May 29, 2009

"What am I going to tell the president when I tell him his teleprompter is broken? What will he do then?"

The President's teleprompter is a running joke — the Vice President reminds us.


Palladian said...

Lol. Obama's probably going to have Rahm skip the mailed dead fish and put a horse head in Biden's bed.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I remember when people questioned McCain for picking Palin, saying it showed a lack of judgment. The Republicans should be pouncing on each and every one of these gaffes. It should be a running dialog all the way up to the next election.

Palladian said...

I'm still curious why Obama picked Biden in the first place. Sarah Palin was understandable for McCain, but what did Biden bring to the ticket?

I still think Biden was chosen as assassination insurance. No one, not even a crazy assassin, would do anything that would allow Biden to become President.

Unknown said...

The Vice President is a running joke, too. He has never accomplished anything, he has never been on the correct side of foreign policy, and he walks with one foot in his mouth.

MadisonMan said...

I want every thread to talk about Sotomayor, and this comment is somewhat relevant. Yesterday, the report I heard was that the future USSC justice's written comments, which comments she was to deliver after being introduced by the President, were scrambled -- that is, the WH team scrambled the pages (accidentally, I'd like to think). But she had memorized the speech and gave it that way.

Everything I read about her makes me think she is an excellent choice.

Palladian said...

"Everything I read about her makes me think she is an excellent choice."

Maybe she and Obama should switch jobs.

garage mahal said...

I'm still curious why Obama picked Biden in the first place..

Polling showed he helped with the older demographic, Obama's biggest weakness. Old people like Biden.

Palladian said...

"Old people like Biden."

Old people like "The Price Is Right" too.

garage mahal said...

You asked!

Anonymous said...

Biden could certainly use a teleprompter. It might help him avoid looking like a tool so much of the time.

MadisonMan said...

How is VP Biden different from, say, Henry Wallace (the VP I'm 1 person removed from, if we're playing 7 degrees of separation -- my Dad knew him)? Or Spiro Agnew?

I kind of like VPs that are running jokes.

MadisonMan said...

Drew Carey is a pale imitation of Bob Barker.

knox said...

I remember when people questioned McCain for picking Palin, saying it showed a lack of judgment. The Republicans should be pouncing on each and every one of these gaffes. It should be a running dialog all the way up to the next election.
... words right out of my mouth. Of course, the republicans won't, because they can't make even the most obvious right decisions.

Once again, you've got to hand it to the Left. They end up with the dumbest possible VP, so they simply flip the narrative, and start calling Palin dumb. And it worked. It's all based on a lie: Biden, smart and qualified, Palin, stupid. But whatever, it worked.

traditionalguy said...

This reminds me that King Obama's court needs its court jester like every monarch does. Good job Joe.

Palladian said...

"Drew Carey is a pale imitation of Bob Barker."

No one could possibly top a man who made a successful career out of a program that ended each week with an admonition to castrate your cats and dogs.

john said...

Biden either a) said he could deliver some demographic to the ticket, b) delivered serious MBNA money to the DNC, c) needed to be bought out (see b), d) convinced Obama he had friends in the senate, or e) figured this was his gold watch time (a la Bob Dole).

rhhardin said...

The thing to remember is that the people elected the Vice President, not Obama. Obama can't fire Biden.

al said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoosier Daddy said...

Actually I think Joe Biden has a lot of value as a role model because he shows that even the stupidest fucks can become successful.

MadisonMan said...

I preferred Bob Barker on Truth (Bzzzzzz) or Consequences rather than TPiR.

Henry said...

Here's Rush playing it for laughs:

Vice presidents don't make jokes about the president and especially something as close to the president as his teleprompter.

I can't imagine Obama cares much. This is pretty harmless stuff.

LBJ making a joke about something as close to JFK as Marilyn Monroe -- now that would be news.

Hoosier Daddy said...

old people like The Price is Right....ROLFLMAO!!

Palladian, you are on a roll today.

kjbe said...

It looks like a few folks need to recalibrate their sarcasm gauges.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Paul said:

"and he walks with one foot in his mouth."

I agree - Biden could make some serious money working at the circus!

