May 8, 2009

"If people here are like me — I call myself a 120-percenter. If I'm not doing any job at 120 percent, I think I'm failing."

Well, you're failing math.


MadisonMan said...

In my experience, many people who give 120% are those who refuse to delegate.

The trick to success is knowing when to ask someone else to do something.

(My personal assistant has typed this in).

lawprof2 said...

If you're doing your job at 100%, and then doing more than you are required to do, you certainly can do it 120%. Conversely, if you spend 6-7 hours per day blogging,for example, you're probably doing your job at 50%.

I don't see the problem with the statement, but I am sure she will be picked apart for it.

goesh said...

- ulcers and hypertension, compulsive and probably constipated, totally dependent on sleeping pills to get 5 hrs worth, at most....(sigh)

rhhardin said...

``A great deal of what we learn at school is of little use in later life. This is especially true of mathematics...''

Mathematics Made Difficult, p. 89.

Beta Conservative said...

So a woman who grew up midle class and has as an adult lived a life of privlege and wealth is an expert on all things poverty and struggling families.

The crooners at the Washington Post would have a great time pointing out the idiocy of all this if they could fall out of love long enough to get a taste of reality.

I still find it amazing that her pay nearly tripled after her Senator husband earmarked a large sum for her employer, and nobody thinks this even merits a look.

Anyway, my chief of staff and personal assistants are waiting for me with 600.00 shoes I sent them out to buy. We're going to a soup kitchen to handle a few ladels, then we'll sit back and wait for the fawning coverage.

Good times.

TosaGuy said...

We will all have to work at 120 percent with the inflation that is around the corner.

On a serious note...MadisonMan is 100 percent correct. Anyone in charge of anything better know how to delegate or they will burn out and fail.

The River Otter said...

I hate that sort of idiom. 100% is the whole. There can be no more. It's like asking someone to rank something from 0-10, and they say eleven. Or twelve. It only goes up to ten. Is it that hard of a concept?

Anonymous said...

The extra 20% is effort she taxes from the rich (and ultimately the middle-class).

Bissage said...

I find it comforting to know that the First Lady doesn’t think she’s better than anybody else.

Ger said...

The River Otter says:

"I hate that sort of idiom. 100% is the whole. There can be no more."Not necessarily true. It is not unusual, for instance, to have a piece of machinery that is designed to normally operate within a certain range (aka 0-100%) that can be run at >100% for short periods of time. Running it too long at >100% will likely result in spectacular failures that will not only be hazardous to the machines health but anyone standing nearby.

Also, some bands do have knobs on their gear that goes to 11.

Automatic_Wing said...

...This research is critical to empowering employers and is politically -- particularly important during our current economic climate."

Nice Freudian slip. Heh.

former law student said...

Remember her brother was a college basketball player and is a coach:

Used to be, "giving more" topped out somewhere around the 110 percent mark. But over the past few decades, many players and coaches have finally come clean -- 110 percent is simply not enough. Not nearly enough.

120 percent
Hall of Fame linebacker Bobby Bell, on his former coach, Hank Stram: "That's all he asked, to give him 120 percent out there." (The Kansas City Star, July 5, 2005)

Padres minor leaguer Ben Johnson, on football vs. baseball: "In football, you're going 120 percent. Baseball's different. In baseball, you can try too hard." (The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 7, 2005)

Central Maryland Youth Football League player Justin Wood, 12, on his coach, Larry Athen: "You taught us kids what it means to be a team player and try your hardest --120 percent." (The Baltimore Sun, Jan. 16, 2005)

Orioles third baseman Melvin Mora, on recovering from an injury: "I'm fine now. I'm 120 percent." (The Miami Herald, May 8, 2005)

The maximum effort quoted in the article is 200%.

john said...

Ger - Beat me to it.

Were you thinking of this guy?

rhhardin said...

She means compared to men.

Tank said...


In your example

100 /= 100%

You can't work greater than 100% by making believe 90% is 100%. By definition, if the machine can operate at >100%, then what you are calling 100% isn't.

Anonymous said...

michelle probably wears size 12 shoes, if i wear 11, thinking comparatively.

years ago they told us size 10 was the biggest for women.

it's volume not mass in spinal tap?

Fen said...

"I hate that sort of idiom. 100% is the whole"

Yes, I really hate that too. Whenever someone tells me they're giving me 110%, I always demand to know "why not 125%?". When they agree, I bump it to 150%. And on and on until they realize how silly they sound.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Almost every time (give or take 120%) she opens her mouth, Michele Obama claims she works hard and life is harder than it used to be.

I think she is full of soup (homemade of course and grown in the WH garden. Heh).

Fen said...

My bad. Did not see that we were talking about the wife of our Savior. Please don't throw me in the gulag.

Kansas City said...

Funny pithy post by Ann.

As to Michelle, she is just a celebrity by marriage and she is fine as "first lady," but I am amazed by her effortless conceit. She must have been insufferable to work with.

President Obama is similar. If you listen to him, it is always "I" this and "I" that. He is somewhat smoother than Michelle.

The egos are amazing among most politicians and many of their wives. I shake my head at Elizabeth Edwards, after being a willing accomplice on perpetrating a fraud on the American people, now thinks the people should read her book "Resilliance" [sp?] and that she should bring Oprah down to her 28,000 square foot mansion to talk to the American people. How does she even get the idea in her mind that she should do that?

Then I saw the piece of the interview where John Edwards is there with his same cheesy smile saying nothing with the best possible phony sincerity. He said that he did not change a word of Elizabeth's book. Whether he did or not is not of great significance, but there is no reason in the world to believe him when he says that or, for that matter, when he says anything else.

Zachary Sire said...

You all are incredibly petty, jealous, and sad.

Tank said...

I'm not sad.

Anonymous said...

If Mrs. Obama had said she strives to work at 120% of her ability, I would agree that's patently absurd. I don't think that's what she said.

I thought lawprof2 covered this point extremely well, but here's my oversimplified take: Let's say you're hired to make 100 high-quality widgets a day. But, hard worker that you are, you strive to make 120 high-quality widgets a day. Isn't that working at 120%?

(Now, whether it's a good idea to make 120 widgets a day instead of 100 when there's no bonus or commission involved is something I'll leave to somebody else.)

rhhardin said...

The joke is that the media give the Obamas a distorted impression of the people, in catering to the 20% viewing losers that they target.

There is coming a massive WTF effect among the other 80%, I expect.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Let's say you're hired to make 100 high-quality widgets a day. But, hard worker that you are, you strive to make 120 high-quality widgets a day. Isn't that working at 120%?.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Is it required that Dems stumble in lockstep and fawn over the president's wife?

I am sure Michelle Obama never worked over 40 hours a week since she had kids. At the Univ of Chicago job, she came and went as she pleased.

So yes I am a bit jealous that she was paid big bucks to do little in a few hours a week.

