October 7, 2009

Jon Stewart tells Barack Obama something he apparently needs to be told.

"You're the President of America!"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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Fred4Pres said...

Be nice if he acted that way. I was thinking David Axelrod might be President.

Joan said...

Stewart is doing some good work lately. His ACORN rant was classic.

MadisonMan said...

I think the obvious better time to deal with this is right after the 2010 election.

miller said...

But will President "Present" respond?

Robert W. said...

Hilarious T-shirt idea from a caller to yesterday's Dennis Miller Show:

My President went to Copenhagen and All I got was this Crummy T-Shirt!"

Anonymous said...

Obama does have a lot on his plate:

* Not closing Gitmo
* Signing all those signing statements
* Renewing the Patriot Act
* Fighting three wars in Iraq, Afganistan and Pakistan
* All those new renditions
* Destroying 15.5 million new jobs
* Helping Rio get the Chicago Olympics
* Dropping all those voter fraud charges against ACORN
* Air-Taxiing Oprah all over the planet
* Signing all those welfare checks so rich people could buy new cars.

He's only one man, after all.

traditionalguy said...

And they say that Sarah Palin is a quitter. Ask Trigg Palin whether his mom quit on him. Meanwhile Obama cannot do anything except lie to everybody constantly and smile at them like he cares so much that if we would just elect him we would see our hopes fulfilled...but we did elect him.

Alex said...

No he's the "decider guy". Snark, snark. Snarky States of America, we rule!

Anonymous said...

Don't mind people picking on the president, but this is a congressional issue. One simple vote and DADT is repealed. The Dems have had the votes since 2006.

victoria said...

First off, Love you John Stewart, you are always right on. Second, Traditional guy, Sarah is the worst kind of quitter, gave up on her office when it became apparent that she could make MONEY selling her "story" to a gullible America. Bet you she goes on her book tour all alone, without her ghost writer and says she wrote the whole book. A liar and a quitter. My husband wants a copy and I said if someone gives it to you, that is fine, but I will not spend 1 cent on her lies and her pontifications. Rather throw the money in a garbage disposal.

Penny said...

Did Obama ever expect to deliver on this, or was his homage to gays exactly what it would be to illegals?

Universal healthcare is a twofer, plus.

Obama may talk in bullet points, but he thinks in roman numerals.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

This is what happens when you hire someone to work for you who talks a good line of talk but has no track record of accomplishments. You know the type. Talks a good game but no follow through. All show and no go.

A business owner who hires a manager and doesn't do any background checking or get referrals deserves the crappy employee that he hired.

Obama has never been anything other than a mouthpiece, a community organizer/fund raiser, a front man for the real powers that be. He has never been an executive with decision making responsibilties.

What were the people thinking who voted for this empty puff of smoke? This sock puppet? Unfortunately we now have to live for the next 3 years (if we can) though his total incompetence and clueless administration. I seriously doubt that we are going to be able to survive.

Anonymous said...

"... but he thinks in roman numerals."

Barack Obama only knows one Roman numberal:


Dust Bunny Queen said...

My husband wants a copy and I said if someone gives it to you, that is fine, but I will not spend 1 cent on her lies and her pontifications. Rather throw the money in a garbage disposal.

Nice. /sarcasm

I guess we know who wields the Nerf whips in your household. Does your husband not have any money of his own or do you control every move he makes? I bet you make him pee sitting down.

traditionalguy said...

Victoria...I would not pick you for a jury since you are prejudiced about Palin and her book (yes it will be written by someone she tells her story to) by having made up your mind before the evidence is heard. I Remember that on June 6, 1944 a President named Eisenhower once quit England and went on a ride across France with a little help from his friends, such as George Patton.

victoria said...

Sorry you Palin supporters are so blindly tied to her that you need to resort to ad hominem attacks on my husband. Childish to the extreme. Dust bunny, shame, shame.

Alex said...

victoria - you just hate Sarah Palin's politics. Somehow I doubt you are a conservative and are just bothered by Palin's resignation. So you're self-righteous gasbaggery is of now import.

victoria said...

tradish, at least Eisenhower and Patton were proven leaders. Palin has proved that she can't lead, no true leader would give up and abandon their "troops". She doesn't deserve your support, only your scorn. Let me say, not a big Obama supporter either, so don't lay those labels on me. She has nothing to say, her morals are suspect and her leadership skills are nonexistent.

victoria said...

BTW, go Dodgers!!!!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Sorry you Palin supporters are so blindly tied to her that you need to resort to ad hominem attacks on my husband. Childish to the extreme. Dust bunny, shame, shame.

You are confused. I'm not attacking your husband. I feel sorry for your husband.

Were the tables reversed and your husband told you you couldn't spend $15.00 on something you wanted because HE didn't like the idea or it didn't fit in with his political viewpoint, because you must think in lockstep with him..... I'm sure you wouldn't take it. I know I wouldn't. Why should he?

Dustin said...

Victoria is desperate to keep us from talking about how Obama lies.

He said he's end DADT. He lied.

Victoria calls Palin a quitter and a liar because she knows Obama's the one not doing his job or telling the truth.

Oh, and Palin didn't quit... the democrats made it impossible for her to stay. She's making money... that's a good thing. She is very open about her co-author... it's on the cover of her book unlike 'Dreams of my father'.

Sarah Palin is only relevant in this discussion because Obama blew his opportunity to be a great president, and now Palin has a shot to take his place.

Obama has the white house now... he's got the congress. The right time to pass all his 'moral' imperatives is right now.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No he's the "decider guy".

