March 28, 2009

"You might be smart enough to play chez Althouse, but you have got to try much harder. Get out of the boys' club..."

"... and see if you have what it takes. Don't be a pussy."

I'm stirring up the comments over at Bloggingheads. Thought you'd like to know.


Trooper York said...

I would hate to have the chess club mad at me.

SteveR said...

A parade of idiots who think they are smart.

traditionalguy said...

You are in the line of fire from a group of accusatory computer nerds who are taken with their new found power to slander others. They reminds me of Paintball fanatics. Have a nice weekend, Professor.

rhhardin said...

I give you Derrida in ``Choreographies,'' starting from the quote of maverick feminist Emma Goldman, ``If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution,'' on woman's not having a place, but being the one who creates places. Chez is mentioned.

Read through p.94

rcocean said...

Trooper, those guys weren't in the chess club - they hung out at the Comic Book Store.

Chennaul said...

OK I'm an idiot-I went to one of their forums to read it-and I hate the very way that it's organized...

Then so help me if I read over there now, I bet you have to give them all kinds of data just to post there.

So yes! please lure them over here.

Chennaul said...

Gawd-I gotta look...

Damn t!

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Well RC they were the chess club's groupies. Otherwise why would they worship Niles Crane?

Chennaul said...

You left the funniest part out-

Raise your game, "bj."


So some guy comes back with-

Get arthritis?

The high school debate team would reject them.

David said...

We learn more about the Meade thing. No extensive emailing or phone calls. Blog. Comments. Meeting. Rocket Ride. "Let's light this candle!" Fabulous.

Eat your heart out Maxine.

Wince said...

Two general thoughts on each group of commenters.

First, to understand how uninspired Bloggingheads commenters are compared to Althousians, all you have to do is just look at how many BH commenters leave the default "Title" field the same, comment after comment after comment. A completely squandered display opportunity to distinguish your comment and attract attention with a pithy summation, if you have something interesting to say.

Second, Eric Cartman, the secret "anti-semitic” Althouse commenter?

Where has all the money gone? It must have gone somewhere! The answer is obvious, my freinds. It is the Jews. Covetous jews who have taken all our money and horded it for themselves, hidden all the cash in some secret “jew cave” that they built, probably in the early 60s...

Just tell us where the cave is.

Plus, Hucking Squirrels, Yeah, no. Yeah and Bailout! Or watch the whole Margaritaville episode.

fivewheels said...

I don't read a ton of blogs. Maybe a dozen. They range ideologically from Ta-Nehisi Coates and TNR's The Plank to, oh, Volokh and Rachel Lucas, I guess.

I agree with Wright that most comment sections are fan clubs. I disagree with both Wright and Althouse when they say their comment sections are ideologically diverse. Does anyone really agree with that? Diversity may exist, technically, but it does not seem to prevent the establishment of, well, an establishment.

Comments to me are like cleavage and the sun: I know I shouldn't look, but it's so hard not to. I keep hoping to find someplace that has not just ideological balance, but rhetorical balance -- that is, that the so-called "left" and "right" sides might be about equal in quality and maturity. Almost always, you find that when a minority view is represented, whichever view that is, it becomes petulant, sarcastic and bitter from being in the minority.

Is there any escape from that, or is it an inevitable feature of any blog?

I guess I find Volokh's comments the least bad, because the issues don't always present themselves in traditional left/right fashion there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Walking down the street,
Kicking cans,
Looking at the billboards,
(? )
Summing up the people,
Checking out the race,
Doing what Im doing,
Feeling out of place,

Walking, walking,
In the rain.

Feeling like a woman,
Looking like a man,
Sounding like a no-no,
Mating when I can,
Whistling in the darkness,
Shining in the night,
Coming to conclusions,
Right is night is tight,

Walking, walking,
In the rain.

Come in all you jesters,
Enter all you fools,
Sit down no-nos,
Vulgar fools,
Trip the light fantastic,
Dance the swivel hips,
Coming to conclusions,
Button up your lips,

Walking, walking,
In the rain.

Anonymous said...

I would hate to have the chess club mad at me.

