October 2, 2009


It's Rio!


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David said...

On the boob tube: Rio celebrating--paaaaaaaarty time. Is one reason they got it that they wanted it more? These people are happy!

Peter Uberroth, acting like an adult. "Obama being there did nothing but help." That's probably correct, but he wasn't much help.

MadisonMan said...

I prefer the Pablo Cruise version.

David said...

I'm happy for Pele.

Irene said...

We'll be hearing more of this, too. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

OMG the American hubris! Listening to the news over the last couple of days, you'd get the impression that everybody is really saying that Chicago should win because we are Americans and we get what we want and fuck you if you don't like it. Obama went there not as a humble salesman, but as the bully-in-chief. And now the Obama crew is blaming the "politics" of the process for Chicago's loss, but eh-- this politics was just fine 24 hours ago.

Beth said...

Peter Allen - the better of Liza's two gay husbands.

Henry said...

Well, shucks, no wonder Rio got it.

I think Obama bringing along Paper Lace turned out to be a bad call.


ricpic said...

Will there be an Olympic event for tightest ass crack thong?

George said...

J. Rioden, the US doesn't have hubris about the Olympics. That would, however, describe the Europeans who seem to think that every other Olympics should be in one of their principalities.

Fred4Pres said...

Obama has bigger problems coming.

Kevin Jennings has more problems that merely advising a 15 year old it was okay to have sex with an adult stranger he met at a bus station.

An old Marxist Wobbly like Hays (who did have ties to NAMBLA) and Bill Ayers? Hmmm.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you don’t hear from me for a while don’t worry.

I’m going to be training for the Olympics.. cutting my time building a shanty ;)

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Looks like Obama got waxed by the Brazilians.

Michael said...

I think the IOC and Denmark should be brought before the UN on hate crime charges.

Anonymous said...

Obama has bigger problems:

Factory Orders Drop Unexpectedly
Plunging demand for aircraft fuels largest drop in 5 months


America To Obama: Take Oprah Home And Get Your Ass Back To Work

Fred4Pres said...

Obama had to go to Denmark. Had he not, the political powers in Chicago would have never forgiven him. The graft and corruption they could have pulled off with this Olympics could have been awesome for a lot of Chicago politicians.

So Obama was in a trap. He has to dance their toon. He did. And suffered an epic loss of face.

And the strange ties, like Ayers having signficant involvement in writing Dreams of My Father, Ayers strange connection to Kevin Jennings, and a host of other weird coincidences? Obama is beholden to a lot of people who can hurt him bad if he does not do what they say.

Anonymous said...

Obama has bigger problems:

Nation sheds more jobs than expected
Unemployment rises to 17% percent as 263,000 jobs are cut

"If laid-off workers who have settled for part-time work or have given up looking for new jobs are included, the unemployment rate rose to 17 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994."


America To Obama: Take Oprah Home And Get Your Ass Back To Work

bearbee said...

She asks the question what do they have that we don't?

Fred and Ginger already down there along with The Girl From Ipanema.

Anonymous said...

"Obama had to go to Denmark. Had he not, the political powers in Chicago would have never forgiven him."

I have news for you: Obama doesn't work for the "political powers in Chicago" any more.

He works for us.

America To Obama: "Take Oprah Home And Get Your Ass Back To Work."

hombre said...

So you get a call telling you that you have won the charity lottery you recently entered. You are entitled to a two-week vacation in either Chicago or Rio.

Which do you choose?


WV "werap" = Yeah, but the IOC prefers the Samba.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Will there be an Olympic event for tightest ass crack thong?

thank god we wont have wake up at the crack of dawn to watch.

Chip Ahoy said...

Toon. Har.

Fred4Pres said...

You spin me round round baby round round like a record player round round round round.

Does Newsweek really think this is good? Or are they spinning for Obama?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

(we are going to get flamed by the girls..)

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Cool! Now they can pay for it.

Scott said...

I think Drudge overplayed the schadenfreude.

former law student said...

Rio schoolbus:


Unknown said...

It should have been Madrid or Rio, anyway - probably Madrid. City seems a little less scary when you peel back the glitz (farvelas, etc.). On the other hand, we do owe Brazil something for WWII

About the song - dumb, lousy. Blue Eyes doing "They gotta lotta coffee in Brazil" was better.

WV "defingl" what you said to your Mom when she asked, "Where does it hurt?" even though she could see you sucking on it after the first time you hit it with a hammer

MadisonMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kjbe said...

Why do I have Carmen Miranda in my head?

I just read someone claiming to have worked on some of the Chicago proposal - that there were bigger problems with the Chicago package - one being Chicago already gets a lot high profile events. The other they mentioned was that it's more difficult to gain admittance to the US. They're also claiming O wasn't much of a factor this late in the game.

And so it goes...

Anonymous said...


"Obama reacts with joy after learning that it is good that he thankfully lost the Chicago Olympics to Rio"

"Damn, that was a close one," Obama said. "Phew, good thing we lost that or the political powers in Chicago would have never forgiven me."


With photo of Obama celebrating the loss.

Anonymous said...

In the comments section of the Newsweek article congratulating Obama for thankfully losing the Chicago Olympics to Rio:

"Yes, and he knew that before he went to Copenhagen with two 747s, one 757 and an entourage that would sink a ship. So he gives an unconvincing speech that was all about him, so the committee would vote against Chicago. He really wanted to lose to avoid all the problems of patronage, cost overruns and Chicago corruption. What a genius Obama is!

Do you take us for idiots???

This is why comment sections are reshaping the media landscape in America and signalling the death knell for MSM gatekeeping.

The commenters are smarter than the journalists and the journalists can't trash the Letters to the Editor any longer.

MnMark said...

To be fair about it, apparently a new standard has developed in these Olympics presentations where the head of state of the city that is competing is expected to show up. Tony Blair did it first, and London won. Then Putin showed up at the next one and the Russian city won its winter olympics bid. This time, the heads of state for the other three cities were showing up, and apparently the committee told Obama that his absence would be noticed. Plus it was his hometown doing the bidding and it is not unreasonable that a hometown would want their favorite son to step up and do what he could to help out.

But it's still satisfying to see an egotistical blowhard get taken down a peg.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Boy that is some mighty spinning there at Newsweek.

Watch out Sandy Koufax.

Dark Eden said...

The Chicago Machine is used to thugging it up in a cowed city. The rest of the world is a little harder to push around than a city of broken spirits.

Anonymous said...

This time, the heads of state for the other three cities were showing up, and apparently the committee told Obama that his absence would be noticed.

At which point he should have told them nicely that he had better things to do and to go pound sand. He's the President, not some supplicant, and they're the frickin' IOC, not the Court of the Spanish Inquisition.

Anonymous said...

Obama: "This isn't a football game, so I'm not interested in victory."

Wait, no that wasn't about the Chigago Olympics.

That was only about the war.

Anonymous said...

I bet Roman Polanski just let out a huge sigh of relief.

knox said...

In the still that looks like Pat Boone.

Anonymous said...

Will there be an Olympic event for tightest ass crack thong?

Sounds a lot better than "Synchronized 2x4s."

former law student said...

I bet Roman Polanski just let out a huge sigh of relief.