No - he is the put off guy.

Put off the dalai lama, put off a decision of Afghanistan, put off clunkers, put off the Olympic committee, he puts off the gays in the military, he put off the moon and mars, he put off Israel i.e. Iran and on and on.
Obama is particularly non decider.

victoria said...

Alex, I think you probably meant that my gasbaggery is of no import, not now import. You must have gone to the Palin school of higher education. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh yea .. the incandescent bulb.

Hoosier Daddy said...

She has nothing to say, her morals are suspect and her leadership skills are nonexistent.

Her morals are suspect? Really or just in opposition to what you believe?

Personally I'll give more credence to someone who thinks unborn life is valuable as opposed to one who thinks unborn life is a punishment.

But hey, that's just me.

Henry said...

Good for Stewart. Just about the most disappointing thing about the Democrats in Congress -- and now the Democrat in the White House -- is that you can't rely upon them to act like liberals even when they're right.

Alex said...

victoria - it's typical of a gasbag like you to pick on a typo. Typical shallow leftist douchebag.

victoria said...

Slow Joe, that whole junk about Palin not being allowed to stay because of the Democrats is just crap. I can't believe that a thinking, rational adult actually believes that pile of hokum she is spewing. Again, I am not an Obama supporter.Is that the only way the righties can justify their love for the vacant Palin is to attack liberals and say that Obama is this or that. Please, find a new tactic.This one is growing quite old and tiresome.

DADvocate said...

Florida - You left out Droppping voter intimidation charges against the Black Panthers.

I pleased Stewart isn't afraid to criticize the Chosen One rather than continuously bow towards him like most of the MSM.

wv - getcha: What Shania Twain does.

victoria said...

Alex, can't stand a little criticism. Hmmmm Can't use the big words.

Alex said...

victoria - you are just another douchebag leftist. You know very well that the national Democrats kept pouring ethics complaints against Gov Palin and the legal bills were piling up. Stop lying.

campy said...

Surprising that someone who despises quitters as victoria claims to would root for the Dodgers.

What with the way they quit Brooklyn and all ...

DADvocate said...

Hmmmm Can't use the big words.

"Hmmmm" should be followed by a period or comma. If by a comma, then "Can't" should not have a capital "C." Plus, I believe the correct spelling of "Hmmmm" is "Hmmm."

Andre said...


Whether one thinks Palin is awesome or a mindless moron is utterly besides the point of the horror that is your comment.

You told your husband he couldn't buy a book

I can't even imagine how quickly my fiancee would end the engagement if I tried to control her that much, and it's *my* money.

It is possible for both Palin to suck and for you to be a shrewish harpy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You told your husband he couldn't buy a book

It is possible for both Palin to suck and for you to be a shrewish harpy.

Thank you Andre. My point exactly.

I can't imagine the look on my husband's face if I tried to tell him something similar.

Paul said...

"Slow Joe, that whole junk about Palin not being allowed to stay because of the Democrats is just crap."

Someone who writes this awkwardly shouldn't criticize someone for a typo!

One of the things I like best about Sarah Palin is that she drives the juvenile left insane. Er...make that even more insane.

Really, their foam flecked hysteria is amusing to watch in a mildly sadistic way. The best part though is when they refer to themselves as "rational thinking adults". LMAO!!!!!!

Paul said...

DBQ, you can imagine the kind of vagina man that would marry a bitch like victoria. Of course he does what she says! No self respecting real man would be interested in someone like her, so she's lucky if hubby is even a beta.....

The Drill SGT said...

tradish, at least Eisenhower and Patton were proven leaders.

You know of course that Eisenhower never served a day in combat?

he was the epitome of a FOBBIT.

not one day of combat in a 41 year career. He was an organizer and expert in the politics of multi-national warfare

Buford Gooch said...

So, Victoria, your husband has to get your permission to spend money on a book? Must be some great relationship there.

WV: stref. Probably a lot of it in this relationship.

Chris Arabia said...

Is this new Victoria the same as the old one? Disappointing if so.

Gotta love the logic -- bury Palin with bogus ethics complaints and maybe bankrupt her so her family starves (rearguard action to off Trigg the way Sarah should've?) -- then if Palin stays she is selfish and a distraction, but if she leaves she's a quitter who shouldn't be trusted.

In all seriousness, only the worst kind of people set up situations where they can bitch after-the-fact no matter what someone does. Miserable, malicious people. And yes, Vick, that is a personal attack. You are ugly.

Salamandyr said...

Personally, I'm not too upset that President Obama is not doing all the things he said he was going to do. Most of those were some very bad things...so him not doing them is a plus.

garage mahal said...

Really, their foam flecked hysteria is amusing to watch in a mildly sadistic way. The best part though is when they refer to themselves as "rational thinking adults". LMAO!!!!!!

You keep putting up dingbats who make liberals mad, we'll keep burying you in elections!

traditionalguy said...

Drill Sgt...The Eisenhower example for Palin is intended. A Military diplomat and a President who must cooperate with the military Commanders have a lot in common. Keeping the team working together is a full time communications effort, and Ike was loved by everyone while keeping the Brits and the Patton in a balanced team work, not that Old Blood and Guts could understand the need to work under the Brits. Palin seems to have some of that same ability to say what she wants done without offending the people she is leading. And her sharp dressing style adds to the respect she gets from those she leads. And she seems to have a competant style in her actions lately. She also is NOT an easily marginalised Angry Old White Man that the GOP likes to throw in the rest of the electorates face. The Hispanics have deep respect for women in leadership too. IMO the next election is her time.

