ADDED: Here I am on July 25, 2008, expressing a near obsession with solitude:
IN THE COMMENTS: An Edjamikated Redneck says:
My congratulations to you both!
My only concern is whether Ohio has gained a Law Professor, or has Wisconsin gained a good Ohio man?
Or has Indiana gained the betrothed?
Although 250 miles one way is a long commute.
Later, he says:
I just heard that Xavier (in Cincinnati, but no law school) beat Wisconsin in the NCAA.
Guess that answers my question!
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Congratulations.
Great move by a good hearted Lady. Love is always the risk worth taking.
Congrats and best of luck to both of you!
Wow, congratulations!
Again, congratulations.
I think many of us like you too Ann. You're great and funny and liberal (in the classic open minded sense).
I wish you luck because I've had something many don't get. Love at first site and 26+ years later still in love. Probably much more so than 26 years ago.
Go for it.
Good Luck!
a thousand blessings, ten thousand flowers blooming, a million happy smiles beaming
a single joy
Congratulations on your happy news.
Congratulations again, both of you.
You have my sincerest hartfelt congratulations Professor.
wow professor
i m amazed
and happy for you
best wishes
from under the fridge
Congrats to you and the lucky guy.
Irish Blessing
To Althouse and Meade:
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.
Ann, congratulations to you both. Right now I think everyone (oh yea, except Maxine) is raising a toast.
And doubly good news to see Sippican's name here, at long last. Victoria will undoubtedly appear here soon.
Anne, best wishes to you and your fiance in your married life-to-be. Congratulations and I wish you all the best in life and love.
All I can say is that Sir Archy is beside himself with jealousy, as are all the other suitors.
Congratulations, and may you have many happy and healthy years together Professor.
Mead's view count is now 589.
Ann, this has to be especially gratifying to know that you are receiving the blessings of your regulars - particularly when you are marrying form the ranks of said. It's like you deemed to step into our world and took one of our own.
About Zachary live-blogging the wedding: How 'bout it?
If money's an issue, please start a tip cup in your side bar and we will contribute to his travel costs. Because your commenters have been there for you, through thick and thin, rant and rail, and because it's obvious that all of the regulars are of good will towards you in this matter (loved hdhouse's comments on the last post!)
So what do you say?
Live-blog the ceremony? (and we promise not the honeymoon)
Best wishes for health, happiness and good fortune from the Morocco Bros.
Ohio men, are of course, the best.
I know there are a few hearts broken by the news of Ann and Meade's engagement. Seriously, there are a few guys who held on to the wispy dream of perhaps felling the affections of the righteous babe Althouse. Let us treat them with care.
I had a crush on Karen Carpenter in the 70's and though I had no chance of meeting her much less dating her, I still felt a bit of sadness to know that she was off the market. The amzing part of this story is that I ended up working with her husband - the guy who married Karen Carpenter! And all the time I knew him, i was always thinking in the back of my mind - "You? She picked you?" Well, I can dream , can't I?
Boy, Sippican and Ruth Anne apear! All of the great commenters are back to share in the wonderful news. Congratulations again.
Maybe just one song..
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
Oh, Man, for a minute I thought that was a picture of Meade next to you. Congratulations again!
Well, how about that! Congratulations, felicitations, good luck, good cheer!
Congratulations, and good luck.
Hurrah! Congratulations!
Someone said, "Letters are romantic, but a relationship conducted solely through writing isn't a good enough basis to build a marriage on." Shrug.
For 6 months before we met, my future wife and I corresponded by letter at the suggestion of a mutual friend; a month after we met I proposed. It's been 13 wonderful years so far!
@David LOL.
Sorry, I can't post a picture, though I have many.
Oh, wow. So romantic! I'm probably in a mood, since I'm watching "Pride & Prejudice" tonight, but my heart is all aflutter for you!
When do you tie the knot?
My all-time favorite comment by Meade was this one
Anybody else have a favorite Meade comment?
How very romantical!
Congratulations to you both.
As long as it isn't URKOBOLD from the blog, I'm okay with it.
In the end... it's not how you got there, it's how you go on.
If Ann wants your dating advice, she'll ask you for it.
On the day she announces her engagement can't you at least stash the prudishness for a whole hour?
Zachary - Do you have a job yet? If you havent' yet been scheduling this live blog, figure supersaver flights RT LAX to ORD is about $289. Add car and hotel, but you can eat and drink free at the reception. Probably figure $750 total, assuming a June wedding(?)
There is probably enough interest here to supplement the costs of getting you there and back. Do you have Paypal on your blog?
Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.
Congratulations & best wishes.