Fen said...

Okay, someone pls advise how to get around Blogger's wrap-around bug. I does not recognize line breaks between quoted material and responses. Very annoying.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you're doing your job at 100%, and then doing more than you are required to do, you certainly can do it 120%.

That's not what Michelle said.
Michelle said "If I'm not - doing any – doing any job at 120%".
Unless the first lady is breaking the laws of physics (making something out of nothing) by way of magic or some other unknown Althouse is right.

Something cannot be done at 120%.
Manny has tried and Manny has failed ;)
(see baseball)

MadisonMan said...

I am sure Michelle Obama never worked over 40 hours a week since she had kids.

Yes, because everyone knows you can just sit around the house and do nothing when you have kids. It isn't work, that's for sure.

MadisonMan said...

Does the First Lady draw a public salary? I assume she doesn't.

Kansas City said...

To me, it is not the math problem (she was speaking in a dumb colloquial [sp?] way], but the effortless conceit.

What motivates a person to think that she should tell the world she is better than everyone else?

Kirk Parker said...


I guess there wasn't much math in law school, right?


Don't forget about the incoming coach (don't remember exactly who it was) who vowed to the press that he was going to "turn this [troubled] team around 360 degrees!"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why is this news? She says nothing that isn't already known and really offers no solutions to something that isn't solveable anyway. The Government isn't always the answer to everything Michelle.

People can chose to work one job, two jobs or more in a family. It all depends on the lifestyle you want to have and the lifestyle you want your children to have.

Families with stay at home parents make trade offs. No new cars. Less travling. No new flat screen tvs. Smaller homes. Rent instead of buying. Nothing new here.

Flexible working arrangments are usually available and there is already the family leave act. But we know what her real agenda is. The same as Obama. Unionize EVERYTHING. Just look what is happening in California and the Home Care Worker's UnionSo..... for the sake of a few union workers. Obama is willing to bankrupt the entire State of California. I believe that those tactics are generally called EXTORTION when used by individuals in crime families. Community organizers like Jesse Jackson and now the President of the US use extortion as a tool.

Get used to it people. We, the self employed and non unionized working, are getting reamed and no vaseline.

Sounds like they want to have the government subisdize the 120 percenters and all the Union lackys so they can have all the toys.

I don't feel the need to subsidize somebody else's life style.

I guess I'm just being foolish. I too, should jump on the Union gravy train. Quit my business and let the rest of you support me. Me...ME....ME

Kirk Parker said...


"Okay, someone pls advise how to get around Blogger's wrap-around bug."

Here's what I do:

"<i>Okay, someone pls advise how to get around Blogger's wrap-around bug.</i>"[enter]

Works every time!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Okay, someone pls advise how to get around Blogger's wrap-around bug. I does not recognize line breaks between quoted material and responses. Very annoying.

Put a few line breaks after the quoted material before putting the final HTML tag.

MartyH said...

A piece of steel can give 100% once, 90% ten times, 50% a hundred thousand times, and 10% virtually forever. People have fatigue curves too-you can only give so much for so long.

Anyone who claims to give 120% effort all the time needs to recalibrate their measuring system.

MartyH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Hiss. Spit. Meeoow!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw – How does the first lady reconcile her “feeling pride for the first time” and being a “120 – percenter.” – I’m assuming her 120 percenterness is not new.

Could Michelle have been a proud-less 120 percenter before she became first lady?

This needs to be explored further – for the sake of 120 percenters I mean ;)

Anonymous said...

Anyone who claims to give 120% effort all the time needs to recalibrate their measuring system.
But is it mathematically impossible to achieve 120% of prescribed or stated goals?

(Cue chorus of, THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE SAID!!!)

William said...

This is reminiscent of Caroline Kennedy's remark about having to work twice as hard if you're a Kennedy. I think it behooves people with substantial material advantages to be twice as modest as those less blessed.

Shanna said...

FLS, that series of quotes shows exactly why this particular bit is so irritating. She is certainly not the only person who uses the “110 percent (*now inflated to 120), but it makes the whole concept meaningless.

I think this bothers people who value precision.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mad Man:

You are being obtuse. It was clear I was referring to her highly paid job at the hospital

Palladian said...

"Hiss. Spit. Meeoow!"

Your Hillary impersonation is really getting better, garage.

Smilin' Jack said...

Michelle is just pointing the way to our radiant future:

Alexey Grigoryevich Stakhanov was a miner in the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970), and a member of the CPSU (1936). He became a celebrity in 1935 as part of a movement that was intended to increase worker productivity and demonstrate the superiority of the socialist economic system.

In 1933, Stakhanov became a jackhammer operator. In 1935, he took a local course in mining. On 31 August 1935, it was reported that he had mined a record 102 tons of coal in 5 hours and 45 minutes (14 times his quota). His example was held up in newspapers and posters as a model for others to follow, and he even appeared on the cover of Time Magazine.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Yes, because everyone knows you can just sit around the house and do nothing when you have kids. It isn't work, that's for sure..

Mrs. Hoosier doesn' have a whole lot of sympathy for the stay at home mom's whine 'it isn't easy being home with the kids' considering she works a full time job and still has to find the time to do the same 'homework' as Suzie Homemaker.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Your Hillary impersonation is really getting better, garage..

Palladian wins the thread.

Shanna said...

But is it mathematically impossible to achieve 120% of prescribed or stated goals?.

It's easy if you low-ball your goals!

I think it behooves people with substantial material advantages to be twice as modest as those less blessed..

Definitely. I am suspicious of people who feel the need to tell everybody else how hard they work. In my work experience, they are usually lying.

MartyH said...

Mr Buddwing-

Of course you can achieve 120% of stated goals. If I'm supposed to accomplish five equally difficult tasks and do six, then I've done 120%.

If I do this for a month straight, then it would seem that six tasks really equals 100%, not five. So going 120% now equals doing 7.2 tasks per day.

Compound this out for the twenty five years or so that Michelle's been working and it's obvious that we should have elected her President instead of her husband.

TJ said...

Did I miss the Two Minutes of Hate already? Shoot. Can I get an extension?

Zachary Sire said...

Is it required that Dems stumble in lockstep and fawn over the president's wife?

No, but apparently it's a requirement for many here to call her a conceited bitch.

Jennifer said...

It's just a clumsy euphemism for going above and beyond. She's failing Original Thought class, that's for sure.

Hoosier Daddy - Believe me you it's not the same housework. When your house is empty 40 - 50 hours a week and someone else is feeding your kids two meals a day, it's not the same housework. After 6 years of staying home with the kids, I am LOVING the break in housework now that I've been working again. Not that there aren't balance issues...but that particular working mom whine annoys me.

Jordan said...

I think she taxed that other 20% and then claimed it as her own.

Palladian said...

"No, but apparently it's a requirement for many here to call her a conceited bitch."