Dustin said...

Garage, that's probably a good point to some extent, but you only won the one election.

You probably won't win another white house election for 12 to 16 years, thanks to Obama.

Palin is divisive, but mainly because of what people accuse her of... not because of Palin herself.

Look at Victoria's comments... she's so angry and hurt that Obama has been proven to be a liar, a fraud, a coward, and not ready to lead, and she's lashing out at someone who is not really relevant except that she'll have a shot to replace Obama.

You know who drives the left more insane than Palin? George W Bush. He won elections.

The GOP will be in power when the economy recovers, and america will think it's because of their wisdom (which will be absurd). Obama blew it.

Paul said...

Garage you keep putting up candidates who hate this country and capitalism and you will be buried in the backlash when the sleeping giant wakes up and sees you trying to turn this great nation into a socialist shithole.

wv schafter - what the left is trying to do America.

Original Mike said...

I bet you make him pee sitting down.


AllenS said...


This is the second time that you have used FOBBIT. I have no idea what that means.


Peter V. Bella said...

Will CNN be fact checking Jon Stewart? Did he take things out of context? Will they do a slam job on him like they did on SNL?

Fred4Pres- Axelrod is the President, so to speak. He is the Karl Rove of the Administration. He is Obama's brain.

Ken Begg said...

"[Sarah Palin] could make MONEY selling her "story" to a gullible America."

Right. Nothing happened to Palin over the last several years that could legimately be called a 'story.'

garage mahal said...

Yea Paul, I'll keep an eye out for that Sleeping Giant I keep hearing about. Reading the Palinbot comments are really something to behold. Quitting = fighting. Really, just wow.

Paul said...

Well Garage if you can look at SP and see a coward and a quitter, and look at Obama and see a principled man of accomplishment with America's best interest at heart then I submit you are delusional at best and your powers of analysis are even less than someone who knows nothing whatsoever, as they have a chance of at least being randomly correct on occasion.

TosaGuy said...

"This is the second time that you have used FOBBIT. I have no idea what that means."

The US uses Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) for its logistical and administrative purposes. The largest hold 20K people and have Burger Kings and swimming pools. People who never go outside the wire are called FOBBITS

Dustin said...

If Garage means what he says, then he should vote for Palin in the primary. It's the best way to ensure Obama wins reelection.

I suspect that democrats will flood the primaries to attempt to vote for whoever is Palin's toughest competitor. Obama proved that it's charisma that wins the middle, not ideology. That's unfortunate, but it's why Palin is a legitimate threat in the election. She's got 'it'. She's funny and smart and people pay attention to her arguments.

Also, people will vote for Palin just to vote for a woman. I wonder how many will vote against her because she's a woman. I think most of those types will be inclined to vote against Obama too. I can't really understand those folks, so I dunno.

But anyway, anyone voting for Obama for human rights like ending DADT or anything else he promised, was a rube. Obama will have a hard time promising anything in 2012.

KCFleming said...

Is John Stewart still alive?

He's snarking on Obama?
That's why you don't buy a pig in a poke, jackass. You were wrong about Bush, and you were wrong about Obama.

So now I should listen to the funny guy why?
Screw dat; I'd rather pop him in da nose, frankly.
I didn't even consider pressing play.

Anonymous said...

Stewart hasn't quite got this President vs. Dictator thing figured out yet. Obama started out the term that way too, but he's been forcefully reminded of the difference a few times since then.

Dustin said...

Pogo, plenty (most) republicans were disapointed with bush. That guy knew how to spend money. Seems quaint to complain about it now that Obama has increased the deficit more than all other presidents combined, but Bush wasn't perfect.

Stewart is enjoyable. It's funny to see the left that thinks realize that Obama is the exact opposite of hope and change.

Dustin said...

Paul, the democrats have the power. So they aren't dictators. You're saying they can't control whether DADT is in power? They are admitting they are leaving the issue for later. They are admitting to not using the power they have.

Oh no! It's so complicated! It's just the normal mess of government! Don't hold them responsible for their promises!

Obama will never end DADT. In 2010, if he loses congress, he might pretend he wants to, but no matter, what, he's not going to end the practice. Mark my words. Of course, Obama promised to but the deficit and have a health care reform that saves taxpayer money. And to fight harder in Afghanistan. And to win reelection. None of them will happen.

cryptical said...

I think FOBBIT replaced REMF sometime in the last decade or so...

Anonymous said...

In the end, Obama is hoping for a GOP takeover for him to decide, at that point, that gay rights needs to be addressed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is pretty amusing to see the shock and dismay from the left when "Teh Won" just turns out be yet another lying weasel politician who promised all sorts of impossible things and now can't or won't deliver. Waaaah. How can this be? He was going to walk on water, make the seas recede, put gas in your car and come and mow your lawn every other weekend.

The conservatives who would not ever vote for this nothing ...told you so. But would you listen? No.

Now the moderate lefties are peeling away because he has revealed himself as a socialist who wants to take over every aspect of your lives. This wasn't the 'change' you were hoping for. AND the way far lefties are mad at him because he hasn't accomplished their agenda and pet projects in less than a year.

Obama can't accomplish anything and he is becoming a joke to many and reviled by many more. The man just can't win. If it wasn't so funny, I could almost feel sorry for him. Almost. Not quite.

AllenS said...

Thanks, TosaGuy, cryptical, it's been a while for me.

