October 16, 2009

Hey, everybody, look at my breasts.

Says Meghan McCain.

Yeah, I know we already talked about this yesterday — Balloon Day. And I just did an "in the comments" update for that, which I think I'll move to this post, so you'll read it.

Chip Ahoy says:
I can't figure out what the fuss is about. I snap on a thick wide leather cock ring that forces my balls upward and to the front then put on a pair of worn tight-fitting 501 jeans that I wire-brushed the crotch area to bare fibers then position a camera with remote shutter activation directly in front of a stool where I sit spread legged presenting a straight on crotch shot to the camera lens with a mirror behind it so I can more accurately judge the angle with greater accuracy all the time. I usually discard the first few shots until I work out the lighting, then post the best ones on twitter and face book. Where these followers come from, I have no idea. Did I mention I'm very serious about politics?

That Meghan makes the pose appear so effortless and perfectly natural is stunning.
Chris Althouse Cohen says:
56 comments and not one of them says "let's take a closer look at those breasts" or makes any reference along those lines? Is it just too obvious to even say?
MadisonMan answers:
Chris: Yes.
The reference is to this old — and much talked-about — blog post of mine, which I was, in fact, thinking of as I quickly wrote this post. I'm interested to see how many of the lefty liberals and feminist poseurs who loved to say that I was attacking a woman merely for having breasts are saying that Meghan McCain is doing anything more than just having breasts.

And in the cleavage between Chris and MM's comments, we have Mr. Forward saying:
Hey boy, look over there. Balloons!
Ah, yes! How thematically satisfying it was to have Meghan's buffoonish, balloonish breasts rising into the public view on the same day as The Boy's Balloon. Now, the Boy in the Balloon has been downgraded to the Boy in the Box. I don't really know what that portends for Meghan's breasts.

ADDED: peter hoh says:
Chris Althouse Cohen wrote:
56 comments and not one of them says "let's take a closer look at those breasts" or makes any reference along those lines? Is it just too obvious to even say?
Is it just too obvious to point out that it was previously stated that "no one in our family can ever say anything obvious"?


Photog714 said...

Yeah, I know we already talked about this yesterday ...

Yeah, I know. And I just have to wonder: Why?

Why then? And why again today?

I have my theories ...

MadisonMan said...

I will agree with DBQ who said over in the other thread that there's no way McCain didn't know what the shot showed.

She may not have recognized how other people would react to it, but she must have seen the image and thought about how she looked. Is there anyone who doesn't do that when they see an image of themselves?

rhhardin said...

If you put something yellow on them, you can attract goldfinches.

rhhardin said...

Goldfinches can feed inverted on breasts.

garage mahal said...

I love posts about breasts. The nice thing about the Valenti breast controversy was it gave me a reason to keep clicking the picture of her breasts. Which, were very nice.

Peter Hoh said...

Fine, then I'll move my comment re. one of the comments over here, too.

Chris Althouse Cohen wrote:
56 comments and not one of them says "let's take a closer look at those breasts" or makes any reference along those lines? Is it just too obvious to even say?

Is it just too obvious to point out that it was previously stated that "no one in our family can ever say anything obvious"?

Meade said...

I'm calling hoax.

Bender R said...

It's only a matter of time before a Meghan McCain-Levi Johnston sex tape is "stolen" and leaked onto the Internet.

Triangle Man said...

Boy in a box? Hm, what else can be put in a box this upcoming holiday season?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Now, the Boy in the Balloon has been downgraded to the Boy in the Box. I don't really know what that portends for Meghan's breasts.

Well then it's a good thing Meghan didn't twat a picture of her box.

chickelit said...

I'm calling hoax.

hoax or coax?

J said...

"We're gonna snatch that pussy and put him in a box and take him on the airplane"

-George Carlin

"How about takin' your top off?"

- Bubble Boy

Anonymous said...

30 years into the era of omnipresent porn, isn't it time to admit that all attempts to shock have become... boring.

Why does anybody even try?

Bissage said...

I couldn’t give two hoot[er]s about her oblate jubblies, but that hair band makes me wish Ms. McCain would shave her head so I can wiggle my penis back and forth across her scalp stubble.

500 bucks.

Whaddaya say?

SteveR said...

The Boy in the Balloon was fake, one assumes Meghan's balloons are real.

