IN THE COMMENTS: fivewheels said:
Actually, the "Na na hey hey" thing is perfectly appropriate. Large portions of the left and right have always seen politics from the perspective of a sports fan; that's what partisanship is. It's not serious, it's trivial. It's mindless us/them b.s.
If they believed anything they said, that Bush is a war criminal and worse than Hitler blah blah blah, it would be unconscionable to just let him fly to Crawford for a dignified retirement. That's truly a morally reprehensible response if you believe anything close to what Doyle et al say they believe. Apprehend him, try him, hang him.
But they're not serious. They're just rooting for the "D" (and others for the "R") and ramping the hyperbole up to 11 without ever bothering to check what the actual people are saying or doing. Because they're not thoughtful enough to do more.
Still, it would be nicer if people would just wave their pennants and Obama foam #1 fingers.
So done.
Well, that's...
Oh hell, why bother?
I need a cocktail. *checks time*
People get excited on Liberation Day.
I need a cocktail. *checks time*
Darcy you can't go wrong following the philosophy of "It's always happy hour somewhere."
Damn straight.
Watching the plane take his ass back to Texas was so sweet.
People get excited on Liberation Day.
Hopefully you're wearing Depends. I heard they had a porta potty shortage.
Scum. (No, that means you, not President Bush.)
That's "war criminal former president" Bush.
Yep, that would describe President George and First Lady Laura Bush.
Democrats and liberals in general - not so much.
Yo, Blair!
Bananarama Steam
Well according to Kathryn Lopez at NRO who watched on MSNBC they also chanted it when Bush walked down to sit before the swearing in.
BDS Disgrace [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Wow. Well, my inaugural good feelings were definitely spoiled a bit by the "Na Na Hey Hey ... Goodbye" outburst on the Mall just now. How shamefully disrespectful.Keith Olbermann even thought so!
01/20 11:38 AM
It's hard to do crowd control just ask Robespierre.
AlphaLiberal, you haven't the slightest clue what it means to need liberation. Thanks to George Bush and others like him, you likely never will.
You can carry on with your childishness all you like under the protection of your betters.
Poor Georgie's widdle feewings.
And as I said before, if the Democrats and their friends and allies cannot be civil to President Bush, why the hell should any Republican or Conservative repect any democratic officeholder?
After, they did not respect ours.
why the hell should any Republican or Conservative repect any democratic officeholder?
I'm reminded of 2003 when Democrats were regularly accused of having terrorist sympathies.
Fuck Republicans and Conservatives. There aren't enough of them left in Congress to really matter anyway.
How shamefully disrespectful.
? W. would have heard it any time the Rangers lost in Comiskey Park.
You know what's really missing from this crowd? Self respect.
you expected something different?
Absolute no class or grace.
They think the enemy is always someone else. But really it is inside themselves - their own prideful competitions and selfish motives.
Fuck Republicans and Conservatives. There aren't enough of them left in Congress to really matter anyway
I'm going to bookmark this comment by Doyle because a year from now he'll be bitching how Obama can't get anything done because of the GOP stonewalling him.
Shocking Blue Venus
Y'all need to mellow back and come together.
By nightfall, those loons will be dead drunk and ready to rumble. Should be interesting.
I was pretty moved and touched by the whole morning--until the inaugural speech itself. It was a combination of cheap-shot stump speech and Carterian malaise lament. The second half was better, when he called out the Muslim world and tyrants. At least he's smart enough to follow Bush there.
This depressing speech and the taunts of the crowd brought me back to earth, although I still can say, what a country! God shed his grace on thee, and the Obamas.
There is a special circle of hell that both Bush and these ghouls will both occupy.
"Doyle said ...Fuck Republicans and Conservatives."
See what I mean?
Their claws are out, and they are smacking their lips in anticipation of the feast before them, from criminalizing politics to feathering their own nests.
This sort of mindless anger was seen after the civil war, when the North rubbed the South's nose in their defeat.
