June 5, 2009

"'We anticipate no small amount of ridicule.' Some things never change?"

Sarah Palin reads and remarks on a feminist monument.

What is she doing traipsing around upstate New York, ogling the landmarks and saying pithy things?

It's the 2012 campaign, of course.

(The governor looks gorgeous in the picture at the link.)


AlphaLiberal said...

Here's one conservative who decided that Sarah Palin is, most definitely,not a wise woman:

What I’m wondering is: Has Sarah Palin undergone some kind of secret lobotomy?.


traditionalguy said...

Sarah Palin will prevail. Obama cannot deal with her style of competing to win.

Big Mike said...

The single best thing Sarah Palin could do to get ready for a possible run in 2012 or 2016 is to do a superb job of being the governor of Alaska.

TWM said...

It's a good thing we elected the SMART one because Lord only knows what shape the economy would be had we elected Palin as VP. (sarcasm off)

Seriously, it won't take much for Palin to beat Barry if things keep going the way they are. In fact, I see a rout coming. I just hope it happens before the damage he is causing is irreversible.

Jeremy said...

Big Mike - "The single best thing Sarah Palin could do to get ready for a possible run in 2012 or 2016 is to do a superb job of being the governor of Alaska."

Sarah Palin will not be the Presidential nominee, and she will not be the V.P. nominee.

The local wingnuts are deluding themselves to even consider such a ridiculous notion. She revealed herself to be what she, a ditz who only appeals to the hard, far right.

And I love this from The Queen:

"The governor looks gorgeous in the picture at the link."

Good lord...

Palladian said...

How many times are you going to post that comment, Alphie?

TWM said...

"Sarah Palin will not be the Presidential nominee, and she will not be the V.P. nominee."

Wishful thinking.The strongest thing about the McCain-Palin ticket was Palin. Just wait and see how much she appeals to Independents and moderate Dems who are now realizing just how big a bumbling socialist they helped elect.

Jeremy said...

Princess Sarah: "Friends, we need to be aware of the creation of a fearful population, and of fearful lawmakers being led to believe that big government is the answer to bail out the private sector because then government gets to get in there and control it and, mark my words, this is going to happen next I fear, bail out next debt-ridden states, then government gets to get in there and control the people, and watch what happens there.

Tells people to be afraid of "fear" and then warns everybody that we should be afraid because "then government gets to get in there and control the people..."

"COntrol the people?"

What the fuck does any of this even mean...and why tell people to be afraid if it's "fear" that you're concerned with?

How would the government "control the people?" Is she aware of the t that there are already plenty of laws that already govern the actions of people? Does Alaska have no laws?

Does the "government" in Alaska not "control" specific aspects of the state's citizen's actions and lives?

The woman is a dolt.

Dan from Madison said...

Looking at the photo it seems to me that Palin has lost a few pounds, and she is looking pretty stellar if I do say so myself. Maybe she picked up her running a bit.

Big Mike said...

@Jeremy, she's several times brighter than you are, though that's perhaps not saying very much.

traditionalguy said...

Jeremy...The Pres. was elected by being a black star with charisma. Next Palin will use her gorgeous-leader style to win. Ugly need not apply.

Jeremy said...

TRO "Seriously, it won't take much for Palin to beat Barry if things keep going the way they are."

Are you referring to the stock market being up 20% over the past 60 days, the unemployment rate dropping for the first time in months, American's confidence rating being it's highest in years or Obama's 65% approval rating?

Which part of things "keep going the way they are" is it that makes you confident this dolt will run and beat Obama in 1012?

Other than delusion?

Paddy O said...

Sarah Palin is not good about trying to be someone else.

She's showing that instead of playing the usual game, she's going to be herself in a consistently public way.

I strongly suspect that behind the scenes there is massive preparation for future questions on global politics.

She's a western woman from the last frontier state. The kind of abuse she took, and still takes, from people who use her to expose their own, otherwise suppressed, misogyny is the sort of thing that a western woman sees as a challenge to overcome.

By 2012, she will have rebuilt herself. Better than she was before. Better. Stronger. Faster. I suspect she'll also have, by that time, the ability to hear a whisper a mile away.

Dan from Madison said...

