1:00: I listened again to the oath. In fact, Roberts puts "faithfully" after "President of the United States" the first time as well as the second. And I've set up a separate post to discuss the great Oath Botch of 2009.
12:53: The Obamas walk the Bushes to the helicopter. There are warm gestures and embraces. I wish the address itself had shown similar respect to Mr. Bush.
12:37: The Chief Justice in fact screwed up the oath. The Constitution requires:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."Roberts left out the word "faithfully." (He also said "President to the United States.") Obama saw the mistake and stopped himself to give Roberts a chance to fix it. Roberts redid the line, remembering to throw in "faithfully," but putting it in the wrong place — after "President of the United States" — and, this time, Obama went along with the wording. Close enough, I guess he figured. I wonder what Barack Obama was thinking. Maybe: Some textualist you turned out to be!
12:28: "Someone is stitching up a hem"... someone is inflicting poetry on us.
12:26: To my ear, the address wasn't particularly interesting or inspiring. It listed problems, promised solutions, and then went on about an icy stormy journey to freedom. Eh. Anyway, my big question is: Who screwed up the oath, Roberts or Obama? Did Roberts get the words wrong, then compound the error by trying to correct Obama when Obama had it right?
12:25: Here's a new post to talk about the address — which had a lot of storm imagery.
12:18: To the world he says: "We are ready to lead once more." That's an unbecoming attack on George Bush.
12:14: "We will harness the sun" = first comically grandiose statement of the new Prez.
12:11: The inaugural address begins on a strikingly sour note. We have so many problems. In the election we chose hope over "fear" — rather harsh toward John McCain. And now it's time to "put aside childish things." That is a Biblical reference, but in context, he seems to be calling the previous administration childish. Or is he referring to the partisan squabbles, in which case it's most properly a swipe at his own party?
12:05: "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear..." Obama inverts some words, and there's some incongruous flubbing of the oath around the placement of the word "faithfully."
12:03: Sasha is fidgeting. Me too. CNN does a closeup on a black man's face in the crowd. He almost has a tear in his eye. You know they were trying their best to get a black face with a nice photogenic tear.
12:02: Wolf Blitzer whispers over the music: "Barack Obama is now the President of the United States."
12:01: Ahem!
11:59: In fulfillment of the Constitution, the new President must be sworn in at noon. But first, Itzhak Perlman and Yo-Yo Ma must saw out some notes written by John Williams. Get on with it guys. I want the oath in the right minute.
11:57: Justice John Paul Stevens administers the oath of office to Joe Biden.
11:55: Aretha Franklin, in a historically fabulous gray hat with a giant, jeweled bow, belts out "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Bells chime.
11:49: Rick Warren is called to give the invocation. I hear a boo from the crowd. Warren's prayer tells us that God is One and that Martin Luther King Jr. "shouting in Heaven" because an African-American has been elected President. Warren asks for forgiveness and guidance. He asks that all join together for a more just nation and a peaceful world. He commits Obama and his family to God's care. And now, as "Jesus taught us to pray": the Lord's Prayer. (So I was wrong at 7:29.)
11:47: Dianne Feinstein: "the renewed call to greatness."
11:43: "Barack H. Obama" is announced to the crowd. A chant breaks out: "O-ba-ma O-ba-ma..."
11:39: Barack Obama, looking a bit as though he's in a trance, with a blissful smile on his face. The weight of the world is about to be laid on his shoulders. Who can imagine how that feels?
11:36: "Hail to the Chief" plays for President George Bush — for the last time.
11:33: George Bush looks happy.
11:26: On CNN, there's a lot of talk about the way Jill Biden told Oprah that Joe Biden was given his choice of Vice President or Secretary of State. So, Mr. Gaffe is married to his soul mate!
