Dear BHO, the best thing I can do to help you is to encourage you to resign. You don't like America; you don't care for the Constitution; the people don't want your policies. If you continue pushing your agenda, you're going to wind up with an ulcer and stressed out. Therefore, for the sake of your health, before you have to go the France for excellent health care, you should resign. Oh, and take Jivin' Joe and Botox Nancy with you.
Dear Leader: Try a new tactic or two. Continuing to use the "pea is not under any of the shells at all" game is like fighting the last war over again. Right now,no American believes any thing that Teleprompter has you saying to them anymore. Facing a term limit of 3 more years until the next election is no fun for you anymore. I suggest that you focus your time on winning the UN's Great Leader of the World job opening up as soon as the New Global Currency needs a Strong Man to implement that REFORM. You already have the Muslim votes leaning your way, and your brokering a deal to make Jerusalem into an "International UN Open City" could cement that support.
...a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity. – Thomas Jefferson
You can usually get gently used moving boxes for free on craigslist. This is the best week of the month to score, as people are just now finishing unpacking from their Sept. 1 moves.
Maureen Dowd's column this morning shows the way forward. Opposition to Obama is obviously a manifestation of America's endemic racism. All right thinking Americans who have qualms about the disingenuousness Obama's arguments about healthcare should look deeper into their souls. They will then realize that not only is their position on the public option wrong, but it is racist and evil.....Obama's not in trouble. We are. We must reform our evil ways.
1. Stop lying to us. Most Americans can do basic math and understand that if you significantly increase payouts, you have to increase taxes to make up for it. You aren't going to cut enough from the budget to make up for it. I know it. You know it.
2. Stop the racism gambit. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. More and more people are disagreeing with this policy or that but the more you call those folks racist, the more folk you are going to annoy and the less votes you get in 2012.
O, you are stuck up there in La La Land inhaling the unicorn farts.
Now, learn how to wheel and deal. Giving the same tired speech Wednesday night isn't going to change anything.
Assembling a crowd of SEIU nurses to rally up yesterday just keeps you camped out far out on that limb and damages your cause of getting anything done.
All or nothing--your way or the highway--really?
Your attachment to your precious ideas are more important than accomplishing something?
I know accomplishing something is new to you, but it is really worthwhile and gives a deeper sense of satisfaction than whipping a crowd into a frenzy. I think you'll like it.
Just stop the Chicago thuggery, cuz that doesn't work. Study LBJ. How did he make things happen?
Call your dogs off Joe Wilson, because he's quickly becoming a hero, and if Nancy Pelosi disciplines him in the well of the House, it will be great video for your enemies--and ultimately a distraction from what you're trying to do.
You're a poor negotiator, focused on people and positions rather than concerns and interests. The more you trash your critics, the more you alienate ordinary Americans in the center who have worries. Like me.
Time to CHANGE, O. I HOPE you can do it. Work out a compromise all of us CAN BELIEVE IN.
No, my dear Wormwood must not change tactics now, not when he is on the very cusp of altering the face of America forever (or at least for as long as it lasts, afterward).
Carry, on dearest Wormwood, with your task. Make the citizens into subjects, make the fruit of their efforts now property of the state, make them come to you hat in hand for their very supper.
Please try to refrain from going on national TV in primetime and calling people liars. You're lowering the standards of the discourse and showing people that you have a low tolerance for criticism." (I was going to say "thin skin" but then I'd get labeled as a racist) "Please try and see that when you sell a trillion dollar health care plan like a used Chrysler product, people won't care if you're white, black or green - they're going to get a bit peevish. Don't mistake that for 'racism'.
There's only one tried and true way we can help Obama: elect a Republican House in 2010. It will take some of the pressure from the left off him and force him to the center. If he wants, he can even start screwing around.
1.Ask Mr. Biden to resign. 2.Appoint a patriot like Gen. Petreus as VP. 3.Resign. 4.Ask Mrs.0 to quit wearing that polka dot belt with the purple buckle.
We forget what Bill Clinton said and could stop thinking about tomorrow. If we believe the bill will never come due, then why don't we just go out and all buy ourselves S Class Mercedes or Audi A8s?
This whole health care deal is an "easy credit ripoff"
Could you lay off the way Mrs Obama dresses? She may be a commie sympathizer and Ayers Enabler, (go ahead and call BS, somebody) but she certainly looks good almost every time I see her picture.
Yeah, Ann, I know he's got that "King of kings and Lord of lords" bit from Handel running through his mind like a hamster on a treadmill, but for the sake of his health he can set aside his delusions. If we all taunt him about his bat ears that will move him to reSign much faster.
It's not Obama who needs help. It's the people who voted for him.
We now see all of you who did so and who will likely do so again as people who don't cherish individual freedom. You don't care about burdening our children and grandchildren with overwhelming debt. You appear to crave fashion over substance.
How do we help you? Perhaps we could reacquaint you with math and the notion of liberty.
Quayle, ur racist. Why you wanna keep BHO away from the aspirin? I'll tell you why. Aspirin is white, and when you open the bottle and take one out, it's small and well shaped. When you look at an aspirin, you get a pic of a white woman in your head. You don't want BHO's hands on the aspirin cuz he's a black man and you don't want to see a white woman being held by a black man. That means ur racist.
I think people have tried to help Obama his entire life. Perhaps we can best help Obama by not trying to help him.
That echo chamber he lives in, that fantasy world he has created as an author, that's no way for any intelligent person to live. For Obama as a person the best thing may be utter failure.
Perhaps he's too old for it, maybe he's in the wrong position to be undergoing a midlife crisis, but if we want to help Obama, we need to let him face reality and let his soul experience the corrective qualities of criticism.
You're Obama, not Obi-Wan. Those Jedi mind-tricks of nakedly lying to people and saying "These are not the health care benefits you are looking for; you can go about your business. Move along!" only work in the movies.
Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; Steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for a trickster and catch him at first attempt, but beware of an honest man
Notsosmart, Liberia has Africa's first female president who's doing good things for the country. I forget her name, but she is a U.S. supporter, was educated in America, and was deeply appreciative of President Bush's visit. They had their civil war and are making their way back.
Lisa's advice includes the following recommendations:
2. Stop the racism gambit.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims.
One presumes she means to say "Muslims" rather than "Mualims". In which case, I'm curious to know the non-racist reason(s) for her advising Obama to not pander to them alone among all other constituencies.
You know my take. It's simply amazing that someone could utter these two seemingly incongruous sentiments side-by-side, in practically the same breath. But I hope against hope that my diagnosis of just the typically characteristic cognitive dissonance is incorrect and that there is actually some way of reconciling such bizarre, and diametrically opposed ideas.
Muslim isn't a race, it's a quasi political-religious ideology. So, BHO should cut the race baiting crap and he should also stop pandering to Muslims by telling them that the world owes everything to Islam.
The link took me to this: "Size —ABC News Reported D.C. Rally Size in Tens of Thousands, Not 1M to 1.5M as Activist Said."
One way to help is to not be a dishonest blogger who intentionally misleads readers to believe false claims. A crowd of tens of thousands is large and newsworthy, but why the need to encourage readers to think the crowd was a historic size in the millions when it wasn't? Anything to get more InstaPundit links, I guess.
I know this answer is not going to satisfy you because you're not really looking for an answer. So, let's just say this is for my own sanity.
2. Stop the racism gambit.
When people criticize a black president, it not necessarily because he is black. To continue to say that this is the sole reason people oppose his policy is to a) ignore the substance of their arguments, b) cause further racial division and c) anger those who were never racist in the first place.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims. (sic)
a) Muslims are not a race, b) to suggest that the President should not choose Palestinians and other Arabs over our Israeli allies is not a racist argument, c) the President of the United States should not bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, d) the President went out of his way in Cairo to suggest that Muslims are the victims of Western imperialism.
The media is gaming the numbers. It is precisely because the crowd size was in the 2M area that the media is underreporting it as thousands or tens of thousands. Why? To preserve Obama and his marxist agenda and to preserve the media's sense of themselves as better than us. If 2M Americans march against Obama, kiss his presidency goodbye. He might as well step down. If he steps down, then the media were wrong to have made him president. Their judgment is flawed and the rubes in flyover country are right.
How to protect Obama and themselves? Lie. What else is new? Underreport numbers. ABC did that. Make it seem as if the march wasn't significant. NYT did that. Report Obama's pissant speech and ignore the millions against him. WaPo did that.
Somebody's got an agenda here, and it ain't Instapundit.
I know this answer is not going to satisfy you because you're not really looking for an answer. So, let's just say this is for my own sanity.
Rialby, I don't necessarily need answers. But viable explanations would be nice.
2. Stop the racism gambit.
When people criticize a black president, it not necessarily because he is black. To continue to say that this is the sole reason people oppose his policy is to a) ignore the substance of their arguments, b) cause further racial division and c) anger those who were never racist in the first place.
First off, substance is sorely lacking in these protests and temper tantrums that are not so thinly disguised as arguments.
Second, racial divisions are not being sown. But to say that racial animosity or antagonism doesn't exist among any of Obama's detractors is a lie. It may be just a tiny, fringe minority and it may not even even comprise the bulk of their problems with him. But it lurks deeper in some small minds in the form of racial resentment. You honestly can't be denying that there are people for whom that dynamic exists.
And people who were never, ever, ever, never-ever, EVER racist, shouldn't be pissed, and nothing should be done to intentionally anger them. But for them to be in such denial about what I just stated in the previous graph puts them in the position of having to account for the racists among their loonies, first.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims. (sic)
a) Muslims are not a race, b) to suggest that the President should not choose Palestinians and other Arabs over our Israeli allies is not a racist argument, c) the President of the United States should not bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, d) the President went out of his way in Cairo to suggest that Muslims are the victims of Western imperialism.
A) is a technicality. Hatred or animosity against "the other" is the issue and how we seek to find and define "others" with whom to proclaim our superiority, or preferential, "nativist" treatment or identity is what matters. It could be those of a different religion, ethnicity, it doesn't matter.
