২৮ এপ্রিল, ২০০৯

Suddenly, Arlen Specter is a Democrat.

Sources say.

২৪০টি মন্তব্য:

240 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Roger von Oech বলেছেন...

I wonder if any of the DINOs will switch -- like those from big coal-producing states (which may be soon heavily taxed.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

"Mr. Specter, how did you become a Democrat?"

"Two ways. Gradually, and then suddenly."

With apologies to Mr. Hemingway.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Honesty in politics at last. To hell with any principles except dividing the spoils.

Christopher in MA বলেছেন...

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Michael Penn বলেছেন...

Now if we can get rid of Snowe and Collins we can reclaim our party back-at least in the senate.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Yes, by all means, push more people out of your party!

SteveR বলেছেন...

He's just wanting to caucus with Al Franken.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...


mariner বলেছেন...

I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.

People who wanted to dump Specter years ago were told to get in line and support him, because at least he voted Republican on SOME things.

Here's what they got in return.

Curtiss বলেছেন...

Michael Penn: Now if we can get rid of Snowe and Collins we can reclaim our party back-at least in the senate.A transparty threesome?

Michael Penn বলেছেন...

When Lieberman changed to whatever he is now at least he did it for policy differences and not just to save his ass.

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

Specter's switching parties?

He's joining the GOP? Perhaps the Scottish National Party?

Hmm, look for the Republicans to try and get Ben Nelson to switch.

Anyone that takes on the buffoonish pretend news anchor Keith Olbermann has potential.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Maybe we can all agree this is less about principle and more about self-preservation.

Hope he goes down in the primary.

(Er, I mean, loses in the primary.)

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I think we can safely assume that the switch was accompanied by a pledge of party support in next year's primary, otherwise all he's doing is exchanging a butt whipping in the Republican Primary for a butt-whipping in the Democrat Primary.

Henry বলেছেন...

Harry Reid has one less excuse.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

What do you mean suddenly? He was about as much as a Republican as he was a tomato.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Is this like when Clay Aiken announced that he was gay?


save_the_rustbelt বলেছেন...

It might be good for the GOP if the Democrats pass cap-and-trade and health care reform with no GOP votes.

Then when utitility bills increase dramatically and the health care system runs aground, the blame is clear.

'Course, if Obama makes both work, then the credit is clear as well.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And the Republican party becomes more wingnuttia by the day.


Darcy বলেছেন...

The tomatahs rejected his overtures, Hoosier Daddy. I've no doubt.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...

So does he have a chance in the Dem. primary?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

You're not intended to vote for Senators anyway.

Michael Penn বলেছেন...

The news said that the dems agreed not to run someone against him and support him financially.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

I feel for John Cornyn, frankly. He took on a thankless job and was prepared to sacrifice his principles to keep Spector in as a Republican.

I bet Cornyn crapped his pants when he heard about it, if he already has.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

I think we can safely assume that the switch was accompanied by a pledge of party support in next year's primary, Well, if they tried that in Wisconsin the rank and file would have party leaderships' head on a stick. We don't like party bosses getting involved in primaries.

Think it works the same in Penn.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Michael Penn said..."Now if we can get rid of Snowe and Collins we can reclaim our party back-at least in the senate."

Yeah, that should help get you closer to a majority...duh.

*Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats.

And the incessant whining continues...

Henry বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Henry বলেছেন...

What if every Republican suddenly switched parties?

The news said that the dems agreed not to run someone against him and support him financially.

Obviously, a law of diminishing returns would kick in.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


You seem to forget that by the time the primaries got to PA the Republican candidate had already been decided.

If you wanted to actually have an effect you had to vote as a Dem. as the primaries are closed here.

Michael Penn বলেছেন...

"Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats".

That's a lie.

Jon বলেছেন...

Predictably, the MSM meme is "This shows the GOP is dead in the northeast".

Never mind that according to polls, the GOP is favored to win the NJ governorship this fall, and to pick up the CT senate seat in 2010.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


And Specter swore he wouldn't switch parties last month out of the need for "checks and balances".

As previous posters have stated this was purely a matter of survival.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

He switched because the Republican Party has been taken over by the likes of Rush, Sean, Glenn, Dobson, Savage, Coulter, Ingraham, Goldberg, O'Reilly, hypocrites like Jindel and Perry, and of course, the rest of the fanatical right wing.

Just today Jindel raved about wonderful the high speed rail would be (after badmouthing it endlessly), and Perry asked for Perry has asked for 37,430 courses of anti-viral medicine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because of the swine flu outbreak. (I thought Texas was leaving?)

The blind leading the blind.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The absence of Republican support for Specter might mean that the Republican voters are getting their act together.

Which would be good, not bad, for 2010 Republicans, if there are still elections then.

section9 বলেছেন...

Specter joined the party to save his ass. And in all likelihood, he was promised support from Rendell and Emanuel. I suspect little party support for his challengers.

I also suspect that he will resign two years into his next term, allowing Rendell to appoint a Machine stooge.

That has to be the deal. This doesn't make sense. Arlen wouldn't just walk into their tent and tell them that "I'm crashing your party"!

This is a fixed game.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

"As previous posters have stated this was purely a matter of survival."


And that's bad...??

Jeremy বলেছেন...

rhhardin said..."The absence of Republican support for Specter might mean that the Republican voters are getting their act together."

Now THAT...is FUNNY.

"...the Republican voters are getting their act together..."


Leland বলেছেন...

Never mind that according to polls, the GOP is favored to win the NJ governorship this fall, and to pick up the CT senate seat in 2010.And Specter was losing in GOP primary polling.

section9 বলেছেন...

You know, Jeremy, he didn't switch because of any of that. He switched because he was going to get his ass kicked by Pat Toomey in the Republican Primary. So he went to Obama, Emanuel and Ed Rendell to save his butt.

