May 4, 2009

White male says we've heard enough from white males.

Am I supposed to listen to him?


Anonymous said...

When will the left get past its bizarre fetish with skin color? You are of the left, Althouse. Perhaps you can tell us.

SteveR said...

Christopher Eisgruber is provost and Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs at Princeton University.Christopher Eisgruber is a pompous ass is shorter and more accurate.

Unknown said...

Pay him no mind. He's just trying to get some play with the lefty chicks, is all.

SteveR said...

I guess I could hit the space bar and enter key a humdred times and Blogger would still run them together.

rhhardin said...

He needs a slogan. I suggest ``Beyond the pale!''

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


(But don't listen to me!)

Palladian said...

Well I'm tired of hearing from black people. And I'm also kind of tired of hearing loud-mouthed Italians. And a bit sick of yammering Chinese people too. Oh and homosexuals? They've had their say. And women, do they ever shut up?


Is this how we want to run our civilization, as tribal groups based on the lottery of genetics? Should we even pretend to care about ideas or intellect or accomplishment anymore?

Of course not. Obama got where he is today with a bit of luck, a lot of money and a touch of melanin. Apparently that's all that matters to our society anymore.

Perhaps America, as it stands, deserves to be wrecked.

Bill Kilgore said...

I can think of one white male that I've heard enough of.

On a slightly more serious note, are there any people who should be laughed at more than people who think a particular group is "diverse" simply because it has people of different colors in it?

To me it reads like a rather devastating admission, but YMMV.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford is tired of those God damn Jews. Let's not forget that.

Meade said...

"Perhaps America, as it stands, deserves to be wrecked."

Sorry, Palladian, but that's where you lose me. (Not that I don't want to keep hearing from you...)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would only modify Palladian's statement to "Perhaps America's elite, as it stands, deserves to be wrecked."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Perhaps America, as it stands, deserves to be wrecked.

Oh oh, Napolitano wants to know what color Palladian is ;)

BTW - I know Althouse is just a small sample - but, I'm getting the impression people dont care who gets the sitter job.

Freder Frederson said...

Apparently that's all that matters to our society anymore.Oh, like who you know has never mattered in this society.

You are are living in a fantasy world.

Freder Frederson said...

He needs a slogan. I suggest ``Beyond the pale!''I hope you are not unintentionally being ironic and realize the etymology of "beyond the pale".

On second thought, you are too much of a dumbass to be that droll and witty.

Bissage said...

Extended garden metaphors would have made Provost Eisgruber’s piece a better read.

Anonymous said...

Bissage is the Pittsburgh Steelers of blog comment threads.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am tired of all Mets fans especially Doyle.

I am tired of all Yankee fans except Trooper.

Anonymous said...

What would you rather have in a democracy:

the same exact ideas, dutifully rehearsed by people that have have different skin colors?

or a number of diverse thoughts spoken, as it happens, by all whites?

I'll take diversity of thought, regardless of the source.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Once more, Clarence Thomas must be white, blond and blue eyed.

The Dude said...

Freder, you are too fucking stupid to know the derivation of that phrase. Go back where you came from, you pasty motherfucker.

garage mahal said...

Perhaps America, as it stands, deserves to be wrecked.America. If I can't have Her, nobody can!

Moose said...

Being a good trashy Irishman, none of this applies to me.

save_the_rustbelt said...

Read a little further.

I agree, no more Harvard or Yale for a while.

No more establishment Washington insiders.

Race? Who cares.

If Obama appoints a woman, he should check the whether she has paid the taxes for the illegal alien who is raising her children.

Automatic_Wing said...

If Obama appoints a woman, he should check the whether she has paid the taxes for the illegal alien who is raising her children.It would be more inclusive to appoint the illegal alien - er, documentation-challenged-American - instead.

TituslovesUandU2 said...

In general, I think there is too much Noise in our lives.

I recommend blocking out all the chatter in your minds.

Just Be. NOW.

Thank you.

Kirk Parker said...



How offensive! The proper term is differently-documented Americans!

TituslovesUandU2 said...

Imagine yourself floating on a large fluffy "breast cloud".

All clouds are in the shape of large breasts.

You are at peace with yourself and the world around you.

If you need to nourish your thirst take a little slurp from the fluffy breast clouds nipples. The fluffy breast clouds will also provide a calming bath if you need one.

AHHHH, nourishment.

Breast Clouds

thank you.

David said...

Eisgruber's book "Constitutional Self Government" argues that the courts, and particularly the Supreme Court, are as much "democratic" (by which he seems to mean "political") institutions of self government as are the Congress and the Presidency. Of course every argument he makes in that column is contrary to this position.

