October 9, 2009

"Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo's birthday."

"Plus, we have a three-day weekend coming up."


LouisAntoine said...

Ha ha. Oh yeah, he also said something about Neda, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, and the american soldier.

"This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity — for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometime their lives for the cause of peace.

That has always been the cause of America. That’s why the world has always looked to America. And that’s why I believe America will continue to lead."

Anonymous said...

Wow - looks like the Nobel peace prize has stopped Ann from making anymore scathing homophobic remarks in her blog today.

The ones Sullivan pointed out the other day were quite disgusting. Wonder if Ann talks to her son like that?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nice try to change the subject DTL.

Peter Hoh said...

DTL, you really need to work on your reading skills. Show me anything that Althouse has written that can be termed homophobic.

You're giving liberals a bad name.

CarmelaMotto said...

Now for another canned keeping things in perspective remark, "Michelle said about the Nobel, that's great, now take out the garbage." LOL,LOL! Oh, that Michelle, she keeps him grounded!

Once written, twice... said...

President Obama has been, and continues to be, one of the most eloquent voices to the greatness of America. Narrow minded haters led by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck find this to be the most infuriating thing about him.

dannyboy said...

Barrack Hussein Obama is the kindest, gentlest most warm human being I have known in my entire life.

Anonymous said...

Sure - Ann links to La Shawn Barber who has called for killing gay people.

Enough said.

She also approves of reparative therapy.

She also has absolutely no problem with gays being referred to as pedophiles or perverts.

Show me ONE example where she has ever criticized a homophobic commenter on her blog.

Just ONE.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't he mention these other freedom fighters by name, then? Too skeert? Might offend a mullah? Might have to give the prize back?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama you’ve just won the Novel Peace Prize .. now what are you going to do?

‘I’m going to Disney Land’

LilyBart said...

Well, how charming. And isn't that appropriate, because Pres Obama's has been getting by on his charm his whole life. No other way to explain his accomplishment-less rise to the top.

Anonymous said...

When you make the leap to full scale wingnuttia, it naturally follows that you turn anti-gay next.

That is what is happening with Althouse. Interesting to watch it in action.

Like her prior post where she implies that Obama is gay, because he doesn't want war.

dannyboy said...

She also has absolutely no problem with gays being referred to as pedophiles or perverts.

That's terrible. What ever happened to good old labels like gayarse?

Shanna said...

Obama is a a shimmering, glowing star in the cinema firmament.

CarmelaMotto said...

Don't let DTL hijack the thread people.

Anonymous said...

Emasculating = FAGGOT

Ann Althouse said...

See what happens when you put up a sweet post about how cute kids are?

Balfegor said...

for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets. . .

Haha -- pretty ironic coming from Obama, of all people.

Peter Hoh said...

DTL, you charged Althouse with making homophobic comments, and now you are saying that she supports reparative therapy?

Provide some proof, with links.

Balfegor said...

See what happens when you put up a sweet post about how cute kids are?

Okay, yes. They are cute kids. Cuter than Chelsea Clinton was, and cuter than the Bush twins.

Michael Haz said...

dtl - It's always about your penis, isn't it?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know.. predictions for Dubyas book sales may have just doubled today.

daubiere said...

" See what happens when you put up a sweet post about how cute kids are?"

dtl cant seem to stay away from the scent of children.

i havent been here very long, but from what ive seen dtl is just an old fashioned internet troll. the only times ive seen him comment were thread hijacks. best to ignore him people.

themightypuck said...

So far Obama's smooth handling of this is making Kaus seem like a paranoid fraidy cat. I doubt winning a prestigious award will ever make someone look worse than complaining about who won a prestigious award. The natural human instinct to side with winners is going to beat the natural human instinct to hate on the undeserving every time. Its like winning the Superbowl on a terrible referee mistake. The mistake is a week story tops. The win lasts forever.

Michael Haz said...

See what happens when you put up a sweet post about how cute kids are?

And you, a mother!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Bill Clinton must be wondering why he didn't get one.

Anonymous said...

Actually, when I point out that Ann's best friend forever is a proponent of reparative therapy, Ann calls me a liar and deletes the post.

Even though Dr. Helen is a proponent of reparative therapy and has said that the American Psychiatric Society should be forced to give recognition to courses that teach reparative therapy, even though being gay has nothing to do with psychiatry.

Fair enough - it's Ann's blogs and she can delete those posts.

But Ann has never once deleted a homophobic remark on her blog, of which there have been plenty.

