June 8, 2009

Drudge uses this photo for "USA MOVES LEFT, EU GOES RIGHT."

(Linking to this.)

But I say: Caption contest!

ADDED: Glenn Reynolds is reminded of this. LOL.


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Treacle said...

I could eat you like last night's barbeque.

john said...

I certainly didn't need to go to France to sit next to a Demi Moore wannabe.

John said...

I hate skinny white girls.

garage mahal said...

Michelle post w/ pic! *ding ding ding*

Come and get it!

Bissage said...

Thought Balloon for Ms. Obama: “Why do I hear servo motors?”

Fred4Pres said...

Don't even pretend you just didn't do that!

Zach said...

"Yeah, but let's see the arms, %#$%%"

John said...

I feel bad for Michelle Obama. She is an average looking woman. There is nothing glamorous or interesting about her. But, there is nothing glamorous or interesting about most people. But, the media pretends that she is Jackie Kennedy or Sardozky's wife when she is plainly nothing like that. At some level she has to know how condescending the whole thing is.

kimsch said...

I wish a photo of me could fetch the kind of money that photo of her did...

traditionalguy said...

Thought balloon for Michelle: "Are these French even worth the effort to conquer. Good cheese and wines are not what Obamaman and I like to eat anyway"

john said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

It may be nothing more complicated than that the speaker at the event was speaking in French when the photo was taken.

Mrs. Obama is beginning to realise she's not as cosmopolitan as she took herself to be.

Deana said...

I'm always taken aback at how angry or disapproving Michelle Obama looks.

I truly do not think that is what is in her heart (or, I hope it isn't) - I think it is just the way her face looks. But it does make her look harsh, "not open" and inviting at times.

Darcy said...

See, I think Michello O is a beautiful woman on the outside. I just think her sour, negative nature shows in photos. There it is again.

john said...

I disagree, John. I think there is much of interest about Mrs. Obama, however, she doesn't quite fit into any of our templates yet. She definitely comes from a different background than the former model sitting next to her, and it looks to me like she is thinking about the paths that these two very different women took to arrive on that stage.

Fen said...

Deanna: I'm always taken aback at how angry or disapproving Michelle Obama looks.

Darcy: I just think her sour, negative nature shows in photos.

I know that look. See it every day. Its the consequence of carrying a racial chip on your shoulder all of your life. Everything is whitey's fault. Even the self-inflicted dour countenance of Michelle Obama.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Michelle is definitely giving Carla the 'hairy eyeball'.

I agree with Capital John. Michelle must know on some deep level, unless she is also the same deluded ego maniacal narcissist that her husband is, that the attempt to force her into the Jackie Kennedy mold is denigrating and ridiculous. There is nothing glamorous or supercalafraglisiticexpialidocious about Michelle and all the gaseous hyperventilating by the press isn't going to float that balloon.

Given the statements that she has made in the past and her upbringing amongst racists.....I think that Michelle is a bitter and downright mean woman.

Thus the mask slips occasionally.

Thought balloon for Michelle: Die bitch.

Fen said...

"Die white bitch"


Fred4Pres said...

You have to go with occam's razor on something like that:

Either Carla was way too friendly to the One, and Michelle felt disrepected...


Carla let a pouter rip and did not fess up to it.

Fred4Pres said...

Michelle: "Don't even pretend you just didn't do that!"

save_the_rustbelt said...

"Don't even think about my man. He is mine."

John said...

She is an angry looking woman. Few people, even on the off moment, can look that menacing. Something is not right with that woman.

kjkhg said...

I saw this on Drudge too and looked for a related story but came up empty. Does the picture really go with the story?

rhhardin said...

Theoretically, a thunderstorm ought to form between them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does the picture really go with the story?

Do people wear white to a war memorial ceremony?

Fen said...

Are these French even worth the effort to conquer?

Not in our best interest. France always betrays her allies. So we prefer they align with our enemies.

Poor Saddam. Assured by the French that they would stay America's hand. Promises that France would make it just all go away. Haha. Sucker!

EKatz said...

Important point here. In the photo, Carla Bruni is sitting to Michelle's right. Michelle is to the left of Carla Bruni. Thus they represent the current political shifts in the US and Europe.

I think Michelle's just pissed at how the seating arrangement emphasizes this trend.

Fred4Pres said...

Michelle: "Ho!"

chickelit said...

The face of ressentiment.

Anonymous said...

The french woman looks like she's winning the little chick game.

The american woman looks like she's ready to throw a fist.

Bart DePalma said...

I am queen of the world. Why are you sitting next to me?

AllenS said...

Sometimes, I get the feeling that Michelle is not comfortable around white people. I'll bet she felt more at home in Rev. Wright's church.

John said...

Carla Bruni is a beautiful rich white woman. There is no more priveledged class of people on earth than rich, beautiful, white Western Women. Bruni is the symbol of everything Michelle Obama has been angry about her entire life.

