October 14, 2009

"They wanted the excuse to run the fabricated quote."

"They wanted the opportunity to do it.  These people are scum. They are literal professional scum and they are responsible in many ways for the deteriorating standards and quality of journalism.  They are leading the pack. They are found on both the news side and the sports side, and they are doing everything they can to promote disunity and discord throughout our culture and society while holding themselves up in their own minds as great unifiers and people who care only about social justice.  When they're basically just incompetent, irresponsible, impersonators of journalism."


rhhardin said...

Rush's consistent message to blacks is don't listen to the media's "black leaders," but go out and do stuff for yourself.

You'd think that would trump any quote real or imagined.

The interesting thing is Carville, who knows better, being a friend of Rush's. It means he'd sell anybody down the river for his party's political advantage.

Like the rest of his party.

Might be tense in the Matalin/Carville household.

garage mahal said...

Where Rush sits, he was born 200 yrs too late, so I can understand him being upset that he's being denied the right to actually own a negro.

Roger J. said...

rh: when carville was clinton connected it may have been politics--I suspect has nothing to do with party politics any more except, maybe, in a role playing capacity. Carville is simply a media whore--nothing more, nothing less--you say outrageous shit on the air in an attempt to get ratings for a tanking network, and collect your pay check in order to feed the 24 hours news cycle. Real class there.

Scott said...

garage mahal, that's a really ugly thing to say. It's only funny to one who is himself racist.

traditionalguy said...

This is war. The organized media hacks working for Obama (the post-racist) are blitzkreiging the strongest anti-Obama voice with Nuclear Slander using Racist Quotes that supposedly came from him many years ago, but that no one ever mentionned before because of their great love and respect for Limbaugh. Come on man.

Rialby said...

Garage - I expected better of you.

Sloanasaurus said...

The MSM is liberal and fascist. Social norms about the media is slowly changing to understand this. Today's 65 year old is still melded to to the MSM. However, in 10 years, that will no longer be true and we will return to the partisan media that it once was.

Because of this, conservative media outlets in television and print will see the most growth in the coming future because the liberal side is already saturated.

The more government controls and influences our lives, the more the stakes will rise in who controls the government. This will increase the chance of violence in our political discourse as the risks increase to the outcome of elections.

We may not see political murder as evolved in Rome, however, we could see a more modern equivilent, such as putting people in prison or endless litigation as we saw with Sarah Palin.

All Republics fall. The question is: How long will it take before people realize there is a man behind the curtain, and that man is holding a gun.

DADvocate said...

It's OK for sleazes like garage, et al to say stuff like that. They mean well. The ends justify the means. Right? Right?!


MadisonMan said...

This is war.

Have you ever actually been in a war? This is nothing.

Bob_R said...

I agree with Rush on the MSM assessment. But with the sports guys I think they are just still smarting because Rush exposed how wedded they were to their cliches and how poor they were at thinking outside of the narrative. (Stanford law school should be equally embarrassed since Steve Young was perhaps the dullest of the people confronted.)

Rushes main comment on ESPN was incorrect and easy to refute. (The excessive praise for McNabb's early success was very similar to the praise for Drew Bledsoe, a white quarterback. Since then we have seen the similar praise for both Michael Vick and Ben Rothlensburger after early playoff success.)

Rush also said that reporters were motivated by "political correctness." This might not be the best time to try to claim that that comment was wrong.

Shanna said...

I think Rush should go after them for these fake quotes with everything he’s got. I’m not sure if they’ll get away with it in the end under public figure or satire headings, but the people who are supposed to be actual news media shouldn’t be able to get away with that. He’s on the air, if these quotes were real, there would be

(When I was in high school this lady came into my workplace (clothing store) and said she was Rush’s aunt or cousin or something and showed me weird pictures of him from the 70’s in short shorts playing tennis. It was really strange, but that's how I picture Rush now)

John said...

This is just the 21st Century American Media version of the Dryfus case. In the Dryfus case the French assumed that because Dryfus was a Jew he was a disloyal, evidence or no. Here, the media assumes that because Limbaugh is a conservative, he is a racist. And if there is no evidence, it can be fabricated and repeated as fact.

It is really dark and disturbing stuff. If the media can do this to Limbaugh, who can't they do it to? Worse still they are doing it in service of the government.

Bob_R said...

Oops. BYU law for young.

Hoosier Daddy said...

garage mahal, that's a really ugly thing to say.

You must be new here.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rush's fans could treaten to boycott the NFL.

Afterall, as most Pro Athletes and their agents would say "It's All About The Benjamins"!

The remote control is a frigging powerful economic tool! Case in point is NBC whose left leaning news, etc is slowly destroying their own TV ratings.

I have stopped watching Law & Order since they did an episode where they arrested a Bush Admin attorney general on so-called torture charges.

Fred4Pres said...

Charles Johnson is leading the charge on this nonsense, showing that CJ has managed to finally morph into Dan Rather.

This channelling by Charles Johnson is creepy: like Lord Voldemort mixed with Shirley McClaine nut spread.

Dustin said...

Garage is a democrat. So it's no surprise he thinks it's funny to make slave jokes. Lots of dems are that way because they are trying to make up for being total creep racists.

I think it's interesting that a lot of dems see a Raccoon and their first thought is 'black person'. They hear some argument showing how absurd race distinctions are, but they can't understand a world without such ugliness... so they completely miss the point.

It's not sad... it's the way the world is. There will always be people like that.

ricpic said...

Take 'em to court, Rush!

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal said:
Where Rush sits, he was born 200 yrs too late, so I can understand him being upset that he's being denied the right to actually own a negro.

That was mean GM.
I'm sorry I was ever nice to you.

chickelit said...

This one's going to the #cowmat!