His main view: elites are better at making certain decisions than the people are.

Duncan said...

Better not appoint an Hispanic the since 91% of Hispanics self-identify as White on the census. Language isn't race.

Joseph said...

I'm curious whether Althouse thinks there is a legitimate interest in having women on the Supreme Court and whether the fact that there is only one is problematic?

TituslovesUandU2 said...

While floating on the fluffy breast clouds you can sneak into the large vaginas that are in the sky.

The large vaginas provide you more solace and quiet than even the fluffy breast cloud.

Slip into the large vagina in the sky and enjoy the wonders of the beave. Let the pubes tickle you as you slide into the deep and calming cooch. Once in the vagina venture around. Take it's many paths and hallways and find complete tranquility.

thank you.

bearbee said...

I guess that eliminates Cass Sunstein.

How 'bout the Missus? Gender, color and never been a federal appeals court judge.

TituslovesUandU2 said...

If sustenance is what you are looking for delve into the uterine lining of the vagina and find complete and total harmony.

thank you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want a sound jurist.

What about Bob?

Joe said...

Where are all the gimp, er crippled, er handicapped, er less-abled, er differently abled, nominees?

Kevin said...

Why doesn't he resign his professorship at Princeton so it can be given to a deserving person of color?

KCFleming said...

I'm going to start answering all gummint inquiries regarding my color as "hispanic."

Hell, why not?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Pogo said...
I'm going to start answering all gummint inquiries regarding my color as "hispanic."

Hell, why not?

3:53 PM

I am a pale shade of Hispanic with a slight tint of Asian (which generally excludes anyone west of Burma), and some "Caucasian" freckels.

Jeremy said...

I've heard enough from East Coast academic hacks. The next Justice should come from out West.

-The Other Jeremy

KCFleming said...

I've never been to the Caucasus mountains.

I'm mostly a mutt. Maybe I'll alternate "black" and "asian" when I answer.

traditionalguy said...

There is still a place for a strong white/black/oriental/hispanic leader who will govern with a fair but firm rule that respects the rights of all men/women to have the chance to work and learn and enjoy the fruits of their own labor. No more Big Kings Know Best nonsense from Europe and Africa in the name of fighting equality wars, please.

Cedarford said...

Seven Machos said...
Cedarford is tired of those God damn Jews. Let's not forget that.
Nothing quite like being a willing ball-licking tool of History's Greatest Victims, Ever (TM)! - is there, Machos?

Funny when you see a white guy attacking "pasty-skinned white male oppressors", you can:

(1) Put high odds on the fact that the white guy will turn out to be a Jewish lawyer on the Left....
(2) With professional job security and a ready explaination why Jews are excluded from the nefarious population of "white male oppressors". Basically because even with money and considerable power, they are "just like" fellow oppressed victims.

(3) And just as immune from criticism on their "identity" - as the 'fellow oppressed victims' they advocate for.

Why is it that pasty-skinned white male Jewish lawyers can be so loving of "diversity"? Basically because they are protected from career consequences unlike a New Haven firefighter with no other options. Such an Elite person in the Leftist jewish community - upon losing one spot to a "diversity candidate" can easily tap into the network and see what spots can open up or be made to open up through help in the Network of connected Leftist lawyers. Unlike most Americans, they have easy job mobility and sponsors able to get them into spots nationwide or even in transnational "activist/law/academia/NGO organizations.

Not picked as head of a black union? Make a few phone calls - and go teach law at Brandeis for a few years, or take that plum government spot your connections can deliver if Dems are in office. Or talk to your uncle about talking to his friend, the powerbroker lawfirm guy who was all part of the last generation's Leftist jewish lawyer activists - about opening up a junior partner position to park you at..

Nor do such folks appear to eager to argue for "more diversity!!" in fields Jews dominate, of other whites, let alone anymore than token minorities. See, as Victims, Jews are as above criticism or questioning - as a blind lesbian black lady named to heas a activist NGO, foundation, given tenure, made partner in a Lefty law firm...

Nor do the Eisgrubers choose to rail at pasty-skinned Jews "keeping diversity away" from boards and executive leadership of organizations like the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, NAACP. Jews were in charge of the NAACP from 1909 to 1967. Of the ACLU executive directorships and most of it's board since the early 60s. And groups like Human Rights Watch, Lawyers Guild, and Center for Constitutional Action ever since they were founded by liberal Jewish lawyers from elite schools, like Eisgruber.

dbp said...

