২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০০৯

"President Obama will almost certainly not travel to the Copenhagen climate change summit in December..."

"...and may instead use his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech to set out US environmental goals..."

Ha ha. Yeah. Screw Copenhagen. The presence will be bestowed upon the country that has displayed its obeisance to the man.

Anyway, how can there be a big climate change conference that everyone must fly to? If the situation is really so dire, why don't they video-conference? How big is the carbon footprint of a presidential overseas trip — or a presidential trip anywhere? Honestly, the man is set up to do his job in the White House, and he's well protected there: Why does he ever leave that place? Ditto for all the other world leaders. Why are we supposed to cut back when they do not?

৩৪টি মন্তব্য:

AllenS বলেছেন...

Good point, Professor. There's also no reason at all, to let Biden out of the basement.

WV: tablu

Barney Frank pronouncing taboo.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Ann said...

Anyway, how can there be a big climate change conference that everyone must fly to?

It's never stopped the UN bigs before. But I do think you broke the code.

Beth বলেছেন...

Why are we supposed to cut back when they do not?

Good question. I'll add it to my list, right after "why is it okay for my taxes to pay for their gold-plated health insurance?"

Anonymous Patriot বলেছেন...

The truly scary thing is the Copenhagen Treaty on climate change proposed for the December meeting and its potential for ceding of US sovereignty.

Lord Monckton has sounded the alarm:


Actually, I would love Obama to sign this. The ratification of it in the Senate would be fascinating.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Travel restrictions are for the little people...

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Pre-emptive comment: And you a liberal law professor!

Go Phils!

wv = exinati =an excellent tic tax toe player

bearbee বলেছেন...

I'll add it to my list, right after "why is it okay for my taxes to pay for their gold-plated health insurance?"

AND why is okay for 'reform' to apply to me but NOT to them?

SteveR বলেছেন...

They are always willing to come across as hypocrites for our benefit.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Having environmental goals is the free enterprise hat trick, after destroying incentives to capital and the rule of contract law in the US.

A tradition of afternoon siestas will grow to replace them, bringing in world peace.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Why are we supposed to cut back when they do not?

Surely you jest.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The provinces of the European Union, such as Great Britain and France and Germany and Italy, surely understand that the Emperor is of the purple class that is higher than them in honors and in power. The only question that Obama is framing for Brown, Sarkhosy, Berlesconni et al. to answer is who is their Emperor. So we should not expect to see obeisance of status flow from The Obama to a mere group of Eurpoean politicical leaders, but only the other way around. I for one am proud that the Overlord of Lords is an American promising peace, peace, and whose smiling face loves everyone so much that he is still willing to suffer the slings and arrows from rebellious Americans until he finally ascends to his World Judgement Seat. Obama is not your usual Geo. Washington type.

miller বলেছেন...

I for one am happy to be serving my new imperial overlords.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Yes, screw Copenhagen. I always presrred Skoal myself.

Jason (the commenter) বলেছেন...

He should accept the Nobel after jumping over a shark tank on water skis.

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

How big is the carbon footprint of a presidential overseas trip — or a presidential trip anywhere?

500-1,000 people and 5-6 planes

moving 4 cars, perhaps 2 helicopters, what amounts to a satellite signal company, a maintenance company, 100 Secret Service, 200 press and 200 staff

figure a C5, a C17, a 747 and 2 767's

Bissage বলেছেন...

(1) Why on Earth would anyone pass up a chance to go to Copenhagen?

(2) Salty old queen of the sea?

(3) Go Phils!

former law student বলেছেন...

People, people, how soon you've forgotten

The last time Obama went to Copenhagen, things turned out rotten.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Why are we supposed to cut back when they do not?

For the same reason that if you cheat on your taxes you go to jail, but Tim Geithner does not go to jail: You are a prole.

You are to do as the betters you voted into office tell you to and you are to shut up about it.

Quit your bitching, Ann. You and your friends elected these people to govern you.

careen বলেছেন...

Why are they not expected to cut back when we are?

Because that is essence of their vision. They vector off in personal jets and enjoy big fat diplomat dinners in Geneva whilst Saving The World.

