It's the perfect way to get out country back on track, morality wise. Keep making completely harmless things taboo, and those who need to rebel and feel dangerous will do them and feel fulfilled.
Sneaking bottled water at work becomes the new bottle of scotch hidden in your drawer. Candy is considered a gateway drug. A restaurant without calories on the menu is the new speakeasy.
In Liberal Utopia, the only cold bottled drink you will be able to buy from a store will be a Coke, with its 160 calories of high fructose corn syrup. Or a Diet Coke, with god knows what in it.
No, if you want to drink water in Liberal Utopia, you'll have to carry an aluminium bottle of tepid tap water around with you all day, culturing bacteria on the top every time you drink from it.
Yum yum.
What Gavin could do to discourage bottled water consumption is to install a network of water fountains. Make SF look like Rome.
A Public morality that is so stupid that it cannot hurt anything is not worth the trouble it takes. Everyone ignores it, or takes pride in keeping silly rules like do not fart, or do not wear Blue Jeans. Have fun keeping the world safe for legalism while replacing Moses' Ten hard ones, which are now Unconstitutional to mention according to our new High Priests.
Wasn't it the lefty-coaster types who started the bottled water craze way back when? Remember that scene in Heathers "Lot's of people drink bottle water." "Yeah, but in Ohio?".
So now that everybody is doing it, They Who Must Be Better Than Us have come up with a new indicator of correct thoughts and attitudes. Why can't they just drink out of the tap?
Around 1977...Perrier...first in chi-chi restaurants as a way for them to make more money...then in "cool" grocery stores in upscale towns.
No one used to drive around drinking sodas, coffee, or water in their cars, much less eating in cars. Children did not need to be 'hydrated' when they played.
A classic case of selling freezers to Eskimos. A totally unnecessary product.
More than half of all Americans (54%) drink bottled water, and about 36% imbibe regularly (more than once a week).
I don't drink bottled water. I already pay, through my taxes, for the stuff that comes out of the tap. Why would I pay again? But I have half a mind to start.
The story of White Rock dates back to 1871 when a pharmacist named H.M. Colver purchased the White Rock natural spring and its surrounding 60 acres in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local Potawatomi Indians and settlers believed that the spring’s sparkling mineral water, which filtered through 1,400 feet of white magnesian rocks, held some medicinal power or value.
Capitalizing on the legend, Colver landscaped the grounds, built a pavilion and promoted the spring as a destination for vacationers and health seekers. A steamboat carried passengers to the grounds complete with spring house and later a health hotel. Within 5 years, Colver was bottling the spring’s water for distribution throughout the country and Waukesha had gained the acclaim as “Saratoga of the West.”
By the 1890’s, White Rock had become America’s largest selling sparkling table water and mixer. This was due in part to the transition from a medicinal beverage to a sophisticated beverage with a quality that allowed it to be served alone or with alcohol.
The modern pagans, who worship water and all things natural, make increasingly byzantine rules to comply with their religion.
It essentially involves complete submission to the State, He Who Must Be Obeyed. This explains its alarming agreement with that religion whose very name which literally means 'submission'.
"The mayor occassionally slips, said his spokesman, Nathan Ballard. But in this case, the bottled water belonged to the mayor's security detail and wasn't purchased with city funds, Ballard said."
Given that the whole objection to bottled water is the pollution impact from the empty bottles, how the hell does it matter that it wasn't purchased by the city? What, do privately obtained bottles go to a different dump or something? (*rolls eyes*)
Clearly the penalties for bottled water use need to be increased. One finger per bottle seems a fair warning. Of course, then Mayor Gavin Newsom would be called "stumpy".
Seriously though, isn't SanFran just the pussiest state in the Union?
Sometimes, when you're in the middle of a really exhausting session of adulterous sex with your aide's wife, you just grab the closest source of water you can find.
But then, when you come to your senses, you feel guilty about driking bottled water, becuase we all know that is wrong.
How can the spokesman says that the Mayor "will be the first to admit" when te mayor was caught be a reporter and outed as a closet drinker? That makes him the last to admit. What a tool.
Vagrant clogged streets, dog doo everywhere, and little female officers to protect you. I've done my work well. Why do they complain? From a distance it's still quite a view.