Wow, two days in a row, I agree with Garage.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is finer than a thick, rich, luxuriant bush, overflowing with magnificent concentrated aromas and flavors.


MamaM said...

Today's selections appear to be a Two Plate Special of breasts and law--

"Hoax or coax", they both involve a form of Incongruent Communication, "a communication pattern in which the sender gives conflicting messages on verbal and nonverbal levels and the listener does not know which message to accept"

Stacy McMahon said...

Meghan McCain's public persona may be cartoonish (what 20-something's isn't?) but unless she's had some surgery, it's pretty illogical to blame her for her breasts.

Which in point of fact she does seem to downplay in most pictures.

Jeremy said...

You actually believe, who you refer to as "lefty liberals and feminist poseurs," give a flying fuck about this idiot or anything she says or does?


Ron said...

That little boy was probably hiding in one of those breasts, but didn't want to admit it because they're Democrats...

Anonymous said...

I'm calling hoax.

No, they're real and they're spectacular.

LilyBart said...

She had to post boobie pics because people were starting to ignore her - finding her ultimately irrelevant.

Just saying

John said...

"I love posts about breasts. The nice thing about the Valenti breast controversy was it gave me a reason to keep clicking the picture of her breasts. Which, were very nice."

I agree. They are so nice, it would almost make up for having to listen to her talk.

Jeremy said...

Photog714 - "And I just have to wonder: Why?"

I agree.

And this is a law professor's blog site??

Tells you something about the intellectual and maturity level of Ann herself and her loyal sycophants.


traditionalguy said...

Breasts are a gift, and I thank the ladies very much for sharing glimpses of them. But traditionally there is a time and a place to advertise the goodies. That is why clothes were made in the first place. Someone call Hugh Hefner and Meaghan can do a liberated playboy shoot for him and his vast audience just to prove that lustful Republicans have bodies and engage in sex too.

Michael Haz said...

It's about time this fine blog returned to breast blogging. Whew. I was beginning to think that the post-nuptial Althouse blog was going breast-free, topic wise.

As for Ms. McCain, her motive was simple. Girl needs a date, just baiting the hook.

chickelit said...

Tells you something about the intellectual and maturity level of Ann herself and her loyal sycophants.

You're out of your box prospector!

traditionalguy said...

Jeremy...Welcome back to the dull Blog you hate so much reading. FYI I used to be a sycophant commenter but I am well now.Thanks for caring. Oh, does sycophant mean a suck-up? Well I am still working on that character flaw.

chickelit said...

wv: "horsen" to equestrify

John said...

God Jeremy when talk of breasts can't even cheer you up, you are truly a sad little man.

Titus said...

I love breasts postings too! Yea, breasts postings.

I prefer to call them tits though.

My most favorite all time scene in a movie was in the movie Airplane when a pair of bouncing tits appeared before the camera and then suddenly vanished. It was a tour de force. It said so much in that brief 5 second appearance. There was no dialog just tits bouncing up and down.

Chip, My Indian/British husband where's a snap on leather cock ring too-Hugs! He only wears it when we do it though.

Darcy said...

I think Michael H. has it right.

Meghan has a whole new bubble-headed post about this at The Daily Beast. Not gonna link. Too stupid for words.

sonicfrog said...

And of course, you do realize this post would have to lead to this!!!!!!!

Titus said...

My straight girlfriends let me touch their breasts. I do it with much respect and awe. I enjoy cupping them, holding them, talking to them, feeling the corona of the nipple. One straight girlfriend of mine wanted me to paint them which I obliged, naturally.

They said they enjoy me touching their breasts because they aren't threatened by it.

Titus said...

And I think that Mccain chick is hot. She is cute and looks great.

I bet she would be fun to hang out with and would let me touch her tits if I she was my fag hag or fruit fly.

John said...

I am not surprised by your story Titus. I have always thought that if you were shameless and a good enough actor to pull it off, pretending to be gay and then as things progressed in the evening letting the woman convert you to the other team, would be a highly effective way to bed women. I was never shamless or immoral enough, or a convincing enough fag, to ever try it though. But I bet it would work.

sonicfrog said...

BTW... Chip, I'm waiting for the flash animation of your pose.

VerWord: xessedum

chickelit said...

I call hoax!

Anonymous said...

