৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০০৯

"And I must say, your English has gotten so good."

ADDED: Yeah, I know, Leno is so awkward setting up the jokes. It's so obvious that he's got a plan to deliver a punchline. But it was still funny, and Cruz is so gorgeous.

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

Wince বলেছেন...

Speaking of silly mistakes, didn't she shack-up with Tom Cruise for a while?

Host with the Most বলেছেন...

Why do I get the feeling that Ann has a girl crush on Penelope Cruz?

And I loved, loved, loved Penelope Cruz. I was enjoying the movie immensely, and since I hadn't read the reviews, I didn't know that the character — Maria Elena — that they kept talking about would turn up and be Penelope Cruz. All the other actors seemed pretty good, and then she showed up and invented a new kind of intensity. Wow. Penelope Cruz.
It's enough to make me want to take up smoking. So exciting. And — spoiler alert — she kisses Scarlett Johansson.

This doesn't have anything to do with her breasts, does it?

The Dude বলেছেন...

She is not gorgeous, not ugly, mind you, but far from gorgeous.

But her accent is horrible. Keep learning English, in "tine" you might sound as though you aren't here to clean houses.

David বলেছেন...

Not gorgeous? You have got to be kidding. She is amazing, and looks natural and normal doing it, not all starleted up.

What's the take on her body language, though? Lots of arms crossed in front of her chest? I had trouble reading it.

William বলেছেন...

I saw her in Vicki Cristina Barcelona. She just blew everyone else off the screen....I suppose the movie is suggested by the love affairs of Frida and Diego Rivera. Their life together was far weirder than a Woody Allen masturbation fantasy, but I couldn't help thinking during the movie that that's not the way life on earth works. I think if Woody had played the Javier Bardem role (as he did while imagining the scenario) the basic idiocy of the movie would be revealed....In keeping with breast awareness month, I would like to point out that there is one scene where both Penelope and Scarlett stand and face the screen in T-shirts. Scarlett due to the youth advantage has a slightly nicer rack. Nonetheless Penelope as eye candy gives a greater sugar rush than Scarlett. And they say men are superficial....In real life, alternatives exclude. In a Woody Allen movie alternatives fall in love with each other and have a threesome.

Bissage বলেছেন...

(1) Penélope Cruz is phenomenally talented and very, very beautiful.

But just you wait.

It’ll only be another 40 years before she starts complaining that someone younger and less talented stole her thunder.

(2) Hey, did you hear about those new corduroy pillowcases?

They’re making headlines all over town.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I haven't seen her in VCB, but I can imagine her playing a Spanish woman has promise. In general, I find watching (and listening to) her in movies to be a lot of work.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

In Almodobar's Volver she sings a Spanish classic... Volver.

She blew me away,, I don’t know for a fact that it was her.. But if it was - wow.

She was also trained as a ballerina.

Chennaul বলেছেন...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized for pancreatic cancer surgery.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs বলেছেন...

I would fuck Cruz.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs বলেছেন...

I loved her in All About My Mother one of my all time favorite movies ever.

ricpic বলেছেন...

She just has to sit there. That is enough. That is sufficient. Slobber slobber.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs বলেছেন...

Ricpic we have something in common.

Did you ever imagine?

Trooper York বলেছেন...

I am disappointed that Professor Althouse continues with her sad obsession with the objectification of woman and continually post topics that idealize the female form as though it is the only thing in life.

I look forward to the bikini shots of Ruth Bader Ginsberg when she recovers from her surgery. Best wishes to Justice Ginsberg, get well soon.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

And sadly, there is no cake.

TMink বলেছেন...

Yeah, she is a serious babe. So is Salma Hayek. Both deeply attractive women.


ricpic বলেছেন...

Did you ever imagine?

Frankly, no.

Kidding. Just kidding.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

FCAI - "Cruz is not gorgeous..."

Excuse me, but which ear do you wear your earring in?
And even that may not be an excuse.

Titus thinks she is hot enough even he would love to fuck her.

Lets just add that she is more than good looks...she is a talented actress, singer, and dancer..
Spain is having a pretty good run in recent years churning out great chefs, writers, artists, movie stars, marvelous athletes - especially in soccer and tennis.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

She's gorgeous like Zsa Zsa Gabor is gorgeous.

It's a symbolic gorgeous, rather than an actual one.

She stands for a gorgeous person, in a convention used by talk shows.

It's like a laugh track is to comedy.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs বলেছেন...

She is universally beautiful in the fact that everyone thinks she is beautiful and if you don't you are not human.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Her upper teeth are not attractive - she is approaching prognathic. She has brown eyes. She apparently dyes her hair. While her basic facial bone structure is ok, her skin is too dark. There is no way I could consider her gorgeous.

And when she tries to speak English she totally loses me - stick to Spanish, woman.

blake বলেছেন...

I don't find her appealing. (Now, Hayek is another story.) De gustibus and all that.