B) Is a political point related foreign policy and not relevant to the issue of demonizing Muslims as a whole - many of whom have a right to live here, vote, and "be pandered to".
C) How this has to do with him being a Muslim is beyond me.
D) Well, that's because they were and addressing that fact eases international tensions rather than exacerbates them. But I dunno, maybe you think it's better to escalate the potential for conflict around the globe for some reason.
It's pretty clear that The Won is going to lose congress.
No, not in 2010. He's going to lose Pelosi and Company before Christmas.
Most of America is becoming aware that their (Liberal's Favorite Buzz Words!) economic interests are not served by allowing the Potomac Clown Show any more leash, and the trend is accelerating.
The number of folks that recognize the Obama agenda for what it really is, a detailed, long term strategy dedicated toward bringing down the Republic using Cloward-Piven and Alinsky attacks, is growing rapidly, too.
This administration makes no sense unless you view it as an attack.
See what I did there with the word "solely"? I anticipated that you would make the argument that some of the people who oppose Obama are racist. Some of them definitely are. Your charge that racial animus is "lurking" deep inside the minds of many is nonsense on stilts because it's unprovable. Did I vote for John McCain because I'm a Libertarian or did I vote for him because somewhere in my reptilian brain I really dislike black people. Must be the latter since it's "lurking" somewhere in there.
Racial divisions are not being sown? Of course not from your perspective. To liberals, racial divisions are only widened when white people do something to anger black people. Telling someone who has real disagreements with Obama's politics that they must be a racist (even though they're not) shouldn't anger anyone because it's not attempt to discredit their argument with the wave of a hand at all. Right.
You said that nobody can simultaneously argue that they are not a racist and that Obama should stop pandering to Muslims. Then you go forth to spew postmodernist nonsense about the "other" and "nativism".
To answer your points in order - Obama is showing a greater willingness to pander to Islam than his predecessor. To call this out is not a racist argument.
To call out Obama for his willingness to show a decided preference for the Palestinians over our allies is not a racist argument.
I never suggested Obama is a Muslim. Take that back where you found it.
Straw man. Nobody believes in "escalating the potential for conflict" unless they're a megalomanical dictators. Obama, in his speech in Cairo, went out of his way to pander to the Islamic world. Again, to answer the first charge, not a racist argument. I can suggest that it's not the right thing to do and I can feel comfortable making that argument because it's not a racist one.
It's a little late for this advice, but he really should have invited yesterday's marchers over for a beer, or, more accurately, two million beers. Real beers, that is. Sierra Nevada, Anchor Steam, Red Hook ESB. The list goes on, but nothing with the word (or pseudo-word) "Light", "Lite", "Miller", or "Budweiser" is on it.
the chicago machine; black liberation theology; obamacare; appeasement; disarmament; support for zelaya, chavez; ahmadinejad, abbas/fatah; rahm & axelrod; pelosi & reid & rangel; cap & trade; the so-call;ed stimulus.
Woooo! Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I never before realized you guys liked and supported me.
So far, the best comment had to do with checking into the loot Bill Clinton has made out of office. I will have my little ballerina, Rahm, do that immediately.
That is important to me because (confidentially to you all), I am sure the next Mrs. Obama will be expensive. I plan to remove her voicebox and look she may need some liposuction too.
"See what I did there with the word "solely"? I anticipated that you would make the argument that some of the people who oppose Obama are racist. Some of them definitely are. Your charge that racial animus is "lurking" deep inside the minds of many is nonsense on stilts because it's unprovable. Did I vote for John McCain because I'm a Libertarian or did I vote for him because somewhere in my reptilian brain I really dislike black people. Must be the latter since it's "lurking" somewhere in there."
Oh! You accuse me of missing the term "solely" and then you go on to accuse me of stating that "every" one of Obama's detractors are racist! Touche! You really are a master of (falsely) accusing others of what you have just done! Bravo!
"Racial divisions are not being sown? Of course not from your perspective. To liberals, racial divisions are only widened when white people do something to anger black people."
Black people as a whole, or all (or most) blacks. Be specific. We know your side is having trouble with numbers these days.
"Telling someone who has real disagreements with Obama's politics that they must be a racist (even though they're not) shouldn't anger anyone because it's not attempt to discredit their argument with the wave of a hand at all. Right."
And neither is sarcasm?
I already made a distinction between accusations of racism and criticisms of policy disagreements. Did you have trouble reading them?
"You said that nobody can simultaneously argue that they are not a racist and that Obama should stop pandering to Muslims. Then you go forth to spew postmodernist nonsense about the "other" and "nativism"."
Ahh... yes. The concept of "the other" in a society is nothing but postmodernist nonsense. I see.
"To answer your points in order - Obama is showing a greater willingness to pander to Islam than his predecessor. To call this out is not a racist argument."
How does one pander to a religion? One panders to constituencies. To say this is about Islam as a religion and not about what individual Muslims feel about America and how they act regarding their perceptions of America, is to (stupidly) play the "War against Islam" card that bin Laden uses to rally the faithful among his troops and raise up more potential recruits. It's absolutely dumb and shows how little you understand of an"other" culture.
"To call out Obama for his willingness to show a decided preference for the Palestinians over our allies is not a racist argument."
Did I not already address this? Are you not able to read?
"I never suggested Obama is a Muslim. Take that back where you found it."
I said the king of Saudi Arabia is a Muslim, not Obama.
Take back your $39.99 on the Introduction to Reading English instructional CD.
"Straw man. Nobody believes in "escalating the potential for conflict" unless they're a megalomanical dictators. Obama, in his speech in Cairo, went out of his way to pander to the Islamic world. Again, to answer the first charge, not a racist argument. I can suggest that it's not the right thing to do and I can feel comfortable making that argument because it's not a racist one."
Your argument has ignored my many responses - all of which were relevant and pointed out clarifications that you cannot seem to see. I will no longer engage this point or any others with someone who is clearly having a monologue.
Obama is in trouble? Well here is a suggestion: Trying not to ram some shitty health changes down our throats would be a good start.
Sorry Barack Obama is not George Bailey. And I do not care to go to his house and empty my jars of quarters and dimes (and I suspect he wants a lot more than that anyway).
I know it means nothing, but my inner libertarian [was] revolted to see a "good citizenship" tag on a "help the president [with respect to his personal political career and ambitions]" post (no matter how facetious the post).
Althouse said: @grapp I'm afraid BHO looks at the word "resign" and doesn't see one of the letters. ... and I laughed out loud.
Really. Why aren't more people asking for this? The bulk of the money hasn't even been spent yet, just allocated, and that allocation is what's pushing the debt so high. It's not working, and it won't work given the new regulatory environment, so why not kill it before all that money is spent? Same with TARP, which also has money allocated but not spent. Cancel the programs, slash the deficit projections -- how hard is it, really?
Oh, wait. The "stimulus" wasn't focused on the economy, it was a Christmas list of everything Democrats have ever wanted to do but couldn't get funding for, before. They won't give up their gimme-goodies so easily.
It would take a miracle, I suppose, but it certainly seems like a good idea to me.
montana urban legend, resorting to logic chopping is unbecoming.
I understand that you're convinced that your superior intellect and understanding allow you to freely chastise those unfortunates who disagree with you in any terms you like, but, seriously, it does not seem to make them more likely to accept your point of view.
BTW, you're a Stalinist. Therefore I pay no attention to anything you say. See how easy it is?
"I understand that you're convinced that your superior intellect and understanding allow you to freely chastise those unfortunates who disagree with you in any terms you like, but, seriously, it does not seem to make them more likely to accept your point of view."
If it only causes frustration for people who don't read and can't reason, then I guess that'll have to do, Dave.
"BTW, you're a Stalinist. Therefore I pay no attention to anything you say. See how easy it is?"
It's just as easy to not take seriously some nobody who doesn't even allow access to his Blogger profile. And a more meaningful course of action.
Funny, (and, it is!) Haarvard gave Obama a credential on Constitutional Law. Must be an easier course, there, than say "gym." Teddy must have talked them out of giving any tests. Those shills have a way of getting caught.
Stop sending Dick "Bush is a Nazi" Durbin to serve as your mouthpiece on Meet the Press. This morning, Dick Durbin observed that a mandatory health care system would have a "cap" so that no one would have to pay more than 12% of their income for health care coverage. Huh? Did that register for everyone: TWELVE PERCENT?
I think we should all help ourselves by taking a break from this obsession with politics. It's worse than a food fight.
But as long as the topic was raised, narcissistic personality disorder is notoriously resistant to any treatment.
The more important question is why anyone would label Obama with an NPD diagnosis. NPD is a serious disorder where others lack empathy and the ability to love others in a normal, healthy way. It is a kind of sickness that I hope no one here has to contend with. To abuse medical knowledge, people with NPD and their victims, just so someone can get some shot in at some politician that you just happen to not care for with this type of label is a bit irresponsible, IMO.
Dear President Obama, you are obviously not able to get your message out to the people. I suggest a primetime press conference, or townhall meeting, where you can talk to the people directly. All your problems will be over.
Option #2 is to get ahold of Michael Jackson's cosmetic surgeons and have yourself transformedinto a white-skinned anime character of non-specific gender. That should throw those racist bastards off your trail. At least for a while.
William, why do guys like you (and that idiot Dowd) always cry racism whenever someone disagrees with Obama? By your logic, we're only 1/2 racist, while you, are 100% racist. Afterall, you guys never agree with Dr. Thomas Sowell or Justice Thomas.
Trouble for Obama? Hardly. He has majorities where he needs them, he has the MSM in his pocket (so controls much of the public message), and he has unions to do the dirty work. We will get healthcare reform, whether we want/like it, or not. I wish it were not so, but conservatives are not in a position to prevent things from going Obama's way. Democrats don't have to pay attention to the millions standing outside their windows in DC, and they won't.
"I think we should all help ourselves by taking a break from this obsession with politics."
Lotsa luck, Charlie.
Back when my father was born you could easily and comfortably live your life ignoring politics, because the government would leave you alone. Now, after almost a century of progressive "reforms" touted as increasing our freedom, all areas of life are regulated by innumerable laws and regulations and the policies of largely unaccountable bureaucracies. And my liberal friends think that government doesn't have enough power.