The consequences are still felt today. And today the Democrats could have begun with a note of grace and humility. No, we get Doyle and Nananana Heyhey.
I used to think the stories about the decline and fall of great powers was just interesting history, not a warning.
Not sure what they are gloating about, all they did was wait him out. They never defeated him.
Pogo - I'm a conservative and say fuck Bush too! Today I celebrate the fact that the motherfucker goes back to Texas in disgrace!
I don't think they got the point of Obama's speech.
Down with America! Up with Hugo Chavez!!!
Children of the Corn
Some liberals do have terrorist sympathies. I give you the widespread support for Hamas among the Left as one of many examples. The Left's response to 9/11 - "we deserved it" - as another.
"Fuck Republicans and conservatives." Boy that expresses the class of the Left right there. Vulgar, foulmouthed, arrogant, brimming with hatred and contempt. No need to show any class or dignity or show the outgoing administration even any basic civility or politeness. It's like government by spoiled teenagers.
I'm amused by how now that the liberals are in charge, Obama is all "let's end the acrimony and have bipartisanship and common purpose". Right - eight years of foaming-at-the-mouth BusHitler hatred, but now when they're in control suddenly they think ending the acrimony is a good idea. If they'd conducted themselves like they wanted that just a little bit in the last eight years it might have some meaning.
Nevertheless, as a traditionalist conservative, I intend, as a show of respect to the Founders of this country, to extend to President Obama the courtesy and benefit of the doubt that goons like Doyle never gave Bush. May Obama conduct himself with dignity and a spirit of goodwill that his followers have never shown the rest of us.
Being a Texan, I'm thinking Doyle has suggested an adequate response to people like him as blue states continue to beg for a bailout.
Nevertheless, as a traditionalist conservative, I intend, as a show of respect to the Founders of this country, to extend to President Obama the courtesy and benefit of the doubt that goons like Doyle never gave Bush. May Obama conduct himself with dignity and a spirit of goodwill that his followers have never shown the rest of us.
1:34 PM
The country they created is dead my friend. It's time to do what Thomas Jefferson once advocated - "a little bloody revolution now and then is a good thing".
Thank you, trolls, for revealing your true colors.
Four long years of bad language and graceless politics. See ya.
Biden '09!
Fuck Republicans and Conservatives.
Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last?
The crowd chanted?
They didn't all throw their shoes?
The democrat party is dominated by immature people. Emotional, and immature.
They left by taking W's off of the keyboards and they come in with immature chanting.
No class at all.
Ah, the keen Althouse eye that applies to everything except the nasty, small-minded commenters, like Palladian, who populate her faux coffee shop.
Your flock wouldn't know how to be classy, Althouse, if their bitter little lives depended on it.
People also threw shoes over the White House fence, which I'd heard of in advance.
Not my style. But this happens when you doggedly pursue unpopular policies and wars. It's part of the job.
I can't believe some people still think this election represented a permanent realignment.
There's never a permanent realignment.
""“Na Na Na Na/Na Na Na Na/Hey Hey Hey/Good-bye.”"
What the hell? When they could've used "Hit the Road, Jack" by Ray Charles.
I remember right up until the last day before the 2006 midterms Bush was saying "a vote for a Democrat is a vote for the terrorists". Or Freepers staked out in front of Gore's house in D.C. in 2000 with signs "get out of Cheney's House", or the mob of Republicans that flew in from around the country to Miami disrupting the election offices. But a song, that's just too much to bear.
The democrat party is dominated by immature people. Emotional, and immature.
Here you are mangling the Democratic Party's name in a fit of childish tweaking. You think that's mature, changing someone's name?
And, get, beg or borrow a clue. The people singing nyah, nyah, weren't the Democratic Party. They were a bunch of unknown people.
Fuck all DemoRATs
People also threw shoes over the White House fence, . . .
Counts only if they threw the shoes they were wearing.
