February 9, 2009

Live-blogging Obama's first press conference.

6:38: Starting soon. Think he'll get the hard questions? Think he'll use his boring professorial mode or his testy exasperated mode or might he attain true presidentiality?

7:02: He begins. If you don't believe we're in a crisis, you should talk to one person who's lost his job. Why would that be convincing? Only government can solve this problem. Money should go to the people most likely to spend it — not the wealthiest people, supposedly.

7:08: Failure to act "will only deepen" the crisis. That's less inflammatory that some of his recent statements.

7:10: Jennifer Loven asks him about his stronger earlier statement, that without action we may never recover. Do you think you risk losing credibility? No no no no no no. "You potentially create a negative spiral."

7:14: "That wasn't just some random number that I plucked out of.... uh" — he's thinking: can't say my ass — "out of a hat."

7:17: Iran. He's looking into it. "In the coming months, we will be looking for... openings...."

7:20: He's filibustering — using the boring professor mode.

7:23: "Everyone needs to be possessed with a sense of urgency." Let's be bipartisan: You must agree with me.

7:25: This isn't pork. There are no earmarks.

7:28: Is it so terrible to have a schoolhouse built in the 1850s? Let's see the school! You have to stop teaching when a train goes by. You get to hear a train go by. [ADDED: Don't liberals care about historical architecture?]

7:37: Jake Tapper asks how people are supposed to know if this economic plan is working — considering that earlier efforts haven't seemed to work. Obama talks about "creating or saving" 4 million jobs — huge difference between those 2 things! He talks a lot, but I don't feel that we got an answer (or that we could).

7:41: Will Obama let the press come photograph soldiers' coffins? He's looking into it. He'll get back to you later.

7:44: He's not going to let al Qaeda "act with impunity," but he has no details right now.

7:45: A reporter totally repeats Jake's question and Obama points it out. Embarrassing!

7:46: "I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to." Laughter. "Not surprisingly."

7:47: "I have no idea" what Biden was talking about. "I really don't."

7:51: Helen Thomas gets her first shot at him. Does he know of anyone in the Middle East who's got nuclear weapons?

7:52: Huffington Post gets a question. What about Patrick Leahy's "truth and reconciliation commission" to investigate the "crimes" of the Bush administration? Will you rule out prosecutions? Come on, Barack. Just give us a nice upstanding "yes." [Sorry, I had "no" before, based on misreading the phrasing of the question.] Instead, we get the usual bullshit about how he hasn't "seen the proposals" and can't really "express an opinion" and he's got to look into it. Ugh! But his administration will do everything right. Fine. Good. Perfect. But the question is whether you will go in for this retribution against the prior administration? He does end with: "But my general orientation is let's get it right moving forward." Now, that is the right answer, and I think he knows it. It would have been presidential to take a stand against the Leahy effort. But that was not to be. A sadly missed opportunity.

7:58: "There's some ideological blockage there that needs to be cleared up." That's the characterization of the opposition to the stimulus. Makes those of us who are hesitant sound like some kind of disease. "But I am the eternal optimist... People respond to civility and rational argument... and that's the kind of leadership that I'm going to provide. Thank you guys!" Well, I respond to civility and rational argument, but I believe you just talked about me like I was some kind of disease!

8:00: He ends exactly on the button. We hear a stomp as he steps off the podium, and his walk back into the White House is noticeably different from Bush's. How can I describe the different feeling I get from that walk? You can object to this if you want. It's just my feeling. I think Bush would walk away in a ritual fashion that said: I am the President and I have accomplished what the President must do. Obama's walk said: I'm a man who has this job and now I've done it and I'm out of here.


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BJM said...

Perhaps someone will ask about this and how it impacts the unemployed in Elkhart.

chickelit said...

NPR expects Obama to ask for "a second tranche of TARP funding", whatever that is.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm only watching to see if anyone throws a shoe.

Simon said...

Someone should ask: "President Obama, who the hell do you think you are that you're so important as to displace House?"

