Imagine McCain being woken up with this call at 4:30.
McCain: "#@@"#%&" It's 4 ^&&%##@" o'clock in the $#^%^#@&* morning!!!"
"But sir, do you have any orders for what to do with the missle?"
McCain: "Shoot it down. No, actually catch it and shoot it back to them."
"Sir, we can't catch it. Shoot it down then?"
McCain: "Then don't shoot it. Or actually, go ahead. And announce that I'm suspending my G-20 trip to go back to Washington and monitor the situation."
"Sir, do you want to call any foreign heads of state to discuss the situation?"
McCain: "Yeah. Call the Presidents of South Korea, China, Japan and Malawi."
"Malawi, Sir?"
McCain: "@@#^%%^ ARE YOU DEAF YOU ###^%_**^?" I said MALAWI. In case I can't get any agreement about the missile I may see if I can get some good press by negotiating a settlement on the Madonna adoption thing. Maybe some deal involving something I can swing, like a general amnesty for all Malawians in the U.S."
"OK, sir. Do you want to go back to sleep?"
McCain: "No, not here. After I get done in the White House I will take some time to go home and unwind."
"OK. I'll make the arrangements for the flight to Paradise Valley."
McCain: "No, I want to go the the house in Coronado Beach. No, I mean Sedona. No, dang nab it, I know I shouldn't be making important decisions at this time of the morning."
"Yes, sir."
McCain: "Go ahead and shoot down that missile."
"No need, sir. It reached its destination while you were going on about Madonna."
McCain: "Oh, well. Then next time wake me up ##^%^@) BEFORE they launch it!"
Is it in the country's interest to try to give the president really weird dreams? You know he went back to sleep only to dream about Kim Jong-il launching the Queen into a cream pie or something like that.
Reading that comment, it just proves the point that there are really people infected with the whole Messiah myth surrounding the chosen one. The Savior is not to be disturbed lest his miraculous powers be diminished.
The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?
It was completely unnecessary to wake the President up at 4:30 to disclose the Korean missile launch. One would have to think the President would actually do something about it to justify waking him at that hour. After all, a mere nuke capable missile launch by a rogue state isn't something essential to the country's security, like having that conversation about race that AG Holder thinks is so vital.
The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?
The North Koreans fired multiple missiles into the Sea of Japan a few years ago. The most likely explanation for them conducting this test now and not six months ago is that the rocket wasn't *ready* six months ago.
When the judgment comes to find the world in shame When the trumpet blows won't you call my name? When the thunder rolls and the heavens rain When the sun turns black, never shine again When the trumpet blows, won't you call me please, call my name!
Can't Obama sit around impotently as easily at, say, 3pm as he can at four in the morning?
Heh. Maybe it would be nice if they stopped calling him about pretty much anything. When he's not being impotent, he's destroying things, so better that he be left to sleep and go to basketball games with his wife. Or we could send him on an endless rockstar tour around Europe; he seems to like that.
Mr. Gibbs: Mr. President, NK has just launched their missile.
Mr. Barely: Um, uh, er, do you know what time it is, er, uh, um?
Mr. Gibbs: It's 4:30 in the morning, sir.
Mr. Barely: 4:30 in the morning? Did you call the teleprompter too?
Mr. Gibbs: Sir, that joke has already jumped the shark.
Mr. Barely: Shark, what shark. NK jumped a shark? [sigh] Damn, where are my Kools. I'm jonesing for a menthol right now.
Mr. Gibbs: Sir, there is no shark. It's a metaphor. Look, sir, what do you want me to tell the press about our response to NK launching their missile?
Mr. Barely: So what happened to the missile?
Mr. Gibbs: It flew over Japan and lost it's second stage several hundred miles east of Japan and went into the ocean.
Mr. Barely: Really? Hmm, I would have thought that all of that collaborative Chinese espionage would have filtered to NK and they could have gotten their rocket plans right. Oh well.
Mr. Gibbs: Mr. President, what would you like me to say to the press sir. We need a message to denounce this action.
Mr. Barely: You're right of course. See what the other advisor's say, gather a focus group in our favor, get my teleprompter ready, and prepare to send a gift to Kim Jong Il.
Mr. Gibbs: A gift? Sir, what kind of gift?
Mr. Barely: An iPod of course. And have the opening screen showing me bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia with a scroller underneath that is a carefully crafted apology to the NK nation for having us denounce them, but secretly won't do anything about. That should pacify them. Is my teleprompter ready yet? It is going to have to do a lot today. Busy schedule you know.
Mr. Gibbs: But sir, the teleprompter . . .
Mr. Barely: Look forget the iPod, ok? I have to get more sleep.
If they are competent, and I doubt that, this was a 3AM TV ad vaccination PR stunt to prove tht the One is up to the job.
If they are not competent, then Rahm or GEN Jones, ought to be calling the One after they get some facts. The fact that they called him at all indicates they don't have a good night shift, and don't understand the conservation of forces principle (his sleep). Only wake the boss when you have something that needs a decision NOW. If not, keep him fresh and rested.
The fact that the PR guy appears to make a decision instead of the NSA or the CoS, is sort of scary.
Inexplicable. Like he can't be bothered? Say the missile didn't "go as planned" and landed in Japan? I'd sure want an administration that was prepared. This is not THAT
(See if you can detect where Maxwell House coffee got their jingle music.)
Wake Up and Make Love
I come awake with the gift for womankind youre still alseep but the gift dont seem to mind rise on this occation halfway up your back sliding down your body touching your behind
you look so self-possessed I wont distrub your rest its lovely when youre sleeping but wide awake is best
ow, wake up and make love with me wake up and make love wake up and make love with me I dont wanna make you ill let the fancy take you and youll wake up and make love
you come awake in a horny morning mood and well have a proper wriggle in the naughty, naked nude roll against my body get me where you want me what happens next is private its also very rude
ill go and get the post and make some tea and toast you have a nother sleep luv its me that needs it most
ow, wake up and make love with me wake up and make love wake up and make love with me I dont wanna make you ill let the fancy take you and yourll wake up and make love
wake up and make love with me wake up and make love wake up and make love with me wake up and make love wake up wake up wake up wake up
"The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?"
I disagree- I dont think invading North Korea was a viable option even when Bush was president and Kim Jong-il was obviously aware of that fact. Turning a North Korea missile launch into a clear sign of Obama's failings is probably pushing it.
Sorry Rev, I do not buy the missile wasn't ready yet. The NORKS knew they could and would get away with it; this administration considers all to be an axis of good. They knew that they can get away with anything they want and this adminstration will do nothing to upset the apple cart.
It is important what the whole world "thinks" of us. The security of the world is not that important.
Gibbs knocked on the door of President Obama's suite at the Prague Hilton, soon after 4:30 a.m. local time, almost immediately after the North Korean missile launch had been confirmed.
Why would we anybody here...other than the standard dolts...assume Obama would be awake at 4:30 am...waiting for...?
It's one thing to criticize, but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...and sitting on it...and whining about Obama having to be awakened at 4:30 to hear about this...well, it's just plain Ann Althouse.