Dustin said...

fred4pres, it's amazing to me that Charles used to be good at logic and evidence. Sure, he's been a dick for years... he was really ugly to Althouse years ago, for example, but he's generally like that.

But now... he's just so boring and stupid in his argumentation. His discussion threads are full of idiots who fawn over him, and instant bans for anyone who suggests anything rational... such as the truth in a fact based situation such as this.

I find it fascinating, and am really curious what's up with that.

As Obama said:hit back twice as hard. He started attacking Rush specifically, for holding opinions Obama doesn't like. Of course the press is going to try this kind of crap. That's what the election was about. That's what Ayers and Rev Wright were about. Every voter had ample opportunity to decide, and this is what they decided on.

Gary Kirk said...

Sloanasurus, your comment was on point and succinct! Thank you.

It's been years since I regularly watched the network news or GMA, Today, and their ilk.For my relatives who are beyond 70 years of age, those shows plus the area newspaper have been their only source of news. When I'm at their homes and we watch the news together I am amazed at the pathetic state of these journalistic icons. But for my family, (God love 'em), if Katie, Diane, Charlie, and the others speak it, it's the news they use.

I also want to say thanks to Rush. Even though I don't listen to him, whenever I read the transcripts of what he says, as Ann posted above, I'm amazed at how articulate he is. Some years from now, if the Republic still stands, folks will be even more appreciative of his presence at this time.

traditionalguy said...

Madison Man...This is war because the polite appearance of fairness is now irrelevant in the Broadcast News about Obama's opponents. We always saw these attacks coming thru un-named rumors in the NYT to be disproven only after the story has run its course. But this coordinated attack using obvious false facts gives no room to back down later. It is Pravda at its worse. We now are on notice that any public opposition to Obama's policies is unsafe because there is no longer any referee in the news media to restrain the government's attacks.

The TrogloPundit said...

"Literal" professional scum.

Do you need an advanced degree for that?

blake said...

MadisonMan said...Have you ever actually been in a war? This is nothing.

Actually, saying it's "nothing" is about an exaggeration on a par with saying it's war.

Except "war" was being used in its secondary defintion, as in:

A condition of active antagonism or contention: a war of words; a price war.

A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious: the war against acid rain.

wv: potblu

As in, the pot calling the kettle "blu".

blake said...

Ha! AJ Lynch said I have stopped watching Law & Order since they did an episode where they arrested a Bush Admin attorney general on so-called torture charges.

I've seen that episode four times and I can't figure out WTF the plot is. A psychiatrist goes crazy and starts killing people -- apparently because he was counselling troops who tortured people?

Wait, what?

Yeah, that was awful. There's an article around about how a desire to make a statement on the Iraq War killed "Battlestar Galactica". I never watched it because this happened about the time I warmed up to the idea of watching it.

It does cost money. A lot of movies over the past few years, I've just avoided completely because they were about the war, and I didn't trust that not to become a--well, a bad movie, basically.

Fr Martin Fox said...

This is getting surreal.

Of all people, someone like Rush Limbaugh--who is on the radio for three hours, talking non-stop, and who is very talky and glib in his interviews, and gives a fair amount, and who gives talks here and there...

And all this is recorded...

If he said anything remotely like any of this...


Now it could be folks are working the "draw play" on him. If so, he's completely toast, if someone brings forward tape after he denies it all.

But if not?

If you think Rush is a bad guy, fair enough; but he should be brought down for things he actually said and did, not for something he didn't do, because it's "karma" or something.

Hoosier Daddy said...

If you think Rush is a bad guy, fair enough; but he should be brought down for things he actually said and did, not for something he didn't do, because it's "karma" or something.

Well Jason Whitlock who wrote a lovely article about him claimed that Rush doesn't get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to race.
That's precious isn't it? Anyone want him in a jury box?

But that's the crux of the problem with liberals, their ideology is their religion and conservative=racist is dogma. Anything to the contrary is heresy.

Sloanasaurus said...

The MSM isn't just liberal, it is apologetic to the government. The MSN goes out of its way to support the Administration regardless of whether "liberal" ideas are being achieved. In their minds, the liberal idea of Barack Obama trumps any objective view of what the Barack Obama is doing.

The MSM and liberals live in a strange fantasy world at the moment that will come crashing down at some point.

I recall reading about the total break down in the communist ideal in the country when Kruschev announced that Stalin was indeed as bad as everyone said he was. For years, leftists had been deluding themselves into believing that the crimes commited by Stalin were just "capitalist lies." However, when Krushev gave his speech, the idea of the USSR was destroyed forever among its supporters here.

Will there be a similar moment for Barack Obama and the MSM - lets hope its sooner rather than later.

Fr Martin Fox said...


Is it "SLOAN-uh-SOAR-us"
or "slow-NAW-soar-us"?

Or something else entirely?

Robert Cook said...

"The MSM isn't just liberal, it is apologetic to the government. The MSN goes out of its way to support the Administration regardless of whether "liberal" ideas are being achieved. In their minds, the liberal idea of Barack Obama trumps any objective view of what the Barack Obama is doing."

The MSM was just as craven and eager to curry favor with the Bush administration, just as quick to accept and spread White House talking points, just as reluctant to ask probing questions critical of Bush's policies or actions.

This doesn't justify their being uncritical of Obama, but it illustrates that their behavior is consistent...consistently cowardly and compromised. It certainly has nothing to do with any mythical "liberal" bias on their part.

rcocean said...

Doesn't surprise me. Sportswriters are known for their ignorant, obnoxious, liberalism. They're real haters - like George.

Sportswriters think Olbermann is a witty Vidal-like sophisticate.

Sports is the Newspapers toy department

Rialby said...

Robert Cook - the MSM was on Bush's side as well.

You are either an aging hippie still hungover from the 60s or you're a regular crack smoker.

Invisible Man said...

