I know the impression it made on me. I showed it to my tablemate and, without any prompting, he said exactly what I had thought.
IN THE COMMENTS: Roger von Oech said: "Louis Farrakhan — all the way. The teleprompter makes it look like a bow tie."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 335 of 335Artists in medieval times would paint portraits of living saints with a squared halo, whereas dead saints received a circular halo.
Thus, St. Teleprompter.
Althouse, don't you think you could at least outlaw sock puppetry?
She may yet turn up ok . . .
Do you actually understand the meaning of the term "freak out", Machos? It wouldn't appear so. I asked you to do something very simple. I asked you to state what didn't make sense to you. For most people, this isn't difficult. Maybe a point of grammar, a specific word, the definition or context of something escaped you... not too difficult. So please don't say that I'm "freaking out" just because I exposed your disingenuous and shallow riposte for what it was. It only furthers my psychosis and threatens my weak grasp of reality.
Your weak grasp of reality, OTOH, would not seem to be further compromised by such nonsensical things. Maybe they come more naturally to you.
I gave you a book to read already.
Hmm, Seven, I think I've changed my mind. Maybe I should rescind my previous admonition to give up on these chaps.
I remember going to the Monterey Grand Prix once and watching a wreck unfold right in front of where I sat. There was a unique thrill about it, not in magnitude but certainly in type. Reading MUL's responses is kind of a dim replay.
"P.S. If I may venture a prediction, here comes the part where Montana drives home his contention that he is much smarter than the rest of his rubes. I expect to see various degrees rolled out, and books read."
Please, Mr Machos! I beg of you not to use such constructions as "If I may venture a prediction", especially when you prepare to put me down for my knowledge, etc. It makes the shallow ego hiding inside my highly educated mind shudder at the thought that you really are smarter than me!
Actually, it's just a way to talk so that you make yourself sound smart. Which is pretty ironic, considering your approach.
Again, no one's accusing you of making any sense.
Can I go to sleep now? Some of actually like to be awake on Friday nights. Of course, if I also wore a face mask, my sociability on non-school nights might not be at stake either - if you know what I mean.
The part from the first word to the part at the last word did not make sense. This is why I told you that your post did not make sense.
I am not going to explain to you what parts of what you wrote are nonsensical. This is for the teachers at your local community college.
I am sorry you are so upset that you don't make any sense. Travis Bickle felt the same way. Perhaps that can be some solace.
Seven and mcg, fare well. I shall definitely return tomorrow. Goodnight.
I will not deign to look at your link
No need to be afraid. The State Department is very solid when it comes to this.
Sounds like you prefer spectating to intelligent comment, mcg. How clever of you to make fun of me to Machos with an inane race car analogy while lacking any responsive comment whatsoever! I can't figure out your rhetorical tactic! It's super-duper!
It's like bumper cars, actually.
FLS -- I worked for said entity. I know it well. Specifically, I worked in...wait for it...international law.
So, you really don't need to give me links to help me understand the treaties we are beholden to as a nation. But thanks. Really.
Rose said..."Obama is a fool."
Which I would assume, makes the American voters...fools?
Why do you hate America?
Why do you denigrate our President?
Why would anybody care what another wingnut thinks?
Fuck off.And yet you care enough to spend literally hours on Althouse's blog trying to get that LAST WORD IN in a roundabout game of insult tag that neither you nor your opponents can ever, ever win.
I mean, what you're trying to do, Jeremy, is the blogging comment equivalent of arguing out the true meaning of Rashomon. This shit can literally go on forever.
Jesus wept. He did. It's in the Bible!
Trust me on this, Jeremy, if you trust me on nothing else-what Patrick J. Buchanan said after Cheney's speech today hit the mark. The reaction of the Left today told him one thing: "Cheney's speech worked".
You do know that MoveOn.org actually pays some clown to keep track of Althouse, once in a while, don't you? I mean, in case she says the "N" word on one of her Blogginheads appearances or does an Imus Brainfart with a bunch of girl basketball players in Madison or something. I think that MoveOn actually believes that Ann is, aside from being somewhat conservative, a covert member of the Wisconsin Nazi Party (it's the Master Race Hair Coloring...) and they're out to prove it.
You're not that clown, are you?
Just thought I'd ask.