With a name like that he could have been a Chicago pol.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Reynolds, on Obama losing the Chicago Olympics to Rio:

"That’s too bad. I was kinda looking forward to seeing President Palin speak at the opening ceremonies."


Cedarford said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
Looks like Obama got waxed by the Brazilians.


THe big losers in this were Dailey, Chicago unions, and Obama's long-time patrons and grantors of sinecures to The One and his Wife. The billionaire Crown, Pritzker, and Klutznik Families.
The Pritzker and Klutznik ones, in particular, stood to make a fortune off development of their properties for Olympic Venues...and the Crowns, for "services".

garage mahal said...

"Conservatives, cheering job losses and high unemployment figures, erupt in joy in defeat of American city and sitting President's bid for Olympic Games that would have resulted in 22.5 billion revenue and 315,000 new jobs"


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Obama reacts with joy after learning that it is good that he thankfully lost the Chicago Olympics to Rio"
"Damn, that was a close one," Obama said. "Phew, good thing we lost that or the political powers in Chicago would have never forgiven me."

Substitute some of the names and you could be looking at Obama’s new strategy in Afganistan.

Anonymous said...

In the Washington Post:

"Why didn't Obama see this coming? He spends all this time, gets all this press, uses all this political capital to promote Chicago, and then loses?

What an amateur.

Prosecutors don't ask witnesses questions in court unless they're sure of the answers. Presidents don't stake their personal reputations on contests whose outcomes are uncertain.

Very foolish move.

No wonder he can't get health care passed."


ricpic said...

Conservatives don't equate Zero with America, garage.

Anonymous said...

"... Obama’s new strategy in Afganistan ..."

He did spend 25 minutes meeting with General McCrystal on Air Force One on the way to the party in Copenhagen, so ... obviously he did spend some time developing a strategy for Afghanistan before the big whoop-de-do.

A whole twenty-five minutes.

So, you know, there's that.

SteveR said...

Top Ten Reasons Chicago lost the Olympics.

10. Oprah only offered the IOC GM cars

9. In the USA they treat rape like rape-rape

8. Thongs

7. Better beaches

6. A Portuguese speaking country was due

5. Easier for 12 year old girls to get away with pretending to be 15 in their home country

4. Destroying Rain Forests to be a new event

3. The IOC discovered that Obama wasn't Osama

2. George W. Bush

1. Everyone loves Pele

Matt said...

Obama went to bat for The USA. Nothing wrong with that. Some here simply cheer for other countries.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama went to bat for The USA.

And all the other countries also knew he was juiced.

garage mahal said...

At least there is one reality based patriotic conservative here, Freeman Hunt, who loves her country. Thanks Freeman. And I think David as usual is a conservative with his head screwed on right. Must be the way you're raised I guess.

Anonymous said...

And the number one reason Obama lost the Chicago Olympics to Rio:

Letterman: "I'm too busy sexually harassing my female staff members for sex to write the number one reason."

Paddy O said...

I love living in southern California, but I'm totally fine with LA not having a football team. The loss of money just isn't made up by yet more attention.

In the same way, I love the USA, and because of that don't feel like another Olympics is worth having here.

At the same time, I will heartily cheer US athletes in every sport, hoping those who compete according to accountable rules and strict guidelines win every gold metal.

The Olympic competition should not be who can woo, bribe, cajole, suck up, the corrupt judges the most. Anytime that's the process, I think the US is better off by not winning. Better for our souls to win in real head to head competition. Which is where we do win. And the corrupt countries hate us for it.

Unknown said...

garage mahal said...

"Conservatives, cheering job losses and high unemployment figures, erupt in joy in defeat of American city and sitting President's bid for Olympic Games that would have resulted in 22.5 billion revenue and 315,000 new jobs"

Wouldn't care to give us a source for that, or is it just something that leaked out of your head?

Anonymous said...

"Conservatives, cheering job losses and high unemployment figures, erupt in joy ..."


Barack Obama meanwhile, partying with Oprah Winfrey in Copenhagen, was unavailable for comment on the 17% unemployment back home where he is ostensibly still the President.

garage mahal said...

Wouldn't care to give us a source for that, or is it just something that leaked out of your head?.

Sure, but only if you admit it would be a huge loss, and admit it was idiotic to cheer against American businesses and job creation. Because no American should be cheering against that, right?

Cedarford said...

Florida said...
"... Obama’s new strategy in Afganistan ..."

He did spend 25 minutes meeting with General McCrystal on Air Force One on the way to the party in Copenhagen, so ... obviously he did spend some time developing a strategy for Afghanistan before the big whoop-de-do.

A whole twenty-five minutes.

So, you know, there's that.

There is a mistaken notion that Obama should be "hands on with" tactical generals in the field. He is actually correct in doing as Defense Secretary Gates recommended to him - focus on broad strategy, consult with the best advisors he can find - then leave it to generals in the field to implement.

Petraeus was an exception because he was the "lead" in proposing an alternate Iraq strategy. Not McCrystal. Field commanders will tell a Leader what is "doable" but not necessarily what is wise.

When Presidents get sucked in too deep and are micromanaging things and personally involved in field ops - you get LBJ in Vietnam and Jimmy Carter in bumbling rescue missions..

Better leaders, like FDR, Truman, NIxon, Reagan and Clinton - put their energy into diplomacy and "broad brush" military strategy. They rarely, if ever, were consulting lower-ranking officers in the field except to get straight info on how a strategy is working. Or at meetings, to check how a change in strategy might play out, confirm what top brass says....


The decision to go with Rio was a wise one. Brazil is now a great, emerging nation - not a declining debtor nation. One with big oil discoveries, the largest agricultural exporter in the world.

I love how the media portrayed Chicago "was in the bag" because no one could possibly resist an oration by The One...and The One, all-wise...would not have gone to Copenhagen except to "seal the deal".


Matt said...

This was never about Obama. So get over that presumption. It was about the United States.

I agree Obama should not have put himself into the mix. But only because it would be seen by Conservatives and by the media as a loss for him personally if the IOC chose Rio.

But the fact that he wanted the USA to be host to the Olympic games, which would create a lot of revenue as well as jobs is one reason to appreciate his actions.

[And, in fact, the heads of state for most of the countries were represented.]

So if you are happy the USA lost out on a good chunk of potential revenue then I guess go ahead and cheer - but it is sort of odd.

Kirby Olson said...

People are losing trust in Obama. I think when he came in people saw him as new, and fresh, and trustworthy.

Gregory Bateson said years and years ago, "social hope depends on trust."

He threw that away when he passed the stimulus bill (a million times a million) and stuffed it with pork, and salt marsh harvest mouses, and what have you.

I think that people would trust Blagojevich even less than Obama, but more and more, the distance between those two is being lessened by halves, until they will finally be one and the same.

The only difference is that Blagojevich cites genuine writers from time to time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know garage when conservatives say anything remotely questioning a liberal’s desire for our troops to win in the battlefield, liberals get very upset and all twisted that their patriotism is attacked bla bla bla..

But liberals can attack a conservative’s patriotism all day long and nobody says a pip.

Henry said...

One of my favorite Olympic moments happened during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. My wife and I were visiting Tuscany. I was completely unaware that the Olympics had started during our trip.

One Saturday morning we trained down to Lucca to go to the flea market. On the way from the train station we stopped in a caffe' for espressos. Suddenly the owner turned up the television set. Massimiliano Rosolino had just won a silver medal in the 400 meter freestyle!

