The beauty of democratic rotations of power is that when the opposition takes office, cheap criticism and calumny will no longer do. The Democrats now own Iraq. They own the war on al-Qaeda. And they own the panoply of anti-terror measures with which the Bush administration kept us safe these past seven years.This is something I thought a lot about when I decided to vote for Obama. The Democrats need their turn in the position of power so they will own and take responsibility for the things that really do need to be done. And it is an opportunity for all of us to see and understand clearly what these things are.
Which is why Obama is consciously creating a gulf between what he now dismissively calls "campaign rhetoric" and the policy choices he must make as president. Accordingly, Newsweek -- Obama acolyte and scourge of everything Bush/Cheney -- has on the eve of the Democratic restoration miraculously discovered the arguments for warrantless wiretaps, enhanced interrogation and detention without trial. Indeed, Newsweek's neck-snapping cover declares, "Why Obama May Soon Find Virtue in Cheney's Vision of Power."
By the way, I was surprised to see Krauthammer use that vivid expression "neck-snapping," when Krauthammer is paralyzed as a result of snapping his neck in a diving accident. I suspect there are many individuals with disabilities who make a point of using the very imagery that other people might apologize for using in their presence.
"This is something I thought a lot about when I decided to vote for Obama. The Democrats need their turn in the position of power so they will own and take responsibility for the things that really do need to be done."
I, and millions of others, sure hope your faith in the Dem's ability to become responsible adults regarding security turns into reality.
History is not on your/their side.
Indeed, Krauthammer is a stand-up type of guy.
This is the reason so many of us were disgusted at the behavior of the left and parts of the Democratic party over the past seven years. We knew all the "high-minded" opposition to the evil Bu$h's policies and to America's Imperialism would magically disappear when another Democrat took the chair. We knew it for what it was: a cynical political charade that did nothing except harm our national will and our national interests. And now we're supposed to be happy that the charade is over? Well they've got a surprise coming to them. A whole big part of their base actually believed their leftist rhetoric and believes that "change is coming" and I don't think they'll be happy to learn that the "change" amounts to different carpet in the Oval Office.
How long will it be before the Obama administration starts revoking all those Executive powers that they once so strongly objected to? Oh, that's right. Never. Well, not until another (R) takes the chair.
So the new Democratic party slogan is: vote for us or we'll whine and cry and scream and thrash and fuck up the country in the process?
Pop us the pacifier of power and we'll immediately shut up and start sucking.
I suspect there are many individuals with disabilities who make a point of using the very imagery that other people might apologize for using in their presence.
Yes, it's similar to the view that blacks can say nigger, gays can say queer or fag, women can say bitch or ho to each other.
Apparently Krauthammer and his fellow wheelies greet each other with the occasional "Yo, snappy what's up!"
But just you try it and there will be hell to pay.
"The Democrats now own Iraq."
What a neck-snapping load of crap.
The Iraqis own Iraq. This is something the Republicans failed to appreciate. And NOBODY with any common sense will EVER think that this was anything but W's war.
The Kraut guy think's too much like me. Am I sick or just too German? I do so love his precisely aimed commentary, God help me, I do so love it.
Krauthammer explains with his usual lucidity why I'm laughing at the Angry Left with even more gusto now, than I did for the past 8 years.
"Joe the Electrician" is AJD, that poltergeist troll that has been haunting and annoying this blog for years.
Is it just my imagination, or has there been a distinct change in how Obama talks about much of the stuff Krauthammer refers to since he started getting the same morning intelligence briefing that Bush does?
I thought they only changed the carpets in the white house after interns...oh, never mind.
In any case, Joe the Electrician misses the obvious.
Krauthammer is not saying that the Obama Administration (and hence the Democrats) own the Iraqi situation in some kind of metaphorical way. In his column he makes clear that Bush still has that kind of ownership.
He's saying that the Democrats own the Iraqi situation in the literal way. They have the power now. They can do whatever it is they've been talking about doing for the last 6 years.