Anonymous said...

Its the consequence of carrying a racial chip on your shoulder all of your life.

If, indeed, that is the case with Michelle, one would think that the Whitehouse would be a good place to reevaluate your grievances.

Sean E said...

Don't even pretend you just didn't do that!

Maybe Carla was just getting revenge for this incident.

john said...

When was the last time you saw a picture of Cheney without either a scowl or a look like he just bit the head off a cat?

Unknown said...

I second Kimschs. lol. Downright envy, understandable given how old Bruni is. Hell I'm jealous of her shape and I'm nearly 15 years younger!

Although Bart Hall gets an honourable mention.

Wince said...

Whatcha talkin 'bout Bruni?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Its the consequence of carrying a racial chip on your shoulder all of your life."

If, indeed, that is the case with Michelle, one would think that the Whitehouse would be a good place to reevaluate your grievances

Or.....get even.

Anonymous said...

“White bitch better step the fuck off.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This ho told me to wear white.

Palladian said...

"Bruni is the symbol of everything Michelle Obama has been angry about her entire life."

Bruni is the symbol of everything I have been angry about my entire life.

The Dude said...

And to think our president has to put up with that day in and day out. Almost makes me pity the fool.

John said...

"Bruni is the symbol of everything I have been angry about my entire life."

I just can't be that angry at a really beautiful woman. Michelle obviously can.

john said...

Perhaps Michelle thinks that Bruini's unabashed patriotism is unseemly.

Joseph said...

I don't have reason to think Michelle has a "racial chip on her shoulder" but a couple of commenters in this thread sure do! Everything the Obamas (or Sotomayor) do can seemingly be reduced to some imagined racism on their part. Now THAT is much more obviously evidence of a racial chip on the shoulder.

veni vidi vici said...

Michelle: "You're *Italian*, bitch; stop frontin' like y'all French 'n shit."

Joseph said...

If I were Michelle I would not want to fit into a Jackie Kennedy mold. Mrs. Kennedy fit what people wanted out of a woman of her time--be pretty and not-too-smart and keep-your-mouth-shut. Michelle Obama is much more than that and I'm glad.

Anthony said...

I still fail to see why people gush over Michelle O. She's not all that attractive.

Well, okay, I don't exactly fail to see why people go all ga-ga, but you get the point.

John said...

"I don't have reason to think Michelle has a "racial chip on her shoulder" but a couple of commenters in this thread sure do! Everything the Obamas (or Sotomayor) do can seemingly be reduced to some imagined racism on their part. Now THAT is much more obviously evidence of a racial chip on the shoulder."

Yeah, how could we possibly think that someone who spent 20 years going to a racist black supremicist church and made statements like "I never loved my country until it voted for Obama" has a racial chip their shoulder? If Michelle doesn't like her public image as an angry black woman, perhaps she should stop acting like one.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Michelle said "Carla, your husband may be pussy-whipped, but mine is just a pussy!".

John said...

"I still fail to see why people gush over Michelle O. She's not all that attractive."

More than anything they are condescending white people. If Michelle were white they would call her what she is; an average looking woman. But since she is black, she must be glamorous and beautiful. It is just condescending racist crap. As I said above, unless she is dellusional deep down she has to know what a fraud it is.

Palladian said...

"Everything the Obamas (or Sotomayor) do can seemingly be reduced to some imagined racism on their part."

Funny, everything conservatives do can seemingly be reduced by lefties to some imagined racism on their part.

Kevin said...

john said...
When was the last time you saw a picture of Cheney without either a scowl or a look like he just bit the head off a cat?

The media didn't try to portray Cheney as the next Jackie Kennedy.

Palladian said...

"It is just condescending racist crap. As I said above, unless she is dellusional deep down she has to know what a fraud it is."

That's the pernicious, degrading consequence of affirmative action and the patronizing guilt of liberal white people. If I were her, I'd be pissed off too.

Jeremy said...

Ann is infatuated with Drudge and the fat radio entertainer...

She's just another right wing tool.

Jeremy said...

Palladian, you're just pissed off because you're so fucking fat and such a failure.

Nobody cares what you think.

Palladian said...

"Mrs. Kennedy fit what people wanted out of a woman of her time--be pretty and not-too-smart and keep-your-mouth-shut. Michelle Obama is much more than that and I'm glad."

She should keep her mouth shut. She wasn't elected to any office and shouldn't flaunt the power afforded her by virtue of her (heterosexist!) marriage to the guy we actually did elect. I never understood why people think the "first lady" should have any importance or political power whatsoever. That goes for both republican and Democrat first ladies.

We're not a monarchy (despite the media's efforts). The spouse of the President isn't the Queen Consort, nor are her adorable children Princesses of the Realm.

Fen said...

The media didn't try to portray Cheney as the next Jackie Kennedy.