Interestingly, you're the only person who has called her a "conceited bitch" in this discussion.

Why do you hate Michelle so much, Mary?

Hoosier Daddy said...

No, but apparently it's a requirement for many here to call her a conceited bitch..

Well if the $600 shoe fits.....

Smilin' Jack said...

Okay, someone pls advise how to get around Blogger's wrap-around bug. I does not recognize line breaks between quoted material and responses. Very annoying.

Put a few line breaks after the quoted material before putting the final HTML tag.

Yes, we all need to find workarounds because Blogger's fucktard programmers are too stupid and lazy to fix their mistakes.

halojones-fan said...

Uh...wait, what? How can you have to worry about "work-life balance"? You're the fucking First Lady, you're not supposed to have any work!

Jeremy said...

If you make 120 widgets when you're only being tasked with making 100, that's called "breaking union rules". And you will be paid a visit from our representatives.

-The Other Jeremy

Hoosier Daddy said...

Believe me you it's not the same housework. When your house is empty 40 - 50 hours a week and someone else is feeding your kids two meals a day, it's not the same housework..

No? Maybe your housework differs from ours but my kid still needs breakfast and dinner while school takes care of lunch, the laundry still needs to be done, the garbage taken out, grocery shopping, cleaning and what not.

The point my wife makes is that being a stay at home mom isn't the 'chore' it's made out to be.

knox said...

Yeah, get over yourself Michelle. If any normal person said this in conversation it would prompt an eye roll.

knox said...

"petty, jealous and sad" are we?

Zach, the nastiest thing anyone here has ever said about Michelle doesn't come close to the stuff you've said about Palin.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Zach, the nastiest thing anyone here has ever said about Michelle doesn't come close to the stuff you've said about Palin..

But that's different don't you see?

former law student said...

I still find it amazing that her pay nearly tripled after her Senator husband earmarked a large sum for her employer, and nobody thinks this even merits a look.The main reason nobody thinks this merits a look is that this never happened.

Michelle Obama was promoted to VP of the U of C Hospitals and Clinics in May, 2005; Sen. Obama requested a $1 million earmark to expand the hospitals in 2006.

Secondary reasons for not caring are:

The earmark was never granted.

The hospital had a good reason to ask for the money: They were giving more free care to more patients, which overtaxed their facilities.

Obama asked for larger sums for other hospitals, none of which employed his wife, but who were actually in competition with his wife's employer.

former law student said...

The egos are amazing among most politicians and many of their wives.

Large, oversized, but not amazing.

Although my ego is good-sized I never thought of myself as being qualified to Lead the Free World. You need a whole lotta ego for that.

I am suspicious of people who feel the need to tell everybody else how hard they work.I agree with this. It's just bullshit no matter how you slice it, sports metaphor or no.

Jennifer said...

The point my wife makes is that being a stay at home mom isn't the 'chore' it's made out to be.

True enough. Neither are most jobs, but everyone seems to think their load is heavier than everyone else's. Post subject included.

Steven said...

This reminds me of a wonderful moment on an episode of Monk, when Monk had to take over from Natalie as the coach of Julie's basketball team:

Monk: Fine, everybody just go out there and give 100%

Emily C.: But Coach Hayden said we should give 110%

Monk: No, no, that’s a bad idea anyway. It’s mathematically impossible. Just give 100%, it’s a nice round number.

Emily C.: Well I’m going to give 110%.

Monk: Fine, okay, then Julie, you give 90%.

Emily J.: Well I’m going to give 115%.

Monk: For god’s sake, fine, then Julie you’re down to 75%

Julie: Mr. Monk, how am I supposed to…?

Monk: Just do it! Okay, all right, now that’s 110%, 100%, 100% 115%, 75%

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Believe me you it's not the same housework. When your house is empty 40 - 50 hours a week and someone else is feeding your kids two meals a day, it's not the same housework. After 6 years of staying home with the kids, I am LOVING the break in housework now that I've been working again. Not that there aren't balance issues...but that particular working mom whine annoys me.

I have had the ability to stay at home, granted for a very short period of time, with my child and experienced the working life as well.

I call bullcrap on your contention that there is less housework if you are working outside of the home. Except for lunches and snacks provided at a day care facility, there is just as much work and a whole lot less time to do it in. Children don't use less clothing, the toilets don't need to be cleaned any less, the floors mopped, the house dusted and vacuumed.

Plus the working mom doesn't have the luxury of time to spend with the children that a stay at home mom has. Yes there are balance issues when you put your children first (as you should!!). The house doesn't get as sparkling clean, the garden doesn't get taken care of, hobbies? what are those.

When you are commuting for 2 hours a day and working for 9 (including mandatory lunch hour) that doesn't leave a working mom much time for anything but work work work.

My schedule as a working mom: Up at 5am. Pre dinner preparation for the evening. Breakfast and get my daughter ready to drop off at a friend who could then take her to day care which didn't open until 8am. Drive to work 1 hour. Work from 8 to 5. Drive an hour home. Pick up my daughter from day care or my friend's house at 6 pm. Home by 6:30 Make dinner. Do the laundry. Clean the kitchen. General house cleaning. Pick up toys. In between also trying to spend some quality time with my child reading together or playing games. Bed time, bathing. teethbrushing and more reading by 8pm at the latest for her. Spend a few hours studying for my licenses to advance my career. Bed by 10 or 11pm.

And at a later age....homework from school and help with her studies with a later bedtime. Lunch packing in addition to breakfast. Driving too and from sports, 4H and after school activities.

Then on the weekends. Play dates, spend time with my child. Bill paying. Grocery shopping. Yard work, mowing, pruning. Try to squeeze in the big chores that need to be done once a month or so. Mopping, oven cleaning, bathroom cleaning, window cleaning, refrigerator cleaning.

Yeah. Life was just a bowl full of cherries. Working moms have it easy.

lawprof2 said...

"I guess there wasn't much math in law school, right?"

Let me give you a legal example, and I will speak slowly for you Kirk.

Property tax assessments occasionally exceed 100% of fair market value. Thus, a property with a fair market value of $100,000, assessed at 120%, will be assessed at the rate of $120,000 times the mill rate.

If a job requires someone to produce 100 items, or generate 100 briefs, or bill 100 hours, and the person does 120 of any of those, that person is entitled to state that he or she is working at 120%.

Not much math in your cosmetology school, eh?

Jennifer said...

Why is this such a pissing contest? In my experience, leaving the house empty for 9 - 10 hours a day gets it less dirty. Yay for that.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Why is this such a pissing contest?..

It's not a pissing contest because that wouldn't be fair. I would win.

Gender advantage. :-)

Jennifer the point is not whether a house gets messier with a stay at home mom vs a working mom but that same tasks are required for both. For the former, homemaker tasks are all she has to focus on. For the latter they are in addition to a 8-5 job.