Try to pretend you actually know something about the Republican Party the next time you post, okay.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Michael Penn, regarding my comment that more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats.

"That's a lie."

Oh, really?

Arlen Specter: "Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


Well, seeing as how you and he are both going on about how this was all about his dislike for the current conservatism, Yes.

Don't forget this is the second time he has switched parties as a matter of political expediency.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

My mistake: 200,000 Republicans didn't change affiliation "last year," but since 1980.

So sorry.

ShadyCharacter বলেছেন...

It's small of me, but one of the annoying things about a story like this is the thought that this will make people I dislike (like Alpha"that NY shooter was a Rush Limbaugh disciple"Liberal and JeremyMichaelOldson) happy.

But then I come here and read their posts and realize they're still just as bitter and dyspeptic as ever. And, I'm ashamed to say, that brightens my day immensely!

No matter what happens these guys are permanently dissatisfied. One can only imagine the squalor of their personal lives (quadriplegic insurance adjusters? frustrated actors? "ass man" at the BuyMore?) that leads them to invest their emotional capital into partisan politics to the extent of trolling on what they perceive as a conservative website full of hateful people.

And even with politics providing the "meaning" in their lives, they can't even take joy in a partisan political victory. Imagine being a life long rabid Red Sox fan and you can't even really enjoy the World Series victory. Instead of celebrating with fellow fans you head down into your mom's basement and get on the computer and go onto a Yankees chat board to rag on Yankees fans!!!

Their can be no joy in Jeremy's life. Let's say his sister has a kid (I'm assuming Jeremy has never known the pleasure of a woman). I bet Jeremy can maintain the smiles for a only a couple of minutes, before he sours the mood in the room by ranting about Cheney McHalliburton.

I mean, think about it. The Presidency, both houses in Congress and now a filibuster proof majority on the way. And there is no satisfaction, only bitterness at the mere fact that people exist who have different opinions.

Jeremy, Alpha, thank you! You've provided a ray of sunshine on this otherwise dreary day :)

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

You know, Jeremy, he didn't switch because of any of that. He switched because he was going to get his ass kicked by Pat Toomey in the Republican Primary.

Who (Pat Toomey) would have gotten his ass kicked by any non-baby eating Democrat above city councilman in Pennsylvania.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Well I hope they get thier filibuster proof majority so the Dems can stop whining like a bunch of pussies that the minority party that got its ass kicked keeps thwarting all their efforts.

Has Franken been seated yet? I really want to see Stuart Smalley and Joe Biden side by side. That's like Abbott and Costello Go to Washington DC.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Does this give them filibuster proof majority?

If so, great. Who are they going to blame now?

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

ShadyCharacter = Bitter Bear

Mark O বলেছেন...

What can you expect from the guy who invented the "magic bullet"?

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


They're just going to have to rely on the "we inherited (insert issue here)" line.

john বলেছেন...

I think Specter is trying to line up a Sec State nomination when Hillary resigns to run next year.

Alphaliberal - I totally agree. Any time an incumbent can put his seat at risk, that's a good thing. It's too bad democrats can't rid themselves of their ossified, sinecured, dead wood at the top:

Dingell - 53 years
Byrd - 50 years
Kennedy - 46 years
Inouye - 46 years
Conyers - 44 years
Obey - 40 years
Rangell - 38 years

So I guess it's good that Spector brings in some young blood.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

And no one is surprised.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

jayne_cobb - People change their minds all the time.

Remember a guy by the name of Ronald Reagan?

How about: Strom Thurmond

Or: Richard Shelby

"...political expediency..."??

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

jayne, good point.

ShadyCharacter বলেছেন...


Invisible Man is upset I left him out. Don't worry, your basic toolness makes me smile too.

I'll throw this out there, feel free to respond or leave it sitting there:

Invisy, Alpha or JeremyMichaelOldson, are you actually "happy" about this development? I'm not seeing any satisfaction in your posts. Only bitterness.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


Did they change it twice?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Specter gives craven, opportunists a bad name. Good riddance. I eagerly await reading his political obituary next spring.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

ElcubanitoKC said..."If so, great. Who are they going to blame now?"

Cubans who left their own country.

campy বলেছেন...

Who are they going to blame now?
Sarah Palin.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Dare To Be A Dolt - "Specter gives craven, opportunists a bad name. Good riddance. I eagerly await reading his political obituary next spring."

Want to bet?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

I want dtl and AL to tell me if they want a One Party Rule in this country?

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


And did they happen to suddenly change it after having stated, up until a poll showed him receiving an ass kicking, that they were never going to switch parties.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Cubans who left their own country..

Anti-immigrant racist.

Pete বলেছেন...

Michael Penn said: "Now if we can get rid of Snowe and Collins we can reclaim our party back-at least in the senate."

Does the possibility of having 30 something senators actually excite you? You're happy about that?

Well, cheers!

Jeremy বলেছেন...

campy said..."Who are they going to blame now? Sarah Palin."

Princess Sarah already has her dirty hands full:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — An ethics complaint filed Monday against Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claims the legal defense fund formed last week to challenge such claims is an ethics violation itself.

At least a dozen other ethics complaints have been filed against Palin.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

I expect there is a red-state Dem senator or two who is ready to switch to the Rep party due to regret over voting for the scattershot and wasteful stimulus plan.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Thanks, HD, but I'm used to the left's selective racism. If I were a communist like them, it wouldn't happen.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Hoosier Daddy said..."Cubans who left their own country..Anti-immigrant racist."

Gee, got anything else you'd like to add?

How about an ear of corn from the backyard?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I didn't leave the Republican party. It left ME!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

downtownlad and AlphaLiberal, do you want One Party Rule in this country?