Check the rulebook.
I used to think the stories about the decline and fall of great powers was just interesting history, not a warning.
Pride (which at its core is enmity) cometh before the fall.
Watching the plane take his ass back to Texas was so sweet.
Taking up the thread of someone else's comments, let me rephrase Doyle's rant.
Watching the plane take his ass back to Texas, an economically and fiscally solvent state, was so sweet.
To the victors go the spoils, but if the only spoil they get is the pleasure of chanting F/U to Geo, Bush,they have settled cheap. The tendency to tribal group-think among Obama's supporters may be Obama's biggest headache.The U S Gov. functions as a compromise in action and does not function by being under one dominant tribal group.
Yes, I'm also reminded of the Gucci riot in Miami when they mobbed a public office to stop votes from being counted.
You can still find photo's on the web identifying the thugs as REPUBLICAN STAFF AND PARTY OFFICIALS. That was fine, though, right? Classy to behave like thugs.
I regret I wasn't there to disrupt their little riot.
And to listen to the wingers here who can't calmly and respectfully discuss an issue without hurling insults. (Hi, Darcy!) What hypocrites.
What the hell? When they could've used "Hit the Road, Jack" by Ray Charles.
Hey, good idea!
Hey lefties.
Obama is now president and the change you think you want is now here. So why continue to look at the past and show how utterly classless you can be. This is your day of celebration, yet you choose to spend even a small portion of it bashing the former president instead of enjoying the moment and looking to the future.
Unless your idea of being happy is ripping into others and always seeking to destroy, if that is the case then you are truly miserable people and those that you do support are destined to fail.
Classless knows no political boundary.
TRO said...
"Classy." Yep, that would describe President George and First Lady Laura Bush."
Well that puts you in that 22% approval group ya'betcha.
adjective, classier, classiest. Informal. of high class, rank, or grade; stylish; admirably smart; elegant.
Ohhhh ya'betcha. gotta be him.
I have seen democrat Hate since Reagan ("Oh my G-d, he's gioing to blow up the world!"), Bush I ("warmongers" -- I protested HW when I was a democrat because he refused to put Democracy in the ME), Bush II (See any comment by Michael, hdhouse or Alpha Liberal and the chants today) --
When democrats respect the opposition party, then I will respect democarats. It took me years to get this way, but the disrespect shown was allowed by people like Gov. Dean and Senator Reid.
Alpha, you kcik my guy when he was leaving and you ask us to support your guy. And again, given the attitude of Michael and you, why?
Ann Althouse said, "Classy."
I don't think you understand, but George W. Bush led a hate-based political movement starting in 1999 and intensifying dramatically after 9/11, culminating in its disgracefulness with his 2004 campaign's decision to scapegoat gay people as an enemy of our values. When Bush wasn't leading the national jihad against gays, he was leading the movement that portrayed its domestic political opponents as traitors and terrorist sympathizers.
People, in other words, have very good reason to be delighted at his departure, and to mock him on his way out.
We could not be happier to see him leave.
I understand you bonded with Bush following the September 11 attacks in 2001. Try to understand that the rest of us, patriots who love America, took offense at being called the enemy so Bush could secure political power.
JSF - you are mistaken if you think AlphaLiberal cares about your support for Obama. He would put you and me into concentration camps.
Jack - except you are the enemy of the United States. Always have been and always will be. FOAD.
Hey, hey, my, my it's into the black and goodbye for Bob May.
Don't tell Billy Mumy.
Actually, the "Na na hey hey" thing is perfectly appropriate. Large portions of the left and right have always seen politics from the perspective of a sports fan; that's what partisanship is. It's not serious, it's trivial. It's mindless us/them b.s.
If they believed anything they said, that Bush is a war criminal and worse than Hitler blah blah blah, it would be unconscionable to just let him fly to Crawford for a dignified retirement. That's truly a morally reprehensible response if you believe anything close to what Doyle et al say they believe. Apprehend him, try him, hang him.
