October 30, 2009

At the Night Windshield Café...


... don't splatter yourself.


AlphaLiberal said...

Good point, Steve Benen. Obama's and Clinton's work in Honduras a success at restoring democracy.

Yay for the restoration of democracy over a military coup! Viva Honduras!

Ann Althouse said...

Oh, you don't give a fuck about Honduras. You just want to cheer for something that Obama did and this happens to be something. If his name were on the opposite policy, you'd think that was wonderful too. Want some restoration? Try the restoration of your own intelligence.

AlphaLiberal said...

Obama reverses the senseless HIV travel ban. Another success for common sense!

AlphaLiberal said...

Ann Althouse lashes out:

Oh, you don't give a fuck about Honduras. .

Really? Even after being there, I don't care about it?

You speak in ignorance. You're just angry that Obama is successful.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ann, you really do have a tendency to presume you know things that you really do not know.

For example, I have had a very long-standing interest in Latin America. I have followed the events related to the military coup in Honduras closely.

You don't give a fuck about the truth or integrity.

campy said...

This thread is over already.

WV: smsta Text message from a Teaching Assistant

Unknown said...

Watch out, Meade, an angry blonde is lethal at close range.

(I speak from experience :)

Alpha, I'll send flowers to the funeral.

AlphaLiberal said...

HA! It's an open thread, with no topic. I posted to a reality-based blog reflecting on big news of the day.

Althouse responds with typical right wing guttersniping.

Devoid of reason, logic or intelligence, all she do can do is level an ad hominem attack.

It's funny, I talked to a UW law student the other day and asked if they ever took any classes from Ann Althouse.

They said "who?"

chuck b. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

Well, I give a fuck about Honduras. Why wouldn't I, or anyone? I have several students who are worried about their families, who are unable to travel home. I want to see democracy succeed in Central America, and I've been disappointed in how the Obama administration was responding to this situation. I'm happy to see an outcome in which Zelaya will not be able to run again, and that might end the current climate of violence.

It doesn't hurt to be able to finally cheer something Obama has done. Why be churlish about that, Althouse?

chuck b. said...

I have a painting of this subject matter.

chickelit said...

Yay for the restoration of democracy over a military coup! Viva Honduras!

We've heard enough from the cheerleaders up here. What do the crowds say down there?

Got link? (I read Spanish thank you)

AlphaLiberal said...

Oops. Typo. My bad. I said:

I posted to a reality-based blog reflecting on big news of the day. .

That's not accurate. Should have been:

I posted FROM a reality-based blog reflecting on big news of the day. .

Ann's just jealous of my blog! LOL!

reader_iam said...

[Stepping over the splatters]

Anyone want some candy? Today's Trick or Treat night where I live, and we've got lots. Go ahead--take two, or even three, if you want.

AlphaLiberal said...

Actually, I find the term "give a fuck" to be fertile ground for discussion. Personally, my fucks are all spoken for.

"What do the crowds say down there?"

Depends who mobilized the crowd, right?

Beth, here is my argument on the core reason for the coup, which made no damn sense.

peacelovewoodstock said...

Especially don't splatter yourself like Larry David splattered Jesus ..

Unknown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

HA! It's an open thread, with no topic. I posted to a reality-based blog reflecting on big news of the day.

I helped care for my mother-in-law's Alzheimer's (no joke) and she had plenty of realities. All different.

You seem to have the same issue.

WV "giness" Ladies' gin.

reader_iam said...

We have two big pumpkins carved with power tools this year: one a depiction of Atilla the Hun and the other of Cylon Centurion, complete with sequenced flashing lights shining through the eye dots. And our huge door knocker starts banging on the door when you hit the doorbell.

Sure you don't want some candy?

wv: wirwol = what the word "werewolf" sounds like when my son's talking through his Star Wars Clone "Captain Rex" full-head mask.

AlphaLiberal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

How come there so few comments at your blog lately Alpha?

Do you delete them all?

AC245 said...

