I know the impression it made on me. I showed it to my tablemate and, without any prompting, he said exactly what I had thought.
IN THE COMMENTS: Roger von Oech said: "Louis Farrakhan — all the way. The teleprompter makes it look like a bow tie."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1 – 200 of 335 Newer› Newest»It's not Obama you see, it's his teleprompter.
Rather than the typical Obama pic of his head set against something so it forms a halo, this time his head is set against the teleprompter. TOTUS wants face time!
You can clearly see that Cheney's brain is much bigger than Obama's.
"without any prompting." Heh.
But Chris Buckley said Obama was errudite.
Obama's hot and Cheney's not.
He is saying "we're #1"
I saw a comment that said watching Obama speak is like looking at someone watching a tennis match.
One of them is in the mid-swivel portion of the "false choice" dance. The other is contemplating the realities of the truly scary world we live in.
Obama is about to pick Cheney's nose?
I thought, "Gosh, Obama is such a square."
It looks like he's kissing the TOTUS.
EGADS! Maybe he needs a new name; Obamatronic (maybe he IS really a robot...) It is just freakkkky!
TOTUS is the shaded area behind President Obama's head?
Obama is reading from a teleprompter, saying things signifying nothing. He is all sizzle, all air.
Cheney is contemplating the realities of the world. He looks almost Churchillian. The picture seems to tell us that Cheney's worldview will be redeemed when all is said and done, and when history settles the score.
My impression is that Obama is a scold. He has no gravitas.
he's an icon on your iphone. add the gel affect
as an aside
i went to the LENS sight of the NYTimes and noticed the picture of obama and sotires of the photo shoot
What's the oppsite of cankleson a man? Obama has really really skinny ankles.
Today is Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter. The "One" is pointing skyward. Either that or he cleared the room with a giant Himmelfahrt.
"As I have read to you from my teleprompter before, this administration is committed to keeping Americans safe...."
The photographer had to take care to get the depth of field right to show the teleprompter like that.
Ann - "I know the impression it made on me. I showed it to my tablemate and, without any prompting, he said exactly what I had thought."
Geeee, Ann...what did YOU think?
And in the broad scheme of things...how important is it?
C'mon...even you people have to be able to come up with something better than the teleprompter thingie.
How about any kind of rational counter to what Obama proposes? Any rational suggestion the American public will believe or accept?
Obama carries a 64% approval rating and the guy who people here evidently think has never used one lugs around a 37% approval rating.
Dick Cheney is the best thing in the world for the Democrats and for some reason the GOP just doesn't get it.
Then again, what they ever understood?
Being a scold or having gravitas is a false choice. We all know that we can do away with those now.
David said..."The photographer had to take care to get the depth of field right to show the teleprompter like that."
Correcto Mundo.
But, hey...this is important stuff.
A talking head? Yo, on the left.
"He looks almost Churchillian.The picture seems to tell us that Cheney's worldview will be redeemed when all is said and done, and when history settles the score."Oh, for fuck's sake.
The man is a swine: a murderer and a torturer. Given the prevalence of these kinds of men in history, his "worldview" may well be redeemed when all is said and done, when we no longer pretend to be constrained by law or simple decency from behaving as barbarians.
No, it's his tie.
If you focus at Cheney's nose, the tie looks like a rotating peppermint stick. It's a subtle but deliberate form of distraction.
Robert Cook -- How is Biden not a torturer? Please name the people Cheney has murdered.
Also, for my own amusement, please tell us again what "international law" to which the United States has consented makes the Iraq War illegal. Please explain to us how said law applies.
If you can't -- and you have proven hilariously time and again that you cannot -- please slink away. Again.
Obama used a teleprompter, while Cheney did not have a prepared speech, but, rather, talked off the top of his head?
Louis Farrakhan — all the way. The teleprompter makes it look like a bow tie.
When the world is free of barbarians, we will not need men like Cheney.
Yeah, I notice that that's not a picture of Obama from his speech today.
How is Biden not a torturer? .
Yes, because Biden, of course you have some evidence that he was actively seeking to torture people, just like Cheney. I'm guessing that this is one of the "We're all Georgians now" arguments.
Oh, to be able to hack into TOTUS, and insert gibberish like on Bruce Almighty.
"The White House reception committee greeted the Prime Ribroast Minister and... I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl. I lik-a do da cha-cha. I'm sorry we seem to be having some technical difficulties. In other news "
Invisible -- The vice president is a member of the Senate. The Senate approved torture. I will be shocked if you can show me that Biden voted against it.