I'm Full of Soup said...


Biden as role model for stupid fucks? Good point.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I can't imagine Obama cares much. This is pretty harmless stuff. .

I think you're right. I'm sure there is a gag order on him to not talk about anything other than sports.

Reporter: "VP Biden, do you think we need more women on the Supreme Court?"

Biden: ""Absolutely!! They are underrepresented. This is America after all and if a despotic country like North Korea can have a female head of state, we can at least get a representative proportion of females on our highest court."

Reporter: "Um....North Korea's leader isn't a woman Mr. Vice Presiden."

Biden: Of course it is. What kind of person would name a male Kim? Don't argue this one son. I'm smarter than you.

KCFleming said...

Biden should always stick to the Teleprompter, just like his boss.

Both lack the intellect to maintain discussion absent its soothing dictation, and neither seem to improve with practice.

buster said...

"Polling showed [Biden} helped with the older demographic, Obama's biggest weakness. Old people like Biden."

IRRC, Obama chose Biden mainly for his experience and supposed expertise in foreign policy. That was thought to be an especially weak part of Obama's background, his childhood years in Indonesia notwithstanding.

Der Hahn said...

Biden was on the ticket to ensure that the rich life experiences of the Democrats who keep electing Robert Byrd to the Senate would be reflected on the ticket.

KCFleming said...

"What am I going to tell the president when I tell him his teleprompter is broken?"

"No sweat, Barry, just do what I do: say something stupid and nearly offensive. Works every time."

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

"what will he do then?"

Um, ah, um, hard, um, to say.

Hoosier Daddy said...

IRRC, Obama chose Biden mainly for his experience and supposed expertise in foreign policy..

Emphasis on supposed. Biden has been on the wrong side of foreign policy decisions his whole political career. Again, Biden is proof even a moron can get ahead in the USA.

Smart as a chair.

TitusHomeAndDry said...

Biden is not bad looking for an older guy.

Jill Biden is hot. Very thin, love that.

Now Rahm he is a hot piece of man. Who wouldn't want to be pounded by him?

Oh and Obama's dumb.

TitusHomeAndDry said...

We had eight years of an intelligent leader.

It's ok for the next 8 to have dumb ones.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I read that Teddy Roosevelt carried 12 extra pairs of eyeglasses when he was in the Army during the Span-Am war.

I'm sure Obama has at least that many teleprompters at close hand.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Span-Am War = Spanish American War for you who slept in history class.

ricpic said...

Old people like
Everything in its place.
An economy of space.
Like my grandmother
Moving around her kitchen
Making lovely latkes
With the least steps taken
While I sat at the kitchen table
And watched.

Salamandyr said...

You know a joke is played out when Joe Biden gets it.

ricpic said...

"Oh and Obama's dumb."

Titus finally said something!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

"Oh and Obama's dumb."

I take offense to that Titus. Everyone knows O is the smartest, smoothest, biggest, bestest super human ever to occupy the office. A chill runs up my leg everytime I think of him.

Rialby said...

Prediction: Joe Biden will resign before the end-of-the-term for "unspecified health reasons" or maybe they'll attribute it to the fact that he had a stroke 20 years and isn't fully there mentally now. Obama will appoint a new VP - the question is who?

My 2nd prediction - new VP - Hillary Clinton.

Original Mike said...

Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with the lastest "gaffe". It was mildly funny and certainly not something that should upset Obama.

John said...

"I want every thread to talk about Sotomayor, and this comment is somewhat relevant. Yesterday, the report I heard was that the future USSC justice's written comments, which comments she was to deliver after being introduced by the President, were scrambled -- that is, the WH team scrambled the pages (accidentally, I'd like to think). But she had memorized the speech and gave it that way."

I call shenanigans. That urban myth has been told at least a hundred times about at least a hundred public figures. I seriously doubt its veracity.

Further, she can give a prepared speech without a teleprompter. Big whoop. Any good trial lawyer has only done that about a thousand times.

KCFleming said...

" That urban myth has been told at least a hundred times ..."

When I was in high school, the teacher (a nun) was giving a talk on abortion using slides. She was about to start and had to leave the room to talk to the principal in the hallway.

