September 2, 2009

Now, let's distinguish between wishing someone was dead and...

Jim Lindgren is struck by Michelle Goldberg's passion. It's hateful and casual, as she expresses the exquisite difference between the way lefties wanted Cheney dead and some righties — purportedly — actually want to kill Obama.

Hmm. Did anyone really threaten to kill Obama? It's a federal crime, and isn't it vigorously investigated? If people are doing this, why are we not seeing arrests?

Anyway, comparative hatred is a strange game, isn't it? Let's be rational and analytical, mm'kay?


Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

Clearly there were some on the lunatic fringe of the left--a la ms Goldberg, who wish evil to be visited upon her political foes--and I suspect those same fools exist on the right that wish evil to befall Mr. Obama. But those people are our lunatic fringe which will always be with us. It would be well to remember that this nation did elect Mr. Obama by a majority vote.

David said...

Don't you just hate it when people talk like that?

mccullough said...

Odd that Megan McArdle is not one of the lunatic fringe on the right, but Michelle Goldberg certainly is on the left, as her comments here indicate.

Anonymous said...

Ah the "tolerance" of which the left so-often claims it is indeed a one-way street isn't it? This is not so much a commentary on the "lunatic" fringe as it is an illustration of the left's true ideals and mores. In fact it would be "well to remember" the efforts the left puts forward to silence all those who dare to oppose them.

veni vidi vici said...

I recall the lefties producing and feting plays and films about assassinating Cheney's boss, Bush 43. How do they walk themselves back from that to a position of tutt-tutting the same thing by the idiot-class intellectual fringe of the other side when the shoe's on the other foot?

Does anything happen in political culture anymore that is other than tempests in teapots?

wv: "elesseti" -- the Italian god of scarcity

garage mahal said...

I recall the lefties producing and feting plays and films about assassinating Cheney's boss, Bush 43.

I don't. Who were these lefties?

Bissage said...

I have long believed that it is useful, from time to time, to ask ourselves why, for example, our passion is reenacting Civil War battles rather than maintaining an aquarium of tropical fish.

I envy people who are passionate about abstract political causes.

It must feel much the same as what it feels like to be really good-looking and popular.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

None so blind as those who won't see.

The left is ridiculously blind to their own foibles and intolerance. They project their own insanity and dirty tactics onto others and never recognize the problems that they themselves manifest.

It is an actual mental illness that affects the left. Dr. Sanity has made many posts on this phenomenon. A lot of information well worth reading and perhaps will help us understand our less balanced lefty posters.

traditionalguy said...

The "Leftists" have no purpose except Power over others. The disguise they hide behind is preaching that their Power only has the noble purpose of creating an Ideal Society, which will appear once they have killed off the other people and stolen all their property. Therefore,Leftists see using the Fear of Death threatened to all men is their legitimate weapon to capture power. However,they are not stupid enough to trigger laws on Terroristic Threats against themselves , but do accuse their opponents of such conduct that they are planning themselves.

Big Mike said...

I have vivid recollections of lefties saying "remember to kill Cheney first," a comment that was taken by everybody who heard it as an implicit threat against George W. Bush and his vice president. I thought at the time -- and unless the Secret Service and the FBI came knocking on their doors, so did everybody else -- that they thought they were being "funny."

I think that the guns at the Obama rally in Phoenix were there to send a message, and I suspect that Goldberg is being disingenuous when she acts like she didn't get that message. The message was directed to ACORN, SEIU, and any other union thugs who want to get active with their fists. The message was "You want to fight? We got guns."

Or perhaps, like Monty in yesterday's thread, Goldberg wants to believe that the assault at Carnahan's rally never happened, ergo it didn't.

rhhardin said...

I put it down to defective neurons and bad wiring.

Rialby said...

Stop playing dumb garage.

Spend 7 seconds on google and you hit this page

Crimso said...

"I don't. Who were these lefties?"

Garage, go to Type in "Bush assassination film." Press Enter. Read results.

TW: horta. Devil in the dark.

Rialby said...

MICHELLE GOLDBERG - STOP MUGGING FOR THE CAMERA. It's horribly distracting and you're nowhere near attractive enough to pull it off.