This is very simple stuff. Your beliefs that Cheney was running foreign policy out of his office are simply false. It's fun to demonize, though, isn't it? And facts just get in the way.
The name of the linked photo is "obama+as+farrakhan.jpg"...
Jeremy: "Dick Cheney is the best thing in the world for the Democrats and for some reason the GOP just doesn't get it."
Thanks for the advice. Perhaps now Obama won't have to schedule his speeches in the hopes that Cheney's will be overshadowed. Because Cheney's so good for the Democrats.
Pogo thinks we're living in the USSR.
Who knew?
Robin said...Right.
Obama scheduled his speech opposite Cheney.
Good grief...you can't be that dumb.
The Farrakhan thing is obvious as well.
Titus said Obama is hot. First of all I think Titus is being disingenuous. Second, who thinks Obama is hot? Anyone?
Do I notice anything? Only the obvious: Obama = boy; Cheney = man.
Michael -- You are sliding. Do you ever notice that, as you get more and more frustrated, your comments become more and more juvenile and inane and insulting and copy/pasty?
Perhaps you should consider limiting yourself to only a few each day, given your emotional problems.
"How is Biden not a torturer?"
If it can be shown that Biden is complicit with the torture of prisoners of our terror war, then one will only be able to say that Biden, also, is a torturer.
He may, in fact, be complicit, but I haven't seen any reporting yet to that effect.
As a rule of thumb, we should suspect those who head up our government at any given time as likely to be complicit in crimes both small and large.
"Obama carries a 64% approval rating and the guy who people here evidently think has never used one lugs around a 37% approval rating."
Since popularity is an indication of right vs. wrong, I guess you have no problem with waterboarding.
Jeremy-- at one time, President Bush had a 64% approval rating and all people could criticize was his speaking style.
It would be wise to remember that.
Of course it doesn't really matter if he uses a teleprompter, and what matters is his policy choices.
The teleprompter will only loom large if things go badly. Then it will become a symbol.
Obams looks like an iPhone App.
Diamondhead said..."Since popularity is an indication of right vs. wrong, I guess you have no problem with waterboarding."
Obama said he will not allow waterboarding and I believe him.
That's the only thing that is important.
@Roger von Oech Yes. That's what we saw.
Butthead and Beavis
Wow, Michael, could you possibly miss the point more?
John Lynch said..."The teleprompter will only loom large if things go badly. Then it will become a symbol."
Oh, I can remember when Bush had a much higher approval rating than 64%...right at the point when Americans still believed he was tellng the truth or had some idea of what the fuck he was doing.
Then as things turned to shit...his numbers plummeted...just as Cheney's will once again after he appearances become less frequent.
But, considering the fact that Obama has been infinitely more accessible via speeches and personal appearances than Bush ever was, it's difficult to believe, even the wingnuts here, think he can memorize every speech or statement he presents. (Bush once went almost 6 months without a press conference.)
I can't imagine Americans being concerned with Obama's use of a teleprompter if "things go badly."
The only reason we even hear about it is that he does such a good job of presenting his ideas, and is so popular...that it literally drives the wingnuts crazy.
There's a degree of racism mixed in too, but that's something we have to live with.
Not seeing the Farrakhan.
But there's this.
Ever notice how much Seven Machos looks like a terrorist?
Michael -- You have tried that one before. It didn't work. Why not try, just once, to address the topic and the substance at hand?
Everyone here hates you, and finds you dull.
Jeremy/Michael is only one or two posts away from his usual practice of making some homophobic insult.
Seven Machos said..."Everyone here hates you, and finds you dull."
Again, with the word "hate."
An overused term that is irrelevant considering the context. You need to improve your vocabulary if you really want to meet the grade.
And why would I give a flying fuck what the people here think about me. Are YOU concerned with what they think?
People you and I don't know, people who don't know you or me.
That's a very childish thing to be worried about.
Grow up.
Ha! I just thought the teleprompter looked like a giant fly swatter ready to swat President Obama.
Henry Buck said..."Jeremy/Michael is only one or two posts away from his usual practice of making some homophobic insult."
You're a lying sack of shit.
Unless of course you're trying to tie my telling you to suck my dick to some kind of "homophobic" insult.
Gays certainly aren't the only people who suck dicks.
Haven't you ever had date?
It's true, Michael. Everyone here really does hate you. They all find you dull. People on the left are embarrassed by you, and have said so on numerous occasions.
No one wants to see you clogging up this salon with your drivel.
Henry, your prescience is noted.