11:24: It's Malia and Sasha! Malia has a beautiful, very adult-looking royal blue coat with a black scarf. Sasha is wearing a hot pink coat with a bright orange scarf and an orange layer underneath. I love the way the 2 girls have completely different styles — Malia, ladylike, and Sasha, girlish. I picture a million little girls gravitating toward one style or the other. How many little girls who love pink will be adding bright orange accents now? How many will move on to the sophistication of dark blue and black?
11:19: The official announcer mispronounces "Rosalyn" — in a loud booming voice. George H.W. Bush says "It's cold out here."
11:14: The former Presidents arrive. George H.W. Bush walks haltingly. Jimmy and Rosalyn look pretty sprightly. Bill and Hillary! Hillary's got a royal blue coat — similar to her 1993 inaugural outfit — sans the conspicuous hat.
11:06: They really need some fashion commentators. There are all these fabulous clothes, and the journalists are fumbling, asking the women journalists to say something — as if ovaries pump information about fabrics and designers. Duh... it's yellow. On one channel, someone was saying he'd consulted "the makeup ladies" and they said Michelle's dress was "brocade" so they were going with that. Embarrassing, inane, and sexist. Get an expert.
11:02: The Supreme Court Justices file out onto the stands. Chief Justice John Roberts is squinting in the sunlight. There's a hot mike somewhere, and we hear Justice Scalia comment: "I never saw so many people." Breyer's wearing wraparound earmuffs. Sandra Day O'Connor is there too. Clarence Thomas looks happy. Think he voted for Obama?
10:51: Motorcade!
10:48: Oh! Dick Cheney is in a wheelchair. I'm sure he'll walk again. It'll look like this:
10:42: Ted Kennedy! He looks good — in a big black fedora and a baby blue scarf. He's one of various people we've seen gradually filling up the VIP section of the stands. 10:08: "A lot of white people. A lot of Asians. This is really a diverse crowd." The wisdom of Wolf Blitzer. But, hey, cool — isn't it? — that "a lot of white people" ends up as a comment on diversity. Still, silly to think that anyone could imagine that Obama's fan base is mainly black people. Hello? There aren't enough black people to make it to the presidency on your popularity with black people. 9:54: A choir is singing. A red carpet is laid down. Barack Obama and Michelle Obama emerge from The Beast. They encounter the Bushes. Michelle has a ribboned box. Has she brought a cake? I hope she brought an assortment! 9:50: Barack and Michelle emerge from the church. The blessings of God are upon them — as they crawl back into The Beast. The next stop is the White House, for coffee with George and Laura. David Gergen intones that — in their manner of handing off the White House — the Bushes have been "classy." The Beast pulls up to the portico. 9:31: CNN news flash: Barack Obama is a human being and the laws of nature have not been repealed. Don't count on 100% magic. 9:15: On Wisconsin Public Radio just now, they were getting some man-on-the-street opinion in Madison. One woman enthused that it was the greatest day in her life, and some guy said today is the "epitome" of his whole life. Then, they told us, not everyone is caught up in all this bubbly good feeling and interviewed a young man who groused that he wasn't convinced we are really going to get change. Yes, this is Madison, Wisconsin, where the people who are pissy about the inauguration are the big lefties. Welcome to my world! 8:48: It's Barack Obama! The camera has been aimed at a green canvas enclosure for so long and then suddenly: It's him! And Michelle, in a glittery sunshine yellow coated dress. They're on their way to church. Episcopal Church. They get into a car that we're told is called "The Beast." 8:38: What would all this feel like if it were the inauguration of John McCain? Of course, some people would be happy, but it would look somber, if not profoundly depressing, on television. 8:32: In the comments, Paul Zrimsek says: "I don't know why no one's been commenting on this, but apparently Obama plans to leave the Office of the President-elect vacant after he's inaugurated! Can democracy survive with a power vacuum at such a high level?" 8:28: In the comments, Palladian is contrasting the media coverage of this inauguration and the last one. Sample comment: "Enjoy the lefties farting red, white and blue flowers while it lasts. As soon as the the correct candidate loses again, the flags will furl and the bile will flow once again in this Dark Empire." 