October 5, 2009

Marty Peretz on the President's narcissism.

"What I suspect is that the president is probably a clinical narcissist. This is not necessarily a bad condition if one maintains for oneself what the psychiatrists call an 'optimal margin of illusion,' that is, the margin of hope that allows you to work. But what if his narcissism blinds him to the issues and problems in the world and the inveterate foes of the nation that are not susceptible to his charms?"

Poor Obama! All his life people projected their hopes onto him and he learned how to step up and be a bright clear screen for these projections. What looks like narcissism is, perhaps, the realism that develops when you are immersed in an environment that is so persistently and consistently distorted to give you the feedback that you are magnificently and magically effective through your sheer presence.

The man who voted present and became President is tragically — touchingly — flawed.

ADDED (after an emailed suggestion): We're Always Touched by Your Presence, Dear President.


Rialby said...

Watch for Montana Urban Legend to appear ranting in 1...2...3...

Original Mike said...

Count me as one of the untouched.

former law student said...

Like this cartoon guy, Marty Peretz might want to plug some of the holes in his analysis:


Leland said...

What looks like narcissism is, perhaps, the realism that develops when you are immersed in an environment that is so persistently and consistently distorted to give you the feedback that you are magnificently and magically effective through your sheer presence.

Judging by body langauge, I don't think Michelle fits the description.

robinintn said...

Yeah I'm touched. With revulsion.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"persistently and consistently distorted to give you the feedback that you are magnificently and magically effective through your sheer presence."

That is what many of us do for you too you know. Heh.

wv = mabirri

miller said...

Oh, to be his mirror!

Triangle Man said...

Open your copies of the DSM-IV to "Personality Disorders" and let's diagnose everyone!

Prosqtor said...

The use of "presence" and "touchingly" by Ms. Althouse brought this Blondie song to mind:

"(I'm Always Touched) By Your Presence Dear"

Was it destiny
I don't know yet
Was it just by chance? Could this be Kismet?
Something in my consciousness told me you'd appear
Now I'm always touched by your presence dear
When we play at cards you use an extra sense (it's really not cheating)
You can read my hand, I've got no defence
When you sent your messages whispered loud and clear
I am always touched by your presence dear
Floating past the evidence of possibilities
We could navigate together, psychic frequencies
Coming into contact with outer entities
We could entertain each one with our theosophies

Stay awake at night and count your R.E.M.'s when you're talking with your super friends
Levitating lovers in the secret stratosphere
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear, dear, dear, dear, dear

bearbee said...

Barack Obama - Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?

Graham Powell said...

I wasn't really wild about efforts to psychoanalyze Bush, and I'm not much more excited to see the same for Obama. We don't really know the guy!

Roger J. said...

What Graham Powell said--While I do believe Mr. Obama is an idiot, it blows me away that pundits who have no expertise whatsoever make these sweeping psychological observations.

Shanna said...

I wouldn't generally think of narcissism as a "touching" flaw.

ricpic said...

Peretz agonizes for Obama. Does Obama agonize for Obama? Not if he's a narcissist. It's all good. Every time he opens his mouth it's all good. All this touching concern that Obama be effective. But Obama is effective. By his lights the destruction of America is proceeding right on schedule. The greater the destruction the greater Dear Leader glows.

Unknown said...

I think this sounds more like a sociopath.

WV "noolde" Old English for new release

tjl said...

"Touching" is hardly the word for it. Narcissism on O's level is unpleasant to watch, especially since his media omnipresence means we have to watch so much of him. And that's just on the level of simple aesthetics.
But a narcissistic leader is bothersome for other reasons than just eye-rolling. A leader who believes his power depends on some special magnetic transcendent aura that only he possesses is prone to excesses that mere mortals would avoid.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It will be interesting to see Obama's rage and anger when Congress wusses out and fails to approve all his far left, socialist ideas.

Joe the Plumber must love being vindicated.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Said Roger: it blows me away that pundits who have no expertise whatsoever make these sweeping psychological observations.

Well, here then if this will make you feel better An expert in the field. Let's just hope he isn't a "malignant narcissist.

Chris said...

"What looks like narcissism is, perhaps, the realism that develops when you are immersed in an environment that is so persistently and consistently distorted to give you the feedback that you are magnificently and magically effective through your sheer presence."