But that's the crux of the problem with liberals, their ideology is their religion and conservative=racist is dogma. Anything to the contrary is heresy.

This coming from a person who thinks liberals=socialist/fascists/America haters. Still no sense of irony, Hoosier.

Rialby said...

Invisible Man = liberals <> fascists/socialist/America haters

IM - if by "liberal" you mean today's "progressive" then I fear you're statement above is too black-and-white. Are today's American progressives a statist party that believes in government control of major industries? Does today's progressive movement believe in government-run healthcare? What underlying -ism- do these represent?

MJ said...

I find the sports reactions illuminating. They're lefties, but untrained in hiding their biases since they aren't regularly exposed to criticism by people who disagree. Rush was wrong in some of his statements regarding McNabb, who is not and was not overrated. At that point the best receiver he had ever played with was Kevin Johnson - at Syracuse. But is there any doubt the media (among others) roots for black QB's? Or blacks in any occupation, especially one where blacks were traditionally underrepresented? We're constantly lectured on the need for affirmative action. But anyone not believing those doing the lecturing are indifferent to their success is a racist? It's preposterous. I'm against AA but I still root for their success.

Wilbon is a good example. He promotes every black coach and celebrates their accomplishments. Anyone remember the Tony Dungy vs Lovie Smith Super Bowl love fest? Wilbon once said that more black coaches should be hired because black players will play harder for them (he added that it is perfectly legitimate to consider this). He celebrates black athletes who foray into social commentary. I'm not saying this is illegitimate on his part, but how can it be racist to point out social activism? In fact, athletes such as Jordan and Woods who resist it are criticized for doing so (not by Wilbon). The cheerleading isn't racist, but pointing it out is?

Although Wilbon cited the slavery quote on PTI Friday he corrected himself on a subsequent show. So he has more integrity than Whitlock at least. But it's just bizarre to watch football people react.

Sloanasaurus said...

Invisible Man = liberals <> fascists/socialist/America haters

More importantly is the "man-behind-the-curtain." We believe that we live in a constitutional republic. However, the more government controls our lives, the less likely people will agree to peaceful means to change things, because peaceful means will no longer be effective.

William said...

The attacks on Palin, the defense of Polanski, now this defamation of Limbaugh. Are liberals really this tone deaf to the ordinary chords of common decency? Is this a plot to kill off conservatives by giving them apoplectic fits?....As it stands now, Limbaugh is considered unfit to be an NFL owner because he said that Donovan McNabb is overrated. Animal torture in the case of Michael Vicks and homocide in the case of Ray Lewis are not considered insurmountable hurdles to a successful NFL career. I would be grateful if some articulate liberal would explain to me why Rush Limbaugh is a stain on the NFL brand name and Michael Vicks isn't. Can you really not see how unfair this is?

garage mahal said...

Garage is a democrat. So it's no surprise he thinks it's funny to make slave jokes. .

Oh c'mon it was satire!

Paul said...

"Garage - I expected better of you."

That'll learn ya. The little prick is a bigot through and through.

John said...

Interestingly enough, Olberman of all people thinks Limbaugh should be able to buy the Rams.

Sports writers are always struggling to be taken seriously by other journalists. So, they tend to be more Catholic than the pope when it comes to leftist orthadoxy. And they went to journalism schools which are all overwelmingly lefty.

LouisAntoine said...

Rush, Rush, Rush… if he wasn’t rolling in dough I would almost feel sorry for him. He is being attacked! Slandered! People are saying mean things about him! People are saying they don’t like him! Jeez! Rush is just a cuddly teddy bear who lives in his mansion with his cats and is searching for love. Mean, mean people, liberal people, are trying to bring him down all the time. All he wants to do is spread his message of love to his faithful flock, like a preacher of yore, and these liberals want him to fail.

Anyone who spends a millisecond shedding a tear for this man is a damn fool. He has everything he could possibly dream of. He is the quarterback for folks who conflate everything in the world they don’t like— Obama, journalists, lawyers, Iranians, surly black post office ladies, hippies, therapists, rappers— into one big goo ball, calling it “modern culture” or “liberalism.” His true believers are folks who don’t even want to grasp the nuance in what Rush himself says, much less what nuance there is in the world at large. They are just soothed by the sound of his voice and are happy to be angry at whatever they are told to be angry about.

Now, just as it’s unfair when people say that every Obama supporter is a cultist, it’s unfair to say every Limbaugh listener is a dittohead. There are spectrums aplenty in the world of ideology. But here’s my beef with Limbaugh. It’s his WHINE. He extols the virtues of manly American self-reliance and unfettered capitalism, while at the same time WHINING about his VICTIMIZATION at nearly every turn.
Is his victimhood a pose, a satire of the culture of victimhood? That would be interesting, but I fear it is mainly opportunism. Just as every cry of, “They did it to Bush, so we can do it to Obama!” is, what? Hypocrisy? Self-defeating? Short-sighted? I don’t know, ask Glenn Reynolds. Change!

It would be nice if the Drudgification of our civic life would cease. It would be nice to have a Popular-Mechanicsication instead— a spread of the tinkering, pragmatic spirit that sets Americans apart in the world…

Paul said...

"This is war.

Have you ever actually been in a war? This is nothing."

It's a cold war.

The question is will the country pull together or will the cold war turn hot?

I think that depends on whether or not the "progressives" keep shoving their tyranny down our throats.

John said...

Mortimor, you are more derranged than you appear if you honestly think that it is okay to try to destroy someone's career by made up quotes. It is not whining when the otherside is telling lies. It is defending yourself. Yes, American self reliance means letting people slander you with false quotes. To point out that they are false and your critics are lying is just whinning.

This issue is a good test of whether someone on the left has any values or is just a piece of shit hack. If you have values, you stand up for someone being slandered even if you don't like them. If you are a piece of shit hack, you cheer on the destruction of anyone you don't like regardless of the reason.

