May 21, 2009

"There are people out there motivated by religious hatred, hatred against Jews frankly..."

"... but the good news is that the N.Y.P.D. and F.B.I. were on top of this from the very beginning."


Hoosier Daddy said...

Wait, I thought Afghanistan was the good war and Iraq and Gitmo were keeping us less safe and were the recruiting tools for the terrorists...

Or maybe its just the Jooooooooos

Goddam it I just can't keep up with it anymore. Is there anything that doesn't piss off the Religion of Peace?

The Dude said...

No, there isn't.

Palladian said...

Why does Islam appeal to prison inmates?

Is it a "will to power" thing? Is it the Dark Ages swords-and-honor component? The misogyny?

I'm curious if anyone's ever studied this.

Bissage said...

Their monstrous crimes will be rewarded with three hots and a cot while good, honest, decent, hard-working people live in squalor.

Sometimes it’s enough to make you wonder what’s going on.

rhhardin said...

Hatred is getting a bad name from these morons.

hdhouse said...

Bissage said...
Their monstrous crimes will be rewarded with three hots and a cot while good, honest, decent, hard-working people live in squalor."

If you arrest them, and try them and convict them and sentence them its just the way it is that you feed them. do you have another solution than implied rhetoric?

You can do something about squalor too if you think about it...but you're a conservative i'll betcha'..

Hoosier Daddy said...

You can do something about squalor too if you think about itbut you're a conservative i'll betcha'.. .

Yes because we all know the liberal method has worked oh so well these last 50+ years.

Palladian said...

"You can do something about squalor too if you think about it...but you're a conservative i'll betcha'.."

Are you giving your money away?

How are those tax loopholes doing?

garage mahal said...

A terror plot thwarted by law enforcement? No torture? No bombs? Get out.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Are you giving your money away?

Palladian you silly man! This is hdhouse we're talking to. He doesn't give his money away, he much prefers that you give your. money away.

That's why liberals are like interior decorators. Great spenders of other people's money.

X said...

he's a chickenaltruist

Hoosier Daddy said...

A terror plot thwarted by law enforcement? No torture? No bombs? Get out..

Easy there garage. We haven't heard the alleged Muslim's side of the story yet.

I'm sure you can hold out some hope for police brutality or some racial profiling that took place. Maybe one of the cops was a Jew (hey it is NYC) and they can claim cultural insensitivity because he didn't wear gloves when apprehended.

Stay tuned....

garage mahal said...

And we may even get them tried and convicted! Imagine that Hoosier.

Adults are in charge now....

Hoosier Daddy said...

And we may even get them tried and convicted! Imagine that Hoosier.

Adults are in charge now....

And thank God garage. I don't think our nation could withstand another Muslim terrorist attack after all the ones we suffered the last eight years after Bush screwed things up.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage makes an excellent point about trying these Muslim terrorists and getting convictions. This will show the Islamic world that we follow the rule of law and will admire and respect us just like they did after we captured, tried and convicted Ramzi Yousef after he tried bringing down the WTC in 1993.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

garage mahal said...
And we may even get them tried and convicted! Imagine that Hoosier.

Adults are in charge now....

9:52 AM

Do you know that all other cases, which TNYT doesn't mention, of domestic terrorism associated with NYC for the past 7-8 years have been or are being prosecuted in the US by the corresponding courts?

Do your homework, "adult"

garage mahal said...

It can be done, you are correct.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

What is your point?

This are not "enemy combatants" captured in a theater of operations. Unless you considered NYC a current "hot" battlefield.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

And, yes, it has been done, and not precisely by your Messiah's (PBUH) administration alone.

garage mahal said...

The messiah stuff and (PBUH) is really, really fucking retarded.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Which is really, really fitting to you and the other workshipers.

traditionalguy said...

Lo and behold, the religion of Peace (At peace once they have enslaved you)has been issued orders from their False Prophet to kill first the Jews, and next the Christ-ian sect of Judaism, who are always the real target. These young Jihadists are just following their prophet's orders and are willing to die for the Moon God represented by the idol Allah which lives in its stone shack in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Now if we can only explain it to them that we are peaceful scholars who respect their customs there will be no more war.

Hoosier Daddy said...

This are not "enemy combatants" captured in a theater of operations. .

Give it up. The problem with garage and most liberals is that that can't accept the concept of terrorists being captured on an overseas battlefield in combat conditions versus a joint FBI/NYPD surveillence operation in an American city.

I'm sure the usual suspects here think we can do the same thing in Afghanistan by having a couple of plainclothes Marines sitting in an unmarked camel outside a cave with those special listening devices after we've gotten a warrant from the local mufti.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The messiah stuff and (PBUH) is really, really fucking retarded..