Sounds like you prefer spectating to intelligent comment, mcg.
Oh, on this thread? Most definitely! Please, do respond again.
Mcg -- We're idiots, see, because what Montana wrote doesn't make any sense to us.
section9 - Blow me.
Ok, Machos. I get it. You're just trying to get back at me because you thought you had a point about organic food months (years?) back that I didn't respond to and you took insult to that perceived slight.
Given the amount of time you devote to this online garbage with Annie, and the fact that your avatar is of a ski mask, I really don't you're in the best position to compare me to Travis Bickle.
And I await evidence of your erudition.
As Dieter would say, your story has become quite tiresome.
I worked in...wait for it...international law.
So, you really don't need to give me links to help me understand the treaties we are beholden to as a nation.
but it's like you forgot everything. You never talk about CIL or state practice.
section 9 - I notice your favorite blog site is Conservatives4Palin.com
Good lord...another right wing dolt.
Just what this site needs.
Montana -- That made no sense, either.
But I rest assured it's me. I'm the rube. The narcissistic rube, apparently. You are the knowing sophisticate.
If you could only learn to write better, everyone could surely see it.
You wanna talk about UNCITRAL, FLS? Or how about what happens to a person's citizenship when their country goes away.
Montana -- You are a train wreck, dude.
seven nachos - international law...bullshit.
"If you could only learn to write better, everyone could surely see it."
See, this is where you're wrong. You honestly believe that if one is a skilled enough writer, they could get anyone to understand anything? Maybe you're more familiar with community college than I am, but this is a new concept to me.
Artists in medieval times would paint living saints with squared halos, and dead saints with circular halos.
Thus, St. Teleprompter.
All we want to understand, Montana, is what your point is. If you can't make it clear, it's a safe bet that you don't really have one.
"Montana -- You are a train wreck, dude."
And you're a joke, who's not worth taking seriously, and whose ego is dependent on a blogger's referencing you!
So I can see why you make no progress in your conversations or in your thinking.
It's just a jerk circle Jeremy.
And they are all armed.
Which bloggers have referenced me? Am I famous? Do tell.
Bob - Gosh, got any more of those really neat teleprompter jokes?
We just can't get enough of those teleprompter jokes.
Please...more teleprompter jokes.
PRAGUE (AP) - The prime minister of the Czech Republic says it could have been his taste for the rock group AC/DC — not his study of economics — that inspired him to describe President Barack Obama's nearly $2 trillion economic plan as "the road to hell." -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29923316/
"If you can't make it clear, it's a safe bet that you don't really have one."
Bullshit. Two people (Or at least that's the claim). I can safely say that the majority of the comments on Crooks and Liars don't make sense to you either, even though they are closer to reflecting sentiments embraced by the majority of the American people than yours are. You make statements that can only be endorsed by an extreme minority of the country, and yet you assume that MY statements lack a point?
Good God, Ski Mask Avatar. You are a stupid one.
Jen said..."It's just a jerk circle Jeremy. And they are all armed."
True, but keep in mind, most of them always have one hand in their pants.
The narcissist-in-chief speaks.
The dupes abide.
Of course, Ski Mask Avatar will just claim that he didn't understand what I just said - and pretend that's a meaningful response.
Anyways, I'm off... but first this:
"It's just a jerk circle Jeremy.
And they are all armed."
That's funny.
I think the jump to label any two people as sock puppets relates to this assumption they have that everyone thinks like they do. At most, only one person (and certainly not a majority of the country) can disagree. If a second comes along, that person must be an imposter. As I said, narcissistic groupthink.
I don't assume that your statements lack a point, Montana. I'm telling that your statements have no point. This is either because you cannot write well or because you have no point to make, and obfuscate your lack of a point in words. Possibly both.
I suggest a career in something that does not require communication to other people. I also suggest that you don't spend a lot of time on blogs, as it is time wasted. After all, why write unless it is to communicate? Which you obviously cannot do.
But, anyway, tell me about my fame. Should I google myself?
Almost Ali said..."The prime minister of the Czech Republic..."
And God knows..Americans are certainly following everything the the prime minister of the Czech Republic has to say.
I personally don't make a move until I know what the prime minister of the Czech Republic says.
elHombre - You haven't passed out yet?