Jindal/Palin or Palin/Jindal is a very realistic and pretty strong ticket imho.

Paddy O said...

WASHINGTON - The nation's unemployment rate increased by half a percentage point to 9.4 percent in May, the Labor Department reported Friday, yet the agency reported in a separate survey that the pace of job losses appears to have slowed substantially.

In its good news-bad news report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said that employers shed 345,000 jobs in May, far fewer than the 500,000-plus expected in consensus forecasts. Statisticians also revised April's figures to indicate 504,000 jobs lost, not the 539,000 that first had been estimated.

NPR noted this is the highest unemployment rate in 25 years. It was covered as better than expected, not better.

Jeremy said...

traditionalguy - "Jeremy...The Pres. was elected by being a black star with charisma. Next Palin will use her gorgeous-leader style to win. Ugly need not apply."

Oh, I see.

He was elected "because" he's black (probably because of all the previous black Presidents leading the way), and he has "charisma?"

And Sarah will win because she's really, really cute and has charisma?

And you wonder why the GOP is in free fall...being led by a fat radio entertainer?

TWM said...

"Are you referring to the stock market being up 20% over the past 60 days, the unemployment rate dropping for the first time in months, American's confidence rating being it's highest in years or Obama's 65% approval rating?"

The unemployment rate went up today, not down (8.9% to 9.4%). And the stock market is sill well below pre-Obama days. But hey, if you want to ignore our trillion dollar plus deficit, rising gasoline prices, and rising interest rates on government securities, then be my guest.

It's all marshmallow clouds, rainbow skittles and unicorn piss for you guys, isn't it?

Jeremy said...

Paddy - Any dip in unemployment claims is a precursor to things getting better. The rates are very high and will remain so until the economy bottoms out and corporations begin hiring again.

Regardless of the Bush apologists here, Obama inherited this mess and I think he'll put things in order over the next 4 years, with the economy expanding during his 2nd term.

We'll see.

Jeremy said...

TRO - Obama inherited this mess from your hero.

Where were you and others during the last four years of Bush's 2nd term?

Gearing up for the whine and bitch fest?

Unemployment claims went down. The rate remains high and will remain high.

Jeremy said...

Dan from Madison - "Jindal/Palin or Palin/Jindal is a very realistic and pretty strong ticket imho."


TWM said...

"And Sarah will win because she's really, really cute and has charisma?"

No, but it certainly won't hurt. She's much smarter than either Obama or Biden (God knows she couldn't have done worse) and people know this despite all the misogynist crap liberals have thrown at her and will throw at her when she runs again.

Proof that she is a capable opponent is the absolute fear liberals have at the thought of her running. If they really weren't worried about her they would be pushing for her nomination.

And by the way, the Bush blame thing doesn't work any longer. All this crap is on Barry now. Get used to it.

rhhardin said...

The anticipation of ridicule was very prescient. I don't know of a critical theory that notices it, but it's probably necessary to the movement.

It allows indignation.

Jeremy said...

I can't believe, if it is indeed true that many here are attorneys or even attended college, that you have this bizarre belief that Sarah Palin is the best the GOP can come up with as a nominee?

Better than Tom Ridge?

And you think the power base of the GOP, that has been running the show show 50 years...is going to allow Sarah Palin to bypass those who have put in the time and effort to establish the party through the Reagan, Bush Sr. and G.W. years?

You're dreaming.

Jeremy said...

hhardin said..."The anticipation of ridicule was very prescient. I don't know of a critical theory that notices it, but it's probably necessary to the movement. It allows indignation."

Very...DEEP indeed.

And if true, you can bet your ass you'll see plenty of ridicule if Princess Sarah is the nominee.

Jeremy said...

rhhardin - Can I assume you haven't noticed any "ridicule" directed at President Obama?


TWM said...

"And if true, you can bet your ass you'll see plenty of ridicule if Princess Sarah is the nominee."

Most of it sexist in nature of course since that's okay if the woman is a conservative. I mean, one would never call Hillary a Princess would one?

Beau said...

Proof that she is a capable opponent is the absolute fear liberals have at the thought of her running.

Must be why the McCain/Palin won the election.

traditionalguy said...