I ran to the slide projector and quickly switched around the slides.

The talk began. The first few slides went okay. The 5th one was meant to show a healthy newborn, but up came a photo of body parts. Laughter. Tension. More slides out of order. Nervous laughter. Angry recrimations. She left in tears.

I am going to go straight to hell for that offense alone.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Further, she can give a prepared speech without a teleprompter. Big whoop. Any good trial lawyer has only done that about a thousand times..

So can anyone who received a B or higher in an undergrad public speaking course.

Mrs. Hoosier said the one thing that she can't stand is when he's giving one of his speeches he never looks straight ahead only left then right with a slight nod or dip of the head for effect.

Well Linus needed his blanket so I suppose even Obama needs his own version.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I call shenanigans. That urban myth has been told at least a hundred times about at least a hundred public figures. I seriously doubt its veracity..

I recall the same thing said about Palin's teleprompter breaking down during her convention speech and I thought that was crap too. That said, she can still give a better speech than The One.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"that is, the WH team scrambled the pages "

Didn't that also happen to Speaker Pelosi when she gave her CIA explanations? Maybe the teleprompter salesmen have planted a mole in DC!

Jeremy said...

"Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with the lastest "gaffe". It was mildly funny and certainly not something that should upset Obama."

Why would anyone consider it a "gaffe?"

I'll bet it was scripted.

KCFleming said...

Page scrambling is a long-running State Department prank.

I understand they have a separate file on YouTube for parties. Always good for a laugh.

Goes way back to LBJ. Seems his speech on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was just a prank gone bad. He was actually going to surrender.

Original Mike said...

Jeremy - I don't consider it a gaffe, though others clearly do. That's what those little quotey things signify.

I'm Full of Soup said...




Just wanted to see how this looks. I don't mean it Jeremy. Heh.

Jeremy said...

Obama chose Biden mainly for his experience and supposed expertise in foreign policy.
I think that was the story, but I always thought it was just another way to show himself as an anti-Bush. That he wasn't going to be controlled by his wiser, more experienced VP.

-The Other Jeremy

AlphaLiberal said...

uh, Ann? The teleprompter is not the joke. It's the right wingers who actually seem to think Obama is the first President to use a teleprompter.

It's an absurd issue from an absurd opposition party. Hence, a rich vein of cheap jokes.

John said...

I think BO chose Biden for a couple of reasons. First, he is a total neophyte and has few close friends in Washington. Who was he going to chose instead of Biden, Bill Ayers? He couldn't chose Hillary and be the Rochester to the Bill and Hillary show for 4 years. Edwards was out for the love child scandal. He just didn't have a lot of choices. Biden was thought to be kind of a boring pick. Biden also allows him to chose a younger running mate and designated successor in 2012 if he hasn't just dispensed with formality and burned the Constitution by then.

John said...

"uh, Ann? The teleprompter is not the joke. It's the right wingers who actually seem to think Obama is the first President to use a teleprompter."

The teleprompter is a joke not because he is the first President to use one. He is not. It is a joke because he uses one at all times. Obama was sold as the brilliant speaker when in fact he is a brilliant reader. Away from a teleprompter he is painful to watch. The guy cannot put three words together without saying "um". And he cannot speak off the cuff without saying something stupid.

hdhouse said...

was it true that Bush didn't use a teleprompter because he couldn't read? just a rumor i heard. might not be true but would explain a lot of things...Obama rubbing it in Bush's face that he can read and Bush couldn't...that kinda thing...

Obama's a nasty guy. he'd do something mean like that. ya'betcha.

John said...

Alpha Liberal,

Every President in my life time is associated with stories of them making an off the cuff funny remark or of being able to walk into a room and put people at ease and talk to any issue. Even George Bush has stories like that. Clinton and Reagan were masters of it. Give me one single anecdote of Obama doing the same? Every moment of brilliance he has involves him reading a speech off of a teleprompter. He really missed his calling. He should have been a TV News anchorman. Both he and the country would be a lot better off.

Hoosier Daddy said...

It's the right wingers who actually seem to think Obama is the first President to use a teleprompter. .