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Does the possibility of having 30 something senators actually excite you? You're happy about that? .

Well it would be better to have 30 senators that actually vote based upon party principles rather than having more who consistently play for the other team while calling themselves Republicans.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

How about an ear of corn from the backyard?.

It's not season yet. If you really lived here like you claimed you'd know that.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I would be surprised if any Red State Democrat switched. Being in the majority has a lot more perks than being in the minority when you're in the Senate.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Jeremy said...

How about an ear of corn from the backyard?

12:19 PM

I am sure you have better sex toys than that.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Fresh corn. Yum.

The son has braces now and can't eat corn on the cob. More for me!

Jeremy বলেছেন...

I have absolutely no idea what "racism" has to do with making reference to a Cuban leaving his own country.

Maybe somebody here can explain that bit of logic.

If I said someone from Great Britain or Jamaica or Ireland or any country for that matter... came to America...would that constitute some kind of "racism?"


And what in the world does the "communist" comment via The Cuban Cigar have to do with anything?


Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

MadisonMan said...
I would be surprised if any Red State Democrat switched. Being in the majority has a lot more perks than being in the minority when you're in the Senate.

12:23 PM

That's correct in the current state of affairs. Power is what matters.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...

So does this really affect any legislation currently being debated?

Henry বলেছেন...

MM -- Agreed.

john বলেছেন...

Madison Man - I think they get bathroom attendants.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Hoosier Daddy said..."It's not season yet. If you really lived here like you claimed you'd know that."

I did live in Indiana for a few years (and what that has to do with knowing the corn season is a mystery to me), and actually liked Indianapolis and the surrounding areas, but the overall mindset was way too far to the right for me.

I like people who think for themselves versus the standard "dittohead" mentality.

*And I know, I know...NOBODY here listens to Rush.


Jeremy বলেছেন...

jayne_cobb said..."So does this really affect any legislation currently being debated?"

It does when the time comes for a VOTE.

Invisible Man বলেছেন...

Invisible Man is upset I left him out. Don't worry, your basic toolness makes me smile too.

I take it as a badge of honor, like getting shot in the face by Cheney.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

An elected official's highest priority is getting re-elected; next highest is using whatever power is available in that office.

If a senator like Ben Nelson or Tim Johnson felt vulnerable due to their support of the stimulus, they would switch parties IMO.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


It only has an effect if he was going to oppose it in the first place. His (R) didn't seem to have much of an effect on the "stimulus" vote did it?

Oh, and as an aside, one who seems to think that party should dictate a person's vote shouldn't be calling other dittoheads.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

The son has braces now and can't eat corn on the cob. More for me!.

Heh, my daughter just got her's last week and is also lamenting that she won't be able to enjoy corn on the cob.

As you said, more for me!

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Hoosier - Speaking or REAL anti-immigration:

Conservative media hosts, including Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck, have placed the blame for the spread of swine flu to the United States squarely on the shoulders of undocumented Mexican immigrants. Some even suggested yesterday that Mexicans were purposefully carrying the virus across the border to sabotage the United States.

There's no basis for either claim -- in fact, news reports and health officials suggest that Americans traveling to Mexico likely carried the disease home. For example, several students at the infected school in New York had recently come back from a spring break trip to Cancun.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Heh...like throwing chum to a shark.

Robyn বলেছেন...

"Specter's switching parties?

He's joining the GOP? Perhaps the Scottish National Party?

Hmm, look for the Republicans to try and get Ben Nelson to switch.

Anyone that takes on the buffoonish pretend news anchor Keith Olbermann has potential."

I agree. Suddenly????

Jeremy বলেছেন...

jayne_cobb said..."Oh, and as an aside, one who seems to think that party should dictate a person's vote shouldn't be calling other dittoheads."

I didn't say anything about whether an individual's "party should dictate a person's vote."

YOU asked: "So does this really affect any legislation currently being debated?"

And I said: "It does when the time comes for a VOTE."

How does that relate to anybody's "party" dictating how they vote?

I have no idea how he or anybody else will vote on a specific bill or topic of discussion.

I would assume he will lean in the direction of the Democrats since he's going to be a Democrat...right?

And sp[eaking of a party "dictating" a vote...do you remember how many of YOUR party voted with Obama recently?


Jeremy বলেছেন...

Hoosier - You haven't addressed my question relating to your inane claim that I'm somehow "racist" because I commented on The Cuban Cigar's move to the U.S. of A.

Talking the talk is easy...backing it up...a different story.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

If Senator Bob Casey had any balls, he would switch paries to the Republicans. But he is such a pussy, he votes however the liberals tell him.

His late father, Governor Casey, would be ashamed of his cowardice.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

My take on Specter has always been that he is a carefully prepared operator for whatvever cause hires him onto their side. In that sense he has always been an independent. The republicans are "out" of power and influence now, so Arlen will make the best move for him again. That is really being a very good politician. Just don't count on him showing heroic loyalty to a losing cause. If he had been at the Alamo, Texas would still be part of Mexico.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

AJ - Kind of like Judd Gregg?

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...


Fuck you, too!

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

I'm somehow "racist" because I commented on The Cuban Cigar's move to the U.S. of A..

Referring to him as the Cuban Cigar also displays your anti-tobacco bigotry.

Joe বলেছেন...

While this is news, it isn't surprising news.

The Democrats shouldn't cheer too loudly; Specter is an idiot.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Alpha, I asked you a question, twice. Here it goes again:

Do you want One Party Rule in this country?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Hoosier - You're not real good at this "defending your stand" thingie are you?

Not a surprise.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Michael/Gene/whatever, why bring it up if you didn't want to offend in a racist manner? You are an idiot and a coward for trying to justify it otherwise.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

The Cuban Cigar asks: "Do you want One Party Rule in this country?"