Peter- Im not sure Obama did anything different from what Bush would have done in response. He condemmned the launch in strong terms just as Bush would have done. As for 'not upsetting the applecart'- hasnt Obama been launching bombing raids into Pakistan? Isnt he going to send more troops to Afghanistan? Hardly suggests a rainbows-and-butterflies approach to foreign affairs.
On a lighter note, how does Obama-or indeed any other US President- get a bit of bedroom action when people keep interrupting them at ungodly hours? Surely that severely cramps their style? And you are obviously the only man on earth who cant ignore the late-night call no matter what you are doing.
Minzo said..."On a lighter note, how does Obama-or indeed any other US President- get a bit of bedroom action when people keep interrupting them at ungodly hours?"
Weel, to quote Woody Allen: The best thing about masturbation is that you know you're making love with someone who really does love you.
Lem - Attacking the President's wife is unAmerican.
Says who? What form of patriotism do you practice? Are we not allowed to criticize? Is all criticism now deemed unAmerican? Maybe I was right; you people want to shred the constitution and only allow your speech and expression all criticism of Obama et al will be verbotten. When did you buy your jackboots. I'll bet your wife just drips when you put on that lederhosen too. Are you joining the new Obama SS? Maybe the Gestapo? Effin Nazi.
As to Obama and Korea, if he knew they would do this, he could have warned them there would be reprecussions. Better yet, he could have ordered NORAD to shoot the missile down. But no, he just went to sleep.
The NORKS do not take the child seriously. They did take Bush seriously.
"if he knew they would do this, he could have warned them there would be reprecussions. Better yet, he could have ordered NORAD to shoot the missile down."
As for Bush's deterrent strategy with North Korea- didnt they have a nuclear weapons test in 2006 while Dubya was still in power? And didnt they also attempt to launch a long-range missile (which fizzled out a few seconds after take-off?)
"Last week in Singapore, U.S. chief negotiator Christopher Hill and his North Korean counterpart Kim Kye Gwan reached a deal that rests on trust and not verification."
You, a former police officer is saying the President of the United States' wife can be abused and fellow Americans?
Once again, what the fuck does my former employment have to do with anything? You seem hung up on the fact that I was in an honorable and valued profession. You must be jealous as you would never qualify to do what I did.
This is still the United States of America. We still have freedom of expression, speech, the press, and the freedom to criticize. Of course, if certain people have their way, things might change. Fuck you Nazi.
Lem, Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
We are now entering a phase where the right to criticism will be banned.
I read this insanity about how we should have just shot down this missile, as if we could have without endangering anyone in Japan for if we can basically do whatever we want.
Well, we had Bush in office for eight years and neve caught Osama, we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the North Koreans are still testing missiles after Bush's reached a deal that rested on trust and not whay all the bitching about Obama?
It's your prerogative, but as a former police officer I would think you would have more guts.
What the fuck does my former profession have to do with anything? Please, I want to see your response to that. You do not criticize anyone else's professions here.
The common refrain here is that anybody who supports our President, the man who won the election, is somehow only being supported by Americans...because they see him as some kind of Messiah.
It's the coward's way out of accepting the fact that he won and their man lost.
Lem - "First Lady of the United States is the unofficial title of the hostess of the White House. Because this position is traditionally filled by the wife of the President of the United States, the title is sometimes taken to apply only to the wife of a sitting President."
You do understand America is the same as the United States of America...right?
It's one thing to criticize, but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...
You kind of sort of left out the part that Cinton also recieved information that attacks on us were imminent. You also left out the part that a team was on site and ready to kill Bin Laden. Clinton decided against it; then he made a call- Monica!!!!!!
I would think one who served in such a capacity would be more dignified and respectful of our President.
Get this through your rock filled head. I was a Chicago Police Officer. Barak Obama is a product of the Chicago Democratic Machine; a thoroughly politically corrupt entity. The man who discovered him, chose him, and promoted him is Emil jones. Emil Jones is/was one of the most venal and corrupt politicians in the state. Barak Obama did everything Emil Jones told him to do. He followed orders. He was never his own man.
Oh, all political corruption is not illegal; immoral, unethical yes, but not all is illegal. You see I live in Chicago. I was born and raised here. I served and risked my life here. I know Chicago politics inside and out.
So, Jeremy, just what the fuck does my being a cop have to do with anything. I am not supposed to have an opinion? I am supposed to be a brainless Democrat robot because the city government is infested with them? I am supposed to respect someone just because? I leave my right to free expression at the door of city hall?
Also, just what the fuck do you know about Chicago politics? Inquiring minds want to know?
Typical. Last week I was a racist and gay. Now you have no more answers, so you tell me to get lost. Typical. Expected. Now I know what you do. You are a sophmore in high school.
Obama: "Hello?" Gibbs: "North Korea just launched the missile." Obama: "Okay." Gibbs: "..." Obama: "What?" Gibbs: "Anything you'd like us to do? Any response, sir?" Obama: "Have you talked to Chirac?" Gibbs: "Chirac, sir?" Obama: "Yeah, what did he say?" Gibbs: "Do you perhaps mean Sarkozy, sir?" Obama: "Yeah." Gibbs: "No, sir. I called you first, of course." Obama: "Oh." Gibbs: "..." Obama: "..." Gibbs: "Are you there, sir?" Obama: "Yeah... Okay, okay. Go call some of those Europeans. See what they're saying." Gibbs: "Yes, sir." Obama: "But not that Brown." Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Would you like to speak with the Joint Chiefs, sir?"" Obama: "No. Not really. Why?" Gibbs: "I thought you might find their input of value, sir." Obama: "Oh. ... No. They're all war-y." Gibbs: "Yes, sir." Obama: "Another thing, Gibbs. Another thing I need." Gibbs: "Sir?" Obama: "Get me a copy of the morning's San Francisco Chronicle and the LA Times. They might have some ideas in there." Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Anything else, sir?" Obama: "Yeah, if you could pass a message to the White House kitchen that I changed my mind and I don't want pancakes today. No pancakes. I want eggs today, Gibbs. And at least three strips of bacon. And move my wake-up call forward an hour." Gibbs: "Sir?" Obama: "You called. I've got to make up this sleep. Michelle and I are having a party tomorrow, and I told her I'd go shopping in Georgetown." Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Though with these developments and the current financial crisis we may be short on time tomorrow, sir." Obama: "Gibbs, make time to mingle among the great masses of Washington? Yes, we can." Gibbs: "..." Obama: "Yes, we can." Gibbs: "Clever, sir." Obama: "Thank you." Gibbs: "..." Obama: "Think we could get another one of those plastic buttons for resetting relations for Kim Jong-il?" Gibbs: "Again, clever, sir." Obama: "..." Gibbs: "..." Obama: "Could we?" Gibbs: "Oh." Obama: "Well?" Gibbs: "Uh... No, sir. I don't think so, sir." Obama: "Alright. Night." Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Goodnight, sir."