Unsurprisingly, you have proven yourself to be the piece of shit hack we all know you to be.

former law student said...

Limbaugh discovers there can be smoke without fire. Moreover, people are out to get him. Life is so unfair.

they are doing everything they can to promote disunity and discord throughout our culture and society

Unlike El Rushbo, who is constantly entreating us to clasp hands in a circle and sing Kum Bay Ya.

Anonymous said...

Garage, next time you hesitate to press publish, listen to your hesitation.

Or at least listen to that feeling of a "let down" that came after you pressed publish.

John said...

"Limbaugh discovers there can be smoke without fire. Moreover, people are out to get him. Life is so unfair."

Do you really think it is okay to slander someone with fabricated quotes if you don't like them? I don't see how some scum making up outragous quotes and putting them on the internet and brain dead media mindlessly repeating them with no fact checking counts as life being unfair. Is this how the game is played? If so maybe we should reconsider the Obama's eligibility to be President. After all it says on the internet he was born in Kenya. The internet is proof enough to damn Limbaugh, why no the Obamasiah?

John said...

If the internet is proof enough for Limbaugh, then I think Michelle Obama owes some serious explination about her hate whittey speech. Can she prove she didn't say it? I am sorry but when it comes to race, no member of Reverend Wright's parish gets the benefit of the doubt.

LouisAntoine said...

John, you feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh. You've been had. There are orphans at your local orphanage that could use a hug and a sandwich. Attend to them.

John said...

"Limbaugh discovers there can be smoke without fire. Moreover, people are out to get him. Life is so unfair."

Who someone is doesn't make it okay to lie and slander someone. I can't stand Michelle Obama, but when the "hate Whitey" rumers started, my response was produce a tape or shut up about it.

You either have values or you don't. If you think it is okay to slander someone just because you don't like then, then you are as I said above, a valueless piece of shit hack.

garage mahal said...

That'll learn ya. The little prick is a bigot through and through..

You're such a baby. If you don't like getting hit back, I suggest you just sit on the sidelines. Good place for you.

Pastafarian said...

I'm not surprised that Garage made such a low remark upthread. After all, this is the same Garage Mahal that once said:

"African Americans need affirmative action programs in perpetuity because they're genetically inferior. Duh."

Now, I don't have any link or substantiation for my claim that he said this; but don't protest, not a word, or you're a whiner. Right, Montagne?

John said...

Garage is a performance artist moron. He is Titus without the poop jokes. Why anyone bothers to respond to him is beyond me.

garage mahal said...

I'm not surprised that Garage made such a low remark upthread. After all, this is the same Garage Mahal that once said:

"African Americans need affirmative action programs in perpetuity because they're genetically inferior. Duh."

Fucking liar. Prove it.

Peter V. Bella said...

Oh Christ. Leave Garage alone. He, like the rest of us has the right to express himself- whether we like it or not.

That being said, there was no uproar when the convicted felon Michael Vick was reinstated. Of course no one wanted to piss off all of the Negroes who were backing him. That would be racist. NFL does not have a policy on convicted felons for that reason- the perception of racism.

As to the players? Who cares? They seem to forget they are nothing more than employees. Owners should start penalizing these overpaid steroid monsters for all the damage they do to the league with their outrageous behavior. Some of these players never learned about bricks in glass houses.

Pastafarian said...

John, I disagree; Garage Mahal is usually one of the most reasonable and intellectually honest left-leaning commenters here. Unlike most, he's not quick to resort to name-calling.

He's just having a bad day today, I think.

Paul said...

"You're such a baby. If you don't like getting hit back, I suggest you just sit on the sidelines. Good place for you."

WTF are you talking about? Watching you put your foot in it again is "hitting back"?

I don't think so. You're a little prick and a bigot, true, but that's no skin off my nose. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

Pastafarian said...

Yes, Garage, I was lying. That's my point. Anyone could make any bullshit quote up and attribute it to you, and without some substantiation, I would pay it no heed.

Why you don't give the same benefit of the doubt to Limbaugh is...disappointing.

David Walser said...

Who's saying they're sorry for Rush? Rush isn't asking for and does not deserve pity. Couching the question terms of whether or not the man's deserving of pity is a red herring.

The question is one of fairness and decency. Someone made up quotes and attributed those despicable thoughts to Rush Limbaugh. That's wrong. Just as it would be wrong to steal Rush's wallet (and we wouldn't worry too much that Rush couldn't get by without the money); so, too, it's wrong to use falsehoods to try and destroy his reputation.

garage mahal said...

Why you don't give the same benefit of the doubt to Limbaugh is...disappointing..

I do give anyone the benefit of the doubt if it's not provable. There is plenty of documented material on Limbaugh to work with. Did I say we shouldn't?

John said...

"John, I disagree; Garage Mahal is usually one of the most reasonable and intellectually honest left-leaning commenters here. Unlike most, he's not quick to resort to name-calling."

I suppose if you compare him to Jeremy or Montaigne he does okay. But that is a pretty low bar. FLS is really the only liberal on here with any intellectual integrity.

Pastafarian said...

Garage, can you prove that you didn't say that African Americans are genetically inferior?

John said...

"I do give anyone the benefit of the doubt if it's not provable. There is plenty of documented material on Limbaugh to work with. Did I say we shouldn't?"

They guy is on national radio every day and listened to by millions of people. Yet, despite this, there is no audio of him ever saying these things. Moreover, if he had said them it is impossible to imagine they would have gone unnoticed at the time. He is one of the most quoted and widely listened to talk show hosts in the country. Not only is this provable, it is clearly unproven.

Sloanasaurus said...

Former Law Student makes a good point. Limbaugh has lots of enemies who will do anything to make his life miserable.