Chip -

We need a gif of the squirrel popping out of M. McCain's cleavage. Stat!


what is the purpose of a cock ring?

Titus said...

John, me feeling up women is not sexual and I am a big fag.

Fags can like tits too though. I don't want to splew on them or anything but I do appreciate their power and like to touch them.

Is there anything wrong with that?

I know quite a few of the gays that enjoy women's breasts but not in a sexual way.

does that make sense?

veni vidi vici said...

So, another thick'ums girl looking for attention props up her fat-slabs and takes a photo.

Congrats, girl, congrats. Hopefully the political and business worlds will only take you as seriously as your tits will allow.

This is literally "attention whore" behavior. Bravo.

wv: "getalen" -- Now, let's getalen and take a closer look at those breasts...

garage mahal said...

I have always thought that if you were shameless and a good enough actor to pull it off, pretending to be gay and then as things progressed in the evening letting the woman convert you to the other team, would be a highly effective way to bed women. I was never shamless or immoral enough, or a convincing enough fag, to ever try it though. But I bet it would work..

I definitely would NOT attempt something like this in Vegas. Even the standard "look for the adams apple" doesn't always apply, as they can be surgically removed. Careful what you wish for!

John said...

"John, me feeling up women is not sexual and I am a big fag.

Fags can like tits too though. I don't want to splew on them or anything but I do appreciate their power and like to touch them.

Is there anything wrong with that?

I know quite a few of the gays that enjoy women's breasts but not in a sexual way.

does that make sense?"

It makes perfect sense. I think our attraction to breasts is in some part biological. We have to suck them to live when we are born.

And I don't doubt you like of them is asexual. I was just pointing out that since women will let gay men do things that they wouldn't dream of letting nonlover straight men do and that most women would consider it a huge conquest to get a gay man to sleep with them, pretending to be gay only to be "converted" later, if properly executed would be a very effective way of seducing women.

MamaM said...

Triangle Man, you have made my day...I knew something was missing from today's selection.

Their description of how to prepare the box cracks me up. I also love their "aha!" delight in finally breaking through the gift-giving ordeal to arrive at what could be no less than the perfect gift. No shopping, a box, a bow, and something for everyone.

Between the vision of yellow finches hanging upside down and a Box Full of Surprise, my brain is on creative overload. It's a good feeling. In an odd way I find my faith in humans ingenuity restored when I encounter out of the box thinking.

sonicfrog said...

what is the purpose of a cock ring?

To make what was at first small look slightly less so by pushing all your junk to the forefront.

Ring tone assigned to your special girl.

When diamonds just wont do.

To defend the super rich defenseless.... oh, that was Johnny Cochran.

John said...

"I definitely would NOT attempt something like this in Vegas. Even the standard "look for the adams apple" doesn't always apply, as they can be surgically removed. Careful what you wish for!"

very true. You would have to shorten your odds a bit by only targeting shorter small built women. You still could get a ringer, but the chances of it would be reduced.

Titus said...

Good question t-man.

I asked my Indian/British boyfriend that same question.

He told me that it makes his hog more sensitive and gets it harder and therefore when he cums it is more intense.

I have heard others say they wear it because it makes the hog look larger.

My husband's hog is a little smaller than average, not much though and I am definitely not complaining. I am not a size queen. One thing the cock ring does though is stretches out his foreskin though which I appreciate. I need to see the head. His foreskin isn't like some though that hangs way over the head which I find interesting but not all together sexy. His foreskin stops midway up the head when it is soft and when hard the entire head does pop out of the foreskin and the foreskin magically immerses itself in the stalk of the hog. If you were to see him hard you wouldn't even know he was uncut.

I on the other hand have no interest in wearing one.

Gray said...

Althouse, I really can't understand your obsession wiht other girls ' breasts. I mean, it can't be envy? Judging from pictures, yours are ok, too. So what's driving you? A hidden lesbian desire?

Lexington Green said...

Motion from the floor for a third post on this topic, with the photo right out front on the blog.

Do I have a second?

Titus said...

Oh and I am cut for those interested. I have a pretty decent mushroom head. The head to stalk ratio is perfect.

I hate a really large head and small stalk or small head and long stalk.

It is all about ratio of head to stalk-you heard it from me.

Titus said...

I would like to chime in about Althouse's breasts.

