March 23, 2009

For the annals of anti-Althousiana.

It's Jesse at Pandagon. I clicked his profile. Jesse Taylor. But no picture. I wanted a picture because it seemed really relevant to the issue at hand. So I did a Google image search and came up with this:

Not so sure I want to pick a fight with him.

ADDED: Actually, the blogger Jesse Taylor looks like this. You can do your own snark. I'm living on love.


MadisonMan said...

Jesse seems so classy. With a K. Human? Not so much.

Is it so hard to wish someone happiness?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that Jesse Taylor at Pandagon is the same person as Jesse Taylor the former UFC fighter?


traditionalguy said...

Well, Althouse has made a deep impression on these Pandagon commenters. They are stuck on stupid. But I suspect that they envy the display of real and intelligent life happening over at the "Kumquat's" blog while they must continue their mocking and ridiculing of everyone to maintain a childish gang cred on that blog.

Anonymous said...

in an online world where fake blogs are very popular, what is the meaning of happiness.

Linus? A blanket that means security.

Lucy? a football pulled right out from under Charlie?

Tank said...
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Beta Conservative said...

Is this announcement going to cause weeks of crazy assaults from those whom Althouse has called out?

Maybe it's better to revel in the joyful news and leave those sad little souls to themselves.

Robert said...

That man is wearing shorts!

Tank said...


paul a'barge said...

Apparently the guy is an expert at ... profanity?

Wow, take that to the bank, Jesse.

Wince said...

I say warn Jesse and his commenters over at Pandagon that Bella Depaulo is the smallest member of your girlz softball team.

And if you need us to rumble, call it in.

Bissage said...

Nice teeth!

(One of them, anyway.)

And another thing . . .

Jessie, I'll always cut fresh flowers for you.
And Jessie, I will make the wine cold for you.
Oh Jessie, I will change the sheets for you.
And put on cologne and I will
wait by the phone for you.

Anonymous said...

Typical leftist. They are miserable little trolls (in Jesse's case a miserable BIG troll) and it upsets them when other people are happy.

The best weapon is to continue to be happy. It really pisses them off.

Fen said...

Hah. I knew it wouldn't take long for the Valenti crowd to bash Ann's engagement.

save_the_rustbelt said...

I'm guessing most lefty bloggers live in their parents' basements, snarfing Twinkies and Diet Coke while on 36 hour computer binges.

How sad.

Sofa King said...

But remember! Liberals do NOT hate her! This is all just criticism of her ideas! Right Alpha?

Wince said...

And she's lovin' him with that body,
I just know it

The Dude said...

What a fat bald headed fuck.

Ooo - look at me - I'm turning liberal!

J. Cricket said...

A public service announcement:

If you google: { 'this post has been removed by a blog administrator} it's now up to 1,180 results.

Apparently Althouse's "totally hands-off commenter deletion policy" is now completely 'hands on.'

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
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EnigmatiCore said...

Well, Fact Checker, maybe it is those posts deserved to be deleted for whatever reason.

Let's put it to the test:

Obama is a moron!

Nope, that seems to pass muster.

George W. Bush is a moron!

That too. Hmph.

Ron Paul turned down Borat but would not have turned down Ezra Klein!

Wow, that stayed up. How about

Fact Checker is a complete and utter moron?

Ann Althouse said...

Fact Checker, are you aware of spam? Do you know what spam comments are? Do you know how much of my time I devote to deleting Chinese characters, links to WOW sites, and the like? Do you know you are an idiot?

EnigmatiCore said...

"Do you know you are an idiot?"

If he doesn't, we have it covered for him.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
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Jess said...

Why does what Jesse looks like have anything to do with his post at Pandagon? He doesn't like what you have to say so he's ugly? Um, whatever.

Sofa King said...

it's now up to 1,180 results.

Well, 1181 now.

This post has been removed by a blog administrator


This post has been removed by a blog administrator


This post has been removed by a blog administrator


This is fun!

Bissage said...

Speaking of Chinese characters, Mrs. Bissage and I were eating at a Chinese restaurant and talking about world religions.

I was on pretty good terms with the waiter so I asked him, “Do you have any Chinese Jews?”

He said, “No Chinese Jews. We have Orange Jews and Grape Jews but no Chinese Jews.”

What a character!

Hoosier Daddy said...

links to WOW sites,

You mean to tell me I've been deprived of good WOW advertising while visiting? Well damnnation and fiddlesticks, I'm outa here.

paul a'barge said...

You know what I would like to see? A co-blog with Althouse and Meade. How freakin' cool would that be?

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
save_the_rustbelt said...

Jesse Taylor is a filthy mouthed little twit.

He directs the MF bomb at Prof. Althouse.