I won't try to psycho-analyze what's causing her homophobia although I could fathom a guess.

Unknown said...

Let's see, now, Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a settlement to the Russo-Japanese War; George Marshall won it for the Marshall Plan and trying to negotiate peace between the Communists and the Kuomintang in China.

Bambi gets it for the first eleven days as President (nominations closed at the end of January, I believe).

Watching all the lefty delta males go all Alisnky over anyone who sees how silly this award is vindicates my first reaction, "This is a gag, right?".

DADvocate said...

I liked that little anecdote. I could see my kids doing the same thing. I wonder if they think the Peace Prize is a quiet day in the country. Kids do help keep things in perspective.

Anonymous said...

"dtl cant seem to stay away from the scent of children."

Homophobic posts like that by the way.

victoria said...

I absolutely think this is a hoot. I have never seen so much hysteria coming from the right. Does he deserve it, Duh, no. Is is political, Duh, yes.

Does it make the right froth at the mouth, Duh, of course. Sweet

Attack away, who cares.

daubiere said...

"The natural human instinct to side with winners is going to beat the natural human instinct to hate on the undeserving every time."

so in other words, shut up. "i won". criticism is futile. "natural human instinct" is irrefutable.

"The win lasts forever."

george w bush won the presidency. twice. and yet the democrats still havent stopped whining about it, all the way up to the top man, nobel prize winning president of the world barry h. obama.

so your theory is twaddle.

Anonymous said...

The world is snickering and rolling their eyes. Maybe in a year or two if he had supporting accomplishments. But to quote Obama, "It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something.".

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been driving home the "gays are pedophiles" lies as well, with their Kevin Jennings slanders.

Even though Ann loves Limbaugh, she's been silent on that topic.

daubiere said...

"Homophobic posts like that by the way."

thats not homophobia, its an insult.

Shanna said...

Even though Dr. Helen is a proponent of reparative therapy

Is she really? I have never enjoyed her stuff, and her comment section is full of some very angry men.

Obama's kids are super cute, though. Especially the little one. I'm always a sucker for the father/daughter dynamic.

Peter Hoh said...

DTL, once again, not deleting is not the same as making a homophobic remark. Liking someone who supports reparative therapy is not the same as supporting it.

If you've got evidence to back up your claims, I'm willing to consider it. Until then, I'm calling you on it.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, it's time to PARTY. Obama won the Nobel.

And no, I don't have any direct evidence that Ann is homophobic, but her friends are. As are an awful lot of her commenters. And she has yet to call them on it. So she's either homophobic, or she's a wimp.

daubiere said...

hes still trying to hijack the thread people. jeez, isnt there an air marshal on board this flight?? hes gonna start ramming his head against the cockpit door pretty soon....

daubiere said...

"Anyway, it's time to PARTY. Obama won the Nobel."

lol, embarrassing! my gay friends would be rolling their eyes at you for that one.

ok i just read the policy above the comment box about not feeding trolls. ill shut up now, hope every one else will.

themightypuck said...


I'd say it is more a hypothesis. My experience is that whiners are quickly forgotten. Just because whiners keep whining doesn't mean the rest of us don't think less of them.

jayne_cobb said...

My favorite line of the day comes from Andy Levy:

"Giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize on the same day we bomb the moon is a slap in the face to the Lunarians."

Anonymous said...

Well Peter, if Andrew Sullivan is so crazy for making the Palin pregnancy conspiracy remarks, then why don't you just show how he's wrong.

If it's Palin's kid, then it should be REALLY easy to provide evidence as to why it's her kid without resorting to slanders against ALL gay people.

Ann seems to have an issue with every prominent gay blogger (Sullivan. Greenwald, etc.). The only one she links to favorably is gay patriot - who is as self-loathing as you can get.

AllenS said...

downtownlad said...
"Anyway, it's time to PARTY. Obama won the Nobel."

You know, for a faggot, sometimes you make a lot of sense. I bought a 24 pack of beer for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

"Gays cant seem to stay away from the scent of children." - Daubiere

bearbee said...

Bill and Hillary must be chewing glass at this point.

Peter Hoh said...

DTL, maybe it's because Althouse believes in free speech.

Are you ready to retract your baseless charges, now that you've admitted that you have no evidence to support them?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So.. Obama getting the Novel Peace Prize is like a signing bonus.

It’s a kind of a safe bet. A sure thing.

Well.. What if he dosent deliver?