Anonymous said...

The difference between being a dictator and being the leader of a democratic majority party isn't whether you've got power, it's whether you've got to stand for re-election.

victoria said...

Paul, you keep putting up candidates like McCain, Palin, Romney and Gingrich and we won't have to worry about the white house in 3 1/2 years, it will be ours. No viable candidates on the right means not chance of winning any election 2009, 2010 or 2012. Who is out there? No none. Slow Ho I mean Joe, just keep up the delusional thinking. The Righties are incapable of doing anything except complaining, whining and threatening.

Paul I would rather be a "bitch" than be associated with a fear mongering sociopath like you. I have a brother named Paul and you diminish the goodness of his name, you right wing dimwhit.

chickelit said...

The President is all about avenging his mommy's death at the hands of the evil insurance companies and promulgating her vision of a more humble America.

Anyone who saw more than that in him was fooled.

KCFleming said...

Slow Joe,
Yeah, I agree about the Bush stupidity on spending. But Stewart never advanced that idea; rather, he snarked about every other goddamned lefty talking point.

That's what he was wrong about.
So I don't trust Stewart's judgement.

He had plenty of chances to skewer Obama and McCain at the same time.
Never laid a glove on Obama once. More, he aimed to help Barry get elected.

So now Stewart's all ha-ha-ha while our economy and heathcare and freedoms go off a cliff with Obama at the wheel?
Effing hilarious.
He can go pound sand.

Dustin said...

victoria, your comments towards me indicate you hate my guts... you apparently have a deep and ugly problem. I am not mad at you in return... I don't see you as some kind of enemy. I don't really care. You are not healthy, though, and I'd say that to a right winger with the level of anger you're showing. You're a pathetic idiot, and I feel sorry for you. Don't worry about Palin or Obama... let the adults talk about it.

You do realize that George Bush won the election twice, right? There's no fundamental problem with the list of GOP candidates you named. I heartily hope that the democrats all think the way you do, and act as though there's no threat of losing the whtie house. The massive attacks on Palin indicate they are a lot smarter than that.

Paul, you're right... the democrats basically have full power over the government. Aside from having to run for election, they are similar in power to a dictator. Whether DADT is in power today or not is 100% the responsibility of the democratic party.

knox said...

and mow your lawn every other weekend


KCFleming said...

I just don't see much to laugh at these days, actually.

Synova said...

Geez, victoria, you're an idiot.

I don't often say that but *really*...

" Bet you she goes on her book tour all alone, without her ghost writer and says she wrote the whole book. A liar and a quitter."

Everyone knows who she hired to co-write her book. This is not a secret and the woman is not a *ghost writer* when it's not a secret.

Why do you hate Sarah Palin so much that you have to make up lies so that you can hate her more?

Paul said...

"Paul I would rather be a "bitch" than be associated with a fear mongering sociopath like you. I have a brother named Paul and you diminish the goodness of his name, you right wing dimwhit."

LOL!! Yes you admit you are a bitch. That's a given. But I'm neither a fear monger nor a sociopath. You're just making shit up because that's what lying leftwing juveniles do. And in spite of the goodness of your brother's name I fear he's diminished by the poor quality genetic material he share's with his none too bright and highly unstable sister.

And it's "dimwit", since you're such an anal little spellchecker.

What a tool.

victoria said...

Slow Joe, I hate no one, least of all you, a total stranger.
I am so grateful to be talked down to by someone of your stature. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I'll take my medication now and let you adults take care of things. We "pathetic idiots" will sit in a corner and let you take care of things for us. When you get around to using the big words, I have a dictionary and I would be glad to help you.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


You have to laugh. Either that or start drinking.

Really, laughter is a good sign. When people like John Stewart and Saturday Nite Live begin poking fun a Obama, you know that the glow is off. The best way to defeat someone is to make them an object of ridicule and to poke fun at them.

This is why the left's war against Palin is foolish. With the exception of Tina Fey, who was really funny and did a slam dunk impression of Palin, the left is attacking with hate, insults and cruel remarks about her and her family. Wrong tactic. The good thing is that they just can't help themselves because they are like victoria. Small minded and so full of bile and hatred that they can't think clearly.

Dustin said...

Pogo, I probably should have been more clear. I'm likening Stewart's criticism of Obama to your or my disappointment with Bush.

You're absolutely right, of course, that he was tilted ridiculously in favor of Obama when it mattered most... before this disaster. And you're also right that most republicans were not deluded into thinking a compassionate conservative would not make the mistakes Bush made.

I'm just giving Stewart credit for being a little more honest than the rest of the democrats in media about Obama. I hope he takes that to heart when the election comes up, but if you suspect he will be bashing the GOP and ignoring humor about Obama again, yeah, you're obviously right.

Dustin said...

Victoria, at least own up to your comments about me.

Perhaps you have a different word for loathing ugly anger than 'hate'?

I don't want you to feel bad. I don't mean to talk down to you (though I clearly am). I just think folks like you are pathetic.

Hey, by all means, vote for Palin in the primary. It's clearly a sure fire way to help Obama win reelection, are we agreed?

victoria said...

Paul, Slow Joe, wow.

victoria said...

I have been schooled. Dang.

Paul said...

"Paul, Slow Joe, wow."

Ooooh the master of "the big words" speaks.

Little girl come back when you've grown a thicker skin, have learned basic writing skills, and have a coherent argument to make. We won't hold our breath.

victoria said...

Sad, bitter, lonely man, Paul.