Simon said...

If House was President, he'd have already fixed the problem and made his staff look like dimwits for the viewer's pleasure. Obama hasn't even made it to the crdits yet.

Darcy said...

Hee, Simon. I'd feel that way if it were W in the past as well! House? Are you kidding me?

Simon said...

I've been sick all day and now I have to watch a "reelect Barack Obama" campaign commercial? Interrupting programming that doesn't suck? Pfft.

XWL said...

Michelle Malkin tweeted this drinking game:

Obama press conference coming up. Drinking game buzz words: "Bipartisan," "crisis," "get economy moving again."

That sounds dangerously inebriating

XWL said...

Also, I think there should be a betting pool as to when this will wrap up. One might expect it to be around 30 minutes as promised, but he may cut it short if it goes poorly, or go long if they serve up big long sloppy mash notes of questions.

My guess, it ends at 8:42PM, EST

Leland said...

Oh look, Discovery Channel is showing "Destroyed in Seconds". What did you say you were watching?

Leland said...

I agree with Simon.

Darcy said...

Oh...that beagle is so cute! (Sorry...checking out the dog show...)

Franco said...

Are there going to be any jobs Americans won't do?

al said...

Is it 2, 3, or 4 million jobs? The number keeps changing...

No more hurricanes - wheee!

Jason (the commenter) said...

Stop moving your head so much Obama! (Probably on the look out for shoes.)

Godot said...

I think he will try to instill fear in the American viewing audience. Will the press call him on it?

Leland said...

Heh, they just showed this highway infrastructure burning and falling after a tanker truck exploded. I didn't know fire could cause steel to do that, so much for Rosie.

26 days and $6 million to fix the double decker overpass. Not in Obama's stimulus package in won't.

chickelit said...

No money for ACORN-hooray!

joewxman said...

He keeps reminding republicans that he won. Maybe he needs to remind himself..stop campaigning already. ugh!

Simon said...

He says the plan has to be big enough, but if it's too big, surely it's going to be uncomfortable for those whose throats it's rammed down?

Simon said...

Simplified version of that last paragraph: "we can't afford to do nothing." Prove it.

sg said...

PBO isn't worried about pre-empting House.

But he does know that if goes past 9PM EST, Jack Bauer will come out and threaten to gouge his eye out with a ballpoint pen if he doesn't stop talking.

Franco said...

Men and women who call this nation "home" !! WTF???

Sam Brazys said...

Why doesn't someone put a teleprompter in front of the podium so he can look at the American people and talk to them instead of to the people hiding in the corners of my living room?

Simon said...

"We can't afford to do nothing" - floor speech by advocates of Smoot-Hawley, June 1930.

"We can't afford to do nothing" - Barack Obama, February 2009.

Leland said...


"If you don't believe we're in a crisis, you should talk to one person who's lost his job."

My wife's Aunt and Uncle lost there job. Talked to them, they don't think there is a crisis. They paid off their home long ago, and just sold off their boat, which is the only debt. What they don't want is more debt transferred to them as taxpayers. That's the crisis that concerns them.

Simon said...

Franco said...
"Men and women who call this nation 'home' !! WTF???"

It's a locution designed to include illegal immigants in the sweep of the remark.

Franco said...

This tone of authority is not ringing true.

Elkheart BTW is where a huge RV factory closed.

Sam Brazys said...

Just remember, they didn't lose their jobs through any fault of their own... it's not like the writing has been on the wall of the US auto industry to the past 15 years...but hey... who needs personal responsibility?

Leland said...

Failure to act "will only deepen" the crisis.

There's that Hope!

Jason (the commenter) said...

He didn't answer the AP lady's question, went on to a pre-prepared speech. Just like Palin!

XWL said...

How long is he going to ramble on this first answer?

reader_iam said...