Geee, let's think about that...

The Republicans hold the majority in Congress for 12 of the last 14 years...a Republican holds the White House for eight of the last eight years...then lose the majority and the White House...and the Cigar is SUDDENLY concerned about "One Party Rule."

That's...hypocrisy in action.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

The other aspect is that Spector can read the writing on the wall and knows that the GOP will be the deadender party in perpetuity.

ElCubanito, dumb question. Answer = No. I wish we had more than 2 parties, actually. (Right on, Jeremy)

Now, do you want monkeys to fly out of your ass?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

Being nice to Joe Lieberman may pay off for the Dems, huh?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

The Cuban Cigar - Explain what my mentioning your coming to America...(and, by the way, bitching about damn near everything our President says or does)...has to do with racism or anti-immigration?

Do you even know what the words mean?

I could care less where you're from or what race you are. I'm more concerned with the population being infected by even more right wing lunacy that it already is.


Dave TN বলেছেন...


Jeremy বলেছেন...

John Lynch said..."Being nice to Joe Lieberman may pay off for the Dems, huh?"

I think they've been tiptoeing around Joe for quite some time, but after seeing the results of the recent election...methinks Joe probably has a pretty good grasp of his standing...in either party.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal said...
The other aspect is that Spector can read the writing on the wall and knows that the GOP will be the deadender party in perpetuity.

ElCubanito, dumb question. Answer = No. I wish we had more than 2 parties, actually. (Right on, Jeremy)

Now, do you want monkeys to fly out of your ass?

1:02 PM

It's a fair question. You seem to celebrate anything that diminishes the influence of the opposition. You want them to be insignificant which is very close to non-existent.

We agree on the third parties, there should be more, and there are more. You, however, seem married indissolubly to one and only one.

And I have to say no to your question. I wouldn't want you or your pal anywhere near my body.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Specter is one of 25 or 30 or so current Senators [along with Joe Biden] who have been in office for 20-40 years.

They stood around and watched while the country and the federal treasury was bankrupted.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Using the logic from the left, and the left's own definitions, any derogatpry reference to anyone's national origin is racist. Period.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Specter's switching parties? He's joining the GOP?Hah! That's what I was going to say.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

The Cuban Cigar - "You seem to celebrate anything that diminishes the influence of the opposition. You want them to be insignificant which is very close to non-existent."

Where the fuck have YOU been over the past eight years?

Up until 2007, the Democrats haven't been able to even get anything out of committee, much less into any real discussion or debate because of the Republican majority.

Bush didn't veto a single bill in the first five years of his terms as President, while the Republicans ran roughshod over Congress, only to immediately begin issuing vetoes as soon as the Democrats gained a degree of power.

You really need to read more and comment less.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

The Cuban Cigar - "Using the logic from the left, and the left's own definitions, any derogatpry reference to anyone's national origin is racist. Period."

So when Democrats (or anybody for that matter) were celebrating Obama being of mixed race...or the first black President...the "left" considered it as being "racist?"

What the hell are you talking about?

Chennaul বলেছেন...

In the first decade of the 21st century, no Senate term had fewer than 49 filibusters. The 1999-2002 Senate terms both had 58 filibusters.[19] The 110th Congress broke the record for filibuster cloture votes reaching 112 at the end of 2008.

Now do you get the point?

It's as close to one party rule as you can get in recent history.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...


According to polls, anywhere from 27-35% of Americans label themselves as 'conservative.'

The GOP is doing their best to make sure that all the moderates move over to the Democratic party, ensuring a center-left governing coalition that they can rail against.

Tim Pawlenty is cursing today. As soon as the Minnesota Supreme Court upholds the previous ruling (and it will) he will be by law bound to sign the documents certifying Franken's election, and when he does the GOP will hate him forever.

Revenant বলেছেন...

The other aspect is that Spector can read the writing on the wall and knows that the GOP will be the deadender party in perpetuity.

If the Democratic Party actually believed that, they wouldn't accept Specter. They would simply run a Democratic candidate against him -- one with positions more in line with the Democratic platform, and one with a long history of loyalty to the party.

Parties only welcome these sorts of "turncoats" when they know their hold on power isn't that solid.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Democrats played some damn full time dirty pool with filibusters beating all records and now they play dirty pool again to make sure that it isn't done to them because they know what they did to a Commander in Chief.

A Commander in Chief who was trying to respond to a historical attack on the US proper and to answer a madman that was making all kinds of threats.

Chennaul বলেছেন...


Someone look up the Scottish Rite Rules for prosecuting a wartime President and his Administration while the war is still going...

Eric বলেছেন...

The guy is 79 and has been in the Senate for 29 years and he's doing this because he's concerned that he might not get reelected.


LonewackoDotCom বলেছেন...

At this point in time, it might be helpful to note that Spector's opponents could have had a major impact on both the stim plan and on Spector's future career. Instead, they did something completely ineffective either because they're completely incompetent or because they don't really want to succeed or some combination of both.

The same organization behind that idiotic video is now pushing the "tea parties" together with other conservatives who have absolutely no clue and who are ignoring or impeding doing something effective.

Maybe Althouse could take up a collection to buy Insty a clue.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Maybe Althouse could take up a collection to buy Insty a clue..

The country is in the best of hands. Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing. Tea party pics!

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Rialby বলেছেন...

What does it matter you Dem suckers?? Phil Spector is headed to jail for what he did to that poor girlfriend of his. If I had my way, he would have been put away after he beat up Ronnie and after he tried to derail Leonard Cohen's career.

<.whisper> what's that?
OH. Never mind.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


You're just going to keep posting links to your site in every blog until someone takes you seriously aren't you?

Revenant বলেছেন...