Irving Penn died today. Prodigious talent. 92 years young.

Synova said...

"Obama will never end DADT. In 2010, if he loses congress, he might pretend he wants to, but no matter, what, he's not going to end the practice."

This is very true.

And I think that it's at least possible that *this* time the Democrats will get called on the essential dishonesty of it by at least one of their "identity" dependents.

It's easy to think that nothing ever changes because so much seems to stay the same, but the truth is that everything changes, always.

Obama's campaigning on DADT was an easy thing to give that sop to the gay community and please all of those invested in a "tolerant" self-identity and fire up all of those excited about portraying Republicans as hateful bigots. And a person could point out that the Democrats have never done much of anything at all, whatsoever, for gays... their stated policies almost identical to those of Republicans. But somehow the illusion remained that Democrats really *were* on the side of gay people - rather than just counting on their votes.

Obama puts this clear and unequivocal promise off for two years, the Dems loose Congress, and then it can be all the hater-bigot Republican's fault again. It's worked before, over and over... but will it work this time?

BTW... DADT is Clinton's deal... a way to allow gays to serve by forbidding the military to ask or investigate on enlistment and not forbidding gays to serve, so long as they took care that it never came up. This is probably the best he could have done without Congress appending or altering the UCMJ. I think Clinton wrote that order in his first 100 days.

Obama made promises that he had to have known, if he bothered to think about it or knew anything *at all* about the issue, that he could not keep. Not without Congress. And the Democrats in Congress aren't going to do it. He had to have known that too. If the issue can be pushed down the road far enough they can all try to pretend that isn't true.

Patm said...

You know what's interesting? Jon Stewart would NEVER had told George W. Bush, "you're the president of America - "

Anonymous said...

This is probably the best he could have done without Congress appending or altering the UCMJ. I think Clinton wrote that order in his first 100 days.

DADT is federal law, not an executive order, thus Congress has to change the law.

The Dems have the votes, just not the will.

victoria said...

People, I have had an epiphany. I went out to Il Fornaio to get a latte (2 shots no foam non fat) and decided that some of what some of you said had the faint glimmerings of truth. I have decided that I not only will buy the Sarah Palin book but I will also read it. Ta Da!!! True, true.

I am open minded enough to do this and will read her book with an open mind. Now, I give you all a challenge, you go out and read a book by a liberal, someone who can actually write, Tom Friedman is a good example, or Seymour Hersh, brilliant writers but liberal.

Try it, you may like it. Just leaving the door open. If I can evolve, so can you. No joke.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Apparently if we want Obama to repeal DADT we need to explain the policy in a book.

That's the kind of President we have. He'll read two books on a subject, one for and one against, and make his mind up based on that. Doesn't matter if he has people with more than book learning right in front of him.

Anonymous said...

and read a book by a liberal, someone who can actually write, Tom Friedman is a good example

Read The World is Flat when it was first published.

Paul said...

"Sad, bitter, lonely man, Paul."

Vicky your not even close....just making up shit because you are fundamentally dishonest and you think a lie is the truth just because you said so.

I play music for a living and am married to a beautiful and charismatic woman. I'm the luckiest man alive, truly living the American dream and horrified that the leftist totalitarian rot that has infected our culture is poised to turn that dream into a nightmare.

Thus I am at a state of war with the enemy within, but that doesn't make me sad, lonely, or bitter. Just fiercely determined.

Jim O said...

VICTORIA, you have never answered the question. You keep ducking it by hurling insults. Is it true, as your first post implied, that your husband cannot buy a book unless you approve of the book and give him the money? If so, why? Now, c'mon, you brought up the subject, not us.

richard mcenroe said...

Jon Stewart: wrong again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Check out how Andrew Sullivan gives Obama a pass of gay issues.

Sullivan is a weasel

traditionalguy said...

Victoria...I accept your offer. Unless we can share our ideas we will both miss out on a lot of the whole picture. The good ideas of Friedman can help me. If Palin can reach you, then she will have a chance to win and lead. We can't raise Andy Jackson or FDR back to lead us. But leadership is the most important element in all group efforts. As angry as he makes me, I respect Russ Feingold for his leadership in areas no one else will go into. What I mean is that courage and brains are both needed in a leader, and there are very few good leaders available on either side of the liberal/conservative divide.

Darren Duvall said...

Slow Joe, that whole junk about Palin not being allowed to stay because of the Democrats is just crap. I can't believe that a thinking, rational adult actually believes that pile of hokum she is spewing.

There was no legal reason she couldn't stay in her position as governor, just a host of practical ones.

She had already racked up $500,000 in legal bills defending bogus ethics complaints, with no end in sight. This equalled all of the salary she was due for her entire term as governor -- with nearly two years left to go. Were she independently wealthy, she could ride it out and take the fiscal hit, but she's not. There is a legal defense fund set up for her, but as governor she had no access to that money.

The ethics complaints virtually all piled up AFTER the election, meaning that she had become even more of a lightning rod in Alaska. A telegenic and (hypothetically) wildly-popular governor with a record of shepherding programs through a legislature would be a real problem for BHO having seen his issues with that process, and the Alaska Democrats were likely to impede things just to impede them -- comparing her pre-McCain year with the last term, this seemed to be the case.

Furthermore, years of ethics complaints were likely to become the thing she would be introduced with to anyone who didn't know who she was, bogus or not. Staying in that position had the twin downsides of a soiled reputation and penury -- wow, sign me up for that.