They reminds me of Paintball fanatics.

Trooper, those guys weren't in the chess club - they hung out at the Comic Book Store.

Mrs. Ann Meade.....I'm one of several in the world who think you're not getting enough. And I want you to get some, really. I'm trying to help people.

It's Saturday, guys. Try asking someone out. And kiss in public. Do it until you don't hate me anymore.

What makes men so hostile to women? Again, I am trying to help. Reflect. I'm not going to spell it all out. I prompt and stimulate thinking.

So Mrs. Ann Meade is accusing her male "opponents" of being near virginal, gutless, male dorks who need to man up, get out in the world and meet and romance real women. This is apparently the needed treatment for their bitterness and hostility.

What is the "-ism/-phobia" word for this kind of attack?

Is Mrs. Meade engaging in "anti-Nerdism"? "Spasticphobia"? "anti-Nebishism"?

Or is Mrs. Meade correct that many of these males suffer from deep seated personal problems such as "Womanphobia", "dorkiwonkitis" or "penispalmmagnet syndrome".

The key to the debate is putting the "-ist/-ism/-phobia" accusation on your opponent.

That way you can avoid actually analyzing the merits of competing positions and statements.

bjkeefe said...

madawaskan said ...

You left the funniest part out-

Raise your game, "bj."


So some guy comes back with-

Get arthritis?

Sorry the forum at is so hard for you to figure out, but you've got the sequence of the comments reversed. Also, you misquoted me. Pretty lame.

Here, try this link, and then this one, and note the timestamps.

Don't be afraid. None of the meanies from the Chess Club will pick on you.

Trooper York said...

Why are these guys so desperate for us to come comment over there?
They are like a bunch of really ugly whores showing their tits and screeching at you while you are stopped at a red light in a taxi.

Chennaul said...


I think some of the crowd isn't a function of the primary blogger but rather the bigger source that particular blogger might be linked by.

Say Instapundit. [I just did.]

If you are linked by Instapundit you know on which side your bread is buttered.

Being linked by Instapundit means you are going to get a majority right of center commenters, a disproportionate amount of Libertarians, intellectually curious Liberals, and Liberals who want to dump and vent.

Which btw-I didn't think it made much business sense of the NRO and others who rushed to the defense of Rush Limbaugh.

There was a poll result that showed that only 10% of those under 40 like Rush Limbaugh.

In the marketing industry the younger crowd is coveted because they think they have disposable income.

Yet NRO editor Lowry rushed to say that even Conservative critique of Limbaugh was stupid without stating the specific examples.

NRO and others couldn't figure out that their might be a lot of republican even looking for something other than Rush.

Another point a labor lawyer friend of mine makes-not too many Republicans are going to be bloggers or journalists for that matter-it doesn't make philosophical sense to them.

Chennaul said...



Ya, I was giving it the crib note version.

Plus I have admitted to dyslexia many times here.

Even I knew I had it backwards but given the content I didn't care.

Call me laissez-faire Frenchie in that way.

traditionalguy said...

Jdeeripper... That was a very nice challenge. What issue does Althouse and commenters not address to your satisfaction? I really want to know. The modeling of a man/woman loving relationship and a commitment to one another forsaking all others by Professor Althouse and Meade is easy to understand, and is a courageous thing for her to do as an educational event online. Why do their actions cause angry frustration towards her? Is there a secret prohibition against seeing good things being done by a Heretical Person as defined by some political views she is suspected of thinking? That sounds like you see yourself as an Enforcer sent from the Progressives. Why abuse yourself by saying attacking things when real love and real live women are available, says the Good Professor. She is right about that much you know. So teach us something you feel is more important than living a good life.

Chennaul said...


Your forum looks like Mickey's book shelves.

Trooper York said...

You mean there are a lot of photos of naked goats?

Chennaul said...


I see you've hacked into Journolist!

There's more that they say about Mickey..

Trooper York said...

No that’s not right. My dentist has a copy of "Goat Aficionado" in his waiting room and Mickey was the cover story.

Chennaul said...

OK here's the full quote from Brendan-

The only way you[Althouse] could help people is by getting permanent cases of laryngitis and arthritis.