Michael and Jen are the same person. It is obvious. But you are so much smarter than me, Montana, so I'm sure you can see that they are not.
At least you are fooling someone, Michael. And the smartest person in the room at that. You must be proud.
What's up with this Michael thing?
Night Night ElHombre
Seven Machos said..."Michael and Jen are the same person."
Every now and then I start to think maybe...and this is a BIG maybe...you're not mentally deficient...and then...
One more thing: why doesn't the smartest guy here know about my little picture? You'd think such a person would me worldly -- be able to put a picture and a name together.
Perhaps it's related to the lack of communication skills.
You wanna talk about UNCITRAL
Not really.
what happens to a person's citizenship when their country goes away.
Sure! You don't mean it vanishes into an alternate universe, right? I assume some other country takes over. I once worked with a guy who was born Austrian, then became successively Polish and German, than finally Ukrainian, without ever moving from his hometown.
My new policy is I don't discuss politics with anyone who is less informed or unpersuadable.
You should consider adopting the same policy.
Jeremy, Jen and MUL are out and out deutschbags.
Seven Machos said..."One more thing: why doesn't the smartest guy here know about my little penis...??"
Well, we have heard rumors...
And who are you to tell me such a thing? You sound like a puny, little dipshit who IRL has nothing of any consequence to say to anyone. People much smarter and more accomplished than you have told me things about what I've written that are much more complimentary (and genuine) than what you've said, so what do I care? I don't even take this intertubes junk seriously; it's just a way to be creative, and get ideas out there, and discuss different points of view (which is something you're incapable of). To play around. It's not about recreating stock sentences and rote thoughts that simply conform to Strunk and White, or whatever other misapprehension you have. So don't think you're really making a substantive criticism (which wasn't your point anyway) by complaining about how my writing is above your intelligence level. And if you think you're such a good writer, you could learn how to make a fucking point. Here's a hint: Don't just repeat the same damn assertion over and over again. Repeating something doesn't make it true or reasonable.
You have an Althouse tag, right? If not, then perhaps I overestimated what would constitute your own importance in even your own eyes!
AJ - What exactly is a "deutschbag?"
Michael/Lucky/Jeremy has single handily ruined this site...and now his sock puppet Jen has joined in to compound the problem. Personally, I hold Althouse responsible for allowing this to happen.
AJ -- I admit that I have a problem. I'm in a 12-step program, but I keep falling off the wagon.
FLS -- Those are reasonable assumptions. That would be the common law answer, so to speak. But what are the actual laws? And does everyone agree with them and abide by them? And how do you enforce anything? Those are really the questions, aren't they?
Oh, and Machos, Dear! You shouldn't complain about others' "communication skills" when you make retarded particles of nonsense like this:
"You'd think such a person would me worldly -- be able to put a picture and a name together."
See, unlike you, I can actually critique your garbage. You use an adverb, "worldly" which does not have a clause, adjective or verb to modify. It's feeling a little lonely. You also use a verb modifier, "would", that lacks any verb to modify. I understand these are just basic articles of grammar, but I heard that such things are important to being understood and conveying impressive communication skills. But what do I know? I (unlike you?) never went to a community college.
In Europe, Obama's economic plan went over like a lead balloon. A flying jive turkey.
And Mirek Topolanek's remarks were not simply an isolated echo, but an affirmation of Merkel's assessment.
Besides, what European country could possibly take Obama seriously when he's represented by a buffoon like Joe Biden.
Donn - Go fuck yourself, you whiny little creep.
This is a blog site, open to all.
If you don't like it, take a hike.
I think Althouse needs to be more circumspect about her love of free speech, too. At the very least, sock puppetry and fraudulent appropriation of someone's name should be grounds for dismissal. (Yes, Michael stole my name once.) It's her salon, though.
And I want to say, by the way, that our brilliant friend Montana is in no way a troll. I don't think you should be asked to leave just because you can't write coherently. It has to be much, much, much more than that.
Almost Ali - Yeah, just yesterday we were discussing what Mirek Topolanek had to say about Obama.
We're very concerned.
Montana -- m and b are very close together on the standard computer. You have made many typos in your leaden prose here. Naturally, I leave it to you to find them, as I am not your instructor.