Obama as Zaphod Beeblebrox. In a universe created just for him. The Total Perspective Vortex will simply tell him what he's known all along: that's he's the most important person in it.

Original Mike said...

While I do believe Mr. Obama is an idiot

Do you have the professional credentials to be making such an assertion, Roger?

DADvocate said...

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel!
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Oh Boy! The misuses of psychology.

If only the label were accurate and not just a way for people who feel entitled to an opinion to put down someone who happens to be correct on the facts, popularly supported, and confident about it.

Watch for Rialby to say nothing meaningful in 1...2...3... Oh wait! He's already broken away from the workday to start babbling.

I guess it's not like I should expect some douchebag in "marketing and advertising" to pay attention to anything other than image - his own or Obama's. No facts necessary for the marketing man.

Moving right along.

Anonymous said...

According to Bearbee's link, Obama's father died in a car wreck. I did not know that.

Isn't it interesting that the two Democratic presidents many people call narcissistic (Obama and Clinton) had fathers who died in car wrecks?

Of course, it's also pretty interesting that two of our last three presidents had fathers die in car wrecks.

Crimso said...

"Oh Boy! The misuses of psychology."

Plenty of that to go around. Just ask the "bitter clingers."

I'm Full of Soup said...

I seem to recall Obama's father was an alcoholic. He lost his legs in one car wreck then was killed in another car wreck, I think.

Anonymous said...

He's already broken away from the workday to start babbling.

At least he has a job. Unlike some people who come here and babble.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...and the inveterate foes of the nation that are not susceptible to his charms?

Apparently the inveterate foes of the nation are susceptible to his charms. That's why they voted for him.

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

DBQ--I guess I should have added actual experience in interviewing the individual whom you intend to diagnose--I have no doubt a psychologist can perform an "arm chair" analysis--happend with bush all the time. But a reputable health practitioner (Psychiatrist or Psychologist) cannot render a good evaluation without interviews, testing and the like.

I am not saying Obama isnt a fool--I just think the assignment of DSM-IV diagnoses absent detailed testing is a major misuse of the field.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

An "expert in (their) field" doesn't offer a professional opinion (which they actually sort of absolved themselves of) under a nickname, of a politician, in a partisan political rag, in the same piece where they outwardly declare their biases toward the subject.

Plus, it was long on speculation, short on signs and symptoms. The terminology used for the condition is outdated. In fact, any indication that the author knows what she's talking about seems nearly intentionally obscured.

Althouse just likes making waves. And Peretz obviously doesn't have a clue as to what he's talking about. I can forgive Bunny (who doesn't have Althouse's notoriety) for linking to someone desperate enough to fuel her own desperation on the matter. But to quote Peretz like that in the original post is pretty irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

Marty Peretz: that loony fringe conservative. How irresponsible, Althouse!

Roger J. said...

Original Mike--Yes, if I am referring to the effects of his judgments, priorities, policies and proposals (how he is doing his job)--No, if I was using the term "idiot" to denote an IQ in the second or third standard deviation to the left which I was not.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

At least he has a job. Unlike some people who come here and babble.

Is this a lawyer thing? What is it with the complete aversion to any factual evidence or any interest in objectivity in favor of just making shit up?

I went in to work at 7 this morning, and left by 4. A heavier day than Machos, I'd guess. Hence the timing of the post, which records comments in CST, or one hour behind the EST zone in which I reside.

Any other details regarding my life history that you care to make up, Machos? Or is employment status the only one you feel you need to falsify? Does it make you feel better about yourself to fabricate things about other people? How about educational history? Place of birth? Am I lying about that? Was I secretly born in Kenya?


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Apparently Machos equates "doesn't have a clue as to what he's talking about" with "loony fringe conservative". I guess that says something about Machos' ideas about politics and writing.

blake said...

Narcissism isn't usually considered a "touching" flaw, no. It's sort of touching that Althouse sees it that way.

What's interesting to me is how much this meme seems to be spreading and sticking. "Narcissist" seems to hit home with folks.

There's irony there, isn't there? Millions of people lavish adoring praise on this guy, but he's the one the problem.

Independent of him having a problem, his enablers are legion.

traditionalguy said...