8:21: An experiment with biological/chemical weapon goes gruesomely awry for al Qaeda. Yes, laugh all you want and speculate about whether this will make al Qaeda fans think maybe God's not on their side, but this is a glimpse of what they mean to do to us. George Bush did whatever he did to protect us from those devils, and some people fail to appreciate it when nothing happens. To make this properly part of this inauguration live-blog, do I need to add some message to Obama? I think the message is too obvious to need stating. 8:01: Speaking of change: I've rearranged the entries in this post, in reverse chronological order. Suddenly, after all these years of live-blogging, the scrolling down to get to the new stuff is annoying me. Please enjoy and don't be confused by the new format. 7:57: On CNN, Bow Wow says "It's beautiful" and "We can make the world a better place" and "I'm living in history — something I can tell my kids." 7:41: "Breaking News: Crowds Arrive Early." That just rolled onto the screen with silly urgency. But the silliness factor is high with the "Fox and Friends" people. One of them just said, to incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs: "You've got big high heels to fill" and "You will be the first administration in HD." See? Those 2 things make his job hard. He's replacing a woman — Dana Perino — and the camera is going to show his every pimple and wrinkle. I hadn't focused — not even with low definition — on the new press secretary. It's funny that with all the earnest diversity of the new administration, the man chosen as the President's face to the media looks like the guy central casting would send over if you asked for a typical white man. Is it okay to use the phrase "typical white man"? 7:29: "Warren Invocation: Will he use Jesus' name?" That's the topic of discussion on Fox News. I had the sound off, so I don't know what they were saying, but I'll give my answer. He will not. He will be generous and inclusive and use his own trademark theme: that God has a purpose for us all and that it is for us to discern God's purpose for us and fulfill it. Here are some religion and the inauguration questions from me: Do you think God has a purpose for Barack Obama? If so, is it because you think Obama is a special gift to America and the world or because you — like Rick Warren — think that God has a purpose for each of us? Do you think Barack Obama tries to understand God's purpose for him and to fulfill it? Do you think George Bush did? Do you want the President to think like that? Do you think it violates the Establishment Clause? 7:14: "My hope for him is my hope for the country. If he fails, the country fails. He knows and he says, 'Not me, but you. Not us, but all of us.' " I heard that a few moments ago on NPR's Morning edition. The quote is from Ella Mae Johnson, a 105-years-old black woman who's attending the inauguration. I noticed the kind inclusiveness of all her words. She said: "I have experienced some of the terrible things that happened to groups, to us and to others. There are people who believe because you were different, you were less than." 7:09: I'm doing the time stamps in Washington time, which is not my usual style, as a tribute to our beautiful young President. I'm switching around amongst the cable news channels. They're all doing continuous coverage of the inauguration — with shots of various glowing buildings in the dawn light — required rephrasing: the dawn's early light — and smiling people — waving a flag is the way to get a closeup on CNN. 7:06 Eastern Time: Everything is fresh and new — except the wars, the economic disaster, and so forth — and let's hope — buzzword: hope — it's going to be good.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 314 of 314"Simon said...
Hey, there's the silver lining. At least now, all those idiots who claimed Bush would never leave office, or that there'd be a coup, or that the draft was imminent under Bush, will be revealed for the morons they were."
Ah, yes, truther stupidity. Yeah... that group has been promising us for the last how many years that "McChimpyHalliburton" or whatever bon mot du jour they employ would secretly implement a police state and become dictator of America. I love their Goodwinization of all those threads, comparing the US to a Nazi state. Sure... elections like this happen frequently in Facist nations... [/sarcasm]
I may not have voted for him, but there's a bright side to this election: Now the intellectually vapid truthers will now have to come up with even more ridiculous explanations to account for Obama. Either that, or some of the less obstinate ones will finally choose to give up (here's to hoping for a mass exodus from the stupidity of trutherism).