Commentary from the "reality-based" community tends to be of the same quality as those old TV movies that were hyped as being "based on a true story."

AlphaLiberal said...

Chickenlittle, my eloquence leaves nothing left to saw, apparently.

Or, my blog sucks. Or both!

..and the other of Cylon Centurion, complete with sequenced flashing lights shining through the eye dots. .

Cool idea! I'm happy to see BG continues with a new sequel. Wonder how long before we have "BattleStar Galactica: The Next Generation."

Odd use of an afternoon off, this.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Poor AlphaLiberal, Althouse is just splattering you on her windshield.

This makes me think of All About My Mother. We need someone to cry over Alpha Liberal's body!

AlphaLiberal said...

Uh, Jason, she made a false charge which I disproved with facts -- and dispatch.

Then she quietly went away.

Who is splattered on whose windshield?

AC245 said...

Is it a coincidence that the same people who are supporting "restoring democracy" to Honduras are the same people who were cheerleading Hugo Chavez?

I'd be willing to bet that Zelaya does not leave peacefully at the end of his term.

reader_iam said...

We used to hand out those little bottles of liquors to the chaperoning parents, but then one of the many lawyers in our neighborhood pointed out that unless we carded, which we don't have the right to do anyway, we couldn't be sure of age. Killjoy.

So I can't offer you any of those, alas, though it looks like y'all could use a good Happy Hour.

; )

wv: arsiori . Sorry, can't share with you why I find that one hysterical.

AC245 said...

Btw, AlphaMoron, the fact that you refer to it as a "military coup" is a pretty clear sign you haven't been following the situation in Honduras very closely.

Henry said...

Alpha said You speak in ignorance.

I don't know about that. She has plenty of evidence at hand.

Perhaps you are thoughtful and objective in some venue that doesn't involve writing. Is that what you mean?

AlphaLiberal said...

Is it a coincidence that the same people who are supporting "restoring democracy" to Honduras are the same people who were cheerleading Hugo Chavez? .

Made up bullshit in lieu of a lucid argument. Doesn't matter if it's true, as long as it's convenient to bash liberals the con's will say anything.

Making things up is all ya got. You and Ann Althouse.

Beth said...

AL, there's a lot to indicate that Zelaya is just another in the tradition of Central American cult of personality. Honduras has a constitution - any attempt to go around that and build up a populist base is an attack on the country's chance to become a stable, functioning democracy. If he's hanging in the company of Chavez and Ortega, that pretty much shows who he is and what he desires. I don't think it's accurate to call this a coup, since the country's top court found he'd violated their process and directed he be removed. The military didn't just up and decide to take out a leader.

Jason (the commenter) said...

AlphaLiberal:Then she quietly went away.

Dude, it was a hit and run. She could come back and nail any of us. Who's next, me, reader_iam? I'm too young to die!

Halloween has come early.

Anonymous said...

I really like that photograph.


AC245 said...

So, AlphaLiberal, does that mean you'll accept my bet that Zelaya does not leave peacefully at the end of his term?

AlphaLiberal said...

Responding to Beth:

AL, there's a lot to indicate that Zelaya is just another in the tradition of Central American cult of personality. .

I think I've written elsewhere I'm not a fan of him personally. He's a rich cattle and timber guy. I'm defending the rule of democracy over the thuggery of a military coup. Doesn't mean I love the guy.

If he's hanging in the company of Chavez and Ortega, that pretty much shows who he is and what he desires. .

Uh, no. It doesn't in the slightest. It means that he meets with other Latin American leaders. Latin American leaders do that all the time.

I don't think it's accurate to call this a coup, since the country's top court found he'd violated their process and directed he be removed. .

Despite the part where he was removed from his home at gunpoint, in his pajamas and ejected from the country? And judges and justices are not apolitical players. They can be party to the coup as well as part of the oligarchy.

You are silent, also on my key argument. Zelaya called for a referendum on (yet another) "National Constituent Assembly" (like a Constitutional Convention). That Assembly would not even occur until AFTER the Presidential election which would have elected his successor.

