July 7, 2009

What the Russians love about Michelle Obama.

"She can work with her hands."

No one much cared about the clothes she wore — which made things a bit hard for the WaPo fashion columnist Robin Givhan — they're interested in her vegetable garden where she (reputedly) gets her hands dirty.


Triangle Man said...

I bet she wears gloves just like the rest of us.

traditionalguy said...

This PR stuff get sillier and sillier. The beloved leader acts like a normal human...Big story!

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't know about anyone else but with North Korea building nukes and Iran pushing full speed ahead on theirs, I for one am eternally grateful that Obama is cutting this arms deal with the Russians.

Maybe I missed something but I stopped worrying about the Russians nuking us 20 years ago.

AllenS said...

She steps into the vegetable garden, only when a camera is ready to take her picture. I bet she can't tell the difference between a potato, and a potatoe.

Fred4Pres said...

Russians love to garden. The epitomy of making it there (well excluding mega yachts for oil barons and organized crime heads) is getting a country dacha to grow veggies and mushrooms during the summer.

Fred4Pres said...

Maybe I missed something but I stopped worrying about the Russians nuking us 20 years ago.

Yeah, now we worry the ChiComs will not buy our treasury notes and loan us more money.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Riiiiiight...... Michelle Obama is on her knees in the White House gardens picking caterpillars off of the cabbage, spraying for aphids, thinning the root vegetables, stooping over and picking the last of the peas....in a fucking pig's eye.

How stupid do they think we are? Well.....pretty stupid since Obama is President and any lie or contradiction he utters is swallowed with glee by the press and a portion of the plebes. Stupid because we are watching him dismantle the country and spin us all into decades of poverty and third world nation status and we do NOTHING.

Also pretty stupid if they think that anyone thinks that Michelle is some sort of fashion plate. Get serious. She looks like a refugee from the Salvation Army sale bins. Or like she made a dress out of Grandma's drapes.

Putin must be laughing his ass off at us. Stupid Americans.

Fred4Pres said...

And Cap and Trade and Carbon Tax? Guess what, that applies only to the USA, no tarrifs on Chinese goods will be permitted. Rich fat westerners need to pay for the environmental sins of the world. The Chinese will not be subject to the same rules because we lack the political will and the Chinese will refuse to particpate (knowing the debt issue prevents any tariffs against them).

The U.S. Congress is doing to this country what Michael Jackson did to his face.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Don't you make vodka from potatoes?

bearbee said...

...which made things a bit hard for the WaPo fashion columnist Robin Givhan.

She could have written a 'breathy' column on various glove styles, colors, material and functions and the first lady preference.

OT: Riots in Urumqi in the northern region of China. Has the president commented? Whose side should I be on?

goesh said...

Russkies are fond of cabbage, we all know that already - ain't no fan of the O Admin but if she enjoys it and relaxes, more power to her.......

Anonymous said...

LOL, you have to get halfway through the article before you read, "Gardening skills notwithstanding, Obama's early reception here has been tepid when compared with the hoopla she generated in London and France."

It took Mother Russia to beat the PR machine from the White House. I guess the Cold War gave them years of practice.

Invisible Man said...

This PR stuff get sillier and sillier. The beloved leader acts like a normal human...Big story!

This from people who made a political character strength out of the fact that W cleared brush. Blaming the MSM is truly the fallback position for you guys/gals. No perspective that people made a big deal of the fact that Reagan rode a horse, as if that had an practical purpose. The press writes about frivolous stuff about every public figure. Why there has to be some cabal or conspiracy around every corner is just pathological.

TosaGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TosaGuy said...

The article said:

"Gardening has special significance here. During the Soviet era, in particular, people were enthusiastic gardeners, raising vegetables for their family for the winter on small patches of land in the country"

What a nice way to glossy up the reason why people gardened in the Soviet Union--the local state grocery store never had vegetables.

I can see how the prospect of being hungry during a Russian winter would make one an enthusiastic garderner

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What a nice way to glossy up the reason why people gardened in the Soviet Union--the local state grocery store never had vegetables

Get ready for the new "victory gardens" in the U.S. when cap and trade hits the vegetable aisle comming soon to a grocery store near you.