Simple Gifts was a special favorite of President #43.
Warren's invocation was boring, garden variety. There was no feel, no passion to it. Rev. Wright would have done a much better job.
Biden, amazingly, kept his mouth shut.
Aretha was good, the cello, eh - be done and get on with it.
>200. Time for a new thread Professor!
The first thread with BHO as President.
I do love the playing of "Tis a gift to be simple" at this, the most expensive inauguration in our history. Funded by simple folks at $50,000 a pop.
12:05 Chris Matthews ejaculates
"If they're late it doesn't count? A glimmer of hope!"
Great, the he-was-born-in-Indonesia crowd will seize on that next.
As if we didn't already have the example of David Rice Atchison.
OK. Here we go.
The nightmare is over
hit !!! he flubbed it!!!
Was that Roberts or Obama who just fudged right there???
Copland! Great choice.
I love "Simple Gifts."
More tears at the oath--and I'm as white as they come. What is going on?
Well, clearly Obama and Biden are in on the coup. Bush and Cheney must have turned them before coming out.
He left out a key verb! He's not president!
And he smirked a little when he got up there. Some will mock that, I liked it. Still human. Despite everything pushing you the other way....
Obama choked his oath. Doh!
No... only 43 persons have taken the oath Mr. President. And remember, it 50 states.
The correct Oath:
"I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Roberts said, "I will execute the Office of President to the United States faithfully," and Obama noticed he said it wrong. Roberts rephrased it correctly, but then Obama repeated the initial incorrect phrasing, but without the incorrect 'to'.
I'm sure many in the large crowd are happy government, academic, and 'non-profit' employees.
After all, their candidate won, and he's promised to continue to elevate them over the remaining handful of suckers in the private sector who didn't get the day off, and will be punished for their 'greed' by Obama.
You wanted cliches, you got cliches.
It's only four years, I guess.
12:05:Obama inverts some words, and there's some incongruous flubbing of the oath "
Ahh, they'll just deny it like NASA denies Neil Armstrong flubbed his line.
"And he smirked a little when he got up there. Some will mock that, I liked it. Still human. "
Not perfect. How about that. Not a thing wrong with it either. Wonder what the reaction would have been if Bush did the exact same thing 4 years ago.
Speech pretty good so far.
Obama bungled the oath because the Chief Justice bungled it. Obama would have done better if he just read it.
So far, a bit more like a State of the Union than an Inaugural ... at least, one destined for chiseling.
Jim, my friends in the crowd are an investments manager and the manager of a car dealership. They took leave because this day means something to them, and their children. Maybe you're just bitter? But go ahead and assume. There's a good skit about that on the old Odd Couple show that pretty much speaks to you directly.
But it could just be that we got done reading a number of inaugural addresses and today's language and style is just different. : ) So disregard. : )
Egad... another 'deer in the headlights' moment
Listening to him on the radio, he doesn't sound very positive. He actually seems bitter, hateful even. Not good.
He's got some Clintonian Southern twang going on in the delivery...
If he bungled the oath, he's not really president. Ahhhh. Where's my tin foil hat. He's not president. Ahhhh.
Ann Althouse says: "The inaugural address begins on a strikingly sour note. We have so many problems. In the election we chose hope over "fear" — rather harsh toward John McCain. And now it's time to "put aside childish things." That is a Biblical reference, but in context, he seems to be calling the previous administration childish. Or is he referring to the partisan squabbles, in which case it's most properly a swipe at his own party?"
It didn't strike me as a swipe at Bush. Obama really believes that he can rise above partisanship and forge the compromises needed. He said clearly that we bear a collective responsibility for the mess we are in. He is right.
Yes ... "humility and restraint" defeated Hitler.
What's up with his sideburns? Is his barber making a statement? How hard would it have been to match those up? Is it significant that the right side is slightly longer?
"Lines of tribe shall soon dissolve."
There are some good lines.
"The world has changed, and we must change with it."
