August 8, 2009

Durango costumery.

There was — as far as I could see — exactly one person in town wearing high heels:

Now, what book do you imagine this individual was reading?

Then there were these characters on roller skates:


Note the tail.

And yeah, I know: men in shorts. But this is beyond the normal men in shorts problem (which is, to refresh your recollection, that a grown man is making himself look like a boy). This is skating in hot pants. I have always had a sports exception to the "no shorts" rule. And this is the best costume for today.


chuck b. said...

Will you shut up? It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Will you shut up? It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!

Very funny.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

its a fine day asshole!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Or roll with it?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just Althouse and Meade.

Lovers Holiday .

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now, what book do you imagine this individual was reading?

Only The Lonely can play.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Then there were these characters on roller skates.

Anonymous said...

The girl was reading Newton's Principia Mathematica.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..we all know what it is, the rollerblading, the dreamy girls.

its Caribbean blue. we know we all should be there!

but we are too scared to go!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Those blue waters would prove deadly to them delicate flowrs that bloom only once a year.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Night life aint no good life. but it is my life some times.

BJM said...

Ummm...would the two skaters be engaging in pony play?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

all the talk (my talk) of scape make me believe Im allrady there.

O Bonde do Dom

this music was composed by God personally.

EK said...

“Now, what book do you imagine this individual was reading?”

My first thought was St. Augustine’s “The City of God” …but the more I look at this picture, the more I see that she’s a woman who dwells very comfortably in the earthly city.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ya me sali de mi quisio, ya no respondo.

Roberto y su amiga.

this is the best music ever!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Roberto Carlos cuando yo lo conoci.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have some of the Roberto's recordings LP vinil in spanish. and its just as romantic.

I think all this in some way may have harmed me. I'm hanging to a generation that came and went long ago.

Nobody I know listens to this in public.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not going to play anything more because I dont want to alarm a certain quarter here that we all care very much about and lets face it he worries. He is a worrier ;)

See you guys later.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

I have to say I've never understood what was wrong with men wearing shorts. It's not formal wear, but neither is a tank top. If you have nice legs, wear shorts. I dated a guy who wore shorts all the time, but he had nice legs, so I was quite happy with him wearing them, even to restaurants. And I'm about to fly out to Austin where it's over 100 degrees right now, so I'm bringing shorts with me, and I always wear shorts to the gym. Also, you really can't bike in long pants (the pants get caught in the gears), so you either have to wear shorts or roll up your pants, which looks much worse. I know you're making an "exception" for sports, but still, I don't see the problem with them generally. I think they should be looked at the same way you look at sleeveless shirts: inappropriate for some occasions, not a good choice if you're out of shape, but good if you're in shape and in a casual setting.

Christy said...

I, for one, appreciate the leg muscles on display.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I always wear shorts to the gym
It's not formal wear, but neither is a tank top.

There is a time for that. thats not waht Althouse is talking about.
As i understand it Althouse is (if I may) predicting that the short may replace the long alltogether if we stop looking. Realy looking.

Some of us see that eventuality as a bad thing. Mind you I'm not speaking for Althouse but I'm speaking for myself when I say the unquestioned repercussions of this are going to be a bitter fruit.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

To my knowledge, and as far as I been able to surmised an tell Madre Althouse has never said what is is she finds objectionable about shorts.

Suffice it to say Madre does not need to explain herself. Her unspoken word is law!

Oh ye of little faith.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I will be making my report available to the discretion of my superiors.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I dare say the accusations leveled at this blog by one Chris Althouse Cohen should remain in the must know need to know level of confidence.

As you can oviously tell the young man fancies himself related to Althouse.

This is not a special case, Its happened before.

Your Correspondent said...

The muscular skater on the left is using in-line skates. The guy following her is using old-fashioned four-square skates. So the guy is both slower and less skilled.

He's probably not interested in skating, so I'd guess he's interested in her.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

there is guy that comes here that's supposed to be Althoses palm reader. we need to check his ass out.

tahts all i'm sayng on the subject.

We really need to be carefull. specially during these trying times.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The muscular skater on the left is using in-line skates.

as you know we have to give a complementary report if we suspect anyone to be gay. its a must from the top.

I would be more carefull If I were you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok.. we are going to look away this one time but..

For havens sake tell them to order in english.

I dont know who is who in my own bar.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok, I have to go.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


rhhardin said...

If you have wheels, you can outrun bears.

Bissage said...

We commend to Chris Althouse Cohen’s attention the trouser clip (a/k/a the pants clip or bicycle clip) which is sometimes plain and sometimes way spiffy.

Your humble correspondent prefers a Velcro strap, which works better and lasts longer than a rubber band.

This said, of course, if you would prefer to flaunt your studly gams . . . then, by all means, please have at it!

Anonymous said...

She was holding a book?

Issob Morocco said...

Well I can confidently say it is not the House version of Obamacare that the young lady was perusing.

knox said...

this is beyond the normal men in shorts problem

Emphatically agree

bearbee said...

re: book, A Year in High Heels: The Girl's Guide to Everything .

re: 2nd photo, isn't the lead skater male?

bill said...

Best song/video for men in shorts, women in shorts, and rollerskating is this one.

Ann Althouse said...

Chris said:

"And I'm about to fly out to Austin where it's over 100 degrees right now, so I'm bringing shorts with me..."

I always had an exception for hot enough weather. Maybe I said 85° or something. Obviously, if it's 100, you can do what you need to do. I object to stuff like the postman wearing shorts when it's 55° out.

"and I always wear shorts to the gym. Also, you really can't bike in long pants (the pants get caught in the gears), so you either have to wear shorts or roll up your pants, which looks much worse. I know you're making an "exception" for sports, but still, I don't see the problem with them generally."