Kansas City said...

I can't believe intelligent people have such a problem with a basic math concept.

Of course, if there is a quantified goal, one can achieve more than 100% of the goal.

But just as obviously, a person cannot give more than 100% of the person's effort, which is what Michelle was talking about.

Finally, Michelle apparently is a person who thinks a great deal of herself and who is not hesitant to brag. I would be inclined to say so what? But, the liberal press puts her on such a pedestal it is a bit hard to take her self aggrandizement.

Jennifer said...

But a messier house requires more cleaning, Hoosier Daddy. Especially when the gender advantaged are peeing in your house twice as often, and somehow missing the target twice as often. lol

Look, my experience has been that I spend significantly less time cleaning as a working mom than I did as a stay at home mom. And my house feels cleaner. Maybe my standards are lower. Maybe having my husband pitching in more (when he's here) is the lion's share of the difference. Or, maybe only cleaning the bathrooms once a week and doing the floors twice a week really does require half as much time as doing all that twice as often. Maybe not having three times as many clothes to wash because your kids aren't running through the sprinkler or painting up a storm while in school helps.

Who knows? Maybe we're just all pissing all our time away.

TosaGuy said...

Ms. Althouse forgot to add the LAMENESS tag.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Awe, isn't she freakin' perfect...?

MayBee said...

Jennifer the point is not whether a house gets messier with a stay at home mom vs a working mom but that same tasks are required for both. For the former, homemaker tasks are all she has to focus on. For the latter they are in addition to a 8-5 job.

Well, not really. There's the whole parenting task to focus on during the 8-5.

There doesn't need to be a competition. My problem with Michelle and her husband is they seem focused on making life easier for one group, at the possible expense to both (or every) group.

Universal pre-k, longer school years, help with daycare costs all benefit families with two workers, while costing all tax payers a boatload.
I'd prefer they think the best thing they can do for families- all families- is to keep taxes low so people can make the choice about what works for their family.

The group MO was speaking to isn't down with that.

AllenS said...

When I'm working, I give it 1000%. Michelle is a slacker.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Look, my experience has been that I spend significantly less time cleaning as a working mom than I did as a stay at home mom. .

Well if that works for you then who am I to question it. I'll never be a Mr. Mom anyway despite my repeated entreaties to Mrs. Hoosier.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The group MO was speaking to isn't down with that..

Indeed. This is the same woman who told a group of moms don't let your childrens grow up to be lawyers or businesspersons but rather teachers and social workers.

All the while she and the very junior Senator from Illinois were pulling down the big Benjamins from well paying jobs and book royalties.

I wonder if she congratulated the Bush twins for thier career choices and chided Chealsea for working for a hedge fund?

Jennifer Fligiel, DVM said...

Has anyone referenced Spinal Tap yet?

Because my personal philosophy is to go to 11.

There's no problem with her statement. It was clumsy. She works hard. Get over it.

Jeremy said...


We HATE the Obamas!!!


We HATE the Obamas!!!


We HATE the Obamas!!!

Oh, and God knows we can't forget about the fact that Obama likes mustard on his burgers.

Jeremy said...

The Cuban Cigar..."Awe, isn't she freakin' perfect...?"

Why not throw out your resume so we can compare your abilities and accomplishments to hers?

It really takes some guts for an unemployed wingnut to take a shot at the First Lady.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hoosier asked:

"I wonder if she congratulated the Bush twins for thier career choices and chided Chealsea for working for a hedge fund?"

Haha Hoosier that is the truth!

And this is what I tell my niece who is about to spend in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps helping poor people..."Did Chelsea Clnton ever lift a finger in Habitat work, etc ?"

Great minds think alike!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Pre-emptive comment:

Screw you Jeremy you deutschbag!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Unemployed are your brain cells.

Hector Owen said...

She is a bit full of herself. That, with Ger's comment at 10:42 AM about "spectacular failures," brings to mind the old definition of a blivet: 10 pounds of manure in a 5-pound bag. In her case, 6 pounds, to make the math come out right.

KCFleming said...

Michelle plays lead guitar for Spinal Tap?
Who knew?

Shanna said...

Oh, and God knows we can't forget about the fact that Obama likes mustard on his burgers.,
WTF? Did I miss a thread?

The issue is not with Michelle so much as that that phrase is irritating. As are people who tell everybody how hard the work.

Yay for the Spinal Reference!

Unknown said...

I'm certainly not inclined to rake her over the coals over this. And I agree with those here who have stated that, in some circumstances, it is possible to exceed 100%.

I do, however, have a problem with this idea that "If I'm not doing any job at 120 percent, I think I'm failing." I hope she said that in a self-deprecating manner, because in my view it's a character flaw. Again, I'm not raking her over the coals about this, because I think it's a common character flaw.

You show me someone who is doing a job at 120%, and I'll show you something who is either neglecting other obligations or missing out on greater opportunities.

Jennifer Fligiel, DVM said...

Because 11 is one more.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

She can give 120% because all good linebackers do that routinely.

That is one ugly hulk...

former law student said...

You show me someone who is doing a job at 120%, and I'll show you something who is either neglecting other obligations or missing out on greater opportunities.

This reminds me of the phrase that I hate: "Here we work hard and we play hard."

That means I'm going to have to spend my free time socializing with the workaholics I can barely stand while in the office.

Jeremy said...

Kansas City said..."Finally, Michelle apparently is a person who thinks a great deal of herself and who is not hesitant to brag."

Oh, give me a break.

The woman was merely telling the audience that one should strive to do even more than is required.

I was in sales and was a sales manager for years and pushed myself and others in exactly the same way.

I was also a jock throughout high school and college and every successful athlete I ever met constantly pushed themselves and their teammates to do more than was required, whether it be in the weight room, on the field or court.

Tiger Woods, during a tournament, will follow up a round by hitting over 1,000 practice balls...and you can bet your ass he's striving to do push his game past the 120% level.

This is just another inane and thoroughly infantile means of finding literally ANYTHING to denigrate Michelle Obama.

I find it rather sad...especially coming from the likes of a law professor's blog site.

john said...

Jen, Shanna, Pogo: me at 8:46. I get no respect here.

Henry said...

"In most families, both parents have to work, and even if people want to make the choice to stay home. And again, there is no subjective analysis or -- of what is better. But people can't make the choice. It's even harder for single parents...

She's failing logic too. Two parent families have no choice both parents have to work. That goes double for single parent families.

Personally I'll take instant karma over subjective analysis any day.

* * *

mcg -- I agree. I think she was trying to build rapport with the audience and no more than that. She made a number of self-deprecating remarks about having a personal staff before the 120% comment.

Jeremy said...

NKVD said..."She can give 120% because all good linebackers do that routinely. That is one ugly hulk..."


Jennifer Fligiel, DVM said...

Jeremy: I wish I would have said it first. Nicely done.