It's unfortunate that she couldn't stay in the position and get more of a track record, good or bad. I would have liked to see her stay there and win, but from her point of view, why take the risk? I find an out-of-hand dismissal of her choice to be an unconsidered one.

g2loq said...

get off the public library computer!
There are people waiting to get on!

Big Mike said...

@DBQ, how'd you manage to let victoria hijack a thread that was supposed to be about Obama being a lying, double-crossing, worthless POS and make it about Palin?

At any rate, your paradigm is flawed. I think that the correct prespective on Barack Obama is as a university professor who suddenly has been handed the entire United States of America to use as his experimental lab where he can apply all his clever theories.

And we're the lab rats.

Big Mike said...

@Darren, Democrats like women just fine.

As long as they know their place.

If Sarah had donned a cheap pink T-shirt and demonstrated against the war in Iraq, and if she had aborted Trig, that would have demonstrated that she knew her place and all would have been well.

But a woman thinking for herself!?!

No self-respecting male Democrat is going to put up with that, ya' betcha.

Van Halen said...


If the Liberal writer supports:

American Oil
Strong Defense
Less Taxes
Less Government
Less Abortion

Then I'm all for it. But no one but Palin seems to be doing that these days.
So... I'll stick with Palin.

Van Halen said...

While I'm at it,

Let's have a look at what we've gotten from the Obama Administration so far...

Here's just the foreign policy:

European nations have refused to send significant numbers of new troops to aid the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan. Few countries have agreed to accept detainees held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Scottish officials ignored Obama’s plea to keep the Lockerbie bomber in prison, and U.S. efforts to head off a coup in Honduras were ineffective. North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons, Iran may be doing so, and Middle East leaders have rebuffed Obama’s efforts at peacemaking.

Then we have...

Gitmo still open

Iraq still on

Afghanistan still on and worsening fast

Secret wiretaps still on

Secret 'snatch and grab' of 'terrorists' still on - this just done recently in Somalia and no one has any idea where these supposed terrorists are now - can you say 'secret prison'?

Economy in shambles

Unemployment at 23 year record high unless you count actual unemployment numbers as reported by the Associated Press - then you get 17% - an all time unemployment record

Businesses failing nationally

Dollar to be replaced as world currency

Deficit under Bush - billions. Under Obama - trillions and growing rapidly

Promise to make government transparent, that no bill would be signed before it was reviewed for 5 days. That has not happened yet.

Mass demonstrations against a dubious health care plan - in the first 8 months of Obama's Presidency

Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, N. Korea laugh at us because they know we are weak

First President to snub the Dalai Lama - in order to appease China

Plummeting poll numbers for the Democrats and the President

Obama interferes in NY politics, trying to force a black, blind governor not to run - the governor ignores him.

Scandal after scandal - NEA, ACORN, Charlie Rangel... the list grows each week

Over 25 unelected, unaccountable 'Czars' who seem more and more ready to supplant Congress, not to mention each one of them is riddled with problematic histories and illegal activities

A stimulus bill close to 1 trillion dollars that got us.... what?

With Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, N. Korea, record unemployment, ballooning deficits, an economy in shambles, ACORN, NEA scandals and a healthcare mess on his plate, Obama takes a trip overseas to work a deal for his Chicago machine buddies to get Olympic contracts and FAILS in the first round, making the USA look very bad.

All this with the Democrats running the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court, most state governorships, and a slobbering media who carry the water for everything Democrats ask

The Left continues to blame their problems on Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Right Wing Blogs, Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Nixon, Reagan, Hannity, everyone but themselves

Hope and Change!

Chip Ahoy said...

About the book thing; I'm worse.

Saw Helter Skelter on my brother's bookshelf at my parents house and I threw it out. Then I felt a little bit bad about destroying his property, but not really. I was glad it was gone. Like an mini exorcism.

Chip Ahoy said...

unclean, no fair! You said ACORN twice.

(but you left out Netanyahu saying into the hot mic," He's worse than Chamberlain.")

sonicfrog said...

I would say Obama's voting "Present" on this one, but he's no where to be found on the issue.

Palin..... Palin..... One reason she said she quit was because the endless frivolous lawsuits against her were eating into her family's resources, driving them to near bankruptcy. Fair enough. But where is her campaign to change the laws in Alaska so her successors can raise funds for a defense and don't face the same problem she did?

Anonymous said...

Tom Friedman is a good example of a bad example.

One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages.

Jason said...

I was going to write in and say what a hateful, spiteful witch Victoria was and how much I pitied the sitzpinkler who married that bilous shrew. I was also going to point out how bone-assed ignorant she was about Sarah Palin and even Seymour Hersch, whose proven himself to be the most gullible idiot on the defense beat for six years running.

But then I saw that she's a Dodger fan. Some bonds should never be broken. Blue is thicker than water. Preach it, sister!!!

Synova said...

"Palin..... Palin..... One reason she said she quit was because the endless frivolous lawsuits against her were eating into her family's resources, driving them to near bankruptcy. Fair enough. But where is her campaign to change the laws in Alaska so her successors can raise funds for a defense and don't face the same problem she did?"

I'm not sure that she can. I mean, of course she *can*, but I have a hard time figuring out how it would work from a practical standpoint. She certainly couldn't while she was still governor because she had too much conflict of interest. As a private person she can support reforms but someone else has to do it. I hardly think that anyone in the Alaskan government is unaware of how they could be tripped up in exactly the same way.

In the end the only thing she was accused of that *actually* violated the ethics rules was trying to have a legal defense fund. Which is absurd.