This really is exciting, now seeing it confirmed by Althouse herself. The whole blogger/commenter romance is's like a movie! Or, a book. Or, maybe a really good blog post.
I love love, and can't tell you how happy I am for your obvious happiness, Althouse, and Meade. Congrats again to you both.
Congratulations to you, Ann, and to Meade.
As we say in our marriage liturgy: "The Lord God, who created our first parents and established them in marriage, establish and sustain you, that you may find delight in each other and grow in holy love until your life's end."
Good for you both!
Can we tie Maxine to the bumper of your car so that when you speed happily away from the church her head can clank against the asphalt just like an empty tin can?
And hey, we can also invite LuckyOldMichael to provide foamy spittle with which we can write things on your windshield!
Zachary - Do you have a job yet?
I do, since December. I was partially kidding about live-blogging the ceremony, and can't imagine Althouse seriously going along with the idea in a zillion years, much less having it done by me, a stranger, who isn't always the most liked person around these parts. But I would of course offer my services, if needed, free of charge.
Oh God, for a second there I thought it was titus.
Congratulations, you look so happy.
To Mr. Section9.
Nay, I am not in the slightest jealous of Mr. Meade; for, being the disembody'd, ghostly Spirit that I am, I remain above all beyond all Earthly Desire, save the Improvement of the Publick.
My Affection for Professor Althouse is of an Intellectual & spiritual Sort only; for, I am far beyond those carnal Desires, for whose Relief St. Paul says a Man may marry; yet who would remain as celebate as himself if he would expect to serve the Lord as St. Paul had done.
So, you see that I may both wish Professor Althouse and Mr. Meade a happily married Life; and, at the same Time assure you that I am,
Your humble & obt. Servant,
Sir Archy
Meade? Way cool. Congrats Ann!
Congratulations to you and your betrothed.
This news fills me with excitement and feelings I do not understand.
"remain as celebate as himself . . ."
Celibate. Celebrate. Ah, hell, what's the difference?
I find this wonderfully touching. Beautiful.
Wow. I wasn't reading the comments religiously this week, particularly the ones under the Cincinnati photos, but they definitely gave off a love vibe that had me wondering. And yet, I'm still utterly surprised, and delighted for you both. Congratulations!
I have to say, I'm intensely curious about how this played out. How long were you in touch via the blog before you met? I hope you'll figure out a way to tell us more about this romance. Perhaps a photo-novel...
Don't forget the pre-nup and to review your estate plan!
Wow, I am surprised but very happy for you.
This is wonderful news. Congratulations.
Well so far I have lined up Charo, Stella Stevens, Lea Remni, Adrienne Barbeau, Thelma Hopkins and Jena Jamison for the bachelor party. Also all the girls from the Bada Bing.
Oh and although she is very much against the marriage, Maxine has agreed to come out of retirement to reprise her famous donkey show from her days working the circuit in Cuba and Mexico.
Some mistakes are too good not to make.
Best wishes to you both.
And LOL, Trooper!
A song from George Michael
to the new couple.
Kindness in your eyes
I guess you heard me cry
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child
I'm blessed, I know
Heaven sent and heaven stole
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child
And what have I learned
From all this pain?
I thought I'd never feel the same
About anyone
Or anything again
But now I know
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you
On those cold, cold nights
When you've been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you
When there's no hope in sight
Sadness in your eyes
No one guessed, or no one tried
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child
Loveless and cold
With your last breath you saved my soul
You smiled at me
Like Jesus to a child
And what have I learned
From all these tears
I've waited for you all those years
And just when it began
He took your love away
But I still say
When you find love
When you know that it exists
Then the lover that you miss
Will come to you
On those cold, cold nights
When you've been loved
When you know it holds such bliss
Then the lover that you kissed
Will comfort you
When there's no hope in sight
So the words you could not say
I'll sing them for you
And the love we would have made
I'll make it for two
For every single memory
Has become a part of me
You will always be
My love
Well, I've been loved
So I know just what love is
And the lover that I kissed
Is always by my side
Oh the lover I still miss
Was Jesus to a child
At first I thought Meade was the guy in the blogginghead picture on the right.
But he isn't.
Who's Meade and has he insulted me? That's what is really important now.
That's a woman in the blogging heads Titus.
I think all of Meade's comments here have been pretty middle of the road, non-partisan, and non-insulting, Titus.
Meade, once you've married Althouse, will you still comment on her blog? Or will you just go in the next room and tell her?
Of course Meade will continue to comment. But he will use his new handle: Love Monkey #69.
OMG, that is hilarious Troop. I really thought that was a man.
I didn't even look at the name.
I thought Althouse was engaged to a man from Blogging heads who is really a woman. That is hilarious.