Not even close to being true. It's just that someone who is touted as the reincarnation of Cicero can't seem to string more than three consecutive words without it that's all. Look at him speak Alpha, he can't even look at the people in front of him because when he speaks. Why? Maybe because there is no teleprompter there?

Now I know you're just a partisan hack but your bullshit comment needed clearing up.

Palladian said...

"It's an absurd issue from an absurd opposition party. Hence, a rich vein of cheap jokes."

Hey, it's a strategy that kept you bitches going for eight years :)

Hoosier Daddy said...

John I would appreciate it if you'd check with me before posting otherwise people are going to talk.


B.S. philosopher said...

can we really keep calling these Bidenisms "gaffes" when their accuracy is unquestioned?

John said...

"It's an absurd issue from an absurd opposition party. Hence, a rich vein of cheap jokes."

Jokes only stick if they have a grain of truth to them. Obama is an empty suit. He never accomplished anything beyond running for office before being elected President. His whole campaign was based on meaningless and slightly creepy slogans and art work. The teleprompter jokes are just an expression of what everyone knows but only some like to admit. There is no there there.

John said...

"John I would appreciate it if you'd check with me before posting otherwise people are going to talk.


If I would just stop missing the vast right wing conspiracy meetings, we would be better coordinated.

hdhouse said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
" Look at him speak Alpha, he can't even look at the people in front of him because when he speaks. Why? Maybe because there is no teleprompter there?"

care to clean up that little puddle of words?

MadisonMan said...

Didn't that also happen to Speaker Pelosi when she gave her CIA explanations?

I thought that was hilarious. You have to write down the explanation, and get all confused if you can't read it?

Pelosi is a Moron.

SteveR said...

There is no doubt that Obama selecting Joe Biden indicates a serious lack of judgement. McCain needed Palin to be a game changer which didn't work out but Obama could have picked a large number of running mates and still won, yet he picked Biden.

Why? Other than getting his input on foreign policy and doing the opposite, I can't think of any reason.

AlphaLiberal said...

I find Obama's slow and deliberate speaking style when the camera's are rolling to be annoying.

But it's understandable. He's being careful. one misstep and there goes 2-3 news cycles.

When you look at his press conferences where he responds sans teleprompter, it's clear that the charges he can only read are just another pathetic attack.

At this point in Bush's presidency, he left a trail of bizarre and incomprehensible statements.

Hoosier Daddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoosier Daddy said...

care to clean up that little puddle of words?.

Hi hdhouse. Glad to see you made bail.

Hey you should thank me for that style of writing. I figured you'd be around soon and wanted you to be able to understand it too.

Palladian said...

Biden's right!

Hoosier Daddy said...

I find Obama's slow and deliberate speaking style when the camera's are rolling to be annoying.

But it's understandable. He's being careful. one misstep and there goes 2-3 news cycles.

Are you wearing kneepads when you type this stuff?

John said...

"I find Obama's slow and deliberate speaking style when the camera's are rolling to be annoying.

But it's understandable. He's being careful. one misstep and there goes 2-3 news cycles."

That wasn't true of Reagan, Bush I or Clinton? They never seemed to have a problem speaking off the cuff. Further, they never had the control over the media Obama does. Outside of Fox News and a few designated conservative newspapers, the entire media acts as a coordinated PR campaign for him. So it is not like he has to worry about scrutiny. Considering how much his audience loves him and tries to look out for him, he should be the most relaxed President in history when doing press conferences. Other than Kim Jong Il, I can't think of a world leader who has it easier when speaking to the media.

Perhaps, he speaks slowly and says stupid things when not scripted because he is just not very good at it?

Ralph L said...

I wonder if the trashing of Princess Caroline was payback for her advice to choose Biden?

Hoosier Daddy said...

But it's understandable. He's being careful. one misstep and there goes 2-3 news cycles.".

Yes because we all know how rough the press has been treating him all these years.

Seriously I can't believe you actually say this with a straight face.

Ralph L said...

He looks ten years older in that photo, Palladian. I suspect the TOTUS was added, however. The WH staff couldn't be that stupid, could it?

AlphaLiberal said...