Jeremy... Rush the fat white bald guy is not Barry the beautiful's next opponent. You know that. So why do you fear a one on one contest between Barry the Beautiful and Sarah the Gorgeous? She can spot him California and New York and still leave Obama in the rearview mirror of history wondering why his gift failed him.

TWM said...

"hhardin - Can I assume you haven't noticed any "ridicule" directed at President Obama?


Can you give me some examples of personal ridicule against the President? I see plenty of people ridiculing his policies, decisions,organizational skills, etc., but not of him as a person or because he is African-American. I'm sure Palin would love the same level and type of personal ridicule Obama is experiencing.

TWM said...

"Must be why the McCain/Palin won the election."

Key word there was McCain. He wouldn't have done half as well if she had not been on the ticket.

Palladian said...

"And Sarah will win because she's really, really cute and has charisma?'

That's how Obama won.

Actually, not really. Obama won because the media and his campaign (but I repeat myself) told everyone how cute and charismatic he was and everyone believed it.

Palladian said...

Man, Sarah can sure reel in the comments.

She's like Cialis for the Gene Olsons of the world.

traditionalguy said...

Sarah is much feared for her strong presence and television skills. She wiil first have to deal with anonymous attacks from Huckabee who doesnot like her at all.Then she will have to connect with voters without enemedia distortions night and day. If you like Palin, then be strong like her and don't fall for the expert marginalisation of her for being Back Woods and Illiterate and Just a Beautiful Queen. Listen to Jeremy and learn their tricks.

Jeremy said...

TRO "Can you give me some examples of personal ridicule against the President?"

Are you kidding?

Bambi, Barry, BHO, Hussein, The Messiah, Baby Mama (Michelle)...

Have you been living in a cave?

Jeremy said...

traditionalguy said..."Sarah is much feared for her strong presence and television skills."

So is George Clooney and Bratt Pitt but I wouldn't want them running for President.

Palin will get into trouble the first time she has to answer questions from a good journalist and when she has to actually debate.

Good lord, the woman couldn't tell Couric what she even reads. (Who the hell doesn't know what they read??)

Or being able to see Russia has something to do with national,security?

By the next time she attempts to run, the insiders (Democrats and Republicans) will know so much about her she'll be toast.

Jeremy said...

Palladian - What is it in that little brain of yours that makes you think you know who I am or where I work?

Are you drunk or on drugs?

If you'd really like to get to know me, up close and personal, post your name and address and I'll get in touch.

Jeremy said...

Palladian - "...the media and his campaign (but I repeat myself) told everyone how cute and charismatic he was and everyone believed it."

Yeah, that and the little things like: Graduating from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, being was first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, and being a state Senator...and it's hard to understand what the American public ever saw in the man.


Sarah Palin, on the other hand, attended four colleges before finally getting a bachelor's degree in communications-journalism, and has served as Governor of Alaska for almost three years...WOW!!

Penny said...

Jeremy, I am very curious as to where you got the quotes for your 5:23 comment? They weren't in the article that Althouse was referencing.

TWM said...

"Good lord, the woman couldn't tell Couric what she even reads. (Who the hell doesn't know what they read??)"

Here first time in national politics and with an obviously biased media. She'll do better next time. Plus the shine is already wearing off Barry's armor so he won't be as untouchable as before.

I swear Jeremy, you sure do seem to be putting up a fuss over someone who hasn't a chance of beating Barry in an election. What's up with that?

Or course she is JUST a woman and with your continued "Princess" comments we know how you feel about them, don't we?

Cedarford said...

TRO said...
"Sarah Palin will not be the Presidential nominee, and she will not be the V.P. nominee."

Wishful thinking.The strongest thing about the McCain-Palin ticket was Palin. Just wait and see how much she appeals to Independents and moderate Dems who are now realizing just how big a bumbling socialist they helped elect.

Saying Sarah Palin not knowing much but throwing red meat to the religious Right and her charisma was the strength of the ticket is like lauding John Edwards in 2005 for the same qualities - and for his equally shallow depth of knowledge.

Political scientists found the Goddess of the Fundies turned off moderates, independents, college educated, and women off in droves.

And a net negative on the ticket.