San Fransisco has fallen off the cliff since 2005. With its smarmy vagrant culture and Foreign born store owners and an underlying rebel hostility in the air, the City by the Bay has hit a critical mass of filth and banality. Just drive on by to Sonoma valley or to Salinas valley and you miss nothing but a big disappointment.
Newsom may complain, but I notice a clear reduction in highway trash (especially plastic bottles) every time I cross the border form Arizona into California (and I have reason to go there about once a year.)
Return laws work, and instead of the present piecemeal set of laws why not just pass a national return law?
Maybe because it would be a big expense to retailers and a huge pain in the ass to citizens? I put all my recyclables in the recycling bin like a good little bot. I do not litter. But now, because of inconsiderate slobs, I have to schlep all my bottles back to the grocery store every week? I'm getting really tired of picking up for other people's messes (See: mortgage, bailout plan).
San Fransisco has fallen off the cliff since 2005. With its smarmy vagrant culture and Foreign born store owners and an underlying rebel hostility in the air, the City by the Bay has hit a critical mass of filth and banality.
Or as Ben Kenobi would have said, you won't find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.
I'm getting really tired of picking up for other people's messes
That's because you're an insensitive bastard and not a really caring and compassionate person like our liberal comrades...I mean friends here at Althouse.
Just becuase you're a responsible individual doesn't mean everyone else is and if you're so responsible, then a little added responsibility won't kill you. Think of someone other than yourself for a change.
Of all the stupid...! I know people who ARE proud of drinking bottled water and their ability to discern between plain bottled water and reverse osmosis water. I have friends who turn up their noses when they ask for water and I turn on the tap. I work with people who can't walk to the restroom without carrying a bottle of water with them. It's such an infantile habit...always something to suck on.
As much as I think that drinking bottled water is an affectation, apologizing for drinking it is even worse. I don't recycle. I also buy bottled water once in awhile. I won't apologize for either.
The Marxist Dilemma 101:After a while humans value everything at what level it has cost them. They value the children they raised. They value what they worked hard for. They value what they sacrificed for. NEVER will they value what was given to them for free. At that price it seems to be a nothing since everyone else got it too, and they think another one will always come for free. Good luck getting anyone to work for free government handouts. The spring weather is coming and with their vested Rich Peoples wealth transfers payments voters will require a six month Sabatical to enjoy their birthrights, from you still working suckers. Obama Knows this. All Communists know this up close and personal. So why are the Democrats doing it anyway?
I thought the Church Lady had self righteousness nailed, but I know fundamentalists (that old inaccurate stereotypic buzz word) who are more liberated than these guys.
But you wait. Any minute now. Any minute now. They are going to discover that CFLs are BAD for the children. They are BAD for the enviromment. They are BAD for the whales. And SF too.
Have you ever TASTED the water from the tap in San Francisco? Horrible.
Of course, I'm spoiled. The water in our area is pristine. We have artesian wells for our "public" water system and throughout the area. The water is old water and very very cold. Even in the summertime when it is hot, our well water is so cold, you can't keep your hands in it for any extende period of time. By old I mean that there are no markers of atomic activity. Minerals and trace elements are practically non existant too. Good cold water.
"A series or group of major springs discharge into the valley from the northerly plateau escarpment. These springs are substantial with sustained flows measured at 1,400- to 2,000-cubic feet per second"
The source of the springs is a mystery but the hydrologists feel that the water comes from quite a distance away, perhaps as far as Oregon.
That smarmy prick actually has his eye on the White House if you can believe it. He hit on my wife a couple of years ago when she was video taping a spot for UC on new screening devices at SFO where he was attending for a photo-op. She of course despises him (and all the Marxist scum that comprise the modern Democrat party) and told him where he could stick it.
FLS said:What Gavin could do to discourage bottled water consumption is to install a network of water fountains.
Yeah, you've obviously not been downtown in the last two decades. The homeless/junkies would be pissing/bathing/vomiting in them and the Emo-Vandals would take the handles.
As another commenter wisecracked, SF is already Rome, circa 476 AD.
Art Agnos handed SF over to the Ostrogoths and the City has declined to the point that it's barely recognizable. We fled our SoMa loft in 97 and Yang Sing is the only reason to return nowadays.