I can see talking to a family in which multiple members have lost jobs due the closing of a plant in specific community--though whether that local crisis translates to a national one is yet another argument to be made. But just one person? I don't get that either, as an analysis or argument. Also, it implies that if you're concerned about the details/scope/etc. of the stimulus plan, you must not be taking the economic problems seriously, and this, in turn, must be because you've never talked to someone who's lost his or her job due to recent economic events. None of that automatically follows.

Anonymous said...

Where exactly are all these under-staffed food banks he speaks of?

Chennaul said...

Now is the winter of our hardship?

My gawd-

Now is the winter of our discontent.

Richard III

He's waxing Shakespeare.

Franco said...

We have a gaping hole in the White House I think.

BJM said...

We've gone from timely, targeted and temporary to boldly and quickly?

Oh noes! a gaping hole.

XWL said...

I'm putting a stopwatch on the next answer, can he exceed 5 minutes on two answers in a row?

Deborah M. said...

He just said Tim Geitner with a straight face. I get the feeling he's really struggling NOT to "uh" too much. No Southern accent, either. Whoops, he's slipping.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Can he please stop answering the question. I hope someone times how long he's been "answering" this.

sg said...

Would University of Chicago Senior Lecturer Obama have tolerated such a rambling answer to question #1?

Franco said...

Is this a Senate filibuster or what?

Anonymous said...

"It's not a number I pulled out of [insert 3-letter word]"

LonewackoDotCom said...

He's stumbling enough that even those who didn't notice that before the election (hint: Althouse, Sully, etc.) can see it.

If anyone wants to actually prevent this train wreck, help me push this plan. Or, come up with an effective alternative.

Under my plan, people will go out and embarrass nationally-known political leaders who support the plan on video, and then upload that to Youtube. They'll do that by asking them difficult questions designed to reveal the flaws in the plan and designed to reveal that its promoters haven't thought through all of its impacts.

Simply stating that plan won't bring it about. I need others to promote it, such as by getting major bloggers to urge their readers to ask questions.

If anyone isn't pushing that plan or an effective alternative, they're just wasting your time by putting on a show.

Godot said...

God help us. I am scared.

Chennaul said...


Hey! I think he watches South Park

Franco said...

Valentines Day is coming how are we going to engage Iran and how big will the ring be?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Looks like Obama picked Biden for his brevity.

Franco said...

Nukular! The word is Nukular!

Simon said...

madawaskan, if he is, he's doing so in a particularly illiterate fashion. Richard gave that speech at the conclusion of the metaphorical winter. The winter had been made glorious summer by the sun of York - when "all the clouds that lour'd upon our house, In the deep bosom of the ocean buried."

chickelit said...

The longer he talks to answer a question, the fewer he will get.

Franco said...

Boy is this guy smart! He knows everything!

BJM said...

Bellicose? Bibi best get it done or Israel is toast.

XWL said...

Iran question, times out at 3:33, that's in concise by Obama terms, I guess.

(also what he really wants to say, when in engaging in 'direct diplomacy' I'm hoping they kidnap and keep Hillary there at least through the 2012 election cycle, just in case . . .)

RLB_IV said...

OMG...drinking game ... the scotch will be gone by morning. Four people, three bottles...

garage mahal said...

yea what about Iran. That's what I want to know.

Simon said...

Leland said...
"[Failure to act 'will only deepen' the crisis?] There's that Hope!"

Prior to the speech, David Gregory said that Obama's goal was to amp up the "fear factor." Someone didn't get his hymn sheet!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I timed answer # 1 at 7 minutes. He basically gave a speech.

It's planned and formulaic in advannce I bet. The questions and sequence of questioners was decided beforehand.

There will be no news in this press conference.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Voting against Obama's plans is a bad habit? I hope Congress keeps it up!

Leland said...

Iran. He's looking into it. "In the coming months, we will be looking for... openings...."

I hope openings in the air defense system.

Deb said...

Do you think he believes this bullshit? God, shut up already.