NKVD said, "What an ugly hulk."

Are you serious? What a sad comment on you.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeremy said...

mcg said..."I do, however, have a problem with this idea that "If I'm not doing any job at 120 percent, I think I'm failing."

She's probably been an overachiever her entire life. It's not unusual at all.

I would venture to say there are very few CEO's of major corporations who do not feel exactly the same way and do feel that if they're not doing more than what is expected, they're failing. That's how they became CEO's.

This certainly isn't new, why can't you grasp the concept?

Synova said...

"Yes, because everyone knows you can just sit around the house and do nothing when you have kids. It isn't work, that's for sure."

Well, you *can* sit around the house and do nothing. Of course you can.

I do have to agree with Jennifer, though. It's not the same housework if everyone is gone all day than if everyone is home. (The house also doesn't use as much power or water not having lights on and toilets flushed.) That's assuming that actual cleanliness is measured and not total number of times a week any particular chore is done.

I do think that the stay-at-home whine about it being such hard work is (mostly) bogus. But it's also true that for many women, working outside of the home is a sanity saver. It's *restful*. Particularly if dealing with pre-school ages where, while it's not *hard*, it requires constant attention and doing any sort of chore means doing it with only half-attention on the chore.

The absolutely best thing about staying at home is being able to do shopping and errands during the day instead of during the most crowded times after work when you're tired. There's a lot of freedom with that, and a whole lot with not having to be on a school's schedule or on the boss's schedule.

hombre said...

The main reason nobody thinks this merits a look is that this never happened.

Michelle Obama was promoted to VP of the U of C Hospitals and Clinics in May, 2005; Sen. Obama requested a $1 million earmark to expand the hospitals in 2006.
It's all in the timing. Right? If the payoff came before the earmark, no problemo, eh?

The most amazing thing about all the idolatry is the Obots' incredibly high tolerance level for corruption and conflict of interest.

MartyH said...


No CEO works 28.8 hour days.

That'd be giving 120%.

Unknown said...

Tiger Woods, during a tournament, will follow up a round by hitting over 1,000 practice balls...and you can bet your ass he's striving to do push his game past the 120% level.

I would definitely classify this as an improper use of the 120% idiom. When Tiger is hitting 1000 practice balls, he's not doing 120%. He might be doing closer to 100% than his competitors, but he's not exceeding 100%.

The difference is that in a competitive arena there really isn't such a thing as "just enough". Tiger has to push himself all the time because there is always someone else threatening to beat him. If he gives 98% and someone else gives 99%, he loses. There is no 120% in that situation.

The same can be said in many work situations. Sure, there might be clear standards for minimum performance, but if you are competing for a promotion or a merit raise, the minimum is not your baseline.

In contexts like that, talking about giving 120% is nothing but a figure of speech and cannot be interpreted literally.

There are, however, contexts where it is possible to overachieve, where it is possible to do more than 100%, and it is in those instances where striving for more has questionable value.

Revenant said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that someone gives "110%", or "120%", or whatever. It is a normal way of saying that the person gives more than expected.

But I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who describes HERSELF that way. In my experience there is very little overlap between the people who really bust their asses to get things done, and the people who TALK about how they're busting their asses to get things done. The people who refer to themselves that way are usually better at self-promotion than they are at doing their jobs.

Revenant said...

It's all in the timing. Right? If the payoff came before the earmark, no problemo, eh?

Yeah, I'm always amused by that defense of the Obamas. As if bribes were normally paid after a politician does you a favor, rather than before.

Palladian said...

You know something's amiss when Jeremy questions your classiness.

Because the first thing I think of when I see one of Gene "Jeremy/Lucy/Michael" Olson is ... class!

former law student said...

The most amazing thing about all the idolatry is the Obots incredibly high tolerance level for corruption.

So his wife's employer should be the one hospital in Chicagoland not to receive needed federal funds?

If the earmark request for his wife's employer was motivated by corruption, who was Obama sleeping with from Northwestern, for which he requested five times as much money?

From Lynn Sweet's Sun-Times blog: Obama's earmark requests for 2006:

Obama Requested $5 Million For Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Prentice Woman’s Hospital.

Obama Requested $4 million For The Children’s Memorial Medical Center’s Electronic Medical Record Project.

Obama Requested $2.5 Million For The Children’s Hospital Of Illinois’ Replacement Project.

Obama Requested $2 Million For The Thorek Memorial Hospital Cancer Treatment Center.

Obama Requested $1 Million For Construction Of A New Hospital Pavilion At The University Of Chicago.

Obama Requested $800,000 For A Training And Resource Center Of The Swedish Covenant Hospital

BJM said...

She's failing in the fashion dept too.

Urk, what a hideous outfit.

Lavender is a fabulous color for her but the high-waisted belt & frumpy floral gives the ensemble a Julia Child vibe and not in a good way.

former law student said...

If the payoff came before the earmark, no problemo, eh?

The payoff never came.

U of C's nefarious handing out a sinecure to this Princeton/HLS grad came to naught. For no investment, Northwestern got the same result.

The Dude said...

No, Jen, it was a happy comment by me. She is a lard assed buck toothed gargoyle, and just because you want to do her does not mean I have to like her.

She is one fugly fat bitch.

Now resume your worshipful devotion to the Messiah and his linebacker trophy whore.

BJM said...

Jennifer @12:12 LOL!

The gender advantaged in our home has his own bathroom complete with the requisite cleaning materials.

As I pointed out shortly after cohabitation began, I don't pee on the floor so it's not my problem.

Jeremy said...

elHombre said..."The most amazing thing about all the idolatry is the Obots' incredibly high tolerance level for corruption and conflict of interest."

Yeah, why in the world, over the period of more than two years, wasn't Barack and Mickelle properly vetted?

We hardly heard anything and there were almost no questions asked at all...and it's obvious they both have an "incredibly high tolerance level for corruption and conflict of interest."

He just sailed through the entire campaign, was elected President of the United questions asked.

Damn...where was elHombre when we really needed him??

KCFleming said...

John said: 'I get no respect here."

I saw it.
I was just saying it another way.

All the best jokes are stolen.

Shanna said...

She's failing in the fashion dept too. .

I like pretty much exactly half of what she wears; the other half is hideous.

The people who refer to themselves that way are usually better at self-promotion than they are at doing their jobs..

Exactly. The 120% is a phrase that is irritating, but nobody is saying it isn't common. It's the "I'm so awesome" that bugs a bit, and that's probably because everybody has somebody like that in their office (like my former coworker who would complain about her wrist, while staying an hour late to type up a list into excel that I could have (and offered to) run and stuck in Excel in about 5 minutes. Yet, she thinks she's the one working hardest!).

Jeremy said...

NKVD...let's take a guess:

Actually KKK...but just doesn't know how to spell?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't know- no matter what the hospital said, that was a big big raise Michele got.