We enjoy the benefits of their control freak micromanaging planning that mandates public transport on a permanent closed loop going from the workplace to the mall to the municipal Cultural Center and back.

The third world makes do with huts made out of repurposed tired with NPR beamed in by intermittent wireless powered by squirrels and davens to the elites in gratitude for their New Utopia.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

So....doesn't all this pomp and circumstance at the expense of the commoners/taxpayers remind you of the "Royal Progresses" that were done during the Middle Ages and even unto Henry the VIII times?

The King and Queen and their entire useless entourage would move from one feudal land owner to another and descend like a host of locusts. Eating the poor Knight or Baron out of house and home: depleting all the reserves of food and other things needed to tide the landowner and his serfs for the coming winter.

Once the "Royals" had decimated the so called fortunate lesser noble, they were off to the next place. The poor landowner couldn't refuse the honor. Some even tried to claim illness, smallpox or something else to avoid the honor.

I'm seriously beginning to feel like a serf. Working so I can support the lavish lifestyle of King and Queen Obama and all the toady suck ups they drag around the world with them. Royal Progress...indeed.

therandomelectron বলেছেন...


Bingo. There is a climate conference every other week and these tree-huggers just can't miss any of them. I will drop my skepticism when I see the Goracle not give the same speech he has been giving for 10 years in New Zealand every other month.

Gabriel Hanna বলেছেন...


They're doing IMPORTANT things. Whatever it is you want to fly to can't be as important as flying to Copenhagen for a conference on greenhouse emissions.

YOU can't drive an SUV, but people in government NEED them. Etc, etc.

Remember when they were defending all of Al Gore's travel? He's SAVING THE PLANET. He's IMPORTANT.

It is infuriating.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Why are we supposed to cut back when they do not?

Because we can't print money at will.

VegasGuy বলেছেন...

Obama isn't going to Copenhagen because it's already a massive failure and the conference hasn't even started. China and India have openly told the global environuts to take a hike, rendering the grand scheme little more than a dirty joke. Obie opts as usual for friendlier climes where he can bask in the special glow of self.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Before the election I remember reading that Obama was easily bored. State Senate was a boring job (personally, I can see that), and even US Senate was boring.

Maybe that's why he delegates so much to Harry/Nancy. The details are just too boring.

JAL বলেছেন...

FLS The last time Obama went to Copenhagen, things turned out rotten.

And even if he doesn't go personally, the plans in the works for the developed world are rotten.

These people have a death wish. And no imagination.

I used to think it was going to be a long 4 years.

I seriously cannot believe that Teh Won could do so much damage in such a small amount of time.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Why bitch about the fact that he's taking so many people and using so much fossil fuel?

The really important issue is that the Obama's have a family pet dog. This is a horrible thumb in the eye of the planet.

They need a presidential chicken coup.

Howard বলেছেন...

Typical law-yer diversion. One does not have anything to do with the other. They are full of crap for other concrete scientifically justified reasons. The fact that they are well fatted high level functionaries is besides the point.

Are you really that shallow and stupid or is it all about hitting the Insty traffic?

Ralph L বলেছেন...

It's always rotten in Denmark.

Robert W. বলেছেন...

Follow the Money: http://warofillusions.wordpress.com/2009/03/30/obama-maurice-strong-al-gore-key-players-cashing-in-on-chicago-climate-exchange

dementofan বলেছেন...

Anyway, how can there be a big climate change conference that everyone must fly to? If the situation is really so dire, why don't they video-conference?

Surely Al Gore, the guy who invented the internet, could take care of that, right?

sonicfrog বলেছেন...

Anyway, how can there be a big climate change conference that everyone must fly to? If the situation is really so dire, why don't they video-conference? How big is the carbon footprint of a presidential overseas trip — or a presidential trip anywhere?

I've been asking this basic question for the last seven years!

Oh, and 350 Day was GAY!

Jim Treacher বলেছেন...

How is he supposed to be a rock star if he doesn't tour?

Usman Ali বলেছেন...

I am commenting here to convey your message to the president.