Does Meade like the gay? I hope so.
Now that the shock has worn off, kind of, who among the commenters is going to get invited to the wedding?
Are you or I going to make the cut or not?
That will be the big question.
One of the connections I felt I had with Althouse was are singledom. Now I guess I better get hitched.
I do know some of the male commenters here fell in love with Althouse, I did too but not in the same. I feel bad for some of the commenters.
Happy, happy, happy for Althouse but sad for the others that seemed to really like her and hope that they may be the one.
Wow, you drive fast.
Althouse wrote: Sorry, I can't post a picture, though I have many.
Unless I am mistaken, this photo offers a glimpse of the lucky fella.
Selfishly, I would like to know all the details of this courtship too. I know some things are private but I would be very interested in hearing about how all this happened. And in Meade's picture is that really him in the green skinny pants?
And again selfishly what should my role be in the wedding? Don't say flower girl. I want a more distinguished powerful position that is high profile. I want to be involved with the key decision makers and opinion leaders.
My girl is getting married. Wow, that is huge news. I am really overwhelmed with emotion. How weird. I haven't even met you. I can't sleep. I had to pour myself a glass of wine. I love you Althouse and all I want is for you to be happy. And you sound very happy. I am happy you are happy darling.
Congratulations to you both!
And by the way, Cliff Richards' Bachelor Boy is way better than The Worst that Could Happen.
Time to raise a glass, er, mug in toast.
The whole blogger/commenter romance is's like a movie! Or, a book. Or, maybe a really good blog post.
Like one of the commoners -- er, commenters -- came forth and won the hand of the princess -- er, professor. Archetypal.
Just the other day, wasn't someone arguing that words were never enough to win a woman's heart?
Congratulations you crazy kids.
Ought to be fun, will enjoy whatever tidbits you dole out regarding uxorial bliss later in life (or not, some things are private, even for a blogger).
(also wonder if any news outlet will pick up on the 'popular blogger weds commenter' angle and runs with it, would either of you want to do a profile like that if it were in the NYT Magazine or a wittily narrated tale on This American Life?)
The wedding should be the featured one in the Styles section.
So romantic... congratulations! (The happiness radiating from all the Cincinnati photographs was palpable.) There's something especially enchanting about this for those long-time readers & commenters who, in a way, were "there" (here) to witness-- without knowing it-- the beginnings of a love story. Aw.
Maxine - you are a total ass.
Will Meade's comments be accompanied by a disclaimer from now on?
Mr Meade's comments are his opinion alone and in no way reflect the far superior opinions of the owner of the site. Also, he needs to take out the trash and work on making sure the toilet seat is down.
Does he wear shorts?
Fell in love, did you? Can't beat that! Congratulations.
Such a whirlwind of excitement in the comments!
So many positive vibrations!
Can you guys feel it?
Our hostess and Meade, I mean.
Can you feel it?
Do you feel like we do?
Are you picking up good, good, good, good vibrations?
I sure hope so.
This is an event sort of like the last episode of “Cheers” except it’s much, much, much better because it’s not a happy ending . . .
AND . . . C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!11!!!!!!!!!!
My congratulations to you both!
My only concern is whether Ohio has gained a Law Professor, or has Wisconson gained a good Ohio man?
Or has Indiana gained the betrothed?
Although 250 miles one way is a long commute.
What a wonderful story! It deserves a book or a movie.
Very best wishes to both or you for a long and happy life together.
I just heard that Xavier (in Cincinnati, but no law school) beat Wisconson in the NCAA.
Guess that answers my question!
/...both OF you...///
Wishing you both the very best! Congratulations.
I am happy for you both.
However, it leads to an awkward conversation that someone who cares for you should have.
You see, when a man loves a woman, he is overcome by strong urges. Put best in song "He can't keep his mind on nothing else." He may want to kiss you, on the mouth, maybe other places on your body, especially when you are alone at night. These urges are natural and nothing to be ashamed of. He may want to express his love for you physically. Again, a very natural process. It gets more detailed and graffic at this point. Rhett Butler carries Scarlett up the stairs at this point.
Please go to the campus Student Health Clinic. I am certain the staff has the necessary training (or at least a pamphlet) to help you understand sexual intercourse.
I guess this pretty much ends the debate as to which commenter is Althouse's favorite.
Wonderful, wonderful! May your lives together be filled with joy and good humor.
"... because I don't have people around me who are saying 'Cut that out, you've got to be paying attention to me' who would be frustrated by that... and I know there are things that I do now that I love to do and that I think are worthy that I know if I had people in my house looking at me, they'd tell me I can't do that, that it's not an acceptable way to live. I really value being able to do these things now... But you know there is the idea that if you have no one to come home to, if you were to die in your bed... how long would it take for them to notice? Would your pets be eating your face or what would really happen, you know?"