By the way, the way McCardle addresses the camera head on as she slices and dices Goldberg is fantastic. Someone is charge of their arguments. The other one is an empty-headed, self-loving lefty.

bagoh20 said...

Half my fellow citizen have become creepy monsters. Liberals have just become scary. Anger driven, and self- righteous where no introspection can penetrate. You can see her try to examine her own ugliness, but she gets blocked by the need to keep her anti-whatever up.

A perfect example of why we need to resist any more power going to government.

traditionalguy said...

Query: What if there is a civil unrest announced because of a FLU that comes around, like it always has, but the Government Media runs fake disaster news warning that no crowds are allowed in public, while the internet and cable are shut down during the crisis requiring governmental Marshall Law over messages to avert panic? Then how could we organize to escape Ms Goldberg's wrath?

bagoh20 said...

People like her would never create Death Panels. That's just ridiculous fear mongering by people who need to die soon.

Hoosier Daddy said...

It really is a shame so many hot babes are fricking stupid.

hombre said...

Half my fellow citizen have become creepy monsters. Liberals have just become scary. Anger driven, and self- righteous where no introspection can penetrate.

One more time: "[They are] impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination."

The reality of Kramer's observation about Stalinists expressing itself in the behavior of secular progressives.

WV "fectioer" = Uncle fornicatrix or, perhaps, fornicator.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What if there is a civil unrest announced because of a FLU that comes around, like it always has, but the Government Media runs fake disaster news warning that no crowds are allowed in public, while the internet and cable are shut down during the crisis requiring governmental Marshall Law over messages to avert panic? Then how could we organize to escape Ms Goldberg's wrath?

They are already planning to do this. The mechanism is in place"

The bill specifically mandates the following:

(1) to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;

(2) to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building or facility, and to allow the reopening of the building or facility when the danger has ended;

(3) to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated, or to destroy any material;

(4) to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;

(5) to require a health care facility to provide services or the use of its facility, or to transfer the management and supervision of the health care facility to the department or to a local public health authority;

Memo to self: buy more .380 ammo and if sick cough on a liberal. /wink

vw: TRIALSH.....all my trialsh soon be over.

bagoh20 said...

Evil lefty women are kinda sexy. You guys know what I mean.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Stop playing dumb garage.

garage doesn't play around.

All that lefty assasination fanatsy stuff was nothing but creations by right wing nutballs whose sole purpose was to discredit the progressive, liberal cause to stop global warming, racism, corporate profits. provide health care for all and to save the Shire from the hordes of Modor.

Cheney was really Saurmon you know.

hombre said...

It really is a shame so many hot babes are fricking stupid.

Evil lefty women are kinda sexy. You guys know what I mean.

Jeez. Where's Titus, who would have the perfect response?

wv "restolle" = Advice for M. Goldberg as she starts to open her mouth.

Rialby said...

She's not sexy. Google her for the full body shot. In a word: unimpressive.

bagoh20 said...

I'm not talking looks - I mean the fact that her evilness gives the act special purpose. It's male human nature; I have less desire to dominate women I like - I make love to them. It's totally different.

KCFleming said...

In 1170, King Henry said of Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

He may actually have said
"What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and promoted in my household, who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born clerk."

Whatever was said, and he may have said many similar things on different occasions, the ambiguous complaint was interpreted as a royal command, and Becket was soon killed.

Michelle Goldberg and others who speak of their fond desire and longing that Bush and Cheney should die are engaging in the same subtle command, retaining plausible deniability. But lacking any power over any subjects, it can only be enacted by lunatics.

Altogether disgusting people, these, who consider those who disagree with them evil or non-persons (or, via Instapundit: Obama Advisor Van Jones says Republicans “are assholes.”), and not deserving of life.

Old people should be on notice that they, too, are similarly expendable, once their utility is past.

Original Mike said...

I recall the lefties producing and feting plays and films about assassinating Cheney's boss, Bush 43.

I don't. Who were these lefties?

Order soon. Only three left in stock

KCFleming said...

Original Mike:

from that Amazon site, this post of a reviewer:
"9 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars A quirky book, September 28, 2004
By alexander laurence (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Checkpoint: A Novel (Hardcover)

This book is a little like Baker's Vox from a few years ago. It is a minor success. There should be more books about killing George W. Bush. I hope that this is the first in a trend."