The idea behind the rules is good... elected officials shouldn't be allowed to use the resources of their office for personal enrichment or to campaign... but a certain amount of promotion is actually the job of a governor or other elected person because they can't really separate things like the endorsement Palin did with a fish for the fishing industry, or appearing on television or talking to reporters or showing up in an official capacity to cut the ribbon on a building or wave the starting flag in a race.

chickelit said...

Tom Friedman is also a bad example of someone to take seriously regarding the environment: Link.

Note: Avey Lovins doesn't have this problem.

victoria said...

So uncledan, you must have the liberal writer think exactly as you do for you to deign to read them. This is the idea, let something new in, let a different point of view in to that brain of yours. It does no one any good, especially you, if you don't allow something different from your own mindset in there. Try it, I promise that you will not be brainwashed or start eating your young, you will just be able to understand people who are different from you. If I am willing to do it, a lifelong liberal who (at 16) got arrested for marching on Washington to protest the Vietnam war, you can too.

Get off your couch and try it.

Cedarford said...

traditionalguy said...
And they say that Sarah Palin is a quitter. Ask Trigg Palin whether his mom quit on him.

Who the fuck cares about her "being there for her baby" - when the discussion is about whether or not she is a quitter from every office she has held. She is feckless.
That's like saying "Bernie Madoff may have quit his duties to investors...but he was Always There For Ruth.."

traditionalguy said...
Drill Sgt...The Eisenhower example for Palin is intended. A Military diplomat and a President who must cooperate with the military Commanders have a lot in common.

Eisenhower was in high level executive positions in the military for 17 years. Then he followed that with 4 years as head of Columbia university.
Palin was governor for 1 1/2 years, including her disastrous 4 months away from that as VP candidate and still quit.

Trad guy - Palin seems to have some of that same ability to say what she wants done without offending the people she is leading.

Except for the people she quit on. And the comrades she turned in on ethics charges..

Trad guy - And her sharp dressing style adds to the respect she gets from those she leads.

You HAVE to be kidding!

Trad guy - And she seems to have a competant style in her actions lately.

You mean after she quit and began talking death panels and marketing her book??

Trad guy She also is NOT an easily marginalised Angry Old White Man that the GOP likes to throw in the rest of the electorates face. The Hispanics have deep respect for women in leadership too. IMO the next election is her time.

No, she just appeals to angry old white men.
And contrary to some people's belief, Latins are not that respectful of "Wise Latinas". And polls show that Hispanics generally liked McCain as a "man of honor" and familiar with Hispanic issues -- they generally detested Palin.

victoria said...

Please, i give you 2 examples to read and you blow both of them out of the water. Where is the spirit of getting along, listening to someone elses point of view. Can't do it? I am not restricting myself to only conservative authors who might think the way I do, I am expanding my horizons. Can't you all do the same? Too stuck in one place? I think not.I hope not.

victoria said...

BTW Cedarford, right on.!!!!!!

Jason, you're a jerk. And Chip Ahoy, "Helter Skelter" is a great book. I attended the trials when in college and Vince Bugliosi was a great DA. No devil worship there. Books are meant to be read, not tossed away or burned.
Read some Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. Then you'll understand.

No devils in books. Promise

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@DBQ, how'd you manage to let victoria hijack a thread that was supposed to be about Obama being a lying, double-crossing, worthless POS and make it about Palin?

What? I'm in charge? Woo Hoo. The power!!!

I just got high centered on victoria's emasculation of her (ficticional ?) husband.

Now. She is proposing that we all buy books from the opposite viewpoint and read them. Well, except for her husband,I guess, who has been forbidden to buy anything without her permission. /wink.

Obama is a serial disappointer. Get used to it lefties. At least the conservatives were already prepared for disappointment given the performance of Bush.

JorgXMcKie said...

"Patm said...

You know what's interesting? Jon Stewart would NEVER had told George W. Bush, "you're the president of America - ""
Wouldn't need to. Bush understood he was President and had to do things, not just vote "present."
The further into the Obama Presidency we go, the better Bush will look in hindsight.
SNL is just the beginning.

chickelit said...


Who cares whether Palin quit her job in Alaska? People on my radar up there don't seem to care either.

Personally, I kinda hope she goes to Washington, gets something great accomplished, and then quits! That would be the Cincinnatus role model. At least she doesn't seem to be one of those careerist-been-in-power-too -long-fucks that we have so many of.

@victoria- glad to hear a little of your personal history- now I don't have to worry that the other Victoria had a partial lobotomy. :)

JorgXMcKie said...

You know how to tell Victoria is on the level?

She dribbles equally out of both sides of her mouth.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

victoria said about reading conservative books as opposed to the liberal bubble she is immersed in: If I am willing to do it, a lifelong liberal who (at 16) got arrested for marching on Washington to protest the Vietnam war, you can too.

Oh for crying out loud.....grow up already. Get out of your time warp. Was that incident, at age 16, the highlight and pinnacle of your life?

How pathetic.

BTW. I agree Helter Skelter was an interesting book and I still have my first edition of the book in my library.

chickelit said...

BTW, agree that Helter Skelter was a good book. My 7th grade teacher lent it to me to read.

chickelit said...

now I don't have to worry that the other Victoria had a partial lobotomy. :)

...or had her corpus callosum severed.

Penny said...

THAT, and no new federal taxes!

Why on earth would the federal government exact a tax when they can more easily pass a law to hand down to states to fund?

California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois fell for that.