@Great White Father -- you certainly can sell refrigerators to Eskimos. They use it to keep the food warm. Oops. You said "freezers." Never mind.
Okay, let's see if I have this right. The mayor has issued his fatwa against bottled water because the bottles clog the landfills. First of all, aren't the bottles recyclable? Why doesn't he get an aggressive recycling program in place? The argument against recycling soda cans and soda bottles is that they attract vermin but that will be less of a problem for water bottles. Secondly, he's wrong as a matter of fact. The bottles get smashed flat by bulldozers and take up hardly any space.
Liberals. Will there ever come a day when (1) they think before acting and try to figure out why they're wrong, and (2) they demand of themselves what they demand of others?
Also, San Francisco has never had a gay mayor but Cheyenne or Casper Wyoming-I always confuse the two does. Go figure.
Providence, Rhode Island has a gay mayor too.
Cambridge, Mass had a black gay mayor and now has a black lesbian mayor. But that is expected they are a bunch of commies. It is a fairly expensive city but commies nontheless. Also, Boston and Cambridge is tops in health care but they are a bunch of commies too.
What's this world coming to?
If Jackson, Mississippi ever has a gay mayor I am going to leave this country.
Big Mike... Don't confuse the Plastic Bottle sacrifices with facts. It's pointless to make rational arguments about waste or economy. THE ISSUE is the length of time that mother nature(the Earth Goddess)will remain offended by evidence of buried human trash.You see that Goddess has told her Priests that she demands this sacrifice to her be enacted into law. That's OK because only Christians and Jews really get Her mad, and the Supreme Archonate has decreed since 1962 that only the faith of Christians and Jews is illegal for the Government to tolerate, because of a constitutional amendment guaranteeing freedom of religious people from Government laws about religion. Again, its pointless to rationally argue with them.
Forbes had an interesting article on how cities are going to be reshaped by the economic crisis. It was fascinating. It talked about the 15 cities that are in big trouble and the cities that will continue to thrive.
You all should read it. I am sure it was liberal and commie but it was still interesting.
Detroit, Vegas, Phoenix are dieing. The average price of a home in Detroit is 18,000 now-wow-that is sad. Phoenix primarily grew threw real estate and now that is dead there. And all the buliding taking place in Vegas has stopped for the future.
New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles are still going to thrive. They have quite a bit of diversified industries. Even though Wall Street is a mess this article said New York will continue to be fine.
Which cities do you think will die and which will thrive during the near future?
Titus...The world monetary traffic will more and more depend on world trade that will focus in the US on the parts of America other countries are most familiar with. Your Forbes list covered regional american seaports well known in the import/export trade. You might add Dallas and Atlanta as regional centers well known overseas. Atlanta has also had an Olympics since the world trade in Pax Americana took off after the collapse of Soviet Union's co-dominance. Atlanta (Emory U) is also the CDC center for the world disease control expertice, and happily has full scheduled International Air Routes available.
Titussomethingorother : New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles are still going to thrive.
I don't think New York is going to thrive. Most of their revenue comes from a very few people who will either be taxed out of the city or have their incomes capped. And the city isn't going to be able to cut the pensions of city workers to reduce costs. Washington D. C. is the place to be now.
Thanks Traditionalguy. Interesting. I am fascinated with cities and I am equally fascinated by what is going to happen to our cities during this economic crisis.
It looks like Detroit is all but dead. I read Detroit still has over 900,000 people and is our 11th largest cities but is in huge trouble.
They don't believe that New York is going to lose its status as the Financial Capital of the World. Partially they said because the other cities that could take over NYC don't have the human capital that NYC does.
DC was on the Forbes list as one of the safest/best cities in terms of the economy. With all the contractors etc. it said DC is a safe bet to find good high paying jobs.
San Francisco is a horrible, wretched, evil place where everyone smokes pot and rapes children. The water is toxic sludge. Definitely, do not come here.
Traditionalguy has it right: If you absolutely must come to California, (may God help you), then Salinas is the best place for you. Better yet, stay in Southern California. The people there are muuuch better.
Have you ever TASTED the water from the tap in San Francisco?
Certainly. It's excellent. SF proper gets its water from Hetch Hetchy and it's some of the best tap water in the US. (Now if you're talking other parts of the Bay Area, some of the tap water is dire. But the city itself has good tap water.)