Original Mike said...

or, if you prefer the theater

bagoh20 said...

And this gem from a 5 star review of that tender book.

"There should be more books about killing George W. Bush. I hope that this is the first in a trend"

Yea, I don't know where people get the idea anyone wanted W. dead.

Just honesty, that all we need people. The truth will set you free and maybe prevent some evil down the road.

Largo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Damn Mike, you beat me.

The Drill SGT said...


Glenn linked to minute 17 of the dialog yesterday. 8:56 AM

in it, Goldberg doesnt see any connection between deomnstrations where folks root for Bushh's death, etc, with folks that actually plot to kill him.

also note those Assassinate Bush stamps and assassinate Bush movies, etc

you can see the little wheels going on in Goldbergs head as she denies the obvious link

Anonymous said...

Garage Mahal said: "I don't (know these lefties who made movies about the killing of President Bush). Who were these lefties?"

Garage ... since you have such a conveniently poor memory for Democrat assassination fantasies, you can watch the trailer for yourself here:

This assassination fantasy won the Toronto film festival of international critics.

The left produces movies about killing their political enemies so that all the nutjobs don't have to mentally picture themselves doing it.

They can just go watch a video tutorial.

Largo said...

Michelle? Michelle?!

It's not about a woman's figure.

It's not about a woman's high cheekbones.

It's not about the smoothness of a woman's skin.

It's about the countenance of a woman who, with calm intensity, can slice foolishness to the bone, all the while standing above it all, untouched by the gore in her wake.


Largo said...

(And give me another swig of that Diet Coke!)

wv: tomen
anagram: mento - when you realize you need to buy more mentos

dhagood said...

i happened to look at the comments to the diavlog a couple of days ago, and was struck at the vehemence of some of the commenters. the first post talks about the "militant, ultraconservative political views of the extremists who are bringing guns to presidential events". this basic viewpoint is repeated over and over and over.

they are taking one observable fact, a weapon, and are postulating political viewpoint, state of mind, and intent based upon that one fact.

i personally wouldn't bring a weapon to any such event, but it is perfectly legal to so do.

what is it about weapons that drives some people into absolute frothing fury?

Sofa King said...

what is it about weapons that drives some people into absolute frothing fury?

For some reason they're very upset at the idea of common people having independent power.

Salamandyr said...

what is it about weapons that drives some people into absolute frothing fury?

My wife and I both fence, for our wedding, I and my groomsmen all wore rapiers. Not a single person was bothered by all the deadly weapons lying around. Of course, if people had known of anyone carrying a firearm there probably would have been fainting in the aisles. Just something about guns, i guess.

Megan is a very attractive lady, but she looks too severe with her hair pulled back. She should leave it down. It frames her face better.

miller said...

Garage, you're usually funny and sometimes insightful.

But this time you've beclowned yourself.

You really don't remember the incessant calls for Bush's death?

I collected a host of Bush=Hitler photos from leftist protests.

There was (and still is) a lot of hate for Bush, and there were a lot of calls for his untimely end.

Surely you weren't sleeping through 2001-2009?

WV: whledse, lutefisk for Esquimaux

Anonymous said...

Tradguy: "Query: What if there is a civil unrest announced because of a FLU that comes around, like it always has, but the Government Media runs fake disaster news warning that no crowds are allowed in public, while the internet and cable are shut down during the crisis requiring governmental Marshall Law over messages to avert panic? Then how could we organize to escape Ms Goldberg's wrath?"

Know your neighbors
Know who you can trust
Plan to be self reliant
A good supply of .223, 7.62x39, 9mm & .45ACP
A few extra guns for your friends.

VW = wantrinh If that's a question, you can keep 'em both.

Original Mike said...

And can someone point me to these right wing Obama assassin wanna-bes? Not denying their existance, since I'm not in a position to do that, but I would like some evidence, not just Goldberg's assertions.

Big Mike said...

@Hoosier, Megan McArdle is not stupid, and Michelle Goldberg is not hot.

traditionalguy said...