I'm actually pleased the MSM is pushing Camelot II. It makes one realize what bullshit they must have shoveled to make the Kennedys the first Myth.

Fen said...

Jeremy has descended in a parody of himself.

John said...

"Palladian, you're just pissed off because you're so fucking fat and such a failure.

Nobody cares what you think."

Considering Michelle's diswasher sized ass, maybe that is why she is so angry with the skinny and beautiful Bruni. I guess her and pallidan have something in common.

Palladian said...

"Palladian, you're just pissed off because you're so fucking fat and such a failure.

Nobody cares what you think."

Really? I don't think that's the case. Has anyone here ever professed to care what you think Gene Olson, psychology teacher at Santa Monica College? Everyone here hates you, Gene. The lefties. The righties. The libertarians. The unaligned. Everyone. Even Michelle Obama told me she hated you.

Palladian said...

"I guess her and pallidan have something in common."

Michelle's ass is much larger than mine.

Anonymous said...

John said...Carla Bruni is a beautiful rich white woman. There is no more priveledged class of people on earth than rich, beautiful, white Western Women. Bruni is the symbol of everything Michelle Obama has been angry about her entire life.


But not just Michelle. Almost all black females have the curse, including Naomi Campbell.

See the O.J. Simpson trial where the black female got a small piece of racial revenge on her hated rival.

No amount of bicep curls and phony smiles can change the fact that Michelle Obama is a bitter, ugly black woman living in a world where more attractive White women are a dime a dozen.

Joseph said...

The Obamas went to one of the biggest black churches in Chicago. Some of the pastor's rhetoric was over-the-top. Few agree with everything promoted by their church. I spent most of my life as a Catholic but I certainly don't support the massive child molestation ring the church leadership created nor the political litmus-test part of the church. Most Catholics have publicly distanced themselves from those extreme parts of our church but continued to be active members of the church. The Obamas publicly distanced themselves from the extreme positions of their pastor.

Michelle's statement about not always being proud to be American had nothing to do with being racist.

The Drill SGT said...

OT, sort of:

Fen and AllenS,

If yousaw the D-Day picture f Obama standing there with the other leaders, what did you think?

I thought Charles looked good with his "I was there" ribbons, and I heard fingernails on the chalk board as I saw Obama rendering a hand salute, while everybody else was just standing at attention.

For the rest of you. The Hand Salute is supposed to be rendered by soldiers in uniform, or when a senior officer (in civilian clothes) is saluted by others.

In civilian clothes at a ceremony, the proper salute for Obama and any civilian is the right hand on the left breast. Like you learned in elementary school.

The protocol guys should have taught what to do, rather apprently giving him classes in saluting.

The Dude said...

Uh, ok. Except that it was a black liberation theology church and she said she had never been proud of America. But whatever. Keep spinning. She loves the perks she gets in the White House now. And she is not a racist. Nope. Not one bit.

John said...

"The Obamas went to one of the biggest black churches in Chicago. Some of the pastor's rhetoric was over-the-top. Few agree with everything promoted by their church. I spent most of my life as a Catholic but I certainly don't support the massive child molestation ring the church leadership created nor the political litmus-test part of the church. Most Catholics have publicly distanced themselves from those extreme parts of our church but continued to be active members of the church. The Obamas publicly distanced themselves from the extreme positions of their pastor."

Wright got up every Sunday and said crazy racist stuff. If the Priest had gotten up and said molesting kids was okay, would you have sat there done nothing? The Catholic molestation scandle was a secret. It wasn't actively promoted by the Church every Sunday. So your analogy fails.

Her statements about not being proud of her country say everything about her racial views. Why wasn't she proud of her country before?

Unknown said...

Perhaps our First Lady is showing off how, in her own words, American is a mean nation.

garage mahal said...

No amount of bicep curls and phony smiles can change the fact that Michelle Obama is a bitter, ugly black woman living in a world where more attractive White women are a dime a dozen..

Yet she is traveling the world over, rich and set for life, and you're stuck calling her names like a jealous miserable little prick anonymously on a blog.

Jennifer said...

I don't think one needs to dig all that deep here, guys. Looks to me like an attractive woman feeling some envy toward a beautiful woman. Envy is a childish emotion and explains the tinge of petulance in her expression.

I'm sure every woman has felt - and looked - exactly like that at least once. Luckily for most of us, it's never caught on film.

Steve Bartin said...

We can have high unemployment just like you!

John said...

"Yet she is traveling the world over, rich and set for life, and you're stuck calling her names like a jealous miserable little prick anonymously on a blog."

True. But she is not Carla Bruni and never will be. Every time a condescending white psychopants tell her she is something that she is obviously not, it becomes more apparent. Like I said above, I feel bad for her.

Palladian said...

