February 22, 2009

Live-blogging the Oscars.

Hang out and watch with me.

7:28: I'm loving Tim Gunn gushing over the lady actors.

7:28: Hugh Jackman, he can sing and run around desperately on the stage, and oh! that gorgeous white foam in the corners of his mouth.

7:43: Best Supporting Actress ... a stripper need never take off her dignity with her clothes... blah blah... bullshit. Ugh! this is boring. So so stilted. But yay! Penélope Cruz, won. I love her.

7:52: "They're making the announcing of the nominees into a religious ceremony," IMs Chris (my son). Yes. Indeed. Good lord, it's deadly. This may go down as the most embarrassingly bad Oscars show of all time.

7:58: "Milk" wins original screenplay, and we get some mawkish bilge about the gays.

9:02: Sorry, my interest flagged...

9:09: Heath Ledger wins Best Supporting Actor and everyone acts all sanctimonious and morosely glum. Seriously, folks: Don't encourage suicidal behavior. The man had some talent. He performed a role. And he threw it all away. How about rewarding the living? I'm taking a break. Carry on without me. I find tonight's Oscars insipid and sickly. I'd rather live than sit through this embalming.

9:45: I went off and lived the real life for over an hour. Came back to the TiVo and found Jerry Lewis maundering about himself.

10:11: The Parade of the Dead. Marching to the tune of Queen Latifah singing "I'll Be Seeing You." She doesn't have the pipes for this song. It's painful. But take heart. The dead can't hear her. The agonizing death of this song has me rethinking my beliefs about euthanasia. Finally, we get to Paul Newman. We hear the only spoken word in the death sequence. The big difference between people, Paul says, is between those who have had "pleasure in love" and those who haven't. True enough. So turn off the fucking television and love somebody.

10:18: Danny Boyle wins Best Director. Appropriate. I agree. He hops up and down. He says it's in "the spirit of Tigger."

10:30: Best Actress. It's torture listening to presenting actresses' leaden praise of the actresses who longingly ache for the little gold man. The presenters are hogging camera time by talking slow slow slow. Thank God the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet because we're all tired as hell of hearing about how Kate Winslet has not won the Oscar yet. She gives a cheeseball speech about how as a little girl she pretended to do her Oscar acceptance speech with a shampoo bottle.

10:40: Now, the religious ritual for the Best Actor. Oh! It's so slow and dumb. This is the worst Oscar show ever. I have some things to do, but I'm hanging on to the end (after fast-forwarding through the whole rotten (I presume) center. Come on, give Mickey or Sean the damned man. And it's Sean! I approve!

10:44: "You commie, homo-loving sons of guns," says Sean. I'm going to pack it in now. I'm going to assume "Slumdog Millionaire" gets the Best Picture, and if it doesn't, I'll find out in the morning. So carry on without me, my friends.


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Roberto said...

joewxman said..."We've gone 3 hours and no one has even passed a line about how wonderful it is now that we've been liberated from the bush administration or something along those lines. But then again the night is still young."

See what I mean?

Even when they don't...you still bitch.

Why not just change the damn channel??

joewxman said...

the obits...my favorite part.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Get Queen Latifah outta there, I wanna see the dead people!

joewxman said...

okay this is a new low. Queen Latifah singing this incredibly insipid song with the graphics flipping in the background. Finally they get rid of her and pull the pics up fullscreen. At least i can see who they are now. UGH!

Tibore said...

Once again, I agree with Chris: I can handle Kate winning again.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did they do this lengthy obituary b4?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Get Queen Latifah outta there, I wanna see the dead people!


Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Ugh that segment didn't have ANY awards!

joewxman said...

Yes. The show died hours ago.

Patm said...

Jerry Lewis is in his 80's and he is OLD SCHOOL. He knows what is appropriate to the occasion - like his classy, short and humble speech. He and his generation would never have used their time at the mic to proselytize as atheist Bill Maher did, or to propagate their own propaganda.

I remember when Vanessa Redgrave used her oscar moment to talk about "zionist hoodlums" and then Paddy Chayefsky (who wrote "Network") and Frank Sinatra both took the opportunity to remind the boomer generation that everything is not always about them and their opinions.

The boomers, ever adolescent, still haven't learned it.

Tibore said...

Aw, damn... I was hoping Cinimatical would've had it right: They would've had currently living actors in the "In Memoriam" tribute. Wouldn't it be funny to see that?

"Jeremy Irons. 1948-present"... What have you done for us lately, man? (*snork*)

Roberto said...

Bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine...Bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine...Bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine...Bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine...Bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine, bitch & whine...

Roberto said...


joewxman said...

whine and bitch, whine and bitch, whine and bitch, whine and bitch, whine and bitch, etc etc etc.

prairie wind said...

I like Hugh Jackman: he hasn't blamed Bush for anything. I don't think he's even made any political jokes.

Queen Latifah looks big and shiny. She usually does better. About the dresses in general--I can't WAIT for sleeves to make a return. You'd think all those actresses would rebel against all the tape they have to use to keep strapless gowns up for hours. Queen Latifah has a shoulder strap, sure, but it looks like a sock got stuck to the dress in the laundry.

Kate Winslet wins for best dress.

So far, I have predicted 10 of 20 awards. Pretty good for someone who has seen only one of the nominated movies.

Reese Witherspoon looks absolutely terrible. I think it's her ears.

Roberto said...

Joe - Change the fucking channel, Dude.

Patm said...

Michael, do YOU have a life?

I mean, the second most pathetic thing in the world is hanging out online snarking about awards shows.

And the MOST pathetic thing is complaining about the people doing it.

Shouldn't you be making out with your Obama doll?

joewxman said...

Slumdog millionare winning director opines that he doesn't know what the show looks like from home but its great from there.

he must be at a different show.

Anonymous said...

The memorial sequence was a total trainwreck. I can't believe the show director didn't have a better plan. The multiple screens were nice for the folks at the Kodak, but in long shot you couldn't even see who was on them...I had to back up repeatedly to catch Cyd Charisse and Ricardo Montalban.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Yeah! Slumdog. Danny deserved it, he's got a bunch of good movies under his belt.

Patm said...

I think Queen Latifah is beautiful, and a big girl like that probably doesn't want a lot of fabric making her look bigger.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Why not just change the damn channel??

I'm too jaded to even try that.

Tibore said...

" Patm said...
Jerry Lewis is in his 80's and he is OLD SCHOOL. He knows what is appropriate to the occasion - like his classy, short and humble speech. "

That's what I was saying earlier. A complete lack of self-indulgence. How cool is that? Like I posted over in Victoria's blog, he just became cool again.

Roberto said...

Patm - Actually I'm visiting a number of blog sites, most of which are pretty much fun...probably because the people at many are film buffs/fans and enjoy movies.

Here, it's not the case.

Nothing but jealous whiners who probably haven't even seen any of the films.

But you already know that.

Tibore said...

Well, unless they get it done in the next two minutes, they're over. Just like I thought.


Wow! Does Halle Berry look awesome tonight or what??!!

Sorry, Marisa... I got a new love.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm going on a limb and say Kate is going to win..

Tibore said...

Yeah, Lem. Agreed.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm one for one... I'm quitting.

Michael said...

Boy, you guys just shouldn't have watched this one at all. I rather like that it's so international, and a number of the winners were rather witty (Philippe Petit stole the show). How can you not like an Oscars in which Werner Herzog gets to deliver his standard rap about how we're overloaded with images? Lewis was short and classy, Jackman's Top Hat number was lame but the Indian song performances were quite good (between A.R. Rahman and Once, the song category has gotten shockingly respectable), and right now Queen Latifah is singing "I'll Be Seeing You" for the montage of dead folks. The Oscars may be ending their era as a prominent popular event, but they're going out as the Tonys.

Tibore said...

Yep. Right as I hit "Publish".

Yeah... that's awesome. Kate. I like that win! She's on the road to becoming the Grand Dame of this current generation of actresses, and I'm glad I'm around to see it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Watching Kate I had forgotten she was british.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Yay, Kate Winslet finally won an Oscar!

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on! Best Actor's gonna be the most fun!

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like Jenkings but I doubt he'll win.

Mace said...

What an exercise in self-selected, elitist pomposity.

joewxman said...

Sean Penn!!! wow. a bit of a surprise here.

Anonymous said...

I take that back. I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

Patm said...

Funny, I'm looking at three other comments threads. No one is liking this program.

Sean Penn is a great actor. And a disgusting human being.

Roberto said...

Mace said...What an exercise in self-selected, elitist pomposity.

Didn't even see the movie...right?

Roberto said...

Patm - "Sean Penn is a great actor. And a disgusting human being."

Based on what?

His politics?

prairie wind said...

Sean Penn makes me sorry that he won. What talent he has for crushing the moment.

Patm said...