I grew up with Teamsters and they knew how to use profanity, and not sound like a screeching wuss.

Any male who has to work for a feminist blog can't be much anyway.

Scott said...

"...the fact that Ann Althouse is a narcissistic, Jew-baiting failure of a human being..."

Somehow the Reality Based Community can never tell the difference between opinion and fact.

Which is really convenient for leftish bloggers. It makes you an automatic authority on everything they have an opinion on. Of course, normal people might consider it a scummy rhetorical trick, but appeals to integrity never faze the leftish. They just call their japes "irony," and throw a few glib observations at you and call it humor; and why don't you get the joke?

As for Jesse, I think he has the creepy vacant stare of an Al Capone or a David Berkowitz. My gaydar pegs him as a pushy bottom.

Amanda Marcotte said...

Wow, nice try, but it seems that you do better when your targets have the audacity to be female and think they can leave the house with their boobs on.

walter neff said...

Why is Jesse so sensitive about the link to his photo? It just proves that he is ugly on the outside too. He should be proud he is so consistent. He is all of a piece.

walter neff said...

Mandy you are such a gracious lady. Someday many of the people here will be happy to leave some appropriate bon mots on the thread announcing your impending nuptials. You always have such class.

walter neff said...

I would like to thank Jesse for one thing. Now that I have seen his photo I finally understand the song. “Jesse’s girl” is a blow up doll. Now it all makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Poor DeltaMinusLiberal, DTL, ZPS, and somefeller. Pwn3d by their own allies!

Amanda Marcotte said...

If you think his irritation is about "sensitivity", then you're really just proving all accusations that people who hang out in comments here on a regular basis do so because their minds were turned to pudding years ago. It's hilarious how you decided Jesse was ugly, probably without even looking at the link, because he must be or else you'll have to face the fact that you're a dark, withered soul who reads Ann Althouse. But there are more choices than "pretend liberals are ugly" and "realize that you are an irredeemably hateful person". You could, you know, try not to suck so much.

walter neff said...

But Mandy I did look and he is a corpulent container of crap. But if he is your type have a great life. If you be digging Private Pyle for the Full Metal Jacket Experience.

I do enjoy your eloquent writing. Fantasy is a genre that is much maligned. Keep up the good work.

As to the point that we need to “pretend liberals are ugly,” I will merely refer you to your mirror. Or at least the shards that remain from the last time you trimmed your moustache.

The Dude said...

Someone labelled Amanda Marcotte is posting here - how are you doing, Amanda? Still blowing Nifong? Still convinced that that disease-ridden prostitute Mangum was gang raped while suspended in mid-air by white men? Still pimping race? Still hatin' reality? How is that man-slut John Edwards doing? Has he been on Maury yet? Have you?

Matt Eckert said...

Hey we have not seen Cyrus Pinkerton for a long time.

Scott said...

Amanda, I looked at Jesse's picture first before deciding that he was as toadlike as everything ever published on Pandagon.

And OMG Amanda can you, you know, like, finally abandon that "you know" locution, you know? You're not a college sophomore anymore. I think, anyway. You know.

Zhuge Liang XVII said...


Do you know how trashy your comments are?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Haha the liberal visitors don't stand a chance from the Althouse crew. This is fun - watching someone like Amanda get killed (figuratively of course) again and again in a single thread!

Matt Eckert said...

One thing does see strange about Jesses picture. I thought they did not allow cameras at NABLA meetings?

X said...
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Wince said...

Amanda Marcotte said...
But there are more choices than "pretend liberals are ugly" and "realize that you are an irredeemably hateful person". You could, you know, try not to suck so much.


Are you saying Jesse's "OMFG" post Can’t…Stop…Laughing "This is what the internet invented OMFG for" implied nothing about Bella Depaulo's appearance?

Note, the second comment to Jesse's post was...

They look like they’ll make a very nice lesbian couple. Does Wisconsin have gay marriage?
pablo on 03/22 at 11:20 PM

If that was not Jesse's intent, then please explain what was so obviously OMFG funny.

X said...

hey mandy, your laundry basket wants you to iron my shirts, N.O.W.

Palladian said...

"But Mandy I did look and he is a corpulent container of crap. But if he is your type have a great life. If you be digging Private Pyle for the Full Metal Jacket Experience."

That's not fair, neff. Unlike Jesse Taylor, Private Pyle could at least shoot straight.

Amanda, do you have to floss your vagina dentata? Or does a good brushing take care of the build-up?

Heh. If you think your dirty-mouthed little army of impotents can dish out the nasty with some facility, you ain't met us, babycakes.

Amanda Marcotte said...

