৮ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

At the Orange Leaf Tavern...


... it's very quiet tonight. Bring your special cheer.

১৫টি মন্তব্য:

Meade বলেছেন...

Thanks for another lovely day.


JAL বলেছেন...

Lem -- Red Sox in 2010!


kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

This is my mother's birthday. She would have been 80 today, but she died of metastasized breast cancer in 1992.

I loved her. I still miss her.

I finally fought against my fatigue and did laundry, dishes, and there's a rice pudding in the oven now. I'm having cheese and crackers for dinner. Amish farmer's cheese, vidalia onion flavor.

William বলেছেন...

Not all of us are on our honeymoon. I want to fume. The portrayal of Dr. Nasan as some type of PTSD victim is beyond contempt. By so portraying him, he becomes one of "us", not one of "them". I can think of no more "them" like behavior than shooting dozens of unarmed personnel. Obama urges us not to make any rash judgements. Isn't claiming that this is some type of PTSD a rash judgement? Isn't withholding moral judgement on him such as Oboma is doing a kind or rash procrastination?.....It seems to me a dishonor to the men he killed to claim that his crime was in any way explicable save as the act of the enemy.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Forever America

Across the pond was Johnny Reb.
They knew they'd have to fight him tomorrow.
But now was not the time to think on that
As New York people and Pennsylvania people
Met and mixed with Ohio and Indiana people,
Trading talk of home, each to the other --
Finding comfort in that, finding comfort in that.

Across the pond Virginia people, North Carolina people,
South Carolina people, Georgia people
Did much the same, much the same.

The next day a piece of the earth would drink down their blood.

Shine, perishing Republic.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

A writer once wrote, "Walk in love...love never fails". That writer had a great faith. Good night to all.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Watching Coraline with the kids. Kids have such great taste.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Meade said...

Thanks for another lovely day.

Very good, Meade.

Never forget that we have it a lot better than we can imagine. We need to remember The Man Upstairs is looking out for us.

William said...

Not all of us are on our honeymoon. I want to fume. The portrayal of Dr. Nasan as some type of PTSD victim is beyond contempt. By so portraying him, he becomes one of "us", not one of "them". I can think of no more "them" like behavior than shooting dozens of unarmed personnel. Obama urges us not to make any rash judgements. Isn't claiming that this is some type of PTSD a rash judgement? Isn't withholding moral judgement on him such as Oboma is doing a kind or rash procrastination?.....It seems to me a dishonor to the men he killed to claim that his crime was in any way explicable save as the act of the enemy.

You can be thankful for a beautiful day and still despise what's happening in DC.

There was an old bit of doggerel in Mexico about 100 years ago.

"Companeros of the plow, tired and starved and dirty, there's but one road to follow now, so grab your 30-30".

We have a second Depression, we are at war, and the people who see themselves as the ruling, not the governing, class turn a blind eye to the cause when people are murdered en masse as the same would-be rulers ignore the will of the people and push through legislation to enslave the people.

Something will break, it's just a question of what and when.

Stephen Vincent Benet, ricpic?

Unknown বলেছেন...

kentuckyliz said...

This is my mother's birthday. She would have been 80 today, but she died of metastasized breast cancer in 1992.

Know how you feel, Liz. Had she lived, my mother would have been 100. I took care of her the last 9 years of her life. I then helped my wife take care of her mom for 3 years.

I really hate Alzheimer's.

Supper sounds good.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Season three finale tonight for "Mad Men"

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

A cautionary verse:

Two roads divered: you can't deny
That is what the poet said.
Though he never really told us why
He took the one less traveled by
And now the poet is dead.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Stephen Vincent Benet, ricpic?


Unknown বলেছেন...

ricpic said...

Stephen Vincent Benet, ricpic?


My compliments, although I would rather honor you than the Chief of Ordnance who took the 7th Cavalry's Spencer repeaters from them and replaced them with single-shot Springfields right before the Big Horn campaign and later had the temerity to write the line "Bury My heart at Wounded Knee".

Reminds one of our own time, don't it?

WV "mooflart" Methane emission (couldn't resist)

reader_iam বলেছেন...

I have no special cheer.

Still, I'm here.