June 4, 2009

Essence of maggot...

... is going to make you feel better.


Curtiss said...

So they're going to put a fly in the ointment?

Sorry, someone had to say it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Who knew?
When Obama called for healing the wounds of racism, this is more like what he had in mind ;)

Jeff Gee said...

I'm thinking I'd just as soon continue feeling crappy then, if it's all the same to you...

dhagood said...

curtiss beat me to it. day late and a dollar short, that's me...

traditionalguy said...

And wait until you hear what the put into our blood stream when they innoculate you. How very IMPURE! Oh, nevermind, I'd rather live and enjoy life.

Kirby Olson said...

I sometimes wonder about the crude side of your commenters, the free for all abandon to what's gross, and whether there is any part of you that calls this forth, or that cheerfully accepts it.

I think there is, and I think it's one of the things I like about this blog, even if I don't know how to participate fully in that side, or quite what it's about, I like the cheerful sense that gross things are ok, and kind of exhilarating.

It's this -- let's lvie and enjoy life, not just its more refined aspects. I wish you would explore this more fully in a post.

traditionalguy said...

Kirby O... "To the pure all things are pure ..."(Titus 1:15). That's not our Titus, but it's in out of a letter to another Titus posted by a Hebrew scholar named Paul.

dbp said...

I'll only use it if the secretions are from highly-trained medical maggots.

david7134 said...

This is actually old treatment. When I was in medical school in the 1970's at Charity in New Orleans, we used to hang bad wounds out the window to elicit maggots. We also used leeches for hematomas.

If you look around, there are a considerable number of insects in our food. Red food dye is made from South American beetles.

essaybee said...

I can hardly wait to lube my brows with essence of maggot.

Fred4Pres said...

Sounds delicious! If you were a Beatrix Potter frog.

traditionalguy said...

Wait a darn minute, if this Gel eats dead flesh, then we can use it against Zombies in paint ball guns; but only if the ATF does not decide to confiscate the stuff since it could be used against their agents during raids on Living People.

Sorin said...

A new treatment for hemorrhoids, goodby Proctosol ... hello live sterile maggots

Kev said...

If Dave Barry were here, he'd note that "Essence of Maggot" would be a good name for a rock band (WBAGNFARB).

If you look around, there are a considerable number of insects in our food. Red food dye is made from South American beetles.

Of course, if Dave were here, he might also point out that the average backyard grill has a rather startling number of spiders in it...

Methadras said...

Too late. I already have that name in my "Awesome names for rock bands" file. According to the file I came up with on July 10th of 1992 with the context of it's inception being at a wedding with my wife and watching an unnatural amount of flies buzzing around the wedding cake.