House Democrats are refusing to pay for President Barack Obama's plan to relocate prisoners from the Guantanamo detention facility where enemy combatants are being held.Ha ha. I'm on to you people.
Obama has signed an executive order to close the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by early next year. But the Pentagon has yet to come up with a plan on where to put the 240 or so prisoners. Between 50-100 are likely to be sent to the United States.
No lawmaker wants the accused terrorists in their backyard.
House Democrats unveiled a $94.4 billion war funding bill Monday and it had no money for the relocation plan.
May 4, 2009
I made a bet that Obama would not close Guantanamo.
Here's my bet. And here's the sleight of hand that will keep Guantanamo open:
By Jove, the woman knows how to read a map. The path of least resistance for the Dems while still sounding merciful compared to Torture, surprisingly correct.
Yep. And the other day he said something about restarting the military commissions for trying detainees. It's almost like all that stuff he said during the campaign was designed to mislead the unwary.
Gitmo prisoners are the nuclear waste of the Obama administration. No state wants to store it or them.
What I want to know is will Obama pay any political price for talking out of both sides of his mouth? Should the democrats in general pay any price for demogoging the gitmo issue to death for cheap political theatre?
So far no real outrage on FISA or continuation for rendetion so I guess we have to put that down as a big fat NOPE!
Isn't it funny (sad) how small $94.4 billion sounds now? A figure like that was "real money" during the campaign.
I just want to thank Obama personally for keeping me safe these first 100 days.
On the previous thread Alphaliberal said,
I don't understand why anyone defends detaining innocents, let alone subjecting them to deprivation of basic human rights such as habeas.
I guess you really don't understand how Democrats work do you?
I love it. This is ever so much more fun than having a Republican in the White House.
What I want to know is will Obama pay any political price for talking out of both sides of his mouth?
Not as long as he and his acolytes can continue to blame Bush. It's a war crime, you know, to detain the detainees, but it's not a war crime (or any kind of crime, for that matter) to keep them detained by a new administration.
Obama and the Dems in Congress have a bigger problem. If Congress passes a bill that makes waterboarding illegal, and Obama signs that bill into law, they are effectively saying that waterboarding was legal when the Bush administration did it.
I love it. This is ever so much more fun than having a Republican in the White House.
In politics it's so much easier to play offense than defense - it's no surprise Limbaugh's audience is up 50%. I'm not sure a lot of Democrats realized that until very recently.
Gitmo prisoners are the nuclear waste of the Obama administration. No state wants to store it or them.
Which is why you're not going to see a lot of prisoners taken in Afghanistan, and the ones that do get taken will be detained and interrogated by the Afghan government.
This, by the way, is not a development likely to be viewed in a positive light by jihadis.
With all due respect, I think you already lost the bet:
You bet that he (Obama) would not close Guantanamo.
On January 29, 2009, Obama signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo.
Now, I am sure you will immediately ask the oversimplified question, "Is it closed?". And the obvious answer is "No."
But the fact that Congress is not approving funding for said closure is a different matter altogether. (And as someone who has practiced law, you should know that.)
You said, "I don't think Obama will close it."
By signing the Executive Order to close it, Obama has willfully done everything in his power as POTUS to close that facility. Which means, you have already lost your bet.
Just my opinion.
However, the town of Hardin, Montana which has a recently closed prison and 30% unemployment, has asked that the Gitmo detainees be housed in their prison.
1122 said...
You said, "I don't think Obama will close it."
By signing the Executive Order to close it, Obama has willfully done everything in his power as POTUS to close that facility. Which means, you have already lost your bet.
So, if I said that I will complete a marathon. I enter one, but then get tired after two miles and drop-out. Can I say I completed a marathon?
Obama didn't say he would try to close Guantanamo, he said he would close it.
However, the town of Hardin, Montana which has a recently closed prison and 30% unemployment, has asked that the Gitmo detainees be housed in their prison.
The citizens have also asked the the prison uniforms look like elk fur, and that only a minimum amount of security be provided at the facility.
The idea Obama tried his bestest to close Gitmo but can't because of Congress is, well, pretty laughable on its face.
There is no political up side to closing down Gitmo.
Obama bring them here and they instantaneously become Obama's prisoners.
