March 18, 2009

"Barack Obama even needs a teleprompter to get mad."

Notes Maureen Dowd, who also inserts the saying "Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot." This is not subtle imagery. The woman is insulting his manhood.


MadisonMan said...

I like that Obama has a very long simmer.

AllenS said...

It's easy to tell when Obama is using a teleprompter, there's very few "ahs" and "ums".

Beta Conservative said...

I think his Teleprompter may actually be getting a policy making role.

Hoosier Daddy said...

This is not subtle imagery. The woman is insulting his manhood.

If he didn't want his manhood insulted he should 1)not be photographed shirtless and 2) start doing some curls so his wife doesn't have more muscular arms than he does.

EnigmatiCore said...

Isn't MoDo's point that boiled carrots are for gobbling?

Darcy said...

Hee. I can love Dowd again. A bunch of boiled carrots indeed. I'm going to chuckle at this all day! gotta laugh or you'll cry. :)

The Dude said...

Can't insult what he doesn't have.

But never insult Michelle's manhood - that big armed woman would go off on you.

traditionalguy said...

They didn't teach much Capitalism strategy to the "Destroyers of the Capitalists" at Revolution School. So we can't blame Obama for being blindsided by a foreign culture not anything like the world of Marxist Paradise he grew up dreaming about. I read that Pres. Chavez has noticed Obama's confusion and has called upon Obama to join him in establishing better government thru State Ownership of everything. The Crisis continues.

lowercase said...

I'm not surprised. This is a form of getting paid he knows and is comfortable with despite the rhetoric. Of course he's going to be late to clue in that it makes people very angry. And my pet peeve: was Michelle's board seat ever anything other than a per annum bribe to Obama laundered through his wife of an extra 250K on top of her more reasonable 120K admin salary? Doubtful.

Original Mike said...

Always with the carrots. Oy!

Peter V. Bella said...

This is the best comedy show on earth. The so called best and brightest allowed this to happen and now they want to reverse it.

The so called best and brightest, including lawyers, want to nulify egal contracts and institute a punitive tax on a specific group of people.

They made a movie in anticipation of this administration. I believe it was called "Dumb and Dumber".

Anonymous said...

My favorite Irish saying comes from Jimmy Rabbitte: "Don't be a fookin' eejit, you tosser." While he wasn't actually saying it to someone who was shocked that a company that had been bailed out because it was deeply in debt was using the money to pay its creditors, he could have been.

Wince said...

Why should Obama be angry at the enablers of his crisis socialism agenda?

he should keep in mind one of my dad’s favorite Gaelic sayings: “Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot.”

Historically and anatomically speaking, I'm not sure the Irish identify with the carrot as a phallic symbol. One of those miniture baby carrots, maybe. (Hey, I can joke, being Irish/Italian, ahem, I mean Italian/Irish.)

Darcy said...

LOL, EDH. Italian, eh? ;-)

Ern said...

The woman is insulting his manhood.

Quite possibly. I've never thought that she like men very much, anyway.

On the one hand, it's fun to read a lefty insulting Obama. On the other hand, I feel sorry for any woman who's as perpetually cocked in a pissed-off position as Maureen Dowd is.

LutherM said...

"This is not subtle imagery. The woman is insulting his manhood."
Professor, you may be on to something - or you may be on the wrong track for the train.
Dowd writes "Summers, who inspires lusty dreams of A.I.G. tormentor Eliot Spitzer....."
Rather than a billionaire's hypocritical bashing of money makers, is it POSSIBLE that Eliot's history of "pay for play" incites sexual attraction in Maureen?

As for insulting the boy, (who IS trying HARD with the aid and comfort of speechwriters and teleprompters), I have believed for over a year that, bright as he is, he is a phony. Maybe, with the passage of time, Maureen will come to that conclusion. If she does, she can articulate it better than Limbaugh.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Just curious, but why wouldn't the passing of a retroactive bill to tax specific individulas not meet the standards of a bill of bill of attainder?

John Althouse Cohen said...

You forgot the (frequently used) "masculinity" tag.

ricpic said...

Keep in mind, each time Obama & Co. steal a trillion they save us millions! millions!!

Simon said...

An Edjamikated Redneck - not to mention the ex post facto clause.

traditionalguy said...