But they're not serious. They're just rooting for the "D" (and others for the "R") and ramping the hyperbole up to 11 without ever bothering to check what the actual people are saying or doing. Because they're not thoughtful enough to do more.
Still, it would be nicer if people would just wave their pennants and Obama foam #1 fingers.
How appropriate kids: When utter classlessness is pointed out, you defend it by crying "they did it too."
Yea, I'm inspired, and feel great optimism to be lead by these people's king. What a let down already.
To those of low Emotional IQ, the best emotion they know how to use is Anger. The best anger users focus on one target always handy for their quick outbursts when no other feelings come to the surface. Thus the " That Damned Bush caused [fill in the blank]" is the much loved mantra for the emotionally suppressed angry people everywhere. But will success spoil Alpha Liberal?
Classless knows no political boundary.
Ain’t it the truth. There was booing of Clinton at Bush’s first inaugural. It was hushed quickly, but it was there.
tim maguire:
AlphaLiberal, you haven't the slightest clue what it means to need liberation. Thanks to George Bush and others like him, you likely never will.
- Bush reduced freedom overall in the United States while in office. He increased government surveillance, expanded government powers to arrest and detain and selectively repealed the ancient writ of habeas corpus.
- Bush reduced freedom overseas, employing a widespread secret network of prisons to torture people abducted in various ways.
- Bush's followers tried to shout down anyone uttering a criticism of him for years, demanding slavish obedience to Their Leader and No Criticism.
It's Orwellian for someone to refer to this record as "Liberation."
Blogger Shanna said...
There was booing of Clinton at Bush’s first inaugural. It was hushed quickly, but it was there.
There are always jerks. Whether or not it gets "hushed" or joined and defended IS the difference."
Wow. This is stunningly dumb and wrong from Alex, referring to me:
He would put you and me into concentration camps.
I'm the one who wants to close the concentration camp at Gitmo. Somewhere here, I invited dissent from con's and only asked that it be insult-free and to the issues.
It's such a good thing for our country that the "up is down" crowd has been sent packing.
I didn't kick your guy when he was down. I'm not in DC chanting anything. I'm a whole separate entity from those people.
Can you grasp this?
Further, you claimed:
When democrats respect the opposition party, then I will respect democarats
This is so patently false.
Like when Rush Limbaugh made fun of Chelsea Clinton when she was 13?
Like the attacks on Democrats in 2006, calling them "traitors," etc for taking a different approach to Republicans?
Like the insults I get here everytime I post anything?
Blogger AlphaLiberal said...
- Bush reduced freedom overall in the United States while in office. He increased government surveillance, expanded government powers to arrest and detain and selectively repealed the ancient writ of habeas corpus.
- Bush reduced freedom overseas, employing a widespread secret network of prisons to torture people abducted in various ways.
- Bush's followers tried to shout down anyone uttering a criticism of him for years, demanding slavish obedience to Their Leader and No Criticism.
It's Orwellian for someone to refer to this record as "Liberation."
That's is just about the stupidest comment I've ever seen here. It's just hopeless dude.
People who are feeling JOY simply do not have room for HATE.
And those filled with HATE are incapable of feeling JOY.
It appears today that there are alot of lefties who are not filled with JOY with Obama's presidency, but rather smug satisfaction (a cousin of HATE) of Bush leaving.
This from another Althouse thread:
David - fuck you and Obama and all you Democrats. I hope Obama fails more horribly then any President in history!
Oh, those damn Democrats!
Then this example of a winger using insults without having the ability to form a simple argument:
That's is just about the stupidest comment I've ever seen here. It's just hopeless dude.
It's hopeless for you to make your case that Bush expanded freedom in the USA. So all you can do is call me "stupid."
I didn't kick your guy when he was down. I'm not in DC chanting anything. I'm a whole separate entity from those people.
Can you grasp this?