Everyone cheered. Then everyone went about their business.

hombre said...

Obama would have been inextricably tied to all of this - the budget overruns, the construction hiccups, the predictable corruption.... Already, some of his closest supporters and friends were on the bid committee.... Newsweek

Budget overruns = graft. Construction hiccups = union extortion. Predictable corruption = kickbacks.

Obviously, these are precisely the considerations that led Obama and his "supporters and friends" to pursue the Olympics for Chicago.

Are the folks at Newsweek really too stupid to see that? I doubt the IOC was.

d-day said...

Hey Fred4Pres - Way to keep up the Althouse blog theme of the week!!

Here's a description of the book Kevin Jennings wrote the forward to:

Other authors illustrate the need to use songs about homosexuality in grade schools ("Mama, What's a Dyke?"), and the need to incorporate literature into the curriculum that affirms comfortable friendships between young boys and adult homosexual men.

One of the most revealing essays in "Queering Elementary Education" tells us about a young girl named Steph. Her mom writes the essay describing the benefits of 8-year-old Steph's world of "mobility and ambiguity." Steph "attends queer events with her parents' friends," and "her father is now primary caregiver supported by a network of multicultural and multisexual friends."

Steph's mom relates a conversation with Steph about what's missing from her sex education classes at school: "… the clitoris!" For by the time she was 7, Steph was "taught that it is the clitoris that gives her pleasure when she masturbates." Of course, this isn't surprising, since in another passage, Steph and her mother agree that, while watching a group of young girls, they are both attracted to the same 12-year-old. Steph has a teen girlfriend who regularly stays at their house for sleepovers who has confided she's a lesbian.

Children need to challenge any environment that is too "heteronormative, Anglocentric and phallocentric," according to Steph's mom, who sees that "'queerly raised' children are agents" using "strategies of adaptation, negotiation, resistance and subversion."

. . . .
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=77640 (bolding mine)

Anonymous said...

"So if you are happy the USA lost ..."

Nobody is happy about it. Nobody likes losers.

Obama has beeen traveling the planet telling everyone how much the United States sucks and how torturous and murderous we've been.

Lo and behold, the Olympic Committee doesn't want to hold its quadrennial party here.

We're fkin pissed off about it, frankly and merely pointing out to all the defenders of Obama (Newsweek and the other ostriches) that this is the natural result of a President who hates his country and a first lady who has never been proud of America.

They're a bunch of losers and they cost us the Olympics as they trash our country.

former law student said...

To tie two themes together: remember the Michael Caine movie where his friend's 17-year-old daughter falls for him?


Original Mike said...

So if you are happy the USA lost out on a good chunk of potential revenue then I guess go ahead and cheer - but it is sort of odd.

Aren't these things money losers?

Personally, I'm not emotional one way or the other. There were four cities and they had to pick one. They didn't pick Chicago. Big whoop.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Okay, I'll say it. I'm happy for the sole reason that Obama was for it, a-and I don't care how many Chicago aldermen fail to make a fortune on real estate because of it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Florida is on target.

MadisonMan said...

Aren't these things money losers?

I think it might have been a net gain for Wisconsin, as far as exposure goes. Not sure about Illinois. I confess that I don't know who would have paid for the high-speed rail line from Chicago to Madison; that would have been the big expense around here.

Henry said...

What Original Mike said.

And if the Olympics was big cash machine, shouldn't it always go to a poorer country just for humanitarian reasons.

I don't pay much attention to Olympic administration and don't have much respect for the combination of greed and backslapping that grease its machinations, so this story has had a rather compressed timeline for me. I didn't even know why Obama was going to Copenhagen until two days ago. Now the deal is dead. That's just kind of surreal.

traditionalguy said...

The only claim to fame that Comrade Obama still has, other than winning The Best Tall Tale Teller contest for his "Health Care Reform" plan, was his power to ask for love for the new weak and helpless USA all over the Non-Anglo world and how that will bring us a bright future. Wrong answer. It turns out that the World only respects power used in a steady and consistant way. By the year 2016, the way Obama-Marxism has us headed we will be lucky to be like Mexico is today. And the World does not want to go to its Olympics celebration six years from now in such a down and out place.

Unknown said...

Cedarford said...

There is a mistaken notion that Obama should be "hands on with" tactical generals in the field. He is actually correct in doing as Defense Secretary Gates recommended to him - focus on broad strategy, consult with the best advisors he can find - then leave it to generals in the field to implement.

Better leaders, like FDR, Truman, NIxon, Reagan and Clinton - put their energy into diplomacy and "broad brush" military strategy. They rarely, if ever, were consulting lower-ranking officers in the field except to get straight info on how a strategy is working. Or at meetings, to check how a change in strategy might play out, confirm what top brass says....

You must be joking.

FDR micro-managed WWII (Army vs. Navy support, the Torch landings, etc.) until he was too sick to do so. Truman flew to Wake Island to meet with MacArthur (another "lower-ranking" commander like McChrystal). As for Willie, when we all knew who Monica was, how did the line go?

The people are easy to distract
When bombs are falling on Iraq

Bambi's problem is that he's too "hands off" - he doesn't want to dirty his little patties with anything; that's what Blago, Daley, Rahm-Bo, Axelrod, and the media were for in Chi-Town, and Peloosi, Dingy Harry, and the faux Romanovs in DC.

Revenant said...

Personally, I favor the idea of having the Olympics based permanently in Greece, assuming the Greeks are willing.

Original Mike said...

I think it might have been a net gain for Wisconsin, as far as exposure goes.

Sure, we wouldn't have to build much. But your concerns re: the train are probably well founded. I imagine the conversation would go something like this:

"We in Chicago are putting our necks on the line, but you guys in Wisconsin are set to rake in the dough with no skin in the game. If you want to play, you need to build the train."

[sarcasm] And that's just what Wisconsin needs right now, more debt [/sarcasm]

So, all in all, I think I'm happy it's not coming here. But I'm certainly not viewing it as a global rejection.

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Automatic_Wing said...

What a tragedy that the citizens of Chicago won't get to spend billions of dollars on facilities for obscure sports that will be used for 2 weeks and then forgotten forever.

I was so loking forward to buying a velodrome for the IOC.

Matt said...

Your comment is one of the most egregiously inaccurate that I have read here today.
Think about it. The IOC is made up of socialist Europeans who don't much like America because America is seen as a country that pushes people around and tries to lead the world. When Obama goes around - as you say - bad mouthing America they actually respond to that in a positive way.

You seem to think the IOC is made up of a bunch of Right Wing Conservatives. You could not be further from the truth.

They chose Rio because South America has never hosted an Olympics. Plus, they are a fast growing country that is situated between third world and first world [second world, I would say]. It is there time.

So Obama did not cost of the Olympics. The choice was made on many other considerations - plus the US has hosted many games.

If you were to get political then actually the global actions of Bush and Cheney potentially cost us the Olympics. The IOC hated Bush. They are indifferent to Obama. These are not the same thing.

Anonymous said...

obama's specialty is with the special olympics anyway.

traditionalguy said...