Gibbs: Mr. President, the North Koreans have just launched a missile. Obama: Gibbs, I just want to eat my waffle. Gibbs: What are your instructions? Obama: Tell the chef that the waffles were mushy and I want real maple syrup. Gibbs: I meant about the North Koreans sir. Obama: Send them some Eggos. Everyone loves Eggos. Gibbs: Yessir. But what about the missile launch? Obama: Gibbs, just what does that launch have to do with waffles? Obama: Oh Christ Gibbs, now Michelle is awake. There is no peace and no justice in this world. Gibbs: Sorry sir. I just thought… Obama: That was your first mistake Gibbs. You are not supposed to think. Thinking is for smart people and we are not smart people. We are intellectuals. Now get on that waffle project. OK, Michelle. Yes Michelle. OK, I will turn off the phone Michelle. No, I will not stop eating waffles in bed. There are limits dear. I just want waffles. Oh, and I will smoke after sex.
They couldn't NOT wake up President Obama. Remember all the ridicule that got heaped on President Reagan when his aides decided against waking him to tell him that U.S. fighter planes had downed a pair of Libyan military jets in 1981?
To see a reasonable, balanced opinion piece on to-wake-or-not-to-wake:
Jeremy. As to your assertion that Laura Bush was never the subject of UnAmerican insults, here's a gem from "Democratic Underground" in 2003. One of several on the same post in the same tone.
I do not think that Laura Bush "hires" anyone. It is extremely funny to me to imagine this frump of a non woman having any say in anything in this government. Sorry, but Laura Bush is as dumb as doorknobs--as dumb as the rocks in the Kennebunkport compound.
How about Teresa Heinz Kerry saying Mrs. Bush had never held a "real job."
Or, quite recently, Michelle Obama's press person saying that Michelle had invited some military families to the White House since people like them hadn't had invitations to the White House before. (Ungraciously ignoring Mrs. Bush's largely unpublicized but regular--for 8 years--picnics and receptions for military families.)
This from the same Michelle Obama who also said that until the campaign, "like most Americans" she had not really thought of the situation of military families.
Translation: we elitists don't have the military on our radar screen until we want to get elected to something.
Give me a break--I could go on for hours with stuff like this.
As for other first ladies who took heat, let's include:
Hillary Clinton Barbara Bush Mamie Eisenhower & Bess Truman (both derided as dumpy, dowdy and drab) Mrs. Roosevelt Mrs. Wilson (she perhaps deserved it because she was running the country after President Wilson had a stroke) Betty Ford Roslyn Carter And--going back in time: Mary Todd Lincoln.
There are many more examples. You do not know shit about history, Jeremy.
Mary Todd Lincoln deserved the heat. My admiration for what Abe had to do became greater once I studied Mary Todd Lincoln and how much a burden (not a support at all) she was to her husband.
Incidentally, the first ladies I most admire are:
1. Betty Ford (she redefined the whole role of a first lady from 'white house hostess' to someone who could and did take a very real role in doing something of critical importance)
2. Eleanor Roosevelt (way ahead of her time, and the real secret to how Franklin, the master politician, knew well the undercurrents of what the public was thinking)
3. Jackie Kennedy (still the definition of class in the position. No one else I know of could have handled the very public events of and immediately following November 22, 1963 with as much grace and dignity as she did.)
Sorry Rev, I do not buy the missile wasn't ready yet.
Considering that the rocket appears to have crashed into the Pacific Ocean without successfully delivering its payload into orbit, I think we can say with considerable authority that it wasn't even ready this week -- let alone during the Bush Administration. Your "they were terrified of Bush" theory also ignores the fact that they tried conducting a nuclear weapons test while he was President. That failed, too.
Well considering that NK is under some of the most restrictive sanctions, I don't think much can be done to dissuade them. The last 'agreement' we made with them resulted in them detonating a nuke. Like Iran, 'talks' have been going on for years with no results. I don't know how many times or ways you can ask someone to stop doing something and they continue to thumb their nose at you. Either resign yourself to them being a nuclear power or end thier capability to do so. Continuing on the course of 'talking' only demonstrates weakness.
Jeremy: but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...and sitting on it
Bullocks. Bush was never briefed on any "plan to kill 3,000 people".
Kerry WAS briefed by a red cell team that Logan International was not secure, that warnings through normal channels had been ignored, and that this was the team's attempt to get someone in authority to finally listen to them. Kerry circular filed the report.
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
And he's one of the "tolerant enlightened" ones from BloggingHeads. Go figure.
I think the president should be woken up for such things. In the military, commanders have such a thing called "wake up criteria" and the NORKs launching missiles seems to fit that bill. Wake ups are routine for people in true leadership positions.
The issue at hand is not the decision to wake up or not. It's the confluence of media coverage and WH PR spin. Sunday morning I was watching CNN and the coverage was about how Obama handled the launch. CNN stated things like "met with the national security advisor", "will engage the UN security council" and "was briefed by intelligence officials" in the same manner as a proud parent telling grandma that junior tied his shoe for the first time. "Look at him meet with his National Security Advisor..isn't he cuuuuutttte!"
The WH and the media are trying to make us think that Obama is being all proactive and forceful by overemphasizing Obama's participation in the standard routine of the diplomatic/national security process, rather than inform us on his actual leadership decisions and stance. Process participation is not leadership.
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
Jeremy is the same troll who aka Luckoldson and Michael. Why the dipshit continues to change his name but not his obvious writing style I suppose will remain a mystery of the blogosphere.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else."
A bald-faced lie and you know it.
Why not spend so much time sucking up to your fellow wingnuts and try to post some thing of relevance.
I think you should be able to say anything you want, within reason, but you also should have the ability to back up what you say with objective proof.
Not right wing partisan bullshit designed to do nothing but denigrate our new President.
The man carries a hefty approval rating, not only in American, but throughout the world, yet all you hear on this site is whining and bitching about literally everything he says or does.
David said..."Jeremy. As to your assertion that Laura Bush was never the subject of UnAmerican insults..."
I can't say the woman NEVER had anything negative said about her, there are 6 billion people in the world and it's difficult to keep track...but she sure as hell wasn't beaten into the ground on a daily basis like the fools here appear to be intent upon doing.
Most here are so pissed off Obama won they just can't drag their heads out of their partisan asses long enough to give the man a chance to do the job he was elected to do. All they want to do is bitch and whine, bitch and whine.
And this after eight years of one of the most corrupt and inept administrations in America's history.
With people like this as their base, the Republicans won't see the White House or a majority in Congress for many, many years to come.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else."
A bald-faced lie and you know it.
Actually I don't. I don't think you're a liar as much as a troll. In any event, I didn't say that. I said this.
Jeremy is the same troll who aka Luckoldson and Michael. Why the dipshit continues to change his name but not his obvious writing style I suppose will remain a mystery of the blogosphere.
I figure in about three months you'll disappear and then come back with a new alias but the bullshit will be the same.
Hoosier - Repeating a lie is exactly the same as saying it in the first place.
Why would you not understand that?
Small mind? Little if any education? Just kind of a prick?
As for what you call "trolling," it basically encompasses anybody who posts a comment or opinion that is contrary to the groupthink one finds on most blog sites.
Here it's exemplified by people like yourself who do whatever they can to minimize or marginalize anything posted by anyone who is critical of what you already believe or want to be so, but without any objective reasoning, just pure partisan attacks.
If you covered up the monikers it would be almost impossible to separate 90% of comments and opinions of the people who visit this site on a regular basis, especially when it comes to denigrating the President or the First Lady.
As an example; All one has to do is post something derogatory about Obama...and watch the rush to join in.