"Democrats don't have to pay attention to the millions standing outside their windows in DC, and they won't." Maybe not, but if O stays in office the full 8 years he may do even more damage to the Dems than GWB did to the Repubs. So hang in there Barack baby!
grapp said... The media is gaming the numbers. It is precisely because the crowd size was in the 2M area that the media is underreporting it as thousands or tens of thousands. Why? To preserve Obama and his marxist agenda and to preserve the media's sense of themselves as better than us. If 2M Americans march against Obama, kiss his presidency goodbye. He might as well step down. If he steps down, then the media were wrong to have made him president. Their judgment is flawed and the rubes in flyover country are right.
How to protect Obama and themselves? Lie. What else is new? Underreport numbers. ABC did that. Make it seem as if the march wasn't significant. NYT did that. Report Obama's pissant speech and ignore the millions against him. WaPo did that.
Somebody's got an agenda here, and it ain't Instapundit.
ABC's estimate comes from the D.C. Fire Department. I'd say InstaPundit and Althouse have the political agenda, which is why the estimates they're promoting are so wildly above the fire department's. Althouse made sure to promote the wildly inaccurate estimate in a manner where she can deny she lied. But bloggers who are encouraging their readers to believe a crowd estimate that is more than 1.5 million larger than the D.C. Fire Department's estimate are intentionally spreading misinformation to advance their political agendas.
The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda and they have years of experience in estimating crowd sizes, I don't think they were off by more than a million and a half!
Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George ended up with a hot girlfriend who got him a job with the New York Yankees? He did that by doing the opposite of every impulse he had. That's what Obama should do. "My instincts say to take terrorists out of Gitmo. I better put more in." "I'm inclined to raise taxes. I guess I should lower them instead." The 2012 slogan is even already written for him: "Barack Obama - The opposite of every politician."
At the risk of taxing your good will, a little Brigham Young seems in order here:
"And here people are, contending, quarrelling, seeking how to get the advantage of each other... wanting to rule nations, wanting to be president, king or ruler.
"What would they do if they were? Most of them would make everybody around them miserable, that is what they would do.
Lisa's advice includes the following recommendations:
2. Stop the racism gambit.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims.
One presumes she means to say "Muslims" rather than "Mualims". In which case, I'm curious to know the non-racist reason(s) for her advising Obama to not pander to them alone among all other constituencies.
I was referring to the way our foreign policy has starting pandering to Muslims.
When MoDo, Big Media(they are no longer mainstream), the Dem leadership and left elites publicly condemn the criminal behavior and racism of ACORN workers conspiring to commit fraud, facilitate prostitution and enable human trafficking of Hispanic children, maybe then they can claim the moral high ground.
Does anyone really believe black ACORN employees would have been OK with smuggling children for sex if they had been Haitian or Sudanese? However that wasn't Althouse's question, but an example of why he's in trouble.
Obama must break free of the bubble of ass-kissers, facilitators and corruption surrounding him or in spite of a complicit media, his power will seep away by a thousand self-inflicted cuts. Obama does not have the emotional connection to the silent majority that saved Clinton's presidency.
Obama must re-establish the trust Independents and moderate voters extended when they took the leap of faith with him last November.
Condemning ACORN, calling for Charlie Rangel to step down from his chairmanship and delivering on transparency would be a start.
Decrying partisanship while the Dem Congressional leadership and his inner circle pursues a scorched earth policy makes him appear weak and/or dishonest.
Allowing the House to put on their Wilson dog & pony show when he tells his supporters to "push back twice as hard" and "to get in their face" is a farce that makes him look petty.
Obama is the head of his party and must dial down the demagoguery and divisive rhetoric before his well of presidential good will is irretrievably poisoned. Those he needs to convince most to maintain his majorities next year, Independents and moderates, are tuning out.
The buck stops at Obama's desk. The Dems have bulletproof congressional numbers and the WH. As my plain spoken Midwestern Gran would say; either shit or get off the pot.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans. Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore? It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck. I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
That's right, Joan. The stimulus has only been vaguely allocated, and it actually does not even exist yet. We would have to borrow it from China!
Can you imagine what the market would be if he repealed it? He could kiss the left goodbye forever and again the trust of the American people. I guess he really is an ideologue.
Mr. Obama, you are not the speaker for the Speaker of the House.
It's time to start being president.
* * *
The only time so far that Obama has stood up to his own party in Congress is when he killed funding the for the F-22. That was a gimme (it was small potatoes and not that popular), but it was something. Obama needs to treat healthcare reform like he treated the F-22 program. He needs to ask for something that matches his promises or he'll veto.
If he doesn't do that he will continue to look like a dishonest sap -- the leader of a party that lets him spin a line for the American people as they go do whatever they want.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans.
I don't like what Althouse is posting lately. Therefore, only crazy people like Althouse now.
Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore?
Does anyone beat up on George W anymore? *sob*
It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck.
Merely a month ago it would have been "Rush Limbaugh."
I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
I used to come here to make fun of Palin and talk about gay marriage. These conservative topics confuse me! Unable to defend my or my leader's positions, I resort to dismissive namecalling.
Zach -- You have become a parody of your shrillness. I mean, really. Things are obviously, objectively going bad for Obama right now. Why not own up to it?
Not you. Gotta do whatever you can to save face. Gotta make wildly unrealistic claims in an attempt to shame the bearer of realism.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans. Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore? It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck. I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
The interesting thing about Beck is that he is successful. I hate his populist presentation, but he has been getting in more real hits against the Obama Administration than really anyone else over the last couple of months. All while pulling at least for a bit, ahead of Hannity into the #2 slot, right behind O'Reilly, in viewership (and with several times the viewership of his direct cable "news" competition - combined).
So, keep dissing the guy, as he continues to wrack up Obama Administration scalps.
ZPS--you don't like what this blog has become--well, then sir, why do you continue to post on it? You arent smart enough to go away? Or are you into some kind of masochistic behavior. At any rate--you control the keyboard--don't log on. It really isnt that hard.
1. You've been talking tougher to your fellow citizens who are your political opponents than to our actual enemies, like Iran. STOP IT. NOW. NOT ONE MORE WORD LIKE THAT.
2. You said, "I will not accept the status quo. Not this time. Not now." Fine. Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for the USA, you do not have the final say in this. REMEMBER THAT.
I predicted long ago that the left would resort to charges of racism when Obama's presidency went south. Right in these pages.
I even gave you whiners a name to run with: blacklash.
It's the narrative you would obviously choose, and it's destined to anger many people, fail to get votes, live on for decades among academics, and set race relations back in this country.
The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda ...?????
Let me suggest that there is likely no place in this country that is so subject to one party rule than the District of Colombia. Do you want to hazard a guess at the percentage of the top brass in the D.C. fire department who did not vote for Obama? How do you think they got their jobs in the first place?
Knox, this isn't about conservative politics, it's about pure craziness. Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them (which is pretty infrequently). They just call for Bill Ayers to murder Obama or for Obama to hang himself. Like I said, entertaining, but hardly a place anyone would take seriously.
"W.B. Picklesworth said... Send him a copy of the Constitution?"
SIR! The man is an Ivy League Graduate!
READ him a copy of the Consitution. And be prepared to use puppets.
"ABC's estimate comes from the D.C. Fire Department. I'd say InstaPundit and Althouse have the political agenda, which is why the estimates they're promoting are so wildly above the fire department's. Althouse made sure to promote the wildly inaccurate estimate in a manner where she can deny she lied. But bloggers who are encouraging their readers to believe a crowd estimate that is more than 1.5 million larger than the D.C. Fire Department's estimate are intentionally spreading misinformation to advance their political agendas. "
Swing by my blog at Three Beers Later or Dan Riehl's blog for a photographic comparison of the crowds for LBJ's inauguration (documented at a 1,000,000+) and the 9/12 march.
If it took the 15 Federal Departments that are represented in the cabinet 90 days to find savings of $100million, how long will it take one department, HHS, to find $150billion in savings?
Show your work.
Hint. Your term will have ended. Your life will have ended. The lives of your children's children will have ended. Time to come up with another plan.
Zachary Paul Sire: Knox, this isn't about conservative politics, it's about pure craziness. Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them...
Well, you can always respond to people engaged in critical thinking rather than name callers.
My health insurance rates are too high. My co-pays and my required contributons to my wife's ear surgery have taken a toll on my finances. Nevertheles, I am very happy to have my health care just like it is. I get what I pay for. My wife waited no time for her ear surgery, I waited no time for my skin surgery, and my children get an appointment the same da they call. In other words, I get better health care because it costs money. With yuor health care, it will cost me more in taxes, and like every other Socialist country my family's healthcare will suck.
Seven Machos: It's the narrative you would obviously choose, and it's destined to anger many people, fail to get votes, live on for decades among academics, and set race relations back in this country.
I think the left has gotten to the point where all it can do is call people names. During the Presidential campaign they called McCain "Bush" and now they are calling anyone who disagrees with them "racists".
The right does its fare share of name calling too. But when the right calls someone a Socialist it usually goes on to explain exactly why they think their policies amount to Socialism. The left calls someone a racist and says they have a internal feeling about it.
Zachary, your hypocrisy and hysteria is quite funny and telling. You have no argument at all. You can't defend Obama nor his ideas. You can't defend congress nor their obvious corruption. Queue another ad hominem attack:
W.B. Picklesworth said... Send him a copy of the Constitution?
Undoubtedly Obama understands the Constitution - or at least the parts the Left inteprets as to favor them.