The funny thing about Presisent Obama is that he is not a half the narcissist that John Edwards appears to be.In Obama's case he has a core of reality under his many disguises. The self love in Obama's case seems to be subservient to a principle of serving the needs of the down and out. Yet his only experience of any success has been as a race relations harmonizer among the elites and religions in Chicago. Now he is in way over his head. The owners of private property in America may not lie down and surrender all that they have just to make lives of the down and out people easy. Life is only easy to the owner of his own labor production who works hard every day and hires lawyers to protect him from the other crabs in the crab bucket. Selling people any other fantasy is a terrible deception.As is the deception that he can trick Moslems into peace with anyone, Jews, Sunnis, Shias, Coptics, Christians or whatever group they plan to Convert by the Sword next. His ineptitude that keeps repeating itself will cause the Chinese to take charge of things themselves, not that they want to do that yet.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

If "bitter clingers" is a DSM-listed diagnosis then I guess you partisans are in worse shape than anyone realized.

SteveR said...

I had him figured a long time ago. This analysis is pepole who thought he was something special trying to explain their bad judgement.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

What's interesting to me is how much this meme seems to be spreading and sticking. "Narcissist" seems to hit home with folks.

What's interesting is how utterly ignorant it is. A complete reversal of the actual reality. Narcissists tend to have severe problems maintaining long-term relationships and lack the empathy that Obama has.

There's irony there, isn't there? Millions of people lavish adoring praise on this guy, but he's the one the problem.

You guys seem to be having an thing for writing ironic (or backwards) scripts. But hey, they're your scripts. Enjoy them.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Do you ever have any of your own thoughts, Rialby?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Hey! Look at me! I'm Rialby! I'm so cool! I'm so suave! I just stand with my arms folded behind my back, in a gangster's suit and hat from six decades ago pretending I'm the next Don Draper!

I don't need any thoughts. I am Rialby. My image is all that is necessary.

Which is ironic given that this is the precise narrative you guys have of Obama.

Titus said...

My beautiful Indian/British husband told me that when he was 13-14 he jerked off for the first time and jerked off while watching two dogs doing it.

I told him that sounded weird and he told me that it was normal and he had heard of other people doing that.

This was 20 years ago but it still leaves me a little disturbed.

How would you respond to this?

Do I need to shelter the rare clumbers from this potential bestialist?

yashu said...

This is the man who gave as a gift to the Queen of the UK an ipod stocked with his own speeches.

victoria said...

Which president or presidential candidate isn't or wasn't. They are all narcissistic. Duh. Add to that the pundits. Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly and Olberman. The only one who seems to have escaped it is Rachel Maddow and Shep Smith. Great pundits, easy to listen to.

Titus said...

I asked all of my friends and none of them ever jerked off watching dogs or any other animal.

I consider myself fairly open minded, and take into consideration that he was a boy, but still I find it a little difficult to comprehend.

Another issue we are having is that when we "sleep" together we actually don't get any sleep because we are touching each other all night. As a result I am sleep depraved and it fucks up my schedule big time. I should we handle this?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Narcissistic traits are extremely common in politicians, lawyers, physicians, CEOs, etc., etc., etc.

However, the difference between narcissistic traits and pathological narcissism is not clear to Obama's detractors. Nor does it need to matter to them. Like many other things.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see that Montana now agrees that Obama is a narcissist. Obama is, after all, a politician and a lawyer.

Hey, anything to score points in the cosmic blog thread insult game. No doubt, you are winning. Go, dude! Roll 'em up!

Joe said...

Obama lacks the personality to be a narcissist.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Do you even need me to insult you in order to point out the idiocy of your comment?

First, you neglected to draw the distinction I pointed out between traits and a disease.

Second, you neglected to differentiate between what is (more) common in a group and what necessarily applies to all members of a group.

Did you seriously mean to do this?

Insults are easy to avoid when you don't say intentionally stupid things.

Graham Powell said...

Narcissism isn't usually considered a "touching" flaw, no. It's sort of touching that Althouse sees it that way.

Ann, be sure to use the sarcasm font next time.

I don't see how anyone could read that last line in Ann's post without seeing that she's lacerating Peretz.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Lacerating Peretz for the way his impressions of Obama as a candidate don't match his characterization of him in the column is not the same thing as pointing out that Peretz's characterization is erroneous at best, irresponsible at worst.

Titus said...

Hello, my boyfriend jerked off watching dogs do it when he was 14.

Can I get a little support from you people.

A little compassion would be greatly appreciated.

blake said...