(Of course Congress had the power two years ago to do something, but let's not belabor that point -- since their avoidance of ownership turned out so well.)
I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but a lot of that "high minded" opposition (on the far left), is still there, and doesn't appear to have plans of letting up.
Think of that "change" that many of us voted for, as a change in competencies.
Agreed. (Henry's ownership post)
Althouse said: The Democrats need their turn in the position of power so they will own and take responsibility for the things that really do need to be done.
When have the Democrats "owned" a failure or policy disaster of their making since LBJ stood down in 1968?
Neck-snapping cover... there possibly is more meaning there than you might understand...
Truth outs...
Ann said rationalizing :) ...This is something I thought a lot about when I decided to vote for Obama. The Democrats need their turn in the position of power so they will own and take responsibility for the things that really do need to be done
So all those campaign promises were so much hypocritical BS that was portrayed as heart felt policy but was just blatant pandering to various interest groups?
And now, and Geraghty says: "All Obama promises have expiration dates. All of them", we are supposed to believe that Obama will ignore all those left wingers in the campaign and toss out that hope and change crap and govern like an adult?
The problem is that many of us think that Obama has No moral compass, and that what we will get for 4+ years will be Clinton 2, where the only guide on policy will not be what's good for the country, but rather, "how does it poll?"
We expect that Obama will be running, as he appears to be, a perpetual campaign, seeking donations from interest groups to create astro turf organizations to lobby him and Congress to do whatever the latest polls say folks want. The Axelrod way.
Right. As with Clinton, it's all about the Legacy. Of course, he won't have Clinton's post-Cold War Peace Dividend to spend, but he will govern the way that works best for him, not for us.
And that is the difference between Bush, and Clinton and The One.
Ann Althouse said: "And it is an opportunity for all of use to see and understand clearly what these things are."
I think that should be "all of youse", not "all of use".
Thank you very much.
He's not always aware of reality, as a result he could mislead folks into thinking that CRA caused the subprime meltdown.
Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote recently that while the goal of the CRA was admirable, "it led to tremendous pressure on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — who in turn pressured banks and other lenders — to extend mortgages to people who were borrowing over their heads. That's called subprime lending. It lies at the root of our current calamity."
Fannie and Freddie, however, didn't pressure lenders to sell them more loans; they struggled to keep pace with their private sector competitors. In fact, their regulator, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, imposed new restrictions in 2006 that led to Fannie and Freddie losing even more market share in the booming subprime market.
What's more, only commercial banks and thrifts must follow CRA rules. The investment banks don't, nor did the now-bankrupt non-bank lenders such as New Century Financial Corp. and Ameriquest that underwrote most of the subprime loans.
These private non-bank lenders enjoyed a regulatory gap, allowing them to be regulated by 50 different state banking supervisors instead of the federal government. And mortgage brokers, who also weren't subject to federal regulation or the CRA, originated most of the subprime loans.
In a speech last March, Janet Yellen, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, debunked the notion that the push for affordable housing created today's problems.
"Most of the loans made by depository institutions examined under the CRA have not been higher-priced loans," she said. "The CRA has increased the volume of responsible lending to low- and moderate-income households."
In a book on the sub-prime lending collapse published in June 2007, the late Federal Reserve Governor Ed Gramlich wrote that only one-third of all CRA loans had interest rates high enough to be considered sub-prime and that to the pleasant surprise of commercial banks there were low default rates. Banks that participated in CRA lending had found, he wrote, "that this new lending is good business.
Or, put more simply:
* Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics.
With apologies to Freddy Mercury:
O walks happily down the aisle,
With the brim pulled way down low
Press corps swoons at the sight of his smile,
Recorders ready to go
Are you ready, are you ready for this
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat
Out from the dias the walkbacks rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, Im gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
How do you think you're going to get along,
Without him, when he's gone
He took you for everything that you had,
And kicked you out on you own
Are you happy, are you satisfied
How long can you stand the heat
Out from the dias the walkbacks rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him
You can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him
When hes down
And he's ready, yes he's ready for you
He's counted on your quiet retreat
Out from the dias the walkbacks rip
Repeating the sound of the beat
An interesting note about Krauthammer's comments is that they were made about 24 hours after Krauthammer, and other conservatives, had dinner with Obama at George Will's house.
