September 1, 2009

"Zambia's president evicts 'peeing monkeys' from State House."

Front page teaser for "Zambia's peeing monkeys evicted."

There were 200 monkeys in the state house, and presumably they were peeing all the time. But one peed on the president during a news conference. That's it for the state house monkeys.

ADDED: There are not enough animals running around in American press conferences. Maybe it would help those townhalls and tea parties: more monkeys.


Triangle Man said...

Whaddaya mean no monkeys at town hall meetings? What about all those (liberals wackos / right-wing nut-jobs)?

Thanks, you're a great audience. I'm here all week.

John Burgess said...

Come up with something other than monkeys, please!

When I was living in India, monkeys were taking over hospitals and schools, government offices and private companies. The only reliable way to be rid of them--other than killing them, which for some reason this Hindu-majority nation eschewed--was to hire guys with langurs, i.e. monkey-bashing monkeys.

I'll grant there was a certain entertainment value in watching the langurs scare the crap out of the monkeys (well, there was the additional crap problem), then wail on the ones who were too stubborn to get the message.

If we're taking nominations, I'd like to propose the importation of huge numbers of wombats to flood our legislative chambers.

WV: gashies (how rude!)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely place to visit.

Automatic_Wing said...

Well, there is Helen Thomas...

bearbee said...

Everybody's a critic!

The rule of Lemnity said...

According to Obama "Everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up."

Roger J. said...

Dammit--Lem beat me to it.

Bissage said...

Diapers must be expensive in Zambia.

Stephanie said...

Now we know why Obama was all paranoid about the wee-weeing up in the beltway...

bearbee said...

I wonder what Bo Obama has to say?

wv - whiesse: hehe

mrs whatsit said...

Leave the poor monkeys alone. Stop touching them. They have problems enough as it is.

chuck b. said...

Urine sauvage is a problem in the best of places.

Drew Cloutier said...

OMG, this post is racist!!!! (See Cossell, Howard--"look at that little monkey run").

Unknown said...

Want some visuals on "monkeys taking over" the cities? See this short video from India:

Anonymous said...

Back in October 2007 the Mayor of New Delhi was thrown from a balcony by monkeys and died from his injuries. Back then the government said they would get serious about the monkey problem. But I guess the death of a Mayor ranks below a President being peed on.

Methadras said...

We have peeing monkeys here in the states. They are called the homeless in San Fransisco.