One word I would use to describe them is "bountiful".

Gray said...

I support the motion, and would like to ammend it by stating that a group of photos of Meghan McCain would be desirable for comparison purposes. Did she really show more cleavage as usual to the unsuspecting US public?
And what other books, besides art literature, does she read?

Henry said...

ADDED: peter hoh says:

Chris Althouse Cohen wrote:

56 comments and not one of them says "let's take a closer look at those breasts" or makes any reference along those lines? Is it just too obvious to even say?

Is it just too obvious to point out that it was previously stated that "no one in our family can ever say anything obvious"?

Are we all part of the family now?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Titus. I never saw the point. Maybe I will in my Viagra years, though.

Gray said...

Titus, what happened to the good ole nose to stalk ratio? I scored really well on that one. So last generation, already?

And as for cleavage picture, I still don't understand the brouhaha. They seem to be totally common. Only the accesories may change, not every lady prefers a book in her hand. Without any effort, I found this quite similar, and interesting photo:

Wince said...

Sometimes balloons can be a useful distraction.

KCFleming said...

No one has ever asked me to show my breasts, much less thrown cheap shiny necklaces at me on Fat Tuesday to imply it.

Should I be concerned?

Ron said...

If she could somehow smother Olbermann amidst the Grand Tetons she'll have done the nation a service! Maybe she could tell him that Daddy's secret plans to bomb Iran are hidden it the gaping maw of the decolletage...it would be his duty as a reporter to quest for the truth, and in his dying, sweaty last breaths he could think he was Ernie Pyle.

MamaM said...

I call hoax on Titus. Those special women whose breasts he tenderly cups and holds while carresing their nipple corona's are feeling nothing but his respect and awe for them while he is doing this. What open, understanding, and asexual saints!!

No sexual arousal on their part, just abject gratefulness for his non-threatening admiration.


Ralph L said...

Nothing sexual about pawing breasts from Titus' perspective--he wouldn't know if the girls find it sexual.

Cock rings are supposed to keep you from losing your erection, not that I use one. I'd hope Titus' Indian/British boyfriend would be young and horny enough for him that he wouldn't need one, but it could be a psychological crotch crutch.

WV - sisto - What Titus ain't.

Titus said...

It is Diwali Day in India today.

Similar to how we celebrate Christmas, not gifts though sweets, firecrackers and bright clothes are part of the festival.

I learned that from My Indian/British boyfriend.

chickelit said...

वह दिवाली दिवस के लिए एक cowmat चाहता है

Titus said...

My British/Indian boyfriend is always hard, keeping an erection is not the issue.

I think he might weare the cock ring to enlarge the hog.

I am watching Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors. Love the movie and the relationship between Woody Allen and Allen Alda.

Ralph L said...

My British/Indian boyfriend is always hard, keeping an erection is not the issue.
That's nice, but he should see a doctor for erections lasting longer than 4 hours.
Have you tried him without the ring?

ethan said...

Here's the thing, Outhouse:

What you said before about Jessica Valenti (and amusingly freaked out about) was stupid and bitchy, and you knew it.

No one gives a fuck about Meghan McCain. Seriously.

Which leaves you, remaining, as it were, stupid and bitchy. And we're going to continue to remind you that you're a stupid bitch.

Nice work, Cankles!


chickelit said...

What you said before about Jessica Valenti (and amusingly freaked out about) was stupid and bitchy, and you knew it.

Jeebus you're sad ethan. You're fighting a three year old feud? I just went and read that original thread and can't believe you were in it (here I thought you were some kind of recent incarnation).
I mean, if you want to blame somebody, why don't you go after the commenter goesh who drew the original attention to her there?
Seriously dude, get over yourself.

Joe said...

56 comments and not one of them says "let's take a closer look at those breasts" or makes any reference along those lines? Is it just too obvious to even say?

I don't find Meghan McCain very attractive, showing her breasts isn't going to improve that much. Besides, from what she showed, they're probably rather unspectacular.

Now Jenna Bush....

Hold it, how did that get in there? Someone has been editing my posts! Her name's not even Jenna Bush anyway.

sonicfrog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blake said...


The naked woman in Airplane! was none other than Kitten Natividad. In the book Invasion of the B-Girls, she says that her breasts were augmented by injecting silicone directly into them, a process that has to be repeated as the body slowly absorbs the silicone.