Kruathammer parhaps took good measure of Obama at that dinner.
Kraut Hammer is the poster child for the republican make a wish foundation. Obama not radically changing the ship of state is not because Bush was on the right course. It just shows that Obama is being very careful now that we are on the edge of the abyss not to over-correct.
Kraut Hammer and the rest of the Bush apologist crowd keep up the fantasy of a golden history book legacy because the alternative is guilt. The eternal shame for supporting a reckless incompetent tool who lacked the guts to make his staff work for him must be frightening.
Yes, I voted for the antiquated female hygiene fluid repository.... twice!
"And NOBODY with any common sense will EVER think that this was anything but W's war."
Too bad he shredded the Constitution and prevented the Congress from having any say in the matter.
I love this from Howard.
Obama not radically changing the ship of state is not because Bush was on the right course. It just shows that Obama is being very careful now that we are on the edge of the abyss not to over-correct.
Gosh, if you're on the edge of the abyss, you sure wouldn't want to over-correct! You might back up away from that cliff too much! That's why when my car is about to drive over a cliff, I make sure not to hit the brakes too hard.
Too bad Krauthammer, as usual, doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.
Holder said in his testimony yesterday that waterboarding is torture. Redeeming the president or Cheney on this issue just ain't gonna happen. They should count themselves lucky that they will not be charged.
"Too bad he shredded the Constitution and prevented the Congress from having any say in the matter."
(Quoting myself? Of course, I'm so fucking brilliant)
And I'm frankly surprised that given the supermajority he enjoyed in both chambers, he didn't take the obvious next step of having all non-white non-evangelical Christians sent to the ovens as well. I'll bet he's positively kicking himself over having missed that golden opportunity (and I'm sure that dinosaur-riding Palin will never forgive him for it).
It just shows that Obama is being very careful now that we are on the edge of the abyss not to over-correct.
Howard, I think you win the "whatever metaphor to hand" award.
Crimso, your tired bit of trite ignorance bores me. Here's a hint: saying it's so doesn't make it so, no matter how much you may want it to be so.
Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics.
But it must be true. Poor black people must have caused the current crisis. The people on Wall Street would have never wrecked the economy if the government hadn't made them.
I suspect there are many individuals with disabilities who make a point of using the very imagery that other people might apologize for using in their presence.
Like when a parapalegic I know calls us uninjured types "fucking walkers", or when he shares his hierarchy of central nervous system injuries: the paras and the hemis make fun of quads, the quads make fun of the head injuries, and the head injuries are just glad to be included.
* Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics.
I saw that reported in McClatchy, but they didn't cite a source other than "Federal Reserve Board data." Do you have a link to the original data?
Holder said in his testimony yesterday that waterboarding is torture.
Interesting. Is he against that evil Bush policy of extraordinary rendition, too? You know, "Of course it's a violation of international law, that's why it's a covert action. The guy is a terrorist. Go grab his ass."
Oh, wait!
"Crimso, your tired bit of trite ignorance bores me. Here's a hint: saying it's so doesn't make it so, no matter how much you may want it to be so."
I'm genuinely confused by this. Are you under the impression that I don't routinely use deep sarcasm? Perhaps I don't comment often enough here for any of you to piece together a clear picture of where I stand, but I can only infer from the comments that I've made on this post that you think I believe the things I've said. Quite the opposite. I routinely say things in my day-to-day life that are patently outrageous, and pretty much everyone understands where I'm coming from. This damned internet thing is wholly inadequate for the likes of a true comedic genius such as myself!!!