So how would this referendum have have resulted in him staying in power, as accused? It's a flimsy excuse for a coup. I've invited many people to defend that and no-one has.

AlphaLiberal said...

Well, Jason I hope the kiddies in our `hood are scarier than that, then.

So, AlphaLiberal, does that mean you'll accept my bet that Zelaya does not leave peacefully at the end of his term? .

Sure. A gentleman's wager.

AlphaLiberal said...

I think I just found my Halloween costume!

Unknown said...

dictators are good for Latin Americans and Asians

AlphaLiberal said...

So, I'm curious. Do most conservatives think that Palin asking for a $100,000 speaking fee in Iowa is appropriate?

Althouse should post on that! (snicker)

chickelit said...

Who is splattered on whose windshield?

The splatter looks mostly red so I'm assuming it's you Alpha.

wv: tioncep

AC245 said...

Is there any baseless, inaccurate slander that you're not willing to propagate, AlphaLiberal?

Or are you just too stupid to realize that Sarah Palin did not ask for any fee?

Beth said...

AL, link to something that supports your assertion that the referendum definitely would have taken place to late for him to run. That's only one scenario, so far as I can see from reading a bunch of news reports. He was trying to rewrite the constitution via referendum, which is forbidden by the constitution. That alone was enough to trigger his removal, no matter the timing of the referendum.

There are alot of other Central and South American leaders he could ally with, and he's chosen the ones who have each tried to end limits on presidential terms. That says something about his own aspirations.

In your own blog you have a link to another discussion of the relevant articles - read the comments there of the Honduran poster called "Alpha" - a funny coincidence. He or she does a good job explaining why this is not a coup.

avwh said...

So AL, why did the Library of Congress' report find that "available sources indicate that the judicial and legislative branches applied constitutional and statutory law in the case against President Zelaya in a manner that was judged by the Honduran authorities from both branches of the government to be in accordance with the Honduran legal system"? (My recollection is, Zelaya's own party controls Congress, which agreed.)

And why would John Kerry spend precious political and PR capital trying to get that finding censored or retracted?

AlphaLiberal said...

oh, right, ACxyz. I see.

Now that Sarah Palin got bad press for seeking a $100,000 speaking fee in Iowa, we're all supposed to pretend it never happened.

Or is the Politico a left wing rag?

Down the memory hole!

Jason (the commenter) said...

Does anybody think AlphaLiberal cares about Honduras? Does anybody care about Honduras?

Maybe Obama thinks he's fulfilled the expectations put on him by winning the Nobel Peace Prize now.

Henry said...

Alpha, you might actually read the article:

Bryan English, a spokesman for the group, ... initially said their effort to raise money was only to secure a venue, pay for lighting and promote the event.

AC245 said...

Thanks for answering: You're just too stupid to realize that Sarah Palin did not ask for any fee.

From the story you linked:

Palin’s book, “Going Rogue,” is to be released on November 17th, followed by a national book tour.

There is no indication that the former governor has requested a fee or that her decision whether to attend is being influenced by whether she’ll be paid.

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm going to see Little Shop of Horrors tonight, which I've never seen before. There will be people acting out the movie. Perhaps I should yell "sit down and let us watch the movie assholes!" at them.

AC245 said...

Good Lord, even Newsweek (who fell for the fake "Koran in the toilet" story) realized that your claim is bullshit.

More gullible than Newsweek... quite the accomplishment, AlphaLiberal.

reader_iam said...

Sorry, running out the door, so no hyperlinking.


Read closely ... there's some interesting background to this, some of which is alluded to in that piece. Sometimes it IS useful to read between the lines (with restraint, of course).

Bye now.

AlphaLiberal said...

Beth, the news reports at the time of the coup had this information. He was overthrown right before one referendum, which would have put the question on the ballot for the Presidential election.