Without what you call "trolls" most of the blog sites would be nothing more than a group of like-minded people making kissing ass and making damn sure they agree on anything and everything.
As for what you call "trolling," it basically encompasses anybody who posts a comment or opinion that is contrary to the groupthink one finds on most blog sites.
No it isn't. You're a troll. Other liberal minded folks here such as Madison Man, garage, Beth, Eli Blake and others post liberal views all the time and aren't attacked.
Small mind? Little if any education? Just kind of a prick?
This is why you're a troll. My eleven year old can hold a more mature conversation than you.
"North Koreans are still testing missiles after Bush's reached a deal that rested on trust and not whay all the bitching about Obama"
While I'm not here to engage in the petty and childish score-keeping that the new wave of Obama-triumphalist commentors at Althouse (who are so strident in their quest for the last word as to appear to be on someone's payroll) seem determined to lower the discourse of this once-fine blog to a constant hum of, I think the foregoing quoted comment misses a key reason some people legitimately hold for "bitching about Obama" even in light of Bush's apparent failures.
Just as no Congress is bound by the prior Congress, Obama has taken it upon himself to renounce at every turn the policies of his predecessor, from the smallest to the largest details and impressions. While it's apparent that he's maintaining a lot more of the foreign policy prerogatives set up by Bush, all of the rhetoric has been intensely negative and/or dismissive of the outgoing administration's policies.
If that's what he's been communicating to the world ceaselessly for the past 2 years, even more so since his inauguration, then it's fair to bitch about Obama since he has set FOR HIMSELF a bar whose criteria for passage are the degree of difference of his policies from Bush's.
Bitch on, bitches.
We'll see if this guy's a Svengali or not over the course of the next couple of years. It'll probably be fairly clear by the midterms, when the results of his team's "smart diplomacy" begin to show. If it works, all the better for us. On the evidence so far, it's not looking good, but then things have been in a bit of flux lately on the global scene, haven't they?
Bullocks. Bush was never briefed on any "plan to kill 3,000 people"."
Jeremy: No, he was only briefed on Osama Bin Laden planning on attacking America. The 3,000 dead came after he ignored the warning.
Then why did you imply otherwise?
And I love your logic: He didn't know exactly how many would die, so he didn't really have to react or respond to the warning.
No, dumbass.
You got carried away with hyperbole in claiming that Bush was "briefed on a plan to kill 3,000 people". Of course, the deception is deliberate on your part - a feeble attempt to claim there was specific intelligence that was actionable. There was not.
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Well, they woke up Hillary too.
Maybe she ordered them to wake her up any time Obama gets the call just so she can 'feel' like it's 3 AM.
I get up around 3am every day. It's the best time to catch train whistles on the backyard bird microphone and get a little work done.
I'm surprised they let Obama sleep until 4:30.
He should have been listening to his Berlitz "Austrian" tapes...
Then again,
Imagine McCain being woken up with this call at 4:30.
McCain: "#@@"#%&" It's 4 ^&&%##@" o'clock in the $#^%^#@&* morning!!!"
"But sir, do you have any orders for what to do with the missle?"
McCain: "Shoot it down. No, actually catch it and shoot it back to them."
"Sir, we can't catch it. Shoot it down then?"
McCain: "Then don't shoot it. Or actually, go ahead. And announce that I'm suspending my G-20 trip to go back to Washington and monitor the situation."
"Sir, do you want to call any foreign heads of state to discuss the situation?"
McCain: "Yeah. Call the Presidents of South Korea, China, Japan and Malawi."
"Malawi, Sir?"
McCain: "@@#^%%^ ARE YOU DEAF YOU ###^%_**^?" I said MALAWI. In case I can't get any agreement about the missile I may see if I can get some good press by negotiating a settlement on the Madonna adoption thing. Maybe some deal involving something I can swing, like a general amnesty for all Malawians in the U.S."
"OK, sir. Do you want to go back to sleep?"
McCain: "No, not here. After I get done in the White House I will take some time to go home and unwind."
"OK. I'll make the arrangements for the flight to Paradise Valley."
McCain: "No, I want to go the the house in Coronado Beach. No, I mean Sedona. No, dang nab it, I know I shouldn't be making important decisions at this time of the morning."
"Yes, sir."
McCain: "Go ahead and shoot down that missile."
"No need, sir. It reached its destination while you were going on about Madonna."
McCain: "Oh, well. Then next time wake me up ##^%^@) BEFORE they launch it!"
Is it in the country's interest to try to give the president really weird dreams? You know he went back to sleep only to dream about Kim Jong-il launching the Queen into a cream pie or something like that.
More specifically, what's the point of waking Obama up at 4:30 in the morning when they knew in advance they weren't going to do anything in response?
Can't Obama sit around impotently as easily at, say, 3pm as he can at four in the morning?
You know he went back to sleep only to dream about Kim Jong-il... a scene from Team America.
There is a Borat scene here somewhere.
Imaging Borat waking Obama in the middle of the night and go from there.
No, he did not need to be awakened. But he wanted to be awakened. They surely discussed that beforehand. Maybe.
Hi Robert... How's the view from under the bus?
It's a little crowded.
Reading that comment, it just proves the point that there are really people infected with the whole Messiah myth surrounding the chosen one. The Savior is not to be disturbed lest his miraculous powers be diminished.
The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?
Leaked as a PR stunt move.
It was completely unnecessary to wake the President up at 4:30 to disclose the Korean missile launch. One would have to think the President would actually do something about it to justify waking him at that hour. After all, a mere nuke capable missile launch by a rogue state isn't something essential to the country's security, like having that conversation about race that AG Holder thinks is so vital.
He can get up at 4:30 am.
Let us reflect on that for a second.
Let us move on.
The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?
The North Koreans fired multiple missiles into the Sea of Japan a few years ago. The most likely explanation for them conducting this test now and not six months ago is that the rocket wasn't *ready* six months ago.
Early In The Morning..
When the judgment comes to find the world in shame
When the trumpet blows won't you call my name?
When the thunder rolls and the heavens rain
When the sun turns black, never shine again
When the trumpet blows, won't you call me please, call my name!
See... they had to call him ;)
Well, no, he didn't need to, but of course, you would expect that he would
Gibbs: "Sorry to wake you up, but the North Koreans just launched a missile."
Obama: "Is it headed this way."
Gibbs: "No."
Obama: "Then STFU."
Gibbs: "I had better call Hillary to let her know of the missile launch."
[Dials phone]
Phone rings 6 times, then: "I can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number I might call you back."
How long have these 'six party' talks gone on and what progress has been made?
Other than the NORKs detonating a nuke and continuing to test thier missiles that is.
Hillary didn't pick up presuming it was Bill hanging out and needing a ride.
Nothing a good nap in the front seat parked at McDonalds couldn't fix.
Can't Obama sit around impotently as easily at, say, 3pm as he can at four in the morning?
Heh. Maybe it would be nice if they stopped calling him about pretty much anything. When he's not being impotent, he's destroying things, so better that he be left to sleep and go to basketball games with his wife. Or we could send him on an endless rockstar tour around Europe; he seems to like that.
"Serves those arrogant Americans right," Hussein said, before rolling over and falling back asleep.
Imagine waking up Ronald Reagan. If you could.