Murphy's law takes care of the rest.
Obama may not be all that smart - but he cant be that stupid.
Eli - Be careful what you joke about.
Some privately run prisons are not yet filled, and some small Arizona towns are hurting too. Coming to a prison near you.
Move them to a prison downwind from a hog farm. Serve pork 3 times a day. Provide free bibles.
Ok, worse than that, make them watch Oprah all day, every day.
How's that for torture, you liberal pussies...
Obama wanted to play nice with the Western Europeans, but they are not helping.
So he may as well keep the Gitmo prison open as the Europeans don't want these detainee combatants.
The Europeans also don't want to pick up the hose in Afghanistan either.
Now Obama knows what W. knows. The Europeans suck
Oh, but what a compassionate thing it was to send voice to wind that Bush did an injustice by detaining these kind people!
Just the act of speaking alone sent shivers up people's legs.
The deal was closed - the election won.
What we're seeing here now, folks, is the sales department runing the show, making all kinds of promises to the customers, and the operations groups having to figure out how to actually deliver on those promises.
Seen it in business a ton of times, and it never ends good. The customer always comes a calling when they're missing what was promised.
Now we're watching it in Washington DC. Should be an interesting 3+ years.
1122 -- That was such a sad argument that I feel sorry for you. Are you mentally handicapped in some way?
Eric said...
Which is why you're not going to see a lot of prisoners taken in Afghanistan, and the ones that do get taken will be detained and interrogated by the Afghan government.
This, by the way, is not a development likely to be viewed in a positive light by jihadis.Translation at the squadie level?: No Quarter!
Seven: My thoughts excactly, my 12 year old would laugh at that. If he can get billions and trillions for all sorts of BS he could get the money to close Gitmo.
Seven - I think 1122 made the point quite well - that Obama's congressfriends have him covered, and he has his perfect political excuse - "It's not my fault."
(Oops, remainder cut and put in correct post.)
The, I can't close it, cuz they didn't give me money defense is total BS:
Individual Federal prisoners are not line items in the budget.
When they sentence an MS 13 member and assign him to Marion Il, the prison there doesnt get a plus up in the budget.
When they transfer somebody from Sing Sing to Florence, funds dont flow at the budget level.
If Obama moves a guy from Gitmo, to say Alexandria VA, he doesnt need a supplemental budget request. If the prison is within its capacity, and the BoP within their budget, Congress has no action.
Obama can release these guys or move them.. without budget impacts.
That there are no funds to close Gitmo, be it empty of jihadis? oh hum...
This is CYA. The Obama administration should analyze before they declare they they have reversed a Bush policy... but it's too late for that, they have already declared they have reversed all of those policies, and now are trying to walk back from the abyss.
Now, I am sure you will immediately ask the oversimplified question, "Is it closed?". And the obvious answer is "No."(Jerry opens his door, Kramer's standing in the hallway)
KRAMER: Oh, hi. I just came to say goodbye. (Gestures to the bags)...Need any help with those?
MORTY: It's nothing. I got it. So, how are your levels coming along?
KRAMER: Oh, well...I decided I'm not gonna do it.
JERRY: (Sarcastically) Really? What a shock...So, when do I get my dinner?
KRAMER: There's no dinner. The bet's off. I'm not gonna do it.
JERRY: Yes. I know you're not gonna do it. That's why I bet.
KRAMER: There's no bet if I'm not doing it.
JERRY: That's the bet! That you're not doing it!
KRAMER: Yeah, well, I could do it. I don't want to do it.
JERRY: We didn't bet on if you wanted to. We bet on if it would be done.
KRAMER: And it could be done.
JERRY: Well, of course it could be done! Anything could be done! But it only is done if it's done. Show me the levels! The bet is the levels.
KRAMER: But I don't want the levels!
JERRY: That's the bet!
Althouse, while I appreciate and agree that you are on to them, I cannot for the life of me understand why you voted for them in the first place.
He's not illegally detaining detainees in a prison camp.
He's hosting esteemed Middle Eastern honored guests in a lovely tropical resort.
No moving expenses involved, either!
If you knew this would happen, all I can think is that you must really, personally, deeply hate John McCain to have voted for this pack of BS artists.