Nothing here to see, move along folks.The trip to Copenhagen was only to buy some good snuff. That fooled AlQueda too, because they never knew that the CO in charge of the Afghan Mountain Valleys Human Target Range for Ambush Training might actually get 25 minutes of face time with the wise Teleprompter owner and community organiser that outranks him.

jayne_cobb said...

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this.

I don't like losing and I appreciate the exposure the Olympics give less popular sports (swimming and track) but the games are a great big money sink and both Chicago and the IOC are incredibly corrupt.

Basically I simply look at this as a wash for the US as a nation. As for Obama, I have no idea what was going on there.

Oh well. Regardless of what one thinks I dare you not to find CNN's reaction funny

Automatic_Wing said...

When Obama goes around - as you say - bad mouthing America they actually respond to that in a positive way.

Oh, really? Well, then, could you name something Obama's gotten the Europeans to do in exchange for his wonderfully effective bad mouthing of America?

Should be easy for you, since they've responded so positively and everything. Can't wait to hear about all of Obama's great accomplishments.

Alex said...

This is one time I'm glad America lost, because it meant Obama lost and Chicago lost. Good for America! I'm proud to be an American. Finally the world is beginning to roll back Obama.

Alex said...

I along with Rush Limbaugh, pray for the FAILURE of Obama. Because his failure = success for America.

Palin in 2012!

Alex said...

shorter Matt - spin, spin, spin. You can't keep beating the Bush mule forever!

Original Mike said...

@jayne_cobb: Yeah, he was pretty incredulous. My question is: why?

Kirby Olson said...

We should have the next Olympics on the moon. With the lower gravitational pull, there would be a lot of records broken in the high jump, plus only countries that had a space program could compete, which might mean more medals for the USA.

But even then Obama might not be proud of his country, and Michelle might say, bring me another lobster, boy, so I can feel bad about my country.

MadisonMan said...

Oh, really? Well, then, could you name something Obama's gotten the Europeans to do in exchange for his wonderfully effective bad mouthing of America?

Well, I don't think Obama has been wonderfully effective in his badmouthing of America, but to answer your question, I believe the French have agreed to process Uranium shipped from Iran to Russia (and then to France) that Iran can then use to generate power. That's my understanding, at least.

Anonymous said...

What? No Duran Duran? It's almost bad taste.

traditionalguy said...

You have to distinguish between Public Opinion in foreign Nations and the opinion of the ruling elites there. The news stories play up Obama pulling his Benedict Arnold and changing sides from a Capitalist Democratic Republic Warior Nation to a Marxist Peoples Republic Negotiator of Surrender Nation, and people who are poor and have only seen the USA in movies and TV cheer Obama. But the elites see his Benedict Arnold act as the British saw and treated that turncoat: they do not trust him and despise what he did. So which group voted for the Olympic Selection?

MadisonMan said...

Regardless of what one thinks I dare you not to find CNN's reaction funny

That is good. So stunned that no one knows what's being broadcast! Oops!

Original Mike said...

We should have the next Olympics on the moon.

But how would you sell tickets? The whole hemisphere could watch for free.

Cedarford said...

It was the right decision. Brazil had the whole country behind hosting the Olympics and spending Brazilian money to make it happen. And plans to make regular people the main beneficiaries of new business and new attention in an emerging "great nation".

Obama had the backing of Oprah, the unions, black 'poverty pimp' leaders, the Dailey Machine who saw barrels of cash headed their way. And the billionare Jewish Families - the Crowns, Klutzniks, and Pritzkers who were Valerie Jarrett's, Obama's long-time patrons and grantors of both Obama's UofChicago sinecures - who stood to make a mint off their real estate developemnt, hotels getting mega-business, and the "services".

Remember Chicago is more than black thugs braining other blacks with 2X4's.
It is corrupt, parasitical on the Fed Gov't and the rest of Illinois to fund it, and still has the highest tax rate of any City in America.

So if they got it, you could have been pretty sure that some connected fatcats in Chicago would have made a fortune off it, but not the average citizen. And the rest of Illinois and the rest of the country via Congressional Democrats doing a "favor" to Windy City Democrats...would have paid for it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to remind Cedarford that there are Jews and oodles upon oodles of black people in Brazil.

I'd like to remind the rest of you what a racist prick he is, and that serious people do not take him seriously.

Finally, yeah, those fucking Pritzkers. Giving all that money to Northwestern for one of the very best hospitals in the world. What atrocity will these Jew bastards think of next?

MJ said...

"garage mahal said...
At least there is one reality based patriotic conservative here, Freeman Hunt, who loves her country"

This is about the 4th lefty I've seen posting this idiocy. So let's all take a good look at liberal nuance:

Manichaeism in the context of hosting the olympics is fine, because it's clearly impossible to have differing opinions.

Have you ever noticed when conservatives criticize liberals on policy the liberal response is to claim their patriotism has been questioned? They seem to think this out of bounds, even though their patriotism is virtually never actually challenged. And yet we see they feel quite comfortable explicitly questioning others patriotism over virtually anything.

Disgusting people.

Lexington Green said...

wrong song.


jayne_cobb said...

Original Mike,

Only three possibilities come to mind:

1) he's a true believer in Obama's abilities

2) he can't believe the President put himself out there without a guaranteed win

3) he can't believe Chicago went out so early

Personally I hope it is either the 2nd or 3rd option but can't shake the feeling that it's the 1st.

Automatic_Wing said...

MadMan - Is this the deal you're referring to? Sounds to me like the French, at least, aren't too impressed with Obama's can't-we-all-get-along rhetoric.

...the Frenchman mocked Mr Obama for the naivety of his "dreams" of eliminating nuclear weapons.

You know you're in trouble when the French don't take you seriously.

Anonymous said...

Maguro -- Here's my take on the French thing. The French are usually content to sit on the sidelines and snip imperiously at the United States precisely because they know that, if war breaks out, we will save their asses. When the French take the lead on something like this, it's actually a sign that they see substantial American weakness.

Cedarford said...

Seven Machos - I'd like to remind the rest of you what a racist prick he is, and that serious people do not take him seriously.

Finally, yeah, those fucking Pritzkers. Giving all that money to Northwestern for one of the very best hospitals in the world. What atrocity will these Jew bastards think of next?

You mean, between their indictments for banking fraud that magically went away? You mean, they give money to charity like Bernie Madoff did and half the NYC financiers complicit in the collapse of the US economy did??

Good, Seven Machos!

You defense is noted as a good tool, and you may return to your obsequious boot-licking.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good God. Cedarford believes that all bankers are Jews and blames Jewish people for the subprime mess. Interesting that he sticks in Madoff, who was not a banker and had nothing to do with the subprime mess.

Hilarious. Just so you know, dude, people here laugh at you. Everyone knows you are a frothing, raving, loony anti-Semite.

Anonymous said...

Rio is a lovely place.

Anonymous said...

I believe the French have agreed to process Uranium shipped from Iran to Russia (and then to France) that Iran can then use to generate power.

You keep saying it, but it's not quite true:

"Western officials at the session said the Islamic republic had also agreed to allow Russia to take some of its enriched uranium and enrich it to higher levels for its research reactor in Tehran, a potentially significant move that would show greater flexibility by both sides.

U.S. President Barack Obama noted the deal in comments on the meeting. But Mehdi Saffare, Iran's ambassador to Britain, and a member of the Iranian delegation at the talks told The Associated Press the issue had "not been discussed yet." Asked if Iran had accepted, he replied: "No, no!"