They said they woke him up; how do we know they did?
They have been looking amateurish in the media lately, so maybe this helped.
Mr. Gibbs: Mr. President, NK has just launched their missile.
Mr. Barely: Um, uh, er, do you know what time it is, er, uh, um?
Mr. Gibbs: It's 4:30 in the morning, sir.
Mr. Barely: 4:30 in the morning? Did you call the teleprompter too?
Mr. Gibbs: Sir, that joke has already jumped the shark.
Mr. Barely: Shark, what shark. NK jumped a shark? [sigh] Damn, where are my Kools. I'm jonesing for a menthol right now.
Mr. Gibbs: Sir, there is no shark. It's a metaphor. Look, sir, what do you want me to tell the press about our response to NK launching their missile?
Mr. Barely: So what happened to the missile?
Mr. Gibbs: It flew over Japan and lost it's second stage several hundred miles east of Japan and went into the ocean.
Mr. Barely: Really? Hmm, I would have thought that all of that collaborative Chinese espionage would have filtered to NK and they could have gotten their rocket plans right. Oh well.
Mr. Gibbs: Mr. President, what would you like me to say to the press sir. We need a message to denounce this action.
Mr. Barely: You're right of course. See what the other advisor's say, gather a focus group in our favor, get my teleprompter ready, and prepare to send a gift to Kim Jong Il.
Mr. Gibbs: A gift? Sir, what kind of gift?
Mr. Barely: An iPod of course. And have the opening screen showing me bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia with a scroller underneath that is a carefully crafted apology to the NK nation for having us denounce them, but secretly won't do anything about. That should pacify them. Is my teleprompter ready yet? It is going to have to do a lot today. Busy schedule you know.
Mr. Gibbs: But sir, the teleprompter . . .
Mr. Barely: Look forget the iPod, ok? I have to get more sleep.
If he's not careful, next time it will be a radioactive waffle!
(original mispelling: "wffle", which may make more sense!)
If they are competent, and I doubt that, this was a 3AM TV ad vaccination PR stunt to prove tht the One is up to the job.
If they are not competent, then Rahm or GEN Jones, ought to be calling the One after they get some facts. The fact that they called him at all indicates they don't have a good night shift, and don't understand the conservation of forces principle (his sleep). Only wake the boss when you have something that needs a decision NOW. If not, keep him fresh and rested.
The fact that the PR guy appears to make a decision instead of the NSA or the CoS, is sort of scary.
PR stunt, PR guy, PR Boss. Dumb move...
There's got to be a shiny pony in this pile of manure!
Of course: Levi Johnston was talking about his Babydaddydom with Bristol Palin!
Your news media at work.
Inexplicable. Like he can't be bothered? Say the missile didn't "go as planned" and landed in Japan? I'd sure want an administration that was prepared. This is not THAT
I'm not a "man-basher".
But there is some poetic justice when a man's sleep is interrupted in response to a 4:30am missile launch, not his bed partner's.
Ian Dury RIP.
(See if you can detect where Maxwell House coffee got their jingle music.)
Wake Up and Make Love
I come awake
with the gift for womankind
youre still alseep
but the gift dont seem to mind
rise on this occation
halfway up your back
sliding down your body
touching your behind
you look so self-possessed
I wont distrub your rest
its lovely when youre sleeping
but wide awake is best
ow, wake up and make love with me
wake up and make love
wake up and make love with me
I dont wanna make you
ill let the fancy take you
and youll wake up and make love
you come awake
in a horny morning mood
and well have a proper wriggle
in the naughty, naked nude
roll against my body
get me where you want me
what happens next is private
its also very rude
ill go and get the post
and make some tea and toast
you have a nother sleep luv
its me that needs it most
ow, wake up and make love with me
wake up and make love
wake up and make love with me
I dont wanna make you
ill let the fancy take you
and yourll wake up and make love
wake up and make love with me
wake up and make love
wake up and make love with me
wake up and make love
wake up
wake up
wake up
wake up
Thats a good question EDH...
Was Michele even there?
"The Koreans kept threatening to launch a missle during the last administration, but did not do so. Tells us something about this one, doesn't it?"
I disagree- I dont think invading North Korea was a viable option even when Bush was president and Kim Jong-il was obviously aware of that fact. Turning a North Korea missile launch into a clear sign of Obama's failings is probably pushing it.
And this is based on..?
Sorry Rev, I do not buy the missile wasn't ready yet. The NORKS knew they could and would get away with it; this administration considers all to be an axis of good. They knew that they can get away with anything they want and this adminstration will do nothing to upset the apple cart.
It is important what the whole world "thinks" of us. The security of the world is not that important.
C'mon...let's see an "objective" report...
Any bets on how close the NoKos have to get to us before Obama does SOMETHING?
Why does the little voice in my head want to put money on Alaska?
Gibbs knocked on the door of President Obama's suite at the Prague Hilton, soon after 4:30 a.m. local time, almost immediately after the North Korean missile launch had been confirmed.
Why would we anybody here...other than the standard dolts...assume Obama would be awake at 4:30 am...waiting for...?
It's one thing to criticize, but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...and sitting on it...and whining about Obama having to be awakened at 4:30 to hear about this...well, it's just plain Ann Althouse.
What would anyone assume the alternative to be?
Peter- Im not sure Obama did anything different from what Bush would have done in response. He condemmned the launch in strong terms just as Bush would have done. As for 'not upsetting the applecart'- hasnt Obama been launching bombing raids into Pakistan? Isnt he going to send more troops to Afghanistan? Hardly suggests a rainbows-and-butterflies approach to foreign affairs.
I detect some co-ed blogging. Did Meade type the last sentence of your blog post "Can't I just eat my waffle"? Sure sounds like him.
Your imaginative 4:30 presidential phone call dialogues have cheered me greatly. Here's my take.
4:30 am
Robert Gibbs: "One ringie dingy. Two ringie dingies." Snort. "Three ringie Dingies ..."
President Barak Obama: "Wut?"
Robert Gibbs: Mr. "President Sir, Your Highness Sir, Your Honerable Royal Elected POUS Sir ..."
President Barak Obama: "Just out with it Gibbs."
Robert Gibbs: "NORAD reports the North Koreans have just now launched their missile like you predicted, YOur Highness."
President Barak Obama: "Aaaaaand?"
Robert Gibbs: "Just thought you might want to know, Sir."
President Barak Obama: "Gibbs, don't do this again or I'll kick your ass. Now draw me a bath and steam my slacks, Bitch."
So now the New Republic is the guiding light of the Ann Althouse site?
Drudge not available?
This cheap and stupid.
"...hasnt Obama been launching bombing raids into Pakistan? Isnt he going to send more troops to Afghanistan..."
But the people don't acknowledge or want to admit that.
Too honest.
Here is Michele after a few sleepless nights.
Lem - Attacking the President's wife is unAmerican.
I detect some co-ed blogging. Did Meade type the last sentence of your blog post "Can't I just eat my waffle"? Sure sounds like him.
Good catch Lynch
On a lighter note, how does Obama-or indeed any other US President- get a bit of bedroom action when people keep interrupting them at ungodly hours? Surely that severely cramps their style? And you are obviously the only man on earth who cant ignore the late-night call no matter what you are doing.