She had a double-mastectomy about 10 years ago.

sonicfrog said...

Ann, I didn't know you were in a music video....

Methadras said...

filmat11 said...

No, they're real and they're spectacular.


Methadras said...

ethan said...

Here's the thing, Outhouse:

What you said before about Jessica Valenti (and amusingly freaked out about) was stupid and bitchy, and you knew it.

No one gives a fuck about Meghan McCain. Seriously.

Which leaves you, remaining, as it were, stupid and bitchy. And we're going to continue to remind you that you're a stupid bitch.

Nice work, Cankles!


Folks, I think it's official. We have before us the first known case of a human cock block.

Titus said...

Geez Blake what a downer.

Way to give me a softie.

FYI-I like real tits, not fake ones.

Titus said...

If I was in Wisconsin right now I would be having a fish fry at a Supper Club.

Instead I am heading over to Quincy to have sex with my British/Indian boyfriend and ordering takeout tofu. We will be watching the Japensese horror flick Ichti Kills, then heading to The Vinyard. Price of B&B-$450.00/night.

But lets be honest if I was in Wisconsin I wouldn't have a British/Indian boyfriend who is a VP at State Street bank and has really big arms and a fag-won't find that in Scony.

Michael Haz said...

@Chickenlittle - वह दिवाली दिवस के लिए एक cowmat चाहता है doesn't quite describe them.

I think that its more 她有非常cowmat大的乳房。than anything else.

chickelit said...

Да Михаил, ее грудь не фирма, по крайней мере они велики.

chickelit said...

@VVV: "getalen" actually means "numbers" in Dutch.

Michael Haz said...

Bhí a breasts, siad i gcuimhne dom an seanmhÚthair.

chickelit said...

Moons Buí, hearts bándearg, i gcónaí tar éis dom charms t-ádh!

chickelit said...

@Michael: An gceapann tú aon idiots tuiscint dúinn anseo?

Michael Haz said...

Idiots? Spéartha Good, ní anseo!

chickelit said...

Boobs OK ansin!

chickelit said...

Thabhairt ar an boobs eile le leid anois!

JAL said...

Oh for crying out loud Professor. Get back here before Babelfish takes over.

wv presiess
prescient prius

Penny said...

With luck her balloons are circling Madison as we speak.

amba said...

Well, I read Meghan McCain's posts, and I'm kind of shocked by how narcissistic they are. I guess I still expect Republicans to be less "It's all about ME!" somehow. Naïve of me, I know.

blake said...


Meg is an Easter Republican. Channukah Republican? You get what I mean.

amba said...

I meant, I read her tweets. (And now you can read her tits?)

amba said...

chickenlittle said...

वह दिवाली दिवस के लिए एक cowmat चाहता है

Sacred cowmats!

amba said...

You get what I mean.




(pistachio incest?)

An earlier one was: cabins

amba said...

Well, I just went and looked at the pic. You gotta give her this, she certainly is bringing the left and right together.

blake said...



But funny.

wv: dingstul

No ocomment.

Penny said...

"I guess I still expect Republicans to be less "It's all about ME!" somehow. Naïve of me, I know."

Some think she gave them up for "the cause", Amba.

One or two might even be Republican women.

The men might be thinking "the cause" had something to do with a bigger tent, but what the heck do I know. I hate camping.

chickelit said...

Amba said: Sacred cowmats!

Holy Cowmats!

John Richardson said...

Best comment from another site:

You call that an internet scandal?
She's still got all her clothes on, and nobody else's body parts in her mouth.
Not even any drugs or amounts of liquor in view.

She needs to take some lessons from Paris Hilton or something.

Thank goodness for ARFCOM (www.ar15.com) putting things into the proper perspective.

kentuckyliz said...

amba wins the thread.

OK, kiddies, pop quiz--no looking back at the photo--

what book is she holding up? Title and author plz.

If you can't remember, Mizz McCain should remember that.

Balloons obliterate the perception of everything else. Use carefully.

wv pantiest
next up--Megan McCain's pantiest pic evah!!! while holding up the Weekly Standard!

MamaM said...

I know the title of book because I was intent on trying to figure out why she thought the picture was "fun" if her breasts weren't meant to be regarded as part of the composition.

wv Ploat

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