August 16, 2009

"In thanksgiving to Christ of the Mines for deliverance of the entire work force when Lake Emma flooded Sunnyside Mine."



In the Anvil Mountains overlooking Silverton, Colorado.


Please leave a message....



Peter said...

Relief that soon turned to frustration when it dawned on everyone that with Sunnyside Mine flooded, there weren't any jobs left in town.


traditionalguy said...

"Faith of our fathers living still in spite of dungeon fire and sword..." Being trapped underground in a silver mine would certainly highlight the fact that none of us are so independent that we can turn down the saviors sent to rescue us during our lives on this earth. And thank God for the guardians who love enough to give their lives for others, especially parents for children. FYI the adoption of any unwanted child into a loving Christian family is guaranteed to be arranged thru Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, where children are not worthless inconveniences and never have been since Jesus started his Church.

Wince said...

I Me Mine.

All thru' the day I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
All thru' the night I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
Now they're frightened of leaving it
Ev'ryone's weaving it,
Coming on strong all the time,
All thru' the day I me mine.

I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine.

All I can hear I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
Even those tears I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
No-one's frightened of playing it
Ev'ryone's saying it,
Flowing more freely than wine,
All thru' Your life, I me mine.

I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine,
I-I-me-me mine.

All I can hear I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
Even those tears I me mine, I me mine, I me mine.
No-one's frightened of playing it
Ev'ryone's saying it,
Flowing more freely than wine,
All thru' your life I me mine.

- George Harrison

Michael Haz said...

Saving an entire workforce from a flooded mine? That qualifies as a miracle, especially for the miners who were saved and their families.

Peter Hoh said...

Jesus Rocks.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Day of the Lord 2 Peter chapter 3

1 Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking.

2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.

3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.

6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.

7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men

wv glosses = the regular bible reading meeting.

Brent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brent said...

Here's another miracle for you - in Anaheim tonight: the final night of the 20th annual Harvest Crusade.

3 day attendance: 126,000 (the Angels would kill for those numbers!) for the free concert from Chris Tomlin, Billboard Charts Top 10 singer-songwriter and message from Greg Laurie, the man that Billy Graham called "the evangelist of tomorrow".

3 day live HD viewing on the internet: almost 250,000 people around the world.

Number of people who "went forward" onto the outfield to make decisions for Christ: 13,000.

Peoples lives given a hope for eternity and in this world: Priceless.

Available in HD Free Archive here:
2009 Harvest Crusades.

"Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Jesus in Luke 15:10

Chip Ahoy said...

At the risk of asking a stupid question, what would be the point of a stone grotto if the statue is placed outside its protective enclosure?

Oh dash! the niche we built is too small for the statue.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

Number of people who "went forward" onto the outfield... 13,000.

there must have been a collision
ot two.

Sorry.. it was irresistible ;)

blake said...

I'm not here at the moment, but if you leave your name and number at the tone, I'll get back to you.


Unknown said...

I hope the ACLU doesn't see this post.

Revenant said...

In thanksgiving to Christ of the Mines for deliverance of the entire work force

So if the people of Sunnyside lived because Christ delivered them, does that mean the people of Sago died because Christ wanted them dead?

KCFleming said...

I hope one day to be able to place a statue in thanksgiving to Christ of the Americas for deliverance of the entire citizenry when Lake Obama flooded the US with debt and socialism.

AllenS said...

Please, Jesus, let that rock in the last picture fall and smite LE Lee on his noggin.

WV: apodi

I kinda appoligize, but not quite.

Bissage said...

Italy was bad enough but now all the Jesus statues are made in China.

And when you call to order one?

You're talking to India.

Unknown said...

It was hoped that the shrine would bring back former prosperity.

So much for thanks.

Unknown said...

Does that mean the people of Sago died because Christ wanted them dead?

He answered their prayers; he just said "no." Possibly, "hell, no."

Talk about death panels.

ricpic said...

Isn't it a hate crime to put up a statue of an uneffeminate Jesus? Well, mildly uneffeminate.

The Crack Emcee said...

Message left.

WV: Masteace - the opposite of "mustache"

MadisonMan said...

Saving an entire workforce from a flooded mine? That qualifies as a miracle, especially for the miners who were saved and their families.

Well, salvation came because they weren't working in the mine. The mine was closed when the flood occurred.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Revenant -- you can be thankful without necessarily making an attribution of direct causality.

This example, however, is clearly in the Roman Catholic tradition -- note the 'sacred heart' logo on his chest -- so they probably did believe in direct causality. And being RCs (who believe in salvation by works, as well as the possibility of losing one's salvation through sin) it is entirely possible they might attribute the loss at Sago to divine will.

We both agree that's almost certainly a crock, but please don't make the mistake of assuming all Christians ascribe to the biblically shaky ones held by many RCs.

That said, we're receiving generous and much-needed mid-August rains. Our vegetable crops are happy, and we choose to offer our thanksgiving to God, even though we don't believe he personally steered those drippy clouds our way for our personal benefit.

What Christ tried to teach us is to have thankful hearts, and as Paul said, to learn to be content in all circumstances, good or bad.

Darcy said...


Tiny Jones, Come Home said...

Such fun! You experienced the bounty of a bucolic corner of Red America. Goodie for you, Ann! We've certainly dipped our toes into rustic Colorado. Aspen, in particular, is lovely. But, dear, to see a proper statue of Christ, you really must make your way to Rio. We stay at the InterContinental when we are there, and you must too! And ask for the Brazilian boys who will take you to Corcovado Mountain to see Christ the Redeemer. So uplifting! And the boys offer such service! Do ask them for the Tiny Jones special!