Titus, are you talking about San Francisco, or the San Francisco metro area? The SF area usually is considered to include San Jose and Silicon Valley, not to mention the Port of Oakland. Very different from just looking at the city itself.
I'd be kind of surprised if San Francisco is economically healthy. Too expensive to live there plus family-hostile policies plus business-hostile policies plus lots of programs for people who are living very chaotically equals economic trouble. It's gotten very bifurcated over the last twenty years or so, lots of rich people and lots of very poor people but no so many middle class and aspiring working class.
Most of these things don't apply to the rest of the SF metro area.
"Too expensive to live there plus family-hostile policies plus business-hostile policies plus lots of programs for people who are living very chaotically equals economic trouble."
Yes! We hate families. Want to destroy them. Outmoded, patriarchal, sexist concept that needs to be abolished to the dust bin of history!
I personally like to spit a loogie in to every passing baby stroller.
I've had San Francisco water and I don't remeber it as excellent. It may have started that way in the mountains, but I remember a high level of chlorination. But maybe my memory is poor.
I've never understood the logic of desert cities (e.g. Vegas, Phoenix). Large concentrations of people and no water. Seems unsustainable. LA and San Fran may also require piping in water, but they're ports, so there's logic to their existance. Vegas, not so much.
"Around 1977...Perrier...first in chi-chi restaurants as a way for them to make more money...then in "cool" grocery stores in upscale towns."
I drink Perrier as my main source of water. Perrier and sometimes Poland Spring water in glass bottles. I drink about 2-3 liters of Perrier a day and when the glass bottle is empty, I throw it in the trash! I also make my tea and coffee exclusively with Poland Spring water. Fuck you, San Francisco.
I haven't read all the comments but I can't believe I've seen no one point out the hypocrisy of Newsom defending marriage for gays as he was boinking his best friend (and campaign manager)'s wife. This bottled water thing is nothing by comparison.
I swear: living in a so-called society where people don't pass serious judgement on THAT kind of open (and repeated) hypocrisy, by what seems like the same cast of characters, is like living in a never-ending episode of The Sopranos.
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Is it corporate water?
I would do him. He is one of the hottest mayors in the country.
Reality is hard on idealists. He should stick with Kool Aid.
It's the perfect way to get out country back on track, morality wise.
Keep making completely harmless things taboo, and those who need to rebel and feel dangerous will do them and feel fulfilled.
Sneaking bottled water at work becomes the new bottle of scotch hidden in your drawer.
Candy is considered a gateway drug.
A restaurant without calories on the menu is the new speakeasy.
ooh, look how naughty we are.
But in this case, the bottled water belonged to the mayor's security detail and wasn't purchased with city funds, Ballard said.
I sense a cover-up. Where are Woodward and Bernstein when you need them?
To drink or not to drink bottle water, that is the question. Is it nobler to suffer the thirst...
Is this what the media is concerning itself with?
In Liberal Utopia, the only cold bottled drink you will be able to buy from a store will be a Coke, with its 160 calories of high fructose corn syrup. Or a Diet Coke, with god knows what in it.
No, if you want to drink water in Liberal Utopia, you'll have to carry an aluminium bottle of tepid tap water around with you all day, culturing bacteria on the top every time you drink from it.
Yum yum.
What Gavin could do to discourage bottled water consumption is to install a network of water fountains. Make SF look like Rome.
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
A Public morality that is so stupid that it cannot hurt anything is not worth the trouble it takes. Everyone ignores it, or takes pride in keeping silly rules like do not fart, or do not wear Blue Jeans. Have fun keeping the world safe for legalism while replacing Moses' Ten hard ones, which are now Unconstitutional to mention according to our new High Priests.
Wasn't it the lefty-coaster types who started the bottled water craze way back when? Remember that scene in Heathers "Lot's of people drink bottle water." "Yeah, but in Ohio?".
So now that everybody is doing it, They Who Must Be Better Than Us have come up with a new indicator of correct thoughts and attitudes. Why can't they just drink out of the tap?
Around 1977...Perrier...first in chi-chi restaurants as a way for them to make more money...then in "cool" grocery stores in upscale towns.