What I don't think Obama understands is the Constitution and all law are but artifices that rest on the Social Contract that formed America. I don't think he understands that all law and constitution will be discarded if the Contract is broken. This has happened throughout history. Hammurabi's laws only lasted 200 years. Then they were condemned to clay tablets buried in the sands as his empire collapsed. Romans loved law. And burned those laws in bonfires when Rule of Law failed to protect them from the Barbarians. The history of China is collapse of Dynasties and all their laws and Constitutions from invasion from without, rank corruption within. The Catholic Church, rigid worshippers of Law, Holy Law...backed by their version of "Constitutional Conventions" that set Dogma....also achieved no permanency. In instance after instance, their law was defied when locally, or throughout the Christian Realm - adequate numbers accumulated who rebelled because they believed the Contract between Man and God was broken by the Church. The Great Schism, the heretica movements, the welcoming in of Muslims into disaffected Christian lands, nobles rising to limit CHurck powers, Protestantism was all about people not being blind followers of "The Holy Constitution".
Even in America, the Civil War of necessity, had Lincoln discard whole parts of the Constitution for the duration of the Emergency. Drafting people at gunpoint, even killing hundreds that protested it under banners that read "Liberty" "No Enslavement!". And of course, supressing the 1/3rd of the country that had declared the social contract breached - at a cost equivalent to 5.2 million people dead by today's population equivalent.
*********** No, don't send Obama a copy of the "Sacred Parchment" he sees as a tool for cramming socialism and the progressive agenda down our throats with the help of unelected judges and Reps of people who pay no taxes. Remind him of how many times leaders were deposed in the past and all their laws and constitutions burned. And ask him to ask himself, what could make Americans think the Social Contract had been violated and every law or Constitutional clause that caused it - had to be destroyed so the People could make a better Covenent???
Some possibilities:
1. Complete collapse of the dollar.
2. Thousands killed in an Islamoid attack, possibly more if WMD like anthrax are involved...and our officials took no action to stop it out of a concern for "terrorist legal rights".
3. The number of people with a full vote and control of much of America but pay no taxes become a supermajority and cross the line into taxing those that do work and do not live as net social benefit consumers vs. surplus intolerable levels of taxation.
4. China finally says "No!" to taking on more American Debt...and drastic, even draconian cutbacks in social services and entitlements must happen. No welfare check or food stamps in the mail. Cities burn. Seniors scream as Medicare is threatened...
5. We end in a foreign oil-generated energy crisis magnitudes of order worse than the 1973 one - over Iran. And compound our woes with futile environmentalist-driven solutions that lead 10s of millions of destitute, cold Americans to conclude America doesn't work anymore and our laws sabotaged our future.
knox :Does anyone beat up on George W anymore? *sob*
LOL, I think Democrats are more desperate for a Republican leader with name recognition than Republicans are. The Dems don't have anyone to pick on anymore.
Just to be clear, I am for gay marriage. Very much so.
I just am turned off by the narcissistic obsession with it by people who like to pretend that their entire livelihood and happiness depends on it. And like to romanticize that there's a bootheel on their head.
But I'm totally for it. I don't believe in government having any say in Americans' lives in that respect. SMALL GOVERNMENT. repeat after me. thx
Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them (which is pretty infrequently).
Surely you will remember the ENDLESS debates and defenses of the Iraq War that took place in the comments on this blog.(I bring up the war because that really seemed to be the #1 issue for liberals. That was the axis on which everything turned.)
SInce Obama became president, I have yet to see any of our liberal commenters make anything like a comprehensive defense of:
- stimulus
- cap & trade
- health reform
- cash for clunkers
Seriously. Not one of you has come out and really presented a credible record of comments that say: "We Need To Do This Because..." On any one of these issues.
I agree that sometimes it is just ranting here in the comments. But I really do think a lot of that is because those on the left are silent or offer only one-offs. Much like your comment! The other reason is: people are pissed.
You know what that's like, right? You guys loathed Bush. We had to listen to it for the last 8 years.
Bruce Hayden said... "The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda ..."?????
Let me suggest that there is likely no place in this country that is so subject to one party rule than the District of Colombia. Do you want to hazard a guess at the percentage of the top brass in the D.C. fire department who did not vote for Obama? How do you think they got their jobs in the first place?
When the D.C. Fire Department issues crowd estmates of left-wing protests that are not in line with left-wing propaganda, the right-wing blogosphere holds up the fire department's estimates. When the fire department issues an estimate on the 9/12 event that is almost 2 million (!) less than the right-wing blogospehere's propaganda, the right-wingers say the D.C. Fire Department are tools oand liars for the Obama administration.
The DCFD would have no incentive to help out a conservative/populist march with crowd estimation, but could possibly have an incentive to help out a friends of a polity dominated by liberal democrats. Conservatives hold up these estimations with an implicit "See, even the DC Fire Department agrees with us!"
Following on Tim Peterson's response to LO, and furthermore... photographic evidence would seem clearly to show that there were WAY more than 60,000-70,000 people on the Mall on 9/12. The DC Fire Dept. might have stopped estimating early on, perhaps, but it's incredible to me that anyone, given the aerial shots (and thanks for this one, whoever you were; I had only seen the traffic cams), could believe that that 60-70K estimate holds any water. Yes?
I won't go so far as to say "2 MILLION!" because that's a VERY big number indeed, but my goodness, is it not obvious that 70,000 is not even close?
President Obama is in over his head. Although he has some very bright and intellectual people around him, they lack the business experience we need at this time. Our city's and states really need our help, we americans are the only ones who can do it. We have got to get off our lazy duffs and get busy. The model used in the 1980's would work again. Some smaller city's are already using it and have crawled back from the brink. People, we have to stop with the name calling. We are liberals and conservatives and libertarians and who knows what else. We have got to get busy side by side I don't care what party you belong to lets get busy and roll the sleeves up and work. We have to grow up and not let the generation before us think they are the only one's who knew how to keep this history lesson going. We cannot drop the ball. Get involved with local groups thats were we can really do some good work and its effective right away which helps our generation with that condition we call immediate gratification. We need that for some reason. But seriously lets get going and help our government they need it.
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Send him a copy of the Constitution?
Increase federal retirement benefits.
I think he would be helped by wearing a jock and a harness. The Leather-Boy-In-Chief would be very hot and bound to win over middle America.
Dear Obama,
For a small fee, I'll make you a birth certificate.
Your friend,
Dear Obama,
For a modest sum, I'll testify that there were no more than 27 people in Washington, DC, yesterday protesting.
Your friend,
WV: hylore
That's no hylore, that's the truth.
Dear BHO, the best thing I can do to help you is to encourage you to resign. You don't like America; you don't care for the Constitution; the people don't want your policies. If you continue pushing your agenda, you're going to wind up with an ulcer and stressed out. Therefore, for the sake of your health, before you have to go the France for excellent health care, you should resign. Oh, and take Jivin' Joe and Botox Nancy with you.
Keep him away from the Aspirin bottle.
@Quayle LOL. That's evil, but LOL.
@grapp I'm afraid BHO looks at the word "resign" and doesn't see one of the letters.
I can do evil - I usually try to avoid it on Sunday - but evil is OK, as long as I'm not racist.
W.B. Picklesworth said...
Send him a copy of the Constitution?
That was my thought.
Someone should also point out to him that the Constitution is not a Rorschach test.
WV jamye: What I'm wearing now.
Dear Leader: Try a new tactic or two. Continuing to use the "pea is not under any of the shells at all" game is like fighting the last war over again. Right now,no American believes any thing that Teleprompter has you saying to them anymore. Facing a term limit of 3 more years until the next election is no fun for you anymore. I suggest that you focus your time on winning the UN's Great Leader of the World job opening up as soon as the New Global Currency needs a Strong Man to implement that REFORM. You already have the Muslim votes leaning your way, and your brokering a deal to make Jerusalem into an "International UN Open City" could cement that support.
Reviled did I live; evil I did deliver.
...a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity. – Thomas Jefferson
My advise:
You can usually get gently used moving boxes for free on craigslist. This is the best week of the month to score, as people are just now finishing unpacking from their Sept. 1 moves.
Show him how much money Bill Clinton made once he became an ex-president.
Maureen Dowd's column this morning shows the way forward. Opposition to Obama is obviously a manifestation of America's endemic racism. All right thinking Americans who have qualms about the disingenuousness Obama's arguments about healthcare should look deeper into their souls. They will then realize that not only is their position on the public option wrong, but it is racist and evil.....Obama's not in trouble. We are. We must reform our evil ways.
Advise Obama to quickly vacation at President Bush's ranch for one-week crash course in President'ing.
I have three recommendations for Obama.
1. Stop lying to us. Most Americans can do basic math and understand that if you significantly increase payouts, you have to increase taxes to make up for it. You aren't going to cut enough from the budget to make up for it. I know it. You know it.
2. Stop the racism gambit. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. More and more people are disagreeing with this policy or that but the more you call those folks racist, the more folk you are going to annoy and the less votes you get in 2012.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims.
Don't confuse sanctimoniousness with precision.
That's why he's lying all the time.
I'll send a rope and a ladder. Obama can do the assembly himself
He could go on TV and bitch about Sarah Palin, Fox News and that Joe Wilson guy. That might turn things around for him.
Politics is the art of the possible.
O, you are stuck up there in La La Land inhaling the unicorn farts.
Now, learn how to wheel and deal. Giving the same tired speech Wednesday night isn't going to change anything.
Assembling a crowd of SEIU nurses to rally up yesterday just keeps you camped out far out on that limb and damages your cause of getting anything done.
All or nothing--your way or the highway--really?
Your attachment to your precious ideas are more important than accomplishing something?
I know accomplishing something is new to you, but it is really worthwhile and gives a deeper sense of satisfaction than whipping a crowd into a frenzy. I think you'll like it.
Just stop the Chicago thuggery, cuz that doesn't work. Study LBJ. How did he make things happen?
Call your dogs off Joe Wilson, because he's quickly becoming a hero, and if Nancy Pelosi disciplines him in the well of the House, it will be great video for your enemies--and ultimately a distraction from what you're trying to do.
You're a poor negotiator, focused on people and positions rather than concerns and interests. The more you trash your critics, the more you alienate ordinary Americans in the center who have worries. Like me.
Time to CHANGE, O. I HOPE you can do it. Work out a compromise all of us CAN BELIEVE IN.
No, my dear Wormwood must not change tactics now, not when he is on the very cusp of altering the face of America forever (or at least for as long as it lasts, afterward).
