March 12, 2009

Bristol Palin will not marry Levi Johnson.

I have no opinion on the subject. Do you?


Meade said...

I have no opinion on the subject. Do you?

Not unless it's because Levi has decided to become a rival for Althouse along with Titus, Lem, Jesus Luz and me.

MadisonMan said...

Why should she marry him? Her mom isn't running for office. Bristol'll be married by 2012.

MadisonMan said...

<200 comments. That's my prediction.

KCFleming said...

For the majority of Americans, marriage is dead. The wedding lives on, as a sort of theme park ride or very expensive prom night.

Many people want to go to that Prom, but see little reason for an enduring commitment, even when (perhaps now especially when) child care is a concern.

What does this mean? It means Western civilization, at least this iteration, is dead. I say good riddance to Rousseau's solipsistic vision.

Peter V. Bella said...

Yawwwwwwn. Stretch. Who cares?

Bob said...

Apparently Levi has Bristol's name tattooed on his finger. In keeping with the theme of male mutilation found in recent Althouse posts, he should probably chop the finger off.

dbp said...

Ahh, kids; they probably had a fight over something trivial and by next month will have kissed and made-up.

DaLawGiver said...

I really don't care but I know it causes Michael a boner bordering on priapism. It's all he could talk about in your post concerning Paglia. He was very aroused.

TJ said...

You certainly have an opinion: fodder.

Ken Pidcock said...

I put this in the good news column. We never learned much about Mr. Johnson, but everything we did learn whispered Dick. Bristol belongs to a strong and successful family. She doesn't need the trouble.

Sternhammer said...


1. Its too bad for the cause of getting sexually active kids to be responsible toward the children they create. Children of unwed mothers have dramatically worse life outcomes. And kids today do this stupid thing more and more, with bad consequences for GDP growth, crime levels, etc. Prominent examples of good-looking young people taking responsibility would help ameliorate that -- not much, probably -- but every little bit helps. I loved the image of old McCain talking to the kid and telling him he had to do the right thing. There was a time when we had that kind of social control in every small community. Too bad we lost it.

2. One more thing that hurts Palin. She has a lot of strengths, but I think the left has probably been successful in its campaign to destroy her.

3. Levi is a dope to pass this up. He could be part of a powerful family that works hard to advance its members. Instead he has chosen to be outside. The thing with the bad cop ex-husband of Palin's sister suggests that Clan Palin doesn't smile on exes. Your estimate of Levi's future earnings has to drop precipitously on this news.

MadisonMan said...

but everything we did learn whispered Dick.

No, it whispered 18-yo boy.

(Great straight line, though. I was sorely tempted)

AllenS said...

I have nothing to say about this, but I wanted to help MadisonMan on his 200 comment prediction.

traditionalguy said...

Does this mean that young adults make their own bad decisions? Who can we blame for this? The parents or "society" must be condemned on some theory... so lets get creative here.

Original Mike said...


Unless motor mouth shows up.

Invisible Man said...

I put this in the good news column. We never learned much about Mr. Johnson, but everything we did learn whispered Dick. Bristol belongs to a strong and successful family. She doesn't need the trouble.

Why is he all of sudden the problem? Nobody was complaining when he went out of his way to help her mother by exposing himself to the media's glare. I know that part of this is a strategy to keep conservative's saintly perception of The Palin's intact, but Bristol is just as guilty as the boy.

Peter Hoh said...

Looking forward to seeing what Maggie Gallagher has to say. Bill O'Reilly, too.

MadisonMan said...

Hey, I said less than 200! Posting doesn't help that prediction!

former law student said...

The time to get married was before the baby was born. Now that the little bastard has entered the world, there is no more incentive.

Eighteen year old men used to have to shoulder adult responsibilities at that age or younger. I do not know why their childhoods are now prolonged. But certainly societal expectations have changed.

As far as the durability of shotgun marriages -- a random sampling I took of fellow firstborns from the fifties showed that in most cases their gestations were already in progress on the wedding day. At the time of inquiry, the moms and pops were well on their way to their 25th anniversaries.

Ron said...

Meade, it's not too late to be Bristol's baby daddy!

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Shocking. No, I don't care unless Levi decides to start batting for my team.

I did hear Kathryn Jean Lopez is in mourning though.