Obviously he is more proud of that and doesn't realize that I was trying to do him a favor.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Well that's pretty bad. I just think he looks like Mickey Mouse's uncle who used to touch him in his secret places. That's why Mickey could never have a real relationship with Minnie. Maybe that's what all those guys have in common. That's why the happy news of two people getting married gets their Power Ranger underoos all in a twist.

Chip Ahoy said...

"penispalmmagnet syndrome"

Ha ha ha. jdeeripper, that's a good one. Palm. Magnet. Ha ha ha. You kill me.

Chennaul said...

Pre-emptively because I roll that way-

Brendan is going to claim that Althouse made him do it.

BJM said...

Reading most comment threads is like eating junk food vs a five course meal.

Which is why I prefer blogs such as Chez Althouse.

Trooper York said...

That's what David Berkowitz said about his neighbors dog. It didn't work for either.

Chennaul said...

Journolist says...

Mickey doesn't want the Minnies.

So whatever is packaged in Underoos ain't big enough.

somefeller said...

This won't be a popular comment around here, but I think the bjkeefe person over there is making some good points. That having been said, I think Jesse Taylor asked for some abuse by posting churlish comments about the engagement. And by the same token, I think Althouse asked for some abuse by making the comments she did (and allowing others to make worse without saying much to stop them) about Jessica Valenti all those months ago. If you throw a punch when no punch was thrown at you, don't be surprised if the response is an unpleasant one. And yeah, I know that by saying that I might receive an unpleasant response from some, but I don't give a damn. And maybe I'll get a commenter tag out of it, thus beating out garage mahal on that score.

bjkeefe said...

Sgt. York said:

Why are these guys so desperate for us to come comment over there?
They are like a bunch of really ugly whores showing their tits and screeching at you while you are stopped at a red light in a taxi.

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about Ann, repeatedly begging in the forums for people to come over here.

Trust me. No one is desperate for you to come over there. We like it far better when you stay away.

Enjoy your little echo chamber. Please, don't let me interrupt your congratulating each other any longer.

Trooper York said...

Don't worry about it somefeller. You are respected commenter around here even though you are usually in the minority. You have more than earned your stripes and are entitled to your opinion. That's just my opinion for what it is worth.

But your bjpal there is Capt. Literal. He said that we are "afraid" of the chess club. You see that first comment is what you would call a little irony. Which is a mystery to him. Much like the vagina.

Trooper York said...

And being a typical liberal who can't get anything right, he can't even get a name right. Jeeez what a loon.

Good show there BJ. Just ask Niles to stop mentioning us all the time and we will be even.

Ann Althouse said...

"I think Althouse asked for some abuse by making the comments she did (and allowing others to make worse without saying much to stop them) about Jessica Valenti all those months ago."

Of course. I was starting a conversation. I'm always doing that. I'm disappointing if there's no answering back. I am all about the conversation. And I have my comebacks too. Let's start something.

saintrussell said...

Bob Wright has asked, more than once, that forum posters should be more civil in their comments, particularly those directed to the Heads.

It only takes a few commenters (or even one, if he's prolific) to set the tone of any forum.

Sort the members list by number of posts, and note that bjkeefe has made about four times as many posts as has the next-most-prolific commenter.

From the current Wright-Althouse diavlog comment thread:

"The only way you could help people is by getting permanent cases of laryngitis and arthritis." (bjkeefe to Althouse)

"Gutless hag." (bjkeefe, on Althouse)

Isn't it time for Bob to pull the plug on Brendan? Clearly he can't take a hint.

bjkeefe said...

Trooper Schultz said:

And being a typical liberal who can't get anything right, he can't even get a name right. Jeeez what a loon.

Just calling attention to your multiple online identifies, pilgrim.

bjkeefe said...

Saint Russell said:

Isn't it time for Bob to pull the plug on Brendan?

Why don't you ask him directly? You already know what your little friends here are going to say.

john said...

Ann Althouse said .....

"Lets start something."

OK, but first we need to lay out the rules of engagement. And remember "Snowballs made with ice, rocks, and other hard objects are unsportsmanlike and dangerous."

