July 31, 2009

Gates's daughter gets catty about Crowley's daughter: "she was wearing an appropriately heavy and charmingly untrained amount of green eyeliner."

Elizabeth Gates poses as empathetic as she swipes a paw at the policeman's daughter:
As our family rounded the corner to the White House library and I first caught sight of Sgt. Crowley’s lovely daughter; she was wearing an appropriately heavy and charmingly untrained amount of green eyeliner on her lower lashes, and I saw my former self in her.
Now, can the 2 girls get a picnic-table summit with — hmmm — Michelle Obama? Let's begin a great national conversation about how women judge and maybe even hate other women. In the fourth chair — the Biden seat — Hillary! Instead of beer, various girlie drinks — maybe Focus Vitamin Water or something. Cosmos for the older ladies.


Fred4Pres said...

Actually I found her comments about our "elegant" president and how his lean frame is draped over a chair more telling.

And nice how she praises Crowley and then states he lied on the police report.

XWL said...

One shouldn't be surprised that a woman who grew up in privilege, interned at Vogue, and writes regarding fashion for Tina Brown's Daily Beast website would be uncomfortable around those that come from a lesser socioeconomic background.

Don't hate Elizabeth Gates because she's beautiful (or an elitist snob).

rhhardin said...

Too bad they weren't wearing the same dress.

10ksnooker said...

Well we knew they were racists, but no class as well, that's new. Seems like everyone in Obama's circle of friends is either a racist or a snob, some both.

Anonymous said...

2 girls

Are they the same 2 girls from 2 Girls 1 Cup?


Laura(southernxyl) said...

You don't wear eyeliner on your eyelashes. You wear it on your eyelid. You wear mascara on your eyelashes.

"This wasn’t a family raised on hate." How relieved we all are to learn that.

Fred4Pres said...

Since Elizabeth Gates obviously loves looking at Barack Obama's elegant lean frame, perhaps she will enjoy this...

Fred4Pres said...

This photo says a lot.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Talk about who you know aka nepotism.

The other day I saw a story about all the young, well connected know-nothings who write for Huffington Post.

Now I learn The Daily Beast hires fashion majors.


David said...

Elitist bitch.

Chip Ahoy said...

...“You looked bigger the last time I saw you.”

"That's odd," thought Crowley too gracious to mention, "you seemed a lot louder a lot more obnoxious. And let see, what is it, oh yes, you were in cuffs. Muaaa ha ha ha ha ha."

I'm Full of Soup said...



Anonymous said...

The only good man at that meeting was Crowley. And good men usually get good women and vice versa.

Brian O'Connell said...

South Park did it. Here.

Anonymous said...

"... and I saw my former self in her."

And my current self wondered, "How the hell did I become the bitch I am today?" and wept.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of class . . .


knox said...

Everything about that meetup is squirm-inducing.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Great picture at your link. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It sure would have helped the rest of us treat the big meeting with proper seriousness if Gates, Crowley, and Obama had had girlie drinks.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shit, you guys beat me to everything I had to say. And the photos are priceless. Oh, fuck it:

Elitist Bitch.

Say it with me: The Macho Response .

The Drill SGT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Drill SGT said...

The Gates daughter is a college grad and in her 20's?

The Crowley girl is 14? Trying to look grown up?

Elizabeth is as embarassing as her father.

Eyeliner goes on eye sockets BTW, mascara goes on eyebrows. I wonder which daughter screwed that up

Kirby Olson said...

Fashion police state.

chuck b. said...

Ewww... women are so gross. Just like men.

Joan said...

Psssst, Drill Sarge: mascara isn't for brows, it's for lashes.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say I have no fricken idea where eyeliner or mascara goes. Just so you know.

The Drill SGT said...

yeah whatever.... That's what I meant :)

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am relieved Drill Sgt. had that wrong. :)

TitusGreetingsFromPtown said...

I fucking love that. And Gates daughter, yowza!

That is priceless, thanks for sharing.

TitusGreetingsFromPtown said...

Natick is actually a pretty nice community.

Granted it is no Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Wellesley, Chestnut Hill, Weston, Scituate, Hull, Beverly Farms or Manchester By The Sea.

I was expecting Revere or Malden or Everett or Waltham and was pleasantly surprised he lived in Natick.