Rae said...

he's talking in circles...like any other politician

He's also talking out of his hat in terms of Iran

His comments of refusing to follow "the past 8 years" is his out and out rejection of revamping the stimulus act...pray, how is his stubborness any different from W?

Anonymous said...

Who are these anonymous people in Congress who think we should do nothing? I haven't heard a single member of Congress say that. Some may have said nothing would be better than the current plan, but Obama is misleading with that statement.

DaLawGiver said...

Concerning why bipartisanship isn't working so far---"It's gonna take time to break those bad habits."

Good luck with that, maybe try some Nicorette.

Leland said...

Prior to the speech, David Gregory said that Obama's goal was to amp up the "fear factor." Someone didn't get his hymn sheet!

Maybe it was the order. Hope and Change. The Hope was him getting elected. As President, he changed.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Rule of speaking: Never say "number one." Numbers go on forever and people will stop listening because they'll think your speech will too.

The Dude said...

Good, the local commie station is going with Antiques Roadshow - no MAObama douchebaggery here...

Franco said...

Straw man - talk about ACORN 4 billion!

Frieda said...

OBAMA: I inherited the deficit...

well, then why do you want to increase it.


al said...

Drilling in Alaska would lower our dependence on Mideast oil...

BJM said...

"It wasn't my fault! I ran out of gas, had a flat tie, didn't have cab fare...it's not my fauuuult and I won, so there. Phhhffft!

Phil Bowermaster said...

My wife is seven months pregnant and says she finds the professorial mode very relaxing. He just about managed to lull her to sleep. Don't know if it works on any other demographic, though.

Frieda said...

funny! he wants reduce our energy dependence but he does not want to drill at home.

EH said...

Is it just me, or does he sound like William Shatner?

Jason (the commenter) said...

See how he smiles when he talks about people who disagree with him? They're SO stupid they're funny.

Godot said...

God he is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear 'Jennifer Loven' and think 'McLovin' from Superbad?

We elected a tiresome scold.

sg said...

I'm shamed: I admit it, I still use paper!

Franco said...

Jesus before you tackle health care paperwork, how bout the Federal Government? And Obama is asking HIMSELF questions and then answering them.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Something bad is better than nothing?

Chennaul said...


Na he changed it just enough so that Wils can't sue.


Obama:Now is the winter of our hardship.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"School was built in 1850. Kids are still learning in that school".

So what's the problem then?

XWL said...

Bipartisan answer, times out to 7:42

(a lot of athletes could have run a mile in the time he took to answer this question, hell even I could run a sub 7:30 minute mile back in high school)

(hell, this answer was longer than most sex acts between married couples)

(what he means: Republicans are evil, though some are less evil than others, and in 2010 you better give me nothing but loyal Democrats or else we'll all suffer)

(dude, I think he's losing it, this ain't how you answer questions)

BJM said...

Bor-ing, I'm outta here.

Althouse, thanks for the laugh at 7:14.

Anonymous said...

"Uh, Chuck Todd. Where are you Chuck and did you bring your kneepads?"

DaLawGiver said...

Nurses can't read prescriptions so we need to computerize!

Or maybe doctors can learn to write.

Leland said...

"Everyone needs to be possessed with a sense of urgency."

Said by a man that takes 3 minutes to answer one question. Can we take 3 days to look at the Senate Bill?

chickelit said...

Banks taking risks on people who should have had loans--that what I saw.

Simon said...

Oh my Lord what a tool! He just whined about a schoolhouse that was built in the 19th century that is still in use today. You live in a house built in the 18th century, you dipshit! In your last job - when you actually showed up - you were working in a section constructed in the 1860s! That a building is old doesn't say a damn thing about its soundness.

Rae said...

I was thinking "Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations" moment, but then again I think Woody had some success

Steph said...

Why doesn't he explain why his worthy projects have to happen outside the normal appropriations process?

al said...

EH @ 7:26

He's got the same mannerism. The halting speech. Good call.

Anonymous said...

I bet those South Carolina school children love the 'break' they get when the train rumbles by.