Oh my.
I had not listened to that bhtv conversation perhaps as well as I should have.
Maxine? Dearie? May I email you? I may want your opinion on a few important questions.
Congratulations, but you need to shed this morbid fascination with Cincinnati-style chili (sic) and have the wedding catered by these folks:
A *much* better choice, IMO.
Again, congratulations.
Congratulations to you both.
(peter hoh wins the thread.)
Congratulation to you both, and here's to many, many years of wedded ignorance!
Wow! This gives new hope to lonely stalkers everywhere!
A sincere congratulations to both of you. Or, to use an archaic and, I guess, sexist saying, congratulations to him and best wishes to you.
Now, how will this affect your blogging? See, it's always about us readers.
I tease, really I do.
Good on ya, Professor.
Long life and love to you both!
BTW, is that Meade's pooch in the picture from Cincy?
Congratulations and best wishes!
Congratulations! I look forward to the blogged wedding.
Congratulations, Ann!
Take a few days off and look what happens! I can't leave you two alone for one minute!
My religion doesn't recognize heterosexual marriage.
In fact, just talking about your "engagement" offends me. It's a violation of my religious rights.
Wow! I did not see this coming. Congrats, Professor and Meade! What a nice thing to see on a Monday morning... even if the post was made on a Sunday night. :D
Everybody else: We in the comments need a couple of volunteers. Maxine needs help getting back up on her rocker.
In all earnestness, thank you all for the kind, funny, cheerful, optimistic congratulations and well wishes. I am touched even by Maxine's hilarious attention.
Thank you, each and everyone.
Congrats and wow!
Look! An extremely rare Sippican sighting!
Thanks, everyone (esp. Meade)!
Everyone assumes a wedding. You can get married without having a wedding.
The more public the marriage, the more public the failure.
I give it two years, three years max.
You’ll get bored.
But you can always blog the divorce!
Congratulations to the both of you. As the toast goes, may trouble and misfortune follow you all the days of your life -- and never manage to catch up. Best wishes.
Does Meade get his own tag now?
I'm jealous.
I wish you all the joy I've had in married life, and that ain't no lie.
Congratulations! I wish you nothing but the best.
That you'll get a mix of good and bad can hardly be blamed on me.
But can you get married without a party?
I hope you live blog the wedding - your live blogs are such fun!
Congratulations again! You guys really made my day.
You can get married without having a wedding.
Do you sense the collective disappointment from your female commenters?
Wow way to go Althouse and Meade! I wish you both the best of luck! Congratulations!
So, I read the first part and then looked at the talking heads and said, "good heavens, she's not marrying that guy, is she? He looks like a woman."
Then of course, I realized I had it all terribly, terribly wrong.
Congratulations, Ms. Althouse. May you have a lifetime of happiness.
You will, of course, be keeping your name?
You can get married without having a wedding.
Do you sense the collective disappointment from your female commenters?
Not from this one!
Hooray for off-blog Althouse.
Big congrats! I suspect this is going to be a very happy, and continuing happy, decision. If you know who you are, are comfortable with yourself and with the other, can be just good friends with peace and joy, marriage is wonderful.
At this point in your lives I suspect you both are beyond the angst and can embrace the fun and companionship.
So... is the wedding going to be live-blogged?
Heh. Everyone keeps talking about a live-blogged wedding. As if...
Have I said congratulations in this thread? Congratulations!
Congratulations and much joy ahead!
" Ann Althouse said...
Thanks, everyone (esp. Meade)!
Everyone assumes a wedding. You can get married without having a wedding."
No! Noooooooo!!! Don't do it!
You MUST have a bloggerheads-type wedding, with you on one side and Meade on the other. And it must be webcast for all to see!
Tibore wrote: You MUST have a bloggerheads-type wedding, with you on one side and Meade on the other. And it must be webcast for all to see!
Won't happen. Apparently, Meade is in the Federal Witness Protection Program.
Althouse, best wishes.
Meade, congratulations. What did your mother say? And how weird is it that The Elder (from the Goodbye to Cincy post) communicates with you through this blog. Is that your Big Sister watching you or your Big Brother?
What great news and an appropriate way to welcome Spring and Love to your faithful readership, family and friends.
Leave your laptops at home when you go on your honeymoon! We will struggle through somehow! LOL
Malthouse or Meadhouse? Either way, bottoms up.
Congrats, professor!!
Oh, Meade, yes, congratulations!
Congrats Lady!