Obama is going to appoint a liberal and I don't see how their color or sex will make any difference. For the first Bush it could help: He got a far more conservative justice in than he could have otherwise gotten by choosing a black conservative. Given that women and ethnic minorities don't have a reputation for conservative outlook, this isn't going to help Obama. In fact, since he is expected to pick a woman or a minority (or better yet both), he could most likely get a harder core liberal in if he picked a white man.

All this diversity talk is nonsense anyway. What I noticed in academia is that diversity meant picking people who all look different, but think exactly alike.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I guess I could hit the space bar and enter key a humdred times and Blogger would still run them together.

Steve. Put the line returns before the HMTL closing tag.

Like this. End of your italicized text.
then [/i] except replace [ with <

Eric said...

Pay him no mind. He's just trying to get some play with the lefty chicks, is all.

To think of all the money and effort I wasted over the years trying to bed conservative women, when I could have been up to my ears in lefty women just by pretending to hate myself.

Automatic_Wing said...

Unlike most Americans, they have easy job mobility and sponsors able to get them into spots nationwide or even in transnational "activist/law/academia/NGO organizations.

Egads, rootless cosmopolitans mingling among us! How alarming. Better turn on my nuclear-powered Jew-detector to make sure I only associate with loyal 'murricans.

Synova said...

I don't think that color is the most relevant sort of diversity. The fellow writing the article talks about geographical diversity and career diversity as well.

He may have a bit of a point.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I can't believe I'm hearing this sort of thing from NPR. When are they going to desegregate?

Their line-up is bizarre: Western concert music, jazz, and shows from the Mid-West. I've never experienced programming so devoid of modern black, hispanic, or gay culture.

Meade said...

"I don't think that color is the most relevant sort of diversity."

I agree with Synova.

Someone wrote a stupid headline for the article.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

Cedarford's explanation gets my vote.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

"I've never experienced programming so devoid of modern black, hispanic, or gay culture."

That's it's devoid of modern black, hispanic, or gay fundraising.

bearbee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bearbee said...

Like this. End of your italicized text.
then [/i] except replace [ with <

Or just end with a 'period' outside the closing tag.

Zachary Sire said...

Hey, I've heard enough from Palladian, but he's never going to shut up. It's best to just learn how to deal with it.

Eric said...

<i>I would not, could not, in a box.</i>
Is a line from "Green Eggs and Ham".

give you

I would not, could not, in a box.Is a line from "Green Eggs and Ham".


<i>I would not, could not, in a box</i>.
Is a line from "Green Eggs and Ham".

give you

I would not, could not, in a box.
Is a line from "Green Eggs and Ham".

I'm kind of surprised they haven't fixed this yet.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Hey, I've heard enough from Palladian, but he's never going to shut up.

Palladian is white?

Kirk Parker said...

"The next Justice should come from out West."

Ooooh!       Oooooh!      I know!!!
Janice Rogers Brown.

Bissage said...

Seven Machos, thank you for your kind words.

I saw "The Wrestler" last night or maybe the night before that.

There were no masks.

That felt wrong, somehow.

veni vidi vici said...

"America. If I can't have Her, nobody can!"

Oh, I don't want her you can have her,
She's too fat for me,
She's too fat for me,
She's too fat for me;

I don't want her you can have her,
She's too fat for me,
She's too fat for me,
She's too fat for me!

Get down with your bad polka self!!!

Joseph said...

How dare Ezra Klein accuse Althouse commenters of anti-Semitism!

Pastafarian said...

Joseph -- how many? One or two? The same one or two every time?

While all other commenters either ignore the bile, or repudiate it.

Palladian said...

"Hey, I've heard enough from Palladian, but he's never going to shut up. It's best to just learn how to deal with it."

I guess I didn't pay your spleen enough money to throttle you for good. Bummer.

Joseph said...

Sure, there aren't a lot, but they are regular features here. Althouse has gone through bouts of closing comments and moderating comments and banning commenters for being mean to her, but isn't bothered by regular anti-Semitic rants?

Kev said...

Quayle said:
What would you rather have in a democracy:

the same exact ideas, dutifully rehearsed by people that have have different skin colors?

or a number of diverse thoughts spoken, as it happens, by all whites?

I'll take diversity of thought, regardless of the source

From where I sit, Quayle wins the thread so far with the above. How one physical trait (skin color) ever came to trump everything else is ridiculous; even more so that some among us perpetuate this idiocy. And "our ancestors did it" doesn't cut it as an excuse, either.

(And thanks to those who explained how to keep the HTML comment tags from screwing up...)

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

So Joseph H, since you've stated "a lot" of Althouse commentators are anti-semetic - why don't YOU name them?

If you can't - then fuck off.

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