Seven Machos said..."It's true, Michael. Everyone here really does hate you. They all find you dull. People on the left are embarrassed by you, and have said so on numerous occasions."
Good lord...are you twelve years old?
Jen - I've had any number of people today refer to me as Jen.
Funny, huh?
If it can be shown that Biden is complicit with the torture of prisoners of our terror war, then one will only be able to say that Biden, also, is a torturer.
As has been repeatedly pointed out, the magic number is three - three high value terrorists were subject to enhanced interrogation techniques. Three.
It is frankly amazing how many people apparently have culpability for "torturing" those three, including Bush (43), Cheney, the Congressional leadership, including, notably, the current Speaker, the National Security Adviser, CIA director, and any number of lower ranking people at the CIA. All to gather critical information from those three high value terrorists that likely saved thousands of American lives.
Hello ev-re-bo-dy, I am your supreme comander here, and my name is....
Barak Obama.
Ah, yes! Barak Obama, your
Reader in Chief.
Seven Machos said..."Henry, your prescience is noted."
No fair sucking up to the others...so they like you.
Oh, and I forgot the three lawyers who wrote the "torture" memos.
Obama was wearing a "blue" tie at today's news conference - not a red one as shown in the picture.
But red or blue, he's still a jive turkey.
are you the same people who saw the x on michelle's dress that election night in november.
this says more about your fears in 1965-75. than you know, doesn't it.
i saw the dress as a design illusion because it was right across from the art institute school of design which is what i would have been thinking about in the seventies. Funny i saw the gallery or iphone app thing. and the finger touch. life to me is about design.
see, how ten years kinda separates people and fears and interests.
Quayle said..."Ah, yes! Barak Obama, your Reader in Chief."
And we're back to the teleprompter scandal.
Bruce -- Only Republicans are "complicit in terror" because Republicans are evil people who commit evil acts, such as torture.
The throng of Democrats who voted for and oversaw the torture are innocent. Their consciences are clear.
Leftists like to think that the torture was confined to some renegade operation, outside of federal institutions. It is as if the torture took place in a small Republican hut on Republican land, and two or three Republicans were involved. And they are sort of the opposite of Jesus; their sins taint all other Republicans.
Almost Ali said..."...he's still a jive turkey."
A jive turkey.
This just keeps getting better and better...
I thought ZPS had left forever. Guess I'm wrong.
Or am I?
I think it's cool that the President has invented the square halo. Who said that he wouldn't encourage innovation?
And we're back to the teleprompter scandal.
No, we're back to the "If he is as smart as his supporters have said, how come he can't speak impromptu (or even prepared) from the vast supply of knowledge and logic in his head" scandal.
Good lord Obama's approval ratings are 78%, don't you wingnuts get it?
Bush lost, get over it.
O'bama's only been in office XXX days.
So how would YOU handle it?
This just keeps getting better and better.
What a hoot!
Lawgiver -- It would be funny if it weren't such pollution of a good salon.
Quayle said..."If he is as smart as his supporters have said, how come he can't speak impromptu (or even prepared) from the vast supply of knowledge and logic in his head" scandal."
With all that he's dealing with, why can't he spend more time writing and memorizing speeches?
I have a hard time with many of the inane criticisms of Obama, but the teleprompter thing really illustrates just how out of touch and lost the right wing is.
Do you actually believe George W. Bush wasn't using a teleprompter during many of his speeches?
"Bush lost, get over it." - Lawgiver
Bush didn't run, and Jive Turkey Obama should get over it.
That Drudge is crafty.
There's a restaurant in Brooklyn called Jive Turkey, specializing in whole fried turkeys. There's a vidalia onion fried turkey and a pecan honey fried turkey. The price for a whole fried turkey is $75, which seems steep to me, especially considering you have to venture into deepest Myrtle Avenue territory to get it.
With all that he's dealing with, why can't he spend more time writing and memorizing speeches?
The criticism of Obama arose, not because he read speeches from the teleprompter, but because his every word, including his introductions of others, were fully prepared for him.
He never said anything without the crutch.
And this was the supposed greatest speaker of our time.
I've seen great speakers - they can speak from the head and the heart.
Robert Cook,
You talk about torturing swine who want to kill me and my family like it;'s a bad thing.
I heard a 5 second sound bite of Obama on the radio and he was whinning petulantly about Cheney's showing him up. This dude is not ready for the prime time when has to face the truth.
I guess I don't understand how the photo that Matt Drudge selected to run of a Democratic President tells us anything about anyone other than a) Matt Drudge, and b) the blogger who chooses to make an issue out of it.