I wish you many years of great happiness. :)
-Paleo Pat from politicalbyline dot com
Well, just to be safe, that's the last time I respond to a WickedPinto post over at Ace of Spades...
As an infrequent commenter, let me say "Congratulations and Best Wishes."
Ten years after my divorce I married the lovely woman who has been my wife now for almost 22 years. I say, "Go for it, Ann and Meade!" You never know if you don't try.
Meade, there are few better feelings than coming 'home' to a place where you know someone cares about you. Trust me on this one.
Congratulations Ann! Only in the Blogosphere could this happen --- may you both be happy!
After years of training by my wife, I can now knowingly and confidently say "Congratulations" to the man, and "Best Wishes" to Ann.
I can't tell you the number of times I have been kicked in the shin for congratulating the woman.
"Heh, heh, congratulations you lucky woman! You finally lured someone to take you off the meat hook in the display window."
Meade you old dog you. Congrats to you both. So is home going to mean Madison or Cincy?
Very cool, Professor Althouse. Many years of happiness for you and your beloved.
Although I expressed reservations about the container of Ortho-Klor, I believe that love overcometh all things, even termites in one's sheds. (The choice of "Meade" was a surprise. It's an odd name for a male commenter to pick, unless he is a fan of "Lux" Lewis.)
Charo, Stella Stevens, Lea Remni, Adrienne Barbeau, Thelma Hopkins and Jena Jamison
How can Trooper leave the great Margot Kidder out of this distinguished list?
I know Freeman Hunt likely has the record among commenters here for whiplash romance, but for me it was only 7 months from first date to wedding night, with more than half of that interval spent engaged. I'm all for the notion of not wasting any time when love is found.
My religion doesn't recognize heterosexual marriage.
You wacky gay religionists!
"I know Freeman Hunt likely has the record among commenters here for whiplash romance, but for me it was only 7 months from first date to wedding night, with more than half of that interval spent engaged."
My next door neighbors had a 6 day courtship. They were married for 73 yrs (he died just a few wweeks ago).
for me it was only 7 months from first date to wedding night, with more than half of that interval spent engaged. I'm all for the notion of not wasting any time when love is found.
Hear, hear! If you know, you know.
If Meade doesn't do his part around the house, will you ban his comments until he straightens up and flys right?
This is so cool on many levels.
1. Two people have found each other.
2. They did it through a means that would never have been available before. "Teh Internets"
Just think. Without this technology, the two people would still not know each other much less be engaged.
The miracles of technology indeed.
I'm not drinking the Kool Aid on this one.
Who is this Meade character, really?
Congratulations to both of you. I wish you a long and happy life together.
As for Maxine, let me just offer this quote from Hamlet (Facebook News Feed Version): "What is wrong with you?"
Oh, and amba: regarding driving fast, did you perhaps notice that the Professor here doesn't drive a Prius? :-)
Who is this Meade character, really?
You may be on to something here. Have you noticed we've never seen Meade and Richard Cohen in the same place at the same time?
"mcg said...
You may be on to something here. Have you noticed we've never seen Meade and Richard Cohen in the same place at the same time?"
No, but it disturbs me greatly that we never see Titus and Richard Simmons together? Coincidence??
Ok, who's next? I still have Abe Vigoda on my list of people to compare commenters to.
I'm late to the party, but best wishes and congrats!
I've always believed that one doesn't find love, it finds you and often when you least expect it. Your recent photos radiate love, happiness and contentment. What more could one wish?
I'm a little late to the party, but congratulations!
Way to go, Althouse.
Now I really wish that I hadn't missed the meet-up in Cincinnati. I was in Dayton the day before on business; if it had been held the day before, I would have asked for the address.
Ann, I send my very best wishes to you and Meade.
In early 1996, my husband and I (two early adopters) met each other on an early-generation writers bulletin board. Two months later we met in person and had an amazing first date. A few weeks later on our second date, shaking in his boots, he proposed. Shaking in my own boots, I accepted. By the end of the summer we were married.
Many years later, we are both so grateful we had the courage to do what we knew was right, even though our decision-making process was far from mainstream. My husband is still my biggest hero, and I am still his.
Bliss is where you find it, not where others think it should be.
Does the dog know he's going to be kicked out of the bed. That's the sad part.
Congratulations! Assuming that's his dog in the recent photos, looks like what breed you will get has been decided? (Definitely not a standard he / she a mutt? Part GSD?)
Late to the party but congratulations!
Althouse and Meade haven't even spent the equivalent of one month in face-to-face contact with each other.
Stolen kisses, and sporadic meet-ups hardly constitute a reasonable courtship. And, a Google-Search is not an adequate background check.
Yes, Ann doesn't even know if any of Meade's prior comments are anti-Semitic. Go away, Ezra Klein.