Lewsar...The revolutionary communist mantra has always been Mao's statement that, "All Political Power comes out of the barrel of a gun." With that belief, the mere sight of some one who is not under their control in possession of a gun infuriates them as an illegitimate challenge to their powers.

Hoosier Daddy said...

@Hoosier, Megan McArdle is not stupid, and Michelle Goldberg is not hot.

Well I have to beg to disagree. I think both are quite attractive although Megan shouldn't pull her hair back.

But that's a neck up opinion. For all I know Goldberg is shaped like a pear.

Anonymous said...

Who painted Michelle Goldberg's hair black with Krylon?

She's gross.

Bruce Hayden said...

i happened to look at the comments to the diavlog a couple of days ago, and was struck at the vehemence of some of the commenters. the first post talks about the "militant, ultraconservative political views of the extremists who are bringing guns to presidential events". this basic viewpoint is repeated over and over and over.

they are taking one observable fact, a weapon, and are postulating political viewpoint, state of mind, and intent based upon that one fact.

i personally wouldn't bring a weapon to any such event, but it is perfectly legal to so do

Probably not quite right, when it comes to the President and VP, but these were Congressional town hall meetings and the like, and there you are right.

I remember awhile back, VP Cheney was going to attend a Republican event in SLC, UT. The problem was guns. A lot of the people attending had concealed carry permits and expected to bring their guns with them. The Secret Service was horrified and put their feet down. There was an impasse until someone had the idea of bringing in gun lockers. And that is how it went off - the attendees locked their guns up in the lockers, the VP arrived, talked, etc., then after he left, they got their guns back out of the lockers, and everyone was happy.

what is it about weapons that drives some people into absolute frothing fury?

Don't know, but I left my shot gun with at my father's house a couple of weeks ago. It was in a locked case. But my brother, who lives with my father, just freaked out. He was close to incoherent. And he claims not to have voted for Obama.

So, I had another brother come over and pick it up. Since he knows how to shoot and I trust him, I also gave him the combo to the lock. End of problem.

Anonymous said...

As for McArdle ... I can definitely see her wearing heels and a whip in some dungeon correcting me for being a bad, bad boy.


Lyle said...

The comment section is surprisingly killing Goldberg. Even the cabal of crank lefties there can't get a progressive word in.

Michelle Goldberg is the quintessential, know it all, big city girl of the left, who simply isn't well traveled enough to know what the American people are really like as a whole. She's cocooned away in progressive bliss.

Althouse and now McCarldle have helped to animate Michelle's true feelings on America, and now we all know she's a typical, spiteful, hatemongering progressive.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that what we are finding with the nuts (and even some of the supposedly more sane) on the left is that they project an awful lot.

One example is the whole AstroTurf thing. They assume that since they organize protests and bus in protesters from all around the country, that any protests against Obama's agenda is just as highly organized. Never mind that you can immediately tell the difference, with those opposing ObamaCare having hand made signs, and those supporting it having professionally made signs, and even showing up sometimes in matching (union) t-shirts.

I think that it is the same thing with presidential assassinations. My theory has been for quite awhile that one of the big reasons that there were no attempts on President Bush's life was that Darth Cheney was next in line. (I didn't realize it until I was corrected recently by my daughter that "Darth" actually meant apprentice).

But this may not save President Obama. If something were to happen to him, we would have the experience of watching gaffe-omatic Biden throughout the rest of the term. Much more entertaining.

reader_iam said...

An interest in assassins and would-be assassins of presidents is ongoing. For example, there is this musicial, first staged in 1990 and revived on Broadway in 2004 (postponed from 2001, due to 9/11), when it won several Tony awards.

Big Mike said...

@Hoosier, well this suggests you guessed right about her shape.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if it counts, but "Late Late Show" host Craig Kilborn (not to be confused with the delightful Craig Ferguson) ended up apologizing for running footage of then-Gov. George W. Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention with the words "snipers wanted" on the screen. (OK, Bush wasn't president yet, and maybe Kilborn isn't part of the far-left fringe, but still ...)

Anonymous said...

An Althouse memory. Well, for those of us who have memories, anyway.

Hoosier Daddy said...

@Hoosier, well this suggests you guessed right about her shape.