John, Ronald Reagan was famously known as "the Teflon President" because the press wouldn't criticize him.

Even when he allowed the trading of arms with Iran for hostages in order to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua, he got off easy.

Reagan was treated with kid gloves.

As far as the feeding frenzy, yes, it was similar for previous Presidents but has gotten far worse as our news media have sunk further into mediocrity (to be generous).

AlphaLiberal said...

Perhaps, he speaks slowly and says stupid things when not scripted because he is just not very good at it?No. See his performance at the last press conference and this allegation is proven false.

John said...

"No. See his performance at the last press conference and this allegation is proven false."

Was there a teleprompter? If so, then the example proves nothing.

Original Mike said...

Alpha, Reagan was famously labelled "The Teflon President" by the left who were frustrated that the public at large did not see him the same way they did.

John said...

"John, Ronald Reagan was famously known as "the Teflon President" because the press wouldn't criticize him."

No he was known as the Teflon President because the public refused to blame him for anything. The media in contrast was brutal to him at every opportunity. They hated his guts. They were just never able to damage him like they did Bush. Thus, the media dubbed him The Telfon President in recognition of their failure to lay a glove on him for 8 years.

It is apalling how people re-write history.

The Dude said...

hdhouse, the magnificent commenter, wrote "care to clean up that little puddle of words?"

Remove the timber from your own eye, house - you really cannot comment on anyone's writing.

And I see what you mean about contributing - that was just a marvelous addition to this blog. You have gifts, old timer, do not waste them.

Jeremy said...

Alpha - "It's the right wingers who actually seem to think Obama is the first President to use a teleprompter."

I don't think most here are aware of that.

They think past Presidents spent 99% of their time memorizing speeches so they wouldn't have to rely on notes or teleprompters.

Then again, take the speech Cheney gave last week. If you watch the video, 95% of the time you're looking at the top of the man's head...because he's bent over at the podium READING the speech from prepared text.

That's the way the wingnuts like it...old style.

Anonymous said...

I am so silly!

I FINALLY got why Obama turns his head back and forth like when he talks after reading this thread: it's the teleprompter! I just thought that was the way he naturally talked or something. That's hilarious.

Look left, say something, look right, say something. Hahahaha.

What does it say about us that our last President, and current President, could both use speech coaches?

Jeremy said...

Palladian said..."I'm still curious why Obama picked Biden in the first place. Sarah Palin was understandable for McCain, but what did Biden bring to the ticket?"

Good're still hanging on that ridiculous canard?

Palin was the worst choice for McCain, Ridge and others just may have tipped the scales in his favor.

As for Biden; he's respected by his peers, he's very popular with the electorate, has years and years of experience and is obviously works well with Obama and others in the administration.

Other than that, it doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's the right wingers who actually seem to think Obama is the first President to use a teleprompter.

Obama is, however, the first president to thank himself.

I am speaking, of course, about the teleprompter gaffe when Obama started to read the Irish PM's comments, and didn't have enough presence of mind to stop himself from thanking himself.

Not only are his words written out for him, but this most smartest president of all times doesn't even have anything going on up there but reading the script.

"I'd like to thank President Obama...........uh....oh.......looks like this is the wrong one.....ah....uh....."

[LOL] What a ma-roon, as bugs would say.

Jeremy said...

onparkstreet said..."What does it say about us that our last President, and current President, could both use speech coaches?"

First of all, the fact that you didn't understand that there were teleprompters to each side of the podium is rather hard to believe.

As to your comment that "could both use speech coaches"...are you actually saying Obama is not considered a great public speaker?
And what "coaching" would you recommend for Obama? Spend more time memorizing speeches instead of governing? Look straight ahead at all times?

Did you even watch his speech at Notre Dame?

Millions of Americans did and he got rave reviews from both sides of the aisle.

john said...

I think we need to move on here.

MadisonMan - I didn't know "Pelosi is a Mormon". That might explain her constant grimace, probably due to those temple garments bunching up you-know-where.

Makes sense now.

Ralph L said...

What does it say about us that our last President, and current President, could both use speech coaches?
We had 8 years of a smooth-talker whose only memorable words were about his vices.