Trooper York said...

I thought you were leaving there bj.

bjkeefe said...

Ann Althouse said:

I'm disappointing [sic] if there's no answering back.

Yeah. That's why clay asked me to stop feeding the troll. And so I have, over there, and so I will here.

I did want to close by observing that you're still lying about what Amanda said, though. Pretty sad, when the truth is right there for everybody to read.

Trooper York said...

And it's not multiple on-line identities, its multiple personalities and don't you forget it.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Did some troll just accuse Trooper of having sock puppets?

Shitfire; I'm gonna grab a beer and watch THIS show!

Trooper York said...

Well I have to admit I do have to wear orthopedic old lady stockings because of my severe vericose vien problem. If that helps.

john said...

When we were young, after the fight was done we would all go to someone's house to dry our mittens on the radiator and drink hot chocolate.

Now they just throw their iceballs and run away, and we are left sitting in the snow, fort still intact, planning a counterattack on their site.

Morphing Mannequin said...

I'm new to blogging but I love your posts. They are a breathe of fresh air. And if anyone has a problem with you, I think they perhaps lack in other departments. Reminds of men with really big trucks. I love your blog. Intelligent and beautiful. I wish I wasn't gay.

bjkeefe said...

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Did some troll just accuse Trooper of having sock puppets?

No. Or, at least, I didn't. Sockpuppetry would mean that he used both identities in the same place, typically with the aim of having one praise or defend the other. As far as I know, he hasn't done this. On the forums, anyway.

And ...

@Saint Russell:

Congratulations on working up the nerve to cross-post, over at, your call for having me banned. Don't think it'll work, especially given Ann's tone, but I salute you for leaving the cocoon for a couple of minutes, anyway.

Here's the thing, though: What do you care what I say, or how often I post, in a forum you profess to hate?

And on top of that, it's pretty funny how upset you are at my tone with regard to your object of adoration, when you seemed fairly blasé about all the stuff said about Amanda Marcotte on this page alone.

Oh, wait. I forgot. IOKIYAR, amirite?

Trooper York said...

Thank you bj that was very nice of you. I don't follow blogging heads at all and it only comes to my attention when Althouse posts a link. I find it irredeemably boring much like Thechnocrati or whatever the fuck that other nerd ball sight is called. But it seems to very popular. Go figure.

blake said...

Oh, good lord.

Like we needed more trolls here?

Chennaul said...

OK I was watching my hockey game and because of the vortex I have to hit the treadmill...

[Althouse makes my ass look fat.]

But did anyone notice how Meade snatched Ann up before the multiple Meet-Ups?

Lots of guys across America just stopped doing their make overs.

Getting their shorts hemmed, spray tanning their legs, doing squats and waxing their pecs.

Meade is a genius.

saintrussell said...

Brendan, I am only an occasional commenter here on the Althouse blog, so why are you presuming that the commenters here are my "little friends" and that this comments section is my "cocoon"?

As to the Bloggingheads comments section, have I said that I hate it? When I watch a diavlog that I think might inspire some thoughtful comments, I do check them out.

My concern is that I would like the Bloggingheads enterprise to succeed. Bob Wright has identified uncivil comments as an impediment to success, and called on commenters to refrain from such behavior.

I don't read Amanda Marcotte, so I'm not terribly interested in those comments. Not all discussions require my participation, nor yours!

saintrussell said...

By the way, IOKIYAR? I have no idea what that means. You're acting like someone who hangs out at a Beatles forum and uses initials for the names of all the songs and albums. Maybe you should get out more?

An Edjamikated Redneck said...


Beatles forum?

Is our new troll actually our old troll the 'music critic'?

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm disappointing..."


I meant: I'm disappointed!

Trooper York said...

Well lets wait to see what Meade has to say about that why don't we.

Trooper York said...

That's just a joke. Put down that skillet.

bjkeefe said...

Saint Russell said...

By the way, IOKIYAR? I have no idea what that means. You're acting like someone who hangs out at a Beatles forum and uses initials for the names of all the songs and albums. Maybe you should get out more?

Maybe you should learn how to use the Google?

