July 4, 2009

Where are you... when you should be in Madison?


We're whiling away the hours by the lake... on the lake...


... drifting off....



Danny said...

Ann- Madison seem to be so much more of a beautiful place than Ann Arbor is.
All we have here is the Huron River and the Arb. :)
Happy July 4th to you and yours.

Dr. Cookie said...

Ann Arbor looks pretty good to me!

Maxine Weiss said...


Wait a minute, why is Maxine online.... on a Holiday ?

rhhardin said...

Message from the University of Iowa lands on the trade winds in Ohio.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

We are grilling steaks on the patio, at the moment.

Yesterday I went to Clearwater Beach by myself, just because.

chickelit said...

Heading to the San Diego county fair.
I'll be in Madison with family next month.

Happy 4th!

Ron said...

Why should I be there? You treatin'? Brats 'n' beer, please...with spatzen!

Beth said...

Inside, with the a/c and several fans going. It's HOT down here.

Meanwhile, the news tells us that sharks are being found in the bayous. What the heck? I don't live near those bayous, but still.

Better to stay inside, yep.

TitusHapyHappy4th said...

I on on the East Coast among the elites, natch.

Cambridge to be exact.

Finally beautiful weather.

Dog sitting.

Madison is more beautiful than Ann Arbor. Madison is the most beautiful big 10 city, not including Minneapolis, although I don't know if Minneapolis or some suburb is where the Gophers reside.

TitusHapyHappy4th said...

Oh and Happy 4th to the Divine Miss Althouse and everyone else!

John said...

I was on the Lake today. Lake Ontario where it's blowing 17-24 knots, waves are 1-3 feet, it's in the 60's so it felt like great fall sailing on July 4th.

bearbee said...

♫ Oh beautiful ♫ for ♪ spacious skies.......♫

Freedom of speech, assembly and right to bear arms...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Happy Birthday United States of America, wherever you are.

traditionalguy said...

Happy 4th all you guys at the beach, while us golfers get the club half full and 88f with breeses and low humidity. What a great day in the neighborhood.

Bob W. said...

The lake looks like a beautiful place to celebrate the 4th! As for me, I'm enjoying the little things that, in my opinion, make America great. Cheers!

Meade said...

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to set aside the shared experience of the heat, humidity, longhorn beetles, ticks, murderous coyotes, and lack of central air conditioning which have connected her with another and to assume among the powers of her Audi TT, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Bob Wright's "Evolution of God" entitles her, a decent respect to the opinions of her man requires that she should wait patiently while the man does his best to move Heaven and Earth in order to correct the causes which impel them to the separation.

Meade said...

Hold on.

I'm coming.

Ann Althouse said...

Just whatever you do, do not fall asleep next to the pod.

Ann Althouse said...

And if only you people knew what a sucker I am for Meade's rewrites...

Kirby Olson said...

I went to see a film last night called Away We Go, written by Dave Eggers and his wife. They go to Madison where they have a friend in the Women's Studies department and she's ...

OOOKY (to use a word from the Addam's Family song)

Have you written about that film? I think it's your kind of film, Ann.

Chip Ahoy said...

Lurvely. Needs fauna.

Ralph L said...

to correct the causes which impel them to the separation
What a bummer if the British had tried that!

So, Meade took a bath?

Unknown said...

Should be in Madison? According to whom, and by what logic?

Ralph L said...

rwprof, I believe it was a private communication.

Meade said...

"What a bummer if the British had tried that!"

Heh. That's right, Ralph L.
Plus, you would then mean something entirely different by the word "bummer."