Ah, progress.
Sometimes, it does have to come from the top.
I dont think Obama knows how not to be gloomy and partisan.
This got to be the most partisan inaugural adress ever.
12:05: "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear..." Obama inverts some words, and there's some incongruous flubbing of the oath around the placement of the word "faithfully."
I have endured one hour of Inaugural coverage, of barely hearing President and Mrs. Bush being cheered after 8 years of tireless work, and hateful criticism, of seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton receiving a silence-shattering ovation (as well as President and Mrs. Carter...), and I feel it was all worthwhile.
Because that horribly mangled Oath made me laugh out loud.
It was Princess Diana mixing up her husband's first names, and effectively, marrying her father-in-law.
LOL. Awesome, President Obama.
(Incidentally, really poor delivery in the Inaugural Address. It is hardly the Churchillian ringing tones I expected)
"12:18: To the world he says: "We are ready to lead once more."
Sadly, I am afraid we will be leading by following.
The inaugural address begins on a strikingly sour note.
Yes, I thought that was weird. He's trying to manage expectations.
He's all over the place with this speech, even the crowd seems a little confused.
Aretha Franklin--astoundingly bad rendition of the national anthem
Rick Warren--could have phoned in his benediction. I'm Christion too but jeeze did he lay it on thick!
CJ Roberts--way to screw up the oath. Next time use flashcards.
All in all this event was rather poorly planned and executed. Listening to Obama now--much better.
@Victoria -- I thought of the Princess Diana thing too! I almost put it in the post.
"Do you think God has a purpose for Barack Obama? If so, is it because you think Obama is a special gift to America and the world or because you — like Rick Warren — think that God has a purpose for each of us?"
Yes, because he has a purpose for each of us.
"Do you think Barack Obama tries to understand God's purpose for him and to fulfill it?"
"Do you think George Bush did?"
"Do you want the President to think like that?"
Depends on how they do it. Some try to "discern God's purposes" for them in the world and look at all kinds of irrelevant indicators.
Some "open doors" lead to elevator shafts. God gifting humans with wisdom is part of how his purposes are realized, and wisdom means a human Makes the call, not follows the auspex.
"Do you think it violates the Establishment Clause?"
Absolutely not.
""The world has changed, and we must change with it."
Ah, progress. "
HAHAHAHA. oh, wait. Seriously?
How many times has he mentioned his absentee father??
It was Princess Diana mixing up her husband's first names, and effectively, marrying her father-in-law.
That's pretty funny, Victoria. Didn't know that.
@Victoria -- I thought of the Princess Diana thing too! I almost put it in the post.
Hey Ann.
Yeah, I'm too young to remember it live, but I savoured it many times on tape.
This is what makes this flub so wonderful to those of us who think he's arrogant.
Unlike the deep-voiced JFK, with that unforgettable accent, no one will be looping that Oath in wax museums.
Let the British remember General Washington, I think is the take-away point.
Incredibly boring address, and the restrained reaction by the partisan crowd says it all.
We have our disagreements politically, but I gotta say... Damn, He's A Frakking Great Speaker!!!!!
Yes, seriously. He is putting science at the forefront, for one thing. He is not scared to do so. You will reap the rewards of this, whether you care to credit him or not.
He is not a science-denier.
Hey OM! :)
That's pretty funny, Victoria. Didn't know that.
Let me see if it's on Youtube.
EDIT: No, it's not! Boo.
Her vows were to "Philip Charles Arthur George". As the Russian peasants might say, not a good omen. ;)
Well, that certainly ran the gamut from vacuous to awful. Just dreadful - and as Althouse mentions, that malingering tension between his rhetoric about uniting, and the simmering partisanship in the rest of his remarks. All I heard was a politician trying to not sound too smug while running his victory in, and putting in a few cheap shots at the losers.
Which is it, are we a nation of 'relative plenty', or are the facing a crisis the likes of which we haven't seen since Valley Forge or the War of 1812?
