March 28, 2009


The comment spam has been awful these last 2 days. I'm talking about robotic commercial spam — in Chinese characters linking to commercial websites — not annoying trolls or anything. I hate to turn on comments moderation, because it disrupts the flow, but I may have to. I can't spend an hour a day deleting comments.

ADDED: I saw that it's possible to turn on moderation just for older posts, which is where the problem is, so this is a great solution for now.


Bob said...

Your readers will understand. Try just turning it on for a day or two, see if that fixes things.

Trooper York said...

Hey put Meade to work, let him bum rush the spam.

Trooper York said...

Just don't delete any of that cool Japanese cartoon porn he has on his harddrive. That's some classic stuff.

Issob Morocco said...

I believe the CCP has put Althouse on the Banned list and has enlisted its army methamphetamine driven hackers to swamp your site.

JAL said...

Shoot, Prof. The lace covered arm holding hands surrounded by cherry blossoms appeared about the time the ring on the finger appeared on your blog .... I thought they were trying to entice you into Chinese nuptials. Or something.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I hate to turn on comments moderation..

Go ahead Althouse... I haven’t touched the stuff in weeks ;)

Laura(southernxyl) said...

You don't want to try word verification?

Ann Althouse said...

According to the discussion in blogger help, the new spam gets past word verification. I find word verification very annoying, just doing it for my own comments, so I'm trying this other method for now.

ron st.amant said...

There should be a specific level of hell for spammers.

Dan from Madison said...

I have been getting the same exact thing as of late, I put on word verification and it seems to have brought it to an end. For now.

amba said...

I'm getting it in Russian, myself.

amba said...

Axis of Evil?