""Yet she is traveling the world over, rich and set for life,"

Huh. I thought those were immediate qualification for hatred from lefties. Apparently your class-based hatred is selective. Surprise.

LB-Philadelphia PA said...

"I haz a profile. Deal with it."

Carol_Herman said...


Michelle says: My white dress makes me more white; and your black dress makes you more black. So there.

Pierre said...


ZZMike said...

"Say WHAT???"

holdfast said...

Blogger traditionalguy said...

"Thought balloon for Michelle: "Are these French even worth the effort to conquer. Good cheese and wines are not what Obamaman and I like to eat anyway""

-Funny, to me she seems to be all about the whine...

Blogger Deana said...

"I truly do not think that is what is in her heart (or, I hope it isn't) - I think it is just the way her face looks. But it does make her look harsh, "not open" and inviting at times."

-The ridged brow is the window to the soul...

Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Michelle is definitely giving Carla the 'hairy eyeball'."

-Little know fact - Klingons actually have hair on their eyeballs - it helps keep the dust away during Bat'leth fights...

Blogger Kevin said...

"The media didn't try to portray Cheney as the next Jackie Kennedy."

-Anyone know how to get nasally-expelled Diet Pepsi out of a keyboard?

Blogger Palladian said...

Michelle's ass is much larger than me.

-There, fixed it for you...

Sydney Brillo Duodenum said...

Michelle "Baby Jane" Obama Thought Balloon: "I don't want to talk about it! Everytime I think about something nice, you remind me of bad things. I only want to talk about the nice things."

Muggins said...

Did you fart?

SH said...

Fen said...

"I'm actually pleased the MSM is pushing Camelot II. It makes one realize what bullshit they must have shoveled to make the Kennedys the first Myth."

So true... and watching Obama torpedo the economy while the media band plays on reminds me of how people [still] puff up FDR (who made the same kinds of mistakes)....

MadisonMan said...

I liked wonderful Bissage's comment best.

See, I look at that image, and the former teen-aged boy says that Carla just let a silent but deadly one rip and Michelle is suspicious.

barrydov said...

It's quite clear to me that Michelle is looking PAST Mme. S, not AT her. However, you'd think by now she'd know enough never to let down her guard in public (and for her "public" is anywhere, at this point).

pst314 said...

"Some of the pastor's rhetoric was over-the-top"

Nice attempt to dance around the fact that the church served up hatred and paranoia masquerading as theology. (Not to mention some crackpot economics.)

Fred said...

"Here I am First Lady of the United States, so why do I feel like I'm back at Princeton again?"

barrydov said...

Palladium said
"Bruni is the symbol of everything I have been angry about my entire life."
I, on the other hand, have been angry about the North Korean gas chambers, the Clinton/France enabling of the Rwanda genocide, and sundry things of that nature. Silly me.

pst314 said...

"Do people wear white to a war memorial ceremony?"

Good point. Perhaps this is an indication that Michelle Obama was there only because she had to be, and not because she cared about the thousands of American soldiers who died on that beach. After all, we have it straight from her mouth that she was unable to feel pride in America until her husband was elected.

Jack said...

It's a lovely little crowd you've gathered around you.

Anonymous said...

I'll smack that pretty right off your face girl!

Unknown said...

What 'chu talkin 'bout, ho?

John said...

"Good point. Perhaps this is an indication that Michelle Obama was there only because she had to be, and not because she cared about the thousands of American soldiers who died on that beach. After all, we have it straight from her mouth that she was unable to feel pride in America until her husband was elected."

I doubt Michelle cares too much about a bunch of white boys who died at Normandy. They were all (the 29th ID at Omaha at least) a bunch of Virginia rednecks anyway. I can't see her being to choked up by the cerimony. Here she is at one of the most hallowed grounds on earth and all she can think about it how much better looking Carla Burni is than her.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

You don't belong in my Jackie Kennedy fantasy.

barrydov said...

It's quite clear to me that Michelle is looking PAST Mme. S, not AT her. However, you'd think by now she'd know enough never to let down her guard in public (and for her "public" is anywhere, at this point).

RebeccaH said...

Michelle Obama does often look like the unhappiest person in the world, and in that picture, she looks exhausted. No doubt she's also aware of the massively negative views so many people have of the Obama administration (deservedly so, IMO). Maybe at this point she's wondering why she ever wanted Barry to be prez.

Obi's Sister said...

Looking for scars... looking for scars...

The Counterfactualist said...

"I so love to ignore black women!"

AllenS said...


I don't watch the news, so I missed the ceremony. You're correct about when a civilian, or a military person is in civies, the correct thing to do is place the right hand on the left breast. Bark Obama doesn't have a clue.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bruni probably just said something incredibly, er, French. They do have a knack. She just wanted to see a flash of that famed Klingon sister. The following frame would show Bruni smiling with satisfaction.

It's going to take a few of these to sink in that every word, every look, every single moment is a matter of public discourse and permanent record.

jack said...