It's a handy thing when participating in life online. And yeah, we do like our acronyms and other initializations. All one billion of us. It's almost as though we've got a sense of play, and a willingness to learn new things. Go figure.

saintrussell said...

Brendan, point well taken. I should have searched. (By the way, I am certainly not a Republican.)

saintrussell said...

An Edjamikated Redneck: I hope Brendan is not actually Steve Simels! (I don't know which of the two should be flattered or insulted by the comparison.)

bjkeefe said...

Saint Russell said...

Brendan, I am only an occasional commenter here on the Althouse blog, so why are you presuming that the commenters here are my "little friends" and that this comments section is my "cocoon"?

Because you sound just like the rest of them. But if you would like to throw them all under the bus, I'm happy to step aside.

As to the Bloggingheads comments section, have I said that I hate it? When I watch a diavlog that I think might inspire some thoughtful comments, I do check them out.

Probably was your tone, but it's possible I confused you with some of those people you just threw under the bus. Sorry, if so.

My concern is that I would like the Bloggingheads enterprise to succeed. Bob Wright has identified uncivil comments as an impediment to success, and called on commenters to refrain from such behavior.

I don't believe this is your real motivation. I might believe you want to succeed, but I think you're trying to use Bob Wright as a way to dig at me. Asking someone else to fight your own battles, in other words.

I don't read Amanda Marcotte, so I'm not terribly interested in those comments.

I was talking about the comments she made on this site, in the post where Ann hyperventilated about Jesse, and all the stuff that was said at and about her. Your fretting about my language in light of all the stuff you raised no objection to when it was said about Amanda is beyond laughable, as far as double standards go.

Not all discussions require my participation, nor yours!

Perhaps. But it seems to me that if you're going to wade into one with complaints when you had nothing to say about worse things said nearby, you're being a hypocrite.

And as far as your complaining about how much I post over at, I don't care. You can put my username on your ignore list, or you can skip over my posts by eye. Or, don't visit at all, if it bother you that much. It's a big Internet out there. Presumably, you could find some commentary more to your liking elsewhere.

bjkeefe said...

Saint Russell said...

Brendan, point well taken. I should have searched. (By the way, I am certainly not a Republican.)

Okay. Again, I may be conflating you with all of the other liberal-bashers here, but it still seems to me that you were happy to stand mute when all that invective was being hurled at Amanda, a liberal woman. I mean, you still haven't even acknowledged it, despite your eagerness to have me banned for bad-mouthing Ann.

Lyle said...


Thanks for coming over to bhtv and engaging bjkeefe (Brendan) and others. There aren't many non-progressives, like Basman and myself, that post there. Oft we are ridiculed, like yourself, for simply having a contrarian view of things. So the more contrarians at bhtv, the better.

Saint Russell,

They think I'm a Republican over at bhtv as well.

somefeller said...

Don't worry about it somefeller. You are respected commenter around here even though you are usually in the minority. You have more than earned your stripes and are entitled to your opinion. That's just my opinion for what it is worth.

Thanks for the kind words. But I still don't have a commenter tag. I think it's an anti-Hillary Clinton thing around here.

Trooper York said...

No that's not it. I would be happy to cede any future tags to you and garage. Just be funnier. Or wonderful. Like Bissage.

Ann Althouse said...

"all that invective was being hurled at Amanda, a liberal woman. I mean, you still haven't even acknowledged it,"

What are you talking about? I responded with the relevant quote, etc., over in the bhtv thread.

Peter V. Bella said...

"Snowballs made with ice, rocks, and other hard objects are unsportsmanlike and dangerous."

Snow pussy!!!

Automatic_Wing said...

Brendan, good show trying to defend Ms. Amanda over here...very honorable of you, old chap. It warms the heart to see that chivalry is not completely dead, even among those who hate teh patriarchy.

Hector Owen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
srfwotb said...

So you first interacted with Meade as he was posting to reassure your ex?


Ann Althouse said...

"But I still don't have a commenter tag."

There is only one way to get a commenter tag: You have to be frontpaged.

I frontpage comments when I like them a lot and think they'd look good on the front page. So be frontpageable if you want a tag.

