June 29, 2009

At The iPhone Café...


... tell us how you really feel. And if you've got some, spill the joy!


AllenS said...

I feel like I'm kinda thirsty. Maybe I need a beer.

Cedarford said...

I feel good knowing that I will not have to hear Billy Mays screaming pitches for his junk products at me again. Unless he lives on in "Orange Glo" and "Amzing Auger" syndication.

Sorry for his family of course, but Billy Mays gone from the airwaves is a relief.

He died same age as Jacko.

rhhardin said...

The feeling of digesting grass.

Thematically, however, it's sit.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I feel good knowing that I will not have to hear Billy Mays screaming pitches for his junk products at me again.

Hey, that Mighty Putty works great.

bearbee said...

Hey, that Mighty Putty works great.

phffftt. Too expensive. Bought other brand less expensive. Worked great.

Earth Girl said...

Allen S, your comment reminds me of this:

LonewackoDotCom said...

This hour's complaint: the fact that Sonia didn't withdraw a few weeks ago speaks to the sheer incompetence of the GOP leadership and their supporters in the "blogosphere". It's time for those who don't want a former NCLR/PRLDEF member on the highest court to take on their various leaders.

KCFleming said...

When I was but a child I spilled the joy, and was sent to my room without any supper at all.

Admittedly, I had worn my wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another.

When mother called me "WILD THING!"
I said "I'LL EAT YOU UP!"

Well, that was that.
Don't spill the joy, at least not on the just-cleaned carpet.

Meade said...

I'm in love and I feel fine

MadisonMan said...

So the fact that Billy Mays is dead means all his commercials magically vanish from the airwaves?

I think not.

Meade said...

^with her

AllenS said...

Billy Mays said he was hit on the head when his flight from Philadelphia had a rough landing at Tampa International Airport. If he was hit on the head with a Slap Chop, I'm blaming Vince.

Hoosier Daddy said...

^with her

Good recovery there Meade. Best you stay on your toes. Those lawyers don't miss much.

Hoosier Daddy said...

If he was hit on the head with a Slap Chop, I'm blaming Vince.

Anonymous sources say they found a Sham wow at the scene. You know those Germans make good shit.

KCFleming said...

Come to think of it, 'twas the beans I'd spilled, not joy.

knox said...

That Sham Wow guy is pure evil. Seriously, he looks evil. TEAM BILLY MAYS

reader_iam said...

Love the linked dog pic, even though it somewhat alarms.

Penny said...

" ^ with her "

Meade is pointing at you, Madison Man, you better duck and run.

Anonymous said...

You should send that fortune cookie to Sandra Tsing Loh.

traditionalguy said...

I wish for Peace and joy to all of the angry people out there. The world system around them is going thru immense stress and many men are angry over losing their support systems. Living on the edge financially in this world full of continual flux is breaking men's hearts.

SteveR said...

Over enthusiasm for expensive and overrated things has spread all over the place, most of the 57 states even.

Meade said...

Penny, I do love MadisonMan. But I feel it in a different way.

Beth said...

I'd edit that to add "eventually" before "great joy" - but as maxims go, it's true. After mourning our little Elmo all weekend, I'm finally experiencing a little joy in memories of what made his a fine companion. Sometimes you have to move through to get to that joy, but not allowing oneself to feel is a much greater loss.

Paddy O said...

Celebrating 6 months of being married this Friday.


Best six months of my life.

Hooray for joy!!

Beth said...

I'm pretty sure I experience joy, in some form and at varying levels, every day. That was not always the case, and I'm happy that it is now. It is true, for me at least, that there's no filter to say "admit the joy and banish all sorrow." The consequences of being open to feeling is that you get it all. That's not a bad thing.

Beth said...

Congrats, Paddy O. You're both lucky, then.

KCFleming said...

Aaaaaw, Beth, that's too bad. But 15 years? That's more like 10 lives, or a cat that got lots of love and care.

Our cat came from the pound, well, someone dumped it in the window well at the pound. She had a litter right there in the window.

She's still skittish around me, even though I'm the one that feeds her every day. No good deed goes unpunished, even with cats.

SteveR said...

So sorry Beth. I'll spread a little more love to mine tonight for you.

bearbee said...

Elmo: sweet face, fierce heart. Fighter of pit bulls. Well loved. Well cared for when many hurt.


reader_iam said...