Why don't you take it up with Doyle. He's youre political ally, he started this shitfest, and you act like his commments never happened.
If you think his comment was uncalled for, then say so; otherwise, own it.
Like when Rush Limbaugh made fun of Chelsea Clinton when she was 13?
Yeah that wasn't cool. Everyone looks like a dork at 13. Even I did believe it or not.
Chelsea turned out to be better looking than expected considering the DNA. Now Amy Carter is another story. Talk about falling down the ugly tree and hitting every branch on the way down.
We're filled with JOY for a new day for our country and our world.
And we're filled with JOY that George Bush is out of the oval office.
Hate has nothing to do with it.
Funny how that sounds like the twisted logic employed by white supremacists.
"We do not HATE black people. We are just PROUD to be white!"
Someone told me Chris Matthews clucked at the "na na" stuff and said it was in poor taste. Now THAT is some serious chutzpah. His political discourse re: Bush over the past year has basically been "na na" nonstop.
It's a new era of peace and love and an end to bitter partisanship. Good bye partisanship! Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey...
If you think his comment was uncalled for, then say so; otherwise, own it.
What the...? Wow. That's bizarre thinking. Individuals are responsible for themselves. i am not Doyle's keeper.
Besides, I agree with him about Republicans routinely being insulting and rude.
I will ask him to leave "Fuck Republicans" in the past. Been there, done that.
I know I'm reading an idiot, a groupie, a person incapable of thinking independently when I'm presented with the logical fallacy of appeal to numbers. Argumentum ad numeratum. What do I care what 80% of other people think? And yet, I'm constantly being presented with this nonsense. Goddamnit I hate wasting my reading on this crap. I have better things to do, like finding the best colonic cleanse.
Nobody has mentioned this yet, but it appears Wall Street is saying its "good-bye" to Bush, or is "hello" to Obama?
Will it make the news? And what's the spin?
Crowds are not known for their class. In fact, class abhors a crowd.
Yes, I'm also reminded of the Gucci riot in Miami when they mobbed a public office to stop votes from being counted.
Actually, the county clerks were trying to count votes in private, with no observers, which is against the law for obvious reasons ("hey, we need to add some more ballots for Gore NOW!"). If a Republican-leaning county had tried that and Democrats had protested, you'd be lauding the protesters as protecting the integrity of the vote. In both cases, the protesters would be correct, and the clerks wrong. That you would react differently to the two cases says all we nee to know about you.
What's the over/under for how long it takes Alpha to hate Obama as much or more than he hates Bush?
My Guess two years.
The "concentration camps" will still be open, the "increased government surveillance" will still be in effect, the "ancient writ of habeas corpus" still won't apply to war criminals and "rendition" (a Clinton policy) will still be used.
Nobody has mentioned this yet, but it appears Wall Street is saying its "good-bye" to Bush, or is "hello" to Obama?
It'll make the news, as usual, and some reporter will claim to know why it happened and be full of crap, as usual.
Dear Chip-
Have you ever read the suck up to Palladian-I think he comes here just for that-
the colonic cleanse.
Jeebus people-try to play hard to get!
I heard a report on BBC that everyone along the parade route got a free Sham Wow. One more reason to love America.
Keep dreaming, Barack:
On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.
If you're really, really quite you can hear a full reverse Hoover-and we're not talkin' Hurburt.
Hell have you read some of the dribble written to Ann, vspurs.
Cripes it'll make ya lose your lunch sometimes.
Plus, if you are a liberal, the DC Police are going to give you a ten minute head start on the other looters tonight.
Unless you are a bank president, because they got to start looting last month.
No less classy that saying "bring it on" while our soldiers are in harm's way.
Or declaring a "mission accomplished" when it was not even close.
Or saying you couldn't think of making any mistakes.
Or lying about WMD.
Or how about condoning torture?
This administration has personified the word classless from day one.
I heard a guy in a coffee shop in Madison talking about this blog and its traffic.