If you are in the other side (as I am) you got to love the way they keep upping the stakes and moving the flag pole further and further away from him.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

People post on the newest thread. Since this is still about the Nobel Prize, people post here instead of on the older posts.

hombre said...

Giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize on the same day we bomb the moon is a slap in the face to the Lunarians.

A-h-h, but it's balm to the Lunatics.

Anonymous said...

If it's Palin's kid

Nice try. I take this as an admission that BHO's NPP is indefensible, so you're trying to change the subject by signing aboard Queen Mary Jane Milky Loads's crazy train.

Peter Hoh said...

DTL, Sullivan is making a mistake airing a rumor for which he has little chance of finding confirmation. It's an arguable position that this reflects badly on him, and one can make that argument without needing to prove the parentage of Trig Palin.

The best evidence that Trig is not Bristol's baby is that Bristol's baby was born 8 months after Trig's birth. I don't need to resort to any homophobic ad hominen arguments to make that point.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

People post on the newest thread. Since this is still about the Nobel Prize, people post here instead of on the older posts.

You should get a Novel Prize for that observation ;)

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Lem- well, SOMEONE had to say it. Althouse asked, after all.

wv obvious

hombre said...

dtl wrote: "Gays cant seem to stay away from the scent of children." - Daubiere

That's not what Daubiere said.

dtl, another SP impervious to truth, documentary evidence and moral discrimination. May we call you "Imperv" or will that provoke another bout of whinging?

Peter V. Bella said...

Here we are discussing the merits or lack thereof of the President winning the NPP- and along comes DTL to parade is vitriolic heterophobic nonsense.

Hey nancy boy remember this- Althouse does not delete you for your terroristic evil hate speech. Why should she delete others for their intelligent points of view.

Now why don't you go and self flagellate your self into a state of permanent unconsciousness.

chickelit said...

hes still trying to hijack the thread people. jeez, isnt there an air marshal on board this flight?? hes gonna start ramming his head against the cockpit door pretty soon....

Don't worry, somebody usually gives him a nudge out the cabin door and he always forgets his parachute.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem- well, SOMEONE had to say it. Althouse asked, after all.

Why are you paying attention to Althouse.. its not like she’s won the Nobel Prize ;)

Bissage said...

We wouldn’t want to see any familial favoritism going on, so it’s a good thing both girls came in together (just like Jane and Michael Banks). And it’s a good thing each one said something equally cute and quotable, unprompted and in private. Otherwise, the whole story might look like nothing more than well-prepared fillet of bull.

wv = systa. No lie. What are the freaking odds? I ask you.

former law student said...

Ann Althouse said...
See what happens when you put up a sweet post about how cute kids are?

"No good deed goes unpunished."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Digging deep into the mine of Obama’s wealth of accomplishments I have to ask seriously ... How many votes do you think the wise Latina appointment garnished him?

Clyde said...

I'll throw this in again, since the first one is buried in the first post comments.

all your nobel are belong to us!

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

DTL is the Typhoid Mary of homophobia.

Titus said...

There are too many Obama Nobel Prize postings.

I am like a kid in a candy store. I don't know which one to open first.

This is intense.

rhhardin said...

I never remember dogs' birthdays.

But, 1. They don't mind.

and 2. Every day is their birthday.

Henry said...

Alas Norway, such a tiny country with only the dynamite prize with which to change the world.

I'm surprised last year's prize wasn't awarded to the Obama election campaign. Then it might have meant something.

Titus said...

Who was Typhoid Mary?

I am going to see the witch Titjeba in Salem this weekend. She was a mean black witch.

I have just applied an eggplant and seaweed masque to my face in preparations of my evening tonight.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I mean what a cushy job the presidency.. somebody else retires and YOU get a prize.

KCFleming said...

A Nobel Prize is is a fucking valuable thing; you just don't give it away for nothing.

Titus said...

My masque product comes with a tiny little spacula to apply the masque.

I love that little detail that the company provides to us masquers.

bagoh20 said...

"I never remember dogs' birthdays."

I chose the 4th of July for my rescued dog's birthday, knowing there is always plenty of extra meat available to make it a great day for him.

Unknown said...

Perhaps the most fascinating turn in this whole spectacle is this: Toby Keith -- yes, that Toby Keith, most famous for his song "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue / The Angry American" -- is slated to play the Nobel Peace Prize concert. I think my head just exploded (along with those of the Nobel committee). I hope he plays it.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

@ pogo and rh. LOL

This is THE Nobel prize gift that just keeps on giving.