Dowd has started a new image for Obama: the Jolly Green Giant. His carrot is boiled soft, but his corn sweetner smile and his red radish socialist brain are ready for anything, unless he arti-chokes, or the Repubbies finally pick a new Roundup leader. Someone alert SNL for the skit.

The Drill SGT said...

EDH said...Historically and anatomically speaking, I'm not sure the Irish identify with the carrot as a phallic symbol.

to start with, it's obviously the bad bad color of those Loyalists up North.

English Cuke? right color, bad name.

Green Bean? :)

Original Mike said...

Just curious, but why wouldn't the passing of a retroactive bill to tax specific individulas not meet the standards of a bill of bill of attainder?

Personally, I'm hoping they try it so I can enjoy the spectacle of Chuckie Schumer et al. getting slapped down.

The Exalted said...

Haha, only on this site are there comments in support of the AIG bonuses to the financial products group.

What part of "without bailout there would be bankruptcy" do you not understand?

They destroyed the world's largest insurance company. They merit no bonuses.

AIG's arguments are absurd. They have no need to attract, or retain, the "best and brightest." They need people to unwind their positions and sell off the company's assets to get the taxpayers, aka, me, repaid.

There are plenty of unemployed derivatives traders across the street who would jump at the chance for far less than $1 million on average.

Lem Vibe Banditory said... assert that there was nothing the administration could do about the blood-sucking insurance monstrosity’s venal payout.

If less than .01% of the AIG (congress approved) bailout is a venal monstrosity pray tell Maureen - what does the bailout look like?

Peter V. Bella said...

Exated, you are dense.

This is not about moral or ethical outrage. This is about contracts and legislation. AIG had a contractual obligation to pay the bonuses- agreed to over one year ago.

Legislation was passed with an amendment by Chris Dodd- a recipient of AIG largesse- to exempt these types of bonuses if they were approved prior to February 2009.

What part of a contract is a contract don't you understand. What part of legislative exemption don't you understand?

Any punitive action by the government will set a very dangerous precedent that will affect each and every citizen, not just a few traders. Unless you do not believe in the constitution or the law.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Haha, only on this site are there comments in support of the AIG bonuses to the financial products group

What site are you referring to? I don't see anyone here thinking that these guys should get bonuses.

If anything I blame Obama and Geithner for missing the boat to begin with when they forked over billions to them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I can't too worked up about AIG spending $165 million on bonuses. Afterall, the fed govt spends almost $400 million per hour 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

It's kinda funny seeing the senators and others getting so outraged about a pittance like $165 million. Think of all the other wasteful spending they missed!

Host with the Most said...


Wow! Ann is getting riled up these last 2 days! Using the "F-Bomb", calling out "racist" and "Sexist" throwing out challenges to the President's manhood.

There's something about Ohio . . .

Or is it Jac's birthday . . .


Jon said...

WASHINGTON - Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen was just a few paragraphs into an address at a St. Patrick's Day celebration at the White House when he realized something sounded way too familiar. Turns out, he was repeating the speech President Barack Obama had just given...

But Cowen was 20 seconds into his second address when it dawned on him that he was giving word for word the speech that Obama had just read from the same teleprompter.

Anonymous said...

Don't care for Dowd, but she uses that saying as she sees fit. She used it talking about Clinton's pushing for peace in Ireland in 1995.

Could be, she see's it in its Gaelic sense and nothing else.

TitusMyLiepchins said...

Love Dowd, want to be her best girlfriend, shop with her, be bitchy with her, get special cards from her.

She is right on target today as usual.

I say fire Geithner, but first we need to see a picture of him shirtless.

Michael Haz said...

Notice that neither Obama nor any Congressweasel felt enough 'moral outrage' to return the campaign contributions made by AIG executives?

Outrage, bullshit. It's theater for the rubes.

jayne_cobb said...

The funny thing about the teleprompter mishap is that when he took over it had finally switched to the Prime Minister's speech which led to Obama thanking himself.

Simon said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
"If anything I blame Obama and Geithner for missing the boat to begin with when they forked over billions to them."

And Bush and Hank Paulson. They were the ones who set the bailout ball in motion.

Anonymous said...

Obama's teleprompter screw up yesterday was hilarious.