So was ChimpyMchitlerbushburton and Darth Cheney turning America into the Fourth Reich. You guys couldn't get enough belly laughs over those.

Or has that memory faded already?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

It should be "these", instead of "this"...I need more coffee as usual.

HD, that's a great plot for a South Park episode.

Hoosier Daddy said...

HD, that's a great plot for a South Park episode..

Hell, I won't be surprised if Obama hasn't suggested it.

Kind of how like Bill Clinton thought it would be cool to drop some special forces guys dressed like ninjas to go kill al Quaeda.

Cedarford said...

The quote Althouse provided comes from a Jewish Assemblyman, who states that the attack was All About the Jews. Not surprisingly, the victimhood claim comes right out.

However, the FBI states that the Ringleader was mainly motivated by hatred of America for invading Afghanistan and bombing Pakistan. And striking back at America for it meant "the Jews who urged war" were a good target in NYC, since the 9/11 attack by enemy combatants took out the "best target", the WTC.
But they also planned on hitting a plane full of troops going off to Iraq or Afghanistan with a (faux, it seems) Stinger missile.

As for the Muslim hatred against Israel and the ongoing spread of colonization Settlements, and the US for being Israel's accomplice in this - 189 of 191 countries see it closer to how the Jihadis see it than the Zionists. The Palestinians got screwed and are still getting screwed. They just differ on methods of fixing this. Most favor a 2-state solution, and all but the terror groups in the Muslim world, have goals outside complete rejection of Israel. Most do not even want the Right of Return..for Palestinians (or Jews), as policy. Just restitution, prorated for what Jews kicked out of Muslim countries involuntarily lost.

For the US, it is always in our vital interest to see what causes of animosity and basis for combat against America exist, and to do our part to see if there are root causes of such enemity we can remove. Our citizens lives and critical economic and moral interests of our citizens hang in the balance. 8 years of carte blanche for agreeing to whatever Israel wants are coming to an end.

Unknown said...

You are an antisemite.
Why Althouse continues to allow you to post this crap on her site is really beyond me.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

C4, I am really curious to see what's inside your head? Can use a household drill on it?


holdfast said...

"a couple of plainclothes Marines sitting in an unmarked camel outside a cave "

And I thought these things smelled bad on the outside!

Hey C-4, you should thank Israel and "the Jews" for doing lighting rod duty, so you don't have to. Since the Muzzies always seem to be aggrieved about something, and since they liked preying on Americans before Israel was a gleam in Chaim Herzog's eye, you can just say "thank you" now.

traditionalguy said...

Just a thought: the Cold war was fought using proxies so that the Super power nation states would not end up looking like 1945 Dresden and Berlin, Germany, much less Hiroshima, japan. The next exchange will be Hiroshima size U-235 Bombs between mid-east proxies. Do we need to hold the Chinese/N. Koreans responsible for the Missle and Nuke technology they have fournished to Iran? If so, how do we do that since the industrial might of America is now located in China?

TMink said...

The causes of poverty are well understood and documented scientifically and have been for at least two generations. The best predictor of poverty is having no dad in the home, the next is a mom with children from several different men, the next is the age of the mom at the time of her first child, the next is drug addiction.

What is Bissage to do about these proven predictors of poverty?

Aside from not knocking up women he is not married to?

Ben Franklin, a wise man indeed, said that the kindest thing anyone can do for poor people is to help them feel uncomfortable in their poverty. He went on to say that the countries that are kindest to their poor have the most of them.

Now we are not talking about the infirm who need and deserve our help and assistance. But what precentage of the people on government assistance are infirm and disabled? In my office, I would say less than 30%, and I am being generous.

The rest are addicted to OPM given out by well meaning but clueless people. They think they are angels, but they are inadvertant drug dealers.


Palladian said...

These are the sorts of topics that I love because they cause the curious vacuum-tubes and relays and crossed wires inside Cedarford's head to short circuit, spark and pop in an entirely amusing way. The computational gymnastics necessary to blame the Jews for an anti-Jewish terror plot perpetrated by a group of Muslim convert convicts is just too much for the old boy's antiquated circuitry. That he even makes the effort is sort of touching.

Cedarford said...

Our support of Israel and it's spreading colonies and it's long oppressive Occupation of Gaza and the West Bank - is termed a main motivator of Muslim hostility to the USA.

If I am "anti-Semitic" for speaking the obvious, so are 189 of 191 nations.

And in this case, I wasn't "blaming the Jews" I was pointing out that the Fucking FBI said the main motivator was not Israel and The Jews, for a change, but the Ringleaders anger that we were in Afghanistan and Pakistan killing people.