In George W. Bush, we have witnessed greatness, my friends, and it was the behavior of Democrats that made it so. Without their constant, unwarranted rattle, his job wouldn't have been half as difficult; but I've been predicting for some time that W's going to end up on Mount Rushmore, and now that the Dems are back-tracking on everything, I'm even more sure of it now.
It's only 4 years: I can hang.
Tim: Touche
Pencil Geek: It's obvious you don't know how to handle hurtling machinery. Slamming on the brakes is the exact emotional response that gets people killed every day.
Is he against that evil Bush policy of extraordinary rendition, too?
Do you want me to defend the Clinton administration's use of extraordinary rendition? Because I'm not going to.
"By the way, I was surprised to see Krauthammer use that vivid expression "neck-snapping," when Krauthammer is paralyzed as a result of snapping his neck in a diving accident. I suspect there are many individuals with disabilities who make a point of using the very imagery that other people might apologize for using in their presence."
If this were true, AlphaLiberal would use "emasculating" and "brain-robbing" more often.
"Do you want me to defend the Clinton administration's use of extraordinary rendition? Because I'm not going to."
First things first, then. Let's take these transgressions seriatim. After we have prosecuted the Clinton crimes, then we can move on to Bush.
First things first, then. Let's take these transgressions seriatim. After we have prosecuted the Clinton crimes, then we can move on to Bush.
Extraordinary rendition is not a clear cut crime prohibited by both treaty and U.S. law. I am not advocating prosecuting anyone for extraordinary rendition.
Actually a good question - How many people did Clinton rendition and torture?
Howard, if you slam on the brakes on ice then that is the wrong response. But if you're about to drive off a cliff then it is exactly the right response. Just like landing a jet in a river is typically frowned upon but sometimes its brilliant.
Sorry Bob, thanks for playing. Any act that is sudden and violent is dangerous because you give up control. Subtle corrections almost always work best. Hey, maybe stepping on the accelerator may be the right call. Of course, if losing your cool and reacting like a TV character is a style that works for you, be my guest.
You are not a pilot Bob, so don't use what happened yesterday as a crutch for your weak notions.
"I am not advocating prosecuting anyone for extraordinary rendition."
And if those subjected to rendition were subsequently waterboarded by the goverments they were sent to?
Actually a good question - How many people did Clinton rendition and torture?
I don't know the numbers. According to the Wikipedia article, we used Egypt as our dropoff point from 1995 onwards. Apparently we didn't press to hard to make sure the prisoners were treated humanely.
And as for Freder's claim that Clinton's practices weren't clear cut violations of law---Al Gore seemed to think so in that quote I snipped.
Howard, not all acts that are sudden or violent are more or less dangerous. Doing little or nothing can get you killed too. You counter an ambush by violently running into the ambushers because making "subtle corrections" means your getting shredded.
Whats right depends on the given situation. But got it, you won't allow differing circumstances to get in the way of a one-size-fits-all solution.
"Whats right depends on the given situation."
Does this concept apply to waterboarding?
And as for Freder's claim that Clinton's practices weren't clear cut violations of law---Al Gore seemed to think so in that quote I snipped.
While it is a violation of international law, it is not necessarily a violation of U.S. law. Torture (and in fact, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment) most certainly is a violation of U.S. law by both treaty and statute.
And if those subjected to rendition were subsequently waterboarded by the goverments they were sent to?
Well then the issue of whether there is any liability on the part of U.S. officials is whether they knew that the victims were likely to be tortured. If you want to pursue these issues, I won't argue with your search for the truth.
"Well then the issue of whether there is any liability on the part of U.S. officials is whether they knew that the victims were likely to be tortured."
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Or if you'd prefer: "I was just following orders."
Well, if you're the US AG and say No then technically a fair number of US military personnel are just now going to be in trouble. Because we do waterboard our own personnel in every survival class. Since thats been going on for something over 40 years prosecutions could get interesting. And of course the service chiefs & service JAGs are gonna have some explaining to do. Since they have authorized this practice.