Obama and his Whitehouse staff are looking more and more like characters in a comedy show.

When reality becomes satire and satire becomes reality, it starts to be clear that we're all in deep, deep trouble.

Cedarford said...

fcai said...
Can't insult what he doesn't have.

But never insult Michelle's manhood - that big armed woman would go off on you.

The press is just being nice to Michelle. "The arms" are a convenient way for them to avoid her thunder thighs and Humongous, Hillary Clinton sized ass.

former law student said...

MoDo really should read her own paper once in a while. From a NYT article published Christmas Day:

“He has more Hawaii in him than Chicago; he’s laid-back, cool and collected,” said Noel Kent, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa who has lived on the island for three decades. “It’s hard to express anger here. It’s a very small, enclosed environment in which you have to live with other people.”

Peter Hoh said...

Here's the relevant clip. Make sure you see the ending -- even if it means skipping a lot of the middle.

Trooper York said...

You guys are way off base making fun of Michelle's arms. Most woman hate their arms because they feel they are flabby and want to cover them up. Well maybe not most woman but a lot of woman. So tight well muscled arms are not a bad thing. Just sayn'

TitusMyLipchins said...

The politcal theater and pitch fork mentality from all of the elected leaders is kind of gross.

Can I just say spare me.

john said...

Cederford: sometimes a little slow, nearly always disappointing, but never surprising. I was wondering when the Hottentot reference was going to come out.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And Bush and Hank Paulson. They were the ones who set the bailout ball in motion.

By all means. I'm pretty much done with the whole lot in DC, both parties included. Listening to these elected fuckwits indignantly thump their chests over this while they've pretty much bankrupted the country is about as much hypocrisy I can handle for a year.

TitusMyLipchins said...

I knew you loved Madonna Troop. Her arms really are amazing. Sarah Jessica Parker's too.

Swifty Quick said...

Edjamaked Redneck & Simon:

Don't forget the 3rd sibling, the imapairment of contracts clause.

Melissa said...

Regarding Bills of Attainder: Probably not- these refer to a legislative act declaring one guilty of a crime or punishing without trial- while the government wants us all to treat these folks as criminal, they aren't directly pursuing criminal charges, so it wouldn't fly.

As for ex post facto, the court has held that this constitutional prohibition doesn't apply to regulatory or administrative laws, so there's another out for Congress.

No one mentioned the contracts clause, but I've seen it come up on other sites- it only applies to states per the language of the Constitution (I doubt the founders ever expected the feds to have enough power that they would even be considering this sort of thing- their mistake), and the Supreme Court effectively wrote it out during the Great Depression in Home Buiding & Loan Assoc. v. Blaisdell, which pretty much said states can interfer with the rights of contracts if (we think that) they have a good reason.

So, in other words, Constitution, what Constitution?

Melissa said...

OK, someone did mention the contracts clause while I was typing. Hi Zeb!

Shawn Levasseur said...

Though it could be said that even the crispiest onion rings don't bolt a door very well either.

Hmm... stretching the metaphor a bit too much? Probably.

sg said...

Rush Limbaugh has a good schtick going, anthropomorphizing President Obama's TelePrompTer. "As President Obama's TelePrompTer told him to say..."

Let's face it...the country is being run by TOTUS, as Rush calls it.

When are we going to see a good Obama-TelePrompTer skit on SNL?

Jeremy said...

Trooper says that SJP's arms have to be strong. If she were to break one, they'd have to put her down.

Trooper York said...

Hey the Professor got some great action shots of Sarah Jessica Parker in the thread above this one.

Who knew she moved to Ohio? Maybe she was just visiting relatives.

Trooper York said...

And Madonna's arms are way to stringy. Michelle Obama looks healthy not like a drug addict.

Beth said...

How did his team manage to slip a teleprompter into the White House unnoticed? Did no one object to the sudden appearance of this new and foreign thing? Didn't any of his advisers say, "Now look, Sir, none of your predecessors has used one of these; people are going to wonder why you do."

Cedarford said...

john said...
Cederford: sometimes a little slow, nearly always disappointing, but never surprising. I was wondering when the Hottentot reference was going to come out..

Hillary's a Hottentot? That would explain much.

Particularly Bill Clinton's mysterious attraction to her.