Carry, on dearest Wormwood, with your task. Make the citizens into subjects, make the fruit of their efforts now property of the state, make them come to you hat in hand for their very supper.
All is well.
Your affectionate uncle,
Sign on to Michael Steele's Senior's Bill of Rights.
Free stuff for seniors, paid by the people who are still working, and tiny American flags for everyone.
It's not about helping Obama. It's about helping the country--all of us.
The best thing that could happen then is to have Obama and the Keynesian horse he rode in on thoroughly discredited. Thoroughly.
(the other kev)
Hire House, DTL and Oaf to write all future speeches. Stand back and watch the unity flow.
And I echo the kudos to Quayle.
Vote in a Republican controlled Congress in 2010.
"Dear Mr. President,
Please try to refrain from going on national TV in primetime and calling people liars. You're lowering the standards of the discourse and showing people that you have a low tolerance for criticism."
(I was going to say "thin skin" but then I'd get labeled as a racist)
"Please try and see that when you sell a trillion dollar health care plan like a used Chrysler product, people won't care if you're white, black or green - they're going to get a bit peevish. Don't mistake that for 'racism'.
Your friend, a large bovine"
What Walken said -- give him a Congress in 2010 that will push back against his worst instincts.
That could well save his presidency, and make him a two-termer.
There's only one tried and true way we can help Obama: elect a Republican House in 2010. It will take some of the pressure from the left off him and force him to the center. If he wants, he can even start screwing around.
1.Ask Mr. Biden to resign.
2.Appoint a patriot like Gen. Petreus as VP.
4.Ask Mrs.0 to quit wearing that polka dot belt with the purple buckle.
I'll leave you to work out the details.
1. Repeal the stimulus.
2. Abandon Obamacare and open up insurance markets nationwide.
This would destroy his opposition, the tea bag movement. The left would hate him, but they are only 20% of the electorate.
We forget what Bill Clinton said and could stop thinking about tomorrow. If we believe the bill will never come due, then why don't we just go out and all buy ourselves S Class Mercedes or Audi A8s?
This whole health care deal is an "easy credit ripoff"
Oh, and for future reference (in case anyone cares) - Dowd is a middle aged twunt.
Dear Obama,
For a small sum of money, I'll testify that all the commenters on this blog live with me in the sock drawer.
Your friend,
Could you lay off the way Mrs Obama dresses? She may be a commie sympathizer and Ayers Enabler, (go ahead and call BS, somebody) but she certainly looks good almost every time I see her picture.
Yeah, Ann, I know he's got that "King of kings and Lord of lords" bit from Handel running through his mind like a hamster on a treadmill, but for the sake of his health he can set aside his delusions. If we all taunt him about his bat ears that will move him to reSign much faster.
Find him a job he's qualified to perform
O' Say, can you see? 2 million in DC.
It's not Obama who needs help. It's the people who voted for him.
We now see all of you who did so and who will likely do so again as people who don't cherish individual freedom. You don't care about burdening our children and grandchildren with overwhelming debt. You appear to crave fashion over substance.
How do we help you? Perhaps we could reacquaint you with math and the notion of liberty.
Quayle, ur racist. Why you wanna keep BHO away from the aspirin? I'll tell you why. Aspirin is white, and when you open the bottle and take one out, it's small and well shaped. When you look at an aspirin, you get a pic of a white woman in your head. You don't want BHO's hands on the aspirin cuz he's a black man and you don't want to see a white woman being held by a black man. That means ur racist.
Stop doing a major press event every damned day.
ANOTHER 60 Minutes interview tonight!!!
Find him a job he's qualified to perform
Perpetual Candidate? He's doing that now.
I think people have tried to help Obama his entire life. Perhaps we can best help Obama by not trying to help him.
That echo chamber he lives in, that fantasy world he has created as an author, that's no way for any intelligent person to live. For Obama as a person the best thing may be utter failure.
Perhaps he's too old for it, maybe he's in the wrong position to be undergoing a midlife crisis, but if we want to help Obama, we need to let him face reality and let his soul experience the corrective qualities of criticism.
Obama must call upon his Jedi master. "Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope."
Mr. President:
You're Obama, not Obi-Wan. Those Jedi mind-tricks of nakedly lying to people and saying "These are not the health care benefits you are looking for; you can go about your business. Move along!" only work in the movies.
Have a nice day, sir!
Note that my last comment was made without reading FLS's comment above it, strange as that may sound.
Send him to Libera. Freed American slaves went there to make their own country, and screwed it up. It is now a bananna republic awaiting it's dictator
Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; Steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for a trickster and catch him at first attempt, but beware of an honest man
Arab Proverb
Notsosmart, Liberia has Africa's first female president who's doing good things for the country. I forget her name, but she is a U.S. supporter, was educated in America, and was deeply appreciative of President Bush's visit. They had their civil war and are making their way back.
Lisa's advice includes the following recommendations:
2. Stop the racism gambit.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims.
One presumes she means to say "Muslims" rather than "Mualims". In which case, I'm curious to know the non-racist reason(s) for her advising Obama to not pander to them alone among all other constituencies.
You know my take. It's simply amazing that someone could utter these two seemingly incongruous sentiments side-by-side, in practically the same breath. But I hope against hope that my diagnosis of just the typically characteristic cognitive dissonance is incorrect and that there is actually some way of reconciling such bizarre, and diametrically opposed ideas.
Jump in any time, "anti-racists"!
Muslim isn't a race, it's a quasi political-religious ideology. So, BHO should cut the race baiting crap and he should also stop pandering to Muslims by telling them that the world owes everything to Islam.
The link took me to this: "Size —ABC News Reported D.C. Rally Size in Tens of Thousands, Not 1M to 1.5M as Activist Said."
One way to help is to not be a dishonest blogger who intentionally misleads readers to believe false claims. A crowd of tens of thousands is large and newsworthy, but why the need to encourage readers to think the crowd was a historic size in the millions when it wasn't? Anything to get more InstaPundit links, I guess.
I know this answer is not going to satisfy you because you're not really looking for an answer. So, let's just say this is for my own sanity.
2. Stop the racism gambit.
When people criticize a black president, it not necessarily because he is black. To continue to say that this is the sole reason people oppose his policy is to a) ignore the substance of their arguments, b) cause further racial division and c) anger those who were never racist in the first place.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims. (sic)
a) Muslims are not a race, b) to suggest that the President should not choose Palestinians and other Arabs over our Israeli allies is not a racist argument, c) the President of the United States should not bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, d) the President went out of his way in Cairo to suggest that Muslims are the victims of Western imperialism.
"This whole health care deal is an 'easy credit ripoff'"
Good times.
Give him $100 to open a lemonade stand - his first experience with business.
One presumes she means to say "Muslims" rather than "Mualims
Yeah... one presumptuously does.
If we had a time machine, we could work out a way to eliminate bloggers that elected him.
Now I worry about, if he resigns, then what? Biden would be better? (Depends on who he plagiarizes, I guess. I wonder if he reads Palin.)
The media is gaming the numbers. It is precisely because the crowd size was in the 2M area that the media is underreporting it as thousands or tens of thousands. Why? To preserve Obama and his marxist agenda and to preserve the media's sense of themselves as better than us. If 2M Americans march against Obama, kiss his presidency goodbye. He might as well step down. If he steps down, then the media were wrong to have made him president. Their judgment is flawed and the rubes in flyover country are right.
How to protect Obama and themselves? Lie. What else is new? Underreport numbers. ABC did that. Make it seem as if the march wasn't significant. NYT did that. Report Obama's pissant speech and ignore the millions against him. WaPo did that.
Somebody's got an agenda here, and it ain't Instapundit.
Yeah... one presumptuously does.
Why presumptuously? Does the more charitable stance lead you to a different conclusion?
Get him out of town or hide him somewhere safe - like in the basement.
No one would suspect Madison.
The Macho Response
our Israeli allies
It's a funny ally that recruits Americans to spy for them, as Israel did Jonathan Pollard and Ben-Ami Kadish.
Maybe he can get that skin treatment that MJ was getting. Hell, he was whiter than I am!
Sorry, m u legend. I meant pompously.
fls - are you suggesting that Israel is not an ally of the US?
He seems unable to tell the difference between bullshit and the truth, so I'd get his a copy of Harry Frankfurt's _On Bullshit_.
1. Play the race card. Any opposition is bacause "I'm Black!"
2. Blame Bush.
3. Take a principled stand: explain how the opposition doesn't understand because they are ignorant.
4. Remind them that you don't actually HAVE a bill yet, so mostly they fear their own paranoia.
5. Castigate them as "liars" while wrapping yourself in a flag.
I know this answer is not going to satisfy you because you're not really looking for an answer. So, let's just say this is for my own sanity.
Rialby, I don't necessarily need answers. But viable explanations would be nice.
2. Stop the racism gambit.
When people criticize a black president, it not necessarily because he is black. To continue to say that this is the sole reason people oppose his policy is to a) ignore the substance of their arguments, b) cause further racial division and c) anger those who were never racist in the first place.
First off, substance is sorely lacking in these protests and temper tantrums that are not so thinly disguised as arguments.
Second, racial divisions are not being sown. But to say that racial animosity or antagonism doesn't exist among any of Obama's detractors is a lie. It may be just a tiny, fringe minority and it may not even even comprise the bulk of their problems with him. But it lurks deeper in some small minds in the form of racial resentment. You honestly can't be denying that there are people for whom that dynamic exists.
And people who were never, ever, ever, never-ever, EVER racist, shouldn't be pissed, and nothing should be done to intentionally anger them. But for them to be in such denial about what I just stated in the previous graph puts them in the position of having to account for the racists among their loonies, first.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims. (sic)
a) Muslims are not a race, b) to suggest that the President should not choose Palestinians and other Arabs over our Israeli allies is not a racist argument, c) the President of the United States should not bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, d) the President went out of his way in Cairo to suggest that Muslims are the victims of Western imperialism.
A) is a technicality. Hatred or animosity against "the other" is the issue and how we seek to find and define "others" with whom to proclaim our superiority, or preferential, "nativist" treatment or identity is what matters. It could be those of a different religion, ethnicity, it doesn't matter.