In "I Claudius" Claudius states that it is always good to be followed by a much worse leader, thereby looking better in retrospect. Bush has gotten lucky - Barry will hose us so royally that we will look back on the Bush years as a golden time.
Don't believe that? Get back to me in a year or two.
"I think that should be "all of youse", not "all of use"."
I really don't care.
I am sick of politics.
Let's talk about hogs and tits.
Or we can talk about how strategic I was today? I really was amazing. My negotiation skills are superior. My communication skills exceptional. My knowledge of complex compensation structures including base/bonus/relo/commission/sign on/stock options/incentive comp. is really something special.
So what I am saying is no more politics. Let's focus on me for once in this place.
I hate relocating someone from low cost of living cities to high cost of cities.
Before we even begin the process I am like you are not going to have a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2500 square feet home on a golf course that you paid $400,000 in Omaha. In Boston you can have a nice one bedroom condo 50 miles from the city or in Maine or New Hampshire. In New York you can have a room in Carol Gardens that overlooks a brickwall-approximately 500 square feet. It is really charming though I heard. Let me put you in touch with the real estate broker in order to discourage from even considering come out East.
Still want to come?
The perceived success of the Obama administration - and the Democrat Congress - will be directly tied to it's stage management.
The Clinton Administration stage managed it's years so well, that the majority of Americans still believe:
- that Clinton was always for a "budget surplus", something history shows he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into.
- that Clinton was never aware of any potential threat by Al Quaeda to American soil,
- that Clinton felt that there was no need for regime change in Iraq.
Democrats: Lowering the moral bar because the Ends always justify the Means.
Getting ready for more of the same from the Dems, Oprah, and their house organ, the New York Times.
Oh well, they can't help it. Their disingenuousness is congenital.
The American desire to honor the traditions created by George Washington for us all usually prevails, unless the guy is a creep. A war president is seldom seen as a creep unless he surrenders. The story of Pres. Obama will be told in that framework someday. I have a hunch Obama will surprise us and lead well within that framework.
I am going out for dindin and drinks tonight. Then I am going to go to a bar alone and sling my pussy.
I don't feel living the rare clumbers tonight because they were at daycare all day today and are exhausted.
They each received "A's" with the exception of "C"s for social skills. They tend to not really want to play with other dogs. They are nice and everything just not interested and have a little attitude-I love that trait.
The clumber spaniel is known to be reserved and aloof with others. Love that so much.
I meant I don't feel guilty leaving the rare clumbers tonight.
Also, the Tibetan cleaners came today and my fabulous floors are sparkeling. I gave them $500.00 for Christmas and I saw them leaving tonight and they gave me a little shade-I was like bitch these are tough economic times-be happy you got something. It costs $250.00 to clean my place and I have it done every two weeks. I thought $500.00 was more than adequate as that was a month's pay. I am sure they got more from some of the other bitches in the building but fuck that.
I am burning some fabulous Yankee Candles-scent...Ocean Breeze.
Love Ocean Breeze.
As well as the scent Thunderstorms.
Obama not radically changing the ship of state is not because Bush was on the right course. It just shows that Obama is being very careful now that we are on the edge of the abyss not to over-correct.
What does that even mean? If Bush was so obviously and so entirely wrong, it should be obvious how not to "over correct."
The fact is that libs saw only evil in everything Bush did, and are now going to have to come up with reasons why when libs do it, it isn't evil.
And that is the meaninglessness of politics - when "they" do it it is evil, but when "we" do it, it is noble.
The last sentence in Krauthammer' piece:
The very continuation by Democrats of Bush's policies will be grudging, if silent, acknowledgment of how much he got right.
I am going to a fancy restaurant tonight with fancy friends for a fancy dindin.
The only thing I don't like about that is I have to go home and change before I go to a bar because I can't have a fancy outfit on at the bar. I have to wear jeans and a tshirt.
I am in the mood for something exotic tonight and I am not talking about dindin, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Snap Finger.