Oh dear, Mike, buddy, that's not pear shaped. Hell she has smaller hips than Kim Kardashian.

Alright I guess my definition of hot is somewhat liberal but I still think she's attractive. Nuttier than a 10lb fruitcake but still attractive.

Original Mike said...

And let's not forget Randi Rhodes

The Drill SGT said...

Salamandyr said...
My wife and I both fence, for our wedding, I and my groomsmen all wore rapiers.

I don't know about Roger J, Fen and others, but my wife and I cut our Wedding cake with my Cavalry Sabre.

I didn't wear a dress uniform with Sabre though, and no dozen groomsmen with an arch of sabres.

funny, none of those Chaplains had any isue with folks carrying weapons in church :)

reader_iam said...

Everybody's Got the Right (Lyrics)

The Gun Song (Lyrics)

Henry said...

"I'm going to get my gun and go to Washington and who's with me"

What the hell? Is Ms. Goldberg inventing Squeaky Fromme's Twitter feed?

Henry said...

Though Lynette Fromme actually went to Sacramento. Sarah Jane Moore went to San Francisco.

reader_iam said...

Kennedy was a Democrat (though a conservative one, by today's standards).

Lincoln, McKinley and Garfield were Republicans.

As were Ford and Reagan.

Roger J. said...

Drill--was married at West Point Chapel so had the sabre arch--also did the wedding cake with my sabre.

Ah to be young again. Too bad they dont take guys my age in the army--nothing is more musical that 50 cal brass tinkling down the front slope of a tank.

Salamandyr said...

I don't know about Roger J, Fen and others, but my wife and I cut our Wedding cake with my Cavalry Sabre.

I didn't wear a dress uniform with Sabre though, and no dozen groomsmen with an arch of sabres.

funny, none of those Chaplains had any isue with folks carrying weapons in church :)

Good times. I was a broke leg infantry soldier, but got married long after that, so no uniform.

We did have a sword arch. Our class brought fencing gear and passed them out to the guests, who brought their own swords if they had them. So we have about 60 people forming a sword arch for the wedding party to march under. It was pretty cool.

I didn't cut the cake with mine though.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't know about Roger J, Fen and others, but my wife and I cut our Wedding cake with my Cavalry Sabre.

Well I'm a black belt in tae-kwon-do and I was going to cut our wedding cake with a flying scissor kick but Mrs. Hoosier said that wasn't appropriate.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I bet those samurai weddings are a hoot ya think?

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Yeah, but the left does have a good point today when they argue that the nuts on the far right are more likely to be capable with guns than the nuts on the far left.

Thus, the lunacy on the right may - may - be more dangerous than the lunacy on the left. At least when it comes to the possibility of assassinations. Hell, what is some leftwing crackpot going to do, attack Bush with a giant paper mache gun?

Of course, they continue to deny that some on their left smeared Bush/Cheney with the same intensity that some on the right are doing to Obama.

Good grief, Keith Olbermann attacking Glenn Beck for smearing the President? Hypocritical lying weasels are embarrassed over Olbermann.

Rialby said...

As a left-of-center friend said to me once at a dinner with a number of other liberal friends - well, Obama is definitely under serious threat because all of the assassins come from the right. I said - oh yeah, who killed JFK? Who killed RFK?

This kicked off 3 hours of discussion at the end of which everyone thought I was a complete moron for believing that either Lee Harvey Oswald or Sirhan Sirhan had anything to do with those murders. Btw, several of these bright, successful, college-educated friends had no idea who Sirhan Sirhan was.

Original Mike said...

What happened to garage?

Big Mike said...

Alright I guess my definition of hot is somewhat liberal but I still think she's attractive. Nuttier than a 10lb fruitcake but still attractive.

But Mrs. Hoosier is much hotter, yes? (As you value your life, say "yes.")

The Drill SGT said...

Ah to be young again. Too bad they dont take guys my age in the army--nothing is more musical that 50 cal brass tinkling down the front slope of a tank.

The smell of cordite and the ping of that 105 casing bouncing off the turret ring :)

LOL, or hearing the driver yell as a piece of hot brass goes down his shirt?

For the rest of you, who might have seen Blackhawk Down, the mini-guns were dropping hundreds of hot shell casings down on the troops, and they were happy about it :)

Big Mike said...