You don't have to see a movie to know someone is pompous and self-reverential. I mean, I didn't see Religulous and I know it about Maher.

joewxman said...

okay how many shots of the gay winner from earlier are we going to see? And finally we get an Obama mention though Mr Penn refers to him as an elegant man. Oh please spare us all.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Oh, I'm so happy that Sean Penn won Best Actor and that Milk won Screenplay, and that Kate Winslet won Actress. And also that Penelope Cruz won. So, overall, I'm quite happy with tonight, even though I wasn't blown away by Slumdog Millionaire.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Equal time..

Palin 2012.

Patm said...

"Based on what?

His politics?"

No, his sick self-promotion. "I'm here to save people at Katrina! In my little boat. With my Photographer! And I'm gonna lie about guns! I'm here talking about what a superior leader Castro is! But torture is bad!"

Chip Ahoy said...

Michael said: Picture sitting around a livingroom with a bunch of your friends (I know, but it's a hypothetical), drinking beer and eating chips. When the Oscars come on, what do you do? You crack jokes, bitch, and above all, never compliment a musical number, because that would be gay.

No. I'm imagining I'm with my gay friends and we're drinking ... wait for it ...

* milk
* Harvey Wall E Bangers
* Trouble in the Bottled Water
* Tropic Thunder Punch

And we're eating ...

* In Brugeschetta
* Penn pasta
* Frank Langella Mozzarella
* Curried Slumdogs
* Beer Battered Meinhof Complex Shrimp
* The Garden Green salad
* Curious Case of Benjamin Button Mushrooms
* Bacon on the Asphalt
* The Roasted Pig
* Presto Pesto


* Hellboy II: the Golden Delicious Apples

and finishing with

* La Maison en Petits Fours Cubes
* Dark Chocolate Knight
* Butter Cookies with Frosted Flakes
* Robert Downey Junior Mints
* This Way UpSide Down Cake

We're cracking jokes, bitching like world-class bitches, and above all, complimenting the musicals while discussing how fabulous we all are compared to everyone else less gifted.

Tibore said...

LOL from the MTV liveblog:

"11:34: Rod Cone says “It’s good to see Sophia Loren wearing Montalban’s chestpiece from ‘Wrath of Khan’"

joewxman said...

okay kids..bedtime. I was going to take an ambien but the show was a much better sedative.

Patm said...

Oh, and another reason Sean Penn is a disgusting human being: he believes anyone who has a principled objection to gay marriage is a "homophobe."

So, he has trouble making fine or intelligent distinctions. And with honesty.

And I'm sorry, but I do believe "elegance" is the LEAST compelling reason to elect anyone president.

I'd rather have an inelegant cowboy who keeps us safe and managed, for most of his presidency, to keep us all working.

vbspurs said...

SDM wins it, and I'm depressed that The Dark Knight isn't honoured even with a nomination...

SDM was about a story which is so unknown to most Westerners that even with bad acting, and simplistic editing, they had to honour it.

But so be it.

Gandhi was a long while ago...


Roberto said...

Patm - "...anyone who has a principled objection to gay marriage is a "homophobe."

And that's exactly what they are.

Why do YOU care if two gays are married?

50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce...so what's so special about that?

Tibore said...

Awwww!!! The SDM cast didn't break out in a dance number at the end!

I'm actually disappointed. :)

Roberto said...

Vespa - "SDM was about a story which is so unknown to most Westerners that even with bad acting, and simplistic editing, they had to honour it."

I bet you didn't even see it.

I've yet to meet anyone who didn't love the movie, and in the theatre where my wife and I saw it, people applauded.

Roberto said...

Chips Ahoy - I never said anything of the sort.

Reading comprehension...??

EnigmatiCore said...

"So turn of the fucking television and love somebody."

She says, while leaving the television on and, therefore, presumably loving (at that moment) no one.

Tibore said...

Okay, Kate Winslet's owning the press conference over on E! Network.

I'm tellin' ya, she's on her way to ruling Hollywood. She rocks.

john said...

Sorry Victoria, but I am really happy Slumdog won. With Gran Torino spurned, let it be the Indians!

Found a TV for the last hour; the show didn't seem all that bad. I really enjoyed seeing "tan-in-a-can" Sophia Loren. I really think those are real, and after all those wonderful years.

Foul!! Victoria, no fair comparing Ghandi to, well, anything.

john said...

Well, you can compare Gahndi to Michael, I guess.

Drinks his own piss.

Tibore said...

Oh, joy, more E! fatuousness: Guy interviewing Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens says about Hugh Jackman "I was waiting for those Wolverine claws to come out"...