B) Is a political point related foreign policy and not relevant to the issue of demonizing Muslims as a whole - many of whom have a right to live here, vote, and "be pandered to".
C) How this has to do with him being a Muslim is beyond me.
D) Well, that's because they were and addressing that fact eases international tensions rather than exacerbates them. But I dunno, maybe you think it's better to escalate the potential for conflict around the globe for some reason.
Step down
Dear Obama,
I keep writing you letters, but you never answer. WTF?
Your friend,
WV: wasessiv
Variation of wassup.
are you suggesting that Israel is not an ally of the US?
No. But there are allies and allies. I'm pretty sure Canada has not recruited Americans to spy for them, so I would tend to value our alliance more.
It's pretty clear that The Won is going to lose congress.
No, not in 2010. He's going to lose Pelosi and Company before Christmas.
Most of America is becoming aware that their (Liberal's Favorite Buzz Words!) economic interests are not served by allowing the Potomac Clown Show any more leash, and the trend is accelerating.
The number of folks that recognize the Obama agenda for what it really is, a detailed, long term strategy dedicated toward bringing down the Republic using Cloward-Piven and Alinsky attacks, is growing rapidly, too.
This administration makes no sense unless you view it as an attack.
Montana -
See what I did there with the word "solely"? I anticipated that you would make the argument that some of the people who oppose Obama are racist. Some of them definitely are. Your charge that racial animus is "lurking" deep inside the minds of many is nonsense on stilts because it's unprovable. Did I vote for John McCain because I'm a Libertarian or did I vote for him because somewhere in my reptilian brain I really dislike black people. Must be the latter since it's "lurking" somewhere in there.
Racial divisions are not being sown? Of course not from your perspective. To liberals, racial divisions are only widened when white people do something to anger black people. Telling someone who has real disagreements with Obama's politics that they must be a racist (even though they're not) shouldn't anger anyone because it's not attempt to discredit their argument with the wave of a hand at all. Right.
You said that nobody can simultaneously argue that they are not a racist and that Obama should stop pandering to Muslims. Then you go forth to spew postmodernist nonsense about the "other" and "nativism".
To answer your points in order - Obama is showing a greater willingness to pander to Islam than his predecessor. To call this out is not a racist argument.
To call out Obama for his willingness to show a decided preference for the Palestinians over our allies is not a racist argument.
I never suggested Obama is a Muslim. Take that back where you found it.
Straw man. Nobody believes in "escalating the potential for conflict" unless they're a megalomanical dictators. Obama, in his speech in Cairo, went out of his way to pander to the Islamic world. Again, to answer the first charge, not a racist argument. I can suggest that it's not the right thing to do and I can feel comfortable making that argument because it's not a racist one.
fls - thanks for the nuance.
I don't know if Israel is an ally any more or not. It is clear that we are not theirs anymore.
And if you think Canada does not spy on us (and we on them) you just don't read the news much.
We have Americans spying on Americans, and it is clear that we are not our ally anymore.
Encourage Bill Ayers to blow up the White House.
It's a little late for this advice, but he really should have invited yesterday's marchers over for a beer, or, more accurately, two million beers. Real beers, that is. Sierra Nevada, Anchor Steam, Red Hook ESB. The list goes on, but nothing with the word (or pseudo-word) "Light", "Lite", "Miller", or "Budweiser" is on it.
to save america and his ass, obama might abandon
the chicago machine; black liberation theology; obamacare; appeasement; disarmament; support for zelaya, chavez; ahmadinejad, abbas/fatah; rahm & axelrod; pelosi & reid & rangel; cap & trade; the so-call;ed stimulus.
for starters.
Woooo! Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I never before realized you guys liked and supported me.
So far, the best comment had to do with checking into the loot Bill Clinton has made out of office. I will have my little ballerina, Rahm, do that immediately.
That is important to me because (confidentially to you all), I am sure the next Mrs. Obama will be expensive. I plan to remove her voicebox and look she may need some liposuction too.
"See what I did there with the word "solely"? I anticipated that you would make the argument that some of the people who oppose Obama are racist. Some of them definitely are. Your charge that racial animus is "lurking" deep inside the minds of many is nonsense on stilts because it's unprovable. Did I vote for John McCain because I'm a Libertarian or did I vote for him because somewhere in my reptilian brain I really dislike black people. Must be the latter since it's "lurking" somewhere in there."
Oh! You accuse me of missing the term "solely" and then you go on to accuse me of stating that "every" one of Obama's detractors are racist! Touche! You really are a master of (falsely) accusing others of what you have just done! Bravo!
"Racial divisions are not being sown? Of course not from your perspective. To liberals, racial divisions are only widened when white people do something to anger black people."
Black people as a whole, or all (or most) blacks. Be specific. We know your side is having trouble with numbers these days.
"Telling someone who has real disagreements with Obama's politics that they must be a racist (even though they're not) shouldn't anger anyone because it's not attempt to discredit their argument with the wave of a hand at all. Right."
And neither is sarcasm?
I already made a distinction between accusations of racism and criticisms of policy disagreements. Did you have trouble reading them?
"You said that nobody can simultaneously argue that they are not a racist and that Obama should stop pandering to Muslims. Then you go forth to spew postmodernist nonsense about the "other" and "nativism"."
Ahh... yes. The concept of "the other" in a society is nothing but postmodernist nonsense. I see.
"To answer your points in order - Obama is showing a greater willingness to pander to Islam than his predecessor. To call this out is not a racist argument."
How does one pander to a religion? One panders to constituencies. To say this is about Islam as a religion and not about what individual Muslims feel about America and how they act regarding their perceptions of America, is to (stupidly) play the "War against Islam" card that bin Laden uses to rally the faithful among his troops and raise up more potential recruits. It's absolutely dumb and shows how little you understand of an"other" culture.
"To call out Obama for his willingness to show a decided preference for the Palestinians over our allies is not a racist argument."
Did I not already address this? Are you not able to read?
"I never suggested Obama is a Muslim. Take that back where you found it."
I said the king of Saudi Arabia is a Muslim, not Obama.
Take back your $39.99 on the Introduction to Reading English instructional CD.
"Straw man. Nobody believes in "escalating the potential for conflict" unless they're a megalomanical dictators. Obama, in his speech in Cairo, went out of his way to pander to the Islamic world. Again, to answer the first charge, not a racist argument. I can suggest that it's not the right thing to do and I can feel comfortable making that argument because it's not a racist one."
Your argument has ignored my many responses - all of which were relevant and pointed out clarifications that you cannot seem to see. I will no longer engage this point or any others with someone who is clearly having a monologue.
Obama is in trouble? Well here is a suggestion: Trying not to ram some shitty health changes down our throats would be a good start.
Sorry Barack Obama is not George Bailey. And I do not care to go to his house and empty my jars of quarters and dimes (and I suspect he wants a lot more than that anyway).
I know it means nothing, but my inner libertarian [was] revolted to see a "good citizenship" tag on a "help the president [with respect to his personal political career and ambitions]" post (no matter how facetious the post).
Althouse said:
@grapp I'm afraid BHO looks at the word "resign" and doesn't see one of the letters.
... and I laughed out loud.
He could resign because he simply doesn't know what he's doing.
PatCA: Repeal the stimulus.
Really. Why aren't more people asking for this? The bulk of the money hasn't even been spent yet, just allocated, and that allocation is what's pushing the debt so high. It's not working, and it won't work given the new regulatory environment, so why not kill it before all that money is spent? Same with TARP, which also has money allocated but not spent. Cancel the programs, slash the deficit projections -- how hard is it, really?
Oh, wait. The "stimulus" wasn't focused on the economy, it was a Christmas list of everything Democrats have ever wanted to do but couldn't get funding for, before. They won't give up their gimme-goodies so easily.
It would take a miracle, I suppose, but it certainly seems like a good idea to me.
montana urban legend, resorting to logic chopping is unbecoming.
I understand that you're convinced that your superior intellect and understanding allow you to freely chastise those unfortunates who disagree with you in any terms you like, but, seriously, it does not seem to make them more likely to accept your point of view.
BTW, you're a Stalinist. Therefore I pay no attention to anything you say. See how easy it is?
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Someone should also point out to him that the Constitution is not a Rorschach test.
It becomes one when you wipe your ass with it. I'm sure he would see butterfly's and a uterus in there somewhere.
Help him channel Milton Friedman.
Tell him to resign before he gets impeached.
Enough of politics today. I am watching Da Bears tonight. You guys know I am a huge Bears fan.
Oh and I love seeing the Sox at Cominski Field too.
"I understand that you're convinced that your superior intellect and understanding allow you to freely chastise those unfortunates who disagree with you in any terms you like, but, seriously, it does not seem to make them more likely to accept your point of view."
If it only causes frustration for people who don't read and can't reason, then I guess that'll have to do, Dave.
"BTW, you're a Stalinist. Therefore I pay no attention to anything you say. See how easy it is?"
It's just as easy to not take seriously some nobody who doesn't even allow access to his Blogger profile. And a more meaningful course of action.
Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Funny, (and, it is!) Haarvard gave Obama a credential on Constitutional Law. Must be an easier course, there, than say "gym." Teddy must have talked them out of giving any tests. Those shills have a way of getting caught.
Stop sending Dick "Bush is a Nazi" Durbin to serve as your mouthpiece on Meet the Press. This morning, Dick Durbin observed that a mandatory health care system would have a "cap" so that no one would have to pay more than 12% of their income for health care coverage. Huh? Did that register for everyone: TWELVE PERCENT?
I think we should all help ourselves by taking a break from this obsession with politics. It's worse than a food fight.
But as long as the topic was raised, narcissistic personality disorder is notoriously resistant to any treatment.
The more important question is why anyone would label Obama with an NPD diagnosis. NPD is a serious disorder where others lack empathy and the ability to love others in a normal, healthy way. It is a kind of sickness that I hope no one here has to contend with. To abuse medical knowledge, people with NPD and their victims, just so someone can get some shot in at some politician that you just happen to not care for with this type of label is a bit irresponsible, IMO.