Here is one, from Omaha:
The referendum itself would not alter the constitution: It merely asks voters if they want to hold a vote during the November presidential election on whether to convoke an assembly to rewrite the charter. .


A Google news search can show many more of these.

Many you can show us a link where Zelaya says he wanted to lift the ban on Presidents serving more than one term. I've tried to find that, myself, but my Spanish is not the best.

AlphaLiberal said...


Does anybody think AlphaLiberal cares about Honduras? .

So, I show where I have written extensively about the Honduran coup all over the internet. And you still claim to know better that I don't care about Honduras?

Jason, that's just dumb.

Ralph L said...

I really like that photograph
It reminds me of a painting my sister did in college. My brother named it "Patch of underwear in a fog" and used it for a CD cover 30 years later.

WV - pedawns - the 5 am feeding

john said...

Jason - you should yell

"Hit the dirt, baby,
red alert, baby
... shang-a-lang

Hazy Dave said...

chuck b: Nice painting!

john said...

Jason, are you sure you're not going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show? Lot of audience participation there.

Darcy said...

Beth: Thank you. I agree with your assessment of the situation. I have been very disappointed in our government's handling of this, but I'm hoping that they can still get it right.

garage mahal said...

It doesn't hurt to be able to finally cheer something Obama has done. Why be churlish about that, Althouse?


kentuckyliz said...

Re the photo -- that's a pretty steep hill for Chitown...are you sure it isn't SF?

Jason (the commenter) said...

john: Jason, are you sure you're not going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show? Lot of audience participation there.

No, that's tomorrow. I'm going there too.

This is something some of their cast members are doing on the side.

David said...

The Hondouran compromise is a face saver for all involved, except perhaps the Hondouran Supreme Court, which certainly got no respect from the Obama administration.

My guess is that there was quite a bit of economic pressure brought to bear by the United States to cause this to happen.

We may never know however.

I do think this is a good development in a bad situation that we made worse by injecting our politics into theirs, but hardly a great triumph for American diplomacy.

Phil 314 said...

It is a good outcome for Honduras so that the long ago planned election can occur (and hopefully both Mr. Zelaya and Mr. Michelletti will quietly fade into the wood work.)

As fro Gov Palin and her speaking fee: its her right to ask whatever she likes. If she later on chooses to run for President and this incident hurts her, so be it. but AL, why do you assume that this Palin issue has anything to say about those on the right side of the political world? You're not discussing a "political" issue but essentially a "tactical" issue.

but back to your initial comment. It is a good thing that Honduras can now move on.

David said...

AlphaLiberal said...
"Obama reverses the senseless HIV travel ban. Another success for common sense!"

Yes, a victory via legislation cosponsored by Republicans and Democrats that was signed by President Bush and pursuant to new rules promulgated by the Bush Administration that Obama presumably could have made final some time ago.

A victory for common sense indeed but hardly a triumph for Obama.

Robohobo said...

Alpha is an idiot. It was not a military coup. See "Who's behind the Obama Honduras policy?"

The tragedy is that Zelaya is being allowed to waste air for another bit of time.

Chip Ahoy said...

Steamed meat-filled dumplings. I saw these once a long time ago and have not been able to find them since, and I have looked assiduously. I know they've already been invented, probably hundreds if not thousands of times, but I don't care. I INVENTED THEM, or possibly reinvented them, because I had to.

I have much to say on the Honduras situation, and many links that could set straight the misinformed. But I know already the misinformed here are resolutely misinformed and insist on staying that way. So all I really have to say is, "stay stupid, and good luck."

No wait. On the off chance you really do care about Honduras, and not just say you do, here it is in their own words and in their own newspaper:

And since you care so much about Honduras you've failed to learn their language sufficiently to understand what their citizens are talking about or what the reality behind the misrepresentation of the surface issues are here it is again the same thing in English, another language we've observed your tendency to distort.

This is not to even bother linking the many many many videos shown endlessly all over the internet and available to you, of Hondurans protesting, then celebrating all the while being bullied by Zelaya-supporting thugs eager to go the way of Venezuela and of Cuba.

