September 16, 2009

2 products that look a lot better in the ads than they've worked for me.

1. MobileMe. This thing supposedly syncs the calendars in all your computers and your iPhone. I use an iPhone, 2 different desktops, and at least one laptop and thought it would be cool to be able to put things onto my calendar using whatever device is in front of me at the moment. Now that I've done that, I've got to check for appointments on multiple calendars, because the syncing has not been reliable, and I have no idea how well it's working at any given time. It's not a convenience, but a big distraction. Maybe Apple can fix it, but lord, how it has wasted my time and infused my life with an uneasy sense that I don't know if I'm missing appointments.

2. Tempur-Pedic. You think this mattress will deliver a marvelous sleep experience?


Henry said...

Tempur_Pedic? Pshaw. You should have tried a Bob-O-Pedic.

al said...

Mobile-Me was described as junk on the tech podcasts I listen to. By Mac fanboys.

As for mattresses - Verlo pillow tops are nice as are the cloud nine mattresses that Hampton Inn uses.

bagoh20 said...

I suggest using the Tempur-Pedic to sync your calenders, know what I'm sayin'?

Triangle Man said...

I second Verlo, but favor skipping the pillow top and adjusting softness as needed by adding a feather bed or foam topper, or both.

MobileMe can be finicky but it has been great for me once I got the sync settings worked out. Do things reliably sync up to the MobileMe server (i.e. are visible on the web calendar)?

Dustin said...

I think it would make more sense to just use your iphone for appointments. Unless it's hard to enter them in, or the batteries run out all the time or something like that. If all your eggs are in one basket, you'll know how many you have.

It's a marvel of modern times how picky people are about their sleeping area. I guess I'm just not that picky, but everything from a futon to a waterbed to a declined car's seat is good enough for me. Temperpedic just too soft? I always wondered if it was not durable enough. What happens if you spill your coffee and maple syrup on it?

dbp said...

2. Tempur-Pedic. You think this mattress will deliver a marvelous sleep experience?

You never elaborate on how/if this product has failed you.

Last Summer we stayed at a hotel which featured these kind of beds and I found that they didn't breathe the same as normal beds and I felt clammy all night.

Fred4Pres said...

Tempur-pedic not good? Why?

I thought about getting one, but we delayed that purchase (the old matress is fine, just we wanted to upsize to a king). Breathability is important, are they clammy? What else about them?

kathleen said...

i still use a filofax, electronic calendars are too fussy

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
former law student said...

Half the radio commercials I hear are for different sorts of mattresses. I get a kick out of the Duxiana bed ad, so durable you can pass it down to your grandchildren.

To my knowledge, the last time Consumer Reports evaluated mattresses was in 1980 -- hopefully they will do it again now that a mattress costs as much as a motorcycle.

AllenS said...

Don't ever buy the Penis Enlarger. All you get is a magnifying glass.

former law student said...

I think it would make more sense to just use your iphone for appointments.

In corporate life, your calendar has to be visible to all who want to waste your time -- make sure to block out some time for "work," by the way. Thus your mobile device must sync up with your corporate machine, at a minimum.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

We've had a Tempur-Pedic for about five years and are quite happy with it.

However, it gets stiff if it gets too cold. We lost power during an ice storm, and the temperature dropped below 40. It was like sleeping on a sheet of cardboard on a hard floor. Once it warmed up it was fine.

rhhardin said...

Check for a pea under the mattress.

Joan said...

We got a Select Comfort (the beds with the air chambers) about 6 months ago. I am now no longer completely crippled when I get out of bed in the morning. I have rheumatoid arthritis that is relatively mild and therefore I don't take any medication. I have some problems in the morning with various joints, particularly my hands, but before we got the new bed my hips and shoulders were very painful.

We considered the Tempur-Pedic but it's simply too hard on my joints. My husband has a Tempur-Pedic pillow and it gives me a headache. I can't imagine trying to sleep on something like that supporting my entire body.

Ann Althouse said...

"I think it would make more sense to just use your iphone for appointments. Unless it's hard to enter them in, or the batteries run out all the time or something like that. If all your eggs are in one basket, you'll know how many you have."

I greatly prefer to type on a real keyboard, and I thought that's what I was buying with MobileMe. I can go back to relying entirely on the iPhone, but you know I've had an iPhone completely die on me, and then I lose it all. "All your eggs in one basket" is a phrase normally paired with "Don't put."

rhhardin said...

