

This jibe doesn't really work, since it is low rent trailer trash that is most likely to be familiar with, and use such words with regularity.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Pogo, like I said; you really have to get out of the trailer...and listen to much more of NPR.

They cover all of the news, their Science Friday is always interesting, their Sunday word quizzes are fun, entertaining and educational, the car guys are great, the Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me segment is fun, and of course, their interviews with BOTH sides of an issue opens the door to discussion and reasonable debate.
(PBS News Hour is good too)

Buy yourself a radio and a TV and give it a shot.

DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

Give it up guys, Jeremy is a bit thick that's all. He just doesn't get it. Or maybe he's the master of the bait and switch. In any case this article from Reuters gets the facts right.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Salamandyr "...it is low rent trailer trash that is most likely to be familiar with, and use such words with regularity."

Let's leave Princess Sarah out of this.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Tea Bag Giver - My dogs could eat your dog in one sitting.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Any thoughts on who wins tonight?

I'm giving a 1/2 point and taking the Saints.

Buford Gooch বলেছেন...

I'm fascinated that Jeremy can remain such a twit. I think he's a right wing conservative mocking liberal dimwits.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Buford Gooch said..."I'm fascinated that Jeremy can remain such a twit."

Are you saying others here...change?

What, they're underwear?

But let's not digress: The Saints or the Pats?

DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

Jeremy--"My dogs could eat your dog in one sitting."

Yep, but my dog doesn't have a psychotic owner who sews his ass to another dog's ass.

VW: basterga

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Buford, I went to college with a Gooch.

Are you related to Jim Gooch?

DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

Saints by 8.

Robin বলেছেন...

Re: SS security procedures. I visited the WH last summer and took the lame tour offered. The one you get your congressman to get you tickets for, anyway,a whole grandstand worth of tourists and I had to provide all the details about ourselves that Rush referred to as well as be on the "list". Furthermore--we weren't allowed to bring in anything but a wallet and car keys. No cell phone, no water, nothing. (That seriously annoyed me. It is damn hot in D.C. in the summer.) If a bunch of tourists have to go through all that just to be on the ground floor of the WH for 20 minutes or so, when the President isn't even around--then I expect the SS aren't doing less security for a State Dinner.

I think that the Salahi's were allowed in by someone inside to accommodate their lack of an actual invitation. I also think they had to have been on a list beforehand to be pre-screened or they wouldn't haven't gotten inside. Thus, the event was premeditated. I don't believe that the SS changes their procedures based on differences in administrations. They operate in a non-partisan fashion and I cannot believe that they would compromise their security standards and the President's safety. Take a look at the picture of Mrs. Salahi and President Obama shaking hands. He has BOTH his hands around her hand, cupping it. I don't think he would have been shaking her hand in such a personal/affectionate way if they were strangers. Did O try to hide their presence at the party by leaving them off the guest list and having them escorted in? I doubt it. There were, what, 400 people at the party? Much smarter/better to just put them on the list and let them get lost in all the other names. The ethnicity of their name doesn't even stand out among so many names from guests connected with the Indian PM. Did the Salahi's use a connection to get them in because they weren't high enough up the social ladder to make the list officially, seems more likely. Finally, I read somewhere that the Salahi's were not present for dinner they came in half way through the evening--not right at the start which solves the whole where did they sit for dinner problem.

Re: Landrieu--my mother used to tell a joke about a woman in a bar. A man sitting next to her asked if she'd sleep with him for a 100 million dollars and she said yes. Then he asked her if she'd sleep with him for ten bucks and she indignantly exclaimed, "What do you think I am? A whore?" He replied, "That madam has already been established, now all we are quibbling about is price." Landrieu's price apparently was 300 million, but it still makes her a whore---along with pretty much all of Congress.

Deborah M. বলেছেন...

vbspurs: Plus he's Jewish, and I have a particular respect for Jewish righties (as I do for black ones). It can't be easy.

You have no idea.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...

Let's leave Princess Sarah out of this.

Nah, I was thinking of someone else. I've never heard of her speaking that way.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Lawgiver said..."Yep, but my dog doesn't have a psychotic owner who sews his ass to another dog's ass."

Siamese Labs...and I like to think of myself as more of a sociopath.

Very rare...and you should see them when two cats run in opposite directions.

Hope you're right about the Saints.

I'll be praying.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Salamandyr said..."Nah, I was thinking of someone else. I've never heard of her speaking that way."

Oh, you've spent quite a bit of time with The Princess?

Then maybe you know who's baby that really is.

chickelit বলেছেন...

OMG! They let in Heather Mills too?

I think you're going out on a limb with that comment!

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...


I agree with everything you said except your Mom's joke. that was a George Bernard Shaw joke.

but I agree that something is strange for the SS to change their behavior

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Robin - "Landrieu's price apparently was 300 million, but it still makes her a whore---along with pretty much all of Congress."


So what do you think of Princess Sarah cashing in?

Just a nice person making ends meet?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

were able to slip thru security

There is no evidence -- I've seen none -- that they weren't subject to regular security and all that entails. Only that they -- allegedly -- weren't on a guest list.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

By the way Freeman, I was laughing at your What ifs. Glad no one else is home.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Deborah wrote:

You have no idea.

Total respect to you, Deborah. I mean it.

Robin বলেছেন...

Re: Sarah cashing in

I don't know if Palin is nice or evil. Never met her and don't frankly trust that what the media report about anyone is really true. So many in public life wear a nice face--politicians, celebrities and sports figures among them--while behaving in ways of small character. I think I became cynical when I figured out that my youthful idol, Princess Di was a raging nutjob with no morals and a seriously whacked sense of entitlement. (She did wear great clothes, though, fwiw)

I believe in capitalism wholeheartedly. So if Palin can get 1.5 million in a book deal more power to her...and anybody else who can do it.

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