I have read your argument, Alpha, and you are sorely misinformed. That's OK, your standard loathing comes through clearly enough. You're stuck. Stuck absolutely. There is no hope for you. I don't know why you even bother attempting to educate anybody here, you're far too resolutely ignorant for that.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why be churlish about that, Althouse?"

I'm just a churl.

Ann Althouse said...

Cool painting, chuck. Looking at my set of photos of West Lawrence in the rain, I feel like painting them. There really is something to learn by going from light to paint. Or maybe it's enough to say that. Painting, which I used to do, takes a lot of time and you have to be all about the activity of painting for it not to be an exercise in impatience. Impaintience.

Michael Haz said...

Anyone want some candy? Today's Trick or Treat night where I live, and we've got lots. Go ahead--take two, or even three, if you want.

Do you haz Milk Duds? I'll have some of those, thanks very much.

We used to do the "Drink or Treat" thing, too, giving the adults a can of beer or a go-cup of one cocktail or another. Then someone complained, really for no good reason, and we stopped doing it the following year.

The looks of disappointment on the adults' faces was hilarious.

Michael Haz said...

Great photo, Althouse.

It captures the night, careening down a wet city street, and city lights just perfectly. It needs a Miles Davis track playing in the background, or maybe Robert Mitchum speaking lines as Phillip Marlowe.


David said...

A churl with a curl in the middle of her
fore . . . . head.

rcocean said...

Agreeance, - that photo *would* make a cool modernistic painting.

And Nobody thinks AlphaLiberal gives a damn about Honduras. Althouse knows her lefties.

Titus said...

Good evenin fellow republicans.

Heading at to dindin at at O Ya with my British/Indian husband.

Did I mention it was rated best restaurant in the NY Times.

Its totally expensive too, natch.

I would totally love answering the phone there, "O Ya Steve speaking, sorry we are completely booked until the first weekend of March 2010, should I pencil you in"? I would say it totally bitchy too, natch. As well I would sound completely annoyed even having to take the call.

Althouse is churl-love it.

Saturday is our trek up to Salem for Halloween. I am afraid it might be a clusterfuck up there but the good news is things are too crazy we can settle in for an early night of couscous and sex at The Nathaniel Hawthorne Inn-cost of the room for Halloween night-$395.00-what a steal.

May you all get whatever tricks or treats you desire this weekend.


Anonymous said...

thuggery of a military coup

Alpha, Dude, I have a question.

Suppose that the Supreme Court said Nixon had to turn over the tapes, and he didn't, and the Supreme Court ordered the military to go to the White House and take the tapes and arrest Nixon for contempt of court

A. Would that have been thuggery?

B. Would that have been a coup?

And how is the Honduran situation much different from that?

Titus said...

Oh and I will definitely say "Hi" to Titjeba from all of you my mint juleps.

Ann Althouse said...

I've been to Salem. It's kind of cheesy... but there is some good stuff. The Nathaniel Hawthorne house is nice. Don't know if I'd want to go there at Halloween. The place to be for Halloween is Madison!

Actually, it was great fun in Greenwich Village in the late 70s/early 80s. Fabulous parade. The Village was so cool then.

Titus said...

Salem is kind of cheesy but I actually like the cheese, just as along it isn't in my British/Indians foreskin.

I am hankering for Squid Ink Bubbles tonight and if you think I know what that actually means you are crazy. But I will pretend I do.

I actually don't know what anything on the menu actually is, No Beer Battered Cod-Friday special-sigh

Time to masque.
"Squid Ink Bubbles"-thank you waiter".

chickelit said...

I'm just a churl.

Churl is my new favorite word of the day. Historically, it has meaning close to "hillbilly."
wv "coder" Hey isn't that a real word meaning programmer?

Meade said...

I don't need no money,
Fortune or fame.
I've got all the riches, baby,
One man can claim.

Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My churl.
Talkin' 'bout my churl.

chickelit said...

Salem is kind of cheesy but I actually like the cheese, just as along it isn't in my British/Indians foreskin.

Smegma sounds more like a Greek cheese variety than an Indian one.

Titus said...

I am thinking I will order the Pouchi Pouchi Sparkling Sake too-$38.00-can you say fancy?

When ordering I am just not going to try and pretend to pronounce anything. I will just point at the menu and shake my head.

A girl's got to keep her reputation intact you know.

But to be honest you really can't take the small town Wisconsin girl out of the big city corporate diva.

Michael Haz said...

@Meade - Thanks! The Tempts seem never to go out of style.

Meade said...

Have a great time, Titus.

We just got back a little while ago from Laurel Tavern on Monroe Street. At 5 o'clock the place was packed.

We split a cheeseburger, onion rings and a pickle. Superb! Quick friendly service. Nice family vibe. Bill came to $12. Plus $5 tip.

Deb said...

Night in the City looks pretty to me.

wv: stonu

Deb said...

I just saw the movie Paranormal Activity which was a load of horse manure but it was a darned scary load of horse manure.

wv: gardess. Pirate for goddess. Arr.

Deb said...

Churl is my new favorite word of the day. Historically, it has meaning close to "hillbilly."

If you couple it with "benighted", especially.

wv: lershes.

Titus said...

Love Laurel. Would love to share a cheeseburger with my man but he is a vege and food snob, fucker.

Totally jel about Laurel cheeseburger you had.

Mom and Dad just got back from Green Acres Restaurant in Sauk. Yes, it is actually called Green Acres. Total Wisconsin Supper Clube with cheesespread and breadsticks.

Instead I will be spending a fortune on Sea Urchin and Homemade Kichi.

I leave his house on Fridays at around 3:00 and many nights I seriously go to the all night McDonalds near my house and order the Fish Sandwich with Biggie Fries because I am so fucking hungry. And then I throw it up when I get home, natch.

chickelit said...

If you couple it with "benighted", especially.

Believe me, it behooves you to behave.

reader_iam said...

Whew! What a whirlwind 3-1/2 hours! And wow, was it ever windy! Seriously. Coulda used a portable windshield: The kids' masks were being whisked right off of their heads and down the street--and I was surprised at how many leaves were mixed up in my son's candy bag. At least I got to bring him home earlier. Hot cider--with--time.

Titus said...

Sometimes he gets hungry after we do it and he brings out carrots. Seriously.

He is like are you hungry, do you want something to eat?

I am like not what your serving Monsoon Wedding.

Did I mention he has minature Buddha's all over the house. Thailand has one Buddha and India has another etc.

He ever read this blog I would be fucked.

And Althouse could fuck me over bigtime, she has his email address. Did I mention I love you althouse and you are the best blogger of all time?

But I am willing to overlook all this shit because he is really hot. Being really hot really fucks things up.

Resies are a 9:30 so I am just loosening up a bit with a cocky before dindin.

Pastafarian said...

Meade said: "...onion rings and a pickle..."

Interesting Althousian/Freudian choices, Meade.

john said...

Two candies or three,
Right in the bag, before
I think they notice, but you
Can't fool them, because it's not
Kit-Kats they want, or the
Rather, they want the big bars, like Big
Turks (in Canada), or
Reeces Cups, or butterfingers.
Each one of them knows, by feel, an
Almond Joy from a Babty Ruth.
Try to fool them, you pay.

(Sorry Chip, Arnold is making me do this.)

rcocean said...

I thought the knaves were the churlish ones.

Penny said...

"Painting, which I used to do, takes a lot of time and you have to be all about the activity of painting for it not to be an exercise in impatience."

That's true!

And here I thought that was only the case because not much of anything can keep us totally engaged for more than two hours at a time in this internet age.

Penny said...

Teh interents! It has rewired my brain!

Beth said...

I immediately sung a little line of "I enjoy being a churl" - it is funny. No less lame, but funny. I realize AL brings out the churl in almost anyone.