I put my meager calendar on my desktop (ancient laptop actually, but it's immobile; with nice external PS/2 keyboard and mouse and monitor), and other computers check in at night and update themselves with anything that's changed.

All the data goes one way, from central computer outwards.

So it's central, and backed up both.

(XP, done with Cygwin and shell scripts)

If you want to put something new in another machine, just be sure to copy that back to the central place manually.

J Lee said...

I bought a memory foam pillow a few years ago, that's similar in design to the Tempur_Pedic, and it now stays out in the car for back-seat sleepers.

While the idea of having a sleeping surface that adjusts to your body sounds good, as it turns out (for me, at least) gaps also have a role to play in the ability to get to sleep, and having a pillow/mattress that molds itself perfectly to your face/body means when you try to change position, you're not readjusting against a small surface area; you're having to get all that damn memory foam to readjust with you.

And, yes, if you leave it out in cold places -- like a car during the winter -- memory foam does harden to the point you could hammer railroad spikes with it. But it does serve its now-limited purpose once the car heater kicks in.

victoria said...

Apple can fix it, did it for us. Had to make an appointment at the genius bar and go in to the store, but it works like a charm now

Rick said...

I just sold my Verlo pillowtop and bought a Tempurpedic. It's been two months with no back pain (knock wood)

Balfegor said...

Mobile-Me was described as junk on the tech podcasts I listen to. By Mac fanboys.

Was that the original roll-out? I heard the original roll-out was botched terribly, with broken software, non-functional servers, and all kinds of problems, but that over the ensuing months, Apple got their act together. I heard it works fairly well now, although if -- as victoria suggests -- you still have to take it into the "genius bar" just to get it to work right, I guess it's still got a ways to go.

Dustin said...

Granted, 'don't put' all eggs in one basket makes sense for a lot of things (unlike eggs, which usually are all stored in the same place).

If the iphone isn't good for this, and it sounds kinda like it isn't, perhaps a laptop and an online calendar like google calendar.

Now that I think of it, iphones can probably access google calendar, as can laptops, and you won't lose everything when power is interrupted.

Is google's calendar just not suitable for scheduling? I don't think FLS's intelligent point applies to Althouse's school, but do people use this app at work?

AND COME ON tell me about your crappy mattress!

Bissage said...

Putting all your eggs in one basket works out okay so long as too many chefs count your chickens before they’re hatched.

But remember, folks, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

KLDAVIS said...

I believe older and cheaper models of the Tempur-Pedic are quite clammy...ours is about 5 years old and doesn't have that problem. I found it to be absolutely amazing for the first year or so we had it, but it slowly becomes familiar and eventually it felt like nothing special. A couple years ago, I hurt my back, and have since been unable to sleep on my stomach as I used to prefer. The Tempur-Pedic has been more of a hindrance than a help since my back issues arose. Now, I'd probably prefer a more standard mattress.

William said...

I recently bought a tempur pedic. I think if you're really serious about watching television in bed it's the only way to go. But for sleeping, it's not so great. The side of my body pressed against the mattress gets sweaty.

al said...

Was that the original roll-out? I heard the original roll-out was botched terribly, with broken software, non-functional servers, and all kinds of problems, but that over the ensuing months, Apple got their act together.

It was during the initial roll-out. Lots of not-so-nice comments.

It's always seemed strange to me that a computer that is supposed to be so easy to use needs a genius to help people use it. And that when I'm in the local Apple store with my son that there is a long line at the bar. It's like the commercials are lying to us.

John said...

I Got the Sleep Number bed back in January and it's been great. I sleep great and no back pain ever.

Michael Haz said...

I use a pocket calendar, and make entries in pencil. It's always with me, always correct, and there are no pesky software issues. Old school and effective.

I bought a Select Comfort mattress system about 10 years ago, It works great. The Tempur Pedic mattress I tried smelled of mold and was like sleeping on a piece of insulation, especially during warm weather. Glad I got rid of it.

And speaking of products that looked better in ads than they've worked, hows about that Obama fellow?

kimsch said...

I tried a tempur-pedic mattress in a store. It seemed fine when I was laying down, but when I went to get up and was sitting on the edge it went all weird. Because the edge is all smooshy and not firm like the edge of a regular mattress I felt as if the bed had flipped up behind me. I didn't like that feeling at all, at all.

wv: matecti - when the mattress feels like it's flipping up behind you.