Lem - Attacking the President's wife is unAmerican.
If thats true why is she getting polled?
Are you saying that poll is a witch-hunt?
Minzo said..."On a lighter note, how does Obama-or indeed any other US President- get a bit of bedroom action when people keep interrupting them at ungodly hours?"
Weel, to quote Woody Allen: The best thing about masturbation is that you know you're making love with someone who really does love you.
Lem - Why are you attacking Michelle? Other than trying to suck up to some here?
It's cheap.
Lem - Attacking the President's wife is unAmerican.
Says who? What form of patriotism do you practice? Are we not allowed to criticize? Is all criticism now deemed unAmerican? Maybe I was right; you people want to shred the constitution and only allow your speech and expression all criticism of Obama et al will be verbotten. When did you buy your jackboots. I'll bet your wife just drips when you put on that lederhosen too. Are you joining the new Obama SS? Maybe the Gestapo? Effin Nazi.
As to Obama and Korea, if he knew they would do this, he could have warned them there would be reprecussions. Better yet, he could have ordered NORAD to shoot the missile down. But no, he just went to sleep.
The NORKS do not take the child seriously. They did take Bush seriously.
"if he knew they would do this, he could have warned them there would be reprecussions. Better yet, he could have ordered NORAD to shoot the missile down."
Moron. Really, really dumb. Like this post.
Lem - Why are you attacking Michelle? Other than trying to suck up to some here?
First off, what you call attack is nothing more than any other SNL skit.
Second you are making so many assumptions on that comment I dont know where to begin.
Are you supposing I dont believe what I say?
Peter- Do you really think shooting down the missile would have been the wisest course of action? Jesus...
Peter- "Says who? What form of patriotism do you practice?"
Says anybody who is a real American and not a fucking partisan asshole...asshole.
You, a former police officer is saying the President of the United States' wife can be abused and fellow Americans?
Can you provide any evidence of any former First Lady being treated in a similar manner?
As for Bush's deterrent strategy with North Korea- didnt they have a nuclear weapons test in 2006 while Dubya was still in power? And didnt they also attempt to launch a long-range missile (which fizzled out a few seconds after take-off?)
Lem - "First off, what you call attack is nothing more than any other SNL skit."
You work for SNL??
You're just sucking up to your friends here...and you know it.
Oh, so if I dont work for SNL I have no constitutional rights?
Would it be fair to conclude Jeremy might be under the impression that I cant think for myself?
Daaam Jeremy you sure got me.
Peter - Can we assume you've forgotten this?
"Last week in Singapore, U.S. chief negotiator Christopher Hill and his North Korean counterpart Kim Kye Gwan reached a deal that rests on trust and not verification."
Bush administration: APRIL 15, 2008
You, a former police officer is saying the President of the United States' wife can be abused and fellow Americans?
Once again, what the fuck does my former employment have to do with anything? You seem hung up on the fact that I was in an honorable and valued profession. You must be jealous as you would never qualify to do what I did.
This is still the United States of America. We still have freedom of expression, speech, the press, and the freedom to criticize. Of course, if certain people have their way, things might change. Fuck you Nazi.
Lem, you can bash the First Lady all you want, it is your right.
I just think it's cheap and makes you look small.
And based on her popularity with Americans I don't understand your point...other than the sucking up element I mentioned.
obama, obama, obama. it is really unbelievable.
Jay Stevens
Gunvault Handgun Safes
Umbilical Cord
Peter- Do you really think shooting down the missile would have been the wisest course of action? Jesus...
Absolutely. Bet they would not have launced another one. And what does Jesus have to do with this. You, as a good aparatchik should have said Obama.
Peter, I'll say the same to you: "I just think it's cheap and makes you look small."
It's your prerogative, but as a former police officer I would think you would have more guts.
Aaah Peter that old chesnut I see- if I defend Obama in any way, I obviously consider him the messiah. Thats original.
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
We are now entering a phase where the right to criticism will be banned.
I read this insanity about how we should have just shot down this missile, as if we could have without endangering anyone in Japan for if we can basically do whatever we want.
Well, we had Bush in office for eight years and neve caught Osama, we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the North Koreans are still testing missiles after Bush's reached a deal that rested on trust and not whay all the bitching about Obama?
Other than being just plain stupid??
I just think it's cheap and makes you look small.
That didn't stop your side from going after Palin did it?
Peter V. Bella said..."Lem,
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only..."
That is a crock of shit.
I said he can say whatever he wants, it's his right.
I just think he and others, including you, attacking the First Lady is cheap and small.
If you think it makes you or Lem look like big men, so be it.
Lem, Palin is not the First Lady of America.
Do you even understand the difference?
It's your prerogative, but as a former police officer I would think you would have more guts.
What the fuck does my former profession have to do with anything? Please, I want to see your response to that. You do not criticize anyone else's professions here.
Oh, you do not have one. Typical.
Minzo, get used to it.
The common refrain here is that anybody who supports our President, the man who won the election, is somehow only being supported by Americans...because they see him as some kind of Messiah.
It's the coward's way out of accepting the fact that he won and their man lost.
Small minds.
Peter, you profess to be a retired police officer.
I would think one who served in such a capacity would be more dignified and respectful of our President.
I'm sorry I was wrong.
Palin is not the First Lady of America.
Is that an English title or is it from Obamas side of the family?
Lem - "First Lady of the United States is the unofficial title of the hostess of the White House. Because this position is traditionally filled by the wife of the President of the United States, the title is sometimes taken to apply only to the wife of a sitting President."
You do understand America is the same as the United States of America...right?
It's one thing to criticize, but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...
You kind of sort of left out the part that Cinton also recieved information that attacks on us were imminent. You also left out the part that a team was on site and ready to kill Bin Laden. Clinton decided against it; then he made a call- Monica!!!!!!
Peter, I'm not going to regurgitate the 9/11 situation.
If you think Bush did his job, so be it.
And if you and Lem want to continue to beat up on the First Lady, that's up to you.
I just don't understand grown American men using such tactics to denigrate the woman or the position she holds.
You should be ashamed.
You do understand America is the same as the United States of America...right?
Sadly you are mistaken.
There is a South America a Central America and North America.
Its the American continent.
I would think one who served in such a capacity would be more dignified and respectful of our President.
Get this through your rock filled head. I was a Chicago Police Officer. Barak Obama is a product of the Chicago Democratic Machine; a thoroughly politically corrupt entity. The man who discovered him, chose him, and promoted him is Emil jones. Emil Jones is/was one of the most venal and corrupt politicians in the state. Barak Obama did everything Emil Jones told him to do. He followed orders. He was never his own man.
Oh, all political corruption is not illegal; immoral, unethical yes, but not all is illegal. You see I live in Chicago. I was born and raised here. I served and risked my life here. I know Chicago politics inside and out.
So, Jeremy, just what the fuck does my being a cop have to do with anything. I am not supposed to have an opinion? I am supposed to be a brainless Democrat robot because the city government is infested with them? I am supposed to respect someone just because? I leave my right to free expression at the door of city hall?
Also, just what the fuck do you know about Chicago politics? Inquiring minds want to know?
BTW, Jeremy, just what is it you do for a living?
Lem - You are a sad excuse for an American.