Anonymous said...

If Iran had a bomb and the United States did not and we were trying to make one, do you really think that we would allow inspectors in our country?

Inspection regimes will never, ever work. They are somewhat effective delayers at best and foolish at worst. Isn't this obvious?

Matt said...


You're missing the point of my comment. My point is that the IOC would actually [in theory] be receptive to Obama's politics. 'Florida' seemed to think the IOC was sitting around in committee upset that Obama would say such bad things about America.
The IOC is not a big fan of the USA - don't you know.

So I am not saying the Europeans are doing things in exchange for Obama's attitude. In fact, I would never say that. And based on what I wrote why would you think that? I was talking about the IOC not the European Union.
However what I am saying is that the Europeans like Obama better than Bush because he speaks the truth about America. He is willing to admit we have faults.

MadisonMan said...

Maguro, that headline makes me laugh, because I'm picturing them all in a shell on a lake.

rocketeer: Yes, that's what I've been reading, and maybe misinterpreting. I appreciate the fact that agreeing to something isn't actually doing it, but I'm happy to see things at least appear to move in the right direction. Time will tell what actually happens. I doubt any Olympic siting will matter.

Anonymous said...

Matt -- When did Bush say the United States is perfect? Which other countries have leaders who babble on about the various faults of their own countries.

You are silly and trivial. Well-meaning, though. And I guess that's something. How much do you look like Beavis's social studies teacher.

MadisonMan said...

I'm not sure where I got the french angle from. Something I read somewhere this morning, but I can't find it now.

Matt said...


You do realize your comment makes you sound anti-Semitic? Right?

And also who cares if people would stand to make a mint off of deals in Chicago? Do you blame Bush and his friends for real estate and oil deals in Texas? Of course not. Don't be hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford is a raving anti-Semite. Stark mad about it. Ignore him. I usually do, but occasionally I feel compelled to do battle.

Freeman Hunt said...

Obama sucks. I didn't vote for him.

But when Obama goes out on the international scene, he is the American President, and he represents us. I want him kicking ass out there. I want him having the fix in for us. I want people answering to him. I want him winning.

(Except on Honduras because enslaving a people violates moral law which ranks higher than patriotism.)

Irene said...

Headline on Drudge: "The Ego Has Landed."

garage mahal said...

You go girl!

Matt said...

Seven Machos

Man, people read into my stuff but always miss the point.

Here it is: One reason Conservatives dislike Obama is because he is willing to say America is not perfect. He is willing to admit that torture is wrong.

Bush probably never said we were perfect. And he may have been humble about America once or twice [I don't know]. But the perception is that Republicans never ever say bad things about America while Democrats always do.
So my comment was in regards to that perception.
Personally, I know America is not perfect and I disagree with a lot of our foreign policies. So when Obama admits we are not perfect I applaud. But that is because I know one can love America but still be skeptical of our government and its policies. Any thinking person would agree.

Not sure what reference you are citing. But, okay, whatever.

Steven said...

Obama went to bat for The USA. Nothing wrong with that. Some here simply cheer for other countries.

It's a victory for Chicago, for Illinois, and for the United States that the commerce-disrupting money sinkhole known as the Olympics is going elsewhere.

MadisonMan said...

This is a great story. Make sure you look at the video.

(Now, back to Obama)

Anonymous said...

But the perception is that Republicans never ever say bad things about America while Democrats always do.

No, dude, that's your perception. And, since it's wrong, it's your problem.

Do Republicans say bad things about our treatment of Honduras? Do they say bad things about the vast welfare state? About various social issues? Maybe you should consider being a bit more objective in your assessment of reality instead of just soaking up propaganda and buying into bland, broad stereotypes.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Brazil won because of their Ministry of Information.

Alex said...

Down with America!!!(only as long as Obama is POTUS).

Anonymous said...

Down with America!!!(only as long as Obama is POTUS).

That was the theme of Obama's UN speech, was it not?

Original Mike said...

Any thinking person would agree.

So, take THAT, Seven! [stick out tonque]

Shanna said...

I'm happy about this! Go Rio! The Olympics are so much more fun when they're somewhere else.

garage mahal said...

I'm sure all the Wisconsin conservatives in Wisconsin are rooting for the enemy, and hoping the Pack loses and traitor Favre wins. Ugh.

Unknown said...

Freeman Hunt said...

Obama sucks. I didn't vote for him.

But when Obama goes out on the international scene, he is the American President, and he represents us. I want him kicking ass out there. I want him having the fix in for us. I want people answering to him. I want him winning.

Does that include undercutting the people in Iran, or Poland or the Czechs, or putting this country in danger because of his Winnie the Pooh ideas of foreign policy?

Yes, we want any President to be admired and respected on the world stage, but it's a 2 way street. The President has to be on our side, not William Ayers' and Michael Moore's.

Matt said...

One reason Conservatives dislike Obama is because he is willing to say America is not perfect. He is willing to admit that torture is wrong.

No, he paints a picture of America as evil and shameful, slight difference, there.

As for the torture nonsense, anybody who goes through BUD/S is waterboarded. I'd be willing to bet the same holds true for Key West.

Caroline said...

I'm with Freeman. Call me self-interested, but I want my President to be a power broker on the world stage, not a "nice-guy" who everyone will allegedly love. Only naive dreamers, who think they are in a "reality-based" world instead of the actual, really-real world, think that's a possibility. Even though they won't admit it out loud, deep down in their reptile brains where fear lives, even the Euros don't want a pussy for President of the US. That's why Sarkozy is worried.

This incident is more proof that O's ego is his Achille's heel. He could've sent Hillary, but he was so cocksure of himself, and so wanted the glory when he got the bid for Chicago, that he took the unprecedented step of a sitting president going in person to make a bid for the Olympics. And he ending up looking like a fool.

Our adversaries can play to that weakness, to beat him. If we're lucky he learned something important from this.

former law student said...

MM -- I saw the dog story on the TV news, but I couldn't figure out how his family would have lost their home in so short a time. It was a heart-tugger, though.

Pablo Cruise (We've all had days like this):

[In a glubbing voice]"Hello Bill, this is Pablo."

"Where are you?"

{Glubbing voice]"I wont be able to make it today because I'm at the bottom of the pool."

"When my baby,
When my baby smiles at me
I go to Rio
De Janeiro..."

Freeman Hunt said...

Does that include undercutting the people in Iran, or Poland or the Czechs, or putting this country in danger because of his Winnie the Pooh ideas of foreign policy?

Like I wrote, he sucks. But wouldn't it be great if, despite his suckitude, our enemies were still quaking with fear and our allies were emboldened. I want people fearing him internationally. They don't now. He needs to man up and start winning.

Freeman Hunt said...

I want our enemies saying, "We hate that asshole," because they're scared of him. I want them saying, "Ugh! Of course the US would get the Olympics! Those jerks get whatever they want!"

Alex said...

Freeman - stop being delusional. Nobody is ever going to fear Barry. Heck, I don't think they ever feared Bush either. I think the last American president that anyone really stood and paid attention to was Ronaldus Magnus.

Darcy said...

Aww..crap. I gotta disappoint garage!