Ann Althouse said...

"So you first interacted with Meade as he was posting to reassure your ex?"

The first significant interaction, yes. "Reassure" isn't quite the right word. He was criticizing me for giving RLC a hard time about something.

somefeller said...

I believe I have been frontpaged in the past. But perhaps I should try to say less reasonable and more outrageous things.

bjkeefe said...

Ann Althouse said...

"all that invective was being hurled at Amanda, a liberal woman. I mean, you still haven't even acknowledged it,"

What are you talking about? I responded with the relevant quote, etc., over in the bhtv thread.

As hard as it might be for you to believe this, Ann, those remarks that you quoted were not directed at you. They were directed at Saint Russell. This was signified by the first line of the comment from which you pulled that quote.

Sharpen up.

bjkeefe said...


They think I'm a Republican over at bhtv as well.

No. We just think you're a wingnut. No one gives a shit about what party affiliation you want to deny.

bjkeefe said...

P.S. @Lyle

We also think you're a crybaby.

Hector Owen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

@somefeller You've been frontpaged 3 times, all before I started doing tags for that, but I went back and made a tag for you:

@brendan Sorry. I only skim the crap you write.

Trooper York said...

Garage Mahal screams in vain.

blake said...

At Althouse, no one can hear you scream.

(If you're garagemahal.)

Trooper York said...

garage mahal turns his lonely eyes to...coo-koo-ka-chu....

somefeller said...

Althouse: Thank you.

Garage Mahal: Boo-yah! In your face!

somefeller said...

Actually, that last line was unbecoming. I support Garage Mahal getting his own tag soon.

blake said...

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

(Except garage mahal.)

Ron said...

It's sad that female Althousians expect higher standards for their panty liners than Wright does for his commenters...

Logical, yes, but sad.

Mr. Eustace Throckmeyer said...

Maxine's been more than front-paged.

I fondly remember Althouse put her in the title after responding to a query Maxine had about China patterns:

Although, I guess that was before she became such a vexatious commenter ?

bjkeefe said...

Ann Althouse said...

@brendan Sorry. I only skim the crap you write.

Yeah, sure. Tell me another one.

Trooper York said...

I don't follow blogging heads that much BJ but I think it is unfair to suggest that Bob Wright pays you to comment. You did a bang up job here and seem to have a lot of strong opinions and you are a very strong advocate of your views.

I do think that Bob Wright does have to pay for BJ's though. Probably double. That must be where the confusion started.

saintrussell said...

Brendan, it is not hypocrisy on my part when I don't condemn attacks against Marcotte, or anyone else, in the Althouse comments. Bob Wright has identified uncivil comments in the Bloggingheads forum as a problem for the site's success. Althouse has made no such statement, and as an active participant in her comments she can remove posts or ban commenters as she sees fit. The fact that you think I have some other motive in criticizing your behavior on the Bloggingheads forum is just another mistaken assumption you've made about me.

AllenS said...

Brilliant observation about BJ, Trooper. I'd like to add that he's also bright and clean and articulate and a nice-typist kind of guy. Tut tut, and all that.

Trooper York said...

I was actually being kind of sincere AllenS. I think one of the problems with ultra-liberal types is that they can't laugh at their own side enough. They are way too tight assed for that. They should realize that a lot of what their guys do should be mocked just as much as the other side. But they are generally humorless scolds.

I mean I was generally supportive of President Bush but that doesn't mean I can't mock him in my "Laura Bush's Dairy" posts. But I know I would never see anything like that about Obama or Hillary from the guys on the left. It's what makes that sight so boring and dry.

Trooper York said...

That's site not that sight.

Politically correct types should note I was not intentionly mocking Governor Patterson or the blind guy on American Idol.

Fen said...

I agree with Wright that most comment sections are fan clubs. I disagree with both Wright and Althouse when they say their comment sections are ideologically diverse. Does anyone really agree with that?

Yes. The only reason I kept coming back here is because I was allowed to debate Lefties [and sometimes get in a shouting match with them] without getting censored by some broom-wielding babushka like Jeralyn at TalkLeft. Say what you want about Althouse, she's no conservative, but at least she believes in free speech.