Michael Haz said...

@kimsch - Good point. A firm edge on the mattress is very important.

Very, very important.

Michael Haz said...

Do you suppose that the calendar and the beds are synched up in the technological marvel that is chez Gates?

If Bill notes in his calendar: 2:00 PM Boff Melinda Before Kids Get Home From School, does some super trick system dim the bedroom lights at 2:58 PM, increase the candle flame height, lower the window shades, toss back the bed covers, start the Barry White music and warm the massage oil?

Because I'd like that system. Except when it crashes and instead causes the toilets to flush, garage doors to open, dogs to be let out and robot vac to run hot laps around the living room.

Which it will do until I purchase the upgrade.

David said...


I blame Meade.

Methadras said...

Ann, if you want a serious mattress, then stay away from the Tempur-pedic gimmick. What you want is to look into the Simmons NXG line of mattresses. Specifically the NXG400 or the NXG575. Best mattress I've ever owned. It's like sleeping on a cloud. I bought one for every bed in my house.

Unknown said...

I had some problems with Mobile Me in which my preferences weren't the same on all the devices. I had to play around with the settings a little, but now it's working fine. My appointments pop up on my iPhone and on my two Macs. My contacts get updated.

traditionalguy said...

We tried the spaceage TempurPedic and found it was terrible for comfort especially for body warmth problems. The saleman wanted us to try adding a cooling unit, but we returned it. Why pay so much for so little. Then we went for a even more expensive but near perfect mattress/Boxsprings combination by Kingsdown, which has lasted us 4 years now and seems as good as new.

rhhardin said...

My mattress is a JC Penny from 1975.

I'm on the second side now.

prairie wind said...

Hard to go wrong with the Hipster PDA.

Becky Jo said...

Tried TempurPedic for almost 2 years. Ugh. Hot, and no help for back pain. Invested in adjustable Sleep Number on my sister's recommendation, and never slept better!

Levi Hustle said...

I get failed syncs all the Finder. The only reliable way to get things on and off of MobileMe seems to be the web interface. It uploads ~1 gigabyte music projects faster than dragging it to the iDisk mounted on the desktop!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Didn't you and Meade take advantage of the free 90-minute trial? Heh.

wv = amnsora

Wince said...

The Tempur Pedic fit my platform bed (no room for boxspring) and helped with my pressure point problems.

I actually like when it's cold and firm -- it softens just enough where your body heat contacts the mattress. When the ambient temperature of the room gets hot, it gets a little too soft. But I never felt it was clammy. I think they have a firmer model now.


I always thought a cooling unit to control the temperature of the mattress would be a good idea, espcially if that meant you could eschew air conditioning the whole room. Couldn't find a link on the web after a quick look. Do you have a link?

wv - "conai" = "put the Bunny back in the box," without the "R"

KLDAVIS said...

While I'm not head over heels for my Tempur-Pedic anymore, I am completely against the Sleep Number. My parents banished theirs to the guest room, and I now dread sleeping there. In my experience, it's no better than an air mattress. The last few visits I've seriously considered a sleeping bag on the floor over the Sleep Number.

knox said...

I need to get a new mattress and I have no idea what to get. Everything gets practically a 50-50 mix of raving and shitty reviews. And the old-school mattress market is a scam: there is no way to comparison shop.

Meade said...

@knox: FWIW, we are very happy with one of these - the top one:

Beth said...

We have the Serta version of Tempur-Pedic and it's nice. It's got a top on it that keeps it cooler than the Tempur-Pedic gets.

I've been sleeping on the futon this week, as C. has the flu. I miss my Serta something terrible. There's no give to the futon and I feel bruised when I wake up.

This is a clever design, though, in that it discourages company from staying more than a few days.

Don Wacome said...

My wife and I have had a Tempur-Pedic for about a year. It's a lot of money for a mattress, but we've found it categorically superior to anything else we've ever slept on. We've experienced no problems with clamminess.

Kevin Walsh said...

>>>This thing supposedly syncs the calendars in all your computers and your iPhone. I use an iPhone, 2 different desktops, and at least one laptop and thought it would be cool to be able to put things onto my calendar using whatever device is in front of me at the moment. <<

If I have to be someplace I just write it on a piece of paper, along with contact info, and put it in my shirt pocket. Works for me.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

Joey Heatherton suggests the Serta Perfect Sleeper.

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