Dr Zira is nauseated at the sound of humans talking.

Unknown said...

I could order a straffing run on you right now!!!!!!!

Palladian said...

Even though I'm a homosexual and I dislike her husband intensely, I'd take Michelle over Carla any day.

Unknown said...

ugh. There they go playing that 'National Anthem' again. This army guy has to look at the flag... but what is this bitch so proud of?

Palladian said...

"Dr Zira is nauseated at the sound of humans talking."

Are you comparing a black woman to an ape person?

Did this thread get linked on some white power forum?

Who the hell are all these new losers?

John said...

Gee... bbq jokes, "ho," and "die white bitch?"

Classy crowd ya got here, Ann!

Anonymous said...


barry bonds said...

Whitey caused Katrina! Whitey kills innocent black children with the AIDS virus! Carla, you are Whitey, and you must die!

Palladian said...

"Classy crowd ya got here, Ann!"

Says the guy with MORMONS ATE MY BALLS, Shit and Garbage™, and I Want to Urinate on the President listed as his blogs. Classy!

Bruce said...

"I can't believe they sat me next to that Palin bitch. Someone's gonna lose their job over this."

Palladian said...

Yeah we totally got linked on some white power forum...

Stem the influx of these Cletuses someone!

dbp said...

Thought balloon for Michelle:

"Way to ham-up the sincerity Carla! Now I have to look like I give a crap about a bunch of white boys who liberated a white country from a bunch of other white guys! You're like the dufus that is the first to stand at the end of a mediocre performance: Now, everybody has to stand or they end-up looking like the jerk..."

Dan said...

"It's your fault I feel like a visitor here, as if I don't really belong."

John Stodder said...

"Cheekbones are the new breasts."

pst314 said...

Didn't you get the memo, Palladian? It's racist to criticize black people.

former law student said...

"Oh no you di^n't."

(Circumflex represents the glottal stop.)

Fred, muggins, and MadMan are correct. The key is Carla's looking away from everyone with that "Who, me? I'm not responsible; what are you talking about?" air.

Carla either ripped one or stepped on Michelle's foot.

Fred4Pres said...

John said...
Gee... bbq jokes, "ho," and "die white bitch?"

Classy crowd ya got here, Ann!

11:40 AM

Wooooahhh Nellie, or rather woooahhhh John. Do not group me in with that. "Ho" is a part of venacular slander now (or would you prefer the Italian east coast who-or). and if you scroll up you will see my Occam's Razor argument that there is two obvious reasons that Michelle would direct such venom towards Carla: 1) acting too affectionate to her man in front of her (and trust me that will prompt a "Ho" out of any woman) and 2) trying to avoid blame for a pooter (especially if Michelle might get blamed by sitting next to her).

Unknown said...

Man. The knuckle-draggers are out in force. Dkos'ers will soon be posting some of these posting as examples of how racist conservative pundits can be. (Even though the bad comments are from commenters not the Blogger.)

I think Michelle O is much more interesting the The O.

stocktrader said...

I'll bet I can get CBS news to say I'm prettier than she is.

paul said...

If I catch Obama looking at your skinny, white ass again....

HL King said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HL King said...

I CUTchu, bitch!

holdfast said...

Hey, Prof Althouse voted for and endorsed Mr. O - if that's what constitutes a "right wing site" then we are all living in France.

I freely admit to bagging on her appearance (or double-bagging, as the case may be) - that has nothing to do with her race, except to the extent that it is because of her race that the media seems to be compelled to try to sell her as the most most beautiful and awesome first lady evah!! The more everyone from CNN to US Magazine try to turn her into a beauty queen, the more we are going to point out how obviously ridiculous that is.

zefal said...

Cheekbones! If only I had cheekbones!

Tim M. said...

"Europe is next..."

Frauenhoffer said...

Barry O was raised in upper middle class comfort by his white collar professional grandparents and attended an elite,and multi-racial,prep school,thus his apparent comfort with a variety of people.His "racism" is theoretical and frankly opportunistic,not to mention resentment at his wingnut mommy.

Michelle,on the other hand,grew up black working class in S. Chicago,in a black neighborhood and attended a black school.Princeton was probably her first experience in living and interacting with large numbers of whites(and Others).
In a school full of condescending white "progressives" who patted her on the head,said "you're welcome" while not much bothering to hide their patronizing disdain at the black girl who got in under AA because her own grades weren't good enough.

And you wonder why Number 1 Sista got some deep scowlin' resentment goin' on?
Not to mention all dem beyotches mackin' her man.

TitusIsHeadingToWisconsinthisweek said...

It's not really fair to compare the two. Most anyone sitting next to Bruni would pale in comparison.

Bruni is an ex model and is stunningly beautiful. Michelle Obama is attractive but not beautiful. There is a big difference.