And WTF does this dude know about public school?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Too much spending caused the problem and is unsustainable. The solution is to give consumers more money so they can spend more?

Caroline said...

I had college classes in a building built in the 18th century. We were thrilled to have classes there.

Anonymous said...

7:25: This isn't pork. There are no earmarks.

It's his Muslim background. They don't like pork.

HelenParr said...Did anyone else hear 'Jennifer Loven' and think 'McLovin' from Superbad?

I thought of Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Leland said...

Is it so terrible to have a schoolhouse built in the 1850s?

Europe is laughing.

Deb said...

We are in deep, deep shit. He has no idea what he's talking about. What *is* he talking about.

He just said "no such thing as a free lunch" with a straight face.

I can't believe how bad this is.

Simon said...

"This notion that I came in here ginned up to spend 800 billion dollars, that wasn't my plan" - nonesense. You may not have planned to spend that precise amount on this project, but you can't ask to be taken seriously that you aren't a believer in federal spending half an hour into a reelection commercial wherein you've constantly emphasized that you do.

chickelit said...

Buying votes with money for bling, flat screen TVs and granite counter tops!

al said...

Chuck Schumer is an expert? hahahahahaha

XWL said...

Chuck Todd question about personal debt, times in at 4:16

(also, Barack is repeating much the same crap he's already said, Coolidge would have answered twenty questions in the time that Obama's answered 3)

(actually, I think Coolidge spoke less in an entire month than Obama has in these answers so far)

Unknown said...

That was a very revisionist history he gave of the Japanese Lost Decade. My understanding is the Japanese spent hugely on public works projects and propped up their favored banks and companies (which really blur together in the Japanese system). The O claimed that the Japanese didn't do enough.

Simon said...

Interesting, by the way, that he's clearly calling on people in a predefined order. I suppose if he just picked them at random, it would be tough to remember his precleared answer to each question.

Unknown said...

That was a very revisionist history he gave of the Japanese Lost Decade. My understanding is the Japanese spent hugely on public works projects and propped up their favored banks and companies (which really blur together in the Japanese system). The O claimed that the Japanese didn't do enough.

XWL said...

Answering another question now, and another ramble, looks like my guess of 8:42 EST to wrap this crap up is going to be way off, or he's only going to take one more question.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I love a lot of these questions, some of them are very critical of Obama's policies. And I bet a lot of people watching this press conference are hearing these criticisms for the first time. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to make this prime time.

Simon said...

This is easily as bad as Palin's Couric interview.

Dody Jane said...

Why are we kidding ourselves? It will pass - let's just pass it and get the coupon book. What are the payments on a 200 year mortgage? I want to know so I can figure out what to economize on.

Franco said...

He's talking as if he runs everything.

michael edelman said...

He seems to think it's last November- he keeps blaming the Bush administration for everything, and giving campaign speeches in reply to every question.

BTW, in my Obama drinking game, you take a drink every time he begins an answer with "No", and every time he says "And I have always said so."

Jason (the commenter) said...

He just said "no such thing as a free lunch" with a straight face.

I thought of TANSTAAFL when he said that and wonder if he every read THAT book.

I'm Full of Soup said...

So what will it be maybe a total of 8-10 questions at most?

He is starting to drift and is now making it up when it comes to his grasp of economics and markets.

Zachary Sire said...

What's with those menorahs behind him?

I love that the public is overwhelmingly against the Republicans and their handling of the stimulus, and yet the media is still worrying about Obama losing credibility on his bipartisan efforts. Hello, everyone is over the Republicans and even when Obama tried to work with them, they acted like children. They're done.

Leland said...

10 minutes gone by, haven't seen an update from the Professor. Did Obama put her to sleep? A little urgency here!

Anonymous said...

"Creating or saving 4 million jobs." So as long as there are at least 4 million people still working Obama can claim victory. Brilliant!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah I bet there are a lot of people wanting to buy a new RV these days. NOT.

Dody Jane said...