Congratulations! I love that the blog itself evidences how completely absorbed you've been by your time together. Very touching.
That's really sweet. Congratulations!
I hope to start a vicious rumor. Althouse had to be photo's wearing her engagement ring on her pinky because Meade had the ring size wrong.
Ann, will you??
"You know this ring doesn't fit, Meadey."
And a notation that with her own famous Blog and Diva-hood, Ann is in a marvelous position to post and link up her own Bridal Registry and those slinky little items from LeeLee's Valise.
Tomorrow, I hope to have my router installed, and to have internet connectivity again. I've been Twittering to that effect. But I just need to take today to say:
The internet is a beautiful thing, but two soul mates finding each other has no name.
Best of luck to you both. And now, to anticipate the wedding photoblog. SHIVERS.
FYI: I have been reading your blog for years and originally found it looking for photos of the Madison campus.
I'm happy for you--and Meade.
My wife's best friend met her husband on the internet (originally 3,000 miles apart!). They've been married ten years and are grateful every day for finding each other.
Wow! How romantic. Congrats to the happy couple.
Congratulations, Professor Althouse. I see an epistolary novel coming out of this.
Congratulations, professor Althouse!
It sure seemed like something was up, so to speak. Congratulations, and best wishes to you both.
So, the "in case we should ever meet IRL" advice to Meade on 2/12/09 was not actual misdirection? I guess that qualifies as a "whirlwind courtship" though the interweb communication thing certainly modifies old assumptions.
As if personal questions get answered in any but their own time here on the blog called Althouse...
I am counting on a wedding so I can start a new blog Weddings, with Martha Stewart type tips on making your own 900 layered cake with sugar paste pixels and bouquets of native plants--(I guess in Wisconsin that's hops and barley).
Oh, and , Maxine, what a pill. You will not be writing the advice column in the wedding blog.
No way, girl.
peter hoh said...
Tibore wrote: You MUST have a bloggerheads-type wedding, with you on one side and Meade on the other. And it must be webcast for all to see!
Won't happen. Apparently, Meade is in the Federal Witness Protection Program.
I've just been assuming Meade is Thomas Pynchon...
Oh, and Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple.
Ann, I met my wife online at first and we spoke online for over a year before we met. It was months after that when we decided to see if the connection we felt was transferable to real life.
That was eight years ago. We're still together and married now these last seven years.
It can work. Go for it. Best of luck.
Regards, Steve
Aw, no wedding?
Didn't we all want to see Althouse go full Bridezilla on us?
It is strange how two people can know so soon it is right. My brother went on a blind date, the first date he ever had. He came home that night and told me he was going to marry her. He did a year later and they just celebrated their 54th anniversary on St Patrick's Day.
Note to self: just because I'm not going to play the BH clip, that doesn't mean I can just ignore the text that goes alongside it.
Note to the (presumably happy) couple: Congratulations!
Congratulations, Prof. A!
Meade and Ms. Althouse,
Congratulations and best of luck.
Just when I almost had the nerve to let you know how I felt about you and that I wanted to pursue our future together. Snooze - I loose. Congrats to you both
I've been blogging since 2004 and all I get are a thousand offers a week for C!alis. . . . .
Holy Moly, I didn't see that one coming. What could Meade have said in comments or email (or pic attached to email) that distinguished him from the horde?
Oh, forgot to say, congrats to you both.
Maxine: Thanks for expressing your opinion. Love, Meade
Simon: Thank you.
traditionalguy: So true. Thanks.
Synova: Thank you!
Maguro: Thanks!
Balfegor: Wow! Cool! Thank you!
Joe M.: Thank you, again.
Roux: Very nice.
stonelight: Thank you!
Pogo: Very sweet. Thank you.
SippicanCottage : Nice. Thank you.
Beth: Thank you, again.
Lem: Very nice. Excellent Morrissey tune.
Ruth Anne Adams: Wise words... many thanks. Nice to see you.
blogging cockroach: Delighted!
veni vidi vici: Thanks.
Maggie45: Go raibh maith agat.
john: Thank you.
section9: Thank you.
JAL: Very nice.
Host with the Most: Interesting idea. I defer to my bride-to-be. And may all your romantic dreams come true.
Issob Morocco: Thank you, Morocco Bros.
save_the_rustbelt: Debatable, of course, but thanks!
Henry Buck: Yes! Very touching. Thanks again.
Jason (the commenter): Thank you!
Maxine: This is where you go from being hilariously entertaining to intolerably creepy. Please consider seeking professional help. Love, Meade
David: I like Bella DePaulo. And thanks again!