Let's see how this works out for them.

Peter V. Bella said...

I find it amazing that a bobble headed comedian has to tell Obama he is the president. Professional politicians and other intelligent people have been trying to tell him that from day one. He still thinks he is the candidate.

People we are in trouble. Our government is being run by the children.

Maxwell Jump said...

So, if Palin "quit" on her constituents by resigning, what did Obama do to his by campaigning for the Presidency after serving only 2 years of his Senate term?

And didn't he quit, in a sense, on his constituents by voting "present" on just about every bill that he had a chance to vote on?

Paul said...

I would venture to suggest that conservatives are much better informed of leftist philosophy (and the empirical results of leftist social engineering) than liberals are of conservative beliefs.

There are several reasons.

First we are immersed in the liberal narrative...the media, entertainment industry, and academia have all been co opted by leftists and their propaganda is incessant and relentless.

Second, we are students of history, and not of the politically corrected revisionist history promulgated by the likes of Howard Zinn that has become the standard in the curriculum of the school system.

Third, liberals, also immersed in the leftist narrative stream but without an alternative opposing viewpoint, simply have no clue about the origins and content of conservative philosophy. Rather they adopt and embrace a most banal and perverted caricature of the conservative...an unthinking, uneducated, hate and fear filled reactionary.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Speaking as a former left of center type (the default position for my demographic) who has since learned enough economic theory and political philosophy to understand and reject the premises of "progressivism" and central planning I find it utterly unnecessary to read books by liberal authors. There is nothing new there for me to discover. Been there, done that.

I do recommend Thomas Sowell's "Conflict of Visions" as a non polemical primer on the philosophical underpinnings of the left and right.

All liberals and many conservatives would learn a great deal from this book.

Jason said...

"Jason, you're a jerk."

I knew it. Victoria's no Dodger fan.

You can't fake the Faith.

Synova said...

How can liberals be informed of conservative thought? What is there to be informed about in racism?

Okay, so I know not everyone is that bad but I don't think that Garofalo is that much of an outlier and it's hardly something that only started this year with Tea Parties and Obama.

AST said...

Oh, please, please, please! Don't let him follow Jon Stewart's advice! I don't trust him any more than I trust Obama.

The president is obviously out of his depth, and seems to have assumed that his Chicago cronies would tell him how to do this job, which is why nothing he does earns him any confidence.

J. Cricket said...

You left out the part about why there are so many plates on Obama's his desk: because he is cleaning up after George Bush!

Jon Stewart made that clear. Bush left a lot of messes to clean up.

But Althouse--who aims only to criticize Obama, while offering nothing but praise for Bush--dishonestly leaves that out.

If a law student summarized a court argument in such a blatantly misleading way, she would flunk.

Rialby said...

Slim Jim... because Bill Clinton left an empty desk when he exited the White House, right?

JAL said...

Hey -- since somebody brought up Bush, and we all know that poor Barack Obama is just trying to overcome all that mess that Bush left him, did you like the way POTUS blamed Bush for the lousy way the intelligence has been working re catching bad guys thinking and planning about how to blow up NYC subways and stuff??

You know -- at that counter terrorism meeting or something that Obama spoke at Wednesday? Like it was Bush this and Bush that and that Bush is why we had such a terrible time apprehending these [terrorists] misguided bomb recipe collectors.

You didn't hear him say that?


Well then you heard him say "Thanks to the programs the Bush administration was able to enhance after 9/11 attacks ... yada yada .... "

Neither did I.

Because the current POTUS has no class, no sensibility, no gratitude, and no respect for the things that the Bush administration put in place which work to keep us safe.

He can't be bothered to even say "Thank you."

I believe it was called giving credit where credit is due, when I grew up.

Cedarford said...

Rialby said...
Slim Jim... because Bill Clinton left an empty desk when he exited the White House, right?

Compared to the desks Jimmy Carter and Dubya left covered in dog barf??? And all the excrement they left on their chairs and the rug of the Oval Office??

Yeah, I'd sure say so! Clinton left the neatest, smoothest running office since Reagan handed the keys off to Bush I.

And at the time I was hardly a Clinton fan. But compared to the messes of Carter and Dubya...and what looks like Obama's cluster fuck...yeah, Bill was a lot better than that.

Cedarford said...

Rialby said...
Slim Jim... because Bill Clinton left an empty desk when he exited the White House, right?

Compared to the desks Jimmy Carter and Dubya left covered in dog barf??? And all the excrement they left on their chairs and the rug of the Oval Office??

Yeah, I'd sure say so!

Clinton left the neatest, smoothest running office since Reagan handed the keys off to Bush I.

And at the time I was hardly a Clinton fan. But compared to the messes of Carter and Dubya...and what looks like Obama's cluster fuck...yeah, Bill was a lot better than that.

Gary Rosen said...

Interesting. In the past 48 hours, "paleocon", "conservative", "national interest", "Buchananite" C-fudd has given wet, slobbering blowjobs to the Chicoms, Hispanics and Bill Clinton. Is he really Monica Lewinsky in drag?

AllenS said...

I'm not sure what Clinton left on the desk, but from what I understand, there were a lot of stains on the carpet.

Roger J. said...

here i thought this thread was about failure to keep a promise to end DADT--

traditionalguy said...

Cedarford @8:31 has kindly repeated my best points. Thank you. One of us knows what leadership is all about and one of us is a great propagandist. I am willing to let the future determine which one is which.

Beaverdam said...

Victoria. A butched up Jeremy.

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