That being said, there are those on the Left who also have enemies. Thus, the reaction to Rush will allow a tit for tat in the future. What ever that will be.

It's that endless tit for tat, however, that will destroy us all.

Pastafarian said...

John, I agree about FLS, but I'm not sure that he considers himself a liberal. I think that he might be more middle-of-the-road.

There are several that I could list that engage in some ugly tactics here. But I'd hate to drive every liberal commenter away -- there aren't many left, to be honest, and they keep the comments from being an echo chamber.

garage mahal said...

Garage, can you prove that you didn't say that African Americans are genetically inferior?.

I didn't read the Limbaugh transcript. All I can say is if a quote can't be traced and verified to a particular person it shouldn't be in the public domain. I missed what the quote was because I didn't and won't read the link. So I guess I'm defending Limbaugh, in this case.

Shanna said...

Do you really think it is okay to slander someone with fabricated quotes if you don't like them? I don't see how some scum making up outragous quotes and putting them on the internet and brain dead media mindlessly repeating them with no fact checking counts as life being unfair.

I don’t mind people on the internet making stuff up. It’s the internet. It’s when it gets to major media outlets or goes to print that it’s a problem. The press is supposed to actually fact things, but instead they report lies as truth, while fact checking satire. That is absurd.

LouisAntoine said...

Some of the quotes, I'd wager the ones Rush is most out in front of denying (the James Earl Ray Quote) are probably false.

What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?

Hoosier Daddy said...

This coming from a person who thinks liberals=socialist/fascists/America haters. Still no sense of irony, Hoosier.

Obviously Invisible doesn't know what irony means.

Actually, my comment and your descriptions of liberals aren't mutually exclusive. Indeed, I would argue that they could be considered the [un]holy trinity of liberal dogma.

Shanna said...

John, you feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh. You've been had. There are orphans at your local orphanage that could use a hug and a sandwich. Attend to them.

Limbaugh has the money and the power to fight back on this sort of thing. What about those who don’t? People like Limbaugh who can fight it should do so, in hopes it will prevent it happening to somebody who can’t.

Pastafarian said...

There are several obviously bogus quotes floating around out there attributed to Limbaugh.

One has him congratuling James Earl Ray and wishing him "Godspeed". I suspect that if he'd actually said that, two things would have happened: Snerdly would have punched him in the nose; and Rush's career would have ended that afternoon.

Anybody pushing this crap should lose all credibility for all time. It's character assassination.

Hoosier Daddy said...

What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?

I don't know, do you? How about you put your money where your mouth is and provide the verifiable quote that is oh so offensive.

John said...

"What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?"

I don't know. If there are any, go get a tape or a credible source of him saying them and we will talk. Until then, "well he didn't say this but I am sure he said something, so lets get him" doesn't cut it.

X said...

Some of the quotes, I'd wager the ones Rush is most out in front of denying (the James Earl Ray Quote) are probably false.

didn't stop you from posting them yesterday, though I noticed you were a little smarter than the others when posting the fake comments by not explicitly attributing them to rush.

Pastafarian said...

Jesus, Montagne, I'm sure that I've said something to offend some people too, probably in the very sentence that I'm typing right now (our hostess doesn't think much of blasphemy, for example).

But that doesn't compare with what you said on July 3, 1989, at 3pm:

"You know what sounds good right now? A nice big Peurto Rican baby sandwich. With mayo. Because I eat babies, and I prefer the succulent, tender flesh of Peurto Rican babies."

Do you remember that, Montagne? Can you disprove it? Whiner!

LouisAntoine said...

How about this. Rush Limbaugh is not a racist, Larry. He's just an asshole. And as a guy who has made millions of dollars being a professional loudmouth, who cares what happens to him?

"If only President Obama had known that the three Somali community organizers were actually young, black Muslim teenagers, I'm sure he wouldn't have given the order to shoot." Satire!

"Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There I said it." NOT RACIST. SATIRE. HA HA HA!!!!

Calling native Americans "Injuns" -- Quaint! Cute!

He's is not a racist. At least, not in the sense that he wants to see non-white races enslaved and/or exterminated. He's just an asshole. There is a difference I will freely concede.

hombre said...

Montagne wrote: Rush, Rush, Rush… ... He is being attacked! Slandered! People are saying mean things about him! ... Blah, blah, blah.

Wasn't Montagne one of the folks who posted the supposed racist Limbaugh quotes here?

Are we surprised to see him bloviating about the evils of Limbaugh listeners instead of providing citations and evidence to back up the "quotes" he was dazzling us with? No. We aren't.

This is called "lying with impunity."

(Yeah, we know, MM. Somebody, somewhere on the right lied sometime, so it's okay for you too.)

Pastafarian said...

Rush was pretty wrong about McNabb being mediocre (I'd take him on the Chiefs any day of the week); but what he said about McNabb was in no way racist. He wasn't criticizing the notion of a black quarterback, he was just claiming that sports commentators were allowing their own political attitudes to affect their analysis.

And about that, he was probably right.

Limbaugh knows quite a bit about football. He was alive during the career of Warren Moon, arguably the best quarterback of all time. There is zero chance that Limbaugh would think that a black man would be less able to play quarterback because he's black. The only people who would think, for a moment, that this is what he meant, are people who half-believe it themselves, because they're racists, a la the "soft bigotry of lowered expectations".

Pastafarian said...

Montagne, I agree, he's a bit of an asshole. So am I. If I had to talk for 3 hours every day and make it interesting, I'd be a flaming asshole.

Particularly if someone cherry-picked a handful of comments from tens of thousands of hours. I could be made to look like the biggest asshole in the world.

Shanna said...

What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?