"As has been repeatedly pointed out, the magic number is three - three high value terrorists were subject to enhanced interrogation techniques. Three."
I suppose you still believe Hussein had WMD and he was in league with Osama bin Laden, as well.
Robert -- Everyone overwhelmingly believed that Iraq had chemical weapons, including the Democrats in Congress.
That's really a tired argument, also, in addition to its inaccuracy.
How about you stick to you forte: telling us all about the international law that the United States never subscribed to but that we are beholden to nevertheless, in your little make-believe world.
Yeah, Obama looks like Col. Sanders
And Cheney always reminds me of The Penguin. Most likely it's his voice:
"But Chris Buckley said Obama was errudite.".
Not being a college graduate myself, I looked up "errudite". Appearently it is similar to another word with this origin:
1375–1425; late ME < L ērudītus, equiv. to ērud- (ē- e- + rud- unformed, rough, rude ) + -ītus -ite 2 "
Yep, that's the one.
telling us all about the international law that the United States never subscribed to but that we are beholden to nevertheless
Here's a list of all the international law that the US subscribes to. If anyone tries to tell you different, look it up and tell them if they're full of it:
Farrakhan — all the way. The teleprompter makes it look like a bow tie.
Nah, he looks innocent, like a second grader about to make First Holy Communion. Or the young Bing Crosby, say in "Going My Way."
Thats the kind of pic, once identified, you sit on and patiently wait for just this kind of opportunity..
Kudos Drudge.
Bruce Hayden said...
Oh, and I forgot the three lawyers who wrote the "torture" memos.You were on a great roll, Bruce. The problem is anti-American hysterics conflating interrogating 3 mass murderers with Nazi death camps and demanding punishment of "all responsible" - is the fools cast an ever-widening net, and sure don't like the public seeing who of the Democrats they ensnared.
Torture-approver Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi, who helpfully stuck her own tit in the wringer. They managed to dredge up Bill and Hillary as supporters of extraordinary rendition, where Bubba and Mega-Butt managed to "outsource" interrogation to REAL torturers in Syria, Egypt, Jordan. Reid, Rockefeller, Harman (D-Tel Aviv), Feinstein, "get those Islamos!" Chuckles Schumer and fatboy Jerry Nadler. Clinton's lawyers who signed off on giving Jihadis from lands from Canada to Pakistan over to Jordan's finest interrogators.
Now Obama, as CiC, who has refused to stop the waterboarding and other "tooooorrrrrrtttuuuuuuure!!!" that US soldiers undergo in SERE training and agents of the CIA in their own harsh "enemy interrogation" preps. And Obama, like Bush, has authorized the "murder!" of noble innocent brown peoples at wedding parties in Waziristan....were AK-47s are only used by wedding guests for celebratory gunfire at helos and huge secondary expolosions only reveal that the "wedding guests" had stored a huge cache of bombs and C-4 in the local mosque to salute the bride and groom.
WASHINGTON (AP) - House Democrats on Thursday defeated a Republican push to investigate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claims that the CIA misled her in 2002 about whether waterboarding had been used against terrorism suspects.
The House voted 252-172 to block the measure that would have created a bipartisan congressional panel. Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, sponsored the resolution.
"This is partisan politics and an attempt by the Republicans to distract from the real issue of creating jobs and making progress on health care, energy and education," said Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami.
Check out that last passage, the democrats are trying to run away from a fight on terror policy they started. Hilarious! Jebus, what a bunch of pussies for crying out loud.
Seven, I have to differ with you. I really don't feel hatred towards JeremyMichaelOlson. Rather a strange mixture of wonder, disgust, and pity.
I just pinched a loaf and my loaf looked like Cheney in that picture.
How fascinating.
How your loaves doing everyone?
Teleprompter in Chief
ZPS, I thought you had left forever. Nice to have you back, however.
daredevil, they truly think people are stupid.
I do not hate Jeremy. I love Jeremy - as I am called to as a Christian.
I also think he's an idiot.
And Cheney always reminds me of The Penguin.
I think it's more his look, but that's just me. I would never suggest Cheney is a pretty man.
(Forgive me, I just thought of a Michelle Obama joke.)
As it applies to Obama:
Main Entry: jive turkeyPart of Speech: n
Definition: a stupid person
Example: Get off my lawn, you jive turkey!
Usage: slang
(Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English)Hope this clears up any confusion.
Big Mike:
If you are about, I answered your gun question.