Dan from Madison said...
Jindal/Palin or Palin/Jindal is a very realistic and pretty strong ticket imho.

I doubt it.

Palin is poison outside Alaska and the few Fundie States (6-7) where a family's status is determined not by degrees or by job, but how big the satellite dish on the trailer is, and number of dogs or kids they have.

And Jindal comes across as Uber-Nerd.

TitusisHornyFromWatchingLandscaper said...

I could definitely see her winning the republican nomination.

But she needs to figure out how to win independents, a very large part of the electorate.

I don't agree with any of her politics but I admit I find her very interesting.

KCFleming said...

Women of many different backgrounds seemed to really like Palin, which I found surprising.

I hope she is learning economics from Milton Friedman, Hayek, and Mises rather than Krugman, Marx, and Galbraith.

She seems pleasant enough. I don't have much faith in leaders, though. The national character is far too socialist for meaningful change as yet.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford, you're likely to lose your job as Grand Klaxon if you keep running down your buddies like that.

Palladian said...

"Political scientists found the Goddess of the Fundies turned off moderates, independents, college educated, and women off in droves."

Funny, so do Jew-hating paleocons.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks professor.

TWM said...

"Political scientists found the Goddess of the Fundies turned off moderates, independents, college educated, and women off in droves."

Did they? Well, I wouldn't worry too much about that this time around since Barry is turning off moderates, independents and so forth big time now. And it's funny how the only women she seemed to turn off were liberal women because she was a big hit with conservative women.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm glad to see Palin back in the saddle. The worst thing she could have done was fade away. I'm also glad she's gotten away from all the handlers; during the campaign I felt like many of her problems came from them.

"As long as you're not dead there's always a chance for a happy ending."

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to the stock market being up 20% over the past 60 days

Which puts it a little ahead of where it was when Obama got in office...but with bonds that are having a hard time moving.

Oh, and unemployment is up quite a bit in the last 60 days. But, hey, at least stocks are doing better. I'm sure that helps the unemployed.


American's confidence rating being it's highest in years or Obama's 65% approval rating?

RCP average is 59.7

Any dip in unemployment claims is a precursor to things getting better.

...except when the revised numbers come out, they are always higher than the initial numbers and show no improvement.

You know, things are worse than they'd be if we did nothing, according to Obama when pimping his porkulus.

Where were you and others during the last four years of Bush's 2nd term?

Can you find the conservatives praising Bush's spending?

...oh, and just to keep it in perspective, "his" deficits got REALLY bad (roughly 1/4 of what Obama is doing now) only when the Dems won Congress.

rhhardin - Can I assume you haven't noticed any "ridicule" directed at President Obama?


Unless hardin is a resident of Alaska, then the actions of the Governor of Alaska seem to have far less impact on him than the actions of the President of the US.

Invisible Man said...

But she needs to figure out how to win independents, a very large part of the electorate.

Sarah will win independents right about the time when Mitt Romney wins evangelicals.

Invisible Man said...

And it's funny how the only women she seemed to turn off were liberal women and independent women and libertarian women and moderate Republican women because she was a big hit with conservative women.

Jim said...

RE: Sarah Palin turning off women and comments about trailer parks, etc.

My wife was absolutely thrilled at her candidacy. She's getting her doctorate degree, and I'll guarantee that our household income is much higher than any college professor will ever see in his lifetime. So much for your liberal stereotypes? But hey, nice way to show just what an elitist ass you are.

Don't think that she and her classmates didn't notice the extraordinarily misogynistic tactics the Left employed in an attempt to destroy her. That you utterly failed to intimidate her into silence is a testament to her character.

RE: the unemployment numbers.

Every month this year has seen upward revisions to the previous month's unemployment numbers, so even the latest May numbers are meaningless. Also, let's not forget that the reason the numbers were only 345,000 was that the government added 187,000 numbers in the last month - the vast bulk of which were temporary census workers. Under the Bush administration, you liberals used to like to point out things like that. Now suddenly your personal Messiah takes office and you use the obvious job number inflation and try to pretend that no one knows just how phony they are.