On the other hand, maybe Michelle dressing like a WWII refugee will resonate with the Russian women who had to toil in the garden, not for fun but to live, and wore whatever was available.

The big laugh that I had this weekend about Palin's announcement was that it completely sucked all the air out of Obama's balloon in Russia.

garage mahal said...

Riiiiiight...... Michelle Obama is on her knees in the White House gardens picking caterpillars off of the cabbage, spraying for aphids, thinning the root vegetables, stooping over and picking the last of the peas....in a fucking pig's eye..

It took 0.25 seconds here "Reputedly" that is. They could all be photoshopped.

Fred4Pres said...

Putin: "I looked into Obama's eyes and saw a useful idiot."

MadisonMan said...

Well, I would guess those pictures were taken when her kids' school came over. And she made those little kids work in the garden!

But I hope she does garden. I find it a great way to relax (well, except now when the mosquitoes are so thick here in Madison). If she does too, more power to her. I'd think Obama would be the gardener, though, what with his somewhat Kansan roots.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Putin: "I looked into Obama's eyes and saw a useful idiot."

Fred wins.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It took 0.25 seconds here "Reputedly" that is. They could all be photoshopped.

You don't garden do you? Having your photo taken while standing/sitting/pretending to garden is not the same thing as "actually working" in the garden.

If had a staff of "real" gardeners I too could stand around on the few occasions that I was actually around the place to bask in my fake gardening skills while not really spending the time it takes to grow and tend to a garden.

Who is taking care of the garden while Michelle and Obama are gallivanting all over the world. THE REAL gardeners that are getting paid by the taxpayers to do the REAL work? It takes time, dedication and actual work and I'm willing to bet that Michelle isn't the one doing it.

Fake is as fake does.

Next you're going to show us some photo ops of Michelle whipping up cakes and souffles in the White House kitchens and stories about how she just loves to dust and polish the furniture. Having a staff of people who do those things for you isn't the same as really being Julia Child.

Maybe YOU are that stupid as to believe that Michelle actually tends to her garden instead of just using it as a photo opportuntiy.....I don't buy it.

garage mahal said...

You don't garden do you? Having your photo taken while standing/sitting/pretending to garden is not the same thing as "actually working" in the garden..

So bitter! I'm sure Michelle isn't as heroic a gardener as you. But then again, you're not the First Lady, and she is.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hey garage, don't you find it odd that your girl wasn't over in Russia staring into Putin's soul with Obama? I mean the broken elbow argument is pretty lame. I broke mine in a bike accident and I still managed to go to work and could even mow the lawn one handed. I figure someone who dodged sniper fire in Bosnia could at least handle that trip.

Think she's having second thoughts about the job? Or maybe Obama is. I mean she can't even find someone on her staff to spell Reset in Russki and then she trips and falls and can't even do a plane ride to reset our relations with the Russians.

I give her till the end of 2010 and then she will begin her campaign to usurp the throne.

JAL said...

Yeah but the press isn't slathering all over how DBQ and Mr. DBQ look when they toote over to Little Rock for dinner and a show, either. And she doesn't pretend they should.

If and when Michelle gets out in the garden, that's great. Really. But having gardened a little 40 x 40 plot for a few years (not now, we have 4 veggie and 1 watermelon going right now), I can tell you up front, Michelle is NOT keeping up with the White House garden based on those pictures that took 2.5 seconds to find. Gardeners have. Not even her school-kid-unpaid-volunteers.

Sure, she gets her hands dirty, but most of us don't have thirty kids out helping us every time we headed out to do battle. Because battle is what it is after the first flush of seedings / seeds are have taken hold.

I hope she goes out when it's cool and no one is around and just communes with the plants and the bugs while on her knees in the dirt. That would be worth it. But I seriously doubt it.

Does she go out in the humid daytime and drip sweat for a couple hours? I doubt it.

BTW I hear it is "organic." No synthetic chemical pesticides?

No comment.

Cedarford said...

"No one much cared about the clothes she wore — which made things a bit hard for the WaPo fashion columnist Robin Givhan — they're interested in her vegetable garden where she (reputedly) gets her hands dirty."