Whats the big deal with using a teleprompter for a speech? Haven't all presidents used them? Didn't GW? I don't get how this is an insult.
FLS -- I will not deign to look at your link. Does it tell us that the Iraq War was illegal?
It doesn't, of course. The United States subscribes to law like UNCITRAL -- law that, like most law, is boring and necessary and benefits the United States.
If he is as smart as his supporters have said, how come he can't speak impromptu
He doesn't know Latin.
Steven Machos:
Do you wear stretchypants?
I had to ask.
Amost Ali said, "[...]jive turkey Obama [...]"
Always good to know when you are blogging with a racist lunatic. Thanks for giving us the heads up.
Jen -- I actually like to keep my pants as tight as possible to better exhibit my enormous leg muscles in the ring, thus intimidating my opponents.
Lo siento que puedo dar un foto de mi cabeza solamente aqui. I'm sure you understand.
How so, Jen?
That wasn't me Jen. Before. I don't know that Jen. I would have never made that inane fly-swatter comment.
Nice work here btw.
Nice work?
Please explain.
No, just the head shot is fine.
Sister Encarnación
Decisions that were made over the last eight years established an ad hoc legal approach for fighting terrorism that was neither effective nor sustainableTHat 's a pretty big statement Obama's making there. How exactly were they "not effective"? As far as I know we haven't been attacked again on US soil.
Un consejo: desencárnate, encarnarse en alguien o algo, no es bueno para la salud.
That one I don't get. Something about embodied in someone or something not being good for my health?
Too bad.
How so nice work? Let's recap shall we?
Repubs: Nasty racist tirades and delusions about men vs. boys, conservatives don't use teleprompters, blah blah blah.
Jeremy and a select few others: Logic and rebuttal.
Jen, I really want to believe you are his sock puppet.
If you are not, how can you live with yourself?
Roger von Oech said: Louis Farrakhan — all the way. The teleprompter makes it look like a bow tie.
It's amazing how people just can't let the "Obama is a Muslim" story go.
Jen -- We have an anti-Semite idiot here, who sort of raves independent of traditional right/left divides. There is one poster who seems to be pushing a racial angle.
Are you really lopping all the posters on the right with those two? That's stupid, superficial, and dense.
Please up your game if you are going to comment here. Start by reading Althouse's instructions.
One tool is enough.
@EKC: Oh, THATS what that meant. I thought it was something unoriginal like that.
It was a recap.
Fairly accurate given the nasty comments left here today.
Jen -- Please name names. Please read the thread. If you are honest with yourself, you will find that the vast majority of "nasty comments" have been made by leftists.
Furthermore, your argument is pure fluff. It amounts to a silly taunt.
Are you really so stupid and unreasonable?
Obama is a muslim. He will reveal this after his reelection when he has nothing political to lose.
Just watch.
Paul -- Why would it matter that Obama is or is not a Muslim? He is, after all, continuing virtually all of W's foreign policy.
Your fantasy is sort of the inverse of one that HD is having in a thread below. The power of the presidency is really very limited without the support of Congress and the entrenched people who run the executive branch sectors.
No, that's not what that meant. If you are going to use the language poignantly, please do not claim ignorance later. I am sure you understood my advise.
And, as Seven says, please do elaborate.
When it comes to leading the authoritarians here (not conservatives, of course; conservatives have forsworn any loyalty to the GOP like passengers on the Titanic), the real fight between Michael Steele and Limbo is a distraction. Real leadership of their eviscerated party is now held by Hermann Rorschach.
Farrakhan? Really? Nice color-blind society you claim to believe in. I seriously doubt a white, clean-cut guy wearing a bow-tie would have prompted the same reaction.
Jesse Ventura: +2. Sean Hannity: -27.
How should this sociopathological dead-ender-ism be described? Burnt toast is generous. You guys are more like the burnt toast from three weeks ago that wasn't thrown out and got moldy.
This thread is interesting only in a clinical sense. Ann's like a pied piper of sorts.
It was the release of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the Iranian nuclear program which produced the conservative outcry over CIA lies, treason and worse.
Among Speaker Pelosi's interlocutors now is former Intelligence Committee chairman, Republican Pete Hoekstra (R-MI). But as ThinkProgress detailed, years before he claimed Pelosi was "blaming the CIA," Hoekstra blasted "an intelligence community that covers up what it does and then lies to Congress." And when it came to the 2007 NIE which asserted Tehran halted its nuclear program in 2003, Hoekstra insisted the agency was holding back:
Similarly, in 2007, Hoekstra described a closed-door briefing by representatives from the intelligence community (including CIA) on the National Intelligence Estimate of Iran's nuclear capability, saying that the members "didn't find [the briefers] forthcoming."