And attitudes like Elcubanito's do more than most history books in explaining why for 3,000 years Jews were eventually tossed from just about every nation they were initially welcomed into.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

C4, I am not jewish, your point is moot.

Anonymous said...

Cedarford's comment was not anti-semitic.

And I'm Jewish, so I can vouch for that.

I disagree completely with what he wrote, but it wasn't anti-semitic.

I do think the United States is too pro-Israel. That's not good for world peace, and its not good for Israel. We need to be more balanced in our approach, even if we think Israel is in the right (which I happen to believe).

Anonymous said...

And attitudes like Elcubanito's do more than most history books in explaining why for 3,000 years Jews were eventually tossed from just about every nation they were initially welcomed into. - Cedarford

This statement on the other hand IS antisemitic.

Palladian said...

"This statement on the other hand IS antisemitic."

Stick around, he'll certainly wheeze out a few more.

He hates faggots too, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've called out Cedarford about 100 times on his homophobia. And also on his anti-semitism.

But I respect Cedarford in that he is not afraid to deny his beliefs. I don't think he denies that he is homophobic or anti-semitic.

Hoosier Daddy said...

We need to be more balanced in our approach, even if we think Israel is in the right (which I happen to believe)..

Well DTL we actually did have a balanced approach when Clinton was in office. He had Arafat over in the White House quite a few times and got him and the Israelis together and hammered out a pretty good deal giving the Palestinians about 85% of thier demands and Arafat told them to go fuck themselves and launched the 2nd Intifada.

Therefore it's difficult to have a balanced approach when the other side if led by a bunch of 11th century maniacs.

bearbee said...

Why does Islam appeal to prison inmates?.

Many years ago I read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and, as I recall, his initial contact and conversion in prision was with The Nation of Islam, but the ultimate appeal for him was what he saw as the universality of Islam, its brotherhood aspect, lack of discrimination and intolerance.

traditionalguy said...

C-4 is getting excited. He, like I'm-a-nutjob" in Iran, already smells The rape and murder of another 6 million devious Jews coming very, very soon.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

bearbee said...
Why does Islam appeal to prison inmates?.

Many years ago I read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and, as I recall, his initial contact and conversion in prision was with The Nation of Islam, but the ultimate appeal for him was what he saw as the universality of Islam, its brotherhood aspect, lack of discrimination and intolerance.

12:13 PM

Maybe in the American way of Islam as founded by someone from South Asia. Middle Eastern and North African Islam is much different in that respect. As always, I invite people to read Arabic literature from those parts, including Turkey.

Palladian said...

"But I respect Cedarford in that he is not afraid to deny his beliefs."

err, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Daddy: Therefore it's difficult to have a balanced approach when the other side if led by a bunch of 11th century maniacs.11th? The Muslim world should be so lucky. The Wahabbist nuthatches are shooting for the 8th—the last time the Caliphate was intact. Remember, one of Bin Laden's gripes is that he really, really wants Al-Andalusia back.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

It's irritating that they put the one fact we all wanted to know six paragraphs down, but at least they didn't omit it completely.

Do they think they're hiding it or something?

hombre said...

If you arrest them, and try them and convict them and sentence them its just the way it is that you feed them. do you have another solution than implied rhetoric?

a. Anger management counseling.
b. Life imprisonment.

One of these is guaranteed to reduce victimization; the other isn't. What's your best guess, hdhouse?

Implied rhetoric????? WTF?

hdhouse said...

elHombre said...
"a. Anger management counseling.
b. Life imprisonment."

ehhh hombre....if you imprision them for life you don't have to counsel them do you. si cisco.

The Dude said...

hdhouse wrote "ehhh hombre....if you imprision them for life you don't have to counsel them do you. si cisco."

Illiterate in two languages - that's our house boy.

Titusiseatingfageyogurtthankyou said...

Absolutely sick and disgusting.

Hang em.

Best Police Department in the world-NYC.

Kirk Parker said...

"the universality of Islam, its brotherhood aspect, lack of discrimination and intolerance."

How's that working out in Sudan?

Unknown said...

RE: John Lynch 12:36 pm

It's actually worse. Eight paragraphs down, by my count.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

^ you're right. Isn't that burying the lede?

If they were Tim McVeigh types, wouldn't it be in the first or second paragraph where it belongs?

Cedarford said...

DTL - I generally like and respect gays. I think that they should have equal civil rights in "civil sectors" of society - but lack the right to force private individuals and associations to accept them and their respective individual lifestyles.
I like to call Palladian a salami-smoker because he can be insufferably smug. A reminder that he still likes being in a position as an authority figure to younger males, in part because he is attracted to them and likes having power...Closet pederast. Yo've called him "closet______" on several counts, and you might even be right on a few.

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