Don't you love the names of Mass cities. So glamorous and rich.

And in a heartbeat....yes, I would do him.

My Indian husband with the British accent lives in Quincy and that isn't any great shakes, but it is on the water.

Eli Blake said...

Eyeline goes in eye sockets, BTW

It does?

After you pluck your eye out so you can plaster your eye socket with eye liner (so THAT'S why they call it 'eye liner' !) do you have to shove really hard to get your eye to go back in the socket, or is there some trick to just slide it back in there?

jag said...

The quote by Gates ("there are 800,000 black men in prison...and I became one of them")is weirdly self-aggrandizing.

What a silly, silly summer we're having.

Anonymous said...

The last silly summer was 2001. I hope it doesn't end similarly.

pst314 said...

Somebody please tell me that was a satire and Gates did not really raise such a poor excuse for a human being.

knox said...

The last silly summer was 2001. I hope it doesn't end similarly.

similarly sillily

Nichevo said...

Gates sleeps with women, let alone can breed one? I am shocked, shocked.

Given what a pipsqueak he is - I just saw a clip of him, hamming and I daresay Tomming it up to a no doubt Harvard audience - even if he did incline that way, what does he use, tranquilizer darts?

He should kiss Crowley's imaginary jackboots. Being arrested was in his mind probably the closest thing to manhood and/or negritude he's ever experienced.

That daughter meanwhile (or the woman with his name, anyway) - wow, beatings. I don't mind I'd hit Elizabeth Gates. I mean if it were my daughter...no, I wouldn't hit my daughter either, I'd probably have my wife do it, no doubt she'd know how.

I mean, AA, if she isn't a bitch, the word has no meaning, am I right?

Joan said...

I used to live in South Natick. It has pretensions to Wellesley-ness, but other than that, it was charming. Natick proper is a good solid town.

Anonymous said...

Meow, Ms. Gates! If you really cared about the overblown incident, you would not have taken career advantage of Huffpo by writing this piece.

I for one would welcome a summit on semicolon mis-usage by fashionable, newly minted and nearly illiterate Ivy league grads.

Anonymous said...

So, he's an asshole and she's a bitch. Nice family.

kathleen said...

How can "amount of green eyeliner" be "charmingly untrained", Elizabeth dear? Do you have a trained amount of eyeliner? I'm dying to know, how did you train it?

Someone pays you to write, eh?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Looks like it's unanimous. Everyone here hates young Ms. Gates. She earned it.

KCFleming said...

Unnecessarily belittling, Ms. Gates has pretentions to a better class of people than the Crowleys, with their fragile middle-classness, small homes, and Target fashions.

She is passing along a compliment, she believes, and does not recognize the disdain it reveals. But really, aren't the Crowleys just the wrong sort?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Everyone here hates young Ms. Gates.

I think shes hot.

Big Mike said...

For the rest of her life Elizabeth Gates will think about how she spoiled a 14 year old girl's big day at the White House.

And she'll smile.

KCFleming said...

It reminds me of this:

"You're so ambitious, aren't you?
Do you know what you look like, with your good bag and your cheap shoes?
You look like a rube.
A well-scrubbed, hustling rube, with a little taste.
Good nutrition's given you length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you?
And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure West Virginia.
What is your father, dear? ls he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamp?
How quickly the boys found you.
All those tedious, sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars, while you could only dream of getting out, getting anywhere, getting all the way to the FBl.

KCFleming said...

You fly back to school now, little Crowley.

Fly, fly, fly.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I said last night some liberals like Ellen Degeneris are not mean spirited.

But predictable little Elizabeth Gates falls right in line with the angry left.

[I think this is the cue where Beth jumps in to defend libs.] Heh.

Go Phils! Their brand new pitcher is throwing a one hitter!

I'm Full of Soup said...

That was a great movie , Pogo. It was the first one right not Hannibal Lecter. Can't remember the title.

Ron said...

If they go Steel Cage, I'm puttin' a sawbuck down on Palin!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Now I remember. It was Silence of the Lambs.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Palin could also beat every member of the US Senate except maybe Jim Webb.

Beth said...

AJ, why do liberals need defending because of something Gates' daughter wrote?

Revenant said...