The rare clumbers are now eating their Friday night rare meat feast. They are devouring the shit.
I even had time to do an intense workout and masque today.
Pencil Geek: It's obvious you don't know how to handle hurtling machinery. Slamming on the brakes is the exact emotional response that gets people killed every day.
When hurtling towards the cliff, I'm not only slamming on the brakes, I'm gonna jump out of the car.
Tomorrow is a day of beauty for the rare clumbers. Their hair gets really long. When the hair gets long poop gets stuck in their asses and I have to pull the poop out with a baggy.
So tomorrow will be massages, peddies, teeth brushing, ear waxing and washing and cutting of coats. The queen at the dog spa always has some new product to introduce (for an extra cost, natch) and of course when she explains how fabulous it is I have to have it for them. I ask her, "is it special fabulous" and she says, "natch" and I say ring it up girl.
I respect Krauthammer a lot so I must respectfully disagree. I'll file this notion under "W" for wishful thinking.
Just today I listened briefly to a discussion on Bush's presumed legacy. Right off the bat, on cue, wholly prepared with practiced script, an elderly female voice that, apart from what she was actually saying, sounded well-reasoned and practical.
"I do believe Bush will be considered the worst president we've ever had." So there you go. Bang! Right there. "If Bush wants to take credit for having protected us for seven years, then he'll have to take responsibility for 9-11." How's that for a comprehensive understanding of the situation and compassion? She landed on that line at some point, she like it, it lodged, and that's it. Nothing further can possibly penetrate. Her mind is made up. "We're despised by the rest of the world" that bullshit again. Of course we were loved by the world before Bush, or so this woman thinks, and it was a deep and abiding love that could not be torn asunder by any mean challenge, but that is now all ruined, ruined!, I tell you by one man, single handedly. "He's ruined our economy after inheriting a sound one." Her economic perspicuity is astounding. I'm left totally impressed with her completely original and lucid thinking. Why, I've never heard such stunning acumen. I'm left awe-struck and completely silenced.
My point is, this is a highly and thoroughly cultivated hatred. You see it right here in these comments. These people intend to take this hatred with them to their graves. Bush the worst president in all history, and that's it. Period. End of discussion. Please cease all attempts to rehabilitate evil incarnate. You can not fix Bush's degree of stupidity in the minds of these haters no matter what Democrat president cope with, so just forget about it. I'm sorry, but Krauthammer is wrong.
Thanks for your extremely well written comment.
My father told me when I was 8 that there will always be people, often smart people, who just hate other people even when it doesn't make a lick of sense to hate them.
We usually call it prejudice, and rightfully disparage it.
But it is the blind spot of so many on the left, liberals, Democrats.
It would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic, and - in the case of Bush hatred - so dangerous to our existence as a free democracy and civilized nation.
I would not do Charles Krauthammer.
I don't think there is any male editorialiast that I can think of that I would do.
I would do Maureen Dowd of course.
If flowers didn't fall out when Jonathan Capehart spoke I would do him. But flowers do fall out when he speaks and as a result I would not do him.
I would do a decent number of Obama's cabinet members. Geitner is hot-love the fact that he had illegal immigrants for maids. He is probably the one I would do most.
I feel a creatine and wheat grass smoothie loaf forming.
Those loaves are dangerous and powerful.
It really can't even be called a loaf because it is not a loaf. It is more like a spray.
Actually I take back my last comment. I just finished taking my creatine and wheat grass smoothie loaf and while there is a great deal of spray involved there is a nucleus of loaf which the spray revolves around. Kind of like what the sun does.
I just finished taking my creatine and wheat grass smoothie loaf and while there is a great deal of spray involved there is a nucleus of loaf which the spray revolves around. Kind of like what the sun does.
Sounds like a version of the big bang theory.
So Holder says waterboarding is torture.
He also said the FALN guys should be pardoned and go home (to plot another day)?