I didn't care about the Olympics. I mean, I love watching them, but I thought it was foolish to be putting so much effort/time into something like that at this time. So yeah, I don't mind him getting smacked down on it.

*sigh* Bad Darcy.

Unknown said...

Freeman Hunt said...

I want people fearing him internationally. They don't now. He needs to man up and start winning.

I want our enemies saying, "We hate that asshole," because they're scared of him. I want them saying, "Ugh! Of course the US would get the Olympics! Those jerks get whatever they want!"

I think respect is what we want. I agree our enemies need to know there is a price to be paid if they try to harm this country or its people, but fear and hate aren't that far apart. There's a difference between letting our intents be known and provocation. You don't run from a fight, but you don't go looking for one, either.

former law student said...

As for the torture nonsense, anybody who goes through BUD/S is waterboarded.

So, because North Korean POW torture techniques form part of training elite (more than 2/3 wash out) servicemen in top physical condition, it's OK to do it to our detainees? Because part of American exceptionalism is the proud belief we're no worse than the Commies?

Chennaul said...

What if they thought the fix was in-Axelrod's comments immediately afterward are not good-about how he has played hardball politics in Chicago but the IOC plays harder.

What his comment suggests is that they got played., and their effort to make it look like Obama rode in to save the bid at the last minute was -rescripted by someone else.

Really- did someone not do something that they promised to do?

The way the Obama Administration treats it's allies-with last minute notifications- perhaps what goes around comes around.

Liberals are getting a taste of what we have gone through when they cheered and seemed to rally around what they thought were losses for President Bush even if they were losses for the United States military.

Doesn't feel too good does it?

Losing the Olympics is nothing in comparison to what you seemed to lick your chops over as a defeat for Bush no matter what the cost to the war effort,etc.

I remember Liberals wanting to boycott everything just to make the economy tank because it would hurt Bush they ere that irrational.

And, as if on a day with a record unemployment rate that hasn't been seen in twenty-three years [-and which would probably be even more of a record had Clinton not changed the methodology in 1983] added with this denoument you would not be saying in effect-

Please stop bashing the President!

Difficult playing defense isn't it-but then any high school debating team knows that.

You've had an easy eight years taking shots from the sidelines with no responsibility, no accountability, and a party press the likes of PRAVDA .

Your calls and appeals for Gentlemen's Rules now are basically manipulations and lies to yourselves and others.

Alex said...

The world will never respect a groveling nation like the America. Nobody respects a groveling idiot.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think respect is what we want. I agree our enemies need to know there is a price to be paid if they try to harm this country or its people, but fear and hate aren't that far apart. There's a difference between letting our intents be known and provocation. You don't run from a fight, but you don't go looking for one, either.

I submit that when it comes to people who already want you dead, to fear is to respect.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Most of Rio is a lot safer than most of Chicago ;)

Matt said...

Seven Machos

Wait, wait, wait... LOL.
Surrreal planet here we come! I am a bit baffled that you want to argue this point since I am not making it as a value judgement against Republicans - or you.

Here is what I am trying to say. It seems to me that there is a perception [among some Republicans] that Democrats are considered bad guys [in Republican's eyes] because they often bad mouth America? Would you agree with that?

Also it seems to me that there is a perception [and it may be true] that Republicans are considered good guys [in Republican's eys] because they often say only good, patriot things about America. Would you agree with that?

Note I am being as objective as possible here. I love America and have no problem with patriotism. I have plenty of Republican friends too - so I'm not just making this all up.

So what I am saying is that a good number of Europeans that I know of and some who may be considered Anti-Americans tend to like Obama better than they did Bush. That is all I am saying. Period.
If you disagree that is okay. But I do not think this is only my perception.

I like Obama. But I know a good many Republicans who don't like him. And one reason is because they think he doesn't like America. True, that is not the same as being accepted by Europeans. But I know Europeans who hate America but love Obama. So that is part of my point too.

Now you mention Hondurus. Okay, you may be right on that one. But that is not part of the argument that I am making.

Freeman Hunt said...

For example, Imadinnerjacket should hate us. His interests are opposite our own. If he says, "I can work with this guy," what he means is "I can play this guy." If he hates you or is afraid of you, that's a good sign.

Alex said...

Freeman - if you understood how Iran works you'd know that Dinner Jacket is the Supreme Ayatollah's mouth piece for western audiences. The real power in Iran is the Supreme Ayatollah - but you should know that.

Freeman Hunt said...

If Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could have his name bent into Imadinnerjacket, I would mention him, but he loses on that score, so he doesn't get a mention.

Darcy said...

LOL, Freeman.

Chennaul said...

Alex only you an Anne Applebaum believe that anymore.

After the election-he showed that he fully backs him.

Applebaum should have lost all credibility when that happened after all her appeals for years to everybody that he was in control and more moderate.

Funny how she has just lately lost credibility.

Alex said...

madawaskan - if you know anything about how Iran is run you'd know that the President is a lackey for the Supreme Ayatollah. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Balfegor said...

Like I wrote, he sucks. But wouldn't it be great if, despite his suckitude, our enemies were still quaking with fear and our allies were emboldened. I want people fearing him internationally. They don't now. He needs to man up and start winning.

Yes . . . "I will do such things,—
What they are yet, I know not; but they shall be
The terrors of the earth."

Chennaul said...

Well if you think he's a moderate....

you might find yourself Applebaumed.

Darcy said...

Hee. madawaskan. :)

And yes, I should go to Rio (from the other thread)!

Unknown said...

former law student said...

As for the torture nonsense, anybody who goes through BUD/S is waterboarded.

So, because North Korean POW torture techniques form part of training elite (more than 2/3 wash out) servicemen in top physical condition, it's OK to do it to our detainees? Because part of American exceptionalism is the proud belief we're no worse than the Commies?

Once again, for those who came in late, nobody is hurt or even in danger during waterboarding, just scared. The torture nonsense was raised by people like Dick (and he is) Durbin and Teddy Kennedy (remember Mary Jo?) as one more straw man against the Bush '43 administration.

American exceptionalism (which you obviously despise) is that we're better, but our guys have to be ready for what the bad guys throw at them. And the washout rate for BUD/S (or SF or the Rangers) is quite high because men are pressed to their limit, not tortured.

As I say, nobody is hurt or even in danger in waterboarding - a far cry from what the Norks dish out.

Chennaul said...

Do you want to explain how your theory holds when liberals and moderates said that Mahmoud was only talking out of his hat-that Khamenei was not of the same opinion-that he was more moderate.

Yet -he's his sockpuppet?

Those two theories don't go together-

Why don't you just honestly defend your position-instead of essentially being dishonest?

[PS-Your moby act would work better if you toned it down a bit.]

Alex said...

madawaskan - actually my position is that Dinner Jacket represents the views of the Supreme Council of Iran. He is their mouthpiece, and yes they want Israel wiped off the map IF they could avoid being nuked in response.

Fred4Pres said...

Freeman, I did not vote for Obama either. But when the President screws up, we need to tell him he screwed up. When it looks lime he might do something stupid, we need to tell him "NO! Don't do that! It is stupid" When the President does something right, we need to thank him for doing it right. Regardless of party.

Republicans and conservatives did not do enough of that with President Bush (although they did on Harriet Miers). They should have done more of it when it came to spending.