"It didn't strike me as a swipe at Bush. Obama really believes that he can rise above partisanship and forge the compromises needed. He said clearly that we bear a collective responsibility for the mess we are in. He is right."
I think he might. But rising above partisanship means actually listening to the other side and admiting they are right about some things. It is not just asking the other side's favorite schister preacher to speak at your innaugural. Is Obama really willing to admit that Bush got a few things right on national security and even the economy? The fact that he kept Gates and wants to cut taxes as part of the giant debt aquisition package indicates that maybe he does. The problem is that he has a bunch of power hungry to down right looney supporters whose idea of deep thought is making a Bush is stupid joke or watching The Daily Show who are unlikely to understand that.
I thought she was supposed to be a poet. Nothing rhymed!
"Who screwed up the oath, Roberts or Obama? Did Roberts get the words wrong, then compound the error by trying to correct Obama when Obama had it right?"
They both did, to my recollection. Obama screwed it up first, and that threw Roberts off, who then further screwed it up.
Ah well. Roberts has lots more of these to perform to get it right. If you've got to get it wrong, get it wrong for the guy who voted against your confirmation.
Anyone else think that so far, from Rick Warren to the poem we just heard, including the Inaugural Address and Oath, have been almost weirdly...average? Maybe the expectations were too high.
Other than Aretha (I can't help think that Mahalia would've been better, though), the best part of this Inauguration for me has been Senator Dianne Feinstein's as a steady cicerone.
"Yes, seriously. He is putting science at the forefront, for one thing. He is not scared to do so. You will reap the rewards of this, whether you care to credit him or not.
He is not a science-denier."
Lord. No one is. I got to wonder what you will be saying in 20 years when we are all worked up about global cooling. Again.
So which part of the world has actually achieved something from "putting science in the forefront"? Actually achieved something, not just talked it to death? What, exactly, are we supposed to be following?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Obama can memorize a speech, but memorize a single sentence from the US Constitution? Not so much...
Re Oath: I think Roberts messed it up at least according to this site:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Her vows were to "Philip Charles Arthur George".
Well, Royals do things like that, for the sake of the monarchy.
You've been scarce, Victoria. Or maybe we just haven't crossed paths, lately. Good to hear from you.
Biden swore to support and defend the Constitution - and to read it, one day.
Ah well. Roberts has lots more of these to perform to get it right. If you've got to get it wrong, get it wrong for the guy who voted against your confirmation.
Simon wins the thread.
"I thought she was supposed to be a poet. Nothing rhymed!"
Read her stuff. She writes mostly about vaginas and the gyness and blackness of being a black woman. Bloody awful choice. But in BO's defense, the world really doesn't produce poets anymore and it is not like he could go dig up Keats or Tennyson.
When yellow will be mellow...
David said...
"Obama really believes that he can rise above partisanship and forge the compromises needed."
He just spent two years - not to mention a speech - demonstrating that he is incapable of doing so. Weren't you watching?
"Biden swore to support and defend the Constitution - and to read it, one day."
Right after he orders those hooked on pheonics tapes and learns how.
Sometimes, it does have to come from the top.
You mean like shit rolling downhill?
Sorry couldn't help myself. All the smarm is getting to me.
"Lines of tribe shall soon dissolve" - cue one world / NAU loonies.
She writes mostly about vaginas
I wondered what had happened to Amanda Marcotte.
Obama's Speech sucked out all the gratuitous (and rather lovely) excitement in that crowd.
There is not a hysterical YES WE CAN overheard from the microphones now. It's all polite, Met Opera clapping.
Look on the bright side, everyone: between "so help me God" and Rick Warren's explicitly Christian address, Michael Newdow must have felt as marginalized and excluded as Obama's speech left those who voted against him. Misery loves company.
"Biden swore to support and defend the Constitution - and to read it, one day."
Well, in his defense the copy he has read was defective. It is inexplicably missing anything covering abortion.
vbspurs said...