(*rolls eyes*)... there are good interviewers, and there are, well, these...

David said...

Here is how the London Independent (linked by Drudge) concluded their story the Oscar show.

Hugh Jackman performed a song and dance routine in a top hat, carrying a cane. But some critics wondered if the appeal of People magazine’s “sexiest man in the world” would extend much beyond the event’s core audience of housewives and gay men.

And Michael. Don't forget Michael.

David said...

Enigmacore: "So turn of the fucking television and love somebody."

She says, while leaving the television on and, therefore, presumably loving (at that moment) no one."

Don't be so sure. We have heard nothing from Althouse since that statement.

Althouse . . . woman of mystery.

Tibore said...

You know, I'm a straight conservative male, and I liked Jackman's performance. Granted, it was a bit silly, but I saw nothing to turn me off. Like I said earlier: élan. He brought some. With some of the nominees tonight, we could have been headed for a really mawkish ceremony, and I think that was very well avoided, in no small part due to him.

William said...

Sophia Loren could still bring the heat well into her fifties. But tonight she looked like a badly done wax image of herself....It must be extremely painful to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and then the mouse runs up the clock....Second tier beauties like Debbie Reynolds and Sally Fields seem to handle it better than the Faye Dunaways. An older woman's face can express kindness and humor and, although I have never actually witnessed it, wisdom. The botox and the surgery freeze the face of a star into a stunned, amazed look that someone as beautiful as she can grow old.....Jerry Lewis got to live long enough to be considered dignified. Jerry Lewis gets class and Sophia Loren loses her sex appeal. The blessings and curses of age.....In the midst of an endless war, it was heartening to see various Hollywood talents congratulate themselves on their great courage in taking on challenging tasks and roles. Someday I'd like to see a movie about the war where the soldier isn't a dupe or crazy or sadistic. He doesn't have to be as noble as an Abraham Lincoln Brigade veteran, but can't they present him as decent and brave as a WWII grunt.

AmPowerBlog said...

Christopher: How'd it play out? A sweep for your picks?

former law student said...

This is the worst Oscar show ever

Nuh-unh. The Billy Crystal ones were actually painful to watch. This was at least not cringeworthy.

I thought it was surprisingly good, for an industry awards banquet. At least they didn't play the winners off the stage. Further, there was no Sally Field saying "You like me!" or Roberto what's his name tumbling over the seatbacks.

There are a lot of gays in the film industry -- being anti-gay would be as thoughtless as being anti-Semitic.

MayBee said...

Isn't it kind of unseemly watching the mega-rich parade around in extraordinarily expensive one-use garments at a ceremony celebrating their own overinflated opinions of themselves at a time when so many people are jobless and our economy (and the world's economy) is falling like an AirBus A380 with a missing wing?

Keep in mind the movie industry employs a lot of people.
Every person there represents the jobs of grips, craft service and catering companies, management agencies, managers, casting agents, market research companies, location service people, lighting people, camera operators, makeup and hair stylists, editors, sound editors, musicians, writers, film making companies, distributors, movie theaters, video rental employees, iTunes and NetFlix people,etc. Internationally.
That isn't getting into the people in the fashion industry and catering industry affected directly by the ceremony.

former law student said...

But since our president spends approx a million dollars flying AFOne to Chicago to take his wife to dinner and serves $100.00 a lb steak at the White House, really, why should we worry?

I didn't worry about W.'s spending a fifth of his Presidency on his Crawford ranch, cutting brush and riding his mountain bike -- quite a few million dollar plane rides were necessary to help W. keep the mesquite from taking over.


And instead of a manly steak at the White House, W. served up effete meals of lobster bisque and lamb.


MayBee said...

I do agree with Ann Althouse, the introduction of Marisa Tomei's role seemed not to understand the character at all.

reader_iam said...

An older woman's face can express kindness and humor and, although I have never actually witnessed it, wisdom. [Emphasis added.]

William: What!?! What an interesting thing to ... write.

You just confirmed something I've thought for a while. But no worry--whatever.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

So, can someone explain Kate Winslet's hair to me? Someone on E! said it was "retro yet futuristic" or something like that. I think it looks like a plastic doll's hair.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Donald: The only incorrect prediction I made was Mickey Rourke for Best Actor. So I got 8 out of 9.

Anonymous said...

former law student said...There are a lot of gays in the film industry -- being anti-gay would be as thoughtless as being anti-Semitic.

Which explains why Sean Penn won and Mickey Rourke didn't get a chance to give an acceptance speech like this one.

former law student said...