But the President - a combination FDR, Abraham Lincoln and God (and not in that order) and with a 75% approval rating - simply couldn't get Congress to go along with his plans.
"I cannot for the life of me understand why you voted for them in the first place."
Easy. She thought McCain would be worse.
She may be re-thinking. That's how I'm reading the tea leaves.
"I cannot for the life of me understand why you voted for them in the first place."
Easy. She thought McCain would be worse.
She may be re-thinking. That's how I'm reading the tea leaves.
Mark, I don't read those tea leaves that way. Althouse never said that she disapproved of this very lawyerly method of breaking campaign promises. I think that this sort of "pragmatism", combined with a slickness that allows him to placate the left, was precisely what Althouse was hoping for from Obama.
I'm not sure, however, that she anticipated projected trillion-dollar interest payments on the national debt, or the fact that the federal government and the UAW would be carving up GM like jackals over a carcass, just 100 days into this remaking of America.
Don't bother, AlphaLiberal, hdhouse, et al -- I'll do it for you: It's George W. McHalliburton's economy, and Obama has saved us all from feasting on each other's flesh in a Mad Max style post-apocalyptic nightmare.
SO Obama can get Congress to vote for a $750 Billion stimulus but we can't scratch up a few million for closing GITMO? Imagine if Bush had used this lame excuse.
What's the time frame on your bet?
He'll close it.
What's the time frame on your bet?
He'll close it.
You're the idiot who said gas would be $5 a gallon in December. You're the idiot who said the surge wouldn't work.
Closing Gitmo... a silly, embarrassing goal in so many ways. Now they can't even make it work as a symbolic gesture.
Blogger Lawgiver said..."You're the idiot who said gas would be $5 a gallon in December. You're the idiot who said the surge wouldn't work."
Provide any evidence of any such comment.
You're a lying piece of shit.
Ann, still whining about if the American public gives a flying fuck:
Just 21% of GOP voters believe Republicans in Congress have done a good job representing their own party’s values, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Sixty-nine percent (69%) say congressional Republicans have lost touch with GOP voters throughout the nation. These findings are virtually unchanged from a survey just after Election Day.
Among all voters, 73% say Republicans in Congress have lost touch with the GOP base.
Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans say it is more important for the GOP to stand for what it believes in than for the party to work with President Obama. Twenty-two percent (22%) want their party to work with the President more.
It's amazing me to read the daily whining and bitching about Obama as he does everything right and is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans.
This HAS to be the dumbest and mot misinformed group of people on the internet.
By the way, the DOW had the biggest increase in 9 years during can I assume none of you morons aren't buying stock??
I am.
Right now I could throw out 5 stocks that have appreciated by at lease 50-250% in the last 6 weeks.
"so can I assume none of you morons aren't buying stock??
I am."
Wow, Santa Monica College must pay really well.
Palladian - I know you don't buy stock.
You need an income to do so.
And as to your insane claim that I work at some college...DUH.
83% of your data is 100% bullshit.
Michael Hasenstab said..."83% of your data is 100% bullshit."
Jeremy's comments remind me of the ardent supporters of Jimmy Carter during the first 100 days of his train wreck of an administration. That worked out pretty well, didn't it?
Lawgiver (liar) - Still waiting.
Michael Hasenstab - Trying to compare Obama to Carter is old news, asshole.
Why not provide factual and objective contrary evidence to refute the poll data I provided?
You being a right wing dolt who throws out the standard Rush Limbaugh bullshit doesn't mean shit to me.
Jeremy, do you actually believe that polls are accurate and objective; that their results are meaningful?
Who paid for the Rasmusen poll?
Pollsters slant their polls to achieve the outcomes wished for by whichever organization is signing the check.
Data can be manipulated, just like the media.
So, Ann, you're saying that this is all a plot?
You have way too much confidence in the ability of Democrats to work together.
Gitmo? Who cares, except some bleeding hearts? What does Gitmo have to do with putting money in your pocket, food on your table, or books in your kids hands? Nothing. Not a God Damn thing. Who cares?
No one, except some overly bleeding heart libturds. Gitmo, like most of the nonsense is irrelevant in the day to day lives of average Americans and their struggles; they do not care.