He said that Post Cereals Co. is on the verge of cutting a sponsorship deal. And, they are planning to change the name of one of their top-selling products from AlphaBits to AlphaSucks.
The guy looked like he could be a professor, so it's probably true.
Yeah, that's right. I think the guy said that Post wants to call it "New Improved AlphaSucks, Now With a Liberal Amount of Sugar Frosting".
Should be a big seller in this hopey changey world of ours.
Chipper: Searching for "the best colonic cleanse."
So you suck AND cleanse, huh?
"Should be a big seller in this hopey changey world of ours."
How could it be any worse than what we've seen over the past eight years?
Maybe if you kept up with the news...?
Plus, they are going to change the recipe by adding a lot more bran.
"New Improved AlphSucks! One bowl in the morning and you'll be totally full of shit all day!"
Those marketing guys are geniuses.
"Fuck Republicans and Conservatives. There aren't enough of them left in Congress to really matter anyway."
That is the true face of Obama's bipartisanship.
No honeymoon.
"We're filled with JOY for a new day for our country and our world."
Really? This is a new day for our country and our world? Seems to me like the same old nasty shit, except now turned up to 11.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Classy, Michael H. Not.
to the exchange with tim maguire this statement from President Obama says a lot about how he will restore freedoms to America that were curtailed these past dark eight years.
"We Reject as False the Choice between Our Safety and Our Ideals"
"We Reject as False the Choice between Our Safety and Our Ideals"
Oh we do, do we? So why don't you hold your breath until President Obama starts rolling back those executive powers. Ready... set... go!
Has anyone been down to the beach? this is the day the oceans are supposed to stop rising, and I'll bet in the excitement of seeing GWB chopper out of town, no one bothered to check the sea level.
Seems to me like the same old nasty shit, except now turned up to 11.
Yeah, sadly the conservatives around here have gotten more nasty and insulting.
Which is, clearly, someone else's fault because they're just victims.
"to the exchange with tim maguire this statement from President Obama says a lot about how he will restore freedoms to America that were curtailed these past dark eight years."
Are you ever embarrassed for yourself? I mean, just a little? Don't you ever feel embarrassed at your wealth, your safety, your comfort, your ability to say such boundlessly stupid things while people in Sudan and North Korea and Cuba and Iran and pretty much most of the rest of the world actually live in true darkness, in actual police states, in dire poverty? Don't you ever feel like a spoiled rotten child?
Of course you don't! Why? Because you're an asshole!
I'm really glad President Obama is bringing us together like this!
You know, I don't think President Obama would actually like you very much, AlphaLiberal. I think he'd find your support a little embarrassing.
The most welcome departure since Sherman left Georgia.
I'm really glad President Obama is bringing us together like this!
This bipartisan thing almost got the best of me today -- I almost complimented Ann on her pic on the sidebar I hadn't noticed before. Then I though, nah, she probably just think I was drunk or something.
"Then I though, nah, she probably just think I was drunk or something."
Maybe you were both drunk.
Palladian, in all that screeching you didn't include one cogent statement or argument. Not one.
All you do is hurl insults.
You got close with your insistence that other people have it worse off around the world but the idea that, therefore, I should not criticize my government is, frankly, unintelligible.
You, and your party, want to surrender freedom for the illusion of safety. You've made the argument many times. That's a minority view, in light of the election.
Really, try to make real arguments sometime. Try to post without insulting. Can you? I doubt it.
tim maguire said...
AlphaLiberal, you haven't the slightest clue what it means to need liberation. Thanks to George Bush and others like him, you likely never will.
Now, now - Bush's greatest legacy might be how he helped or stood aside and allowed the "liberation" of the American People:
1. Of their good reputation abroad.
2. Of 35-40% of their home and investments value.
3. Of 4 million well-paying jobs lost overseas.
4. Of any concern that Americans will spend too much in the future - since his wars and tax cuts for the wealthy are to be financed by Americans from the Obama era on.