Churchill said: "That was a very revisionist history he gave of the Japanese Lost Decade. My understanding is the Japanese spent hugely on public works projects and propped up their favored banks and companies"

Yes! They started to recover when the gov't finally threw up their hands and quit throwing money at the problem!

Godot said...

Going on long enough for you?

chickelit said...

The present decline in home values in SoCal is good for affordability.

XWL said...

Last answer a succinct (for Obama) 2:42, now he answers a Jack Tapper follow up to Julianna's previous question, let's see how long he takes. Even shorter 2:39

Now RVs are good? What about global warming fella (I thought we had to change our habits and maybe drive different kinds of vehicles, wasn't that his mantra from before?)

Grrr Argggghhh.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He is doing his Ralph Cramden imitation when Alice caught him with his pants down...so to speak

Humina humina humina. um.

Sound bite after sound bite strung together with no real message.

Where's the beef?

Anonymous said...

EH said...Is it just me, or does he sound like William Shatner?

I don't know who you sound like but I'm betting Maxine/Titus sounds like George Takei.

Zachary Paul Sire said...What's with those menorahs behind him?

Rahm Emmanuel sending a message to Netanyahu.

DaLawGiver said...

People with good credit can't get a loan for an RV if they want one?


I'm Full of Soup said...

I am tired already of hearing the word "transparency".

He won't change the policy regarding flag-draped coffins.

sg said...

The contrast between today's townhall and this press conference is astounding.

His opening remarks in the townhall were uplifting and his answers well delivered, lively and generally on topic.

This press conference is a train wreck.

He seems to be much too tense and scripted tonight.

Franco said...

And if they did buy an RV that would accelerate global warming which would require more billions of study AND and make us more dependent on foreign oil at the same time.

chickelit said...

Afghanistan--it's over!

Jason (the commenter) said...

Oh god, they are reviewing policies again. Does "review" mean "sitting on it until the next president can deal with it"?

Leland said...

Obama talks about "creating or saving" 4 million jobs — huge difference between those 2 things!

Even if both, that's $100,000 per job.

Simon said...

Come to think of it, Obama was President of the Harvard Law Review, which is and was based in Gannet House, built in the 1830s. Unsound, Barack? What kind of traditionalist is so skeptical of buildings because of their age? Tony Blair was outed - if any outing was needed - by his infatuation with Norman Foster, so perhaps this will do the same for the "Obama's really a traditionalist" defense.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I bet the press is steamed. Is he ever going to shut up and let more than 2 people ask questions??

How can a reporter get face time if all Obama does is blather on and on and on?

Keep this up and the ankle bitting chihuahuas are going to turn on him.

I smell blood.

I'm Full of Soup said...

WTF is the Tollybon?

XWL said...

Can we see the coffins question, let's see him dance around this...

I expect short shrift on this answer, I predict less than 2 minutes.

Oops, nevermind, he's conflating in talking points regarding what he wants to do in Afghanistan, so let's sit back and listen to the ramble.

Also, he's just blown past 8:42 EST, bastard, good thing there was no actual betting pool (at least for me).

Time for this answer 3:45

Simon said...

Zachary Paul Sire said...
"I love that the public is overwhelmingly against the Republicans and their handling of the stimulus"

What polls are you reading? The ones here on planet earth are showing public suppor for the "stimulus" dropping like a stone.

Kansas City said...

He is doing okay, and all politicians provide us with BS, but his deceptive claim that he will "create or save" four million jobs drives me nuts. It obviously is no standard whatsoever, because no matter what the job numbers are, he will claim that he "saved" four million jobs.

XWL said...

Helena Cooper asks what restrictions on next tranche.

It's Tim's job to answer, Obama only took 54 seconds to say that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Very curious that he has a pre-determined list of people to call on!

How clever- did they learn that from the old Kremlin or has it always been done that way?

Palladian said...

You can say a lot of negative things about George W. Bush's speaking ability. But at least he wasn't boring. God, we have to listen to this tiresome drone for the next 8-10 years?