Nice try, though, though I would expect someone so brilliant to do better.
"My new policy is I don't discuss politics with anyone who is less informed or unpersuadable."
Nice point -- made by someone who has made no attempt at any point whatsoever, who has never attempted to persuade anyone of anything (who didn't already agree with him), and who has not made any attempt to see how informed his fickle interlocutor really is.
But then again, he also said this:
"...are out and out deutschbags."
Who is Michael? Jeremy?
Montana -- If you will give me $100 for each typo I find, I will point out yours.
Do we have a deal?
Michael/Jen -- Everyone here hates you. Althouse hates you, too.
Jen - Michael is a thorn in the side of right wing lunacy.
Keep in mind, the idiots here also think you are me and I am you.
They can't stand thinking there may be more than one...
Is Machos going to take his ball and go home?
Oh, a typo, you say! (And yes, typos are no big deal on blog comments. But most of them don't lead to complete incoherence.)
So let's try decipher the only feasible construction of your "corrected" sentence.
"You'd think such a person would be worldly -- be able to put a picture and a name together."
What does being worldly have to do with putting a picture and a name together? Do world travelers excel at charades or something? Do they communicate in hieroglyphics? No! I seriously want to know what sort of coherent thoughts lurk deep underneath your strange and mysterious sentence, Mr Machos!
Really, I do. Sort of.
Seven is kicking the three dumbkopfs' asses all by himself with half of his brain tied behind his back. Althouse should give him an award.
How about those Nuggets! I see a Denver vs. Orlando final.
Fuck you MUL! Fuck you Jeremy!
Seven Machos said..."Michael/Jen -- Everyone here hates you. Althouse hates you, too."
Okay, I apologize.
Earlier I asked if you were twelve years old.
I guess I can't sleep.
Two points:
worldly is an adjective, as defined by both the Merriam-Webster and Oxford dictionaries.
Topolanek was speaking as the President of the European Council.
AJ - I notice you're in the "business services" industry.
Ahhhh, and now we hear from the Cuban Cigar.
How's the ugly boyfriend?
Montana -- This is really very hilarious. If you had any inkling what the picture is, you would understand why I use the term "worldly" and why I suggest that there is a very obvious connection between the name and the picture.
It's all there, dude, right in front of your eyes.
Too funny. But you go on being brilliant. Shine on.
Well, good, Jeremy.
I think we can also agree that we'd all be better served if Obama spent the rest of his term playing on Air Force One.
But I don't think he should race Mother Self-Superior Pelosi back and forth to the west coast. You know, fuel and all that.
Did the Nuggets win? If so, I am elated.
I argued a few months ago that Carmelo Anthony is an elite player to a group of people who disagreed. I am waiting for the Finals to bring it up again. Go Nuggets! George Karl deserves it. And I have always despised the Lakers, for no good or logical reason.
"worldly is an adjective, as defined by both the Merriam-Webster and Oxford dictionaries."
Yes. A distinction without a difference as it still didn't modify anything or make the sentence coherent.
But Machos got his point in.
Anyways, 72 comments just in the last hour or so? That's impressive. I just wish we were discussing something more important. Or not. I guess it doesn't matter at this late hour. Yawn.
But thanks for the investigative work, KC.
Seven - You can try to defend your idiotic picture all you want, but you still look like a cross between the Creature From The Black Lagoon and a colorful terrorist.
Which is it?
"It's all there, dude, right in front of your eyes.
Too funny. But you go on being brilliant. Shine on."
Hey. I'm brilliant, you're the coherent communicator. Say it, don't display it.
Even Daniel Tammet and other savants occasionally need things spelled out to them in the language they speak.
Michael -- We have had this discussion. All the actually intelligent lefties laughed at you, as I am laughing now. Beth finally told you what the picture is.
I do love Beth so. I wish she were here. She would say something insightful, that was simultaneously coherent.
AJL: "Seven is kicking the three dumbkopfs' asses all by himself with half of his brain tied behind his back."
Dummkopf, dummkopf.
Verstehst du?
Seven Machos said..."I have always despised the Lakers, for no good or logical reason."
Why let logic enter into your comments at this point?
Jen - Dummkopf, dummkopf.
Verstehst du?
I do.
Hey, this is fun!
Fuck You, AJ Lynch!