No one used to drive around drinking sodas, coffee, or water in their cars, much less eating in cars. Children did not need to be 'hydrated' when they played.
A classic case of selling freezers to Eskimos. A totally unnecessary product.
More than half of all Americans (54%) drink bottled water, and about 36% imbibe regularly (more than once a week).
From the "You can't make this stuff up" category.
I don't drink bottled water. I already pay, through my taxes, for the stuff that comes out of the tap. Why would I pay again? But I have half a mind to start.
Around 1977...Perrier
Around 1871 ... Waukesha Wisconsin
The story of White Rock dates back to 1871 when a pharmacist named H.M. Colver purchased the White Rock natural spring and its surrounding 60 acres in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local Potawatomi Indians and settlers believed that the spring’s sparkling mineral water, which filtered through 1,400 feet of white magnesian rocks, held some medicinal power or value.
Capitalizing on the legend, Colver landscaped the grounds, built a pavilion and promoted the spring as a destination for vacationers and health seekers. A steamboat carried passengers to the grounds complete with spring house and later a health hotel. Within 5 years, Colver was bottling the spring’s water for distribution throughout the country and Waukesha had gained the acclaim as “Saratoga of the West.”
By the 1890’s, White Rock had become America’s largest selling sparkling table water and mixer. This was due in part to the transition from a medicinal beverage to a sophisticated beverage with a quality that allowed it to be served alone or with alcohol.
The modern pagans, who worship water and all things natural, make increasingly byzantine rules to comply with their religion.
It essentially involves complete submission to the State, He Who Must Be Obeyed. This explains its alarming agreement with that religion whose very name which literally means 'submission'.
Good Lord... and people complain that religion is hectoring and guilt inducing.
Make SF look like Rome.
It already does.
Da hell?
"The mayor occassionally slips, said his spokesman, Nathan Ballard. But in this case, the bottled water belonged to the mayor's security detail and wasn't purchased with city funds, Ballard said."
Given that the whole objection to bottled water is the pollution impact from the empty bottles, how the hell does it matter that it wasn't purchased by the city? What, do privately obtained bottles go to a different dump or something? (*rolls eyes*)
Newsom opens his mouth and people cringe. It's nothing new. Move along.
Clearly the penalties for bottled water use need to be increased. One finger per bottle seems a fair warning. Of course, then Mayor Gavin Newsom would be called "stumpy".
Seriously though, isn't SanFran just the pussiest state in the Union?
Ack. City.
CA is the pussiest state. Or Oregon.
Canteens are cool, especially the kind with shoulder straps. They come with tin cups.
A hypocrite tag would get a lot of use here.
CA is the pussiest state. Or Oregon.
OK, but San Diego County doesn't vote like the rest of the state.
Hey, the Althouse theme today is pusillanimous.
"Pogo said...
Hey, the Althouse theme today is pusillanimous."
... oh.
"he occasionally indulges in bottled water"
He probably bathes in it.
Sometimes, when you're in the middle of a really exhausting session of adulterous sex with your aide's wife, you just grab the closest source of water you can find.
But then, when you come to your senses, you feel guilty about driking bottled water, becuase we all know that is wrong.
Shades of The Rutles! "The Right to Drink and Enjoy Tea"
A straight guy is mayor of San Francisco? How on earth did that happen? Was there a sale on leather over in Oakland on election day?
How can the spokesman says that the Mayor "will be the first to admit" when te mayor was caught be a reporter and outed as a closet drinker? That makes him the last to admit. What a tool.
Curse my typings.
Bottled water is not an indulgence.
Raspberries in February. That's an indulgence. Death's Door Gin. That's an indulgence (although it nearly borders on necessity in the Summer).
I apologize for being off-topic, but this is my gift to Ann's right-wing commenters: A portrait of the Obamessiah:
Thanks, FLS!
" Jason (the commenter) said...
"he occasionally indulges in bottled water"
He probably bathes in it."
A guy who bonked his chief of staff's wife is feeling guilty over drinking water?
He's running for governor of California, by the way.
Newsom Muses
Vagrant clogged streets, dog doo everywhere, and little female officers to protect you.
I've done my work well. Why do they complain? From a distance it's still quite a view.
He's running for governor of California, by the way.
That's alarming.