@Rialby, I've seen the same phenomenon. One reason for my willingness to side with Republicans (less than thrilled as I was with the party from about 2000 onwards) is that most Republicans I know are more grounded in reality. Democrats will believe anything if the "correct" people tell them to.

Synova said...

I agree that people on the "right" are more likely to be familiar with guns than those on the "left." I disagree that this makes it more likely that someone on the "right" will resort to violence. All knowledge about guns provides is a better chance that someone won't shoot him or herself by accident.

Old RPM Daddy said...

"Btw, several of these bright, successful, college-educated friends had no idea who Sirhan Sirhan was."

Which leads to people thinking Robert Kennedy was killed by an 80s band.

Synova said...

"As a left-of-center friend said to me once at a dinner with a number of other liberal friends - well, Obama is definitely under serious threat because all of the assassins come from the right. I said - oh yeah, who killed JFK? Who killed RFK?"

I don't really know anything about Sirhan Sirhan but Oswald seems to have been just about as loony-toons as Hinkley. The only real difference was that Hinkley had a crush on Jody Foster and Oswald had a crush on the USSR.

SANE people in democratic, first world nations, don't expect assassination to achieve their political goals.

I find it interesting, actually, that all the Obama assassination fantasies seem to be coming from the left, from his supporters. Not only do you not hear anything like that from the right, you also don't hear wishful thinking that Obama drop dead of natural causes. Can you imagine? Here some old lech dies of cancer and the push is to make political hay out of it. Can you imagine if it was the President? Sometimes I think that the left fantasizes about assassination of Obama because they've romanticized Kennedy to the point of pathology.

Any excuse to bring up my most fravoritest liberal fantasizer, Ms. Jong... but did *conservatives* fantasize about a military take-over of the nation and a third Bush term? No, they did not. It was famous liberal thinkers like Erica Jong warning the Italians from her vast understanding of America, that Bush wasn't going to step down and that Cheney had brought some National Guard troops home to lead them through the streets. That wasn't a *conservative* fantasy. It was a *liberal* one.

And people were talking about likelihood of an Obama assassination before he was even President. It was in a paper in the UK. It's a willful delusion on the part of LIBERALS who for some reason seem to have this as part of their world view and, apparently, foreign publications who *also* like the rather romantic image of a lawless, violent, United States.

Megan McArdle makes the point later (earlier?) that even *if* one accepts militias as politically "right", they are generally most interested in being left alone. And that's the extreme.

And yet, from somewhere, liberals find fantasies of "Handmaiden" Theocracies, military coups led by Cheney, concentration camps for homosexuals and assassinations of Presidents.

It's like... dude... if your life is too dull... just read a book. It's safer for the rest of us.

Original Mike said...

Btw, several of these bright, successful, college-educated friends had no idea who Sirhan Sirhan was.

You'd think someone with such a wooful lack of knowledge of recent events would have a little humility with regards to their own opinions.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike said: "What happened to Garage."

I'll tell you what happened to him.

Here is how liberals debate:

1) "I don't remember anybody who wanted to kill George W. Bush. Who were these people?"

2) Dozens of links to films, statements, news articles, photographs etc. are provided.

3) (crickets)

It's the favorite debating tactic of high school freshmen: "Oh yea, prove it!"

And then of course, when you do prove it they've moved on to another topic of interest because they're not interested in the truth; they're not here for a principled debate on topics.

So that's where Garage went.

But he'll be right back to make another sophomoric challenge in the next thread, only to be beaten down anew.

knox said...

MICHELLE GOLDBERG - STOP MUGGING FOR THE CAMERA. It's horribly distracting and you're nowhere near attractive enough to pull it off.

Attractive or not, it is very annoying. I swear there's times I start laughing because she actually seems to be *pouting.*

One thing's for sure. This is a very disingenuous and mean person. She really is a nasty piece of work. And she manages to be sort of self-righteous about it at the same time.

Hey, she'd make a great Community Organizer!! Do lots of nasty, nasty things to your "enemies" and then play dumb and/or accuse them of the same thing!

ethan said...

Hi, I'm Ann Althouse. I'm a professor at a public university, and I can't be bothered to use Google before I post.