Most of the ones that I’ve heard that sound like obvious racism were made up...the ones that get verified tend to be obvious satire or mean something completely different within context. Now, you can have an argument about where to draw the line on satire and whether certain things are funny, but that’s why it’s important to discuss actual quotes because otherwise you expect people to start from a premise (rush=racist) that not everyone accepts.

Now, if you want to talk about Rush having some weird thoughts about women sometimes or how boring his obsession with football is, or how he just tells you about stuff you can find on blogs all by your lonesome, that would be ok.

LouisAntoine said...

These are the words of a man of peace, tolerance and understanding. Jesus-like words. Actually who needs that hippie pussy Jesus, when there are men like Rush in this world?

Rush defenders: FOAD.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah. This is -- you're not going to believe this, but it's very simple. And the sooner you believe it, and the sooner you let this truth permeate the boundaries you have that tell you this is just simply not possible, the better you will understand Democrats in everything. You are right. They want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into Darfur.

CALLER: Right.

LIMBAUGH: There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur?

CALLER: Uh, yeah.

LIMBAUGH: It's black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they're in trouble.

CALLER: Yes. Yes. The black population.

LIMBAUGH: Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela -- who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.

Original Mike said...

Limbaugh knows quite a bit about football.

I'm with you so far ...

He was alive during the career of Warren Moon, arguably the best quarterback of all time.

... well, you drove that argument right off a cliff.

X said...

Some of the quotes, I'd wager the ones Rush is most out in front of denying (the James Earl Ray Quote) are probably false.

so were you being a lying disingenuous douche when you posted it were you just too stupid to see it was too "good" to be true?

miller said...

Well, at least it wasn't Fox News that reported it, because they're known to be liars.

The MSM? They never lie.

Pastafarian said...

Montagne, I don't see racism there. He's not arguing for aparthied, as much as he's arguing against supporting Mandela.

In case you hadn't noticed, Mandela's a bit of an asshole, too. Of course, I would be too, after all those years in prison. But he's no Thomas fucking Jefferson, and South Africa is a disaster of corruption and poverty.

Criticism of a black man doesn't equal racism.

And it did always strike me as odd that Iraq was a bad war of liberation, but Darfur would have been a good war. I guess that makes me a racist, too.

LouisAntoine said...

The man defended APARTHEID.

Pastafarian said...

Original Mike, look at the man's numbers in Canada, combined with his NFL numbers. More passing yards than anyone in history.

You could actually make a strong argument that Moon had to go to the CFL because of racism -- there hadn't been many successful black QBs at that time, and he was passed over for some pretty crappy white QBs that fit the mold in the minds of GMs. Today, Moon would have been drafted in the first round, and he would have broken every record in the books.

hombre said...

Montagne wrote of Limbaugh: These are the words of a man of peace, tolerance and understanding. Jesus-like words....

Montagne's message: Well, maybe I lied yesterday about what he said, but you can believe me today.

The Obot credo: What I said then has nothing to do with what I'm saying now. How distracting of you to mention it (you racist pig).

Pastafarian said...

Montagne, no, he didn't.

Caroline said...

"What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?"

The new McCarthyism- are you now or have you ever been a racist?

Synova said...

Well, yes, Monty... we are all aware of the fact that it's racist to accuse other people of racism, which describes your last quote of Limbaugh. (I think he's wrong in particular, however. I believe Iraq was "bad" because we were committed and Darfur was "good" because it was only abstract concern and the "how" to stop the killing there was safely described by the "underpants gnome" step number 2.)

"How about this. Rush Limbaugh is not a racist, Larry. He's just an asshole. And as a guy who has made millions of dollars being a professional loudmouth, who cares what happens to him?"

You don't have to care about him in order to care about what is true or not.

I can't help thinking, sometimes, that most liberals really... aren't. They're something else. Because I can't help but think that being liberal means having certain principles.

Is... it's okay to lie for a good cause or if the guy being lied about is an asshole and I hate him... a liberal principle?

Or how about... government attempting to control the media and producing propaganda is great if I like the message... a liberal principle?

Or even... free speech only applies to expressing approved ideas... is that a liberal principle?

I don't think so, and I won't believe it.

So it's something else. Progressive maybe.

Andrea said...

Montagne, the only asshole I see here is you. You are always, without fail, singularly unpleasant to everyone who disagrees with you -- and now we know that you also think that such people are "assholes" and should f**k off and die. Well, it's not the first time that I've encountered a tolerant, compassionate liberal who wishes death on people who don't fall in lockstep with his own worldview.

X said...

i don't see how false charges of racism helps anyone. in fact, they harm everyone. of course if you were a machavellian asshole who wanted to stir up racial discord it would make sense. maybe that's what you were going for montague?

Andrea said...

I suppose I should add for the record here that I'm not a Rush fan -- I don't listen to his show, and I don't listen to talk radio in general -- but I was taught right from wrong by my liberal parents (unlike, apparently, many "liberals" of today) and one thing they taught me was it's wrong to tell lies about someone even if you don't like that person. If you can't back up your argument against someone else with the truth, then your argument is worthless.

Synova said...

And I do appreciate that garage made that distinction (even if it was after the humor-fail.)

Prosqtor said...

If you must dislike or even hate someone, make sure you dislike or hate them for what they actually say or do. Certainly we owe each other that much.

garage mahal said...

And I do appreciate that garage made that distinction (even if it was after the humor-fail.)

Maybe I could have let that deep thought slip into the ether, but really it's not anything Limbaugh wouldn't find humorous or deliver in his daily routine.

David Walser said...

Maybe I could have let that deep thought slip into the ether, but really it's not anything Limbaugh wouldn't find humorous or deliver in his daily routine.

Garage, there are certain lines written by Shakespeare I couldn't get away with saying, but a decently talented actor could. Perhaps what you wrote could have been said during one of Rush's routines and it would have come off alright. (That's a big perhaps.) However, Rush has the talent and insight to know when to say something so outrageous and he would know what tone and inflection of voice to use. After all, millions laughed at Benny Hill's bawdy humor. Most of us realize that saying or doing the same things Benny Hill got away with will only get us branded a lecher, a sexist pig, or both.