Also, I bet Bruni swallows and Michelle does not.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Michelle is thinking, "what is it with the French and not bathing?"

Palladian said...

I still think Bruni is gross-looking.

That's not Michelle saying that, it's me.

Hoosier Daddy said...

. I spent most of my life as a Catholic but I certainly don't support the massive child molestation ring the church leadership created nor the political litmus-test part of the church.

I don't know about your church but I don't recall many sermons where my parish priest extolled the virtures and joys of having sex with pre-teen boys.

TitusIsHeadingToWisconsinthisweek said...

I also bet Bruni's cooch is waxed full brazillan and Michelle's is a little on the wild side and untamed with pubes jetting off in every direction.

Hoosier Daddy said...

As for Michelle Obama, I also fail to see the attractiveness, much less the glamor.

TitusIsHeadingToWisconsinthisweek said...

Bruni's got great tits. Michelle has little sparrow tits. Michelle's tits are really just nips, there is no bulk to her breasts.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palladian said:
"I still think Bruni is gross-looking."

OK - we got it already Palladian. More proof you are not hetero. :)

Fred4Pres said...

I suspect Michelle hated campaigning and is finding being First Lady sucks too. Hillary and Bill both had the political bug. Laura Bush had that sense of grace of being supportive of George without being the center of attention (and was just generally well liked in DC for doing that). Michelle is forced into the Jackie O role, is a bit of a lightning rod herself, and is finding she does not like it.

TitusIsHeadingToWisconsinthisweek said...

I am sorry Palladian but Bruni is not gross looking.

She is beautiful.

Her eyes, lips, hair, face, body. She's got in going on.

Most breeders would tap that in a second. I would probably even finger her or at least feel up her tits and suck on her nips.

Rick Lee said...

I enjoy this sort of exercise as much as the next guy, but as a professional photographer I'd like to point out that a still photo like this should NEVER be taken seriously. A fraction of a second captured like that can seem to show something that just was not there. It looks to me like she's actually looking behind the other woman. Or, it could be that her face just looked like that for a fraction of a second between smiles because she was uncomortable in her seat. If you take enough pictures, there will be some that are flattering to the subject and some that are unflattering. That's just the way it is. A long time ago, I was actually hired to get some unflattering shots of a politician. I shot him at a press conference and it was really easy to get some shots of him looking sullen or angry, even though it was a generally happy occasion. I'm not proud of that, and I wouldn't take a job like that today, but back then I needed the work and I did what was required.

John said...


If Carla doesn't do it for you, I am ready to beleive that, at least in your case, being gay is genetic. If you don't find her attractive, it just isn't in your genes.

Richard said...

"...and she doesn't even wear earrings"

Anonymous said...

My entry:

"She's just trying to be all Joan -of- Arc'ish today..."

garage mahal said...

Huh. I thought those were immediate qualification for hatred from lefties. Apparently your class-based hatred is selective. Surprise..

"We can't be hateful, see this strawman????"

David Wharton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TitusIsHeadingToWisconsinthisweek said...

I do think they both have a very strong cooch though and can grab a hog with gusto and make it chizz quite easily.

David Wharton said...

What you talkin' 'bout, Carla?

wGraves said...

Menage a what? ... That SOB is sleeping with Bo!

Palladian said...

"I enjoy this sort of exercise as much as the next guy, but as a professional photographer I'd like to point out that a still photo like this should NEVER be taken seriously."

The press spent eight gleeful years doing subtle editorializing about Bush by publishing just these kinds of photographs. Of course it's unfair, especially for someone who's photographed constantly whenever they're in public.

But what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as they say.

Michelle has yet to develop that robot face that politicians and celebrities usually develop after a while. She can take lessons from her husband, whose face lately seems entirely devoid of an animating spirit of any kind.

Or she could go the Carla Bruni route and just have enough surgery that she can't have any natural facial expressions.

Anthony said...


Bwwhahahahahahaha. Winner.

Unknown said...

This photo is priceless :)

A couple of things come to mind:

1) Claims of racism for those commenting on this are unfounded. This is partisanship and chauvinism, NOT racism.

2) The only people who don't find this photo hilarious are those that have been unable to defend Obama's bailouts, and therefore are now defending Michelle Obama's honor. (rolls eyes).

3) This photo says much about the US and France. While France is beautiful and cosmetically a wonder of the world, they are useless in a fight and would get their asses kicked.

To prove the last point, I suggest a fight between Michelle and Carla. Gordon Brown's wife can bring a truckload of Jello to make it really entertaining, and Angela Merkle can serve us beers.

John said...

"To prove the last point, I suggest a fight between Michelle and Carla. Gordon Brown's wife can bring a truckload of Jello to make it really entertaining, and Angela Merkle can serve us beers."