Does anyone, except some college students and professors think Gitmo is relevant? Do a bunch of rag head terrorists really matter?
In the grand scheme of things, no one cares. The only thing people care about now is survival. The Messiah better get his priorities straight. Gitmo, torture, and the rest is just so much bullshit to people who may lose their jobs because their government failed them for forty years.
If they executed the Gitmo detainees tomorrow, the average American would say- so what.
Michael Hasenstab said..."Jeremy, do you actually believe that polls are accurate and objective; that their results are meaningful? Who paid for the Rasmusen poll?"
You are really a fucking simple-minded fool.
A Fordham University analysis ranked Rasmussen Reports as the most accurate national polling firm in Election 2008.
Reports by Slate Magazine and The Wall Street Journal found that Rasmussen Reports was one of the most accurate polling firms for the 2004 United States presidential election and 2006 United States general elections.
Peter V. Bella said..."Gitmo? Who cares, except some bleeding hearts?"
And of course, those familiar with the Constitution.
Peter's drunk again.
Oh, well.
Notice how the Lawgiver has retreated into his trailer?
All talk, all lies.
A gutless fool who feels the need to change his screen name from Luckyoldson to Michael to Jeremy asks me to "Provide any evidence of any such comment."
If you don't like my comments ignore me you moron. I waste my time with you the way I chose, not the way you chose.
Lawgiver - You said things that were are out and out lies.
If you don't have the guts to back yourself up what kind of person are you?
Whining about me and my politics or my opinions do not overcome the fact that you lied.
Another "leader" of the Republican Party:
Joe the Plumber, aka Samuel Wurzelbacher, sat down for an lengthy interview with Christianity Today to discuss his views on the future of the Republican party.
Wurzelbacher took the opportunity to speak out against gay marriage, which he says is wrong. The unlikely conservative spokesman went so far as to say he doesn't allow openly gay people "anywhere near" his children.
The word "queer," Wurzelbacher noted, "means strange and unusual."
Christianity Today: In the last month, same-sex marriage has become legal in Iowa and Vermont. What do you think about same-sex marriage at a state level?
Wurzelbacher: At a state level, it's up to them. I don't want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it's wrong. People don't understand the dictionary--it's called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It's not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do--what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we're supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing.
Lawgiver - Gutless.
Obama has saved us all from feasting on each other's flesh in a Mad Max style post-apocalyptic nightmare.
Too bad, I had some excellent long pork recipes.
By the way, the DOW had the biggest increase in 9 years during can I assume none of you morons aren't buying stock??
I am.
So which of the 30 DOW industrial stocks are you buying? You realize that the DOW is a price weighted average that really isn't representative of the actual aggregate price of the individual stocks that make up the index? I wouldn't be throwing that statistic out to try to prove your nebulous point.
Another "leader" of the Republican Party:
On Hannity on April 30th, Ann Coulter criticized me for speaking out against torture, mocking my service and stated, "I did not know the Air Force had interrogators."
This is an insult to hundreds of Air Force combat veterans who were trained as interrogators by the U.S. Army as reported in an official release by the Air Force News Service in 2005.
In addition, one of the most experienced interrogators in the U.S. military with experience conducting interrogations dating back to Panama is Colonel Steve Kleinman, an Air Force Reservist.
It is one thing to disagree with my personal opinion about torture, but quite disrespectful to mock the service of hundreds of combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan based on their service in the Air Force. Ann, however, has never conducted an interrogation (or served in combat) so I fail to see why Sean Hannity invited her to comment as an expert on interrogations.
For the record, there were three Air Force interrogators who played a key role in the killing of Zarqawi, and all five Air Force interrogators in my group were awarded Bronze Star Medals for their achievements in Iraq. Yes, the Air Force has interrogators.
Matthew Alexander
Leader of the interrogations team that located Abu Musab al Zarqawi
...what kind of person are you?
Since you're an idiot I'll spell it out for you. I'm the type of person who doesn't care what you think of me.
Dust Bunny - "So which of the 30 DOW industrial stocks are you buying?"
I wouldn't tell any of the assholes here if I was being waterboarded. obviously know noting about buying and selling stocks.