Kate Winslet's hair

Looks like Grace Kelly hair to me.

Revenant said...

Oh, and another reason Sean Penn is a disgusting human being: he believes anyone who has a principled objection to gay marriage is a "homophobe."

That is SO far down the list of reasons for considering Sean Penn to be a disgusting human being. I mean, it doesn't even make the top 20.

He's a good actor, though.

Anonymous said...

After describing the Oscar Telecast as: bullshit, boring, stilted, deadly,embarrassingly bad, mawkish, sanctimonious & morosely glum, insipid, sickly, maundering, painful, torture, cheeseball, dumb, rotten and Worst Oscar Show Ever...
I'm guessing Althouse lost two or three hours tonight she will never get back and is pissed.
I enjoyed the show but I'll never admit it in this company.

rhhardin said...

a stripper need never take off her dignity with her clothes... blah blah... bullshit

The stripper gets right how the world works.

Patm said...

Michael ranted: "And that's exactly what they are.

Why do YOU care if two gays are married?

50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce...so what's so special about that?"

Well, the hetero argument is a stupid one; that's like saying, "because sometimes arms get broken, arms aren't all that special, anyway."

But as it happens I support gay marriage. But I also support people's rights to DISAGREE with gay marriage on the principle that human families require a mom and a dad without having to deal with the labeling and namecalling that immediately puts an end to reasonable debate. Shouting down differences with "you're a RAAAACIST," or "you're a HOOOOMOPHOBE!" or whatever completely stifles debate and renders intelligent reason down to "ummm..hetero marriages end in divorce, so what's so great about them?"

rhhardin said...

Imus discussing with Bo Dietl whether he had procured hookers for Saudis:

Dietl: They weren't hookers. They were actresses who were out of work.

Imus: Aren't they all. All women are actresses who are out of work.

The last could be taken seriously.

Oberon said...

Not that anyone cares at this point, but I loved the way they presented the acting categories. Some of it was heatfelt (Hopkins, Berry) a few weren't (Loren) and that needs to be fixed. But at Chris said, these are the important categories, let them take some time and say some nice things to all the nominees. That was fun.

Also, Hugh Jackman was awesome. I think Althouse is overly critical of the whole show - read her live blog now. Doesn't she sound like a bitter old woman (not that I'm saying she's bitter or old). Ann, why can't a man who wrote an excellent screenplay about his childhood hero - someone who actually did something for the advancment of society (as opposed to my childhood hero, who scored buckets and had a gambling problem) - talk about how that impacted him and his cause? It wasn't contrived and it was in the spirit of the Oscars. If you like movies, you recoginze their power to influence popular opinion through the massive power of this art. He was true to everything that movie and the show was about. Lay off.

George M. Spencer said...

A famous actor gets the last word.

How sad that this probably could neither be made today nor shown on TV, especially to children.

It's part of the reason why the movie biz is hurting.

JAL said...

10:05 It's the camaraderie thing, [epithet deleted].

(The Althouse Pub)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I completely disagree that these were the worst Oscars. They are always a tiny bit dull, it's the nature of trade show awards.

I kind of loved this show, because of:

1. Hugh Jackman's song and dance numbers!
2. The generally short, sweet, and sometimes elegant speeches.
3. The gorgeous dresses, gorgeous people (relatively less annoying and subdued than usual) and the glittery, 'beaded' look to the stage curtains out front (or whatever those glittery things were that changed color)
4. Heath Ledger's elegant, impressive and lovely family.
5. Those gorgeous little kids from SLUMDOG were there! What an adventure for them, I hope they get a chance to go to school and that money is saved for them for their future.
6. However, please, Oscars, next year throw in a more popular movie like Dark Knight to get the crowd in, and do more energetic dance numbers! The later numbers were flat and how can you make Jai Ho 'flat' and a bit dull? Poor staging.

I think I have very different tastes from many around here, and yet, here I am. I suppose a love of diversity of opinion that another commenter commented on in the infamous 'titus post' which I did not see as a hate-fest toward one commenter, but the natural outcome of asking people their opinion about a unique online personality. If asked, they will give it. And how (mine is to stroll and scroll on by, but no harm no foul, whatever, do your thing, yada yada yada).

Joan said...

Didn't watch a minute of the telecast but was riveted to the live-blog until my internet connection died last night. I had wanted to comment on Ann's "threw it all away" remark about Heath Ledger. His death was accidental -- stupid, yes, but unintentional, at least according to every report I've seen.