But predictable little Elizabeth Gates falls right in line with the angry left.

This has nothing to do with "the angry left". It was just snobbery.

JAL said...

He’s not a Joe the Plumber who wants to represent the Right. He would be horrified to be considered a racist.”

Sounds to me like he needs to sit down with Joe the Plumber.

Talk about stereotyping. If he were white he'd be a racist.

JAL said...

What's with the left picking on teen aged girls?

Leave them alone, jerks.

(It might have been green eyeliner. Ever looked around? Kids are weird these days. But then it's really a swipe at the mom, too.)

JAL said...

And for a highly educated guy, especially a black guy, he too is clueless.

The local clink is NOT "prison."

But it makes a better narrative. So who cares.

Jason (the commenter) said...

You can often judge people best by their children. The adult knows to hide certain things, but the kids let it all hang out.

Anonymous said...

She has quite a ways to go before she's as nasty as Michelle Obama.

Jeff Z said...


Jeff Z said...

Some might not realize, but as the father of teenage girls, I recognize Ms. Gates's comment as being unspeakably cruel; and also unconscious proof that she is still very much "the girl she once was."

Hucbald said...


"I was shocked that she was prettier than I am."

buddy larsen said...

Fred4Pres @ 6:21 --those are some paintings alright.

Reminded me of these (they begin at a minute in and really get similar at two minutes in --then run for another minute roughly).

JeanneB said...

Actually, I thought this was much worse than the simply catty eyeliner jab:

This wasn’t a family raised on hate.

That was her instant reaction. Everyone knows white families are raised on hate! Especially cops' families! They're all racists...except the ones given a specific reprieve by self-appointed African American observers.

Ms. Gates doesn't seem aware that no one appointed her as Special Arbiter of racial prejudices. She's black. That's enough.

Never mind the elitism she displays. Her presumed absolution tells us everything we need to know about this world where white people are "guilty til proven innocent".

mrs whatsit said...

"Crowley’s cheeks flushed red as a smile dashed across his lips, and his young son, whose cheeks had long since flushed the same muted crimson, looked up at his father and smiled." This woman is paid to write?

JeffZ, yes. She is being cruel, she knows it, and she means it. At the same time, she has no idea how ridiculous she looks. That apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Nichevo said...

I'm not seeing the beautiful Ms. Gates. I'm seeing a not-ugly woman - not ugly on the outside. I'm sure she'll do very well. What's to stop her?

Nichevo said...

Actually, you know what? I can understand her doing this. It's not like she has no dog in the fight! At that, I suppose this shows restraint, or an attempt at subtlety.

I guess the problem is that columnists can write anything they want to, and no editor anymore can flush their crap and tell them to go do their jobs.

Nichevo said...

Oh, and Lem, "experienced" is not the same thing as "hot."

Anonymous said...

He would be horrified to be considered a racist.

Most of us, however, are OK with it.

Good grief.

paul a'barge said...

This is one of those times it's appropriate to use the *C* word.

J.S. said...

What is it about the American left beating up on 14 year old girls?

Yes, Crowley's family wasn't raised on hate. But it seems Gates' was.

lucid said...

Most whites are clueless about how much racism there is among African-Americans. That's why white people were so surprised by Obama's listening to Wright for 20 years and having such a racist bless his campaign and baptize his lovely children. African-Americans couldn't figure out what the fuss was about--Wright's rhetoric is actually pretty ordinary in the African-American community.

There are virtally no whites alive today who had anything to do with creating the problems of African-Americans, nor had anything to do with the historical oppression of American blacks.

But the rhetoric that accompanies the cancer of affirmative action confers a huge advantage--psychological, economic, and political--on racism against whites. And so there is a large, now institutionalized interest in devaluing whites (especially white men). That is what Elizabeth Gates is participating in, however clumsily.

Sissy Willis said...

Like father, like daughter: No class.

Totally awesome post, by the way, Professor Althouse!

Shaky Barnes said...

So apparently the entire Gates genetic line are a bunch of douche bags.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Eliz Gates is a an angry liberal who is also a snob. I believe her political beliefs have more to do with how she thinks and writes than her snobbery.

Is that better Rev & Beth?

William said...