The Russians praised her and noted with her strong arms and back, she no doubt came from a distinguished lineage of cotton-picking peasant heroes. "You cannot simply erase what some people do best, were even bred for, in a few generations".
"Had we had a few million like this strong black woman, we could have easily surpassed USA in 5-yr cotton production goals in glorious old days of Workers Socialist Republic.." ...one graying old man behind Medvedev said to approval of several other nondescript graying old men in cheap suits..

It is unknown how Barack Obama responded.

Later - Hillary appeared to walk him away from a toast Putin made to Obama's Dad, Grandfather, grand uncle, and Franklin Marshall. "To such brave progressive men, Fellow Travellers All!"

Fred4Pres said...
Putin: "I looked into Obama's eyes and saw a useful idiot."

"Not quit down at the level of last American idiot who said he saw soul of Vladimir in eyes. That soul of KGB Colonel good..I will miss that fool. Wreck his country like Boris Yeltsin and Jew oligrachs did to us in 90s."

"But Mr. Obama gives me new heart. Even though cannot replace the Tolstoy of American Idiocy with new Yevtushenko-like media concoction of less depth of idiocy. Still, much to work with...Much!"

JAL said...

Not to mention that the pictures seem to reflect two, at the most three, gardening expeditions. With eagerly helping kids.

Although I did see one picture in the very beginning of the Garden Saga of Michelle and the two girls.

People need to know how to garden and that it is hard work. And that turkeys get done in regularly so we can enjoy. And that chicken doesn't grow out of styrofoam dishes. And bread requires someone spending hours in fields. And it is hard, dirty work.

Thank you again, farmer who is on this list (Bart from KS?)

JAL said...

If Palin had screwed up the title it wouldn't have been called a slip. (referencing a different part of the trip.)

Does the guy do his homework or not?

TosaGuy said...

"BTW I hear it is "organic." No synthetic chemical pesticides?"

Bugs have to eat too. So what if they destroy what people other than the Obama's have worked so hard to produce.

Invisible Man said...

If Palin had screwed up the title it wouldn't have been called a slip. (referencing a different part of the trip.)

And I'm guessing that if Obama quits in a year it wouldn't be called buy you and others a brilliant bit of strategery. Leave the whining to Sarah, she's much better at it.

holdfast said...

Hmmm I thought the advantage of an advanced economy is that I could leave the growing of veggies to someone who is efficient at doing it while I concentrate on those things that I do efficiently. It seems these socialist/greenie types want us to regress to some sort of fake agrarian utopia where we all get to slave like peasants. Is this Michelle's revenge on us all for slavery?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

And I'm guessing that if Obama quits in a year it wouldn't be called buy you and others a brilliant bit of strategery

No. It would be called the answer to my prayers.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And I'm guessing that if Obama quits in a year it wouldn't be called buy you and others a brilliant bit of strategery

No. It would be called the answer to my prayers.

What she said.

bearbee said...

B. Obama channeling FDR spending policies.

M. Obama channeling Eleanor Roosevelt victory gardens.

Bo Obama channeling Fala.

BTW Eat your veggies!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As long as we are channeling FDR and Victory Gardens...here is a sample of what the Obama's envision for our future.

And that was last year when you could still buy rice for under $4.00 a pound. Just wait until Cap and Trade gets into the mix. Get ready people.

Bob From Ohio said...

I especially like the picture with the First Lady using a rake to break the grass.

I guess using a hoe or a spade would be the wrong image.

To be fair, it does look like the man behind her is also using a rake. Strange choice, makes it much harder to turn over the sod and dirt.

Peter Hoh said...

not having a chance to read the comments or the linked article, but iirc, Russians have thing for a place in the country, the point of which is the vegetable patch, not the cabin.

Triangle Man said...


That's some pricey rice you get. You can get basmati shipped to your house for less than $2 a pound from amazon.

JAL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JAL said...

And I'm guessing that if Obama quits in a year it wouldn't be called buy you and others a brilliant bit of strategery

DBQ: No. It would be called the answer to my prayers.

And that obviously would make some on this list believe there is a God. (So glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee.)

Dust Bunny Queen said...


That's some pricey rice you get. You can get basmati shipped to your house for less than $2 a pound from amazon.

Yeah I know. BUT. I usually buy this kind of rice at the regular grocery store and it is about $19.00 in a 5 pound bag and if I buy from Amazon with shipping it is still $3.60 a pound. I guess I should look at getting an Amazon Prime account and go with the super saver shipping ....lol.