"Unlike the deep-voiced JFK, with that unforgettable accent, no one will be looping that Oath in wax museums."
That hadn't even occurred to me - yes, that's perfect. In one fell sweoop, it derailed one aspect of the canonization before it made it out of the switch yard.
Well, if his administration is as awe inspiring as his inauguration we are in for a minimally competent four years.
Simon @11:42 That hadn't even occurred to me - yes, that's perfect. In one fell sweoop, it derailed one aspect of the canonization before it made it out of the switch yard.
Feature, not a bug.
Barack Obama, non-science-denier.
sonicfrog said...
"We have our disagreements politically, but I gotta say... Damn, He's A Frakking Great Speaker!!!!!"
That's a matter of opinion. I've never understood why people think he's such a good orator - quite aside from the dreary content and leaden cliche, his delivery has been leaving me cold since '04.
She writes mostly about vaginas and the gyness and blackness of being a black woman.
There is a pretty obvious formula to be followed. If you do it, it's pretty easy to impress the intellectuals.
It's sort of like writing a lifestyle article for the NYT or one of those personal stories for Vogue. Follow the formula, get published.
"Unlike the deep-voiced JFK, with that unforgettable accent, no one will be looping that Oath in wax museums."
It will be fixed in post-production.
Soooooo... about that benediction...
That hadn't even occurred to me - yes, that's perfect. In one fell sweoop, it derailed one aspect of the canonization before it made it out of the switch yard.
My father, who is an Obama supporter, was not amused by that flub.
In a way, I feel sorry for Obamabots who want this day to be extraordinary, flawless like every Oath before it (in their minds).
It's like their star pitcher, instead of a strike down the middle, started off the First Game of the World Series with 70 mph change-up.
"In a way, I feel sorry for Obamabots who want this day to be extraordinary, flawless like every Oath before it (in their minds)."
Give it some time. Remember, everyone younger than 25 or so thinks Greedo shot first.
This is a easy fix.
I haven't had a chance to read comments, so oops if I'm repetitive. I thought the swearing-in glitch was 100% Roberts. God knows if it was some passive aggressive thing although I doubt it.
When the music began I started bawling - it was the saddest imaginable music for the occasion, it almost scared me. Did any station acknowledge that the original music then became Appalachian Spring? CNN didn't.
I liked the poem, but am allergic to "poet voice", which always sounds so phony and machine-y to me.
The end of the sermon embarrassed even Obama. Good wishes for every color except whitey, who just needs to "do right". yuck! That was unfortunate.
The crowd is where it's at for me. Such joy.
President Bush will get on the jet (it's not Air Force One since he's not our President anymore) in private.
Speaking of loops in wax museums, I guess he denied his critics that awkward circus wave given by the departing President Nixon.
God knows if it was some passive aggressive thing although I doubt it.
Jen, how can you say that? President Obama totally threw off his rhythm by interrupting him in mid-flow. Neither man recovered.
The White House home page has changed over without a hitch--or last-minute fascist takeover! God Bless America!
Victoria wrote: It's like their star pitcher, instead of a strike down the middle, started off the First Game of the World Series with 70 mph change-up.
Victoria, the most baseball-obsessed kid I ever taught told me that it was good luck for a pitcher to start out a game pitching a ball, not a strike.
Soooooo... about that benediction...
It was supposed to be the last hurrah of the Civil Rights generation, who struggled SO much to get to this point.
Instead, it sounded like Muhammad Ali before a fight.
"Speaking of loops in wax museums, I guess he denied his critics that awkward circus wave given by the departing President Nixon."
Yes, I remember that. Bizarrely inappropriate.
Just a litte wave on Bush's part.
Victoria, the most baseball-obsessed kid I ever taught told me that it was good luck for a pitcher to start out a game pitching a ball, not a strike.
Don't worry, Peter. :)
In Obama's case, he got his World Series ring before the game started.