And I don't mean a South or Central American.
Good lord...
Peter - Get lost.
If you think Bush did his job, so be it.
It is not a matter of whether Bush did his job. I never said pro or con about that. It is a matter of whether Clinton did his. He did not.
Once again, because you are a poltroon; criticism is patriotic. The lack of criticism is cowardice.
Jeremy please read about Amerigo Vespucci before you repeat that.
Peter - Get lost.
Typical. Last week I was a racist and gay. Now you have no more answers, so you tell me to get lost. Typical. Expected. Now I know what you do. You are a sophmore in high school.
Obama: "Hello?"
Gibbs: "North Korea just launched the missile."
Obama: "Okay."
Gibbs: "..."
Obama: "What?"
Gibbs: "Anything you'd like us to do? Any response, sir?"
Obama: "Have you talked to Chirac?"
Gibbs: "Chirac, sir?"
Obama: "Yeah, what did he say?"
Gibbs: "Do you perhaps mean Sarkozy, sir?"
Obama: "Yeah."
Gibbs: "No, sir. I called you first, of course."
Obama: "Oh."
Gibbs: "..."
Obama: "..."
Gibbs: "Are you there, sir?"
Obama: "Yeah... Okay, okay. Go call some of those Europeans. See what they're saying."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir."
Obama: "But not that Brown."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Would you like to speak with the Joint Chiefs, sir?""
Obama: "No. Not really. Why?"
Gibbs: "I thought you might find their input of value, sir."
Obama: "Oh. ... No. They're all war-y."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir."
Obama: "Another thing, Gibbs. Another thing I need."
Gibbs: "Sir?"
Obama: "Get me a copy of the morning's San Francisco Chronicle and the LA Times. They might have some ideas in there."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Anything else, sir?"
Obama: "Yeah, if you could pass a message to the White House kitchen that I changed my mind and I don't want pancakes today. No pancakes. I want eggs today, Gibbs. And at least three strips of bacon. And move my wake-up call forward an hour."
Gibbs: "Sir?"
Obama: "You called. I've got to make up this sleep. Michelle and I are having a party tomorrow, and I told her I'd go shopping in Georgetown."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Though with these developments and the current financial crisis we may be short on time tomorrow, sir."
Obama: "Gibbs, make time to mingle among the great masses of Washington? Yes, we can."
Gibbs: "..."
Obama: "Yes, we can."
Gibbs: "Clever, sir."
Obama: "Thank you."
Gibbs: "..."
Obama: "Think we could get another one of those plastic buttons for resetting relations for Kim Jong-il?"
Gibbs: "Again, clever, sir."
Obama: "..."
Gibbs: "..."
Obama: "Could we?"
Gibbs: "Oh."
Obama: "Well?"
Gibbs: "Uh... No, sir. I don't think so, sir."
Obama: "Alright. Night."
Gibbs: "Yes, sir. Goodnight, sir."
We have fallen into the trap. Yessir, we have violated the cardinal rule regarding Jeremy.
The cardinal rule:
Never, ever, argue with an idiot. They bring yiu down to their own level and try to beat you.
Obama: "But not that Brown."
Brown always looks like he hasn't slept.
Yea, but sometimes you got to do it.
If only to keep our edge up ;)
Gibbs: Mr. President, the North Koreans have just launched a missile.
Obama: Gibbs, I just want to eat my waffle.
Gibbs: What are your instructions?
Obama: Tell the chef that the waffles were mushy and I want real maple syrup.
Gibbs: I meant about the North Koreans sir.
Obama: Send them some Eggos. Everyone loves Eggos.
Gibbs: Yessir. But what about the missile launch?
Obama: Gibbs, just what does that launch have to do with waffles?
Obama: Oh Christ Gibbs, now Michelle is awake. There is no peace and no justice in this world.
Gibbs: Sorry sir. I just thought…
Obama: That was your first mistake Gibbs. You are not supposed to think. Thinking is for smart people and we are not smart people. We are intellectuals. Now get on that waffle project. OK, Michelle. Yes Michelle. OK, I will turn off the phone Michelle. No, I will not stop eating waffles in bed. There are limits dear. I just want waffles. Oh, and I will smoke after sex.
You rock. All the best!
They couldn't NOT wake up President Obama. Remember all the ridicule that got heaped on President Reagan when his aides decided against waking him to tell him that U.S. fighter planes had downed a pair of Libyan military jets in 1981?
To see a reasonable, balanced opinion piece on to-wake-or-not-to-wake:
Jeremy. As to your assertion that Laura Bush was never the subject of UnAmerican insults, here's a gem from "Democratic Underground" in 2003. One of several on the same post in the same tone.
I do not think that Laura Bush "hires" anyone. It is extremely funny to me to imagine this frump of a non woman having any say in anything in this government. Sorry, but Laura Bush is as dumb as doorknobs--as dumb as the rocks in the Kennebunkport compound.
How about Teresa Heinz Kerry saying Mrs. Bush had never held a "real job."
Or, quite recently, Michelle Obama's press person saying that Michelle had invited some military families to the White House since people like them hadn't had invitations to the White House before. (Ungraciously ignoring Mrs. Bush's largely unpublicized but regular--for 8 years--picnics and receptions for military families.)
This from the same Michelle Obama who also said that until the campaign, "like most Americans" she had not really thought of the situation of military families.
Translation: we elitists don't have the military on our radar screen until we want to get elected to something.
Give me a break--I could go on for hours with stuff like this.
As for other first ladies who took heat, let's include:
Hillary Clinton
Barbara Bush
Mamie Eisenhower & Bess Truman (both derided as dumpy, dowdy and drab)
Mrs. Roosevelt
Mrs. Wilson (she perhaps deserved it because she was running the country after President Wilson had a stroke)
Betty Ford
Roslyn Carter
And--going back in time:
Mary Todd Lincoln.
There are many more examples. You do not know shit about history, Jeremy.
Lady Bird Johnson--portrayed as a hick by just about everyone north and east of New Jersey.
Mary Todd Lincoln deserved the heat. My admiration for what Abe had to do became greater once I studied Mary Todd Lincoln and how much a burden (not a support at all) she was to her husband.
Incidentally, the first ladies I most admire are:
1. Betty Ford (she redefined the whole role of a first lady from 'white house hostess' to someone who could and did take a very real role in doing something of critical importance)
2. Eleanor Roosevelt (way ahead of her time, and the real secret to how Franklin, the master politician, knew well the undercurrents of what the public was thinking)
3. Jackie Kennedy (still the definition of class in the position. No one else I know of could have handled the very public events of and immediately following November 22, 1963 with as much grace and dignity as she did.)
Sorry Rev, I do not buy the missile wasn't ready yet.
Considering that the rocket appears to have crashed into the Pacific Ocean without successfully delivering its payload into orbit, I think we can say with considerable authority that it wasn't even ready this week -- let alone during the Bush Administration. Your "they were terrified of Bush" theory also ignores the fact that they tried conducting a nuclear weapons test while he was President. That failed, too.
"Did Robert Gibbs really need to wake Obama at 4:30 am with news of the North Korean missile launch?"
Does a puppeteer need to discuss the skit with the puppet?
He didn't need to be awakened. All he did was ask the UN to write a Strongly Worded Letter.