Shanna said...

I never remember dogs' birthdays.

When you get them from the pound, you don’t know it, generally.

Titus said...

My spa is offering a special $50.00 mani/pedi "stimulus package".

I say run don't walk to take an advantage of this amazing price.

TosaGuy said...


NPPWOTUS hasn't repealed DADT.

He must be a homophobe.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I mean the guy that has the most professional baseball hits than anybody before or after him on this planet earth is NOT in the hall of fame and Obama has a fringing Nobel Prize?

Something is seriously wrong .. even if its in a funny way ;)

wv - coaliso - of course its a sham

Shanna said...

Dan, Toby Keith? Seriously, that is funny. (he has a ton of better songs than the one you mentioned, btw). At least it's not Alan Jackson.

Rialby said...

Wow, all the lefties are out in full force today.

Now, my question is - how hard is it for the one marxist jackass who posts garbage here to switch back and forth between his many personas?

X said...

on the plus side, the big gold medallion will allow Obama to look like future President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion.

Cedarford said...

I won't be one of the people who is ridiculing Obama for an award he never sought, never expected to get.
The proper people to ridicule are the Norweigan Parliament, who appointed the cabal of ideological bozos that made the selection.

Them and the mindless Venerators - similar to those that worship the Sacred Parchment that is the One Perfect Document - be it the Constitution, Qu'ran, or Bible..

How many times have students or people following the media "wisdom" that such and such a person - from Saint Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Al Gore, Desmond Tutu, to Arafat --is now a "Revered Figure"??? Simply because they have achieved elevation to the true Pantheon of Moral Goodness - those luminaries who are Nobel Peace Prize Winners!

Assuming Obama can quash his massive ego somewhat, he probably is having an "Oh, crap!" moment....As he can well expect this Award elevating him in the eyes of a small group of brainless ideologues picked by Norweigan MPs to dog him the rest of his time in office. What will Saint Barack do to bring Peace and happy meals to all? Certainly not send troops that might kill "noble brown peoples in Pashtunland"!!
How will he "heal" matters of inner cities and black thugs in places like Chicago or Congoville with his Soothing, Soaring words??

Or bring tranquility to the ME? Save the noble Burmese? End Haitian poverty with a massive infusion of US wealth??

Too many critics will try and set him up for failure over an award he didn't seek, didn't deserve, and which is as much an exercise in stupidity as half their past awards since 1960.

Ruth Marcus writes in the WP -

Obama gets the award for, what, a good nine months? Or maybe a good two weeks -- the nominations were due Feb. 1. The other two sitting presidents who won the prize --Woodrow Wilson in 1919 for founding the League of Nations, Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War -- were in their second terms.

I imagine that Obama, when they woke him up this morning to deliver the news, grasped the bizarreness of it all. Back in 2006, when he was only a star senator, he mocked his instant celebrity at the Gridiron Dinner.

“I’ve been very blessed,” he said. “Keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention. The cover of Newsweek. My book made the best-seller list. I just won a Grammy for reading it on tape. And I've had the chance to speak not once but twice before the Gridiron Club. Really what else is there to do? Well, I guess, I could pass a law, or something.”

Anonymous said...

And now he's using his children to catch a break!

Yuck again.

Anonymous said...

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

IDIOCRACY, not a comedy--a documentary.

Unknown said...

Ann -- question for you. On BHT you compared Obama to a child prodigy, and said that he kept getting awards that he didnt deserve. Please Ann, educate me here -- who deserves to be president ? And for however you answer, I'd love to also know how this informs your views on George Bush and Sarah Palin. cheers.

BJM said...

It's as if we've been sucked into Bizarro World by the Obama vortex.

We are so screwed.

miller said...

I also will say "Barrack Hussein Obama is the kindest, gentlest most warm human being I have known in my entire life."

It's like a dream come true!

Plus, it's his dog's birthday. A trifecta!

former law student said...

Woodrow Wilson in 1919 for founding the League of Nations

That would seem to fall into the Nice Try category as well.

daubiere said...

"oh! thats right! were supposed to have a dog. honey, have the staff fetch it from the holding kennel, will you? a photo is probably going to be expected."

kentuckyliz said...

Three day weekend -- note what for ---


Yeay, let's celebrate white European domination of the New World and its aborigines! We won!!!!

woo hoo

Anonymous said...

Good grief, kentuckyliz. Just good grief.

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