RE: Obama's approval at 65%

You really should keep up to date because your numbers are way out of date. The most accurate polling company for the 2008 election, Rasmussen, shows Obama's approval index at 0 (that's a ZERO). His leadership ratings are barely above water at 51/49, and he polls negatively on the majority of his policies. The net polling average of his approval ratings is under 60 and most of those polls are over a week old before his apology tour and GM's bankruptcy which have had a distinct negative impact on his approval ratings in the polls that have been conducted since then.

You live in fantasy land all you like, but the rest of us in the real world know that it bears little resemblance to what's actually going on in this country.

Big Mike said...

@Jim, a mild clarification. Barack Obama's approval ratings are well above zero. (So far, anyway.) What's just happened is that the percent of people who strongly disapprove now equals the percent of people who strongly approve. The 32% in the middle may still lean his way -- that wasn't clear from the report.

Even Dick Nixon managed to hang onto a core of 25% who approved of him. Barack shouldn't do much worse than that between now and November 2012.

Fen said...

Obama inherited this mess from your hero.

The budget and deficit are Obama's.

As is the coming disaster re Iran and Pakistan.

Deb said...

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 34% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0. That’s the highest level of strong disapproval and the lowest overall rating yet recorded (see trends)."

Rasmussen Report, Daily Presidential Tracking Report, June 5, 2009

traditionalguy said...

That cinches it. When the liberal women and Jeremy both fear a Palin candidacy, plus C-4 feels a need to attack her too, then we have us an attested powerful Leader in a totally attractive package. Look for the Dems to build up Huckabee like they did McCain, pre-nomination.Go Sarahcuda!

ricpic said...

Seneca Falls is ground zero for the lesbo community. I hope (but rather doubt) that her appearence there will improve Sarah's chances with that particular demo.

She absolutely terrifies the Left. All their mockery notwithstanding Sarah is their worst nightmare. I can finally use the phrase those freaks use, "You Go Girl!" without gagging.

TWM said...

"And it's funny how the only women she seemed to turn off were liberal women and independent women and libertarian women and moderate Republican women because she was a big hit with conservative women."

Liberal women are turned off by any conservative. Moderates were fools who voted for a socialist and now regret it. And libertarians? How many are out there to matter?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is there any evidence yet that moderates are reaching that conclusion?... "that they voted for a socialist".

Synova said...

The more abuse that is piled on Sarah Palin now, the more disgusted voters will be and the more voters will recognize the abusive misogynist nature of it and the more voters will ignore criticism of her three years from now.

It's like an inoculation.

The more "liberal" women behave in a vile way toward her, the more people will realize that there is no "feminist" agenda or solidarity apart from political conformity bin "feminism". When it is "politically correct" for *women* to behave in a vile misogynistic way... exposing that will be worth it when Palin runs, even if she doesn't win.

Also, Alpha, I went to your link. I don't think that some fellow ranting about Levi and Bristol is the sort of conclusive indictment of Palin that you seem to think it is. If you find it convincing, then that's lovely for you, certainly.

TWM said...

"Is there any evidence yet that moderates are reaching that conclusion?... "that they voted for a socialist"."

Only anecdotal. Oh,and the fact that his numbers are dropping which means Independents and moderates are taking a second look at a guy who has tripled our debt, pretty much nationalized a big part of our car industry and is going to nationalize health care.

Maybe they aren't specifically thinking socialist but they damn well are thinking a probable mistake.

Sorin said...

I'm laughing all the way to the post office as I mail a check to Sarah Pac. Trad Man, talk is tough, do it, you are a rich Atlanta attorney. It's all about money. We must do it legally, unlike the new pharaoh. Only money and the right handlers will let the people know what she can do for the country. So shall it be, let it be done.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I hope you are right.

Chip Ahoy said...

Alaska fascinates me. I won't be satisfied until I go there at least once.

I saw a travel show where a group of hosts broke off and visited various places in teams that alternated their members. One team of two went to Alaska. The female team member wanted nothing more than to see a bear. When they were outfitted with rifles for the hike that same woman expressed shock.

"What are these for?"

"In case we come across bear."