I'm very upset that the Contras broke Sandinista law.

Der Hahn said...

At this point in Bush's presidency, he left a trail of bizarre and incomprehensible statements.57 states

I don't speak Austrian

Cinco de Cuatro

it was like Special Olympics

Secretary of Defense Bill Gates

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MadisonMan - I didn't know "Pelosi is a Mormon". That might explain her constant grimace, probably due to those temple garments bunching up you-know-where.

Look, its bad enough that we have to put up with Brother Reid.

But to further dilute the Mormon brand with even farcical suggestions that Pelosi is affiliated in some way?

That's enough to get me all bunched up.

mariner said...

Bob Sacamano:
My 2nd prediction - new VP - Hillary Clinton.

You're kidding us, right?!

If Obama did that he wouldn't live out his first term.

Kevin said...

The Teleprompter jokes work because Obama and his acolytes pushed the idea that O was such a wondrous orator. Given that, the fact that O is obviously at sea without the Teleprompter is funny.

Besides, as Mark Steyn noted, it's a great opportunity to recycle all the cue card jokes that they used to tell about Bob Hope.

Original Mike said...

Look, its bad enough that we have to put up with Brother Reid.

But to further dilute the Mormon brand with even farcical suggestions that Pelosi is affiliated in some way?

That's enough to get me all bunched up.
Psst. Ms. Latella ...

mariner said...

John, Ronald Reagan was famously known as "the Teflon President" because the press wouldn't criticize him. ...

Reagan was treated with kid gloves.
Bullshit. Reagan was relentlessly trashed in the media.

He was called the Teflon President because the American people didn't believe all that media crap.

Would that this were still true.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Pelosi is a ...what? a Moron?



Bruce Hayden said...

I do think that President Obama could use a speech coach, or, probably better, spend a couple of years in Toastmasters. A lot of his "problems" could be cleaned up that way. A relatively small club, where you get to do something most weeks would be best.

As for his ability to handle questions at press conferences, etc., my impression is that he does well when he knows the questions in advance, and can have a scripted answer ready, but much less well when he is not working from canned responses. Again, this is the sort of thing that Toastmasters would have cleaned up, at least enough that his speaking off the cuff wasn't uncomfortable.

Rush, of course, has made Obama's teleprompter a running gag, treating it almost as a real person, controlling what Obama says, screwing up the President when mad, etc. So, to some extent, we can thank Rush for Biden's teleprompter joke.

To some extent, the left is hoist upon its own petard here, by perpetuating the meme for eight years that Bush (43) was dumb because he made verbal mistakes when speaking without a script (or teleprompter). Now they have their President, who is supposedly so much smarter than his predecessor, who can't do much better without his teleprompter. Does this mean that he is as stupid as Bush (43) was?

The reality, of course, is that neither one is anywhere near stupid. Bush (43)'s problem was that his analytical abilities were notably greater than his verbal abilities (as evidenced by his SAT scores). And it is likely that Obama is in a similar situation. Some people are just not as sharp on their feet as others. This doesn't mean that they aren't smart, just not smart that way. President Obama just seems like the type of person who is most comfortable being well prepared for his speeches, and is still uncomfortable winging it. It just isn't his personality.

TitusNippyTucky said...

Bill Clinton is dumb too.

So is Hilary Clinton.

ricpic said...

Reagan was treated with kid gloves.

There you go again, Alpha Liberal.

Ralph L said...

Titus, at least she can spell her name well enough to pass the coal miner's exam.
---obscure "Beyond the Fringe" reference

Jeremy said...

john said..."I didn't know "Pelosi is a Mormon". That might explain her constant grimace, probably due to those temple garments bunching up you-know-where."

Can I assume you're not aware of the Mormons who are here posting every day?

Nice touch, though. Religious bigotry is always a welcome relief.


ricpic said...

I admire Obama. He lies with great aplomb.

Jeremy said...

Bruce Hayden said..."I do think that President Obama could use a speech coach, or, probably better, spend a couple of years in Toastmasters."

Yeah, he takes all kinds of heat over his horrible public speaking abilities.