The Irish, Samuel Johnson said, are a fair minded people: they always criticize each other. The most barbed criticism of Crowley that I have heard has come from such as Maureen Dowd, Chris Matthews, and O'Donnell. Ethnicity doesn't trump ideology among Irish liberals. I suppose the up side of this is that the general population doesn't perceive the Irish as some kind of protective, monolithic bloc and that the Irish themselves are offered some type of reflexive insight into their own behavior. We Irish are no slackers when it comes to bigotry, but, at least, there is among us an awareness that we are capable of bigotry......Contrast this with Gates' daughter. Like every member of the black commentariat she can find nothing to criticize about her father's behavior. If a cop gets red assed with a member of the minority community he is branded as a red neck; if a black person gets red assed off the red eye he is hailed as an outspoken advocate for the downtrodden. Black leaders can't even find it in their hearts to speak out against Michael Vicks or Suge Knight, so I suppose it would be too much to expect Gates' own daughter to find anything cautionary about his behavior.....Ms Gates mentions that her father briefly became one of the 800,000 black men incarcerated in America. The underlying assumption here is that the other 799,999 are equally victims, like her father, of a racist society. Give me a break. In the wealthiest society on earth, a substantial number of black men choose violent crime as a way of making a living. And part of the reason they make this choice is that their educated class, their taste makers, finds little to criticize and much to glamourize in such behavior. When people like the Gates speak with as much ferocity against their home grown thugs as they do against a white cop, I will have a tad more respect for their courage and honesty.

buddy larsen said...

Lucid @ 9:20 makes a real point. Until the mid-19th century slavery had accompanied humanity almost perforce. Lose a war, get ambushed, or have a stronger force march over the hill and you were a slave. It ended different ways in different places, but how it ended here, the Biblical seven generations ago, is 700,000 white boys were killed in a war in order to make 3 million slaves equal before the law (yes it hasn't proceeded perfectly but the goal has been constant and the ideal has never changed as we the people have held it).

That butcher's bill, in a population a tenth today's, equates to what today would've been 7,000,000 young men gone --and from a muscle-power agrarian economy to boot.

It also equates to one dead soldier for just over four freedmen.

I don't know of any other nation that did anything anywhere nearly like that.

Unknown said...

It must take some sort of special psychological limberness to fancy one's self as an untouchable and a Brahman at the same time.

Paul said...

Amen Buddy.

The left en masse has committed the unforgivable Karmic sin of possesing an unending ingratitude for the marvelous world that they have been so undeservedly bequeathed, at an unimaginable cost.

They are poisoned with a fatal disdain for Western civilization and America in particular.

Either they are defeated or we all perish. It's as simple as that.

“Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grand-children are once more slaves.”
– D. H. Lawrence

kathleen said...

i'm trying to train my eyeliner to apply itself to my eyes. it's rough going.

Jim Treacher said...

What a thrill to be tolerated by Elizabeth Gates.

NahnCee said...

Can anyone imagine Ms. Crowley commenting on Ms. Gates' nappy hair?

NahnCee said...

Make that "charmingly nappy hair".

Ernst Stavro Blofeld said...

For being an oppressed minority she certainly has a snooty view of middle class people.

My favorite part: her quoting her father as saying "You know, Crowley’s not a bad guy. He’s not a Joe the Plumber who wants to represent the Right. He would be horrified to be considered a racist.”

Notice he doesn't say Crowley isn't a racist--only that he doesn't consider himself to be one. And earlier he says it's "up to them to continue the conversation". One suspects that the conversation will consist of Gates lecturing Crowley about unconscious racism.

Nichevo said...

NahnCee, Ms. Gates is, if you reckon these things, at least 3/4 white. I detected no nap in her column photo.

But yes, LOL! Although that nappiness would have been innate, i.e. not-her-fault, whereas a 14-year-old's eye makeup is of course an accurate indicator of said child's wilful depravity. Or something.

Meanwhile I think the proper question about Ms. Gates is how many men has she slept with, rather than what she looks like. Her looks are really neither here nor there - that is, she looks kind of blah. I do not see the gorgeousness that a fashion writer should have.

OTOH, with all the Harvard men trying to turn B's into A's via the good offices of Prof. Skippy, she could have pulled a lot of trains in her time. I'm sure she tries REALLY hard, IYKWIM.