@Beth: Awww. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad for the joyful memories.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm having a problem with my stove. Couldn't find the manual online. Emailed the manufacturer and got this:

We are very sorry but unfortunately we are unable to locate the operating instructions for your particular model. This could be due to the age of the product since our records do not go back that far.

Neat. There's something joyful about having an old cooktop. I don't know why, but there is.

KCFleming said...

"...we are unable to locate the operating instructions for your particular model. This could be due to the age of the product..."

That's what geriatricians tell their patients, too.

MadisonMan said...

Freeman, I'd have a similar problem. My stove is from the 1920s.

Can I just say, changing topics, that I'm glad Mr. Madoff got a lengthy sentence?

Freeman Hunt said...

Grandfather is visiting and is, as always, just about the nicest, most positive person you could ever hope to meet. That has been a tremendous joy this week.

bagoh20 said...

Where is the other cookie's message - you know, the dissenting opinion?

bagoh20 said...


That dog has one deep chest. She should be on the bow of a galleon.

Penny said...

Beth, so sorry about Elmo.

Freeman, I had a similar experience with an old stove, but where the manufacturer was no help at all, the guy who worked for a local appliance parts business was worth his weight in gold. I am baking again!

Moving down the "food" chain often bears excellent results.

Beth said...

Pogo - your words remind me of a recent conversation with a friend. We were remarking on our vet bills, and saying geez, when we were kids, there weren't Prozac prescriptions for the anxious dogs and pills and potions and whatnot for the cats. She then reminded that our pets all died around 5 or 6 years old. Oh yeah! That's true.

Elmo, at one point, had an opthalmologist! We had some laughs over that, until the bill came.

Beth said...

What a good-looking dog, rhhardin. I always enjoy your dog photos.

Beth said...

And thanks, everyone, for your sweet words.

Anonymous said...

Best thoughts to you Beth.

We just now returned from sending our 14 year old Border Collie Andy on his way.

He used to run for hours through the forests in the Taunus mountains outside of Frankfurt, Germany.

Lately he was too old to run. But our belief is that he can now run again.

Who knows, maybe he's trying to herd Elmo and a bunch of playing cats right now.

But don't worry, Andy grew up with lots of cats so he won't hurt. He'll just try to herd them and generally play around.

AllenS said...

Sorry to hear about your loss, Beth.

srfwotb said...

Recovering from insane fury at the Wall of Process I hit when dealing with a six-months-after-the-fact lab bill (for tests already paid in full) from some outsource lab three degrees removed from my doctor's office.


Need to recover fast enough to get to the gym and keep mental focus during workout w/o sinking into a post-frustration nap the minute I get home.

srfwotb said...

Oh Beth, I'm sorry. Pet death hurts. It sounds like he went the best way possible and that's something.

Kirk Parker said...

"...there's no filter to say 'admit the joy and banish all sorrow.' The consequences of being open to feeling is that you get it all. That's not a bad thing."

Thanks, Beth, that's very nicely put.

Penny said...

It was very nicely put, and perhaps yet another reason not to trust your fortune cookies, wherever you find them.

I mean...you can eat the cookie, but really, what is it but a well-shaped, nearly tasteless bit of "something that comes with a message you like."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What if I told you that instead of getting smarter I was getting dumber than everybody else ;)

Penny said...

I would tell you that the deaf, dumb and blind boy, sure played a mean pinball. :)

Beth said...

Ah, Quayle. He sounds like quite a dog. Elmo put up well with dogs, so I hope our dreams of their afterlife are true.

RLB_IV said...


I'm sorry for your loss. My old cat, Put, lasted 19 years.
A poem is in order.

Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them; who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together......."

Peter Hoh said...

Regarding old appliances: my aunt in Philly had a gas refrigerator. That's right, it did not run on electricity. It ran on natural gas.

She had a service contract with the gas company. At some point in the 1990s, the last technician who knew how to service that kind of fridge was retiring. The gas company paid her to switch to an electric fridge.

kentuckyliz said...