You people get crazier and crazier every day...and you wonder why the GOP is out of control...when the best they do is whine about teleprompters?

Funny stuff.

Jeremy said...

ricpic said..."I admire Obama. He lies with great aplomb."

Opposed to the standard form of lying we had with G.W and Company?

Where the hell ARE those WMD?

AlphaLiberal said...

Oh,for Pete's sake. Reagan was known as the "Teflon President" because nothing stuck to him.

That is, none of the many scandals of his Presidency stuck to him.

The name was, apparently, coined by Pat Schroeder.

"After carefully watching Ronald Reagan, I can see he's attempting a great breakthrough in political technology. He has been perfecting the Teflon-coated presidency. He sees to it that nothing sticks to him. He is responsible for nothing."

Jeremy said...

"That wasn't true of Reagan, Bush I or Clinton? They never seemed to have a problem speaking off the cuff."

Why would anybody here think Obama doesn't speak "off the cuff?"

He's had many town hall meetings, press conferences (more in 100 days than Bush in 3 years), and interviews conducted via television and radio news shows.
(He's being interviewed by Brian Williams at the White House as we post right now...and he's not carrying teleprompter around with him either.)

I admit it's fun reading all of the whiny and bitchy comments about Obama's speech pattern and of course, the teleprompter, but one would think someone (even a wingnut) would inject a bit of factual information from time to time.

Guess not.

Original Mike said...

The name was, apparently, coined by Pat Schroeder.Like I said. The Left.

Caroline said...

"That is, none of the many scandals of his Presidency stuck to him."

And nothing the press threw at him stuck either. I remember those years. I was in college and recall laughing at all the Ronald Raygun jokes. Remember the scandal of "we begin bombing in five minutes" ? The press hated him; he was a war-monger with Alzheimers. But America continued to love him. ( Not me- being in college made me an idealistic lefty. I was one of the 10 people who voted for Mondale. Funny how a real paycheck can affects one's ideology.)

The bits I have listen to of O are not all that great. I don't get the enthrallment some feel. His voice pattern is clipped and artificial sounding to me- not at all emotive or soul stirring. Mr. Spock conveys more emotion with his eyebrows.

As for Bush, for the most part I found him nauseating to listen to. He has horrible pronunciation. Palin's voice is also annoying to me, ya know. McCain sounds whiney for a war hero. And Bill Clinton always sounded to me like a student who had done a little bit of the reading assignment and was trying to fake his way through.

Raygun , I mean, Reagan was OK to listen to. But he was an actor so that hardly counts.

In general I have always found it hard to listen to political speeches. I'd rather read them. Listening to them makes my skin crawl for some reason. I think it's because I don't believe most of them.

dannyboy said...

Reagan was a wonderful President. I don't hold that Irish thing against him though. Told those commie bastards to go burn in hell where they belong.

Fookin Irish. Sheepshaggers the lot of em. Baaaa!

dannyboy said...

I do hold Biden being an Irishman against him. What a tool. That man couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the fookin heel.

Obama probably could if it was written on a teleprompter though. He's smart.

Jeremy said...

dannyboy - Drunk again I see.

Jeremy said...

Maybe Dick Cheney can dig up a teleprompter to use when he tries to explain this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says former Vice President Dick Cheney's claims -- that classified CIA memos show enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding worked -- are wrong.

Levin, speaking at the Foreign Policy Association's annual dinner in Washington on Wednesday, said an investigation by his committee into detainee abuse charges over the use of the techniques -- now deemed torture by the Obama administration -- "gives the lie to Mr. Cheney's claims."

The Michigan Democrat told the crowd that the two CIA documents that Cheney wants released "say nothing about numbers of lives saved, nor do the documents connect acquisition of valuable intelligence to the use of abusive techniques."

"I hope that the documents are declassified, so that people can judge for themselves what is fact, and what is fiction," he added.

Big Mike said...