Jeremy said...

Shanna - "The 120% is a phrase that is irritating, but nobody is saying it isn't common. It's the "I'm so awesome" that bugs a bit..."

I've never heard her say anything of the kind, and I can't believe the ridiculous animosity and outright jealousy your post illustrates.

And regardless of what you think of her personally, I'll lay odds she's one hell of a lot more accomplished than you.

But just for comparison, why not post your resume and be sure to include all major accomplishments.

This should be fun...

KCFleming said...

"Michelle is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."--Michelle Obama

Jeremy said...

Palladian, if there's anyone here that knows absolutely nothing about "class" it would be you.

I've seen what you laughingly refer to as "art" and I have a message for you: It isn't.

Why not take a shot at not whining, bitching and of course EATING for one day and see if you feel better and drop 30-40 L.B.'s?.

Jeremy said...

Pogo - Post your major accomplishments.

And be sure not to leave out all of your wonderful charity work.

Losers bashing the First Lady...what a joke.

former law student said...

From a Chicago Tribune article that the USA Today article links to, they paid Michelle right in the middle of all their VPs:

According to a tax return released by the senator this week, the promotion nearly tripled her income from the hospitals from $121,910 in 2004 to $316,962 in 2005.
Hospitals spokesman John Easton said Obama’s salary was in line with the compensation received by the not-for-profit medical center’s 16 other vicepresidents.
A tax return for the hospitals covering the 12 months ended June 30, 2005,shows most of the organization’s vice presidents earning between $291,000 and $362,000.

hombre said...

fls wrote: "If the earmark request for his wife's employer was motivated by corruption, who was Obama sleeping with from Northwestern, for which he requested five times as much money?"

Can you see how illogical this is? "He had a bigger earmark for Northwestern, where Michele didn't work, therefore his request for UC, where she did work, must have been legit."

fls also wrote: "The payoff never came." (Emphasis his.)

Really? Individual senators can't appropriate earmarks. The request was the payoff.And you don't see at least the appearance of impropriety?

Did I mention the Obots' incredibly high tolerance level for corruption and conflict of interest?

I'm Full of Soup said...


But the other VP's included Professors of Brain Surgery and the like! They had real skills in the hard sciences and running a big hospital.

IMO, Michele was a somewhat glorified HR Manager or Community Liaisson.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

But just for comparison, why not post your resume and be sure to include all major accomplishments

You go first, Jeremy

It should be a short list.

The Dude said...

Gene Olson is smart - smrt!

If one does not think MO is beautiful, one is a racist.

Nicely played, you little San Diego dweeb. You are as smart as you are mature.

hombre said...

She gets a raise tripling her income then her employer gets a million dollar earmark from her hubby ... and you think the issue is how her salary compared to other VPs.

Take a deep breath here, fls.

Peter V. Bella said...

"You all are incredibly petty, jealous, and sad."

You are incrediby gullible and stupid. What's your point.

I see Jeremy Jughead is here demanding people posts their accomplishments. Why doesn't he? Probably because they are as thin and threadbare as our president's.

KCFleming said...

Blessings on Dear Leader and his lovely wife, as they plunder the US for their own enjoyment.

They won!

"shows most of the organization’s vice presidents earning between $291,000 and $362,000."So that's where all the health care money's been goin!
Them health care VPs, why, we'd be in a world a hurt without 'em.

I mean my God!, University of Chicago Hospital only had 16 ....sixteen!!1! vice presidents. And Dear Michelle was "Executive Director for Community Affairs".
Oooooh, that's worth way more than a paltry $317K per year, especially for someone doing Community Affairs work.

I mean, it's a back-breaking job, especially when you give it 120%! Give that woman a raise!! I apologize for the criticism; I never realized what essential health care work she was doing. Why, in the private sector, they prob'ly get paid a half-million easy.

Shanna said...

Yeah, DBQ, I'm choosing to ignore that type of comment. The sad thing is, the rest of us are capable of having an unemotional conversation about phrasing and idiots who post 15 times in a row keep mucking it up. Sad.

former law student said...

The request was the payoff.And you don't see at least the appearance of impropriety?Then why didn't Obama ask for $10 billion for the hospital? He wouldn't have gotten it either, but according to you it's the thought that counts, not the execution.

Appearance of impropriety:

Would Obama's wife's employer have been better off had they gotten the $1 million to help build the new pavilion? Yes. But they could have achieved the same result by turning away sick people who couldn't pay.

Did Obama single the U of C out for special favorable treatment? No. Was his request objectively reasonable? Considering that the ROI on a facility in which to dispense free medical care is zero, I think so.

Jeremy said...

elHombre said..."Can you see how illogical this is? "He had a bigger earmark for Northwestern, where Michele didn't work, therefore his request for UC, where she did work, must have been legit."

You're actually whining about a frigging earmark and the man is already President?

If this was something that was even the least bit important it would have exploded across the screen during a Fox News report during the campaign.

Good lord...

former law student said...

I don't know where pogo works, but in Chicago, the U of C is kind of a big deal. Further, had Michelle stayed at Sidley, she would be making quite a bit more money.

University of Chicago Medical Center
Patient Care Fast Facts: Fiscal Year 2006

Average Beds in Service




Patient Days




Visits to the DCAM


Emergency Visits


Revenues for patient care at the University of Chicago Medical Center were more than $869 million. In addition, the Medical Center is one of the largest providers of uncompensated care in Illinois and provides millions of dollars in unreimbursed care every year.

The Medical Center and the University are the largest employers on the South Side of Chicago. The Medical Center has approximately 9,500 employees, many of whom live in the Hyde Park area. Care is provided by more than 700 attending physicians--most are full-time University faculty members--620 residents and fellows, and more than 1,000 nurses.

Jeremy said...

Peter V. Bella said..."I see Jeremy Jughead is here demanding people posts their accomplishments."

Only those who denigrate Michelle for trying to actually do something with her life.

It's easy to bitch and whine and criticize when you're hiding at your keyboard.

If these people really think Michelle is such a loser, they should have the guts to post their own accomplishments so we can compare.

We already know what you do best: Drink.

Jeremy said...

NKVD - Being a racist fool merely illustrates your lack of intellect.

I bet you're a little guy, too.

Jeremy said...

Dust Bunny Queen said..."You go first, Jeremy. It should be a short list."

I'm not posting ridiculous criticisms of Michelle Obama.

If you agree with these assholes, that's your prerogative, but personally, I think the woman is a credit to our country.

*And as usual, you and many others here represent the 25% of America who have a contrary view to the 75% who approve of the always.

I also find it rather interesting that so many women here are joining the pack of misogynistic pricks who love to denigrate our First Lady, and I would assume, women in general.

I realize you want to remain in good standing with your fellow wingnuts, but as a woman, you should be ashamed of yourself for assisting in such crass behavior.