Actually, when the Soviet (there's an ironic term) Union threw some poor slob in a gulag, they didn't just throw him in there, first they pronounced him insane.

The simple logic being, the state always wins, therefore if you oppose the state, you're insane.

Compare and contrast with recent attempts to brand conservatism as insane.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I think most reasoned criticisms of conservatism today aren't so much that it has become insane as that it has become something other than conservative.

A base is a base is a base. It cannot be argued with. It cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be debated. But the ideological poo-bahs and intellects who define what conservatism is are clearly split between those who are wary of becoming too populist and those who embrace populism full throttle and brook no dissent.

Most of the conservative readership of this blog seems to legitimize one and not the other.

Chennaul said...

I guess now his fantasy is complete.

From observer to participant!


Anonymous said...

Which kind of conservative is Marty Peretz?

Chennaul said...

Imagine that yeaaargh-Howard Dean style if you will.

Chennaul said...

Marty is the kind of conservative that backed Al Gore-[and Obama.]

When an Al Gore supporter says you might be a narcissist..

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Which kind of conservative is Marty Peretz?

I'm sorry. What does this have to do with what anyone was saying?

I have to get some nachos. For real.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The Free Encyclopedia says Peretz is a hawk with libertarian views on economics.

Sounds pretty conservative according the American definition of the word.

tim maguire said...

Is there any politician above the local level who isn't a narcissist?

It's practically part of the job description for presidents. Never mind what kind of person would want to be president, what kind of person thinks the country needs him to be president?

Anonymous said...

Well, if a source as authoritative as the Free Encyclopedia calls Martin Peretz a conservative, then it must be true. It's not like Peretz works for a highly respected leftist magazine or anything like that. So how could such a source be maligned?

Oh well, at least Montana isn't bringing Wikipedia to us to show how Jimmy Carter wasn't an abject failure of a president. Yes. That happened.

In his own sorry way, I believe this clown has taken a small step forward.

Rialby said...

MUL, you've beclowned yourself again.

Phil 314 said...

While not a psychiatrist I do have a passable working knowledge of DSM-IV. BO isn't a narcissistic personality. (and I won't read the article to see his points.)

As previously mentioned, John Edwards does have some characteristics of a narcissist. As does Spitzer and my old time favorite Gary Hart. (No you don't have to have multiple sexual affairs.) Anyway...

garage mahal said...

Only Democrats are narcissists, I've noticed. And also only Democrats' sex lives are interesting to talk about.

Chennaul said...

Well dang it-out with it.

How to spot a narcissist?

I like to avoid those people like the plague.

All I know is-sense of entitlement, and lack of empathy.....

If there is a cheaper way to spot these a-holes please share.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Garage, no one has talked about the sex lives of Republicans. Except that South Carolina governor and Larry Craig and Sarah Palin's kids and Mark Foley and Jack Ryan and the president of Hillsdale College.

Except for those people, in the last few years, just to name a few. Except for those people, it's all Democrats.

Do you fail on purpose?

Chennaul said...

Or how about this-

How do you know Obama is not a narcissist?

blake said...


You're right, Graham. I blew past it too fast and read it earnestly. Now I don't see how.

Bruce Hayden said...

I agree with many of the posters above that while President Obama may have problems (we all do), this is not really one of his, esp. when compared to John Edwards, Gary Hart, and, yes, Bill Clinton.

But the person we probably should be analyzing is Titus here. Is he overly narcissistic? But then, is it realistic to apply standards from the general public to him, as the Gay community has a reputation of being more narcissistic than the straight community (though all those examples above are straight).

But, getting back to Titus, is his repeated request that we help him with his relationship with his husband somehow an indication of narcissism?

Of course, we really don't know if this persona of his is real, or just something he does for our benefit (and, yes, after you get used to it, our enjoyment). I often suspect the later. But regardless, it is the screen persona that is of interest here.

Ralph L said...

IIRC, BHO, Sr. and William Jefferson Blythe, Sr. were both bigamists (or tom cats) with children by at least 3 different women. Both presidents' mothers left them with their grandparents for some time.

traditionalguy said...