Uh oh, Lonewacko.com AND garage mahal think Instapundit is clueless. Reynolds better watch out or he's going to lose the entire lunatic fringe vote. :)

Alex বলেছেন...

So this pretty much means the death knell of the GOP. Congrats Dems, you just got dictatorial control of the United States of America forever. Please don't put conservatives in concentration camps.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Wait a minute? If you post links to your blog people will go and check it out?

That sounds like a great idea.

Nah to self-promoty.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

madawaskan said..."The 110th Congress broke the record for filibuster cloture votes reaching 112 at the end of 2008."

Who be behind these filibusters?

The Republican minority used the filibuster frequently in the first month of the session.

With Democrats firmly in control of the House and possessing the slimmest of majorities in the Senate, 2007 would be a record year for filibusters, but it wasn't by the "party of obstruction".

This time, it was the minority GOP that would set a new record for filibusters in the last 220+ years. But what of 2008?

Make your own judgment, I leave you only with the facts. Republican Senator Tom Coburn has been "holding" dozens of bills this year, most of which are extremely popular on both sides of the aisle and passed the House of Representatives -- which doesn't recognize the concept of holds -- by 400+ votes.

Many of these bills are actually pieces of Republican legislation, meaning Coburn has been holding up his own party in an election year. In the interest of getting a fair vote for these bills, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rolled every one of Coburn's holds into one large omnibus package that would pass or fail with a single vote, pitting the personal interests of Coburn against not just Democrats, but his own party.

The result was nothing short of stunning; by a vote of 52-43 almost strictly along party lines, Senate Republicans filibustered their own legislation.

If ever there was any question as to who the real party of no new ideas, and obstructionism is, let it be written in stone this day: Grand Old Party, 2008 Edition.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Alex said..."So this pretty much means the death knell of the GOP. Congrats Dems, you just got dictatorial control of the United States of America forever. Please don't put conservatives in concentration camps."


Republicans ran the show 12 of the last 14 years. Where where YOU?


Cedarford বলেছেন...

Michael Penn said...
Now if we can get rid of Snowe and Collins we can reclaim our party back-at least in the senate.

Well, you would have a Party still represented in the Senate, but with over 60 Democrats, loss of the Filibuster, Republicans would be nothing but powerless bench warmers consoling one another how wonderful it was because the more "pure they were becoming".

And a Party that abandoned the Northeast, Midwest, Pacific Coast states, for being run by Fundies from the Old Confederacy States..excepting Virgina and N Carolina moving into a new day..

Not too smart..

Sofa King বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Rialby বলেছেন...

Hey, it sucks being in the minority but nobody has cited a significant disadvantage that the Left has to contend with now:

They are in power and have absolute control over 2 of the 3 branches of government. If something goes wrong on their watch, it will be hard to point fingers at the minority party. Additionally, if they don't do everything that they have promised like say, for example, enact nationalized healthcare, repeal DOMA, repeal Don't Ask/Don't Tell, etc. etc. they will be widely reviled by the very leftist fringe that put them into power. If they do all of those things, they will be immediately abandoned by the squishy center. Have fun folks!

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Parties only welcome these sorts of "turncoats" when they know their hold on power isn't that solid.

Perhaps. It could also be a way for Democrats to give a good old FU to Republican leadership.

And AJ, I disagree that Gov. Casey would be rolling over in his grave. Where do you think Sen. Casey learned his political tricks? At the knee of his father is my guess. (I sure do agree with your take on the record of the Senators in the past 30 years: Horrid).

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

they will be widely reviled by the very leftist fringe that put them into power.

..and what's the alternative for the leftist fringe? Gov. Palin? Not likely.

I enjoy watching the fringes of the political parties routinely being disappointed.

Sofa King বলেছেন...

..and what's the alternative for the leftist fringe? Gov. Palin? Not likely.

Either (a) leftier candidates, or (b) leftier third-parties, like Nader's.

Alex বলেছেন...

Actually this will not be carte blance for Obama/Pelosi to fully enact the leftist/socialist/Marxist agenda once and for all. Put the new socialist state as a "fact on the ground" and even if the voters revolt in 2010-2012, it will be too late.


Thanks Dubya.

MnMark বলেছেন...

It's a good thing that the liberals have complete, no-excuses control of power now. I assume they will use it to implement much more drastic left-wing policies much sooner than they could have otherwise. They will open the borders in whatever ways they can to more non-white immigration, because that increases their power even more. They will tie down the productive sector with much more regulation and taxes in a much shorter time frame than they were able to when they had to compromise.

The result will be an acceleration of the decline of the quality of life for the people who generally speaking aren't Democrats: middle class white people. That's good. The worst possible situation is what we've had for the last several decades where the white middle-class frog has been slowly boiling to death in the pot of amnesties and higher non-white birth rates. Now it will get bad much more quickly, which will wake the white middle class up sooner...perhaps soon enough to save themselves, though I think it's too late to save the United States. The end of the United States was written in the cards when the 1965 immigration law changes were made.

So I say: bring it on, liberals. Do as Obama promised when he said he was going to "fundamentally change the United States of America": pass every economy-choking, neighborhood-destroying, speech-suppressing, gun-confiscating, enemy-appeasing initiative you've been itching to pass for generations. Bring out all that hate for middle-class white people and put it on full display so that they can finally see with clear eyes just what your intentions have always been: the end of America in any form that our forefathers would recognize.

jr565 বলেছেন...

This is ultimately not a bad thing for Republicans. Or rather, its a short term setback but a long term gain. There are far too many squishes in the party and even though tis allows for a momentary setback, it also allows for republicans to regroup and get back on message. Plus, giving the democrats a veto proof majority guarantees that any issues with card check, the budget, foreign policy, the bailouts belong to the democrats and democrats alone. Any scandals (and there are an ever increasing number of them) resound to the determinent of democrats only.
They get to watch the bloated democrats consumed by their power and hubris, run ever farther to the left and be discredited by their own policies and corruption.