KCFleming said...

Yeah, and MO's old job was sooooo important, they haven't updated the Office of Community Affairs Annual Report since MO signed it in 2006.

Gosh, I wonder if there ever was another Vice President for Community and External Affairs at UCH after MO?? Prob'ly not, it's like retiring a football jersey number. I can't find one, anyways.

But I'm sure it was critical work, critical.

I found it:
450 layoffs announced at U. of C. Medical Center
February 09, 2009
"The University of Chicago Medical Center ...confirmed plans for a major restructuring in which it would eliminate 450 jobs...

The medical center last month also confirmed a massive restructuring that will trim $100 million in expenses, or nearly 7 percent of its annual budget...

Madara last month would only confirm the elimination 15 senior executive jobs, including vice president for community and external affairs, a position that had been held by First Lady Michelle Obama, a former medical center vice president. Her duties have been taken over by Dr. Eric Whitaker, a friend of her husband, President Barack Obama, and executive vice president for strategic affiliations and external affairs.

A source close to the medical center said some staff cuts and hour reductions could affect outreach that has involved U. of C. specialists working at public health clinics throughout the South Side.

But at least she got her dough, y'know?

jeff said...

"It's easy to bitch and whine and criticize when you're hiding at your keyboard."

True. And to some it's a obsession. Despite the many name changes.

The Dude said...

Gene Olson - the race card worked so well you played it again.

As a communist you have a finely tuned racist detector - it must be a wonderful gift to be able to see racism where there is none.

MO is still an ugly cunt, but she's your ugly cunt. I know, I have insulted cunts by calling her one, but by the same token, I have insulted fine communists by calling you one. Trotsky is turning over in his grave.

Back to school with you, Gene.

KCFleming said...

It was a bullshit job, as were the other 15 VP jobs. The hospitals across the US are full of bullshit jobs like this.

How do you know it's bullshit?
Because nothing bad happens when they don't show up, and nothing bad happens when the position is entirely eliminated!

There's a book about bullshit jobs.

Bullshit jobs are the best, especially when they take money from the middle class and pretend to give them to the poor, but actually those big bucks go to living in Hyde Park!

Ha ha!
Too bad, you poor Southside peoples!
You lose, again!


Jeremy said...

jeff - If you don't like what I post, don't read it.

I stand by my central premise that many here, criticizing Michelle Obama are nothing more than losers who have never even come close to accomplishing what she has.

And, as usual, the "pack" here represents the 20-30% of America who share such views.

Obama won, you and your horribly inept team of McCain/Palin lost...get the fuck over it.

hombre said...

Jeremy, et al., wrote: "You're actually whining about a frigging earmark and the man is already President?"

Butt out, you stupid bastard. I didn't bring up the earmark and you obviously don't pack the gear to follow the discussion.

KCFleming said...

MO and BHO are like Robin Hood, except they take from the rich and the middle class, and they keep it for themselves!

Good on them!
I hope my daughter can get as good a bullshit job herself one day!

hombre said...

Then why didn't Obama ask for $10 billion for the hospital? He wouldn't have gotten it either, but according to you it's the thought that counts, not the execution. Etc., etc.

Let me recommend "Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, The use of Reason in Everyday Life," by Kahane and Cavendar. Yes, it does have some pictures.

BTW, if you think a financial conflict of interest only occurs when a questionable transaction is fully "executed," I suggest you go back to law school and enroll in an ethics course.

Jeremy said...

Pogo said..."I hope my daughter can get as good a bullshit job herself one day!"

So you consider being President a "bullshit" job?

And shouldn't you be more concerned with you yourself getting a job before you start worrying about your daughter?

Obama and the rest of the wingnuts LOST.

Get over it.

Jeremy said...

elHombre is very upset about this earmark.

And dammit...shouldn't we ALL?

Thank you, elHombre...thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to keep us on course! To make sure we keep our priorities straight.

This is the kind of thing that could bring the entire country down.

And if it's true...Obama won't win the...oh, never mind.

Too late.

Synova said...

I don't mind Michelle. And I think she's better looking than Barry. I like her best if I don't listen to what she says about anything. As someone or other pointed out, the 120% "thing" is just mindless sports rhetoric. It's about as brain dead and content free as any other sports interview.

"And, as usual, the "pack" here represents the 20-30% of America who share such views."

It's not at all surprising that conservatives and libertarians have a bit of "Monk" in them. It's the "think" vs. "feel" divide. And it goes right along with this silly assertion that it ought to *matter* what percentage of the population agrees with any particular sentiment. That's illogical and a person who puts value in holding the majority opinion because it is the majority opinion is irrational.

"Obama won, you and your horribly inept team of McCain/Palin lost...get the fuck over it."

I ought (or someone ought) to keep this little gem handy, because I simply can't imagine Jeremy getting "over it" if/when Palin (or her equivalent) wins.

KCFleming said...

"Vice president for community and external affairs" is a bullshit job.

All peoples should aspire to such a BS spot, doing nothing of any measurable worth except having your hubby earmark money your way.

What a wonderful system.
If only everyone could live off of other people as well as these two have. They're a real inspiration.

I hope my daughter gets a gummint job, and sips deeply from the public trough. It's pretty clear that 'better get yours' is the order of the day.
Yes we can!

Jeremy said...

Dust Bunny - "I ought (or someone ought) to keep this little gem handy, because I simply can't imagine Jeremy getting "over it" if/when Palin (or her equivalent) wins."


Based on your plummeting ratings, she'll be lucky to be invited to the convention...

The Hays Research Poll
Thu, May 7, 2009:

The vice-presidential also-ran Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is no longer the country's most popular governor -- and she isn't even Alaska's most popular politician, new polls show.

Palin, whose approval rating in March 2008 was a sky-high 85 percent, had only a combined 54 percent favorable rating in the latest Hays Research poll, which tracks Alaskan politicians.

She had a 41 percent combined unfavorable rating in the poll -- including nearly 25 percent of voters who said their opinion of Palin was "very negative."

The "gotcha" governor isn't even Alaskans' favorite politician in their own state -- that honor goes to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who pulled an impressive 76 percent approval rating in the poll.

Jeremy said...

Sorry..."her" plummeting ratings.

Buford Gooch said...

I admire Jeremy. A twit of such magnificent proportion is a rare thing.

KCFleming said...

I think 120% is way possible.

I mean, BHO is spending far more than 120% of the available tax receipts. I mean, that man is workin'!

Lotsa folks spent more than 120% of what they earned. So what? Jes' say bailout! Or jes' walk away; leave that jingle mail.

Ain't hard at all. Jes' keep taking from Peter to give to Paul, and Paul will love you to death.
Yes we can!

I'm Full of Soup said...


Back in the day, my crowd included a fireman. We drank a lot like most young do.

When the fireman left the bar earlier than the rest of us he would say:

"I have to go to work tomorrow. If I don't go to work, people will die".

hombre said...