M U L...The Peretz article is a cheap shot, so sue the wingnuts. But what have you got against populism? The need to get elected is based upon a populism unless some triangulater can peel away a group here or there. The GOP needs to peel away some intellectuals who see that Obama is losing his way...so tell them he is a narcicist and that sounds to them like a NPR big word. The Demonrats will try to make any GOP candidate seem anti-Christian to peel away some Gop values voters, like Romney being a scary Mormon. The trouble will be peeling away Palin lovers with the "She is a dumb Illiterate " meme. She does too well on TV to believe that one for long...unless only Tina Fey skits are allowed to run on the Government Media.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Of course Obama is a narcissistic personality. You almost have to be one to be into politics.

And as to FLS (I think said this) that he couldn't be one because he has empathy....wrong.....some of the biggest sociopaths and con men around are great at faking empathy and other human emotions.

I actually think that he is narcissist to some level given the me Me ME focus of all of his speeches and the obvious irritation when things don't do his way or he is asked hard questions.

A true sociopath or severe narcissist would be able to fake it better. Obama is a rank amateur compared to some con men and con women I have met in my career and that includes some top producing stock brokers that I have worked with.

Phil 314 said...

Only Democrats are narcissists, I've noticed. And also only Democrats' sex lives are interesting to talk about.
Machos beat me to the punch but maybe you're on to something. Maybe its just that Democratic sex is just more exciting and that Republican sex is well....kinda boring... you know missionary position (except Larry) and all that...
just sayin'

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Machos lives in the moment to such an extent that he believes however the right-left divide is currently split, is the way it has always been.

His ignorance of history allows him to use terms like "leftist" as if that obviates the fact that Peretz's hawkishness (not a traditionally conservative position) or economic libertarianism (traditionally a "liberal" position) makes him a conservative today when in the past these were positions that were properly recognized as "liberal".

Did clowns in the past look like the clowns you emulate today, Machos?

You are utterly ignorant of history. Peretz was born long before idiots like Machos could come along and define history according to the moment. Too bad that he can't.

I'd say you're too clever by half but even that's a generous way of putting it.

Everything that comes out of Machos' keyboard reveals more ignorance than anyone with a brain would have ever thought possible.

Keep the faith, Machos. Lord knows the knowledge thing ain't working for you. Too bad brains aren't available for sale on eBay. Some things money just can't buy.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I don't necessarily have anything against populism, TG. I'm just trying to attempt accurate definitions and explanations for the sake of people who woke up yesterday, watched an episode or two of Crossfire or Hannity and Colmes, and came to believe that American politics and political positions are fixed things that never change. But it looks like that's a lost cause.

If I were a conservative I would be stunned that someone as stupid and inattentive as Machos believes he can call the shots on what is and what isn't conservatism, or any other ism for that matter. He is a boneheaded curse on any sane discussion of politics. Even rabid pundits like Bob Novak and ardent partisans like McLaughlin would have known better than to expound as ignorantly as Machos does. I used to think Novak was bad. But Novak apparently gave way to Hannity, who gave way to the know-nothings like Machos who are left to rally around him.

If Machos is representative of the base that animates conservative populism then good luck. He can't even argue his way out of the positions he forgot he argued last week. No wonder he doesn't even actively practice law. It's like he has a severe memory problem and cognitive deficit. He's worse than the short-term memory guy that Tom Hanks played on SNL.

Caroline said...

Obama needs the fabled slave whispering in his ear, reminding him that he is merely a mortal, and that all glory is fleeting.

And he needs a better speech writer. His current writer seems to love O as much as he loves himself.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Just for the sake of beclowning a true clown:

Well, if a source as authoritative as the Free Encyclopedia calls William Safire a conservative, then it must be true. It's not like Safire works for a highly respected leftist magazine or anything like that. So how could such a source be maligned?

Or, we could try it this way:

Well, if a source as authoritative as the Free Encyclopedia calls David Brooks or Bill Kristol a conservative, then it must be true. It's not like Brooks works (or Kristol worked) for a highly respected leftist magazine or anything like that. So how could such a source be maligned?

Apparently Machos was born after the existence of such things as opposition editorials. Even though Bill Kristol wrote for the NYT... well, just last year as I recall.

I guess it must be his severe memory and cognitive deficit. Even the concept of opposing viewpoints in a publication is foreign to him.

(P.S. I know these are very facile point, but I'm betting that Machos doesn't understand the difference between working for a magazine and editorial control. His comment sure seems to indicate as much. And many other things as well).

I'm Full of Soup said...


Chill. Peretz supported Obama's candidacy, and is a big buddy of Al Gore.