Actually what's terrible about this clip and I think why I don't watch the talk shows any more--well, one reason--is that it's soooo obvious the "interview" has been coached. There's no spontaneity but they all pretend there is.

They could just say, "Hey, tell the audience the funny story you told me before the show."

Maybe Carson did that stuff, too, but he was either better at it or I was worse at spotting it.

Methadras বলেছেন...

There is a woman that works out at my gym that I see from time to time that looks exactly like Penelope Cruz. Slightly less shorter hair, but just a dead ringer. It's hard to work out sometimes when she is around.

Beth বলেছেন...

fcai is Maxine, right? Or, rather, the drag queen behind Maxine?

Yomamas বলেছেন...

I'm an American, English is my second language, I have an accent. I work with the troops as a software engineer, and have met many who put their lives on the line with an accent very similar to mine. We don't clean houses.

After years of reading conservative blogs, I have found the first commenter I'm willing to flatly call Racist.


"But her accent is horrible. Keep learning English, in "tine" you might sound as though you aren't here to clean houses."

"And when she tries to speak English she totally loses me - stick to Spanish, woman."

And to stay on topic, she's hot :).

The Dude বলেছেন...

So, Mexican is a race now? Who are you, a La Raza spokesperson?

The fact that I find her and her speaking unattractive means just that - she is not attractive to me. That you are willing to call me a racist makes your logic suspect.

There are classes you can take to reduce your accent, if you cared to - oh right, you are too busy calling people names to spend time educating yourself. Good luck with your life - your inability to speak standard English will only hold you back.

somefeller বলেছেন...

fcai says: The fact that I find her and her speaking unattractive means just that - she is not attractive to me. That you are willing to call me a racist makes your logic suspect.

No, the comment about "you might sound as though you aren't here to clean houses" is what makes you sound like a racist. And don't play the disingenuous "So, Mexican is a race now?" line. You aren't smart enough pull off that dodge effectively. (Incidentally, Penelope Cruz is from Spain, not Mexico.) Also, as others have pointed out here, you obviously don't have good taste in women. Or much else, I'd suspect.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Ooo - yomama getting help from his momma, somefeller. The fact that I don't find P. Cruz's appearance or speaking attractive is just that. But like most liberals, you have to roll that into a larger ball of hate and say I am a racist - what Spaniards are a race now? Was that smarter? Do I qualify for the liberal smart card now? No, oh, I am so disappointed.

And let's face facts - Ms. Cruz is not going to date you or your other little friends on here, either. I know, life is a series of disappointments. But hang in there, you will find some woman who is in need of a trick or a hit of crack who will date you.

somefeller বলেছেন...

Do I qualify for the liberal smart card now?

No, nor do you qualify for the conservative smart card. Or any other type of smart card, either.

And let's face facts - Ms. Cruz is not going to date you or your other little friends on here, either.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. But, since I'm happily married and prefer blondes, I'm not too concerned about Ms. Cruz's future dating plans.

I know, life is a series of disappointments.

True, though that's more true for some people than it is for others. I suspect in your case, it's true for about 23.75 out of 24 hours of the day.

Too easy.

Yomamas বলেছেন...

Nice, calling a Spaniard a Mexican...

Stereotype much? Just keep digging that hole...

What you find attractive is none of my business. But like somefeller pointed out, making the statement that because she has an accent "Keep learning English, in "tine" you might sound as though you aren't here to clean houses" speaks for itself.

But you know, maybe racist wasn't the right word... Ignorant? Bigot? Just plain Stupid? Or Uneducated?

I'm not sure, enlighten me with your accentless knowledge of English. What do I call a person that suggests, if someone has an accent, they are here to clean houses?

The Dude বলেছেন...

A comedian? Someone who has been around long enough to know that stereotypes are based on life experience?

Yeah, you are right - my bad. I should have said that she was here to paint my house or mow my lawn. There, all better. Can't be all gender biased and whatnot.

Now back to speaking your pidgen and insulting Americans. I am sure you are an absolute joy to work around, what with that enormous chip on your shoulder and low self esteem.

As for your protector, the liberal Hillary lover - dude - you are married to a blonde - you have no right to speak to anyone about taste in women, but you do have my sympathy. No doubt she is an airplane blonde and as phony as you are.

I hope you have many years of wedded bliss and keep writing on public forums about how "hot" you find other women. Your wife's lawyer will use those statements to your disadvantage. Please, do go on - was it her artifically puffed up lips that you liked?

Yomamas বলেছেন...

Well you do a good enough job of representing yourself...

I'm glad I could call you out.

As for the liberal talk, I'm not sure how it has any relevance to the subject. You've shown yourself to be a sad example of a human being, liberal or conservative...

FWIW I peg the meter pretty far to the right...

The Dude বলেছেন...

You are correct - I don't need a Hillary drone defending me.

Where you fail is in your ability to parse standard English - keep working on it, and maybe someday, you will understand a nuanced sentence. Until then, keep speaking your pidgin and entertaining all you come in contact with.