You don't have to buy ALL of the stocks, dumbshit.
You can pick and choose.
You're talking about an INDEX.
Lawgiver - You don't have to "care" to still be a lying sack of shit.
You're a gutless little man who can't support what he says about other people.
It's easy to talk, it's another thing to stand up and support what you say.
Dust Bunny - Il ove how the DOW going UP is not really worth the time of day to you wingnuts, but when it was falling, it was a HUGE deal.
You're all so so superficial and shallow it's scary.
Jeremy. I'm a RIA,stock broker,CFP (Series 6, 7, 65, used to have the 24 but don't need it anymore, variable life) and have been licensed for almost 20 years and manage many millions of dollars, so I think I know a teensy bit about investing.
Buy the indexes all you want......sucker.
When did Joe the Plumber become a "leader" in the Republican party? I seem to remember his claim to fame as being skeptical of Obama's campaign plans that was televised.
I believe Ann Coulter refers to herself as a Conservative commentator, not a Republican party leader. Again, as previously noted, Conservative /= Republican.
Jeremy, I think the polls show Obama's numbers are equal to Bush's after his first 100 days and a little better than Clinton's for job performance. And that Obama has much higher numbers for personal approval.
Yet another thread killed by Jeremy/Lucky/Michael, perhaps the most boring troll on earth.
Althouse, it is time for Jeremy to go.
+1 on Trey's comment.
Pogo and TMink - Two more suck asses who have nothing to say, no rebuttal, not objective or factual counter to anyting I post...WHINING to Ann to save them.
Little men with little minds.
Cry me a fucking river.
Both of you do nothing but agree with literally anything your fellow wingnuts say that denigrates our President and his actions.
I think you're both pussies.
Michael Hasenstab - And anothe right wing pussy rears his ugly head.
Dust Bunny Queen - I don't buy indexes, dumbfuck.
I buy individual stocks.
And if you think the market going up more in April, than in 9 years means nothing, you're even dumber than first thought.
All you're doing is sucking up tot he local Obama haters.
Little minds.
I think that if you read Joe Wurzelbacher's words out loud to a group of randomly selected Americans, be they black, white or otherwise, approximately two thirds of them would agree fully, and half of the rest would have only minor differences.
Skookum...yeah, dem damn queers...
How's the TV reception in that trailer?
Jeremy, I almost never comment anywhere. I wish you'd do us all a favor and do the same.
With all the whining about how out of touch I am...and we get Skookum rallying behind Joe The Plumber's comments relating to "queers" being around our children.
Good lord...
Um, OK. I was willing to give Althouse her due. In fact, I saw exclamation points where there were none! !! !!!!
Now what we gonna do, Ann?
Nearly Two's day!
ired - It's good that you don't comment.
Can I also assume you don't like hearing anything with which you don't agree?
Fuck off.
Line up two by two, if you can?
Games to begin at noon.
Jeremy? Would you do me the honor?
I need a partner this two's day.
Amazing anyone still engages the pediphilian poltroon. Personally, I think its like arguing with my cat, except my cat is a lot smarter. And of course it's never defended drugging and raping a 14 year old like little Jeremy did. So she's got that going for her. Off to bed!
"Yet another thread killed by Jeremy/Lucky/Michael, perhaps the most boring troll on earth."
Sadly, on Blogger, there's nothing Althouse can do to keep Gene Olson away. Gene knows this.
Oh, little're such a baby.
If you have something of relevance to say, say it.
Otherwise suck my dick.
Silly references to pedophiles, etc. make absolutely no sense and merely illustrate your lack of intellect.
Palladian, you act as if the thread was really rolling along.
It wasn't.
And by the way, are you still fat failure?
I've seen what you describe as "art"...and it isn't.
Penny said..."Jeremy? Would you do me the honor? I need a partner this two's day."
Désolé, j'ai déjà un associé.
Palladian - I hate to repeat this, but YOU and others don't have to respond to my comments.
If it wasn't for me and others who actually provide contrary opinions you and your friends here would spend the entire day sucking on each other.
Just act like I'm not here, asshole.
Kind of like people who know you act when you enter a room.
I have never encountered so many whining little babies in my entire life as I find here every day.
And still you return day after day. What does that say about you?