For his part, Newt Gingrich, who claimed that Nancy Pelosi had "disqualified herself" from the same Speaker's position he once held, took to the op-ed pages to make his case for her to "step down" and to the airwaves to defend Hoekstra. But while Gingrich today redefined what the meaning of "is" is by claiming Hoekstra "did not say the CIA routinely lies," back in December 2007 he accused the CIA of precisely that over the Iran NIE:
"[The NIE] is so professionally unworthy, so intellectually indefensible and so fundamentally misleading that it is damaging to our national security.
[The NIE appears to be a deliberate attempt to undermine the policies of President Bush by members of his own government by suggesting that Iran no longer poses a serious threat to U.S. national security because we apparently have credible reports that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003."
At the CPAC conference in February 2008, Ginggrich ratched up the inflammatory rhetoric. The Benedict Arnolds in the American intelligence community, he insisted to applause from the assembled, had essentially committed treason:
"The National Intelligence Estimate on Iran can only be understood as a bureaucratic coup d’état, deliberately designed to undermine the policies of the United States, on behalf of some weird goal."
"Obama is a muslim. He will reveal this after his reelection when he has nothing political to lose.
Just watch."
I rest my case.
ElcubanitoKC said..."No, that's not what that meant. If you are going to use the language poignantly, please do not claim ignorance later. I am sure you understood my advise."
If you're going to spout bullshit relating to "language" shouldn't you at least know how to spell??
Whether he is a muslim or not, is of little importance to me. I don't like what he stands for, what he's doing, how he does it, or much anything about him. I don't need an ethnic/religious justification to dislike him.
I have decided Jen is Michael's sock puppet, as they are always here at the same time. Poor, sad loser. Can't get any support, so he has to create it.
And then Montana came and made no sense whatsoever. Being stoned makes your brain slow way down, dude.
Seven Machos said..."Paul -- Why would it matter that Obama is or is not a Muslim? He is, after all, continuing virtually all of W's foreign policy."
Except for the torture, lack of diplomacy, negotiations, etc.
jeremy, obama's personal ass licker posts a republican's criticism of a risible NIE report on Iran acquiring nukes for whatever reason. Try to find a link where a republican accused the CIA of lying, asshole. Jesus are you really this fucking stupid or just troll that way?
Jen/Michael -- You rest your case based on one of 133 comments?
You have no case.
Leave, dude. You are embarrassing yourself.
@EKC: I never used "the language", and by that I'm assuming you mean Spanish.
A man in stretchypants did, and then you did.
I just translated.
Jeremy/LOS/Michael/Other Troll Character:
This sums up my feelings regarding your posts.
Seven Machos said..."I have decided Jen is Michael's sock puppet, as they are always here at the same time."
What the fuck do you expect? We live in my car. Not because we don't have big bucks, but because we're trying to conserve energy.
And as for the sock thing...why not yank yours off your little dick and take a shot at actually thinking before you post?
Little man.
Read the thread. I'm not going to go through and re-type all the rubbish here.
Oh look! There's two RIGHT NEXT TO THIS TEXT BOX!
Just so fucking funny!
Thanks for the laugh.
Some dude who calls himself "Seven Machos" drops this nugget of wisdom:
"And then Montana came and made no sense whatsoever."
Yes. And people with double-digit IQs think trigonometry makes no sense, either.
Jen/Michael -- We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. We still will be in eight years. We negotiating less with North Korea, and an equal amount with Venezuela and Iran.
China now is very angry with us, and that will be a growing problem. Obama is also allowing a smartly cultivated relationship with India deteriorate.
Please do try to understand world politics and American foreign policy before attempting to comment on it. Thanks.
Jen said...
No, just the head shot is fine.
Sister Encarnación 8:35 PMEnough.
Montana -- Your post made no sense.
Trigonometry is the basic science of triangles and, while people may not understand it or may find it hard, they wouldn't say it makes no sense. Like the words you spewed above.
Jen/Michael -- Out come the insults about gays. What do you have against gay people?
It made no sense to you because you're an idiot who believes that your point of view is universal.
Seven Machos said..."Jen/Michael -- We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. We still will be in eight years."
For a little guy who dresses up as a terrorist you're not very scary.
We'll be out of Iraq/Afghanistan by 2012 and the Republicans will win an election in about 2060...but not a majority.
And true.