Meade said...

Ron, it has always been too late.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

I don't even think of a wedding as a theme park ride Pogo. I don't want to go to the prom. I am bad. A bad bad person.

And I have been naughty and need to be disciplined. I am sorry daddy. I will put my hand on your privates and promise not to tell mommy. I will do it just like you told me to do it. Am I doing it right? When does the soap come?

dreams said...

No comment.

Charlie Martin said...

None. Leave the poor kid alone. Jesus.

KCFleming said...

Dr. Strangeloaf, even years of therapy could not remedy that thought process.

I suggest alcoholism.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey, I said less than 200! Posting doesn't help that prediction!

This is all Bristol trying to help mom's image with the left.

As any good daughter would ;)

(I dont we can make it.. I got nothing and Im working to boot)

We might need Jusus 'light' to help us.

Trooper York said...

I think you should say exactly what you want people to say about Obama's children. No more and no less.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Oh Pogo, I am just kidding. A friend of mine and I always talk like that to each other just to be funny. It is kind of funny though isn't it? Can I call you daddy Pogo.

Also, someone here said I love youth. That is not correct. I really don't care about youth. I am all for growing old gracefully but I don't have an idealized view of the youth. Yea, some of them are cute but I actually like older wiser people-that are also cute.

Youth doesn't really have that much appeal to me. If it would I would tell you. I mean I tell you about my loaves I would tell you if I thought youth was so great.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Thanks for bringing up Jesus Luz Meade. I forgot about him briefly. Now I am thinking about him again. Yummmmm.

Anonymous said...

I think Althouse's opinion was 'insanely bloggable.'

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

I just pinched a loaf. I would be curious of the stats here on what percentage of us leave the posting pinch a loaf and then begin to comment again.

I am guessing around 50%.

Palladian said...

"Dr. Strangeloaf, even years of therapy could not remedy that thought process.

I suggest alcoholism."

I suggest a stronger remedy. Suicide. That splash of red would look fabulous as an accent color in your "Chelsea loft".

Meade said...

Now, now, now, Palladian. There is plenty of Althouse love to go around. No need to jealously wish for Titus's colorful obliteration.

Meade said...

Put a little love in your fabulous heart.

former law student said...

I think you should say exactly what you want people to say about Obama's children. No more and no less.

Obama's children are still children, while Bristol Palin is legally an adult. Unless Trooper's rule applies also to Chelsea Clinton, Amy Carter, and Caroline Kennedy, I think the line for discussing politicians' children should be drawn at age 18.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why I haven't seen much in the media about John Edwards and his "love child" conceived when his wife was harshing his mellow with her terminal cancer.

Ann Althouse said...

"Jesus Luz Meade"

If there is such a person... I'm very interested!

Tim Lindell said...

former law student said...Now that the little bastard has entered the world...

Classy, very classy. What's wrong with people?

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Hi Palladian, how are you? What would I do without your kind comments?

Give me a big hug my little mint julep.

One of the things upsetting about this story is that Levi is now single. Is anyone blowing that fine piece of meat? That meat deserves respect and attention. I hope he is getting it. A beautiful piece of meat is a terrible thing to waste.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Jesus Luz Meade-that is Funny.

I love Jesus Luz. I love Meade too. I don't know Jesus Luz Meade but by his name he sounds like he could be kind of hot.

Anthony said...

I really don't care but I know it causes Michael a boner bordering on priapism.

Jerk. I didn't need to choke this early in the morning.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

I think a beautiful piece of meat is a more terrible thing to waste than someone's old and tired brain.

A brain who cares?

A beautiful piece of meat priceless.

I have a very important webex conference call from 1-4. I won't be able to post here during that time. Miss me lots and lots. I will miss all you big time. That's how I roll. I am a compassionate conservative. I love my brothers and sisters and care very much for each and everyone of them.

Ann Althouse said...

Yeah, he would be hot!

Trooper York said...

Well the media shit a brick when Chelsea Clinton was mentioned but could care less now. Caroline Kennedy was a active candidate and was not off limits by any rule of thumb. Can't you show a little decency former law student? That girl is not running for anything and at the momemt neither is her mother.

I thought better of you man.

Meade said...

"If there is such a person... I'm very interested!"