There's a reason we house fanatical, transnational terrorists outside of our territory. And it's not because we enjoy Cuban summers.
The comment section is becoming painful to browse.
Jeremy/Michael/LOS's idiocy and vulgarity pollute what used to an intelligent discussion group.
I cast my vote with Trey, Michael H and ired - is it possible to retire the guy?
Meade, can you work on your betrothed? We all enjoy spirited back and forth, but....sheesh. I keep trying to determine what upside J/M/LOS brings to the table, but I'm just not seeing any.
This thread could have been fun. Now it is just painful.
I think I share the sentiments of more than a few that it might be time for Ann to step in a little bit, free speech or not. This is her crowded theater and there is far too much talk of fire.
Some criticisms were aimed at me here. If they made a lick of sense, I'd address them. But they're incoherent.
Peter Bella says:
libturdsBut people here attack Jeremy.
Fuck conservatives. You're a bunch of assholes.
Fuck conservatives. You're a bunch of assholes.
Now who's whining?
Of course Mr. Barely and his merry band of cohorts can't close Gitmo. No on wants these enemy combatant detainees anymore than we do. Mr. Barely thought that he could use his hope and change, the world will love us if you elect me style to persuade other countries that a redistribution of our enemies to our friends would be appropriate. Little did he realize what the previous administration realized, that we have imprisoned hardcore terrorists that will have no compunction in rejoining their other terrorist fellows in AQ and other groups to plot and kill Americans. All the while the cattle call from leftists that holding these people all by itself is torture. Mr. Barely's plan was ill-conceived because he thought he was throwing the red meat, oxymoronically, to his leftist crazy fringers who reminded him that they put him into power and that following the closure of Gitmo, he would soon end the war and recall troops from the ME which simply for the left hasn't happened and won't happen. And that is because now that this empty-suit, pussy, non-man of a president realizes the true reality of what this country is facing with dealing wit terrorists and what they are planning.
Watching Medea Benjamin and her traitorous pack of dried up vaginas and their effeminate hangers-on get even more shrill has it's entertainment value at this news alone. Leftists everywhere are just gnashing their teeth in the disappointment that their anointed little black Jesus has given them. Now with painting himself into a political corner due to his astute political maneuvering, he's having his cadre of democrats open the back door for him to slip out of with this type of unfunded appropriations. Yet, I don't hear the shrill and hysterical cry from the leftist kook fringe here, Jeremy, Michael, AlphaShriveler, Lucky, et al. about finding Bin Laden like they heaped it on Bush now do you? It's been eerily silent on that front and how fortunate for the Global Citizen of Mankind.
"AlphaLiberal said...
Fuck conservatives. You're a bunch of assholes."
You are just one giant ball of cheeriness aren't you. Being an asshole doesn't make one a conservative. The two are mutually exclusive. I mean look at you. Your kind are nothing but conspiratorial pathological liars that just really whine a lot about a whole lot of nothing.
Methadras said...
"we have imprisoned hardcore terrorists that will have no compunction in rejoining their other terrorist fellows in AQ and other groups to plot and kill Americans."
Really? Was there a trial? I missed it then. And after being held at Gitmo for 7 years I would be a little pissed myself...
"All the while the cattle call from leftists that holding these people all by itself is torture."
Wrong again Mr. Butthead. That was the torture part we have been referring to.
"And that is because now that this empty-suit, pussy, non-man of a president realizes the true reality of what this country is facing with dealing wit terrorists and what they are planning."
Aside from assuming you meant "with" instead of "wit" (nitwit perhaps??)....I would be forced to believe, as almost every credible expert states, that after a couple years their current knowledge value is pretty close to the rest of it is mostly just Bush not having a rat's ass idea what to do...but I digress.
"Watching Medea Benjamin and her traitorous pack of dried up vaginas and their effeminate hangers-on get even more shrill ..."
Oh stop! talk about SHRILL...what happens to you in the morning, someone come in to your room and give you a bit shot of hate?
Do you talk that way amongst your friends? To you mom? In front of your kids?
Pathetic. Ya'betcha.
someone wrote: "Just act like I'm not here"
A wonderful idea! I plan to follow your sage advice.
And we have a winner!
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