Perhaps we should put her on the endangered species list?

Fen said...

Brendon: I was talking about the comments she made on this site, in the post where Ann hyperventilated about Jesse, and all the stuff that was said at and about her. Your fretting about my language in light of all the stuff you raised no objection to when it was said about Amanda is beyond laughable, as far as double standards go.

You think its hypcritical that he stared down at his shoelaces while mean things were said about Amanda Marcotte? Oh please, by Marcotte's own standard, she's an ignorant bigot who deserves to be mocked, scorned and ignored.

"Your fretting about my language in light of all the stuff you raised no objection to when it was said about" rural whites and religious types "is beyond laughable, as far as double standards go"

Henry said...

On the first day she was tortured in the arena with whips and hot irons. On the second day she was suspended from a stake so lions could maul her. On the third day they brought her out again to watch the martyrdom of St. Ponticus. And on the fourth and final day she was wrapped in a net and exposed to a wild bull, which gored her and tossed her about the amphitheatre.*

No, not Amanda. St. Blandina.

*This Saints for You, Thomas J. Craughwell, p. 170.

Lyle said...


Haha... I used to post at Talk Left too. For the most part, a really sensible left-of-center blog forum. However, for some reason I got banned. I don't think on a substantive matter, although I disagreed with many there, but maybe for posting too many times in one day. Jeralyn has some weird rules at her place, although for the most part lets things go... but she can really be sensitive at times and for someone who is all about civil liberties can't handle a little too much free speech.

Lyle said...

Saint Russell,

bjkeefe (Brendan) projects his own emotions and weltanschaung on to others very easily. he tends to pretend you communicated something to him other than what you actually did write. it's frustrating as hell.

just a really sensitive progressive.

Lyle said...


I'm a registered Independent actually. Keep thinking I'm a crybaby though or a whiner. You're just a bit crazy I think. Your reading comprehension is also terrible.

Chennaul said...

Jeralyn's a defense attorney who hates the "three strikes and your out rule" for criminals but when it comes to common commenters...

Ka -Bam!

Fen said...

I used to post at Talk Left too. For the most part, a really sensible left-of-center blog forum. However, for some reason I got banned. I don't think on a substantive matter, although I disagreed with many there, but maybe for posting too many times in one day

Exactly. You'll make a good point, a half-dozen of her commenters will respond with some counterpoint, and if you respond to more than 2 of them she deletes your posts without notice and declares you a "chatterer". Its hard to imagine that someone of Jeralyn's intelligence and logic would consider such a policy fair, much less keep it in place after it became obvious it wasn't. Its designed to limit drive by trolls, but catches conservatives, no matter how civil and polite.

So that only leaves a more malignant motive: Jeralyn is hostile to conservative arguments and will starve them of oxygen if its in her power to do so.

Stephen said...

Is Jeralyn just another way to type P-a-t-t-e-r-i-c-o?

bjkeefe said...

Fen said...

"Your fretting about my language in light of all the stuff you raised no objection to when it was said about" rural whites and religious types "is beyond laughable, as far as double standards go"

I didn't see any statements about "rural whites and religious types," in this thread or the other one. What was said that you would like me to weigh in on?

If you're talking about something posted on Pandagon, all I can tell you about that site is that I don't read it except for occasionally following a link to a specific post. (No reason except my impression is that I share the general political outlook of that site, so I don't see the point.)

bjkeefe said...

Also @Fen:

Yes. The only reason I kept coming back here is because I was allowed to debate Lefties [and sometimes get in a shouting match with them] without getting censored by some broom-wielding babushka like Jeralyn at TalkLeft. Say what you want about Althouse, she's no conservative, but at least she believes in free speech.

If you care, you'll find the same policy of non-censorship applies at As far as I know, no (non-spam) comment has ever been deleted there. If this is not 100% true, it is 99 point many 9s percent true, and for something to be deleted, it would have had to have been the worst sort of hate speech. In the years that I've been registered there, I do not recall a single post being deleted or a single commenter being banned, again, leaving aside pure spam.