He is a liberal dem except he is a hawk when it comes to Israel. You could learn to google and find this crap yourself.

The far left libs are abandoning Obama. Deal with it - don't take it out on Seven. It's not his fault.

Ann Althouse said...

"sleep depraved"


lucid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lucid said...

If you think about how Obama grew up--abandoned by a missing father, a mother with a different skin color and more than a little wanderlust, several stepfathers, different countries, mother leaves him with grandparents for years--he grew up having to be acceptable to very different people who knew less about him than he knew about them.

Certainly he is a narcissist, but narcissism is mostly about getting other people to relfect back a good image of yourself because your own sense of who you are is so vulnerable.

Narcissists don't really know who they are--they need other people to tell them.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The far left libs are abandoning Obama. Deal with it - don't take it out on Seven. It's not his fault.

The only thing I'm taking out on Machos is his inability to make any sense.

The far left "libs" are "abandoning Obama" you say? Interesting way of putting it. Which politician will they substitute their support for? Sarah Palin? Some other Democratic challenger? Lyndon LaRouche?

Obama's what they've got regardless of whether he's progressive enough for them. Same "dilemma" you guys faced with McCain.

He is a liberal dem except he is a hawk when it comes to Israel. You could learn to google and find this crap yourself.

I did the Googling and what I found is that his economic views are "neoliberal" - which translates to libertarian, deregulator... you know, all that stuff that warms the hearts of the supply-siders - and not socialist or whatever. Is this fact not salient in pegging him on the simplified "right-left" spectrum nowadays? Or did you think that was a common position for Democrats - and one that generally doesn't distinguish them from conservatives?

Chill. Peretz supported Obama's candidacy, and is a big buddy of Al Gore.

How does whoever Peretz is "friends with", or supported, make any difference to what he believes?

This whole tangent was contingent upon Machos (not me) trying to prove that Peretz's silly little column was indicative of the left. And you take that point to mean that Obama is now being abandoned by the left?

I'd say that anyone making premature assumptions about Democrats and independents moving to support Palin in 2012 might want to chill. Obama has 3 years to make the legislative and economic progress necessary to be seen as successful. Whether he does it or not remains to be seen. But he does no long-term harm to his political prospects by simply waiting around for the populist far right to continue imploding in the meantime. Which is what I suspect he's doing.

Of course it's possible he might not know what he's doing and is just causing himself more problems. But no one can write any epitaph on Obama's prospective accomplishments until another election comes and goes. You guys know this. And it doesn't mean the GOP is suddenly becoming more popular and successful regardless.

Matt said...

Hmmm, this blog is called 'Althouse'. Naming a website after yourself? Narcissism?
Probably not...but for those who may not like you, yes.

The left said the same thing about Cheney and Bush. It's rather silly.

David said...

You don't have to be a narcissist to be deluded and foolish.

Titus said...

Sleep depraved, that is funny.

Sorry meant sleep deprived.

Titus said...

Go Brett Favre!

The Viking/Packer game is so very exciting!

Titus said...

Bruce Hayden, I am for real.

I know I might sound crazy to some straighty in the heartland. Hell, I sound crazy to most of my friends of the fabulous elite coast.

But I am real and I do have an Indian/British boyfriend who did tell me one of his first jerk off experiences was while watching dogs do it. I too, thought it was too much, and hello I am generally up for anything. I have my limits though and I don't want to think that my boyfriend jerked off to dogs doing it, even though it was 20 years ago. When he told me of this he reminded me of an episode of Friends which was hilarious. Monica thought she caught Chandler jerking off to a whale video so she thought he was into Whale Porn-it was hilarious.

Meade said...

Was he just watching the dogs or did he actually try to have a relationship with them?

Unknown said...

George Will said it best on Sunday, "What's alarming is whether it indicates a belief on the part of the President which is that there is no problem that will not melt before the sunshine of his charm. "

Titus said...

He was watching them and told me that he heard of other guys doing the same thing.

I have never heard of anything like that before.

No, he didn't want to join them or anything really crazy like that.

Just watched them having sex.

Anonymous said...

Should I mention that Peretz owned the New Republic for some 30 years and, therefore, controlled the editorial decisions?

Probably not. That's too mean.

Meade said...

Then I think your marriage can be saved but you will probably need therapy.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Meade asked:

"Was he just watching the dogs or did he actually try to have a relationship with them?"