Your inability to communicate must be a sore spot, Montana. Perhaps a course in writing could help.
Seven - I didn't realize Michael Hasenstab was gay.
Do you know something we don't know?
montana urban legend - You're not really trying to have a conversation with Seven Nachos...are you?
This guy has the intelligence level of an immature chimp.
Michael Hasenstab - Seven Nachos says your gay.
Is that true?
Jen/Jeremy -- I have no idea what his sexuality is. The idea of condemning someone for their sexuality, though, or for trying to gain psychological superiority through a fantasy about oral sex, is appalling.
You are a tool, dude. A troll. A waste. No one here likes you. Go away.
What kind of an idiot claims that they can make sense out of something they lack the intelligence to understand?
Oh, yes. That's right. This is Machos-style reasoning.
Dude, lose the face-mask avatar. It's not interesting and makes you look like a serial killer. Although maybe that's the look you're going for.
I see you're more suited to short sentences, insults, and simple statements that lack much insight. Did your grandparents communicate in grunts and whistles?
(Ooooops! Intelligent humor. Will go over "Machos'" head.)
It's over the line, Althouse.
Montana -- I read your first post again. It made no sense. I'm sorry that you cannot write coherently. I wish I could help you.
Please don't insult chimps that way.
"Your inability to communicate must be a sore spot, Montana. Perhaps a course in writing could help."
Not really. You see, I communicate regularly (and successfully, I should point out, because you seem to not get this) with people much more accomplished, intelligent and productive than you. But I get your point. If I went to a zoo, unless I learned what style of communication would allow me to get my point across to a chimp, an iguana, or a slug, then those poor beasts would find me unintelligible also. Much like you do.
Does your kind rely on chemical signals for communication? Like dogs? Here, sniff my butt. Maybe then you'll get my point.
Seven Machos said..."Jen/Jeremy -- I have no idea what his sexuality is. The idea of condemning someone for their sexuality, though, or for trying to gain psychological superiority through a fantasy about oral sex, is appalling."
What the fuck are you talking about?
I swear, you are by far, easily in the top three uneducated dumbfucks on this site.
Oh, boy.
Lay off the animals. They make a lot more sense than these hoopleheads.
Jen said..."Jeremy: Please don't insult chimps that way."
I felt bad the instant I wrote it.
I've already gotten 35 emails and 250 tweets from primates.
Montana -- I think you are protesting a little too much here. Your post was senseless. I told you so. Get over it.
Seven, your aplomb is really admirable, but reasoning in this case is a lost cause.
"Montana -- I think you are protesting a little too much here. Your post was senseless. I told you so. Get over it."
This is bullshit. You are blocking things out that you don't want to comprehend. It's like "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". Parse the damn thing, if you really have a point to make. (Which you don't). You don't like the rhetoric? You don't understand how I used the term "authoritarian"? Register your fucking complaint - make it specific. You obviously understood every thing I've said to you since. So your problem isn't my coherence. Just like trigonometry isn't incoherent to an intelligent person. But a kid in the class who doesn't understand something can at least ask the teacher to explain a lesson that they didn't get. Which is more than I can say for you, apparently.
Montana -- How about this: try to make the same point(s) again with sentences that cohere and follow in a sensible, logical fashion.
Remember this simple maxim: good writing is writing that is easily understood.
Good luck!
I'm stepping out of this one.
Jeremy, want to go get a free-trade organic latte?
Seven---I'm voting with you on the incoherence of MUL's first post. But I'm also voting with ElCubanitoKC that you're fighting a lost cause. For goodness sakes I haven't seen so many pathetic trolls since I drove by a goth convention.
Jen - The only thing that keeps me around is the satisfaction I get from...well, you know.
Jen said...
I'm stepping out of this one.
Jeremy, want to go get a free-trade organic latte?
9:51 PM.
Do you mean, fair tradeMost people are familiar with the term.
"Remember this simple maxim: good writing is writing that is easily understood."
This pretends that audience doesn't matter. See, I have a feeling that my audience here doesn't like terms like "authoritarian", "Rorschach", perhaps "pied piper" even. Who knows? It's a cultural disconnect. You simply lack the knowledge to place these terms into context. But instead of looking them up, or asking what they mean, you just say "I don't get it! So you're incoherent!" Brilliant! You've just proved that you can downplay your own incompetence by declaring something else irrelevant.
But you failed at that. As has been pointed out, incoherence can equally indicate a lack of intelligence on the part of the interpreter. You know you can't disagree with this. So you just repeat your stupid point. Like a broken record.