He won't do anything forceful to stop them. I think he secretly hopes to hit Alaska and solve the Palin Problem.
Well considering that NK is under some of the most restrictive sanctions, I don't think much can be done to dissuade them. The last 'agreement' we made with them resulted in them detonating a nuke. Like Iran, 'talks' have been going on for years with no results. I don't know how many times or ways you can ask someone to stop doing something and they continue to thumb their nose at you. Either resign yourself to them being a nuclear power or end thier capability to do so. Continuing on the course of 'talking' only demonstrates weakness.
Jeremy: but based on the briefing Bush got regarding Osama's plan to kill 3,000 people...and sitting on it
Bullocks. Bush was never briefed on any "plan to kill 3,000 people".
Kerry WAS briefed by a red cell team that Logan International was not secure, that warnings through normal channels had been ignored, and that this was the team's attempt to get someone in authority to finally listen to them. Kerry circular filed the report.
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
And he's one of the "tolerant enlightened" ones from BloggingHeads. Go figure.
I think the president should be woken up for such things. In the military, commanders have such a thing called "wake up criteria" and the NORKs launching missiles seems to fit that bill. Wake ups are routine for people in true leadership positions.
The issue at hand is not the decision to wake up or not. It's the confluence of media coverage and WH PR spin. Sunday morning I was watching CNN and the coverage was about how Obama handled the launch. CNN stated things like "met with the national security advisor", "will engage the UN security council" and "was briefed by intelligence officials" in the same manner as a proud parent telling grandma that junior tied his shoe for the first time. "Look at him meet with his National Security Advisor..isn't he cuuuuutttte!"
The WH and the media are trying to make us think that Obama is being all proactive and forceful by overemphasizing Obama's participation in the standard routine of the diplomatic/national security process, rather than inform us on his actual leadership decisions and stance. Process participation is not leadership.
They just want credit for a 3AM call...
Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else.
Jeremy is the same troll who aka Luckoldson and Michael. Why the dipshit continues to change his name but not his obvious writing style I suppose will remain a mystery of the blogosphere.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else."
A bald-faced lie and you know it.
Why not spend so much time sucking up to your fellow wingnuts and try to post some thing of relevance.
I think you should be able to say anything you want, within reason, but you also should have the ability to back up what you say with objective proof.
Not right wing partisan bullshit designed to do nothing but denigrate our new President.
The man carries a hefty approval rating, not only in American, but throughout the world, yet all you hear on this site is whining and bitching about literally everything he says or does.
It's not only unAmerican it's downright stupid.
Fen said..."Bullocks. Bush was never briefed on any "plan to kill 3,000 people"."
No, he was only briefed on Osama Bin Laden planning on attacking America.
The 3,000 dead came after he ignored the warning.
And I love your logic: He didn't know exactly how many would die, so he didn't really have to react or respond to the warning.
David said..."Jeremy. As to your assertion that Laura Bush was never the subject of UnAmerican insults..."
I can't say the woman NEVER had anything negative said about her, there are 6 billion people in the world and it's difficult to keep track...but she sure as hell wasn't beaten into the ground on a daily basis like the fools here appear to be intent upon doing.
Most here are so pissed off Obama won they just can't drag their heads out of their partisan asses long enough to give the man a chance to do the job he was elected to do. All they want to do is bitch and whine, bitch and whine.
And this after eight years of one of the most corrupt and inept administrations in America's history.
With people like this as their base, the Republicans won't see the White House or a majority in Congress for many, many years to come.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Jeremy is one of those liberals who believe that free speech is reserved for them and them only; they and they alone are allowed criticize at will. The rest of us are to remain silent; or else."
A bald-faced lie and you know it.
Actually I don't. I don't think you're a liar as much as a troll. In any event, I didn't say that. I said this.
Jeremy is the same troll who aka Luckoldson and Michael. Why the dipshit continues to change his name but not his obvious writing style I suppose will remain a mystery of the blogosphere.
I figure in about three months you'll disappear and then come back with a new alias but the bullshit will be the same.
Hoosier - Repeating a lie is exactly the same as saying it in the first place.
Why would you not understand that?
Small mind? Little if any education? Just kind of a prick?
As for what you call "trolling," it basically encompasses anybody who posts a comment or opinion that is contrary to the groupthink one finds on most blog sites.
Here it's exemplified by people like yourself who do whatever they can to minimize or marginalize anything posted by anyone who is critical of what you already believe or want to be so, but without any objective reasoning, just pure partisan attacks.
If you covered up the monikers it would be almost impossible to separate 90% of comments and opinions of the people who visit this site on a regular basis, especially when it comes to denigrating the President or the First Lady.
As an example; All one has to do is post something derogatory about Obama...and watch the rush to join in.
Without what you call "trolls" most of the blog sites would be nothing more than a group of like-minded people making kissing ass and making damn sure they agree on anything and everything.
As for what you call "trolling," it basically encompasses anybody who posts a comment or opinion that is contrary to the groupthink one finds on most blog sites.
No it isn't. You're a troll. Other liberal minded folks here such as Madison Man, garage, Beth, Eli Blake and others post liberal views all the time and aren't attacked.
Small mind? Little if any education? Just kind of a prick?
This is why you're a troll. My eleven year old can hold a more mature conversation than you.
We're done. Have an nice day.
"North Koreans are still testing missiles after Bush's reached a deal that rested on trust and not whay all the bitching about Obama"
While I'm not here to engage in the petty and childish score-keeping that the new wave of Obama-triumphalist commentors at Althouse (who are so strident in their quest for the last word as to appear to be on someone's payroll) seem determined to lower the discourse of this once-fine blog to a constant hum of, I think the foregoing quoted comment misses a key reason some people legitimately hold for "bitching about Obama" even in light of Bush's apparent failures.
Just as no Congress is bound by the prior Congress, Obama has taken it upon himself to renounce at every turn the policies of his predecessor, from the smallest to the largest details and impressions. While it's apparent that he's maintaining a lot more of the foreign policy prerogatives set up by Bush, all of the rhetoric has been intensely negative and/or dismissive of the outgoing administration's policies.
If that's what he's been communicating to the world ceaselessly for the past 2 years, even more so since his inauguration, then it's fair to bitch about Obama since he has set FOR HIMSELF a bar whose criteria for passage are the degree of difference of his policies from Bush's.
Bitch on, bitches.
We'll see if this guy's a Svengali or not over the course of the next couple of years. It'll probably be fairly clear by the midterms, when the results of his team's "smart diplomacy" begin to show. If it works, all the better for us. On the evidence so far, it's not looking good, but then things have been in a bit of flux lately on the global scene, haven't they?
Bullocks. Bush was never briefed on any "plan to kill 3,000 people"."
Jeremy: No, he was only briefed on Osama Bin Laden planning on attacking America. The 3,000 dead came after he ignored the warning.
Then why did you imply otherwise?
And I love your logic: He didn't know exactly how many would die, so he didn't really have to react or respond to the warning.
No, dumbass.
You got carried away with hyperbole in claiming that Bush was "briefed on a plan to kill 3,000 people". Of course, the deception is deliberate on your part - a feeble attempt to claim there was specific intelligence that was actionable. There was not.
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