Run to the center, and stay there you twit.
Does Obama want our help? I don't think so and I think it is ingenuous of him to act like he does.
12% for healthcare, 15% for Medicare and social security, 28% for federal income taxes, another 5% to 10% for state and local taxes.
What does that add up to? I come up with 60% to 65% for all taxes. That sounds fair to me.
Dear President Obama, you are obviously not able to get your message out to the people. I suggest a primetime press conference, or townhall meeting, where you can talk to the people directly. All your problems will be over.
Option #2 is to get ahold of Michael Jackson's cosmetic surgeons and have yourself transformedinto a white-skinned anime character of non-specific gender. That should throw those racist bastards off your trail. At least for a while.
He may either resign or publicly commit seppuku. Seriously I pray that he has a religious experience, preferably with Jesus Himself or His Mother.
William, why do guys like you (and that idiot Dowd) always cry racism whenever someone disagrees with Obama? By your logic, we're only 1/2 racist, while you, are 100% racist. Afterall, you guys never agree with Dr. Thomas Sowell or Justice Thomas.
@The Real Barack, Thanks, I feel so much better now. I'm glad you're looking after my hard-earned dollars.
Trouble for Obama? Hardly. He has majorities where he needs them, he has the MSM in his pocket (so controls much of the public message), and he has unions to do the dirty work. We will get healthcare reform, whether we want/like it, or not. I wish it were not so, but conservatives are not in a position to prevent things from going Obama's way. Democrats don't have to pay attention to the millions standing outside their windows in DC, and they won't.
We can help him pack...
Does he have a Presidential Library Commission yet? A site picked out? We could help him there, I'm sure.
I'll work on the possibilities in Maui, although I'll need a small budget...
"I think we should all help ourselves by taking a break from this obsession with politics."
Lotsa luck, Charlie.
Back when my father was born you could easily and comfortably live your life ignoring politics, because the government would leave you alone. Now, after almost a century of progressive "reforms" touted as increasing our freedom, all areas of life are regulated by innumerable laws and regulations and the policies of largely unaccountable bureaucracies. And my liberal friends think that government doesn't have enough power.
"Democrats don't have to pay attention to the millions standing outside their windows in DC, and they won't."
Maybe not, but if O stays in office the full 8 years he may do even more damage to the Dems than GWB did to the Repubs.
So hang in there Barack baby!
grapp said...
The media is gaming the numbers. It is precisely because the crowd size was in the 2M area that the media is underreporting it as thousands or tens of thousands. Why? To preserve Obama and his marxist agenda and to preserve the media's sense of themselves as better than us. If 2M Americans march against Obama, kiss his presidency goodbye. He might as well step down. If he steps down, then the media were wrong to have made him president. Their judgment is flawed and the rubes in flyover country are right.
How to protect Obama and themselves? Lie. What else is new? Underreport numbers. ABC did that. Make it seem as if the march wasn't significant. NYT did that. Report Obama's pissant speech and ignore the millions against him. WaPo did that.
Somebody's got an agenda here, and it ain't Instapundit.
ABC's estimate comes from the D.C. Fire Department. I'd say InstaPundit and Althouse have the political agenda, which is why the estimates they're promoting are so wildly above the fire department's. Althouse made sure to promote the wildly inaccurate estimate in a manner where she can deny she lied. But bloggers who are encouraging their readers to believe a crowd estimate that is more than 1.5 million larger than the D.C. Fire Department's estimate are intentionally spreading misinformation to advance their political agendas.
The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda and they have years of experience in estimating crowd sizes, I don't think they were off by more than a million and a half!
Conservative4Palin Cardboard FLOTUS said...
Encourage Bill Ayers to blow up the White House.
Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George ended up with a hot girlfriend who got him a job with the New York Yankees? He did that by doing the opposite of every impulse he had. That's what Obama should do. "My instincts say to take terrorists out of Gitmo. I better put more in." "I'm inclined to raise taxes. I guess I should lower them instead." The 2012 slogan is even already written for him: "Barack Obama - The opposite of every politician."
At the risk of taxing your good will, a little Brigham Young seems in order here:
"And here people are, contending, quarrelling, seeking how to get the advantage of each other... wanting to rule nations, wanting to be president, king or ruler.
"What would they do if they were? Most of them would make everybody around them miserable, that is what they would do.
montana urban legend said...
Lisa's advice includes the following recommendations:
2. Stop the racism gambit.
3. Oh and stop pandering to Mualims.
One presumes she means to say "Muslims" rather than "Mualims". In which case, I'm curious to know the non-racist reason(s) for her advising Obama to not pander to them alone among all other constituencies.
I was referring to the way our foreign policy has starting pandering to Muslims.
When MoDo, Big Media(they are no longer mainstream), the Dem leadership and left elites publicly condemn the criminal behavior and racism of ACORN workers conspiring to commit fraud, facilitate prostitution and enable human trafficking of Hispanic children, maybe then they can claim the moral high ground.
Does anyone really believe black ACORN employees would have been OK with smuggling children for sex if they had been Haitian or Sudanese? However that wasn't Althouse's question, but an example of why he's in trouble.
Obama must break free of the bubble of ass-kissers, facilitators and corruption surrounding him or in spite of a complicit media, his power will seep away by a thousand self-inflicted cuts. Obama does not have the emotional connection to the silent majority that saved Clinton's presidency.
Obama must re-establish the trust Independents and moderate voters extended when they took the leap of faith with him last November.
Condemning ACORN, calling for Charlie Rangel to step down from his chairmanship and delivering on transparency would be a start.
Decrying partisanship while the Dem Congressional leadership and his inner circle pursues a scorched earth policy makes him appear weak and/or dishonest.
Allowing the House to put on their Wilson dog & pony show when he tells his supporters to "push back twice as hard" and "to get in their face" is a farce that makes him look petty.
Obama is the head of his party and must dial down the demagoguery and divisive rhetoric before his well of presidential good will is irretrievably poisoned. Those he needs to convince most to maintain his majorities next year, Independents and moderates, are tuning out.
The buck stops at Obama's desk. The Dems have bulletproof congressional numbers and the WH. As my plain spoken Midwestern Gran would say; either shit or get off the pot.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans. Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore? It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck. I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
Oh well, at least it's sort of entertaining.
I'm seeing numerous calls here for the president to be murdered and/or to commit suicide. Congratulations, Althouse.
Don't fret. Knowledge beats ignorance 100% of the time.
That's right, Joan. The stimulus has only been vaguely allocated, and it actually does not even exist yet. We would have to borrow it from China!
Can you imagine what the market would be if he repealed it? He could kiss the left goodbye forever and again the trust of the American people. I guess he really is an ideologue.
My advice is this:
Mr. Obama, you are not the speaker for the Speaker of the House.
It's time to start being president.
* * *
The only time so far that Obama has stood up to his own party in Congress is when he killed funding the for the F-22. That was a gimme (it was small potatoes and not that popular), but it was something. Obama needs to treat healthcare reform like he treated the F-22 program. He needs to ask for something that matches his promises or he'll veto.
If he doesn't do that he will continue to look like a dishonest sap -- the leader of a party that lets him spin a line for the American people as they go do whatever they want.
Let's all chip in and buy him a conservative Teleprompter.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans.
I don't like what Althouse is posting lately. Therefore, only crazy people like Althouse now.
Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore?
Does anyone beat up on George W anymore? *sob*
It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck.
Merely a month ago it would have been "Rush Limbaugh."
I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
I used to come here to make fun of Palin and talk about gay marriage. These conservative topics confuse me! Unable to defend my or my leader's positions, I resort to dismissive namecalling.
That is what I really wanted to say to Zachary but he is on my side. Politically speaking of course.
NTTIAWWT you know like gay marriage.
Zach -- You have become a parody of your shrillness. I mean, really. Things are obviously, objectively going bad for Obama right now. Why not own up to it?
Not you. Gotta do whatever you can to save face. Gotta make wildly unrealistic claims in an attempt to shame the bearer of realism.
It's hilarious to watch you squirm, shrilly.
Also, I think we should all get Obama a bracelet: WWBCD.
If he takes it to heart, he can save his presidency and get blow jobs from big-breasted hotties.
Everybody wins.
Althouse never had the far left on her side, but now she'll be losing people in the center, moderates, and any sane Republicans. Does anyone take this blog seriously anymore? It's like an online version of an episode of Glenn Beck. I used to come here to be challenged and have rational debate, but now it's just a freak show.
The interesting thing about Beck is that he is successful. I hate his populist presentation, but he has been getting in more real hits against the Obama Administration than really anyone else over the last couple of months. All while pulling at least for a bit, ahead of Hannity into the #2 slot, right behind O'Reilly, in viewership (and with several times the viewership of his direct cable "news" competition - combined).
So, keep dissing the guy, as he continues to wrack up Obama Administration scalps.
MUL: we welcome your disengagement
@montana Jump in any time, "anti-racists"!
This is exactly the sort of vitriol directed at any who disagrees that is costing Obama support.
@ZPS Would you like cheddar with that whine?
ZPS--you don't like what this blog has become--well, then sir, why do you continue to post on it? You arent smart enough to go away? Or are you into some kind of masochistic behavior. At any rate--you control the keyboard--don't log on. It really isnt that hard.
Mr. President:
1. You've been talking tougher to your fellow citizens who are your political opponents than to our actual enemies, like Iran. STOP IT. NOW. NOT ONE MORE WORD LIKE THAT.
2. You said, "I will not accept the status quo. Not this time. Not now." Fine. Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for the USA, you do not have the final say in this. REMEMBER THAT.
I predicted long ago that the left would resort to charges of racism when Obama's presidency went south. Right in these pages.
I even gave you whiners a name to run with: blacklash.
It's the narrative you would obviously choose, and it's destined to anger many people, fail to get votes, live on for decades among academics, and set race relations back in this country.
The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda ...?????
Let me suggest that there is likely no place in this country that is so subject to one party rule than the District of Colombia. Do you want to hazard a guess at the percentage of the top brass in the D.C. fire department who did not vote for Obama? How do you think they got their jobs in the first place?
