August 22, 2009

An inside look at sex.

MRI video.

Via Dave Barry, who says: "Do not click on the link unless you are prepared to view explicit images in which you can't really tell what the hell is going on..." And commenter insomniac nails it: "ahhh, sweet m.r.i. of life at last i've found you..."


Wince said...

Even more revealing, perhaps, is the visible light video of that scene.

Ralph L said...

The video is two minutes long!

traditionalguy said...

Is that a video of Hugh Hefner auditioning the girl next door for the September issue?

EnigmatiCore said...

"The video is two minutes long!"

Yeah! How did he last that long? And why?

scottmckim said...

"bad science, Dave Barry, sex"

Is that the best possible tag cloud or what?

Deb said...

The woman looks bored.

Bissage said...

Some of us still insist on finding the cervix the old-fashioned way.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

hey, this one's a lobster or you're crazy...

save_the_rustbelt said...

I've managed MRI units, and it occurs to me 1) the table is really uncomfortable and 2) there is not much room.

But then, the pulse of the magnet would provide a good rhythm for the gentleman.

For the sake of science, I would have done my duty, had anyone thought of it.

Ralph L said...

there is not much room
There was a TV show on Discovery or TLC where they were trying to do this, I don't remember if it was the same people. They needed skinnier "actors" because there was barely enough room to wedge the couple into the machine.

boedepr - cuz he couldn't pull out

The rule of Lemnity said...

At the introduction of the 2005 Mark Twain Award Dave Barry went on at some uncomfortable length about the proliferation of internet porn.

He said (Im paraprhasing) 'there is a lot, lots, I mean a lot of porn on the internet' to stone silent faces.

I don't know what he expected.

AST said...

I think that showing that to a 13 year old girl would keep her a virgin for quite some time.

I also wonder what that guy's line was, "Yes, it'll be in an MRI machine, but it's in the interest of SCIENCE!" How romantic.

William said...

Porn for physics majors. Physics porn stars are the ones without metal piercings.

chuck b. said...

Okay, I don't pronounce coitus like that.

Anonymous said...

Cute, but unfortunately the video doesn't say from what perspective we are watching, or identify the major organs, so it's difficult to figure out exactly what we're seeing.

Methadras said...

As I was watching that I was thinking I should just fast forward past the to good parts and leave out the plot. Then I was left disappointed -- and wanting a cigarette. And I don't even smoke.

wv = pentr = a feeble attempt at penetration.

veni vidi vici said...

What, we had to endure those extended stills of the building's exterior and the odd dwarf at the lectern but they didn't even give the audience the money shot at the end?

Where's the lameness tag when you need it?

wv: "fintwera" -- What the Dutch guy in the MRI said to the gal after they were finished, as in "Mmmm, you're some kinda fintwera, you are..."