Titus, better watch out Your husband may acually be after the clumbers.

Anonymous said...

The young Native American walks into the chief's tent.

"How do babies get named in the tribe?" he asks the chief.

"Well, my son," says the chief, "Whatever is happening at the moment of birth, that is the child's name. That's why I am Flying Eagle. An eagle flew overhead the moment I was born. And your older brother is named Angry River because the river was high and mighty that day. Does that answer your question, Two Dogs Fucking?"

Revenant said...

The far left "libs" are "abandoning Obama" you say? Interesting way of putting it. Which politician will they substitute their support for? Sarah Palin? Some other Democratic challenger? Lyndon LaRouche?

You've heard about the 2000 elections, right? And about how the defection of the far left to Ralph Nader cost Gore the White House? Just curious.

Anyway, the most common candidate for the far left (or far right) to defect to is "nobody". I.e., they stay home on election day. That can make a difference in the swing states.

kentuckyliz said...

His flaw is only touching until it's tragic.

What price? What body count?

I shiver in dread and anticipation.

Ann Althouse said...

Titus, you've twice told us the story of how you, as a young lad, liked to masturbate into the mouths of dead animal heads that your father had hanging on the wall in your family house.

I think you should contemplate the double standard you would impose on your mate.

Chennaul said...

And, yet-he "wonders" how his dog died.

Titus said...

You have a good memory Althouse.

I did jerk off into the mouth of a dead rainbow trout and an antelope and a white tail deer. They were not alive though they were stuffed. I remember the rainbow trout had sharp teeth and the antelope had a soft tongue that was hanging out of his open, supple, inviting mouth. I didn't cum in their mouths though.

OK, My boyfriend is ok then.

Titus said...

That white tail deer head and antelope head and rainbow trout are still hung up in my dads hunting room.

I was like 12 or 13 if that makes a difference.....actually it was last Christmas....kidding.

former law student said...

titus -- at some level, sex is sex. If you're a teenager it doesn't take much to get you excited.

I don't care if Marty Peretz knows anything about psychiatry or not; he hasn't made a case. Working to help the less fortunate is not generally a sign of narcissism -- for all his criticism of her not even Christopher Hitchens argued that Mother Teresa was a narcissist.

Here: Fill in the blanks.

President Obama showed he had a grandiose sense of self-importance when he...

DSM IV-TR criteria
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

1.Has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2.Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love (megalomania)
3.Believes they are "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status
4.Requires excessive admiration
5.Has a sense of entitlement
6.Is interpersonally exploitative
7.Lacks empathy
8.Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9.Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

former law student said...

titus titus titus

Rainbow trout do not have sharp teeth.

Maybe you risked your manhood in muskie's mouth?

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

Obama is more Echo than Narcissus.

The best use of those diagnostic criteria would be for Obama supporters to take a look in their own mirrors and ask themselves if any of those traits might belong to them. Five or more out of nine might indicate disordered thinking.

Chennaul said...


Thanks for the list. Someone I know -his wife hints that he's been diagnosed with NPD-and even though I gave up on this person a long time ago-I'm still having a hard time believing it.

[they do ping out on those last five items on the list, though.]

Ralph L said...

Titus, maybe your boyfriend wants you to stop waxing.

And why weren't you using the vacuum cleaner hose like a normal 12 year old?

Titus said...

I am not lieing the stuffed rainbow trout my dad has on his wall, mounted to a piece of wood in the shape of Montana, where he caught it, did have sharp teeth.

Perhaps the dermatologist that stuffed it decided to give it teeth for the look of it to prove that the rainbow trout was one mean bastard which proves that my dad is a real ma by catching it. I think that is what might of happened.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Obama as Echo rather than Narcissus is actually an interesting idea, Meade. And much more humorous than these puerile attempts to identify him as a pathological narcissist.

But putting aside the difference between psychology and mythology for a moment, why would a former admirer of a non-narcissist (Echo), (or a supporter of a narcissist, for that matter), be inclined toward narcissism?

I don't see the connection.

You can't even call supporters enablers or co-dependents as that would imply complicity in something that they feel isn't right - which doesn't seem to be the case.

Interesting ideas, though.

Meade said...

Or maybe he's neither. Maybe he's nothing more than the mirrored pool itself -- reflecting the narcissistic needs and cravings of all his adoring worshippers. Look, the one's who have it the worst are already beginning to crack -

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