WV: scram - maybe I need to get back to work.
Knox, this isn't about conservative politics, it's about pure craziness. Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them (which is pretty infrequently). They just call for Bill Ayers to murder Obama or for Obama to hang himself. Like I said, entertaining, but hardly a place anyone would take seriously.
"W.B. Picklesworth said...
Send him a copy of the Constitution?"
SIR! The man is an Ivy League Graduate!
READ him a copy of the Consitution. And be prepared to use puppets.
"ABC's estimate comes from the D.C. Fire Department. I'd say InstaPundit and Althouse have the political agenda, which is why the estimates they're promoting are so wildly above the fire department's. Althouse made sure to promote the wildly inaccurate estimate in a manner where she can deny she lied. But bloggers who are encouraging their readers to believe a crowd estimate that is more than 1.5 million larger than the D.C. Fire Department's estimate are intentionally spreading misinformation to advance their political agendas. "
Swing by my blog at Three Beers Later or Dan Riehl's blog for a photographic comparison of the crowds for LBJ's inauguration (documented at a 1,000,000+) and the 9/12 march.
Tea Party wins in a walk.
@ZPS exaggerate much?
Thus far you have done nothing but name call and insult Althouse, and we're the crazies?
VW: phkewe = Even the captcha algorithm is giving ZPS the finger.
Help him solve this "story" problem . . . .
If it took the 15 Federal Departments that are represented in the cabinet 90 days to find savings of $100million, how long will it take one department, HHS, to find $150billion in savings?
Show your work.
Hint. Your term will have ended. Your life will have ended. The lives of your children's children will have ended. Time to come up with another plan.
Zachary Paul Sire: Knox, this isn't about conservative politics, it's about pure craziness. Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them...
Well, you can always respond to people engaged in critical thinking rather than name callers.
These are comments are what you make of them.
Dear Leader,
My health insurance rates are too high. My co-pays and my required contributons to my wife's ear surgery have taken a toll on my finances. Nevertheles, I am very happy to have my health care just like it is. I get what I pay for. My wife waited no time for her ear surgery, I waited no time for my skin surgery, and my children get an appointment the same da they call. In other words, I get better health care because it costs money. With yuor health care, it will cost me more in taxes, and like every other Socialist country my family's healthcare will suck.
You may keep the change.
Thank you.
Seven Machos: It's the narrative you would obviously choose, and it's destined to anger many people, fail to get votes, live on for decades among academics, and set race relations back in this country.
I think the left has gotten to the point where all it can do is call people names. During the Presidential campaign they called McCain "Bush" and now they are calling anyone who disagrees with them "racists".
The right does its fare share of name calling too. But when the right calls someone a Socialist it usually goes on to explain exactly why they think their policies amount to Socialism. The left calls someone a racist and says they have a internal feeling about it.
Zachary, your hypocrisy and hysteria is quite funny and telling. You have no argument at all. You can't defend Obama nor his ideas. You can't defend congress nor their obvious corruption. Queue another ad hominem attack:
W.B. Picklesworth said...
Send him a copy of the Constitution?
Undoubtedly Obama understands the Constitution - or at least the parts the Left inteprets as to favor them.
What I don't think Obama understands is the Constitution and all law are but artifices that rest on the Social Contract that formed America.
I don't think he understands that all law and constitution will be discarded if the Contract is broken. This has happened throughout history. Hammurabi's laws only lasted 200 years. Then they were condemned to clay tablets buried in the sands as his empire collapsed. Romans loved law. And burned those laws in bonfires when Rule of Law failed to protect them from the Barbarians. The history of China is collapse of Dynasties and all their laws and Constitutions from invasion from without, rank corruption within. The Catholic Church, rigid worshippers of Law, Holy Law...backed by their version of "Constitutional Conventions" that set Dogma....also achieved no permanency. In instance after instance, their law was defied when locally, or throughout the Christian Realm - adequate numbers accumulated who rebelled because they believed the Contract between Man and God was broken by the Church.
The Great Schism, the heretica movements, the welcoming in of Muslims into disaffected Christian lands, nobles rising to limit CHurck powers, Protestantism was all about people not being blind followers of "The Holy Constitution".
Even in America, the Civil War of necessity, had Lincoln discard whole parts of the Constitution for the duration of the Emergency.
Drafting people at gunpoint, even killing hundreds that protested it under banners that read "Liberty" "No Enslavement!". And of course, supressing the 1/3rd of the country that had declared the social contract breached - at a cost equivalent to 5.2 million people dead by today's population equivalent.
No, don't send Obama a copy of the "Sacred Parchment" he sees as a tool for cramming socialism and the progressive agenda down our throats with the help of unelected judges and Reps of people who pay no taxes.
Remind him of how many times leaders were deposed in the past and all their laws and constitutions burned. And ask him to ask himself, what could make Americans think the Social Contract had been violated and every law or Constitutional clause that caused it - had to be destroyed so the People could make a better Covenent???
Some possibilities:
1. Complete collapse of the dollar.
2. Thousands killed in an Islamoid attack, possibly more if WMD like anthrax are involved...and our officials took no action to stop it out of a concern for "terrorist legal rights".
3. The number of people with a full vote and control of much of America but pay no taxes become a supermajority and cross the line into taxing those that do work and do not live as net social benefit consumers vs. surplus intolerable levels of taxation.
4. China finally says "No!" to taking on more American Debt...and drastic, even draconian cutbacks in social services and entitlements must happen. No welfare check or food stamps in the mail. Cities burn. Seniors scream as Medicare is threatened...
5. We end in a foreign oil-generated energy crisis magnitudes of order worse than the 1973 one - over Iran. And compound our woes with futile environmentalist-driven solutions that lead 10s of millions of destitute, cold Americans to conclude America doesn't work anymore and our laws sabotaged our future.
knox :Does anyone beat up on George W anymore? *sob*
LOL, I think Democrats are more desperate for a Republican leader with name recognition than Republicans are. The Dems don't have anyone to pick on anymore.
I ain't givin' him any help. And if he's lookin' for sympathy, he can find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.
NTTIAWWT you know like gay marriage.
Just to be clear, I am for gay marriage. Very much so.
I just am turned off by the narcissistic obsession with it by people who like to pretend that their entire livelihood and happiness depends on it. And like to romanticize that there's a bootheel on their head.
But I'm totally for it. I don't believe in government having any say in Americans' lives in that respect. SMALL GOVERNMENT. repeat after me. thx
Commenters here don't debate actual issues, even when Althouse raises them (which is pretty infrequently).
Surely you will remember the ENDLESS debates and defenses of the Iraq War that took place in the comments on this blog.(I bring up the war because that really seemed to be the #1 issue for liberals. That was the axis on which everything turned.)
SInce Obama became president, I have yet to see any of our liberal commenters make anything like a comprehensive defense of:
- stimulus
- cap & trade
- health reform
- cash for clunkers
Seriously. Not one of you has come out and really presented a credible record of comments that say: "We Need To Do This Because..." On any one of these issues.
I agree that sometimes it is just ranting here in the comments. But I really do think a lot of that is because those on the left are silent or offer only one-offs. Much like your comment! The other reason is: people are pissed.
You know what that's like, right? You guys loathed Bush. We had to listen to it for the last 8 years.
@C4, well said and I fear correct.
I live in Berkeley and hear a constant low level pissing about how Obama is worse than Bush on this issue or that.
There's a growing unease from all sides of the political and cultural spectrum.
The Real Barack said...
Don't fret. Knowledge beats ignorance 100% of the time.
Does not!
Convince him to not start trade wars with major trading partners?
LOL, I think Democrats are more desperate for a Republican leader with name recognition than Republicans are.
Which of course explains PDS quite nicely.
On topic, advice for Obama: get Palin hired by Fox. It's your only chance.
Impeach him
Bruce Hayden said...
"The D.C. Fire Department's estimate may be on the low-side, but since they don't have a political agenda ..."?????
Let me suggest that there is likely no place in this country that is so subject to one party rule than the District of Colombia. Do you want to hazard a guess at the percentage of the top brass in the D.C. fire department who did not vote for Obama? How do you think they got their jobs in the first place?
When the D.C. Fire Department issues crowd estmates of left-wing protests that are not in line with left-wing propaganda, the right-wing blogosphere holds up the fire department's estimates. When the fire department issues an estimate on the 9/12 event that is almost 2 million (!) less than the right-wing blogospehere's propaganda, the right-wingers say the D.C. Fire Department are tools oand liars for the Obama administration.
@Loafing Oat:
Amazing? Not so much.
The DCFD would have no incentive to help out a conservative/populist march with crowd estimation, but could possibly have an incentive to help out a friends of a polity dominated by liberal democrats. Conservatives hold up these estimations with an implicit "See, even the DC Fire Department agrees with us!"
Following on Tim Peterson's response to LO, and furthermore... photographic evidence would seem clearly to show that there were WAY more than 60,000-70,000 people on the Mall on 9/12. The DC Fire Dept. might have stopped estimating early on, perhaps, but it's incredible to me that anyone, given the aerial shots (and thanks for this one, whoever you were; I had only seen the traffic cams), could believe that that 60-70K estimate holds any water. Yes?
I won't go so far as to say "2 MILLION!" because that's a VERY big number indeed, but my goodness, is it not obvious that 70,000 is not even close?
President Obama is in over his head. Although he has some very bright and intellectual people around him, they lack the business experience we need at this time. Our city's and states really need our help, we americans are the only ones who can do it. We have got to get off our lazy duffs and get busy. The model used in the 1980's would work again. Some smaller city's are already using it and have crawled back from the brink. People, we have to stop with the name calling. We are liberals and conservatives and libertarians and who knows what else. We have got to get busy side by side I don't care what party you belong to lets get busy and roll the sleeves up and work. We have to grow up and not let the generation before us think they are the only one's who knew how to keep this history lesson going. We cannot drop the ball. Get involved with local groups thats were we can really do some good work and its effective right away which helps our generation with that condition we call immediate gratification. We need that for some reason. But seriously lets get going and help our government they need it.
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