Very occasionally, a comment that is highly personal and/or contains a lot of cussing will be prevented from appearing on the video page under the diavlog, but these always remain in place in the forum. Also, the number of times this has happened, in my memory, could be counted on one hand.

So, if it's shouting matches with lefties you're looking for, I encourage you to visit (You can also have the non-shouting variety, as well, if you like. Most of the other liberals there are not nearly as pugnacious as I can be.)

bjkeefe said...

Trooper York said...

I was actually being kind of sincere AllenS.

Which I understood and appreciate.

I think one of the problems with ultra-liberal types is that they can't laugh at their own side enough. They are way too tight assed for that. They should realize that a lot of what their guys do should be mocked just as much as the other side. But they are generally humorless scolds.

I mean I was generally supportive of President Bush but that doesn't mean I can't mock him in my "Laura Bush's Dairy" posts. But I know I would never see anything like that about Obama or Hillary from the guys on the left. It's what makes that sight so boring and dry.

I think you're letting your stereotyped view get the better of you here. I also think you're forgetting the reality that people who support someone are less likely to be completely open about the extent of their feelings when surrounded by people who are actively disparaging of that person. There is no upside to his supporters in letting his detractors in on the jokes that are told in a different crowd, since it is so often the case that these will be pounced upon as ammunition. The right-wing noise machine is filled with people who appear to spend their every waking moment trawling for comments they can quote and slap in a blog post or a talking point framed by, "Even the liberal Joe Whatever says ..." Please do not deny that reality.

In short, if there was not such a concerted -- indeed hysterical -- effort to destroy Obama, you'd see less of a rigid attitude among his supporters.

And as far as humorless goes, please tell me about the sense of balance among those who spend their lives ranting about Obama as Stalin. Or the Cult of the COLB. Or those who obsess(ed) over Bill Ayers or a few snippets of sermons given by Jeremiah Wright. Or the word "bitter." Tell me how much fundamentalist Christians enjoy jokes made about religion and their religious leaders. Tell me how much a certain type of person will put up with mockery of, say, Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin, and tell me how much they're willing to do themselves. I could go on, but you get the point.

Finally, to your claim that you mock Bush, I'd say this doesn't say much. He's not in office anymore, he was hugely unpopular in the last few years of the time that he was, and there is already a strong movement among the right to distance themselves from his as far as possible. That is, there is no longer any downside to your making fun of him. The left doesn't care that you're now, finally, making fun of Bush, and most people on the right are just as happy to have you pile on, at this point. The true comparison would be to Bush, circa 2001-2003. I think you'll agree that there was a fairly humorless attitude towards criticism or mockery of Bush back then. Remember Fleischer's "people should watch what they say ...?" Remember the myriad accusations of "America-hater," "terrorist lover," and "treason?"

If you're going to answer, "Yeah, but things were different back then; we had to unite behind the president," I would respond that we are still involved in the same wars, and the domestic situation is far more dire. Don't mean to make a straw man argument; just trying to save you some typing.

bjkeefe said...

Lyle said...

bjkeefe (Brendan) projects his own emotions and weltanschaung on to others very easily. he tends to pretend you communicated something to him other than what you actually did write. it's frustrating as hell.

just a really sensitive progressive.

I invite anyone who's interested in judging for him- or herself to visit the forums and observe how I engage with people other than Lyle and a couple of other unhinged trolls.

I also invite you to observe his behavior over there, and ask yourselves how much you think he brings upon himself. The label oversensitive will almost certainly be one of the first that comes to your mind about him, I'd wager. I'd also bet the label intellectually honest would be among the last.

Or, you know, just take his word for it. Makes no difference to me. I would point out, however, that I'm not the one running away from arguments at to badmouth him in other, more friendly confines.

bjkeefe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bjkeefe said...

(Wordsmithing of my above deleted comment.)


Minor correction for the record. I said above that I couldn't think of anyone who had been banned from posting at However, I just did remember one commenter at who, while not banned, was given a "time out" of sorts; i.e., prevented from posting for something like a couple of weeks, maybe a month. That commenter is now back, posting.

Also, FWIW, that commenter is an avowed lefty.

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