TitusMyLipchins said...

I knew Trooper was going to refer to Sarah Jessica Parker in the post above.

That is just mean. She is from Ohio. A nice rural farm girl who made it big while she was young getting the part of Annie. We love her!

Bruce Hayden said...

Rush Limbaugh has a good schtick going, anthropomorphizing President Obama's TelePrompTer. "As President Obama's TelePrompTer told him to say..."

I think it is more like "Obama's Teleprompter said..." and then said that, etc. It is somewhat akin to his stick awhile back on all the things that the MSM claimed SUVs did, apparently with no human intervention.

I think that Rush's point is two fold. First, President Obama apparently cannot speak coherently on his feet if his life were to depend on it. What he can do very well is give speeches from a teleprompter. (BTW, this is from the guy who recently got on a roll, and ran a 45 minute speech up to 1 1/2 hours, all without notes, and making sense through most of it).

Which gets to the second point - who is really talking there? Obama? Or the person who wrote what he is saying from the teleprompter? Is it Axelrod? Emanuel? Or some unnamed operative? Who is really running this country right now?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Didn't any of his advisers say, "Now look, Sir, none of your predecessors has used one of these; people are going to wonder why you do."

Well Bush being the dumbest man on the planet obviously needed one. But it seems to be quite the crutch for Obama's every appearance considering he's such a gifted orator.

Anonymous said...

"Now look, Sir, none of your predecessors has used one of these; people are going to wonder why you do."

I'm certainly never going to argue he's he only president that's ever used one, but it won't surprise me when we learn that this Bozo has to have a teleprompter to tell Michelle goodnight at bedtime.

Bruce Hayden said...

How did his team manage to slip a teleprompter into the White House unnoticed? Did no one object to the sudden appearance of this new and foreign thing? Didn't any of his advisers say, "Now look, Sir, none of your predecessors has used one of these; people are going to wonder why you do."

They have been around the White House for quite awhile. The difference here is that President Obama appears almost incoherent when speaking without one. He apparently uses them for the most trivial speeches. So, it is not a difference in kind, but rather, one of degree.

Besides, we were sold by the MSM, et al., on the fact that President Obama was extraordinarily articulate, in contrast with his predecessor who was verbally impaired.

Anonymous said...

Team Obama acts shocked at the reality of governance. After all, it's been a while for the Dems, and The One himself never ran anything except the Law Review.

Real life as the leader of the free world includes lots of stuff foreign to community organizers: bombs that kill people, power to destroy the economic lives of billions of people, reality of bad guys, liars and suck-ups.
It's not like organizing the poli sci department, kids.

Michael Haz said...

I keep waiting for ht part of the joke where Sacha Baron Cohen takes off the Obama mask and we all laugh.

Boy, we sure believed it, hook, line and sinker.

TitusMyLipchins said...

OK, I am watching Liddy, the CEO of AIG during his testimony.

The Code Pink ladies are there. Do any of them have a job? Geez, it is the same ones every time too. They need some new clothes. The pink is way too pink.

Mo MoDo said...

Sometimes a carrot is just a carrot. But the column does make me think of the movie Darby O'Gill And The Little People. Except in this case Obama is Darby O'Gall.

AlphaLiberal said...

The woman is insulting his manhood.

Right. That's what she does with Democratic men - accuse them of not being masculine.

It's the exact opposite message for Democratic women. Like a whole column on Michelle Obama's arms.

This is a much-documented practice by the vapid columnist.

MoDo is a Dodo.

JSF said...

MoDo is right -- look what happens when you always rely on your teleprompter:

Charlie Martin said...

Ann, honey, I've been he owner of a penis for more than fifty years, and I can promise you it never occurred to me to bolt a door with it.

Hoosier Daddy said...

This is a much-documented practice by the vapid columnist.

MoDo is a Dodo.

Oh but she was a favorite of the lefties during the Bush Reich.

Now she's a heretic.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bruce Hayden asked:

"Who is really running this country right now?"

Haha LOL if they told us that, then the angry mobs would know who to go after.

holdfast said...

"Blogger john said...