No. Merkle would show up in a dominatrix outfit complete with whip. Carla would immediately surrender to Merkel and become her submissive. Michelle Obama and Mrs. Brown would then team up and kick both their asses.

goza said...

How do you say "Honky Bee-yotch" in French?

Unknown said...

I'm the third to say it but it has to be said:
Palladian [fixed]: Because I'm a homosexual... I'd take Michelle over Carla any day.

(Ann, what's wrong with [strike]?)

Mike said...

I can has...kill Bruni

BJK said...


...is the best caption I can come up with that doesn't play into racial stereotypes, or the one physical characteristic that is deemed okay to talk about (her upper arms).

For all the attention she gets, I still don't feel that I know that much about her. Then again, that strategy got her husband elected...

ricpic said...

Carla looks stressed out: "How much more missionary position Sarkozy can I bear?!"

former law student said...

Bruni's got great tits. Michelle has little sparrow tits. Michelle's tits are really just nips, there is no bulk to her breasts.

What do you mean, bulk? Bruni's an A cup at best.

I'd take Michelle over Carla any day.

Bruni looks like an ice queen, while Obama looks like she gets down and dirty.

MadisonMan said...

I believe strike works only if you own the blog. So not in the comment section, but elsewhere.

former law student said...

To help you decide on Bruni's boobage bulk, here's some naked photos of Bruni, from the Daily Mail:


John said...

"Bruni looks like an ice queen, while Obama looks like she gets down and dirty."

I think Bruni looks like a free spirited euro chick who would get plenty down and dirty. Not sure about Michelle Obama. She does have such a dominatrix look about her. So maybe you are right abou that. If that is your kind of dirty, she might be fun.

The Drill SGT said...

Crème anglaise not Jello :)

holdfast said...

"Or she could go the Carla Bruni route and just have enough surgery that she can't have any natural facial expressions."

I don't think that's true, but even granting that it is, at least they froze here in a pleasant expression, as opposed to say Granny McBotox Rictus (a.k.a. the Speaker of the House).

John said...

"Or she could go the Carla Bruni route and just have enough surgery that she can't have any natural facial expressions."

I don't think that is true either. She shows her age. She just wears it well. If she had work done, it was done really well.

Fred4Pres said...

This gem was at Protein Wisdom regarding the photograph:

Comment by Slartibartfast on 6/8 @ 9:51 am #

“Facers set on scun, captain!”


Anonymous said...

Carla: "Sacre bleu! We are so late."

Michelle: "Oh, that's great, blame it on me. How original. 'She must've read the schedule wrong with her one eye.'"

Henry said...

Stolen from Bill Murray in Space Jam:

Bruni (thinking): "I'm not white. I'm clear."

TheThinMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
louise said...

I love Bruni's expression of quiet endurance. I could imagine her thinking "You can look at me like that all you want, sister. But I didn't need a husband to make me famous."

Anonymous said...

"They keep raisin' the bra!"

The Dude said...

Where is the liberal douchebag who needs to point out that Sophia is not looking at Jayne's ample bosom, but instead is looking far away, at something, over there - yeah, that's it...

Come on, libtard, you know what everyone is thinking, get on the ball here. Hold on, I may have mixed metaphors.

Michael Oliver said...

Michelle is thinking, "We will rule this country after a few more years of immigration".

Jess said...

Michelle Obama thinking to herself: "Damn bidet."

Michael Oliver said...

Michelle is thinking, "We will rule this country after a few more years of immigration".

Michael Oliver said...

Michelle is thinking, "We will rule this country after a few more years of immigration".

Swen said...

So you were a model, huh? Well, people use pictures of me to scare small children!

"I enjoy this sort of exercise as much as the next guy, but as a professional photographer I'd like to point out that a still photo like this should NEVER be taken seriously."

For sure. Which raises the question: With a stack of photos, what was the agenda in picking this one to publish? For sure not trying to make Ms Obama look good (if that's possible).

ricpic said...

I be hatin' on you, whitey, all day long if I want; but you can't be hatin' on me cause that be RACISSS.

Swen said...

If you take too much viagra and look at photos of Carla, a photo of Michelle is the antidote they'll give you when you seek medical attention.

docweasel said...

Yeah, because the MSM certainly never tried to make GWB look ridiculous or foolish intentionally. Oh, I know the retort, "he did that himself" because the story-line is that Bush is vapid, vacuous, ignorant, clueless, ignorant, stupid, evil, etc. The media pushed this line and leftard bloggers and talking heads pushed it relentlessly until an Ivy League grad and jet fighter pilot was commonly understood to be a fucking idiot.

Well, no one can tell me negative attacks don't work. Michelle O wouldn't be sitting next to heads of states' wives if the media didn't tear down the GOP with gutless, lying attacks. That's why we need to use EVERY weapon to demean, degrade, insult, smear, ridicule and tear down Obama and those in his circle. Destroy him with any means necessary, including attacking his wife, just as the leftists did to Bush's wife and mother (see Harry Reid's despicable comments about Barb Bush.