Or, both Cheney and Levin are telling the truth. Levin is quoted as saying that the documents in question "say nothing about numbers of lives saved, nor do the documents connect acquisition of valuable intelligence to the use of abusive techniques." That's an interesting and (pardon me, Professor) lawyerly way of putting it. I can imagine a document saying -- and I'm purely speculating here! -- that thanks to the interrogation of KSM the ageny foiled a plot to detonate two truck bombs in the center of the Golden Gate Bridge during the middle of rush hour. Such a document might, indeed, "say nothing about numbers of lives saved," but the numbers of lives saved would be substantial and everybody could see that. And such a document would not need to "connect acquisition of valuable intelligence to the use of abusive techniques" since any reference to KSM, however oblique, allows the reasonable reader to infer that the interrogation went well beyond asking him pretty please.

But I think it's unlikely that we'll ever really see the documents because of the risk that someone from al Qaeda might read the documents, too, and deduce that some plot that they feared had been compromised really isn't and they can proceed with it.

Big Mike said...

Let's see, of the two individuals who have been vice presidents in the 21st century, one spent most of his time out of the public sight and we hardly ever heard anything from him while the other is ubiquitous and can hardly get two sentences out of his mouth without three or more gaffes.

I know which one I prefer. Others may differ.

Big Mike said...

Speaking of Barack Obama and Joseph Biden, I'm eternally grateful to have stumbled across this blog.

Otherwise I might assume that all Con Law professors are ...


holdfast said...

I thought it was pretty funny, and pretty harmless.

What is really F'd up, however, is that now Biden has made more Obama jokes than Letterman, Leno and O'Brien combined.

I dislike Obama, but he's just a politician trying to win - I can't blame him for that, but I am sick and Fing tired of all the Obamabots in the media and elsewhere who can't stop fellating the guy 24/7.

Eric said...

To some extent, the left is hoist upon its own petard here, by perpetuating the meme for eight years that Bush (43) was dumb because he made verbal mistakes when speaking without a script (or teleprompter). Now they have their President, who is supposedly so much smarter than his predecessor, who can't do much better without his teleprompter. Does this mean that he is as stupid as Bush (43) was?

Yep. They look kind of hollow trying to defend the guy by saying "oh, he was exhausted" or "whaddayawant, everyone makes a verbal slip on occasion". True in both cases, but they spent eight years convincing people it was a sign of imbecility.

Bush is a whole lot more intelligent than the left made him out to be, and Obama not nearly.

Sorin said...

Omama, is no fool. He picked Biden because he makes Obama look good.

Jeremy said...

Obama Takes Toughest Stance With Israel In A Generation

Beginning in the weeks leading up to President Obama's meetings with Middle Eastern leaders, the administration laid the groundwork for its strong position against Israeli settlements, marking a break from the soft-gloved approach of years past. And this week, tensions have increased between Obama and the new Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, following their meeting last week when Obama said, "there is a clear understanding that we have to make progress on settlements; that settlements have to be stopped in order for us to move forward," the AP reports.

Netanyahu's frustration with the Obama administration's demands was made apparent Wednesday when, according to Foreign Policy, he vented to a confidante the question: "What the hell do they want from me?"

Jeremy said...

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned North Korea on Saturday that the United States would respond quickly if moves by the communist government threaten America or its Asian allies.

"We will not stand idly by as North Korea builds the capability to wreak destruction on any target in the region _ or on us," Gates told an annual international meeting of defense and security officials from Asia and the Pacific Rim.

Jeremy said...

Sorin - You're a fucking idiot.

But you already knew that.

Jeremy said...

Funny how Obama and Biden are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo popular with Americans.

Doesn't that tell you how out of touch the regulars here are?

YOU hate Obama and Biden...Americans love them.

Why do you think that is?

holdfast said...

Looks like "Sonia from the Bronx" is not quite that simple a

"Yet Sotomayor did not live her entire childhood in a housing project in the South Bronx — she spent most of her teenage years in a middle-class neighborhood, attending private school and winning scholarships to Princeton and then Yale."

-I wonder what caused the transition - mom get re-married? Where I grew up private school was not the hallmark of middle-classedness, that was for the (relatively) rich kids.

Anyway, she's still had a solid career, but getting into Princeton from a good private school is a little easier than going from public hellhole in the Bronx.

Maybe she's really from Bronxville in Westchester Cty?

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