Is this kind of like the way Buffalo Bill screams back at the woman in the pit? I'm trying to reach AJ's level of articulation.
Investigative work?
Hardly (which is a(n)...?)
Grammatical knowledge should never be forgotten, and I don't do so.
"You'd think such a person would (b)e worldly" is a perfectly well constructed sentence.
It's a Lucha Libre mask, dude. Mexican wrestling.
Seven Machos. Machos is a Spanish word, connoting manliness. Mexican wrestling is humorously manly.
Get it?
People who know things know this stuff. Univision, dude, or your local Mexican enclave. Or a $200 flight to Vallarta. Look into it.
Well, he doesn't seem to be able to insult in German properly either.
The Cban Cigar - "Grammatical knowledge should never be forgotten, and I don't do so."
Easy for you to say.
Thanks. I like the mask better already.
Haven't even seen Nacho Libre yet. If I had, I might have gotten the reference.
Althouse, are you reading this crap? The sock puppetry has got to go.
Yes, it is indeed very easy for me to say.
Thanks for acknowledging that.
Seven Nachos said..."It's a Lucha Libre mask, dude. Mexican wrestling."
I still say you look like the Creature From The Black Lagoon...just more colorful.
ElcubanitoKC said..."Yes, it is indeed very easy for me to say."
But why leave out the grammatical part?
I think hardly's an adverb. My brain is starting to go... slowly... turn off. Just... told... Machos... I... like... his... mask... reference.
Actually, he gets points. Jack Black is cool.
AJL: "Seven is kicking the three dumbkopfs' asses all by himself with half of his brain tied behind his back."
Is that where it is?
Jack Black jumped the shark long ago. But thank you, Montana.
Seven Machos said..."Althouse, are you reading this crap? The sock puppetry has got to go."
You're not going to start crying on us now...are you?
*Ann's probably asleep, but we'll pass on your suck up tomorrow.
This must be the quickest use of 100 comments in a while.
Anyways, sorry for being incoherent, Mr Machos. We'll wrestle later.
NP. Buenos noches.
To which grammatical part are you referring?
You haven't yet explain what I misspelled before either.
Do elaborate.
Jen said..."Is that where it is?"
That be good.
I bet I know where the other half is.
MUL, there is something called gender agreement (part of a larger concept: concordancia) in Spanish. You just violated it.
The Cuban Cigar - "Grammatical knowledge should never be forgotten, and I don't do so."
I do love Beth so. I wish she were here.
It's actually wearying for liberals to read this blog, because they are outnumbered. But in the time I've been reading Althouse, the rightwing groupthink of so many of the commenters has first pushed me to the left, and is now making me crazy.
But one imperative keeps me coming back:
What part do you not understand?
Do I need to explain one of the common uses of "so"?
FLS -- That's hilarious!
For whatever it's worth, I owe my knowledge of the great and important divides on the left to the comments section here (and Mickey Kaus). I would think that a person on the left would have come to the same conclusion about the right reading the comments here.
And I wish the left were better represented here. I personally have shouted down numerous righty trolls. I count it as a badge of honor, for example, that Cedarford calls me a Jew Loving Bastard, or whatever.
Why is it that you and your ilk don't shout down tools like Michael/Jen?
Cigar - Oh, I understand what you're trying to say, it's just not very well written.
"Good grammar is important to me."
Gute Nacht meine Schätze.
It's been very entertaining.
FLS: thanks for the laughing squid. I'll check it out.
From now on, at least as long as I can remember to do so, I'm referring to this creepy Seven guy as: The Creature
Jen - Treasures?
Two black pups, an owl, and a former law student.
Why is it that you and your ilk don't shout down tools like Michael/Jen?I'm reserving judgment on Jen -- too new. As for Jeremy, as long as you lot are willing to engage him, I don't need to.
Seven Machos said:
I think Althouse needs to be more circumspect about her love of free speech, too. At the very least, sock puppetry and fraudulent appropriation of someone's name should be grounds for dismissal.
It's been said before, but I'll say it again. If all these horrible people are horribly ruining your favorite blog, why do you spend 300+ comments arguing with them? This is obviously a useful exercise for you in some way, or you wouldn't be spending hour after hour after hour after hour talking to/at them. Fighting with people, over the Internet, is clearly your thing. Embrace it.