I'm inclined to give Lowery a pass because of his age, but I cringed.
"In Obama's case, he got his World Series ring before the game started."
Before the season started.
Oh well. Time to go do laundry. I just hope Obama forges a center path. How many blue dogs democrats in the house?
Love that helicopter.
One line reaction to the poet on SLOG: Poetry still boring.
Juan Williams is going to start to ball again, just like he did at the DNC with Michelle Obama.
There he goes. Voice crack. I missed that emotional register in journalism, ever since Dan Rather stepped down.
bawl or ball?
Ann posted a new thread for comments. :)
peter hoh said...
"bawl or ball?"
Better than a brawl.
Why was Rick Warren pronouncing names like "Sasha" so weirdly? What a douchebag, marring the whole thing.
People around me at Monona Terrace reacted to that. I just thought he was trying to be kind to them and treat them special.
I was wondering how the Jewish person next to me felt about all the Jesus talk, though. Not exactly ecumenical.
Jen, how can you say that? President Obama totally threw off his rhythm by interrupting him in mid-flow.
A pause after the name seems most natural, although I have no idea what is traditional. They both got rattled. I was mostly joking, since it would be a diabolical way to tweak Obama for voting against him.
Heh, check out the great comment from the wonderful and influential lefty blog Washington Monthly about Robert's goofing the lines because he didn't bring notes (which Obama tries to parry as best he can, BHO clearly tried to memorize the Oath anyway.):
I think Justice Roberts fucking up the oath is a perfect symbol of the transfer of power. Roberts deciding to "wing-it W-style" didn't use notes and ended up fucking up a very historic event. Obama, in contrast, was left trying to fix the half cocked mess. What a wonderful symbol for what Bush is handing off and the different approaches of the two administrations.
Posted by: palinoscopy on January 20, 2009 at 1:29 PM
Note that Sully gives Ann props for this fabulous and cogently ironic takedown of Roberts.
Well, how about Barack Obama's speech? I think it was fundamentally good and stirring. He made many cogent and zingy points. I wish he'd addressed the festering Israel/Palestine issue directly, insisting that both sides talk and stop their destructive ways (terrorism, settlements and oppression.) We can't give up on that, it hurts and costs us too much. Also, nothing about healing sexual preference tensions IIRC.
BTW, buh-bye, incurious and insolent George! It feels like a suffocating, forboding mass is lifted off me and the whole country.
@Victoria: And remember how the Duchess of York took great delight in her vows with Prince Andrew by getting it right.
Neither, alas, was to last.
I hate forboding masses.
Drill Sargeant:
"Likely driven by your HR professional, or if you are large enough , your EEO compliance officer. Socialists all :)"
That tickled me. You might be interested to know that we don't have an HR department. We don't believe in it. The festivities were put on by our MARKETING department. What do you make of that! :-)
Here is Joseph Lowery's ending to his benediction.
This article says it was humorous. Another described it as cheeky.
My mileage varies, especially due to my son's reaction.
Thanks, Rev. Nice job.
@Reader iam: I couldn't help but think of toilets...if it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down.
Why so many comments? Was there an election or something?
Hey orginal Mike, I would be happy to have delayed the swearing in if were paused as Mr. Bush were riding down in front of the platform on a rail.
Obama's middle name will rescue America
Blogger hdhouse said...
Hey orginal Mike, I would be happy to have delayed the swearing in if were paused as Mr. Bush were riding down in front of the platform on a rail.
8:51 PM
Yes, it's not enough that he steps down as expected, that he transfers power to the opposition party, who defeated his party's candidate. You want to get your hands on him!
My cousin the ex-Congresswoman wants him and Cheney and everybody tried for war crimes and hanged by the neck until dead (at least she offers a trial), but you? You want to tear him limb from limb with your bare hands! Like those Israeli reservists in Ramallah!
hdhouse, if you want your world to end, you or yours just go ahead and lay one finger on that man.
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