Alex বলেছেন...

MnMark - the lefties will complain that they don't control the SCOTUS and will use that as an excuse.

garage mahal বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
garage mahal বলেছেন...

So I say: bring it on, liberals. Do as Obama promised when he said he was going to "fundamentally change the United States of America": pass every economy-choking, neighborhood-destroying, speech-suppressing, gun-confiscating, enemy-appeasing initiative you've been itching to pass for generations. Bring out all that hate for middle-class white people and put it on full display so that they can finally see with clear eyes just what your intentions have always been: the end of America in any form that our forefathers would recognize..

Ok, will do!

Rialby বলেছেন...

Madison Man - "..and what's the alternative for the leftist fringe? Gov. Palin? Not likely."

As Sofa King said... Ralph Nader, 2000, 1.6% of the vote.

Unknown বলেছেন...

count it now. mccain is next.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...


It's a good thing that the liberals have complete, no-excuses control of power now. .

oh, stop. You're hurting us.

Just don't hurt us anymore and drive more people to the Dem Party. Please?

I love how you guys think!

hdhouse বলেছেন...

oooohhhhhh BOY!!!!!!!

hey, let's take it to a vote...straight up and down...no filibuster nonsense....just up and down...yup...verily...majority wins....

what? what's that you say? can't be the party of "no" anymore? can't just whine and whimper and obstruct you say? ohhhhh me sorry.


AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Cue braindead news media talking point:

"this is great news for the Republican Party."

Revenant বলেছেন...

Perhaps. It could also be a way for Democrats to give a good old FU to Republican leadership.

I guess. The Republicans I know have pretty much reacted with a "eh, he voted with the Democrats anyway". There's a lot of talk about how this switch gives the Democrats a filibuster-proof majority, but most of the people I know assumed Specter would be voting for cloture even if he was nominally a Republican.

Arturius বলেছেন...

For anyone who has paid attention to American politics for any length of time should realize that no one political party sits in the seat of power forever. Given time, the Democrats will be sitting in the corner with the dunce hat wondering what they did to piss off the electorate.

Alex বলেছেন...

Arturius said...

For anyone who has paid attention to American politics for any length of time should realize that no one political party sits in the seat of power forever. Given time, the Democrats will be sitting in the corner with the dunce hat wondering what they did to piss off the electorate.

2:47 PM
Nope, not in our lifetimes. This is a permanent one party rule. That all the immigrants, young voters, college graduates trend towards Democrats indicate that. In fact I can see the Democrats gaining even more seats in 2010-2012 and Obama winning a huge landslide in 2012. The Republicans will be reduced to a 30% party.

Sofa King বলেছেন...

what? what's that you say? can't be the party of "no" anymore? can't just whine and whimper and obstruct you say? ohhhhh me sorry.

I'm just waiting to see what the excuses are going to be now. You won't have the Republicans to kick around any more.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

"I like people who think for themselves versus the standard "dittohead" mentality."

Let's see, you spout the same old tired forty year old ideology and rhetoric. So, that is a lie. You need people who think for them selves because it is evident that you do not think at all; some one has to tell you what to write and say.

If bullshit was an instrument, you would be a whole brass band.

Rialby বলেছেন...

Alex said, "That all the immigrants, young voters, college graduates trend towards Democrats indicate that."

Alex... even college graduates some day grow wise.

Revenant বলেছেন...

That all the immigrants, young voters, college graduates trend towards Democrats indicate that.

Immigrants, young voters, and college graduates have trended towards Democrats for the last 80 years at least. This is nothing new.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Arlen has never really been a Republican. He has been more of an opportunist as aqn attorney and as a politician. He has always lacked honesty and integrity.

Paddy O বলেছেন...


Does this mean that we're now for a Congress that rubber stamps Presidential policy? This flurry of hope and change has gotten me a bit confused so I'm not sure if that's something we're still supposed to be against, of if it's okay now.

Thanks for your answer.

john বলেছেন...

I kind of like what Tyler Cowen wrote:

" ... maybe now the Republicans, being denied the filibuster, will have to come up with some ideas that are actually appealing to voters outside their core constituencies."

Specter's move is not an indication of the Repubs eventual demise. I see this as a potential opening with an electorate that in great majority does not want one party government.

Besides, if McCain switches parties too, his irrelevancy will be complete. Silver linings abound.

JAL বলেছেন...

Explain what my mentioning your coming to America...(and, by the way, bitching about damn near everything our President says or does)...

That's probably one reason why ElCKC is here.

Because he is free -- get that? -- free -- to bitch publically. Something that there is some concern about with Saul Alinksy types. And definitely not a feature available in that mecca of social enlightenment and redistribution 90 mile south of the Florida peninsula.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Specter has never really believed in any specific had and fast core beliefs except getting re-elected.

He has spend so much time on the fence, I think he is a eunuch.

Revenant বলেছেন...

I wonder what effect this will have on Specter's re-election chances.

He was on track to get trounced in the Republican primaries by an anti-bailout economic conservative. Now he'll be running in the Democratic primary, but why would Democrats find him preferable to a more solidly Democratic politician? Especially since he is, apparently, still maintaining his opposition to Big Labor's card-check bill.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"... maybe now the Republicans, being denied the filibuster, will have to come up with some ideas that are actually appealing to voters outside their core constituencies."

The problem is that voters seem to want more government and more socialism, whether it's the "hopenchange" or the "compassionate conservatism" variety. Do you try to appeal to people even if it violates your (seemingly nonexistent) core principles?