Well, you said it. I have an exception for sports, so the sports-based argument is inapt.

"I think they should be looked at the same way you look at sleeveless shirts: inappropriate for some occasions, not a good choice if you're out of shape, but good if you're in shape and in a casual setting."

And I've given exceptions for particular men who looked good in shorts!

So we have ZERO disagreement here!

Meade said...

"She was holding a book?"

Yes. Or is she he?

Meade said...

As for the men in shorts controversy, don't you think if a boy wears leggings and tucks in his shirt, short pants can make him look quite mature and adult?

Michael Haz said...

Wow, I had a really strange dream last night. It was a vision of Althouse, dressed and made up to look like Rickey Lee Jones, bopping around a coffee shop singing "Mead-E's In Love."

Like this, only different.

Ralph L said...

Walking in high heels while reading: Living Dangerously.
Is that a tattoo or a rug burn on her back, and shouldn't she have a callous by now?

You need a "thighs" tag.

knox said...

As for the men in shorts controversy, don't you think if a boy wears leggings and tucks in his shirt, short pants can make him look quite mature and adult?

No. It's the curls.

Jennifer said...

When Alice Olins was chatting about leggings for men on Times Fashion the other day, I figured she had to be reaching for something, anything to be avant garde. Then, T Lo addressed meggings. Now, I'm really hoping it takes off as a trend just so I can hear Althouse's reaction to it.

EKatz said...

A book of poetry maybe?

When I saw her picture I thought of coffeehouses, open mic poetry readings, etc. The artsy student wearing high heels to not conform to this high-heel-free town.

Poems would also be easier to read while walking. One poem per seven paving stones, something like that?

Fred4Pres said...

That was Titus! With a tail.

Ralph L said...

Titus wouldn't show his legs without an even tan.

Meade said...

knox: heh heh heh

somefeller said...

"I always had an exception for hot enough weather. Maybe I said 85° or something."

Which, in other words, means a blanket exception for much of the Southwestern United States for about 8 to 9 months out of the year, at least during daytime.

Ann Althouse said...

"Now, I'm really hoping it takes off as a trend just so I can hear Althouse's reaction to it."

There's lots to laugh at there, but some of it is kind of cool for the right man, and really, ordinary men would not even attempt this look, so the usual man-in-shorts problem isn't present. You have to adapt the look and take various elements that work you, and only someone into dressing carefully would try to do this. I'm therefore not against it at this point.

Ralph L said...

I have knobby knees, boney ankles, and discolorred shins, but I'd go pantless in public before I'd wear meggings.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Garrison Keillor do a show from Durango and sing about the women wearing flannel?

kalmia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kalmia said...

Oops, that should be
How to See Yourself As You Really Are

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I SAW THOSE GUYS. I was out shopping with my Mom. I was two blocks toward the train station when they went by.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Garrison Keillor did a show. The song was about denim, I think, and women with large dogs to keep the men away.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Durango women wear tank tops, shorts, have a Subaru station wagon, and a dog. It's true.

AlmaGarret said...

I'll take shorts over manpris any day. You know manpris, don't you? Capri pants for men. They are foul. A guy around the corner from me wears them - he looks like a clown. If he wore shorts at least he'd look like every other middle-aged California male.

I have a rule: once women get to be 45 or so, no more shorts unless they reach to the knees. And if you are chubby I don't want to see your thighs at any age.

Ralph L said...

My step-mother had a Ford pickup at "her" house in Durango. Thank God, I've never seen her in a halter top.

She insisted on staying at her house on Hillcrest Drive when that forest fire got close to town several years ago, and then blamed her resultant lung problems on my cats, who died in 98.

Eric said...

Apropos of costumery, and In Re: Jennifer's link to "meggings", and Alma's mention of "manpris", I give you:


Althouse, you've lived in NYC recently, have you seen abominations such as these? It's actually not the murses in most cases, it's the whole ensemble

Michael Haz said...

This is the only murse a man should carry.

Simon Kenton said...

A particular bag I carry is not very stylish, and very heavy. Naturally, as it contains a .45 and 3 spare magazines. When asked about it I always say it is my murse, and I am trying to get in touch with my feminine side.

Kirby Olson said...

A. Is Chris Althouse allowed to wear shorts in his mom's presence (is it accepted, or does she LIKE him to remain like a boy?).

B. It would be amazing if the young woman were reading my novel, Temping. I doubt if she is, though. I wish I could prove she was!

Kev said...

Althouse said:
"I always had an exception for hot enough weather. Maybe I said 85° or something."

And somefeller replied:
Which, in other words, means a blanket exception for much of the Southwestern United States for about 8 to 9 months out of the year, at least during daytime.

And parts of Texas as well.

Althouse, I must have missed the post where you gave the 85-degree exception. I guess we don't disagree on this subject as much as I thought we did.

Anonymous said...

"Yes. Or is she he?"

I don't know, my good man, but if you were there and were still wondering then I sure am not going to try to find out.

Kirby Olson said...

I should have put the emphasis on HIM.

85 is a pretty good "cut-off."

I agree, too, I think.

But then I think women should wear burqas unless it's over 110.

EK said...

My cut-off temperature is more like 65 degrees as long as its sunny. When it comes to casual dress, the long pants don't come out unless they have to.

Jennifer said...

Ooh, luck!

About murses and manpris, my feelings are basically what Althouse described re: meggings - only the very fashion forward even attempt them, so the pulling-it-off to not-pulling-it-off ratio is good.

About meggings, I'm completely undecided.

The Dude said...

Hey, "Christena" is over here too! Stamp her out! Kill the 'bots!

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