You'll notice I did you the favor of making this remarkably simple point with short sentences. Unfortunately, this is online communication. So it is impossible for me to come down to your level entirely. That would require your seeing me on all fours.
Now go away and stop pretending that your idiocy tonight hasn't lost all use to Annie.
mcg said - And yet another mental midget joins the fray.
montana urban legend - Are you familiar with the expression; "you're wasting your breath?"
You're trying to communicate with a group of people who identify themselves as...dittoheads.
Give it up.
Jen said..."Jeremy, want to go get a free-trade organic latte?"
Is it really free?
fair . . . free. . . .they are used interchangeably it seems.
Although you are correct, fair-trade is more accurate.
Jeremy, from way up the thread - who cares about the polls and approval ratings? That's what got us where we are. It's shallow thinking. Blind idiocy. Obama is a fool. All the other world leaders know it. Just look at the body language and read the foreign press, and if that isn't enough, think - why are they all shoving their missiles in his face?
I'm still going for a coffee.
It's free for you. I'm buying.
Awwww..... what's the matter, mcg? You can't register specific complaints either? Just throw your hands up in the air! Pffoooey!
See, this is where the narcissism comes into play. An intelligent person might actually understand that his own perspective is not universal. (Few perspectives are). He would employ phraseology such as "talking past one another" or state what, specifically, doesn't make sense to him. But of course, I must not be so fortunate to have surrounded myself with people who can only describe a black-and-white vision of the world that most intelligent people don't share. So you do have that going for you. It must be a luxury to say that what you don't understand is beneath you, and therefore, either untrue or universally nonsensical. Like evolution?
Rose said..."Obama is a fool."
Which I would assume, makes the American voters...fools?
Why do you hate America?
Why do you denigrate our President?
Why would anybody care what another wingnut thinks?
Fuck off.
Rose - Can you provide the links to the "foreign press" criticism of President Obama?
Take your time.
Jen - I'd love to coordinate our contributions but if I made my email address public...well...
Agreed, montana, your own logic (?)excludes you from the realm of the intelligent.
Awwww..... what's the matter, mcg?
All's well here, MUL, thanks! Just encouraging Seven to quit casting his pearls before swine, that's all.
I didn't see Farrakhan, although when pointed out, the likeness is obvious (because, of course, all radical muslims look the same).
I thought I was seeing the President through some newfangled riflescope. Wasn't sure what Drudge was getting at.
Shorter Machos:
Every time I don't understand something, I call out the object of my confusion! How dare you confuse me! Come down to my level and make yourself comprehensible to me! You're not superior to me!
What do any of you want to bet that Machos somehow doesn't possess the deep and complex, technical understanding of every phenomenon and body of knowledge that humans have described?
Reading Machos impotent potshots is like peering into The Mind of the Everyman. He's like the Joe the Plumber of Quantum Physicists. No, really!
(but then I realized it was a shot through the TelePrompter)
Maybe photograph is a better word than shot
Madison Man, dear friend, are you not familiar with The Teleprompter?
I am shocked.
Its likeness is very distinct, as is its ubiquitous omnipresence.
There's another pet food recall. Make sure no one you love is eating Nutro dry cat food.
Jeremy: It's just a virtual latte in the virtual sedan.
Pearls before swine? God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.
"All's well here, MUL, thanks! Just encouraging Seven to quit casting his pearls before swine, that's all."
See, if I were as disingenuous as you're being, mcg, I would say, "what's a pearl?" "What's a swine?" "These references are confusing to me." "What does this saying mean?" But then, I would also have to be really narcissistic, or else I wouldn't see fit to blame my confusion on you.
Rose - Can you provide the links to the "foreign press" criticism of President Obama?
Take your time.
Montana -- Your first post made no sense. I told you so. And you freaked out about. You continue to freak out about it, hurling insults at anyone who criticizes your obliqueness.
It's all very strange, bordering on psychosis.
Jen - Our little cat disappeared a a bit over a week ago.
I searched everywhere and left the window open for a week but she never came back.
Very sad.
Seven Machos said..."It's all very strange, bordering on psychosis."
Well, if anybody can identify...
"It's all very strange, bordering on psychosis."
This from a man who said,
"Jen -- I actually like to keep my pants as tight as possible to better exhibit my enormous leg muscles in the ring, thus intimidating my opponents."
P.S. If I may venture a prediction, here comes the part where Montana drives home his contention that he is much smarter than the rest of his rubes. I expect to see various degrees rolled out, and books read.
Doubt no more.
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