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Because he is free -- get that? -- free -- to bitch publically. Something that there is some concern about with Saul Alinksy types. And definitely not a feature available in that mecca of social enlightenment and redistribution 90 mile south of the Florida peninsula."


Just when I thought that Gene Olson (aka Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldson) couldn't get any more loathsome. So he routinely hurls anti-gay comments, now he trashes immigrant Americans who came here to escape despotism. What's next? Calling the few black commenters Uncle Tom? He's admitted to letting multiple people comment using his Blogger account. He's demonstrated nothing but bad faith and contempt and a desire to make the comments here unreadable. Ignoring him doesn't seem to work because of the quantity and frequency of his comments.

But better to let him completely destroy the comments by driving every reasonable person away than do anything about him, I guess.

LonewackoDotCom বলেছেন...

One of the core problems the GOP has is that its leaders are only slightly smarter than some of those who replied to my previous comment. And, that's not a good thing at all.

Rather than supporting in my superior plan to oppose Obama and the Dems, they think that 0.2% of Americans wearing teabag earrings and waving loopy signs on street corners is going to be effective. In actual fact, those CodePink-style events actually help BHO by keeping his activist opponents occupied in something that has no real appeal to most Americans. The fact that I have to point out how stupid the "parties" are indicates just how far along we are into Idiocracy.

If there's anyone out there who's smart and who wants to oppose BHO in an effective way, start a local group as described at the link above or even just encourage others to start such groups. And, don't follow those leaders whose actions have the ultimate impact of helping BHO achieve his goals.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Ann loves him.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Actually Ann said she would delete him.

Well in reality she said she would from now on delete any comments made by Michael.

Hence the name change-to get around that technicality.

And you have to love how he is criticizing ElcubanitoKC for leaving Cuba as if Jeremy is American Indian or something....

Jon বলেছেন...

From Rasmussen Reports (most accurate pollster in the 2008 election):

For just the second time in more than five years of daily or weekly tracking, Republicans now lead Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 41% would vote for their district’s Republican candidate while 38% would choose the Democrat.


john বলেছেন...

Palladian - I wasn't talking about core principles, I was talking about core consitiuencies, which presently, for the Repubs, are small, fractionated, and parochial.

I think there is a greater audience, perhaps even a majority in this country, that will be very receptive to an invigorated message.

Recall, McCain would have won the popular vote with a switch of only 3.7% (Obama would still have won the EC.) That's not very many people. There is a lot of us looking for that message.

Brian Doyle বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
garage mahal বলেছেন...

The Althouse community can just never seem to measure up to Co-Blogger Palladian's lofty standards. C'mon people, step it up!

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Palladian for now you may be right that people want more and more govt programs.

Well, the Pontiac / GM plan costs another 150,000 to 200,000 jobs at dealers, and GM plants. That number does not include the parts and peripheral services. We are probably looking at 12-14% unemployment if this continues. I am not defending the car companies but the stimulus plan should have delayed some of this damage for 3-5 years. Instead it is already here.

Obama will take the blame for it and people will start to think differently.

Leland বলেছেন...

Over 160 comments, and only a few conservative leaning folks are worried about having too few Republicans, but none are sad to see Specter as a person go. In fact, most seem pretty happy about it. ShadyCharacter is right though, nothing but vile cursing from liberal supporters of the move. One would think they would be gleeful, but instead they still seem angry and hateful.

To be clear, YEAH! Finally, Arlen Specter is gone. Now, the GOP can save money in the primary and hopefully beat the life long politician in the general election. In the meantime, Democrats lose another means of passing the buck.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

Boy, it sure is funny listening to Republicans rail against Specter today. I haven't heard them that mad since-- Jim Jeffords?

But somehow when it was Strom Thurmond, Phil Gramm, Billy Tauzin and Ben Nighthorse Campbell party switching was some kind of a noble endeavor.

I guess it all depends on which direction you jump.

And yes, I completely agree that Specter's move was self-serving to ensure his re-election. Now, do you want to show me any politician anyplace that isn't willing to do what he has to, to get re-elected?

Alex বলেছেন...

Jon - nobody believes Rasmussen's cooked-up figures.

When Rasmussen asks suspect polling questions:


I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

My final comment is this.

Specter has never once done the right and principled thing in his entire life.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...

Say, whatever happened to Simon?

JAL বলেছেন...

Boy, it sure is funny listening to Republicans rail against Specter today.
Listening where? On Althouse?

I don't see many Cons/Repubs here shedding tears.

The libs seems more worked up about it.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Say, whatever happened to Simon?"

GeneJeremyMichaelLucky drove him away. That or the engagement.

JAL বলেছেন...

Say, whatever happened to Simon?
I miss his stuff too. I liked the law input.

john বলেছেন...

You can have him
I don't want him
He's not worth fighting for
Besides there's plenty more where he came from
I don't want him
You can have him
I'm giving him the sack
And he can go right back where he came from
I could never make him happy
He'd be better off with you
I'm afraid I never loved him
All I ever wanted to do was

Run my fingers thru his curly locks
Mend his underwear and darn his socks
Fetch his slippers and remove his shoes
Wipe his glasses when he read the news
Rub his forehead with a gentle touch
Mornings after when he's had too much
Kiss him gently when he cuddled near
Give him babies one for ev'ry year, so you see
I don't want him, you can have him
You can have him, I don't want him
For he's not the man for me

JAL বলেছেন...

He was gone before the engagement.

But he didn't engage on the engagement, even.

john বলেছেন...

'cept for the baby part.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Actually, in the last two days, the Althouse blog has felt normal again. The professor has been distracted since the engagement but I get the sense she is now back in the swing of things.

Brian Doyle বলেছেন...

I'm not all that excited about the Specter defection because I don't think it's going to make legislation much easier to pass. I hope Specter doesn't win the primary.

But symbolically it's definitely nice to see.