He also says the 2nd Amendment is not an individual right.
And didn't he say something about Mark Rich? The unconvicted fugitve who made deals with the bad guys?
So much for Eric the lousiest AG-who-might-be. Ever.
Translation: I am not impressed with what Eric the guy who gives terrorists passes thinks.
And neither should you.
And it is an opportunity for all of us to see and understand clearly what these things are.
Not all of us failed to see and understand those things clearly before now. It would be a fine thing if some of us could learn to see and understand such things regardless of whether the person holding the reins is a Democrat or a Republican.
JAL said...
"So Holder says waterboarding is torture."
To be fair, he is under duress. People being tortured by a Senate hearing will say anything.
GW Bush - He may have helped put us in economic depression, but remember he kept us all safe from attack by foreign nations and terrorists and helped liberate noble, freedom-lovers!
Herbert Hoover - He may have helped put us in economic depression, but at least he kept us all safe from terrorist evildoers and foreign attack. And he helped save many noble foreign freedom lovers.
Fidel Castro - He may have put the Cuban economy in the toilet for 50 years, but he kept Cubans safe from crazy terrorists out of Miami blowing our planes and people up. He saved us from imperialist invasion. And he helped spread the message of liberation and progress to noble oppressed freedom lovers all over Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean with our beloved hero Cuban troops.
Leonid Brezhnev - By almost every measure, Leonid made life outside the Ruling Elites pretty miserable save for what trickled down. But that is not important. What is, is that he kept Mother Russia safe from evildoers and terrorists and revanchist enemies of democracy-loving socialist peoples everywhere. History will rank him right up there with Comrade Stalin - for whatever else he did, he kept us safe...The Bush Doctrine to liberate noble freedom lovers at point of gun is but a later perversion of the Brezhnev Doctrine - "When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn the democratic development of some socialist country towards capitalism, it becomes not only a problem of the country concerned, but a common problem and concern of all socialist countries." Which Uncle Leonid lovingly applied, mainly with tanks, to liberate his freedom-loving wards in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and in 1979,the democracy and progress hungry noble Afghani communists attempting to end Islamic fundamentalism and free women of their Burquas...
Eliot Spitzer and Rod Blagojevich - At least they kept NYC and Chicago safe from terrorist attack. The history books will note that and celebrate their greatness in the One Thing that Matters in a leader. That is, Since Everything Changed - in the minor military attack of 9/11 conducted by 19 unlawful enemy combatants. Thanks, Blago...and hoping someone gives Eliot a freebie
As unlikeable as John Kerry was, and I believe he did dishonor his uniform and I didn't vote for the guy.....he made a great point in 2004 about terrorism.
He said that terrorism was a risk that comes with civilization, That there will always be a certain level of it, but it poses a minor risk to citizens. And no threat to the continuence of the nation and it's current Constitution. The greater risk, he said, would come from a nation or its leadership so distracted by the small threat of a handful of violent extremists that they ignore all the other critical business a superpower must do. And result in causing far more destruction to America, its economy, its military, and its laws - than terrorists could ever do.
Obama needs to be hammered any time he may retain a Bush policy.
If he retains enough of them I'm going to start calling him Chimpy.
"This is something I thought a lot about when I decided to vote for Obama. The Democrats need their turn in the position of power so they will own and take responsibility for the things that really do need to be done."
So what your saying is that the Dems took an unprincipled position against Bush's terror policy, simply to bash, lie and club the him with year after year simply to gain political advantage.
Great. Now the Republicans will be expected to sniff Obamas sack and his Bushian policies or else they will be bashed as unpatriotic in rags like Newsweek.
Further evidence that the Dems do not have political principals, they simple take any position necessary to gain power.
Republicans are idiots.
My fellow liberals need to think with more nuance. Get a Grip People: Bush Is not the Worst President in U.S. History
Al Qaeda gets the plague-40 dead
We always knew Al Qaeda was a plague. Now they appear to have the plague and it may not be an accident.
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