Not quite here, but close. One would have to settle for the last third.

She who quaffeth me, shall not abide in thirst nor in hunger. She may thinketh she is in heaven but, honest to God, in all fairness, it will be no more than ordinary everyday bliss.

john said...

There has been no focus on the unwanted national attention brought on Bristol and Levi last August. Sarah Palin's pronouncement of the wedding might have been a surprise to both teens, and one neither had wholly, or even partially, bought into.

She could have deflected some of the salacious attention and counseled the kids privately, not on national TV. She didn't, and that was a big disservice to them.

David said...

"john said...

There has been no focus on the unwanted national attention brought on Bristol and Levi last August. Sarah Palin's pronouncement of the wedding might have been a surprise to both teens, and one neither had wholly, or even partially, bought into."

Now how in the hell could you possibly know that? I give Bristol and her parents very high marks for independence and grace under huge pressure. No matter what they did or said, they were going to be trashed by multitudes who had one agenda or another. They sent a smiling message that said "We don't give a rat's ass what you think." For that alone I commend them.

Why aren't Bristol and Levi getting married? Who cares (other than agenda advancers)? It's their life.

Joe said...

After watching Bristol's interview, I'm not surprised. She was obviously very bitter about this situation. I do wonder if there is significance in her repeated statements that having a baby isn't glamorous. To me, the unspoken words were "after all". Bristol also completely avoided the question of birth control. All combined, I get the uneasy feeling that Bristol wanted a baby and found a guy to give her one. (To be blunt, she lied to Levi that she was on the pill.)

One interesting thing is the behavior of Levi--many young men would cheer and run away if the mothers of their child told them to get lost, yet he apparently hasn't.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Any chance we going to get this on DVD?

Aside from making a great "gift" to someone important to me... I'm still behind on my Rockford Files.

john said...

David - "How the hell could I have possibly known that?" I didn't, please note that I used "might have..".

Anyway, my knowledge comes from recollection of watching some TV news segment of Gov Palin making this announcement, behind whom stood two very uncomfortable and gimacing teenagers. Very unfair to those kids. It didn't matter that the MSM dug this story up by that time, but it did matter that Palin used the story the way she did.

Mike Licht, said...

Bristol and Levi Break Up -- She Gives Back Baby!

Hoosier Daddy said...

FLS said Eighteen year old men used to have to shoulder adult responsibilities at that age or younger. I do not know why their childhoods are now prolonged. But certainly societal expectations have changed.

Probably had something to do with say, welfare and substituting Uncle Sam as the breadwinner rather than the guy who did the knocking up. I mean why should any 18 year old guy shoulder the responsibility when the American taxpayer will do it?

William said...

People who dislike Obama will dislike him because his wife has articulated arms; people who dislike Palin will dislike her because her daughter is an unwed mother.

TMink said...

FLS wrote: "The time to get married was before the baby was born."

Agreed, but I will do you one better.

The time to get married was before they had sex.


Ann Althouse said...

Meade, LOL. Quaffing the meade.

TMink said...

John wrote: "Very unfair to those kids."


a. the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.

b. Psychoanalysis. such an ascription relieving the ego of a sense of guilt or other intolerable feeling.


former law student said...

Can't you show a little decency former law student? That girl is not running for anything and at the momemt neither is her mother.

That's a better argument than saying the 18 year old mother of a child should be treated same as a seven year old.

I mean if Bristol were still cutting out paper snowflakes and combing her My Little Pony, she would deserve the same consideration.

MadisonMan said...

Jesus Luz Meade

That name cries out for Photoshop.

Trooper York said...

I didn't mean that people would go after Obama's kids now. But you reap what you sow and the those kids will be teens soon enough. Maybe a little deceny now will avoid trouble down the road. We should all agree that children should be off limits since they are not running for anything. Unless they inject themselves into the campaign they should be off limits. Since Governor Palin is not running right now why can't the moonbats leave them alone for a little while? You can try to destroy her and her family if she decides to run for President.

former law student said...

Classy, very classy. What's wrong with people?

They're familiar with the meanings of words?

bas⋅tard   /ˈbæstərd/ Pronunciation [bas-terd]
–noun 1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.

former law student said...

You can try to destroy her and her family if she decides to run for President.