Cederford: sometimes a little slow, nearly always disappointing, but never surprising. I was wondering when the Hottentot reference was going to come "

Actually, it is the Khalahari Bushmen(Bushwomen?) with the protruding rumps - not at all the same as Hottentots, which are far more "average" shaped and sized, though a bit smaller on average than the majority Bantus in RSA

Anonymous said...

The teleprompter reminds me of
C-3PO ... well intentioned but bumbling...

john said...

Holdfast -

Thanks,I try to learn something new every day. Now I can have that beer.

Balfegor said...

This is a much-documented practice by the vapid columnist.

MoDo is a Dodo.

This much, I can at least agree with. She's as insubstantial as Peggy Noonan, only Dowd is venomous where Noonan is merely twee.

john said...

Seneca the Younger said...
Ann, honey, I've been he owner of a penis for more than fifty years, and I can promise you it never occurred to me to bolt a door with it.

Your blurb says you are a "student of stoicism". Do you keep it in a box? Either way, it should be stiff enough by now to use as a bolt.

John said...

I gotta give MoDo credit. The woman actually has some balls. I would imagine even today, it takes some onions to go after Dearlybeloved Leader in the circles Dowd runs. But to her credit, she spares no one from her snark.

Of course BO is a really easy target for snark. He is a very comical figure. He looks like Steve Urkell and is married to one of the ferocous angry, black women on earth. There is a saying that there can only be so much testosterone in a marriage. Michelle doesn't leave much for bambi.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I doubt it takes balls to talk ill of Obama in libtard circles. I suspect many of them have begun to whisper and ask if Obama is just an empty suit!

veni vidi vici said...

"Boy, we sure believed it, hook, line and sinker."

As Sweet Sweetback once said, "What's up with this 'we' bullshit?"

AlphaLiberal said...

AJ Lynch:
"blah, blah ...libtard... wank wank"

so if I guess 12 years old, would I be overestimating your age?

veni vidi vici said...

As for the Irish teleprompter incident, I'm wondering why no one noticed this:

When the Irish PM got up to speak, he found the words familiar b/c he just heard them when Obama made his speech. He turned to Obama and said, "That's your speech". Then Obama returned to the podium and began reading aloud again.

Why, if Obama had already given the speech, would he return to the podium to repeat the same speech? Is he really that much of an idiot, or what?

To me, it's less about him lacking reading-ahead skills and thus thanking himself for the party (a true idiocy if ever there was one), than it is about the fact that he apparently didn't have a second thought about repeating a speech he'd made seconds before to the same audience.

Assuming this foolishness was reported accurately, one can only wonder whither the press.

Clearly, to most of 'em, being a Pissant is the highest form of patriotism.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Love you too Alpha!

I'm Full of Soup said...


There were two meetings at the White House. So Obama and the Irish dude gave the exact same speeches at each of the meetings.

I believe the teleprompter mixup occurred at the 2nd meeting. Hence the mixup by Obama and the Irish dude.

john said...

AJ Lynch said... I suspect many of them have begun to whisper and ask if Obama is just an empty suit!

Not in the circles I run around in. Some libs might be oblivious to the reality of what Obama's $trillion indebtedness programs will do to our country. But most are religious in their belief that if Obama needs to destroy the economy to fix it, then sobeit. Whatever it takes to purge and reeducate those responsible for the last 8 years, to remove the stain of Bush, and to create a just society for those deserving of it, it needs to be done.

Balfegor said...

Then Obama returned to the podium and began reading aloud again.

Why, if Obama had already given the speech, would he return to the podium to repeat the same speech? Is he really that much of an idiot, or what?

That's not the half of it. Obama got up to read his speech all over again, but seems to have got partway through the Irish PM's speech without noticing. Sky News reported:

A laughing Mr Obama returned to the podium to take over but it seems the script had finally been switched and the US president ended up thanking himself for inviting everyone to the party.

Methadras said...

Mr. Barely needs a fucking brain. The man is as stupid as a box of rocks. He makes Bush look like wunderkind. His complete incompetence at this point is a total disaster.

Methadras said...

AlphaLiberal said...

AJ Lynch:
"blah, blah ...libtard... wank wank"

so if I guess 12 years old, would I be overestimating your age?

You aren't even a good snarker. Between you and Garage, you just end up looking like a pair of vulva's.

Peter V. Bella said...

Who is really running this country right now?"