They proceeded on their hike though the wet forest. At one point the the guide says, "Come 'ere." He waved the group up and over over a hillock. On the other side, king salmon had reached their shallow end and collected in great number. A long waterfall cascaded into the clear water pool, water so clear you could see the individual gravel that comprised the flat bed, perfect for spawning. The two or three inch deep water was so thick with salmon you could have walked across it over the fishes' backs. <---- possible exaggeration. A reverent hush fell over the chattering group. It was an awesome sight, and something akin to a sacred and holy scene. I would have felt the deepest sense of privilege to have been shown that.

But the woman traveler was not satisfied. She complained immaturely, "Well, we didn't get to see a bear, but we did see some fish."


Alaska also has fantastic sourdough. You can buy the starter on eBay beginning at $2.50. How could you go wrong? There are cultures that have been kept active for a hundred years.

But this post is about Sarah Palin. I wish her all the luck in the world. She's going to need it. To me, she represents everything the woman's movement would hope to achieve without the help of government handouts or through legislation, although paradoxically it's through government that we know anything at all about her.

I just now read the Declaration of Sentiments. Sheesh. All that is on a monument? It is not -- how would you say? -- Tweetable.

Penny said...

Jeremy went to be early tonight. I will have to catch up with him tomorrow.

Synova said...

I'd go for Alaska in a blink if it wasn't for the sun-light in winter issue. Minnesota was far enough north for me. Three weeks of cloud cover in San Francisco Bay area one winter and it seems seasonal dysfunction thingy is clearly something I need to worry about. (And we're *all* happier in New Mexico.) I consider the fact that snow is white and multiplies the brightness of the sun in winter to be proof of God.

Maybe, though, if I could have a tanning bed and a green house with sodium vapor lights I could do Alaska...

TitusIsInOqunguitanditisBeautiful said...

I would like to see her tits.

But who amongst wouldn't?

They look firm, pouting, and ready to be licked up.

I also wouldn't mind getting a looksy at her pussy. I want to smell it, eat it, have breakfast on it and then finally pound it with my large hog with a large mushroom head. I also want to push her head on my hog as she gags and takes every inch.

I bet she swallows, that's hot.

TitusIsInOqunguitanditisBeautiful said...

Synova looks like the character from Tracey Ullman that lives in a "gated and guarded" community in Indiana.

Very Republican and very patriotic. I love that.

Although, Indiana along with North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Ohio turned blue in the last election. But other than those libtard states we are in a great position to reclaim power.

We still have Mississippi!!!!! And Alabama. And Utah.

TitusIsInOqunguitanditisBeautiful said...

Oh we lost Florida too but we will get it back again.

No need to do any intropesction. We are in great shape.

TitusIsInOqunguitanditisBeautiful said...

And the red states get much more federal assistance than the blue states but they are still the best states. Yes, they are the least educated, fattest, and poorest but they are incredible. Praise the Lord.

veni vidi vici said...

"Unemployment claims went down. The rate remains high and will remain high."

More Democrat math, in line with the "cuts" to education spending in the 90's that were really just cuts in the rate of increase, not actual, you know, "cuts". Dishonest assholeishness of a highly refined stripe, even for politicians.

Dude, a decline in the rate of increase does not a reduction in overall numbers make. In the case of today's jobless numbers, the number of unemployed did not rise as much as had been expected (based on expectations set by the White House, notably); however, the number still rose considerably.

Frankly, a monthly number of nearly 350k, as here, would've been cause for burning down PA avenue during the Bush years, when increases of 120k in a month were touted as disastrous by the newsreaders, particularly in his first term during the post-dotcom and post-9/11 slowdown(s).

No pass for the President's men here, sorry. Goose, meet gander, and vice versa. Just trying to keep things fair and honest.

veni vidi vici said...

Sarah Palin's "control the people" schtick sounds too much like Arnold Schwarzenegger's talk of "the people".

She needs to watch that kind of thing. Otherwise, well whatever. Know what I mean?

Eli Blake said...

What is she doing traipsing around upstate New York...

She thinks it's New Hampshire.

Mark said...

"And if true, you can bet your ass you'll see plenty of ridicule if Princess Sarah is the nominee."

I'm old enough to remember Reagan's run in 80.

The ridicule tactic worked like a champ then.

Come to think, it worked great against Bush in '04 too.