Dymphna said...

"Nice" girl you raised there, Skip.

buddy larsen said...

Paul --yep --racialists will say (because they must) that the Civil War sacrifice made is the 'old outdated past' and yet they say this to serve a psychological zeitgeist that predates that event --indeed, that caused that event.

As if it had never happened, as if all the unborn descendants of the 700,000 had not been pre-canceled but were here today, living lives they might have had.

buddy larsen said...

people who like to focus on 'ghosts of the past' never seem to remember those ghosts.

Fritz J. said...

Ms. Gates proves the old adage, the fruit does not fall far from the tree. Why would anyone expect her to be other than she is given her family?

Unknown said...

What I find disturbing is how ... glacial ... this administration seems to be. It's only been six months but it seems like 6 years.

JeanneB said...

You know, I'm beginning to re-think this. At first, I took her comment to be nothing more than knee-jerk, thoughtless racism...a presumption that most white families are "raised to hate".

But now I think she was using what my sister and I call "the Gangsta Tactic". She dropped those lines in there to boost her street cred.

It's that rude, crude, disdainful lack of respect for social mores. Or DISSING. It's blacks calling one another the N-word...simply because they CAN, as a way of emphasizing whites CAN'T. Given her need for "cred", I now think her father may have done the same. I knew from the start he wasn't really afraid of Crowley, thinking he was just doing that black thing of inserting race into everything. But perhaps it was conscious: his dissing Crowley would give him cred in the black community (and among the liberal elites). He saw this as an opportunity!

I've noticed in the last few years that liberal whites have started using the same tactic, especially to excuse breaches of political protocol. It's little things. Obama charging the businessmen for their lunch. The newly-elected Senator Webb accepting a Christmas party invite, then refusing to shake Pres Bush's hand when he got there...and openly bragging about it to the press.

Little thuggish things like that. Act out toward whites (or conservatives) in such a coarse,oafish, offensive way that it shuts down the other person. If they complain, they "ain't cool". I think I see a hint of Alinsky here. But my mind has a hard time wrapping itself around the concept of being bound by no social norms whatsoever. Of course, that means I'm just too "provicial".

Anyway, I'm now convinced Ms. Gates felt her culture required her to put those little disses in there. Otherwise, she'd be accused of "acting white".

A Waco Farmer said...


Perhaps it is more a gender-specific-thing--and I just don't understand the import of the eye-liner comment, but I think you misrepresent the character of Ms. Gate's description of the Crowley family.

Actually, I think it is just fine and a highpoint, actually.

On the other hand, like some of the other commenters, I think she gives away her hand in some other places.

Worst of all is this last paragraph:

Discrimination is the single greatest wound in American history and could never be solved over a beer. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. There are more black men in prison than in college and literally thousands of black men are arrested across this country each day. And while I might agree with the president’s initial statement that the “Cambridge Police Department acted stupidly,” my father is not the first nor will he be the last black man to be arrested for no reason—in his own home or elsewhere—and Sergeant Crowley isn’t the first officer to fudge a police report. They are simply pawns in the rebirth of unfashionable intolerance in a world that likes to think our dashing brown-skinned 44th president has emerged to make nice with the past, present, and future. It’s an impossible task for the president and speaks more to our nation’s vulnerable value system than the unfortunately common situation my father and the Cambridge police found themselves embroiled in. As my father said on the plane yesterday morning on our way to the White House, “there are approximately 800,000 black men in prison and on July 16, 2009, I simply became one of them.”

The Crack Emcee said...


The Irish, Samuel Johnson said, are a fair minded people: they always criticize each other."

So does this mean I'm part Irish? I'd be honored if I was. Fuck, I want a beer right now!

Joking around, too, is part of The Macho Response

buddy larsen said...

I'd like to ask the professer if he'd want the prisons emptied tomorrow morning.

KCFleming said...

Crack, we might very well both be Irish.

From Don Akenson:
An Irish history of civilization", p. 783.
Read "All Stars".

buddy larsen said...

Tell me, grasshoppers, after months of seeing an american flag used as a limp logo hung up behind streams of boilerplate-tolling government tranzis, does she, the flag that is, Old Glory, look a wee bit different snapping in the breeze in this picture?