The downside of living in the country...everything costs a lot more for the transportation costs. Usually I go to Costco and buy rice in 50 pound sacks once a year.

The upside is the lack of crowds and the ability to have a "real" garden with full orchard on our property.....non organic :-)

Invisible Man said...

DBQ: No. It would be called the answer to my prayers.

Not going to happen. He's not a coward like some other politicians.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Later - Hillary appeared to walk him away from a toast Putin made to Obama's Dad, Grandfather, grand uncle, and Franklin Marshall. "To such brave progressive men, Fellow Travellers All!"

I remember when Obama said his uncle or whatever liberated Auschwitz and a buddy of mine was unfazed about the gaffe because he said he just assumed his relative was in the Soviet Army.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not going to happen. He's not a coward like some other politicians.

That explains all those 'Present' votes.

A sure sign of testicular fortitude.

Invisible Man said...

That explains all those 'Present' votes.

A sure sign of testicular fortitude.

You can pick and choose some irrelevant criteria for fortitude, but almost every politician votes present or abstains at one point or another. Not too many quit in the middle of their term becuase the going gets tough. Sarah really should have let the tough get goin. Because when the going gets rough, the tough get rough.

BJM said...

I too rather doubt Michelle ran the rotatiller or forked compost onto the beds and turned it in. Nor can I picture Michelle Obama hand picking bugs, slugs and such or mixing manure "tea" in her organic garden.

I grow most of our produce year round, without a gardener, and it's hard work. Although Michelle certainly has the arms for it; I question that the First Lady's schedule provides the time as a veggie garden is a daily commitment (and joy).

I have no problem with the First Lady having a veggie garden planted and using it as an educational tool, it's all good; but credit for the concept belongs to Alice Waters, not Michelle Obama.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You can pick and choose some irrelevant criteria for fortitude, but almost every politician votes present or abstains at one point or another

Well I was told Obama wasn't just like every politician. You know, dynamic, change, hope, leadership. All that stuff.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Nor can I picture Michelle Obama hand picking bugs, slugs and such or mixing manure "tea" in her organic garden.

I'm sure she has her staff on it. Not much time for gardening in between fashion shoots.

ricpic said...

When is Michelle gonna go out and pick a bale of cotton? Now that would be useful. And in character.

AllenS said...

Back to reality. I just turned the TV on, and Chuck Norris is trying to sell his workout contraption. Highlite of the infomercial is Christy Brinkley working out. She's been married 4, 5 times. What's up with that? She looks so hot when she's on the workout gizmo, all sweaty and stuff. Ooooooooooooooooo!

I'd love to be married to Christy, for 2, 3 weeks.

The Dude said...

ricpic - oh no you di'int!

Synova said...

ricpic, that was uncalled for. I mean, we all expect the occasional nasty remark from Cedarford without rebuke (since it is, after all, Cedarford) but in the interests of establishing that silence is not agreement, that was pretty inexcusable.

RLB_IV said...

Whatever you believe, there are many people in the world who see her as a negro. Grubbing in the soil is what they do. The whole idea is funny to them. Those crazy Americans elected peasants of the lowest caliber to the highest office in he land. If you think prejudice is only in the states you are mistaken.

Jim said...

As other commenters have alluded to, their story on Michelle Obama wasn't complimentary. They were laughing up their sleeves at such a peasant working in the dirt: the ruling class in Russia would never do such a thing.

It's only cultural ignorance that would allow someone to think they were in any way actually praising her for gardening.

Obama was played for a stooge during his visit, and they openly mocked his wife while the supine press either ignorantly repeated the mockery or tried to lie about the truth of the story. Just another day of "smart diplomacy" from Amateur Hour Obama.

jaed said...

And I'm guessing that if Obama quits in a year it wouldn't be called buy you and others a brilliant bit of strategery

No. It would be called the answer to my prayers.

What she said.

Erm. Guys. You do realize where that would leave us in the presidency department, right?

Right. President Joseph Biden. Now if that doesn't make your blood run cold, suppose Joe in turn decides to spend some more time with his family?

That's right. President Nancy Pelosi.

(I have to stop this. I think my heart just stopped for a moment.)

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