Hoosier Daddy said...

How about this. Rush Limbaugh is not a racist, Larry. He's just an asshole. And as a guy who has made millions of dollars being a professional loudmouth, who cares what happens to him?

Hell you can say that about a good chunk of Congress. Most of whom sit on your side of the aisle.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You know if Rush had only spent the last 20 years preaching about the US of KKKA garage and Monty would be dittoheads.

Factory Yoyo said...

Montagne Montaigne said...
John, you feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh. You've been had. There are orphans at your local orphanage that could use a hug and a sandwich. Attend to them.

Ummm...there are no orphanages in the US. Everything is done through Foster Parents.

traditionalguy said...

No body who talks all day long is perfect. So Rush is an easy target to do a Krystalnicht type fantasy attack upon. Throw in some made up pro-slavery quotes and anti black quotes and Rush becomes the issue. Are you for or against Rush? The power grab over Fox News and the rest of the media today on the hint that they are Anti-Obama and shall be destroyed like Rush IS the story. Cover that. Rush can defend himself, until the neo-federales declare Radio has been re-distributed to the Marxist true believers like Chavez has done without a wimper from State Media in the USA.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Everything is done through Foster Parents.

And if only enough people were enlightened enough like the progressives to have abortions for unwanted fetuses (so as not to be punished with a child), we wouldn't even need them.

Synova said...

"Rush can defend himself, until the neo-federales declare Radio has been re-distributed to the Marxist true believers like Chavez has done without a wimper from State Media in the USA."

This is one of those "not really liberal" political positions that I was talking about.

IS the free press a foundational concept or not?

How is the tacit acceptance of media controlled by the State justified? Chavez justified it by claiming his evil opponents were behind it all... and what? Political belief about some "for the people" socialist fantasy makes that okay then?

MJ said...

Funny to see Garage make these two comments:

You're such a baby. If you don't like getting hit back, I suggest you just sit on the sidelines.

Fucking liar

One second calling those objecting to unfair accusations babies, the next crying about them himself.

As usual he needs one standard for his side and another for his opponents.

slarrow said...

Actually, I offer thanks to Montaigne; I've been wondering what the context of the Darfur quote was. Now that I see it, I'm not worried about it anymore. Clearly Limbaugh's claiming that Democrats pick their celebrity foreign policy crusades based on domestic political concerns. Might be true, might be false, but it's certainly plausible, and I just don't see how it's supposed to be evidence of racism.

Oh, and the Crips/Bloods thing? That was in the context of a January 2007 Patriots/Chargers game in which taunting, unsportsmanlike behavior drew some significant penalties. Rush wondered where all this classless behavior came from and speculated that it came from gang culture, hence the Crips/Bloods comment. Again, might be right, might be wrong, but given all the taunting and showboating and off-the-field escapades of NFL players, it's certainly a plausible hypothesis. Again, how precisely is it racist?

blake said...

John, you feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh. You've been had. There are orphans at your local orphanage that could use a hug and a sandwich. Attend to them.

Actually, I'm pretty sure this statement makes Montaine the biggest asshole in the world.

[checks records]


Hoosier Daddy said...

How is the tacit acceptance of media controlled by the State justified?

Well the kicker of it is, many liberals easily justify it by claiming that Limbaugh is dangerous and his rhetoric is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater and therefore is beyond free speech. This is how they think folks, which is why they want the Fairness Doctrine so bad because it’s a backdoor to shutting people like Rush or Beck down. I think Olberman is a blithering idiot of the highest order and says stuff that defies basic logical reasoning but even I would be appalled if the government came in and shut him down.

But the racial attacks now are just funny to listen to. I mean seriously, the left has milked the teats right off that cow when they were accusing Ferraro and Bill Clinton of racism during the primary. That can’t be emphasized enough. Geraldine Ferraro and Bill Clinton were accused of racism. That’s called jumping the shark guys and you need to find a new grievance mode to latch on to cause homie don’t play dat no more.

slarrow said...

You know, after all this, I'm finding it easier and easier to believe that Olbermann emerged from the sportscasting industry. This explains how the kook survived so long in that environment: it was ideal for him! Turns out he was a saltwater fish in a saltwater lake all along.

garage mahal said...

One second calling those objecting to unfair accusations babies, the next crying about them himself. .

Two different things. One is libel, the other performance art. And you noticed I defended Limbaugh?

Hoosier Daddy said...

And you noticed I defended Limbaugh?


X said...

keep fucking that chicken garage

garage mahal said...

Robert Byrd!

Roger J. said...

Ahhh monty--you are the poster who first threw the list up on one of the preceding threads that Jeremy cut and pasted. Presumably knowing that at least the Godspeed comment was--"probably false." Classy performance, that.

Anonymous said...

He said "chicken," garage, but if you want to do Byrd that's fine too I guess. Either way you're screwing a klukker.

Paul said...

Performance art is what people who wish they were creative and want attention do.

Except they are talentless.

They are pathetic losers but at least they strive to make it known publicly.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Look at the stats for McNabb up to that point of the season; he was overrated when Rush made the comment.

garage mahal said...

Paul, shouldn't you be out torturing some poor souls ears with your hackish bar chord alt-jazz?

Paul said...

"Paul, shouldn't you be out torturing some poor souls ears with your hackish bar chord alt-jazz?"

Hahahah!!! Is that what you think I do dumbass?

You think people would pay me good money for that?

Even you know better than that. You just pull this shit out of your ass because lying comes like breathing to a twisted little middle school miscreant like you.