Especially when the evidence would tend to disprove my increasingly rancid right-wing apologia schtick.

We'll start with Yoo, and then eventually get to you, Althouse. You don't deserve to be teaching at a public institution.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Synova, the Obama assassination fantasies of the left are purely a political tool. The goal is to silence criticism of Obama by saying that any disagreement will encourage some whack job to take matters into his own hands. It’s being used to paint his opponents as radicals. It's all meant to build sympathy for dear leader and change the subject from his current policy debacles.

wv : pugsive - How Obama feels about dropping the public option.

Synova said...

Wow, Ethan. Skipping the obvious "opinion" pieces that come up with that Google search...

"But even before Obama cited "reports" of the threats at the debate, the U.S. Secret Service had told media outlets, including NEWSWEEK, that it was unable to corroborate accounts of the "kill him" remarks—and according to a law-enforcement official, who asked for anonymity when discussing a political matter, the Obama campaign knew as much."

Even Newsweek is using "reports" in scare quotes and telling us that Obama mentioned "kill him" as if the "reports" were true when he *knew* there was no proof of anything whatsoever.

Even Obama is enamored of liberal assassination fantasies. They are politically useful.

Synova said...

Meanwhile... someone set fire to Sarah Palin's church.

Ralph L said...

My dad's cousin got herself investigated by the Secret Service in 1963 by being overheard saying in a restaurant in Dallas right after, "I knew something would happen if Lyndon ever got him to Texas." It didn't help that she and her surgeon husband were at Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and happened to visit the cemetery when Oswald was being buried.

bagoh20 said...

Got to love when someone does that "Don't you know how to use google line?" and then proceeds to show how they don't know how themselves.

Even more precious when they throw in a completely unnecessary attack confirming that they are an ass as well as ignorant - a great combination.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

I love this discussion of conspiracies from the movie Shooter:

Old Gun Expert: That's how a conspiracy works. Them boys on the Grassy Knoll they were dead within three hours, buried in the damned desert, unmarked graves out past Terlingua.
Secret Service Agent: You know this for a fact?
Old Gun Expert: Still got the shovel...

Synova said...

"Shooter" had it's good moments.

It's also had it's bat-sh*t crazy leftist moments.

Anonymous said...

"Even Obama is enamored of liberal assassination fantasies. They are politically useful."

Ain't that the truth.

Henry said...

Synova wrote: I don't really know anything about Sirhan Sirhan but Oswald seems to have been just about as loony-toons as Hinkley. The only real difference was that Hinkley had a crush on Jody Foster and Oswald had a crush on the USSR.

Well said. Crazy is its own party.

kentuckyliz said...

Interesting project: take the Bush assassination fantasy film, and don't change a word in the script, not a single scene, not one jot or iota...and substitute Obama for Bush.

And watch the moonbats crap themselves about the RACIST ASSASSINS!!!!

WV distrati
like literati...but, they are distracting people

Rialby said...

ETHAN - We'll start with Yoo, and then eventually get to you, Althouse. You don't deserve to be teaching at a public institution.

I guess only people like Bill Ayers are allowed to teach at public institutions, huh?

JAL said...

Isn't Ethan the guy on LOST that Charlie whacks?

wv = aplask
Insurance sold by flashy cranes

veni vidi vici said...

Amazing that it only took 4 minutes after my post for Garage to beclown himself resoundingly.

Thank you for making a flapping buttock of yourself so unambiguously.

LoafingOaf said...

There have been people arrested for threatening to kill Obama. Just Google it.

And, as crazy as some of the stuff said about Bush was, they weren't carrying around assault rifles and other firearms the way some of these Obama haters are.

LoafingOaf said...

Michelle Goldberg is sexy, btw.

Anonymous said...

You don't see pop culture praising people for threatening to kill Obama.

Making movies and books about killing Bush tended to get you good reviews.

Kirk Parker said...


What, no .308?

Ann Althouse said...

"And, as crazy as some of the stuff said about Bush was, they weren't carrying around assault rifles and other firearms the way some of these Obama haters are."

They were rolling hand grenades.

Original Mike said...

Now only two left

I guess garage scooped up a copy.

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