Color me shocked that the commenters here moved from "libruls are UGLY" to "bitches ain't shit" within mere moments of a woman defending her friend. I'm shocked, truly shocked. I had not idea that Ann pandered to a bunch of misogynists by implying that she gives her dainty stamp of approval to the rantings of men cripple by feelings of inadequacy that they take out on women. Not that I blame you guys---your own suspicions that you are losers are well-founded.

walter neff said...

Sorry Palladian. It just seems such a waste for Jesse and Mandy to take time away from their usual pursuits of fisting cub scouts and planning her next abortion. Mandy does such great work with the many cats she has rescued from the streets. Although by her own admission even she feels somewhat disconcerted when six hundred pairs of eyes stare at her while she tosses and turns in her excrement caked sheets. Perhaps she should concentrate on her life’s work and not intrude further on the felicitous occurrence of the Professor marriage which is celebrated by all who post here, liberal and conservative alike. After all, some day her prince may come.

walter neff said...

Mandy, Mandy it was your monkey boy who first began flinging the feces by implying that Bella Depaulo's appearance made his slovenly gullet quake with laughter. You can not seriously protest when you get a few spots on you pinafore.

Scott said...

Amanda, you don't pick your friends very carefully. If my friend wrote "...the fact that Ann Althouse is a narcissistic, Jew-baiting failure of a human being..." I would try to distance myself from him.

Unless, of course, you endorse your friend's "fact"; in which case you deserve every word of the invective that has been leveled at you.

You leftish bloggers have no shame, none at all. So it's more than a little hypocritical (ahem, "ironic" in leftish-speak) that you squeal so much when the rhetoric you use thrown back at you.

Like, you know.

theobromophile said...

Amanda, let me get this straight. Your pal Jessica Valenti gets engaged, and no one here gives her a hard time. Ann Althouse gets engaged, and Pandagon decides to get nasty about it; you've even gone so far as to dedicate an entire blog post to criticising her.

Your commenters have said things that are not just cruel, but sexist in the extreme. Who cares if AARP members get married? Is it now Pandagon's official position that only women under 30 should marry, and any unmarried woman over that age should resign herself to being an old maid?

One of your commenters, thankfully, is both classy and succient: Also, what’s the point of all this snark and meaness? I don’t care if she’s Hitler’s grandaughter, why are you all pissing on the woman over her wedding announcement?

Why indeed, Jesse? Why, Amanda, do you feel the need to defend your friend in a fight that he started?

X said...

Mandy, it's not my laundry basket oppressing you, it's yours. Mine is just plastic.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

Zhuge Liang XLII - yes, yes I do. Now go fuck yourself.

I assume that since you think it is somehow "trashy" to describe Amanda Suckanfuck as a filthy sack of goo that you are familiar with her. If not, go read some of her bile - educate yourself. Or at least pull her arm out of your ass and speak for yourself, you slow witted sock puppet.

She is a boil on the ass of humanity. Her boy John is a farcical whore monger and absent baby daddy. You are defending the indenfensible.

Scott said...

fcai: You tend toward self-parody, don't you? ;-)

theobromophile said...

Amanda: you also said, This made me laugh, even as I felt mildly guilty for mocking the desperate.

It is not acceptable to call an older, (once) single woman "desperate," simply for having that status. Such language has been used by both men and women to put women in their place; its purpose is not to provide commentary or even constructive criticism/advice, but to mock and degrade a woman for having the audacity to be single.

After saying that, and egging on all of your commenters - who are more than happy to make fun of Althouse, her appearance, and her betrothed's appearance - it's fantastically hypocritical for you to get on your feminist high horse. You aren't "defending" anyone; you're smearing a woman who just got engaged. Grow up.

Scott said...

Sweetheart, asking Amanda Marcotte to grow up has been tried before. It doesn't work.

Methadras said...

I'm at a lose to even remotely understand what is going on. Suffice to say that this somehow must be a JC (jewish conspiracy). This is your cue Cedarford. Make us proud.

Palladian said...

"I'm at a loss to even remotely understand what is going on."

Rent the movie "Heathers".

Ann Althouse said...

Amanda Marcotte wrote: "It's hilarious how you decided Jesse was ugly..."

I didn't say "ugly." You did. I will own up to creating the conditions that caused you to blurt out your opinion of him. I hope he's appropriately pissed off at you.

I was just interested in knowing what kind of man thought it was important to mock a woman's engagement announcement. My working theory was that it was a man who'd has some difficulty getting women or who had his reasons for hating women. I thought it would help to look at a picture. I concluded that he had some irrational misogyny going there.

Now some people are saying that he saw the woman in my old Bhtv as my fiance. If that's what he was laughing at, he's a big old homophobe or lookist or something... in which case we are entitled to look at him and laugh back.