Fair enough.

Here, Prof. A. asked if we had any opinions on the subject, and by gum, I did.

Trey: if you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, I don't see the harm in fooling around before the wedding day.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I mean if Bristol were still cutting out paper snowflakes and combing her My Little Pony, she would deserve the same consideration.

I mean if Bristol were actually campaigning and running for office it might make sense to dig into her life.

But then class on the part of liberals and the media ended somewhere around the time 18 year old men stopped shouldering their parental responsibilities.

Hoosier Daddy said...

They're familiar with the meanings of words?

bas⋅tard   /ˈbæstərd/ Pronunciation [bas-terd]
–noun 1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.

Yes because we all knew you meant that in the classical sense.

Does that mean we can start referring to Obama as our first Negro president?

Sigivald said...

I'm waiting for Sullivan to claim this proves that Bristol wasn't really the father of her child.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Cricket said...

Of course you have an opinion!

But stating it would risk offending your rabid right-wing-nut base.

So, much better to lie and say you have no opinion! Comes easily, eh prof?

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

That was then, this is now.

Isn't there a statue of limitations on invasion of privacy. Otherwise lets ask if Al Gore son ran over anybody lately?

Trooper York said...

Teacher, leave those kids alone!

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

I don't see any good reason to refer to a 10-week-old baby as "little bastard."

Except that's the correct English phrase.

Besides, all newborns are total pains in the ass. Whiny and needy and often not cute at all. They're almost as bad as teenagers.

KCFleming said...

...because it did leave her open.

That interview wouldn't have happened had she not already been hounded, and had not this practice of targeting candidate's kids been the current norm, existing as it does in the swamp that is Jerry Springer and Oprah.

Shanna said...

Levi is a dope to pass this up.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the negative attention during the campaign (plus the stuff about his mom) had made their relationship harder. That stuff would be hard on a 20 year marriage, much less a couple of teenagers.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...because it did leave her open.

I wish you people stop Titus baiting.

Joe said...

For Titus baiting, it would be that it left HIM bending over.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What's the young man's name?

Levi Johnson?

I bet you he’s a hard core, big government liberal...

Methadras said...

My care-o-meter registered a blip and then went back down to zero. She joins the awesome trend of single motherhood, but she has a loving family that will surround this child with but love and nurturing. Unfortunately, Bristol never learned the lesson from either mom or dad that getting on your back to satisfy or get satisfied would have the unintended consequences she is facing now.

However, Levi better be up on his payments or else grandma is going to hunt him down.

raf said...

Ann is very good at posting in a way which generates responding comments without contributing to the topic. Does this mean she is her own troll? Discuss.

amba said...


Revenant said...

I have no opinion on the subject. Do you?

I disapprove, but I don't care all that much.

amba said...

As for Levi passing up all those advantages . . . marrying for those reasons is out of fashion. His pride, as well as his age-natural desire for "freedom" (all rights no responsibilities), would make him scorn it as a sellout and a kind of imprisonment. One has to be over 50, halt and lame to look back with rueful 20/20 hindsight and appreciate that that might not have been an altogether bad idea.

GeorgeH said...

Good move, the boy is dumber than a box of rocks.

Synova said...

Considering the personal attacks on Palin's family, he'd have to be a complete idiot to marry her, because it will never end. And no one will have or has any shame over their own guilt in the matter of treating 17 and 18 year old people, who have no control over their parents, as legitimate political targets. And not only *them* but Sarah Palin's daughter's baby's father's MOTHER is front page news. Maybe if they aren't married, next time Palin runs for national office, the press will go a little lighter on Trigg's father's less than stellar family, which can only be good for Trigg.

From the article: I certainly don't know if they should have gotten married. You'd have thought so . . . even if it didn't last forever. Better odds for the kid.

This I don't get. How does getting married with the expectation of divorce give a kid better odds than growing up with unmarried parents who (most probably) don't hate the air the other breathes?

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Who cares if he is dumb? Or not dumb?

He is fucking hot.

Hot is hot.

Freeman Hunt said...

Let's all think back to who we were dating when we were eighteen...

For some, perhaps that person would have been (or is!) a great match. For the rest of us, well, let's just say "not so much."