Hector Owen: Thank you! Thank you!
Paul Worthington: Thank you.
Bill White: Thank you! Congratulations to you. May you enjoy many more sets of 13 years together!
Jana: Thanks for the heartfelt flutters.
Eli Blake: Thank you! My favorite Meade comment was the one where I said how about dinner and a movie? and she said "okay but you have to come to Madison." So I did.
chuck b.: Thank you!
Xmas: Cool. (I think.)
Synova: Very true. Thanks.
Palladian: Thank you and thank you.
Zachary Paul Sire: Thanks again.
Mark Daniels: Very nice. Thank you!
dualdiagnosis: Thank you.
Sir Archy: I am touched by your kind spirit. Thank you, sir.
Fen?: Thanks.
Chip Ahoy: Thank you. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
David: ha ha
Harsh Pencil: Softly written. Thanks.
John Stodder: Thank you! Answer: 5 years.
Guy Murray: Will do!
TitusItIsABeautifulDay!!!!: Thank you.
Trooper York: Thanks for your efforts.
blake: Hmm... yes.
Gahrie: Thank you!
Darcy: Very nice. Thank you.
Troop, Zach, Titus: Ha ha! Of course I "like the gay." Be happy, be gay!
amba: Okay, I'll try to slow down for safety sake. Thanks.
peter hoh: Thank you. Yay words!
EDH: Ha! Thanks.
XWL: Thanks. Profile? Again I'll defer to my lovely Intended.
yashu: Very sweet. Thank you!
Alex: Oh.
Matt: Ha ha!
AllenS: Thank you!
AlgonquinS: Thank you too!
johnny phenothiazine: Yup! Nope! Thank you.
American Liberal Elite: Thank you!
Bissage: Yes! yes! Yes! I do. Yes, yes, yes, yes. THANK YOU TIMES INFINITY! (oh brother of the zone 6b!)
An Edjamikated Redneck: Thank you! Great meeting you and everyone else last Thursday!
Michael Hasenstab: Thank you very much.
joated: Thank you!
Sid: Oh!
peter hoh: psst -- her favorites list is extremely long.
Sissy Willis: *smile* Thank you.
Greg: Thanks, again.
Scrutineer: Thank you.
Ignorance is Bliss: Ha! Thank you.
Kevin: Thank you. Ha!
TRO: Sincere thank you.
Crimso: Thanks! It is not my dog.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi: Thank you!
MadisonMan: Thank you!
mcg: Thank you!
downtownlad: The religious right to be offended? I don't believe it.
Tibore: Thanks!
Lawgiver: Wow! Thanks!
Ann Althouse: You're welcome, darling! I hereby delegate all wedding assuming to you.
L. Lohan: Thanks for pointing out the silver lining!
Big Mike: Thank you. Cheers!
rdkraus: Ha! Thank you, and that ain't no lie neither.
K T Cat: Thank you! You shall be held harmless. :-)
lacegrl130: Thank you!
knox: Thank you again!
AJ Lynch: Thank you!
Paddy O.: Thanks! And thanks for the thoughts expressed.
Freeman Hunt: Thank you!
k*thy: Thank you much!
lohwoman: Thank you. Ha ha. Mother said she already loves her. And sibs all pleased.
vet66: Thanks. We hope to eventually meet you all.
Henry: Thank you. Ha ha!
ElcubanitoKC: Thank you!
Paleo Pat: Nice!
Dave: Nice story. I will trust you on that one. Thanks.
JSF: Thanks.
Quayle: Heh, heh. Thanks.
garage mahal: Woof. Thanks.
former law student: Thank you.
mcg: Thanks for sharing your whiplash.
EnigmatiCore: Thank you!
Crimso: Sorry for the loss of your neighbor.
Ernst Stavro Blofeld: Ha ha!
Dust Bunny Queen: Thank you! Yes -- miracles of technology.
jdeeripper: Calm yourself... no one offered you any Kool Aid on this one. If only you knew how to be funny, you could be... Maxine.
Peter V. Bella: Thank you very much.
Kirk Parker: Thank you!
Jim O: Thanks.
mcg: Richard and I have been friends for years. I'm eager to meet him in person someday soon.
BJM: Thanks!
Salamandyr: Thank you!
Seven Machos: Nice.
Pastafarian: Thanks! Sorry we missed you.
Ann Lee Gibson: Thank you for your beautiful personal story.
rhhardin: She has her own bed and she's very happy in it but thanks for caring.
howzerdo: Thank you! Dog is a mutt.
Hoosier Daddy: Thank you!
Thief: Heh.
Jennifer: Nice. Thank you!
onparkstreet: Thank you!