Ridicule: it's what Dems do when they got nothin'.

reader_iam said...

Traipsing. Ogling. Pithy, even.

I'd say AA is imparting a language lesson, or at least a lesson about language. Or at least in relation to all of that.

I could be wrong, of course, on account of I can be, etc.

Penny said...

"I bet she swallows, that's hot."

Not half as hot as this kid I knew whose parent's parents raised him to believe if he swallowed, it would be hard to deny he was a bird.

reader_iam said...

And, yes, for the record, I followed the link and read it. To put it in a low-key way, 'twas not a unique article, and not least due to its...deliberate...choices.


Totally P.S.:
This post put me in mind of this one, from New Year's Eve 2005.

( 1. It's not one of mine.

2. Yes, I realize the connection I made is a bit off the wall.)

Michael Haz said...

Heh. Trolls. Scared of strong women. If Palin didn't matter, they wouldn't go full moron over her.

OhioAnne said...

I see Jeremy and Alpha Liberal are following the party plan:

If a woman doesn't strictly follow the political script given to her, she is fair game for any and every misogynist comment possible.

My question is if they actually could name a female candidate of ANY party that they would accept as a candidate for President.

After all, even in their own party, their leading female candidate was only allowed the Secretary of State position - but with less power than the previous incumbent had had under a Republican president - while a national senatorial joke was elevated to the position of VP.

bearbee said...

Are you referring to the stock market being up 20% over the past 60 days,....

Bear market rally

the unemployment rate dropping for the first time in months,...

Umemployment RATE increased from 8.9% to 9.4%

Nonfarm payroll employment fell by 345,000 in May, about half the average monthly decline for the prior 6 months. The unemployment rate continued to rise, increasing from 8.9 to 9.4 percent. Steep job losses continued in manufacturing, while declines moderated in construction and several service-providing industries.

US Bureau Labor Statistics

American's confidence rating being it's highest in years or Obama's 65% approval rating?.

See All Polls Trend Estimate (blue line):
Rasmussen And Gallup: Skewing Obama's Approval?

Tank said...

She does look good in that picture. I like her. I disagree with her on many things, but I gotta admit, I like her.

And she has star power. Which other Repubs could inspire a thread like this by touring NY state? The very venom she brings out in Dems and Libs reveals their fear of her.

Bruce Hayden said...

My prediction is Palin/Jindal, and not the other way around. Palin needs to go on top, because she is the one who has run on a national ticket before. And that means that she really can't run again for the VP slot (though running for President a second time is ok). Also, she stacks up better against Obama, and, in particlar, Jindal stacks up really well against Biden (sure Biden could be forced to claim health issues and quit, but I see that as unlikely). While Biden thinks he is smart, Jindal really is smart - probably as smart as Biden and Obama combined. Plus, he is a person of color. And a cracker. I think that he is the perfect candidate to shame the Democrats' selection of their class clown as their VP select last year. The MSM was too busy trying to destroy Palin to give Biden 20% of the review we needed of his credentials.

Plus, McCain was charisma impaired, while Obama partially won on his. So, we would have two compelling candidates, with their own brands of charisma, running against each other. Obama's problem would be that, by then, he would have a (IMHO pretty bad) record to run on, AND, a lot of people will have already expiated their White Guilt by voting for him in 2008. Now its the women's and other people's of color turn.

Huckabee is done. He was a one trick pony, and the next election is not going to be won by the religious conservatives (esp. by those, like him, who are fiscally liberal).

Romney is a possibility. He is smart enough, and well educated, in the right ways (i.e. he also has a Harvard MBA). But I see Palin more effective in the top slot. He could do well in the #2 slot, but I don't see him taking it, and wouldn't be an AA hire, like Jindal would be.

bearbee said...

re: unemployment and US Bureau of Labor Statistics,

There’s been some suggestions that the payrolls report had been distorted by the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics accounts for business births and deaths. There’s been talk that the birth/death model, a little-noted detail in the monthly report, came in with a huge statistical discrepancy for this month, effectively adding as many as 220,000 jobs to the reading.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that part of the reason that the MSM hated Palin was that she could, and did, speak around them. They would try to frame the debate their way, and she would just talk through them, ignoring how they were trying to slant their coverage. Of course, she knew what they were trying to do - many of us could tell. And McCain would go along with them. But Palin would, essentially, call BS on them, and then say what she wanted to say, and not give them what they wanted (to make their case that the American people should vote for Obama/Biden).