The fairytale administration- Obama and the Seven Dwarves!

so if I guess 12 years old, would I be overestimating your age? so if I guess 12 years old, would I be overestimating your age?

If we guessed 12, that would be Alpha Liberal’s IQ.

Peter V. Bella said...

Hey, how come Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Obama are not outraged at the bonuses announced by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? What is the difference between these and AIG?

The stench of corruption just gets stronger and stronger in DC.

TitusMyLipchins said...

One thing about Modo is she is a liberal but is not a hack.

She raked both Bill and Hilary Clinton over the coals for years.

Jon said...

Limbaugh: "By the way, folks, yes: I do want Obama's teleprompter to fail, too."

Brainy435 said...

Wow, I think people read WAY too much into that sentance. I know Clinton forever ruined "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," but sometimes a carrot really is just a carrot.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You aren't even a good snarker. Between you and Garage, you just end up looking like a pair of vulva's.

Well when it comes to put downs I think I'll defer to Methadras from now on. The visual I got from that will provide entertainment value for a couple of days at least.

Postscript. Sorry garage, you're my favorite liberal here but that is still too funny.

BJM said...

Ern, LOL! MoDo and cock(ed) in the same sentence (or vicinity) doesn't compute.

Anonymous said...

In Hawaii, it's hard to get angry? Oh really? Okay, there's some truth to that. In Hawaii you don't get angry, you get even. Slights given, revenge taken, even if it you have to wait a decade. In his memoirs, a recent Governor of Hawaii, of Filipino descent, writes how he was kicked off a beach by a haole (i.e., Caucasian) woman when he was a child, and how he carried that insult for decades. He finally got "even" when he became Governor of the State. Obviously he's still upset (angry?) about the beach incident because he can't forget it even now.

traditionalguy said...

Has anyone seen The Anchorman comedy movie about Ron Burgandy who always read whatever was on the Teleprompter? Could Obama get set up by a republican teleprompter operator?

Anonymous said...

Where the hell has that Irish dingbat been for the past year?

July 24, 2008

"Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot." This is not subtle imagery. The woman is insulting his manhood.

No, she's insulting all the boiled carrot White guys Obama hired to bolt that door.

But it was his own boiled carrots who acted shocked at bonuses that they should have known were coming, and should have dismantled before handing A.I.G. another $30 billion two weeks ago.

Geithner, Summers..

traditionalguy said...

The comedy about the Anchorman named Ron Burgandy had his teleprompter sabotaged but Ron would still read everything written there. Anyway, the Repubbies need to sabotage his teleprompter.

Peter V. Bella said...

Er, uh, em, huh, em, er, huh, uh...

The Harvard law grad without the teleprompter.

Peter Hoh said...

Carrots in the blogs.

Anonymous said...

If anyone cares to see President Obama in a setting where he's speaking off the cuff comfortably and with authority, and not clinging for dear life to a TelePrompTer, may I suggest the following video from ESPN:

(TelePrompTer? Who needs a TelePrompTer?)

Poco said...

Obama is a puppet and whoever controls the teleprompter is the puppet master. The incident with the Irish dude proves he has no idea what the script is ahead of time. His ineptitude is going to hurt us as a nation. His is a socialist who can read but not think...scary puppet he is.

Unknown said...

@ Balfegor: "This much, I can at least agree with. She's as insubstantial as Peggy Noonan, only Dowd is venomous where Noonan is merely twee."

You're half right. Both Nooners and Mo Do are mindless and loopy, but they are also both nasty. Noonan is every bit as vicious and cruel as la Dowd -- ask Hillary or Sarah Palin. They are also both equal opportunity eviscerators: men and women, Democrats and Republicans, all varieties have experienced Noonan and Dowd knife jobs. Now that I think about it, perhaps they are candidates for Separated at Birth.....
Satire has come, at last, to Obamaland. There is an hilarious new blog, "Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog" -- "Reflections from the hard drive of the machine that enables the voice of the leader of the free world". It's the best thing to come along since Fake Steve of "Steve Jobs' Secret Diary" (in fact, has Fake Steve reincarnated as TOTUS?). Anyway, in a landscape tending more and more toward totalitarian gray, Tele adds a welcome splash of color. Here's the URL:

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