Jeremy, et al., wrote: "elHombre is very upset about this earmark."

Like I said, you don't pack the gear to understand the discussion.

KCFleming said...

And what a fool that hero was!

All that time, he could have been turning out white papers on fire safety community outreach, and making shiny pamphlets about diversity in the FD ranks, or raising awareness about the struggles of gay and lesbian firefighters, or minority fire victims and the need for greater funding.

Whatta doofus. Just a hero, when he coulda been a vice president for community and external affairs, givin' 120% every day, and nothin' less.

Freeman Hunt said...

I bet she has an amp that goes to 12.

Jeremy said...

BoooooooFooooord: Join in, Dude.

We need another wingnut to hold up your end.

It's an old fashioned wingnut whinefest!!

Obama WON.


And boy is it fun watching you people lose your frigging minds over it.

We've got people whining about Michelle's 12o% comment, elHombre is very, very, very upset over an earmark, Dust Bunny & Shanna have decided to attack Michelle because of the clothes she wears or for being too full of herself, Pogo is upset because he can't get a fucking job and Obama has one, NKVD (really a regular hiding out) has decided to taint the forum with racist, misogynistic and thoroughly disgusting comments about our First Lady, and of course, we have the regular crybabies, Fen and the Cuban Cigar heaving the standard "messiah" insults at our President.

Just another regular day in the wingnut neighborhood.

I love it.

Jeremy said...

Oh...sorry, Freeman...I forgot all about you.

Thanks for reminding me.

Another woman who hates women who are successful.

Strange indeed.

The Dude said...

Gene Olson - I said the first lady was an ugly cunt and somehow you infer racism.

That is just sad. She is ugly and fat and has teeth that would scare Bruce the shark.

As I said, you can see racism where there is none, as you are a fine upstanding communist.

Well done, comrade!

Revenant said...


It's not at all surprising that conservatives and libertarians have a bit of "Monk" in them. It's the "think" vs. "feel" divide. And it goes right along with this silly assertion that it ought to *matter* what percentage of the population agrees with any particular sentiment.

That's not really a left/right thing. It seems like every time one of the religious arguments starts up, one of the local conservatives argues that belief in God can't be irrational because it is so widespread.

Jeremy said...

I can't tell you haw happy I am to see NKVD (KKK) join the local "pack."

Finally, someone who really tells it the way he sees it, and the way most here see it, but without the guts to really put it out there.

You should be proud of your new addition...although we all know who it really is.

Deb said...

I am suspicious of people who feel the need to tell everybody else how hard they work. In my work experience, they are usually lying.Absolutely correct. If they really worked all that hard they would not have time to talk about it.

There is a woman in my office who spends approximately 4 hours per day walking around making sure everyone knows that she is "busting her ass".

Trooper York said...

I personally think we should give Michelle a break. I don't think everything she says has to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. So she says silly things now and again. First Lady is not an elected position and she doesn't seem to involve herself in policy like a Roslyn Carter. At least as far as I can tell. I am inclined to cut her a break.

I just want her to wear clothes that I can sell in my store. I did really well out of that Donna Ricco she wore on the View. That dress body is very popular and a proven winner. She needs to wear some more of them because I just brought in a bunch of dresses for the spring and she would look great in them. Especially the Donna Ricco Collection which are gowns that are pricer but also dressier and a good choice for formal occasions. They don't have the status of a Michael Kors or a Tadashi but if she wears Donna Ricco Collection to a State dinner or two I would start printing money. Just Sayn'.

(I of course say this for purely selfish reasons).

Kansas City said...

The notion is hilarious that MO was a "120 per center" at that cush high paying job with the U of Chicago that was not even filled when she left. I realize it is how the world works. He was a rising political star. They were minorities.

But, it still make you shake your head seeing that she has the gall in her bubble to brag about herself and that her supporters here insult our intelligence about how hard she worked and how much she accomplished.

john said...

Blogger has another problem besides word wrapping: not cutting comments off after 50 or so. That would of course cut Jeremytroll off. It's nice to think about.

However, our hostess is also remiss with her sparse postings and little involvement. No wonder we are messing up the comment room - wer'e bored.

Cedarford said...

Parker - FLS,

Don't forget about the incoming coach (don't remember exactly who it was) who vowed to the press that he was going to "turn this [troubled] team around 360 degrees!"

A classic.

My personal favorite was a corporate consultant brought in to tell us MBAs and other minions how to generate "huge new income" by beginning a "360 degree journey" to better understand client needs.

Palladian said...

I think Michelle Obama is pretty in her way. I don't like her ideas (the ones I've heard) and I don't like her husband's administration one bit, but sniping on her personal appearance is silly.

And I hope she wears your dresses, Troop.

Palladian said...

I'd also like to encourage Michelle Obama to wear my forthcoming first perfume. It's perfect for a woman of her stature! Email me, Michelle!

Henry said...

I think she looks good.
The dress looks good on her.
Her effort comment was all about building rapport with her audience.
Subjective analysis is a gift.

Freeman Hunt said...

Another woman who hates women who are successful.No, I said she had a great amp. It goes to twelve for when you need a little extra something.

This guy's amp only goes to eleven.

TMink said...

Jeremey, I am still waiting for you to show where I said I hated Obama.

It has been almost 24 hours.


Synova said...

"That's not really a left/right thing. It seems like every time one of the religious arguments starts up, one of the local conservatives argues that belief in God can't be irrational because it is so widespread."

It's a poor argument in any case.

Also, to the extent that belief in God is based on Faith (and must be) it is sort of *technically* irrational... if we figure what the word means and skip the unnecessary prejudicial baggage attached to it.

former law student said...

Then why didn't Obama ask for $10 billion for the hospital? He wouldn't have gotten it either, but according to you it's the thought that counts, not the execution. Etc., etc.

Let me recommend "Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, The use of Reason in Everyday Life,"

The parable of the quid pro quo:

elHombre was a bright little boy, but lazy, and as a consequence his grades were mediocre, except for Spelling, in which he always got an A.

To motivate the young lad, his father, whom we will call elPapa, proposed that if elHombre got three times as many As, i.e. three As, elPapa would take him to a Yankees game. "Yippy!" cried the young elHombre with glee, put away his comic books, and began to apply himself to his studies.

Sure enough, diligence was rewarded, and elHombre received As in Art and Penmanship, as well as Spelling. He raced over to elPapa with his report card, pleased that he had fulfilled his part of the bargain.

"Excellent, mihijo," cried elPapa. "Someday, I'll try to get tickets to a Yankees' game. But not this year."

"That's OK!" cried the little tyke. "The promise of a reward is sufficient."

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I don't find her very attractive but she does have great guns...

Anonymous said...

I don't find her very attractive but she does have great guns...

Michelle Obama, or Sarah Palin???

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