David Frum:The Specter defection is too severe a catastrophe to qualify as a “wake-up call.” His defection is the thing we needed the wake-up call to warn us against! For a long time, the loudest and most powerful voices in the conservative world have told us that people like Specter aren’t real Republicans – that they don’t belong in the party. Now he’s gone, and with him the last Republican leverage within any of the elected branches of government.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...


You will find Specter loves the spotlight but can't make the big plays. He is like your Mets.

jayne_cobb বলেছেন...


This has already been discussed, and the comparisons don't really work unless:

1) They swore a month before that they would not switch parties, only to do so after polls showed they'd have their asses handed to them in the primary; and,

2) They switched parties twice

Revenant বলেছেন...

Boy, it sure is funny listening to Republicans rail against Specter today. I haven't heard them that mad since-- Jim Jeffords?

Are you talking about some other blog? None of the Republicans here are mad about it.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Now, do you want to show me any politician anyplace that isn't willing to do what he has to, to get re-elected?

John Ashcroft. He refrained from contesting the pretty clearly illegal "election" of his dead Democratic rival in the 2000 Senate race. But I agree that it is a rare thing.

I'm highly unconvinced that Specter has saved his seat, though. He's got a better shot now than he would have, but he still has to win (a) the Democratic nomination and (b) the election itself. Neither is guaranteed by any means.

And his decision to tie his defection from the Republicans to their opposition to the stimulus and bailout bills is probably good for the party, branding-wise.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Wait...does that mean....oh boy!!! OH BOY!

As Sean Hannity says "let freedom ring!!!" You're a great American Arlen.

Revenant বলেছেন...


The reason your little attempt to rub our noses in this doesn't really work is that Specter *already* voted with the Dems to block filibusters. That's why he was losing the Republican nomination in the first place.

If the Republicans lost a Senator who actually votes WITH the Republicans -- i.e., someone other than Snowe, Collins or Specter -- then that would hurt, quite a lot. But "losing" someone who had already opted to side with Obama isn't a real loss. :)

JAL বলেছেন...

AL ...push more people out of your party!Yeah, like how's the pro-life wing of the Democrat party doing?

You suck the life and votes from the Irish and hispanic Catholics and buy them back with what ...? Part ownership (by theft) of a failing car manufacturer and promises of money and programs and lower income taxes, while planning on slapping them behind their backs with the disasterous cap and trade and other hidden taxes. (Smoking anyone?) Then you plan on borrowing more of our grandkids
income by giving handouts to keep the hoi polloi in line and dependent.

Anyone remember when the former Democrat governor of PA wasn't allowed a speech at the Democratic convention?

One of the Dem purity watch dog groups has actually ran ads AGAINST Heath Schuler (D) a blue dog from North Carolina when he voted against the bailouts. I almost drove off the road thinking I was in a time warp and we were back in the campaign cycle.

I think there's a new day coming.

I can not wait until 2010.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez বলেছেন...

Palladian, JAL, thank you.

LoafingOaf বলেছেন...

Fewer and fewer people can stand the Republican Party nowadays. Specter has been viciously attacked for years by the Religious Right. But then anyone in the GOP who isn't a nut on the hard right gets bullied and attacked. Let the home schooling creationists have the pathetic remains of that once major party.

JAL বলেছেন...

As for Specter leaving -- and hopes for Snowe and Collins -- (please go while the going's good).

There goes Obama's "bipartisanship!"

Lousy Republican spoil sports.

Elliott A বলেছেন...

A sitting congressperson should have to win a special election to switch parties. Otherwise we open ourselves to a situation where a large number of Manchurian candidates could take over the government without the sanction of the voters.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Revenant said...
"HD, The reason your little attempt to rub our noses in this...."

Ohhh let me have some fun for a few hours.

To be honest, this does in fact put the screws to the Dems on a number of levels..first to keep together and second to be absolutely responsible and act responsibly at every turn. The most heat will come from the House; thinking that the Senate is now a lock, they may hype up their partisan jets and make a mess of things...

but on a brighter note, it may make the RNC take stock of things and get back into the game. this system will not work in one party rule.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Has Sarah Palin's pussy eaten your entire leg yet, PinchingLoaf?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Alpha, at 11:35 you and I seem to have had pretty much the same thought, but then at 11:49 you talk about a political system that doesn't exist, and least of all in any state that has large, corrupt city machines (you folks from Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, you know who I'm talking about).

Sofa King বলেছেন...

this system will not work in one party rule.

That ship has sailed. The government is so powerful now that the party in power has virtually insurmountable structural advantages, and the more power it obtains the bigger the structural advantages.

It's a brave new world you've helped create. Best of luck to you.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Where do you come up with this craop that Arlen has been viciously attacked by the religuous right?

I have lived in PA for years and you are wrong.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"but on a brighter note, it may make the RNC take stock of things and get back into the game. this system will not work in one party rule."

Finally, something we can agree on. I wouldn't like to see the opposite situation, with the Republicans in complete power as they were in the early 2000s either.

You can see what one-party-rule did to the GOP. It should give the Democrats pause when they're being gleeful.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"I have lived in PA for years and you are wrong."

Well there is that Santorum clown. What ever happened to him, anyway?

Minzo বলেছেন...

"You know, Jeremy, he didn't switch because of any of that. He switched because he was going to get his ass kicked by Pat Toomey in the Republican Primary. So he went to Obama, Emanuel and Ed Rendell to save his butt."

Wait- many are saying he was virtually a Democrat anyway and this is just making things official(There was a good Clay Aiken gag) and now according to you, its solely because he is scared of losing a primary. Which is it exactly?

DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

Michael said,

(I thought Texas was leaving?).

Thinking does seem to be a problem for you doesn't it?

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   240 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»