San Fransisco has fallen off the cliff since 2005. With its smarmy vagrant culture and Foreign born store owners and an underlying rebel hostility in the air, the City by the Bay has hit a critical mass of filth and banality. Just drive on by to Sonoma valley or to Salinas valley and you miss nothing but a big disappointment.
The answer is a return law for the U.S.
Newsom may complain, but I notice a clear reduction in highway trash (especially plastic bottles) every time I cross the border form Arizona into California (and I have reason to go there about once a year.)
Return laws work, and instead of the present piecemeal set of laws why not just pass a national return law?
Heh. The trend is obvious, isn't it? There's going to be a big bottled water backlash, with companies going under and all that.
And I just started drinking bottled water, too. Always unfashionably late.
why not just pass a national return law?
Maybe because it would be a big expense to retailers and a huge pain in the ass to citizens? I put all my recyclables in the recycling bin like a good little bot. I do not litter. But now, because of inconsiderate slobs, I have to schlep all my bottles back to the grocery store every week? I'm getting really tired of picking up for other people's messes (See: mortgage, bailout plan).
San Fransisco has fallen off the cliff since 2005. With its smarmy vagrant culture and Foreign born store owners and an underlying rebel hostility in the air, the City by the Bay has hit a critical mass of filth and banality.
Or as Ben Kenobi would have said, you won't find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.
I'm getting really tired of picking up for other people's messes
That's because you're an insensitive bastard and not a really caring and compassionate person like our liberal comrades...I mean friends here at Althouse.
Just becuase you're a responsible individual doesn't mean everyone else is and if you're so responsible, then a little added responsibility won't kill you. Think of someone other than yourself for a change.
"It's not something he's proud of."
Of all the stupid...! I know people who ARE proud of drinking bottled water and their ability to discern between plain bottled water and reverse osmosis water. I have friends who turn up their noses when they ask for water and I turn on the tap. I work with people who can't walk to the restroom without carrying a bottle of water with them. It's such an infantile habit...always something to suck on.
As much as I think that drinking bottled water is an affectation, apologizing for drinking it is even worse. I don't recycle. I also buy bottled water once in awhile. I won't apologize for either.
It's unfortunate that more people will probably get a negative impression of him from this trivial story than from something important. Such as his support for not just for illegal activity, but for violent criminals. Not only that, but on his watch SF developed a scheme that lets banks profit from money that was earned illegally and that enables other forms of illegal activity.
It's all a sleazy web of illegality, and even the local paper took notice of part of it.
The Marxist Dilemma 101:After a while humans value everything at what level it has cost them. They value the children they raised. They value what they worked hard for. They value what they sacrificed for. NEVER will they value what was given to them for free. At that price it seems to be a nothing since everyone else got it too, and they think another one will always come for free. Good luck getting anyone to work for free government handouts. The spring weather is coming and with their vested Rich Peoples wealth transfers payments voters will require a six month Sabatical to enjoy their birthrights, from you still working suckers. Obama Knows this. All Communists know this up close and personal. So why are the Democrats doing it anyway?
I want to go on record right now and state that I like bottled water. I drink a lot of it.
Bottled water is good.
Did you all know San Francisco has the largest output of product of any city in the US?
Guess, what is second? Hartford, Ct.
I bottle my own.
So there.
Do the nannies get tired of the nanny state?
I thought the Church Lady had self righteousness nailed, but I know fundamentalists (that old inaccurate stereotypic buzz word) who are more liberated than these guys.
But you wait. Any minute now. Any minute now. They are going to discover that CFLs are BAD for the children. They are BAD for the enviromment. They are BAD for the whales. And SF too.
And some people will get to say: "I told you so."
I leave the water running when I brush my teeth.
Have you ever TASTED the water from the tap in San Francisco? Horrible.
Of course, I'm spoiled. The water in our area is pristine. We have artesian wells for our "public" water system and throughout the area. The water is old water and very very cold. Even in the summertime when it is hot, our well water is so cold, you can't keep your hands in it for any extende period of time. By old I mean that there are no markers of atomic activity. Minerals and trace elements are practically non existant too. Good cold water.
"A series or group of major springs discharge into the valley from the
northerly plateau escarpment. These springs are substantial with sustained
flows measured at 1,400- to 2,000-cubic feet per second"
The source of the springs is a mystery but the hydrologists feel that the water comes from quite a distance away, perhaps as far as Oregon.