I don't know Bristol or Levi, so I have no idea how they were together. Therefore, I have no opinion.

Titusworkitworkitworkit said...

Quaffing the Meade-you are kinky Meade...and I like it.

Peter Hoh said...

Sigivald wrote: I'm waiting for Sullivan to claim this proves that Bristol wasn't really the father of her child.

If Sullivan claims that Bristol wasn't really the father of her child, I will sign up for a remedial reading comprehension class.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't know Bristol or Levi, so I have no idea how they were together. Therefore, I have no opinion.

Well.. at least is something ;)

Common people.. no more excuses.
Comments arent going to post themselves.

Let's go.. were burning daylight.

LoafingOaf said...

Gee, big surprise!

The National Enquirer reported back during the campaign that Levi was dragged to the GOP Convention to be used as one of Palin's props, and didn't wanna marry Bristol.

The Palin worshippers around here were wrong again. They sure did attack anyone who dared suggest Levi was being forced into a shotgun wedding because Palin was running for VP.

Joe said...

Loafing, you have it backward. It appears that Bristol is the one who doesn't want to get married, not Levi. The stories emerging are that Levi is an honorable young man and that Bristol is nuts.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The National Enquirer reported..

Dont they use some kind of ink thats harmfull to whales?

LoafingOaf is a whalehater.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trolling for Palin.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Make your Palin comments here.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did I say Palin 2012?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Get your Palin buttons here

Palin, Palin, Palin.

Big Mike said...

It must have been Bristol who broke it up. If I was a young man who had knocked up the daughter of a someone who is as good a shot as Sarah Palin is, I'd be glad to marry the wench.

Peter V. Bella said...

Well the media shit a brick when Chelsea Clinton was mentioned but could care less now.

That is because Hillary Clinton screeched and threatened to use all her power to nullify the First Amendment and imprison all the media moguls. She would pussy whip Harry Reid into doing it if she had to. That cankle is one fearsome beyotch!

Zachary Sire said...

I wonder if any of the Palinloonies on here will admit that it's actually a good thing that she lost back in November. See, if she would've won, that would've forced Bristol into a loveless, terrible marriage. Obviously, she never wanted to be married to the dude, so she stands a better chance of having a happier life since her mom lost and she didn't have to go along with the charade of a wedding.

Would you rather have had Palin as VP and a poor teenager forced into an arranged marriage, or Palin a loser and a young girl the chance to lead a normal, happy life?

Tough call, guys, tough call.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Daddy -

Does that mean we can start referring to Obama as our first Negro president?

No. That would be mulatto.

Synova said...

I wonder if any of the Palinloonies on here will admit that it's actually a good thing that she lost back in November.

Is it better that she lost because the abuse directed at her children would have continued and been far worse had she won?


But I'm not sure that's a win for your side, Zach.

(It's probably better for Republicans, including Palin, that McCain lost for a number of rather cold-hearted political reasons having to do with the likely result of removing the Dems from the very comfortable mode of patriotism through dissent... otherwise known as never having to actually present or try to implement a solution for *anything*, and of letting Obama demonstrate Hope and Change and how the world loves us like never before. We can hope this occurs without anything truly dire happening to innocent bystanders.)

Dody Jane said...

I blame Juno...

John Stodder said...

I wonder if any of the Palinloonies on here will admit that it's actually a good thing that she lost back in November. See, if she would've won, that would've forced Bristol into a loveless, terrible marriage.

I don't know if I was ever a "Palinloony," but despite a few political differences, I was impressed by her, and not impressed by the distorted coverage she received.

But this is a very good point. In retrospect, I'm disappointed the family put on this charade of pending nuptials. Why would it have been so damaging for them to say Bristol doesn't want to marry the father, but plans to involve him in their baby's life?

Social conservatism is the poison pill for policy conservatism. I guess it's too much to ask of our politicians that they think intelligently about small government and smart economic incentives and smart national defense and geopolitics, but leave their opinions of sex and God out of it. So, by default, we get liberals who can't think straight on how to govern, but at least don't insist that people conform to the family and moral structures of the 1890s.

Synova said...

In retrospect, I'm disappointed the family put on this charade of pending nuptials.

Is it a charade if *at the time* it was the truth? And how does one know that someone didn't change his, her or their minds more recently?

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