Chennaul said...


The ultimate-or something!

Ooooh which reminds me the hockey-itsa startin' soon!

Man-something to distract me from the rest of the mess-not a moment too soon.

Darcy said...

I reminded you of hockey, madawaskan?
High compliment!

Jeremy said...

Upon being informed of the news, a gathering of conservatives at the Americans For Prosperity -- one of the main organizing groups behind the tea party protests -- erupted in applause. They cheered once more after they were told that Chicago had been eliminated during the first round of voting.

And I bet the local asshole wing nuts here every day did the same.

Disgusting and unAmerican.

Chennaul said...


Well gees your skills of diplomacy-comme Mr. Dinnerjacket-no?

I think you'd have more fun here if you played it straight-.


Jeremy said...

Fred - "But when the President screws up, we need to tell him he screwed up."

When the President of the United States tries to get the Olympics for America...you consider that a "screw up?"

You and the rest of the Obama-haters get dumber by the minute.

Chennaul said...


True-that and the fine art of diplomacy.

I learn a hell of a lot from you.

Speaking of which my gawd-look who showed up...

Im off!

Good luck!

Shanna said...

How many of these things have we been up for and lost in the past? It has to have happened before, right? This is mainly a big deal, politically, because Obama made a big deal out of it by going to Denmark, but other than that, Tokyo lost, Madrid lost...It's not that big of a deal on that score to me.

I mean, I'm glad Rio won only because Rio has never had it (we've had a bunch of times) and because I think the reporting is more entertaining when it's somewhere else. We can just concentrate on winning medals!

Jeremy said...

Alex - "IF they could avoid being nuked in response..."

Do you have any idea how many people live in Iran, dumbfuck?

Any idea how big the country is?

Any real idea of their military capabilities?

Any idea of how many other countries would support them...and not the Israelis?

Any idea of how an actual war would be fought if Iran were invaded...by anybody?

Of course not.

If you ever took the time to actually read up or research something, before posting inane comments, you'd already know how flat out stupid your comment really is.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Darcy Said...

I reminded you of hockey, madawaskan?
High compliment!

It's the missing teeth.

(Just kidding)

Freeman Hunt said...

But when the President screws up, we need to tell him he screwed up.

I agree 100%. He completely screwed up by inserting himself into this issue. Like I wrote before: Needless fail.

Jeremy said...

Shanna - Of course other countries have tried and lost...but the real point is this: Obama took a shot that took all of about 3 days out of his schedule and you have the wing nuts literally cheering America's (and of course, Obama's...but what else is new?) failure.

I can't imagine Reagan or even G.W. Bush taking a shot, and then having people on either side of the aisle video taping their collective approval of failure.

The world is watching and they must be dumbfounded by such a reaction of our own country's citizens.

It makes me sick.

Darcy said...

LOL, Ignorance.

And wow. Thanks, madawaskan.

Jeremy said...

"He completely screwed up by inserting himself into this issue."

He's the President of the United States.


Caroline said...

To clarify a point from my previous post- (if you didn't read it you can skip this too):

I believe a person can be powerful w/o being overtly threatening, through a combination of wits and competence. People will fear taking on the competent, because they know they likely cannot beat them. I had hopes for O in this regard (even though I didn't vote for him). But he is not winning me over in the competence arena.

And I don't equate powerful with necessarily unfair and/or unyielding. A competent leader will compromise when it is prudent to do so; but not simply because compromise is a virtue to him.

Freeman Hunt said...

He's the President of the United States.


Jeremy said...

madawaskan - You mean jerking off.

Alex said...


#1 - I'm proud to be anti-American if it hurts Fuhrer Barack

#2 - You are seriously deluded if you think Israel can't nuke Iran 10x over from multiple platforms(land, air, sea). Get educated, dumbass.

blake said...

ed sez: As for the torture nonsense, anybody who goes through BUD/S is waterboarded.

FLS sez: So, because North Korean POW torture techniques form part of training elite (more than 2/3 wash out) servicemen in top physical condition, it's OK to do it to our detainees? Because part of American exceptionalism is the proud belief we're no worse than the Commies?

You sort of refuted your own point there, FLS. We don't do what Korea does either in "torture" or "training".

So, obviously you know it's not okay and just as obviously you know the two situations aren't comparable (or you wouldn't have to have brought in Korea).

So, 10 out of 10 for refuting his rhetorical point, minus several million for proving what he meant.

Jeremy said...

Alex - "Fuhrer Barack"

Nice talk, little man.

And if you really think Israel can merely "nuke" Iran and walk away...you really need to take some time to read up damn near everything associated with warfare, and the real capabilities of weaponry.

Iran is almost 700,000 square miles and has approximately 75,000,000 citizens.

How many "nukes" would Israel need to handle something like that? And what would the environmental impact be? How many people would actually die or be effected for decades or even centuries?

Of course you would never even consider any of those factors. You're entire argument is based on knee-jerk idiocy.

You sound like an uneducated child.

Darcy said...


Every time I read the word "dumbass" I think of Jennifer Coolidge's character getting the best of her ex in "Legally Blonde". "Dumbass!"

Cracks me up.

Alex said...

Jeremy - Israel has a "Samson option" in place for the just the eventuality that it's needed. That's all I'm going to say on that - peabrain.

Shanna said...

Shanna - Of course other countries have tried and lost

But, haven't WE tried and lost before too? I'm sure that we have, but I haven't found any info, except that we've hosted 8 times, more than any other nation.

Obama took a shot that took all of about 3 days out of his schedule

And that was his choice. I think you can't talk about this without acknowledging he probably wanted to swing things for his buddies.

you have the wing nuts literally cheering America's (and of course, Obama's...but what else is new?) failure.

My point is it's not America's failure because it's not a big deal. We've still hosted this thing more than anybody else. It's not some huge evil anti-american sentiment to be happy that somebody else got a chance to host. This whole argument is silly.

Jeremy said...

Shanna - "he probably wanted to swing things for his buddies"

When you say "buddies," you mean Americans?

Or, is this your way of implying the entire effort was designed to help out one city in America?


Fred4Pres said...

Believe it or not, President Obama was trapped. The powers that be in Chicago wanted those games and they told Obama he needed to help get them. I know President Obama has a big ego, but he knows his powers of persuasion are limited. He hoped he could pull one out of the hat and did not. This epic fail was forced on him.

Which is scary that Chicago pols have this power over the President.

rhhardin said...

John Williamson Sydney 2000 (real audio from site) was my favorite Olympics music.

I don't know that Rio will have anything but basso nova bands.

Jeremy said...

Alex - I notice you didn't have the guts or expertise to explain how Israel's "nukes" would handle what I provided.

As for the "option" you throw out, it wouldn't alleviate Israel itself from being destroyed...would it? Getting a second shot doesn't mean shit if you die anyway.

Anybody who thinks a country the size of Israel, regardless of their military capabilities, can invade or "nuke" a country of Iran's size (without the full fledged support of America and most of Western Europe), considering the the number of people who live there, and their own military capabilities is an uneducated fool.

Of course we already know that about you, don't we?

Unknown said...

At the risk of playing Rodney King, can we all agree that Chicago's bad publicity of the last few days was something nobody could have overcome?

Jeremy said...

Fred - What is it with you idiots thinking Chicago is running the country?