She is also dangerous, because she can fire up crowds like Obama could, and no one else could during the campaign. Instead of the natural comparisons of who could pull the better crowds, and fire them up better, Obama or Palin, the MSM just ighored this of her. And, if you followed their news, you would have no idea of how effective she was in this area - by the end of the campaign, probably firing up crowds better than Obama was.

This, BTW, is part of why neither Jidal nor Romney is likely to get the top slot next time around - neither can do this as well.

Kirk Parker said...


"Palin needs to go on top"

TMI, dude, just TMI.

TitusAlreadyPinchedTwiceToday said...

Palin is the star of the republican party and will win the primary if she runs.

No other republican draws the interest from other republicans than her. She is their celebrity.

I like her, wouldn't vote for her, but I like her.

Also, let's picture her "on top"...now that is hot. I am picturing head swaying back and forth and hair falling in her face while she rides that hog.

I was scared to death of her after her speech at the RNC. I admit it. I thought, oh shit.

Now if she actually wants to win the general she needs to appeal to others than just the base. And pick someone like a Tom Ridge or Olympia Snowe or Colin Powell as VP. Jindal would not help her one bit. It would be the same voters.

Big Mike said...

@Titus, you're just lusting after Todd, who is doubtlessly even more fabulous than you are.

kentuckyliz said...

I bet Pelosi's kootch smells like Botox and Lysol.

TitusworkdoutinMaine said...

Todd isn't my type Big Mike. I think he is handsome but he doesn't get me horny.

Too white for me. I need some color for me to get excited.

hdhouse said...

isn't this sled dog bitch governor of Alaska and isn't that state "in session"? GO HOME.

Big Mike said...

@Titus, sorry.

Synova said...

Thank you to hdhouse for demonstrating the vile misogynist mind-set of the left.

Unknown said...

ohhh synovia....she is a bitch. she is governor. as a ny resident i say "go home" where you have a job to do...

she is the proverbial silk purse/pig's ear and why the right has to 1. keep tossing her out where she doesn't belong and 2. defend a totally average putz as if she were a misunderstood Messiah is just beyond me.

On King. On you Huskies.


Unknown said...

""'We anticipate no small amount of ridicule.' Some things never change?""

hahaha...how about heaps and heaps??

Jeremy said...


Palin: First, I think what we're going to learn tonight via Michael is that Ronald Reagan's ideas were the right ideas and all we have to do is look back at his record, his economic record and his national security record to know that his ideas were right.

Gingrich/Shirley: What should Americans learn from this remarkable man and his remarkable Presidency?...The "right" ideas really matter (the left was wrong and Reagan was right about virtually every major public policy issue and the historic record is clear for those willing to look at it).

Palin: He said, regarding your dad Michael, he said that we need to learn from his example that courage and persistence are keys to historic achievement and with Reagan's example, D.C. politicians calling the shots for our country, they had better rely on the good sense of the American people and bag their alliance [sic] on the entrenched bureaucrats and the elite self-proclaimed intellectuals, and the smug lobbyists who dominate Washington, and the liberal media that is imposing its will on Washington, embracing that status quo, that business as usual..

Gingrich/Shirley: Courage and persistence are the keys to historic achievement. ... Relying on the good sense of the American people beats relying on the elite intellectuals, entrenched bureaucrats and smug lobbyists who dominate Washington.

knox said...

Now hdhouse has a sockpuppet. Great.

Synova said...

Yeah... as much as it's distasteful to hear the sort of spewing "brett" contributed and hdhouse blessed us with... I can only be glad.

"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

In this case "the fingers type" but in any case, true character is revealed.

OhioAnne said...


I can understand why you chose to simply take a couple of quotes out of context rather than post a link to the speech in question.

If people had the link, they would hear Palin TWICE give attribution to Gingrich and Shirley's article and then they would have no doubt about your personal integrity .. or lack thereof.

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