Cederford: "Meadey" LOL!
vbspurs: THANK YOU!!! and Cheers!
Purpleslog: Thanks! Cool!
Roger Sweeny: Thank you. Interesting.
essaybee: Wow! Thanks!
C. Schweitzer: Nice!
Jay: Nice!
Hazy Dave: Thank you. Yes, it was great advice.
cf: Thank you.
KLDAVIS: Ha! Thank you.
Cernig: Nice!
blake: Heh!
dick: Nice!
BJK: Thank you!
Beldar: Nice!
RHSwan: Thank you.
dwemslie: Thanks. Now wake up and, as she says, "raise your game!"
Anthony: Oh. Well, don't give up.
John K.: I think it might've been something like, "Wanna go out with me?" Plus the green pants, of course.
Oh, and thanks.
Wow. Happy news for a change of pace.
Best of luck you two.
I hope you live blog the wedding - your live blogs are such fun!
Has anyone designed a wedding dress with a harness for suspending a laptop just beneath the bouquet?
So, the "in case we should ever meet IRL" advice to Meade on 2/12/09 was not actual misdirection?
Evidently not.
If you want to time it, find the post with the breakfast on the stove.
Saturday, February 28, 2009.
@amba Here's that post. But actually the action begins here.
So breakfast was the second date. Close enough!
Congratulations. Marriage really is a good thing.
Judging from its enemies.
Alex, you ought to take back your comparison of Maxine to an ass. It's insulting to asses.
You know what? I just want to say that what Meade did at 3:54 was exceedingly cool.
(He didn’t have to thank us like he did, but he did, but he did . . . and I thank him.)
His Herculean exertions reminded me of the receiving line in the church where I got married. (Before I stepped inside the church I slipped into my shoes a pair of Dr. Scholl’s asbestos air-pillow insoles® – my feet once caught fire in a synagogue – it was sort of embarrassing.)
Anyway, back in the receiving line, after the 15th or 20th well-wisher I got light-headed. The room started spinning and I felt myself go weak in the knees.
I got so discombobulated, after the 50th person or so I think I might have started grabbing people’s hands with both my hands and looking them straight in the eye and saying things right back at them. Things like “You must be so very proud” and “That’s quite a little cutie you’ve got there” and “When do you leave for your honeymoon?”
(If anybody thought I was acting strangely . . . I didn't notice.)
So . . . enough about me . . . Mr. Meade (if I may call you that), thank you for thanking us.
And . . .
Prof A: Best Wishes.
Meade: Congratulations.
500 miles later, I'm back in Madison.
And you wanna know what?
I'm going to link to this song because, by God, I like it.
And when I say I like it . . . I mean I really, really, REALLY like it!!!
And maybe, just maybe, it's on point.
Maybe . . .
Dah Daht Dah!1!!!!!
Meade Muses:
Ah, the time I’ve spent on this blog
The Anchor, off-beat pedagogue.
But I’m far from sock puppet,
My comments grownup-et.
And now I’m quite simply agog.
Congratulations and best wishes to you both!
Sort of late here, but congratulations!
Congratulations, Althouse and Meade! Can we expect a liveblogged wedding?
Wow--I skip reading the blog for one day, and look what happens.
Althouse and Meade, congrats to you both!
ajf: Thank you!
Beau : Thanks
Kent: Thank you. Heh.
Bissage: Hilarious! Thanks again.
From Inwood: Thank you. Nice verse!
Frodo Potter: Thank you!
Kurt: Thank you!
Prosecutorial Indiscretion: Thank you!
Kev: That should teach you to never skip a day of Althouse! :) Thanks!
I wish you both happiness. May you find Fred and Jeri did!
Sweet Mary Mother of God! I just ran across this....
Congratulations Ann Althouse! And Sir Meade, congrats to both of you!!
Wow - congratulations!
I thought Cincinnati was being seen and shared through a strangely romantic lens.
I will pay closer attention to my comments from here forward...
When I saw the bloggingheads thing, I naturally assumed you were marrying Bella DePaulo. Are you?
Well, that's what I get for drinking on the weekend. Congratulations to you both. And yes love at first sight is generally the best. I've been happily married for over twenty years. It took two dates. But Ann and Meade, you haven't answered the really important question: where are you registered? I live to have stuff engraved.
Wow. And I thought you were gay!
Fred4Pres: Very nice. Thanks!
Anton: Thank you, sir!!
Brad V: Thank you! Ha ha... whatever you do, never give up commenting...
M. Bouffant: It's my understanding that she isn't.
RR Ryan: Thank you. Will let you know. I'm lobbying for WalMart but I only get one vote.
Chuckles: We are... we're both gay as can be. Thank you.
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