I'm sorry I missed Jackman's numbers but I'm sure I'll be able to see them on YouTube, so no great loss.

ZZMike said...

I remember, not too long ago, when the Oscars were worth watching. (OK, maybe it was further back than "not too long ago".)

Two moments stand out: Groucho Marx accepts a Life Award - he's 80 or so, with the transparency of old age. Kirk Douglas (the same award?), one of the most vital of screen presences, now hobbled by a stroke, comes on the Oscars - in an industry where appearance is everything. That's courage and determination.

There are sure to be others. Somebody could come up with a compilation - maybe 2 or 3 hours - of "The Best of the Oscars". This one wouldn't make the first cut.

Methadras said...

Patm said...

Michael, do YOU have a life?

I mean, the second most pathetic thing in the world is hanging out online snarking about awards shows.

And the MOST pathetic thing is complaining about the people doing it.

Shouldn't you be making out with your Obama doll?

He'd love to, but he hasn't gotten his welfare money for the end of the month yet to buy enough wet naps to clean it up from his previous forays with it.

Methadras said...

Would I punch that stupid douche Sean Penn in the face? You bet. Self-important prick.

Methadras said...

Patm said...

Michael, do YOU have a life?

I mean, the second most pathetic thing in the world is hanging out online snarking about awards shows.

And the MOST pathetic thing is complaining about the people doing it.

Shouldn't you be making out with your Obama doll?

He'd love to, but he hasn't gotten his welfare money for the end of the month yet to buy enough wet naps to clean it up from his previous forays with it.

Anonymous said...

The only people who really like the Oscars are male homosexuals.

Even women find it dull and self important except for the build up for the Best Actress Award and then they become fascinated and their guts tighten up.

It's the gay Olympics run by shallow, pretentious White liberal Democrats.

Alex said...

Come on Althouse, give some credit to Ledger. His performance was *that* good. Do you have something against the dead?

blake said...

It was good, but he probably wouldn't have been nominated if he hadn't died.

jeff said...

I don't get it. The academy awards. The perfect time for Michael to launch into his pro-child molestation rant. While Roman Polanski wasnt there, I bet he was watching. Come on Micheal, give us more of that support for drugging and sodomizing 13 year olds. Palladian, you should of pulled the quotes from when he was Lucky, back in the day. Now THAT would be a cd.

Revenant said...

It was good, but he probably wouldn't have been nominated if he hadn't died.

I don't see why he wouldn't have been. Even before he died there was heavy buzz within the industry that his performance was brilliant. He'd been in both mainstream hits and Important Motion Pictures and had been good in all of them. He was pretty much a young Paul Newman -- known mostly for his looks, but nevertheless extremely talented.

He might not have WON if he hadn't died, but he would certainly have been nominated.

blake said...

Maybe. I'm just going by the precedent: The Academy has never nominated any actor from a costumed hero movie for any award.

Those movies are lucky even to get nominated for the big technical awards (the main show ones, that is), whatever the challenges they overcome.

Ledger's performance was good, but was it really head-and-shoulders over everyone else? And even if it were, would that have mattered to the Academy?

prairie wind said...

Joan's clarification is good. There is a difference between suicide by overdose and accidental overdose. However. People who take multiple prescription drugs from multiple pharmacists are asking for trouble and I am not all that sympathetic when trouble finds them. My mother-in-law takes a couple dozen pills a day, but we put in a lot of effort to make sure she's taking nothing she shouldn't be taking, and she gets all her meds from a single pharmacy so they will recognize problems. Heath Ledger was careless and stupid.

Revenant said...

The Academy has never nominated any actor from a costumed hero movie for any award.

There's little reason to think that's due to some sort of prejudice against the parts. The movies themselves tend to be more about spectacle than acting. That's why people noticed Ledger's performance.

Ledger's performance was good, but was it really head-and-shoulders over everyone else?

Well, everyone I know who saw the movie raved about how awesome Ledger was in it. I haven't seen that kind of public reaction since Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs".

And even if it were, would that have mattered to the Academy?

Why wouldn't it have? It was a great role, in a successful movie, by a previous Academy Award nominee. Add in the way the public reacted to it and he would clearly have been the front-runner.

Nihimon said...

Since when was Heath Ledger's death a suicide?

Ann Althouse said...

"Come on Althouse, give some credit to Ledger. His performance was *that* good. Do you have something against the dead?"

I have something against the dead when their death is a product of any sort of choice of death over life.

And I know Ledger's death isn't officially a suicide, but it happened because of a life-denying indulgence in drugs. And he had a little daughter.

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