By old I mean that there are no markers of atomic activity.
Mike. Groundwater dating.
Oh, atomic bomb contaminents. Most (all) water has "atomic activity". The half life of Uranium is 4 Gyr.
Did you all know San Francisco has the largest output of product of any city in the US?
Output of what product? What does that mean?
That smarmy prick actually has his eye on the White House if you can believe it. He hit on my wife a couple of years ago when she was video taping a spot for UC on new screening devices at SFO where he was attending for a photo-op. She of course despises him (and all the Marxist scum that comprise the modern Democrat party) and told him where he could stick it.
FLS said:What Gavin could do to discourage bottled water consumption is to install a network of water fountains.
Yeah, you've obviously not been downtown in the last two decades. The homeless/junkies would be pissing/bathing/vomiting in them and the Emo-Vandals would take the handles.
As another commenter wisecracked, SF is already Rome, circa 476 AD.
Art Agnos handed SF over to the Ostrogoths and the City has declined to the point that it's barely recognizable. We fled our SoMa loft in 97 and Yang Sing is the only reason to return nowadays.
@Great White Father -- you certainly can sell refrigerators to Eskimos. They use it to keep the food warm. Oops. You said "freezers." Never mind.
Okay, let's see if I have this right. The mayor has issued his fatwa against bottled water because the bottles clog the landfills. First of all, aren't the bottles recyclable? Why doesn't he get an aggressive recycling program in place? The argument against recycling soda cans and soda bottles is that they attract vermin but that will be less of a problem for water bottles. Secondly, he's wrong as a matter of fact. The bottles get smashed flat by bulldozers and take up hardly any space.
Liberals. Will there ever come a day when (1) they think before acting and try to figure out why they're wrong, and (2) they demand of themselves what they demand of others?
In 2004, the Hartford metropolitan area ranked second per capita for economic activity, behind San Francisco which ranks number one in the US.
Also, San Francisco has never had a gay mayor but Cheyenne or Casper Wyoming-I always confuse the two does. Go figure.
Providence, Rhode Island has a gay mayor too.
Cambridge, Mass had a black gay mayor and now has a black lesbian mayor. But that is expected they are a bunch of commies. It is a fairly expensive city but commies nontheless. Also, Boston and Cambridge is tops in health care but they are a bunch of commies too.
What's this world coming to?
If Jackson, Mississippi ever has a gay mayor I am going to leave this country.
the gays are taking over.
Big Mike... Don't confuse the Plastic Bottle sacrifices with facts. It's pointless to make rational arguments about waste or economy. THE ISSUE is the length of time that mother nature(the Earth Goddess)will remain offended by evidence of buried human trash.You see that Goddess has told her Priests that she demands this sacrifice to her be enacted into law. That's OK because only Christians and Jews really get Her mad, and the Supreme Archonate has decreed since 1962 that only the faith of Christians and Jews is illegal for the Government to tolerate, because of a constitutional amendment guaranteeing freedom of religious people from Government laws about religion. Again, its pointless to rationally argue with them.
Forbes had an interesting article on how cities are going to be reshaped by the economic crisis. It was fascinating. It talked about the 15 cities that are in big trouble and the cities that will continue to thrive.
You all should read it. I am sure it was liberal and commie but it was still interesting.
Detroit, Vegas, Phoenix are dieing. The average price of a home in Detroit is 18,000 now-wow-that is sad. Phoenix primarily grew threw real estate and now that is dead there. And all the buliding taking place in Vegas has stopped for the future.
New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles are still going to thrive. They have quite a bit of diversified industries. Even though Wall Street is a mess this article said New York will continue to be fine.
Which cities do you think will die and which will thrive during the near future?
Not which cities do you want to die.
Huh. I don't see that about SFO on the Wiki. I do see highest per capita homelessness mentioned.
It's on Hartfords wiki page.
Titus...The world monetary traffic will more and more depend on world trade that will focus in the US on the parts of America other countries are most familiar with. Your Forbes list covered regional american seaports well known in the import/export trade. You might add Dallas and Atlanta as regional centers well known overseas. Atlanta has also had an Olympics since the world trade in Pax Americana took off after the collapse of Soviet Union's co-dominance. Atlanta (Emory U) is also the CDC center for the world disease control expertice, and happily has full scheduled International Air Routes available.