Darcy said...

AJ Lynch said... WTF is the Tollybon?


Leland said...

Will Obama let the press come photograph soldiers coffins? He's looking into it. He'll get back to you later.

If we go by the Army manual, I think the answer is "no". Heck if I recall, photographing dead for the purposes of propaganda is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions.

Anonymous said...

Major Garrett is comic relief.

George Grady said...

How often is he going to call this "an unprecedented problem"? It shows a complete lack of historical awareness.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The MSM will give him rave reviews!

XWL said...

Major Garrett (of boo-hiss FNC) asks the Biden suggested a 70/30 success to failure ratio question:

Obama answers, yes, Joe is an idiot.

(OK, he didn't say that, but he meant it)

And #44 took a relatively concise 1:58 to answer.

Jason (the commenter) said...

An A-rod question? What the hell is wrong with the Washington Post?

Michael Haz said...

Meanwhile in other countries, leaders are saying "I can roll zees guy".

Oh good, a hard hitting question about baseball.

XWL said...

Now an Alex Rodriguez question, OK, I'm done, I just don't care anymore, nothing to see here, move along...

Susan said...

He just basically laughed at Joe Biden and said he had no idea what he was talking about when Joe said we had a 30% chance of getting this wrong. If Obama was dumb enough to pick someone he openly laughs at for VP, why in the world would we trust him to spend 900 billion.

"I have no idea, I really don't." Barak Obama

George Grady said...

Why is he taking the baseball question seriously?

Chennaul said...

I swear he was boring during the debates.

OH a baseball question FINALLY!

[I am being sarcastic.]

I'm Full of Soup said...

Helen is looking slim & hungry!

Michael Haz said...

Are the Tollybon in Paahkastan?

joewxman said...

helen thomas just made reference to so callled terrorists. Can someone please put her out of our misery?

Dody Jane said...

SO CALLED terrorists...

chickelit said...

Didn't Maureen Dowd suggest sending in a few dozen special ops to take out bin Laden?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Michael H:

Gets the comment of the night and it's a twofer!

Dody Jane said...

yes - the Tal-EEEE- bon in is Pahk---eeee---sthan

Michael Haz said...

Why is Helen Thomas dressed as Jabba The Hut?

Franco said...

Helen is a so-called journalist so it all evens out.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

This is embarrassing. The man is a random generating talking point machine.

Thank God I'm not participating in the drinking game. My liver couldn't stand it.

Seriously. He keeps this shit up....he's gonna piss of even the mostly tingly legged reporter.

Palladian said...

Helen Thomas? That nasty little homunculus is still sitting on her gargoyle perch in the press room?

Dody Jane said...


al said...

How does reducing our arsenal affect nuclear proliferation in the mideast?

Chennaul said...

Wow they know how to yank the mike from Helen.

Order people!

We must have order!

Simon said...

Nicely done on ignoring Helen's attempt to get a follow-up question. You could hear her trying to interrupt him several times - who the hell does she think she is to interrupt a guy important enough to interrupt House?

The Huffpo is allowed to send a reporter to a press conference? wtf?

Dody Jane said...

By reducing our arsenal - they won't have as much to blow up!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Obama is making Goober Pyle look like a statesman.

Michael Haz said...

I think I saw a Tollybon working at the Cinnabon shop in the mall. Damn sugar and fat terrorists.

Simon said...

If huffpo is a allowed a question, is redstate?

al said...

From Andy Levy(Red Eye) on Twitter:

"Does anyone know who's been operating Helen Thomas since Jim Henson died?"

Godot said...

Oh dear. So you ARE ok with prosecuting Bush admin officials?

chickelit said...

Good--that witch hunting Bush in the past is a waste of time.

Darcy said...

*off to look up homunculus*

Chennaul said...


Where's Cheney when you need him?

Oh Obama is interested in prosecuting people like ordinary citizens-

Ghee can we start with NOT paying taxes by your nouveau Treasury Secretary Geithner?