Stewart Culbreth said...

When does the insidious race classification expire? How many white/European ancestors do you have to have before you are not longer “African-American”. It is annoying to see someone from the ‘grievance-class’ on TV complaining about racism who is paler than my blue eyed son.

Revenant said...

My favorite part: her quoting her father as saying "You know, Crowley’s not a bad guy. He’s not a Joe the Plumber who wants to represent the Right. He would be horrified to be considered a racist.

Notice he doesn't say Crowley isn't a racist--only that he doesn't consider himself to be one. And earlier he says it's "up to them to continue the conversation".

The other interesting implication of the remark is that if Crowley WAS a conservative, it would be perfectly acceptable to call him a racist. :)

buddy larsen said...

We keep thinking, "oh how foolish of all these overly zealous anti-racism hysterics, can't they see they are creating a backlash, and causing a new form of anti-anti-racism racism?"

And then after a while it begins to dawn that maybe they know exactly what they're doing. Just like the Democratic party wants an economy that doesn't create too much private property (upward-mobility hauling off dependent voters as it does), the professional anti-racists want plenty of racism around to justify their livlihoods. So when we see this excruciatingly counter-productive behavior, it's no accident that we see it, that's the intent. Not a mistake, no error on the part of the actors.

When you feel disgust at the whole charade, well you're just performing on cue. Yep, it's crazy-making alright, and difficult not to bite.

Paul said...

Yes Buddy, all part of the Gramscian plan and it's working better than anyone might have expected. But then it is so much easier to destroy than it is to create.

JAL said...

lean frame draped

As another thought -- I think Ms. Gates has the hots for POTUS.

jcr said...

Rich girls with no accomplishments of their own sure can be bitchy, can't they?


Patm said...

Elizabeth Gates ends her piece by noting that Officer Crowley "fudged" his police report.

Nice girl.

buddy larsen said...

...meanwhile, back in the world's eyes, while our elegant leader's lean frame lounges languidly in the rose garden legitimizing the race-hustle industry over a beer or two, a hard, vigorous belligerent adversary dives to the bottom of the world's deepest lake, legitimizing an altogether different sort of industry (exploration of the natural world, in an exemplary zest-for-life adventure).


Mike H. said...

Beauty is skin deep, ugly goes clean to the bone.

Nichevo said...

You get a big read off that, Buddy? It seems of no particular significance in and of itself. A message on exploit of Uunderwater resources as in the Arctic, that prior contretemps or foofaraw that went around?

Unless you think that Putin is heroizing a future fleet of power-mad Navy divers with super-suits that will create Cold War-style "diving gap," or showing balls by subjecting himself to a nonzero risk of pointless death, or trying to make some symbolic amends for Russia's loss of the Kursk with all hands while he vacationed on the beaches of Sochi.

He apparently likes thrill rides. Not for space yet, he says, there is work to be done on earth. Ah, the Dear Leader! The Little Father!

buddy larsen said...

naw, Nichevo, i didn't mean to imply any design --just remarking on the contrast, as it might well appear to a furriner. Our metro guy arranging his turgid PC knick knack shelf, our antipodal rival hopping in a bathyscape and voyaging to the end of the earth.

They have quite a nationalist movement going over there, by press accounts but also by account of some Rus students of aquaintance here in Austin, and a subtopic of that is how unmanned has become their rival Amerikanski.

Nichevo said...

True, Bud, in Russia they like a man who seems like a man. Then again Sarah Palin would get more respect from Putin than 0 does. I'm sure the White House would assure you that all this is irrelevant because, of course, the US and Russia are not in competition. (Bollocks!)

And if they were, I'm sure 0bama would never dare to tread on Putin's shadow. It would be rude.

I have no love for Putin, not at all, but I do think he is probably trying very hard to serve Mother Russia, and probably he is playing out a losing hand quite well. After Bush, what must he think of this guy?

(Oh yeah, lefties, now is your chance to tell us that Putin thinks Obama is so much better and smarter and nicer than GWb that everything will be fine. Uh-huh. Yep. Sure.)

buddy larsen said...

Nichevo, this guy is write up that alley.

(if you like him, be sure and click on 'past columns' --he's wonderfully depressing and prescient as all hell)

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