Titussomethingorother : New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles are still going to thrive.
I don't think New York is going to thrive. Most of their revenue comes from a very few people who will either be taxed out of the city or have their incomes capped. And the city isn't going to be able to cut the pensions of city workers to reduce costs. Washington D. C. is the place to be now.
Thanks Traditionalguy. Interesting. I am fascinated with cities and I am equally fascinated by what is going to happen to our cities during this economic crisis.
It looks like Detroit is all but dead. I read Detroit still has over 900,000 people and is our 11th largest cities but is in huge trouble.
They don't believe that New York is going to lose its status as the Financial Capital of the World. Partially they said because the other cities that could take over NYC don't have the human capital that NYC does.
DC was on the Forbes list as one of the safest/best cities in terms of the economy. With all the contractors etc. it said DC is a safe bet to find good high paying jobs.
Who the hell is Tittus? Do we now have an over-the-top boobophilic female poster?
That'd be, you know, interesting..
San Francisco is a horrible, wretched, evil place where everyone smokes pot and rapes children. The water is toxic sludge. Definitely, do not come here.
Traditionalguy has it right: If you absolutely must come to California, (may God help you), then Salinas is the best place for you. Better yet, stay in Southern California. The people there are muuuch better.
Thank you.
Have you ever TASTED the water from the tap in San Francisco?
Certainly. It's excellent. SF proper gets its water from Hetch Hetchy and it's some of the best tap water in the US. (Now if you're talking other parts of the Bay Area, some of the tap water is dire. But the city itself has good tap water.)
Titus, are you talking about San Francisco, or the San Francisco metro area? The SF area usually is considered to include San Jose and Silicon Valley, not to mention the Port of Oakland. Very different from just looking at the city itself.
I'd be kind of surprised if San Francisco is economically healthy. Too expensive to live there plus family-hostile policies plus business-hostile policies plus lots of programs for people who are living very chaotically equals economic trouble. It's gotten very bifurcated over the last twenty years or so, lots of rich people and lots of very poor people but no so many middle class and aspiring working class.
Most of these things don't apply to the rest of the SF metro area.
Don't even get me started on the mountains of trash blowing down the street or the armies of homeless people fucking on the sidewalks...
"Too expensive to live there plus family-hostile policies plus business-hostile policies plus lots of programs for people who are living very chaotically equals economic trouble."
Yes! We hate families. Want to destroy them. Outmoded, patriarchal, sexist concept that needs to be abolished to the dust bin of history!
I personally like to spit a loogie in to every passing baby stroller.
I've had San Francisco water and I don't remeber it as excellent. It may have started that way in the mountains, but I remember a high level of chlorination. But maybe my memory is poor.
I've never understood the logic of desert cities (e.g. Vegas, Phoenix). Large concentrations of people and no water. Seems unsustainable. LA and San Fran may also require piping in water, but they're ports, so there's logic to their existance. Vegas, not so much.
I lived in San Francisco in the early 90's Chuck B.
It was not a good time to live there.
I lost my partner there during that time.
I have a hard time even going back there now.
It has really bad memories for me.
I still think it is the most beautiful city in the US though.
It is also ranked most beautiful, Boston is second and NYC third. All cities I have lived in and all cities I love.
"Around 1977...Perrier...first in chi-chi restaurants as a way for them to make more money...then in "cool" grocery stores in upscale towns."
I drink Perrier as my main source of water. Perrier and sometimes Poland Spring water in glass bottles. I drink about 2-3 liters of Perrier a day and when the glass bottle is empty, I throw it in the trash! I also make my tea and coffee exclusively with Poland Spring water. Fuck you, San Francisco.
I haven't read all the comments but I can't believe I've seen no one point out the hypocrisy of Newsom defending marriage for gays as he was boinking his best friend (and campaign manager)'s wife. This bottled water thing is nothing by comparison.
I swear: living in a so-called society where people don't pass serious judgement on THAT kind of open (and repeated) hypocrisy, by what seems like the same cast of characters, is like living in a never-ending episode of The Sopranos.
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