Giant Steps in twelve keys at tempo baby. My reality, and your daydream, never to be realized in this life. It's kind of sad really...you wishing you were accomplished, particularly in something as sublime as music.

I almost feel sorry for you.


Caroline said...

"Geraldine Ferraro and Bill Clinton were accused of racism. That’s called jumping the shark guys and you need to find a new grievance mode to latch on to cause homie don’t play dat no more."

The "race card" is just the king in the deck; along with "sexism" as the queen, and "homophobia" as the jack. "Blasphemy" or "religious intolerance" is a wild card, to be pulled out only in certain circumstances- like to label some one as Islamophobic. The ace up the sleeve is the "hate speech" card.

If banning "hate" speech is achieved, the question will become:

Are you now or have you ever been offensive?

Synova said...

Of course Geraldine Ferraro and Bill Clinton are not racist and it would be entirely wrong to pretend they were just because they said something that, if said by a Republican, would get them called racist, and would be especially wrong to pretend they were racist because one disliked them.

It was, however, sort of funny to see them react with that sort of horrified, deer in the headlights, "But... but... I'm DEMOCRAT!"

traditionalguy said...

Synova...Free speech is a legal right enforced by the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch. The day there is a Crisis then it maybe as suspended as the Japanese Americans' rights were in 1942. Look to Venezuela to see a good laboratory of the Marxist tricks coming our way next. They were stunned by the Honduran's fighting back, so the script is being re-written. Once it works in New Haven, so to speak, then we will see it play next on Broadway .

Penny said...

Just Lurking, that was a powerful analogy, and not one that I will remember only because I play poker.

X said...

Robert Byrd!

close, but not quite. the actual safe word is: Robert "Sheets" Byrd!, so the flogging will continue.

LouisAntoine said...

I bet AA will put up another post about this, but I think denying Rush's bid was a serious mistake. Even though I hate him. I mean, Marge Schott owned the Reds! Since when does the NFL have principles? It's too bad, because now he can play the victim and milk this for weeks.

Penny said...

Rush might milk this for weeks, MM, but you have to admit he has an eye for JUST the right cow.

It's an art, I tell ya, that goes well beyond the barnyard.

Jeremy said...

League sources told SI.com that Limbaugh's candidacy in any Rams bid had "zero chance'' of being approved by the league's owners.

Good-Bye fatso.

Are you sad, Ann?

As for this: rhhardin - "Rush's consistent message to blacks is don't listen to the media's "black leaders," but go out and do stuff for yourself."

It's complete bullshit. Rush is as racist as they come and his attitude and especially his loud mouth, have illustrated just that.

Jeremy said...

"Even though I hate him. I mean, Marge Schott owned the Reds!"

Her outlandish racist quotes only surfaced after the press began to watch and listen to her when she became controlling partner.

She was just a big a racist as the fat man.

Crimso said...

It's going to be really funny watching Limbaugh sue the asses off of a number of people over this. And win.

hombre said...

@Jeremy: You mean you didn't check in to provide sources for all the "racist Limbaugh quotes" you posted here a couple of days ago on another thread?

I'm so disappointed. I was just sure you would never post anything maligning anyone without being ready willing and able to vouch for its authenticity. ROTFL

Peter V. Bella said...

It is amazing how gullible people are, especially in the media and the NFL. A man is branded a racist with no proof, no fact checking, and zero sourcing. Worse, elected officials even branded him.

There were others in history that did things like this. These used the same tactics to stifle the opposition. The big lie, innuendo, stories created out of nothing, quotes taken out of context, and fabrication to inflame the masses.

These people went the to the next step and even imprisoned the opposition. There names were Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and even the defrocked saint FDR.

MC said...

"Some of the quotes, I'd wager the ones Rush is most out in front of denying (the James Earl Ray Quote) are probably false.

What about the others? Are you now going to say Rush Limbaugh has never said anything offensive or racist? Ever? Never ever ever? Do you want to put money on this?"

Hahahah, they're fake but accurate! Like the Rather memos! Can't you drooling neocons see how truthy they are?

Chase said...

Limbaugh is dropped from bid for Rams

rcocean said...

I read George hates African Americans. Sad that Althouse that lets a racist like that post on her blog.

From Inwood said...

Best Comment I've seen. Mark Steyn:

"Can Rush buy the St Louis Rams if he gets Roman Polanski to front the deal?"

Awful lot of asinine comments here & in the MSM to the effect that even if we can't, um, find the actual racist Rush quotes that were alleged by the MSM, he has surely said enough bad things about minorities that it's not surprising that all good men, OOPS persons would understandably believe that he said something like these quotes & that, surely, someone will find some racist rantings by him somewhere if only we can look hard enough. In other words "Rush had it coming to him".

As Joseph Welch said to McCarthy when McC referred to one of Welch's minions early brushes with commies....

From Inwood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PunditJoe said...

Sadly, this is just the latest in a long line of false claims that have devalued the charge of racism to the point of meaninglessness. After this mess, I don't know why anyone would take claims of racism seriously.

Racism is stupid and one of the lowest forms of collectivism. It needs to be combated, but making repeated false claims only serves to give cover to the real racists in our midst. Cry wolf too often and no one will come when a real wolf arrives.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Where Rush sits, he was born 200 yrs too late, so I can understand him being upset that he's being denied the right to actually own a negro.

And once again, you prove without a shadow of a doubt, why liberals and leftists are nothing but filth and scum. You just hide it under the veneer of tolerance only to have it leak out with glee whenever something like this occurs and you show your true colors. You are a disgusting individual who's parents should be ashamed to call you their child.

PoNyman said...

Gregg Easterbrook was my first taste of sports opinion writing. Little did I know how spoiled I was until the Woods/Michelson insane controversy broke out years ago. From then on I wouldn't give many sports opinion writers the time of day. They very well may be the ultimate echo chamber.

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