As for my real fiance, I have never posted a picture of him on this blog and I probably never will. I will say he is far, far better looking than Jesse.

Trooper York said...

Well they do say that people start to resemble their pets so I bet he looks a lot like that black dog that is in all those photos.

I hope you have them both housebroken.

theobromophile said...

Sweetheart, asking Amanda Marcotte to grow up has been tried before. It doesn't work.

Sweetheart?!? How dare you try to oppress me with such degrading, sexist language, you cad!

/utter facetiousness ;)

Yeah, yeah... good point. What can I say, though: hope springs eternal. (Yes, there's an optimist buried underneath my sarcastic exteriour.) Maybe I just hope that she'll grow up on her own, or that she'll gradually notice that her blog is populated exclusively by people in their early 20s (or who act like it), and, as time goes on, that she's no longer one of them - that she gets older and older than the people around her.

Youthful energy and idealism are great things - I hope I don't lose either - but that doesn't preclude anyone from thinking critically about where to direct that energy, and, of course, letting go of the noxious hatred for anyone who happens to not be part of the mind-meld.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Does it camouflage itself? Croak, Croak
So you really can't see it? Croak, Croak

If it does then it is, Croak, Croak
A little brown tree toad. Croak, Croak

Automatic_Wing said...

Christy Canyon? Isn't she A-Roid's mistress or something?

Trooper York said...

No A Rod is gay. That's why he digs on the muscle girls. It will be coming out in the Selena Roberts book next month. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

He is only in trouble for injecting steriods into his ass. The rest of it is his own private business.

The Dude said...

Scott, it was my typo, wasn't it? My bad...

blake said...

I will say he is far, far better looking than Jesse.

With all due respect to Meade, the decomposing corpse of Elvis is better looking than Jesse.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Do you know how much of my time I devote to deleting Chinese characters, links to WOW sites, and the like?

Uh oh...probably my fault and Hoosier Daddy's fault, since we occasionally discuss World of Warcraft on this blog and the spambots caught up with us.

Actually, it's ALL Hoosier's fault. :-) See I'm becoming liberal too.

What is wrong with people that they can't be the least bit happy or gracious about an engagement announcement?

Ann Althouse said...

"Wow, nice try..."

Lame. Lame. Lame. You got nothing, girl.

Matt Eckert said...

That's not true. She has herpes.

former law student said...

Neff and Eckert: the answer to rudeness is not crudeness. Observe how theobromophile makes her points without insults.

former law student said...

What is wrong with people that they can't be the least bit happy or gracious about an engagement announcement?

Apart from this interblog war, I would feel funny about providing significant details about my personal life on a blog that the entire websurfing public can access. For one thing, it would give some people an excuse to mock me. All that I mean by that is that Prof. Althouse and I have very different attitudes.

former law student said...

Not an excuse, but an opportunity.

knox said...

Althouse, I've got to give you credit for taking these people on. But I wish you wouldn't do it. They are just too nasty. Beyond nasty.

walter neff said...

My dear fellow, you have to fight fire with fire. I know you are on the same side as this leftist trash, so perhaps you might chide them for attacking the professor who is your host. Instead of those who are stepping in the line of fire in a small way. Perhaps you could use your good offices to have them go back to their own activities with underage children and frightened animals and let us enjoy the happy news of the professor engagement without their childish jibes and leftist lunacy.

Fen said...
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Fen said...

Amanda: I had not idea that Ann pandered to a bunch of misogynists by implying -

This, from someone who posts about her "redneck/nigger/spic neighbors who voted for Bush" on her own blog.


Fen said...


My bad, Amanda wrote about her "toothless redneck/nigger/spic neighbors who voted for Bush"

You're the last person allowed discuss tolerance.

former law student said...

My dear fellow, you have to fight fire with fire.

The cliche I'd select here is "Never wrestle with a pig..."

I'm Full of Soup said...


You insult pigs everywhere when you compare them to Amanda (even if she wore lipstick). Heh.

Fen said...

Although I am compelled to give you props Amanda for having the guts to come over here, out of your safe zone, and post.

Your fellow bloggers don't have the balls that you do.

walter neff said...

You know on additional viewings of the photo of this Jesse person it just screams "Amber Alert."

Anonymous said...

What classy people you are.

Mortimer Brezny said...

I was just interested in knowing what kind of man thought it was important to mock a woman's engagement announcement

Hey! I mocked it. But it was congratulatory mockery. Don't post my picture! I support a right to privacy! No misogyny here!

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bjkeefe said...

Typical Althouse: Picks an online enemy, invites her commenters to trash his picture, and will no doubt hit the fauxtrage button the instant anyone says anything about the inevitable stream of dipshittery that will flow from her minions.

Gutless hag.

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