Penny said...

"Smegma sounds more like a Greek cheese variety than an Indian one."

Althouse readers know that smegma is "cheese" that only Peter would admittedly love.

Beth said...

Chip, those little buns look good.

I'm too lazy right now to post a link, but if you have an inclination sometime, google "natchitoches meat pie" - the town of Natchitoches (NACK-uh-dush) is famous for its little stuffed meat pies, and yours reminded me of them.

Kev said...

We used to hand out those little bottles of liquors to the chaperoning parents, but then one of the many lawyers in our neighborhood pointed out that unless we carded, which we don't have the right to do anyway, we couldn't be sure of age. Killjoy.

No kidding. But you'd think that any parent who had a kid old enough to trick-or-treat would be at least 21, correct? I guess if anything, it might run afoul of some "no open containers on public sidewalks" law or something.

Penny said...

"I realize AL brings out the churl in almost anyone."

I noticed that!

Granted, Honduras is not a personal hot button of mine, but I sit in wonder how so many of us "free speech" advocates are hell bent on shutting down Alpha Liberal.

What's THAT about?

Penny said...

"But you'd think that any parent who had a kid old enough to trick-or-treat would be at least 21, correct? I guess if anything, it might run afoul of some "no open containers on public sidewalks" law or something."

Kev, it runs "afoul" in more ways than you or I could begin to imagine.

And this story ALWAYS starts the same way. "Something bad happened to me..." And it always ends the same way. "Somebody needs to pay!"

Beth said...

I'm frequently reminded that I live in a unique place. The lack of
"to go" cups at bars and the presence of open container laws for pedestrians elsewhere are among those reminders.

Penny said...

Beth, not SO unique.

New Orleans has not only accepted their city as "The Big Easy". They came to thrive on that image, because they figured out a way to make it "work" for them.

Hundreds of other cities and their citizens have worked diligently to NOT be like New Orleans. Or to NOT be like Las Vegas.

The booze! The party girls! The gambling! The LIGHTS! The SIN of it all!

Well I suspect that New Orleans and Las Vegas spent many jovial years laughing at the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Now? Not so much...

It seems that those passing judgement on "sin", have finally come to Jesus.

At least on the east coast, where laws and spending, and now debt abound, one state after another is rushing in to be more like New Orleans and Las Vegas.

Because they see "Jesus" in a new light? Because they mellowed? Because their property values are killing them and they are feeling broke?

I can't answer for anyone, but I can surely point out the "convenience" of changing well established beliefs when it affects your purse to the point of pain. PERSONAL pain.

Beth, trust me when I say this. I hope that New Orleans ALWAYS keeps their shine. They led the way, or was it that they followed so successfully? Doesn't matter really.

Objectively, though, your city is now going to have to compete with east coasters who dropped their "sin" goggles for some scuba gear.

This bunch is pretty lazy by the way. For the most part, they are "deep sea diving" in their own swimming pools.

Good luck, New Orleans! Good luck, Vegas!

barry's blog said...

I guess I missed the segue to the Honduras from this picture, but I was reminded of this artist:

Patrick Glover, who I have seen at a local gallery.

Beth said...

Penny, Las Vegas and New Orleans are nothing alike.

AC245 said...

So, I show where I have written extensively about the Honduran coup all over the internet. And you still claim to know better that I don't care about Honduras?

Jason, that's just dumb.

AlphaLiberal, what's dumb is that you've written more in your efforts to spread your latest dishonest slander about Sarah Palin (you remember, the claim that even Newsweek managed to immediately identify as bullshit) in the past 24 hours just on this blog than you've written about Honduras for the past 24 months on the entire internet.

If reposting a couple of things that other people have said about a topic like Honduras indicates you "care", then you are certifiably obsessed with Sarah Palin.

But whether it's Honduras or Palin -- or any other topic -- one thing you're consistent about is that you don't let any facts get in the way of your opinions.

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