May 21, 2009

At the Twilight Café...


... talk to me about your fears. Last night, I was afraid of coyotes, skunks, poison ivy... scary trees....


Will Cate said...

If you have a cat, keep it away from the coyotes, which consider cats to be yummy snack food.

Salamandyr said...

I'm afraid of heights. And really, really closed spaces. That's about it.

hdhouse said...

That is an exceedingly scary photo. Please stop.

Big Mike said...

It's good to be respectful of skunks and poison ivy. Don't know if it makes sense to be frightened of them.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

There's a bear

KCFleming said...

Beware the jabber walk, my son.

KCFleming said...

That dog would look so fashionable in a $600 pair of Bermuda shorts.

Smilin' Jack said...

If you go out in the woods today,
You'd better not go alone.
It's lovely out in the woods today,
But safer to stay at home.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic

rhhardin said...

Crow fears.

Another, to scare the female crows.

New today.

rhhardin said...

Beware the jabber walk, my son.

Be wordy job awoke mice awn

KCFleming said...

The daughter's father looming on the porch is an effective scarecrow for teenage boys.

A well-placed principal can scatter a flock of teenage girls.

ricpic said...

Just as an actual illness puts paid to imaginary fears, so an actual black dog encountered at dusk drives out "the black dog."

David said...


For the past few hours I've been assaulted by demons. God knows why. Every really bad thing that ever happened to me is rushing in and I can't push it out.

This is a exceedingly unusual experience but it's the third time it's happened this month.

This did happen to me sometimes as a child. I'd tell myself that it was a dream and I'd soon wake up.

I'm awake now.


ricpic said...

A teaspoon of Ipecac will drive out those demons, David.

john said...

Where did Victoria go? I remember her saying she was reducing her comments, but it seems her blog is now gone.


The Dude said...

Her website, Sundries, has not been updated in almost 2 months.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

^ Dunno. Hopefully she found something better to do with her talents.

Constant internet use is a waste of time. I should be writing something else.

Palladian said...


traditionalguy said...

David... Did the demon oppression start about the time Maxine went missing? Only Maxine could bring up every really bad thing that ever happened to you. Try telling her to go away.

Laura(southernxyl) said...


Beta blocker. Ask your doctor.

I'm afraid of exactly the same things Salamandyr is. But I want to go to Mars in that mission they're planning. I'd go even if I knew I wouldn't come back.

Freeman Hunt said...

Let's see... fears...

Here's one:

That the West has lost confidence in its liberal ideals and is now descending into statism. That the US was the last holdout, but it's headed the same direction, only more slowly. That soon there will be no free place on Earth, and that it will be so for a thousand years.

There's a fear.

traditionalguy said...

Here in Georgia it's mosquitos that come out at twilight. Do Ohio mosquitos bother you or the dogs much? They seem to go after warmer animals faster.

Jennifer said...

I fear this picture.

Chip Ahoy said...

I'm afraid Holly just wants to check out every little thing and say "Hi there" to everybody.

Dad Bones said...

Trees...Steven King would like this one.

Michael Haz said...

Chip, brilliant, as always.

Bob said...

Lions, and tigers, and bears...Oh, my!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...


The rule of Lemnity said...

I got a gypsy woman giving me advice
I got a whole lot of tricks keeping here on ice

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hey is that Freeman?

Always nice to hear from you.

Revenant said...

That is an exceedingly scary photo. Please stop.

That actually IS a sort of scary photo. It has sort of an Edward Gorey feel to it for some reason.

Freeman Hunt said...

I seem to be the only person who looked at the photo and thought, "Oh, pretty trees. And look, there's that sweet dog they're always hanging around with."

kjbe said...

Freeman, I thought the same thing.

My second thought, after reading the comment, was a reminder of the solution my daughter and her cousin came up with when faced with a very dark walk back to our cabin, in Canada, a few years back. They started singing the theme to Indian Jones - and all was well.

Meade said...

Chip: That is superb! Thanks.

David said...

Much better today.

hdhouse said...

The picture still freaks me out.

Ralph L said...

"It has sort of an Edward Gorey feel to it for some reason."
That was my reaction. The doggie especially looks like one of his.