If we don't get on board the destroying of Obama, we'll be looking at 4 MORE years of this kind of shit.

Kensington said...

"Bitch stole my baguette."

former law student said...

I love Bruni's expression of quiet endurance.

The first thing they teach models is how to be expressionless. See Audrey Hepburn. The "quiet endurance" that you see is only what you read into it.

"They keep raisin' the bra!"

Hey, no cracks about dyslexia, or aaron will call you a bigot.

john said...

Wow, pushing 200 comments already, and not a single Palin reference yet.


BTW, here is the photo linked by Reynolds and mentioned above.

Swen said...

Easy, DocWeasel. I agree with you but we're not supposed to say such things in public. We're better than them, remember? :D

john said...

... which are nothing to lose your head over.

John said...

"The first thing they teach models is how to be expressionless. See Audrey Hepburn. The "quiet endurance" that you see is only what you read into it."

That is a good point. I hadn't thought of that. It is the same expression they teach you to do in court when the other side is putting on its case. As a model, Carla Bruni no doubt knows how to wear this expression for hours. It would come in handy for doing long public appearances. Michelle Obama being neither a lawyer nor a model apparently never learned the trick

Swen said...

Hey, no cracks about dyslexia, or aaron will call you a bigto.

fixed that..

Unknown said...

What 'cha talking bout Willis?

Bill said...

Now I understand the guillotine!

Swen said...

That is a good point. I hadn't thought of that. It is the same expression they teach you to do in court when the other side is putting on its case. As a model, Carla Bruni no doubt knows how to wear this expression for hours. It would come in handy for doing long public appearances. Michelle Obama being neither a lawyer nor a model apparently never learned the trick

For what it's worth, she obtained her Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. So yes, she is a lawyer.

former law student said...

see Harry Reid's despicable comments about Barb Bush.

Despicable? Let me calibrate on that. Was it worse than what Barbara Bush said about Geraldine Ferraro? "I can't say it on television, but it rhymes with rich"?

Let's see, what word could Mrs. Bush have been thinking of? I have it on good authority that the FCC permits "witch" to be spoken on broadcast media, so that's not it. Hmmm...

John said...

"For what it's worth, she obtained her Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. So yes, she is a lawyer."

I knew that. I forgot to put the qualifier "trial lawyer". There is a difference. I don't think Michelle has ever tried a case.

John said...

"Despicable? Let me calibrate on that. Was it worse than what Barbara Bush said about Geraldine Ferraro? "I can't say it on television, but it rhymes with rich"?"

That the best you got? Amercia's grandmother says one bad word about a politician? Further, Feraro was running for VP. She stepped into the ring. Criticizing her is different that criticizing someone's wife. The Dems have trashed the families of Republican figures for years. It is SOP with those people. Given that, they have no place to complain about some fun at the expense of Michelle, especially considering the way Dems in the media have shoved her down the country's throat.

Swen said...

As for the 'EU going right', there's nothing like a big bucket of cold Obama to break you out of that EUphoria and bring you back to reality, huh?

BrianE said...

"God, get me away from this He-woman!"

Swen said...

Given that, they have no place to complain about some fun at the expense of Michelle, especially considering the way Dems in the media have shoved her down the country's throat.

That does it, I'm gargling immediately.. And repeatedly.

Grumpy Old Man said...

What makes you think I won't cut you?

Richard said...

I don't know Lloyd, the French are assholes.

Swen said...

I knew that. I forgot to put the qualifier "trial lawyer". There is a difference. I don't think Michelle has ever tried a case.

Well, I sure wouldn't want her on my case! Makes me feel sorry for Duh Won.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Despicable? Let me calibrate on that. Was it worse than what Barbara Bush said about Geraldine Ferraro? "I can't say it on television, but it rhymes with rich"?.

Well Obama's peoples called her a racist and in the Era of Obama, that's worse than being a bitch.

Suzie Wong said...

michelle: a little more eau de toilette wouldn't hurt, you know.

KCFleming said...

The camera ably verifies,
but also tells so many lies.

Is Obama just plain mean,
or looking east to west,
head caught inbetween?

Mr. Bush was made
a clown this way,
modern cameras catching
all looks gone astray.

Pity the famous
only how can you blame us
for enjoying the sport
of mocking the court?

Unknown said...

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin'
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby
There ain't nothin wrong with that.

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

milli said...

Actually, if you look closely, Michelle is not even looking at Carla, but at someone/something in the row behind her. Try looking to your right when your eyes are all the way to the right in your sockets and your head is turned right about 40 degrees. You're looking behind, not next to, whoever's on your right.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Actually, if you look closely, Michelle is not even looking at Carla, but at someone/something in the row behind her..

So you're saying it's someone other than Carla that is getting the Medusa gaze.


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