Was Texas running the show with Bush?

California with Reagan?

Arkansas with Clinton?

Your logic is infantile.

Dasai said...

This is a real wingnut place and it bills itself as "moderate".

How interesting.

Dasai said...

Maybe if Chicago considered receding from the Union the IOC would of considered them.
You know considering that the IOC hates America and everything they may have respect for a place, like say Texas, who wants to quit the Union.

And Rick Perry is dreamy.

Jeremy said...

Obama took a shot and it was a long shot, but he made the pitch.

The whining and bitching here is exactly the same as it is every day...no matter what Obama says or does.

If we had gotten the Olympics, you would have just moved on to the next complaint.

Based on the horrible and sometimes disgusting comments her, I find it hard to believe most of the people here are even Americans.

Jeremy said...

"And Rick Perry is dreamy."

And his cousin is dead.

Penny said...

Not much of a sports fan here, but Rio makes all the sense in the world to me.

First, their Carnival hasn't been politicized like our Mardi Gras, and that is like friggin' FRESH meat to an omnivore press corp that thinks Jon and Kate Plus 8 is newsy.

Second, Brazil has an emerging economy which hasn't been noticed by the mainstream yet. It will be interesting to see how just how well this country can "ratchet up" their newly found power on the world stage.

Good luck, Brazil!

Show us ALL how you can party, and laugh and have fun while being very serious about capitalizing on this golden, world stage opportunity.

Damn, I think you can do this, and do it well.

Alex said...

If we had gotten the Olympics, you would have just moved on to the next complaint.

Yeah because getting the 2016 Olympics would have solved all these problems:

* 9.8% unemployment
* cratering auto industry
* obesity crisis
* health care reform
* exploding deficits

Yeah we have NO real issues to discuss except bashing St. Barack. Jeremy, stop being such a tool!

Penny said...

We DO have real issues as a nation, and you two knuckleheads, Alex and Jeremy, are a fine example of why we don't seem to be making any progress.

Look, I am sure you are both fine people. I honestly believe that, but enough with this tug of war. I dare you each to make a kindly remark about the other, and if you find yourself incapable, then go punch a pillow and come back tomorrow.

I suspect that if you both chose to stand forward, or back, from your political affiliations, we might all have something in common to talk about, or even laugh about...together!

Would be nice to see you two try.

Sorry I called you both knuckleheads. That was unkind and certainly not conducive to a good chat. I set a poor example, but will try to do better.

Revenant said...

Obama took a shot and it was a long shot, but he made the pitch.

I'm guessing Jeremy isn't much of a sports fan.

jayne_cobb said...


If Chuck Todd is to be believed then Daley was exerting a great deal of pressure on the WH:

TODD: But the biggest political loser here is Mayor Daley in Chicago. Nobody had more on the line than Mayor Daley. He was pushing this, this was his pet project. He's the one that just put so much pressure on the White House to get the President out there. He worked this White House, every contact he had here, harder than anybody.

Darcy said...

Nice try for Chuck Todd.

Daley is the loser? He yanks the President around like a puppet, makes him look like a fool, and Daley is the loser? LOL. The Legacy Media is moronic.

Matt said...

Freeman Hunt

[Obama]completely screwed up by inserting himself into this issue. Like I wrote before: Needless fail.

Almost every head of state inserted themselves in some way into this issue because they all want the Olympics. What's wrong with that? It's a no harm, no foul.

Inserting himself neither hurt nor helped the situation. But he made his pitch. Good for him. I would have expected Bush to do the same.

The only reason this is an issue is because the Republicans want to see Obama fail. So they are gleeful. It's odd, perhaps. But I would not expect Republicans to rise above it. Most Democrats are the same. Nay, most Americans are the same. Nay, most humans are the same....

What a predictable species we are.

Alex said...

Penny - please don't patronize me. Jeremy is a known troll and should be ignored.

Fred4Pres said...

Matt--when is the last time you saw a U.S. President shilling for the Olympics?

Shanna said...

Or, is this your way of implying the entire effort was designed to help out one city in America?

Well, uh, yes. That city was Chicago. Try to keep up.

Penny said...

Alex, I wasn't patronizing you OR Jeremy, even though I might have been harsher than I would like to be generally.

"Troll", to me, is an idiotic internet meme whose day has well passed most of us by, and that is a wonderful thing. Most don't live here on the internet.

Unfortunately, it seems to be taking on a newer and EVEN nastier connotation...

If you don't think like ME and mine, you MUST be a troll!

Well, I don't think like you or Jeremy either.

While the two of you go on and on about what you cannot agree on, I notice how the two of you are EXACTLY THE SAME...only different.

I am not patronizing either one of you. Just noting the similarities that I hope some day the two of you will notice, and build on in some positive way.

Not pretending to be "one above", here. Just someone who thinks we have some mountains to climb as a nation, and that we are more than capable of doing that if we know we are climbing the Grand Tetons instead of Bunker Hill.

Jeremy said...

Shanna said..."Well, uh, yes. That city was Chicago. Try to keep up."

So, you ARE as dumb as I thought.


Jeremy said...

Disagree - troll.

Agree - wing nut.

Discussion - forget it.

Anonymous said...

Matt -- Re: your post about perceptions...I certainly see your point, to a point. Moreover, there are people on the right who think that leftists don't love America. They're wrong, or no more right than leftists who say that people on the right hate America.

But take a wholly different example: why were Larry Craig and John Edwards treated dramatically differently? Here we have two men who do things that suggest they are having adulterous affairs. One is lambasted. The other is covered up for so much that the National Enquirer (for Christ's sake!) has to break the story.

It must be because people view righties as somehow more wrong when they are sexually deviant. (Deviant isn't the right word, but it will do on the fly; work with me.) Why? Now consider why people -- even you, in some unconscious way -- are invested in the perception that righties are more patriotic.

My point is that political stereotypes are bullshit and a ticket to a partisan void. And there are plenty to go around.

Jeremy said...

I really have a tough time not thinking much of the whining and bitching here is not related to race.

Never, have I heard such ridiculous criticisms of a President or any politician for that matter like what I here and elsewhere from the wing nut crowd.

Between the birthers, the idiots who say Obama is a Muslim or a Marxist or a Communist or intimating that he's not protecting our country (Cheney & Company) or the incredible celebration of not getting the Olympics it's hard not to see where much of this is coming from.

Being a closet racist is no better than being overt...and that's exactly what I think many here are. (You're not real big on gays either.)

I find most here to be disgusting anti-American whiners who epitomize where the GOP is today.

Jeremy said...

Seven - "My point is that political stereotypes are bullshit and a ticket to a partisan void. And there are plenty to go around."

Yet you constantly refer to those with whom you disagree as "leftists," "socialists," Marxists," "Communists," or trolls.

You're full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy -- That's okay. Nobody here thinks anything of you. Everyone hates you. Next to you, Cedarford is a prince. At least he writes well.

Alex said...

Jeremy's losing it. Wacists!!! All of you!!! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about I'll call you a Whambulance JeremyTroll? :-)

Anonymous said...

I do generally refer to people I disagree with leftists, because that's what they usually are. Rarely do I throw around those other terms.

You, you don't rise to the level of leftist. You are more of a useless twatty troll. Hated by everyone.

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