June 21, 2009

Neda, the martyr, inspiring the revolution through YouTube.

"Like most of the information coming out of Tehran, it is impossible to verify her name, Neda, or the circumstances of her apparent death, captured close-up on a bystander's camera."


Here's the Twitter feed on "Neda."

Here's the iconic video of Neda's death. Apparent death.


Anonymous said...

Apparent death? Apparent?

The rule of Lemnity said...

David Gregory changed the subject faster than a dog wags it's tail.

Peter Hoh said...

Apparent death? What's next: Neda truthers?

Anonymous said...

They are already out there, Peter.

Big Mike said...

This video looks real enough to me. This doesn't look like the "death" that CNN producers see on their TV screens from cop shows and CSI so they're not certain.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

plse rember my twittering too.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

having more hog tday.

Peter Hoh said...

Sorry, Titus. Will do my best to remember that this is all about you.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

my balls r swting

Frodo Potter said...

It sure looked real to me, but what do I know? I found it difficult to watch; I almost felt like I was watching a snuff film.

One thing that might be confusing people is that they think they are *watching her death* when, in fact, they may actually be *watching the last few minutes of her life.* Thus, viewers see what they interpret as inconsistencies, and dismiss the possibility that there are significant indicators of death that are not being filmed.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

hoh bless u

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

count my vote.

stop killing people.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

dnt frget titus.

hog is sweating.

bagoh20 said...

All of the most horrible things I've seen in my life were videos from the middle east: Stoning, shooting women in stadiums, beheading, plus all the images of things I've read about happening. "The cradle of civilization."

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

iranian pussy smells like hot steaming tabouli in streets of tehran.

tweet out.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

hope tweets make u understan plight titus is gng thru

Big Mike said...

@Frodo, good clarification.

Jennifer said...

Jesus. I could only watch the first little bit. In that short time and on my small iphone screen, I couldn't tell if the people in the video were killing her or trying to save her. Had to ask a braver soul what happened. Even that short bit was enough to make we want to add an "emotional Jennifer" tag to this comment.

Jason said...


I know you're not big on decorum. But give it a rest, will ya?

Maybe if she died of AIDS you'd have a little more respect?

Anonymous said...

The older man in the video is her father. According to a translation provided to Nico Pitney, her father is saying "Neda, don't be afraid. Neda, don't be afraid. Neda, stay with me. Neda stay with me!"

Anonymous said...

Jason: Unfortunately, there is no accounting for taste much less respect. Titus has neither and probably receives much more of the latter than he deserves. JMO, of course.

Big Mike said...

Randy and Jason, we need to be fair. Perhaps where Titus lives young people bleeding out in front of their parents is commonplace and he doesn't get why the rest of us are reacting as we are.

In downtown Washington, DC, something like this happens almost daily.

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

I didn't mean disrespect to this woman.

I think it is awful.

I do have a heart.

The Dude said...

Althouse loves Titus and his writing - any disrepect shown him is disrespect to her.

As always, Titus is right, and anyone who complains, just doesn't "get it".

Forget the dead Iranian, and let's hear more about Titus.

JAL said...

Pogo has not posted.

But I have worked as an RN in ICU in one of my other lives.

This is not "apparent" death.

This is dying - violently dying. You are watching the death of a lovely young Iranian woman. Fortunately (can there be such a thing in cases like this?) it was very fast.

My heart is very sad for her father, mother, family and friends. And the people of Iran who would like to be more free.

Anonymous said...

Sad but seriously, who cares?

Get out your cameras here in America and video people killed in crimes all over this country.

Go to Israel and the territories and watch the Palestinians and fewer Israelis die.

Go to Iraq and Afghanistan and video the 60,000+++ civilians who've been slaughtered.

Iran's politics are for the Iranians.

Anonymous said...

TitusTweetingfromTehran --

"I didn't mean disrespect to this woman.

I think it is awful.

I do have a heart."

He says after eight disrespectful posts indicating he doesn't.

Methadras said...

TitusTweetingfromTehran said...

my balls r swting

Then take them out of your mouth.

JAL said...

I have an idea, jaydee.

Got somewhere where you can't write whatever you want whenever you want.

Send us a postcard.

traditionalguy said...

Don't tell me. The Iranian demonstrators have no Second Amendment rights. The Iranian women need to trade their burquas for holsters and 45 automatics. That would end the war of civilizations started by the hate filled and insane mad-mullah brutes overnight.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
Scores dead that we don't know

Meade said...

ABC News' Lara Setrakian writes, "Hearing reports Neda was buried in Behesht Zahra cemetery earlier today, memorial service cancelled on orders from authorities."

JAL said...

I am wondering if Neda Soltani's murder will be the mullahs biggest mistake.

JAL said...

New on youtube --

Neda's passport picture and a song

Neda Soltani's Passport Photo

amba said...

Now, I'm just aghast.

There were tweets that the regime was putting out disinformation saying the video was faked. So anyone who picks up on that is sucking poison.

You don't have to be a doctor to know you're seeing death and hearing frantic denial and despair.

And Titus, you finally lost me.

Anonymous said...

Neda was 27 years-old and studying philosophy in college.

CharlesVegas said...

What is your point in highlighting "Apparent". I hope you're being ironic. I broke down in sobs watching her die.

CharlesVegas said...

...as she watched me do nothing.

Big Mike said...

@Charles, the word "apparent" is in the CNN online article, and was not introduced by the Professor. Most of us on this thread who've seen death up close and personal agree that we were watching a young woman bleed out.

Ann Althouse said...

@amba "There were tweets that the regime was putting out disinformation saying the video was faked. So anyone who picks up on that is sucking poison."

Oh, there were tweets! Well, then! Come on, let's be rational. Keep clear about what is known and what isn't known. People on all sides are doing things with Twitter and YouTube. They are fighting hard for what they want, and we are here at a distance, a target of manipulation. You are making yourself an agent of propaganda, giving orders about what can be looked at skeptically. That is exactly what makes me skeptical. Anyone who doubts X is a bad person. If you don't want to be a bad person, you'd better not doubt X. It's that kind of thought-disciplining that really is poison. Look at all the evidence, and don't think you know what isn't yet proven.

The reason CNN put "apparent" in its story is because we see something in a video and it isn't verified. Look how powerful the video is. That shows why people have a motivation to fake videos.