Dody Jane said...

Helen is a Skechtsie (sp?) from The Dark Crystal

Dust Bunny Queen said...

*off to look up homunculus*

I know. Great vocabulary on this comments section.

/bow to Palladian

Simon said...

Glen said...
"Oh dear. So you ARE ok with prosecuting Bush admin officials?"

Was there ever any doubt? As soon as he needs something to buy some support from the left, he'll throw that out.

Donna Pence said...

Hilarious! No one's above the law (excepting members of his cabinet)

XWL said...

Just picked up on the BETATRON 3000 mind reading device that I pointed at Obama:

(I could use a Michael Phelps sized bong hit right about now...)

By the way, was he blinking this much at the beginning of the press conference and I just didn't notice.

Frequent blinking can be a sign of anger, or lying, or frustration, or in his case, probably all three.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Israel have nuclear weapons? I could have sworn they were in the Middle East.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Republicans were brought in early".

This is the lie of the night. Pelosi wrote the package two months ago but Obama was too disengaged to even glance at it until a week or so ago. Obama saw it before any Republicans did.

Chennaul said...

Oh bull a lot of this Stimulus bill was written in closed committee.

The Dude said...

SHUT YOUR BIG FAT YAPPER! We have important things to watch.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Does he know of anyone in the Middle East who's got nuclear weapons?

Other than Isreal.

Michael Haz said...

Must not resist reform! Glorious Leader says Do Not Resist!

Stephen said...

But what would happen if the government did nothing? What it is the worst it could get? Could it equal or surpass the the Carter 70s? Could it equal or surpass the Depression? Is that too great a price to pay for liberty?

Anthony said...

As someone who was born and raised in Elkhart, I decided to take a shot every time he said "Elkhart". Needless to say, I'm plowed.

Leland said...

Frequent blinking can be a sign of anger, or lying, or frustration, or in his case, probably all three.

Well at least he didn't preempt "Lie to Me".

Chennaul said...

Cripes Pelosi has had this shopping list up her sleeve for years..

Now she's loose and buying so much that half of it will rot before it sees the light of day.

Jason (the commenter) said...

He SAYS he's against torture but he kept people who were tortured from suing and he refuses to stop it.

XWL said...

And comedians on the Daily Show and SNL will still claim, even after this debacle of a press conference, that there are no good hooks for parody with regards to the wonderful and practically perfect 44th President.

Jen Bradford said...

Helen referring to "so-called terorists" made me want a throw-down. He was a wuss not to call her on it.

Godot said...

Good luck getting that past The Teacher's Union BHO.

Dody Jane said...

It is time for 24! Shut Up.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Some politicians arguing we don't need a stimulus".

2nd lie of the night unless he is referring to Ron Paul.

cf said...

aRghh! I turned the Talker off and came downstairs and found some relief right here, haha. So, off the top of my head:
* Elkhardt, Indiana, stunt for the purposes of this press conference, confirms my suspicions of how unserious Obama sees this crisis if he can fussy-butt around with such theater.
* This economic problem being the fault of the (everybody sing along) "failed policies of the last 8 years". Sigh. Actually, it's the failed policies of the last 20 at least, of which many of those who have been a part of it (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, etc. I mean you) are more empowered and unexamined than ever.
* The Straw Man choice of No action or this clumsy barge of a bill demeans authentic discussion: The real problem is that it is clear this bill is more about "we won" and Rahm's "don't waste a crisis" mentality and MUCH LESS about putting out an economic firestorm. Let's keep it lean. Let's make this bill a fist aimed at the threatening recession beast instead of an open hand of payola out to every interest Rahm can check-off. Obama insults us all.

al said...

Can roto-rooter clear ideological blockage?

Michael Haz said...

Must clear ideologic blockage! Beloved Leader says Clear Your Ideologic Blockage!

Franco said...

Serious recovery package - this is NOT a serious recovery package.

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