that rainbow bridge thing is really beautiful--i will have a herd of horses n cats n hamsters n 1 dog when i get there

sorry for your loss beth--especially while recovering--when we really need our bebehs

my 3 kittehs are a great comfort

i am happy because
1. i don't have a 4th cancer
2. i get the ssummer off work--for medical reasons, yick, but it'smy most stressful work season normally
3. i hope to get enuf done to go to my sister's farm in iowa for my bday and 4th of july--1st anniv of daddy's death--will picnic at his grave in paradise valley (actual location name, aptly named)
4. not being able to row sux but to enjoy the outdoors anyway i set up a really nifty outdoor room that is comfortable even on a hot sunny day--love it
5. i'm doing well in some online modular courses i'm taking to see how they work
6. i am getting good work done on my internet courses, refining them for the new CMS Bb9
7. am cooking up a plan to have my iowa niece & nephew come visit me for the first time, for maybe up to 3 weeks if we can jiggle our calendars around a bit...and I've got lots of entertainment and activities planned
8. my SIL and her lovely daughter stayed with me for a week when i was released from the hospital and i am still happy and warm and loved from their lovely company
9. i am blessed beyond belief, and always basically happy
10. the weather has been amazingly beautiful!!! i love the appalachian mtns & eastern KY

NOW oN to the iPod issue.

I have a 2nd gen iPod touch and I got an email that I can get the 3.0 software upgrade for ten bux. is it worth it? heck it's only 10 bux...not a high stakes decision.

worst fortune ever:
school lunch is fun and healthy

most recent fortune:
you are a person of truth

amen to that

KCFleming said...

best fortune ever:

kentuckyliz doesn't have a 4th cancer

Beth said...

Yay, Liz. Excellent news. Glad the recovery is proceeding well, too.

We're switching to Bb9 in the Spring, so I'm working on learning it now. I'll be training and troubleshooting my department's faculty as they make the switch.

Unknown said...


Update your iPod, its worth it. You get to cut and paste now. :)

Beth said...

Spotlight is worth it, too (the search tool).

The Crack Emcee said...

"The consequences of being open to feeling is that you get it all. That's not a bad thing."

Indeed. Part of it, for me, was saying "Jesus, how lame." when I saw that fortune cookie message in the photo. Meade's missives didn't help much either. (As much as I disapprove of this thing, I wish you'd go ahead and do it so we can stop hearing about it.)

Still searching for the adults,...Oh, yea: Beth!

Revenant said...

the fact that Sonia didn't withdraw a few weeks ago speaks to the sheer incompetence of the GOP leadership and their supporters in the "blogosphere".

Or, more accurately, it speaks to the fact that the Democrats control both Congress and the Presidency. Why on Earth would she withdraw when her confirmation is a done deal?

reader_iam said...

Happiness is finding a pencil. Joy is finding the one with your love[r]'s teethmarks in it.

Penny said...

Why on earth would Sotomayer withdraw?

For the same reason we might hope our young men would withdraw from the vagina of their nightly dream girl.

I will let you make sense of the power dynamics or the morality, Rev.

Penny said...

reader I am... going to bed now.

Thanks for that reminder.

Ann Althouse said...

"Good recovery there Meade. Best you stay on your toes. Those lawyers don't miss much."

This lawprof is on her toes and believes he did that on purpose, for effect.

"After mourning our little Elmo all weekend..."

Oh, no. Sad!


Cool. Thanks for being the kind of guy who makes us feel sure, even over the internet, that you'll never forget it.

"Where is the other cookie's message - you know, the dissenting opinion?"

Unfortunately, I lunched alone. I drank Pepsi, and did not have my Meade.

"He used to run for hours through the forests in the Taunus mountains outside of Frankfurt, Germany."

Nice life for a dog. Or a person.

"i am happy because..."

Yay! Kentuckliz, we've been waiting to hear from you that everything's okay.

Fred4Pres said...

I will take Sotomayor over Diane Wood any day. Really, she may be a terrible pick, but she is definitely not the worse pick.

former law student said...

This lawprof is on her toes and believes he did that on purpose, for effect.

Meade made an overture the professor failed to pick up on, if I understood meade's allusion correctly.

Althouse, glad, should have told all the world,
That her baby buys her things, you know.
He buys her diamond rings, you know,

But she didn't say so on this thread.

Beth said...

I really enjoyed this thread, full of digressions and asides, but all around the concept of joy, bright joy and slow, carefully garnered joy.

As Althouse's wrap-up response comment shows, there were many good things to note.

And thanks, Crack Emcee - I am hardly ever the adult in the room. As I get older, that seems more and more the case!

PinkInklings said...

Joy...it is my daughter's middle name. It is also what happens when, exactly 1 year to the day of losing her, your Mom comes to you in a dream. She twirls to show you how free she is to move now. In Life she had a shoe shoppin' habit. In the Afterlife she wears simple black pumps. They are easier to twirl freely in than stillettos.
Joy is pink flower photos. Take two daily.

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