I took a break from this blog because the fighting, particularly when I was involved in it, made absolutely no sense. When all is said and done though, this is a fighting blog, an angry blog even, especially when there's a political post. However, if you avoid the political posts and avoid the trolls and the regular assholes, this is a nice place.
I've been here every day, Zach. Every single day, and every hour.
Jeremey - the instant you said you don't "give a flying fuck what people think of you" you alienated all the moderates on this board. Congrats.
re: "Our little cat disappeared a a bit over a week ago."
Like I said.... coyotes.
So why is it that Obama always appears to be lecturing. Is it the law professor in him? (The caption on that photo should be "...and one more thing...")
I noticed that the real issue is Cheney's photo, not Obama's. It is taken with a focus on the patented snear rather than showing his mugg from the dark side from which he comes.
Good morning Jeremy, et al, Jen, Pompous Montanus, FLS, hd.
F_ck, f_ck, f_ck. Dumb, dumb, dumb. @#$%^&*.
There. Have I caught up to you yet?
@elHombre. Probably not.
Also you forgot to throw in the usual invitations to perform oral sex.
Cheney was scheduled
to speak, Obama jumped in at the last, desperate minute - like a first
year student trying to outwit the master. In Farsi.
My advice to Obama; go play on Air Force One, and take Lady J. Crew with you.
"Jen - Our little cat disappeared a a bit over a week ago.
I searched everywhere and left the window open for a week but she never came back."
That is terrible. I would be sick if my cat disappeared. I am very sorry. Be sure to check the pounds. Or maybe someone took it in.
Obama is on the left. Cheney is right.
hdhouse used the word "snear". He is as funny as he is smart.
Anybody notice this?
Tom Ridge: "Cheney Is Wrong About Obama"
John - We did check, but we live on an open canyon and we think she may have wandered in and encountered coyotes.
I've had many cats and they do have a tendency to leave for periods of time, but it's been almost 2 weeks so I think she's gone.
Pogo said..."MUL, Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldson, and Jen are the modern left's attempts at Gleichschaltung, total conformity, the effort to coerce acceptance of the correct viewpoints. All must be aligned and co-ordinated, or suppressed. On a blog, the bad drives out the good."
You really need to learn how to be more concise, and you might consider taking advantage of Spell Check.
As to the bad driving out the good, I've always been of the belief that blogs and their commentary sections are not designed to accommodate one viewpoint, but many.
Why not do what I do: Ignore those you don't want to read, and don't respond to those you feel are a waste of your time.
Alex said..."Jeremey - the instant you said you don't "give a flying fuck what people think of you" you alienated all the moderates on this board. Congrats."
Alex, what is it you don't understand?
Why do YOU care what others on a blog site think about you?
It's a sign of insecurity and makes little if any sense, especially considering you'll probably never meet any of these people in your entire life...and even if you do, you'd be surprised at how much you actually do or do not have in common.
Some here evidently think this is an exercise in popularity.
I don't have the ability to exclude commenters. I can only delete comments (and tell people to leave, which decent people do).
/ignore Obama Brownshirt Trolls
I just wish we were discussing something more important.
Here's one: The Speaker of the House was misled. Again.
Feb 6th, Noonan: One senses in a new way the disaster that is Nancy Pelosi. She was all right as leader of the opposition in the Bush era, opposition being joyful and she being by nature chipper. She is tough, experienced, and of course only two years ago she was a breakthrough figure, the first female speaker. But her public comments are often quite mad—we're losing 500 million jobs a month; here's some fresh insight on Catholic doctrine—and in a crisis demanding of creativity, depth and the long view, she seems more than ever a mere ward heeler, a hack, a pol. She's not big enough for the age, is she? She's not up to it.
Pelosi: Bush misled me.
Pelosi: The CIA misled me.
Pelosi: Ahmadinejad misled me.
"Alex said...
Jeremey - the instant you said you don't "give a flying fuck what people think of you" you alienated all the moderates on this board. "
Naw, he alienated us long before that, many months ago.
Like how the grey tint of the TOTUS makes Obama look even blacker, thereby scaring his ordinary white grandmother even more, as she clutches her purse and hits the lock switch on the car door.
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