He "kept us safe" from a slight risk (odds of being killed by a terrorist are roughly one in 1 million to one in 1.8 million over
time going back to Carter's day. But at the expense of 40,000 casualties (many taken for no good reason in Iraq), a doubling of national debt, and dramatic increases in other threats America faces.
As for the two countries we liberated...One has half the people saying it is proper to spit on or throw shoes at Americans if they can do so safely. The other is run by a corrupt ring of heroin smugglers who are staring at defeat and negotiating with the Taliban for further Islamisation and for power-sharing. Meanwhile, the US and NATO cling to small base areas as less and less supplies make it through Pakistan.
AQ? Reconstituted to pre-9/11 strength, but not as effective...for now..
Good post, Cedarford. You made a strong point without insulting anyone.
See how he did that, conservatives? Why not, at least, give it a try?
Cedarford really, really, really wants to love Obama, like the good left wing democrat he is inside the dark shell of his heart. If it weren't for those meddling Jews he'd be able to do it! Blast you, Jews!
Oh my God, AlphaLiberal and Cedarford are BFF. I told you politics was a circle, and that if you walked far enough into left-wing douchebag territory you'd find yourself shaking hands with collectivist Nazis. Fear!
Palladian, the kids called from the sandbox. They want their pail and shovel back.
One has half the people saying it is proper to spit on or throw shoes at Americans if they can do so safely. The other is run by a corrupt ring of heroin smugglers
Oh come on-San Francisco and Chicago ain't all bad.
See, argument is choice. I can choose if I want to argue or not, and if my opponent is a serious and worthy person who actually wants to have an honest discussion and debate. You don't actually want to have an argument, AlphaLiberal. You just want to come in and taunt the "reich wingers" and cut-n-past things from and play the same us-and-them game that so many of us find quite wearying. If instead of hurling bombs and trying to make people upset and insulted you actually tried to converse with people about things, you'd find people's attitude toward you entirely different. You and I actually probably agree about a lot of things, perhaps not politically, but in general. But I can never know that and you will never know that because you don't make any effort to act like a human being. Your Blogger handle is "AlphaLiberal" for Christ's sake. That's a signal that you have no interests but political ones and have no viewpoint but the party's viewpoint. That makes you uninteresting, as uninteresting as someone who posted crap from worldnetdaily using the Blogger name "OmegaUltraRightWingPaleoCon" and taunted me for being a faggot.
I just ain't interested, but I'm also not going to sit back and be silent about it. Therefore, it's fun to try to post clever little insults. It keeps the thread from being 49 boring comments from you about how dumb/evil conservatives are.
I hope that clarifies my position toward those that I insult.
Now fuck off.
I can't recall you respectfully discussing an issue with anyone you disagree with here. All you do is insult.
You're lying in this post. I don't think I've ever been to I don't use the term "reich wingers." And I sure as hell don't copy and paste my arguments, just links and quotes to back up my points.
Yes, my handle is AlphaLiberal, because so many liberals have been CowedLiberals for so long and we need to change that. So what? For that you insult me?
This site is crammed full of right-wing insults against liberals. I guess you're used to liberals being all Colmes-like meek and willing to be kicked around. Apparently, that's the only type of liberal you can handle.
You're emblematic of the right wing, though. You hate people who disagree with you and don't have the emotional maturity to discuss issues without getting insulting and vindictive. My experience at Althouse has taught me this much. Few conservatives are polite or capable of talking with someone who doesn't agree with them.
Therefore, it's fun to try to post clever little insults.
Keep trying. Eventually you'll get to clever.
Has anyone been down to the beach? this is the day the oceans are supposed to stop rising, and I'll bet in the excitement of seeing GWB chopper out of town, no one bothered to check the sea level.
It's too cold to go to the beach. I'm going to wait until we have a little more global warming and take some sunscreen.
If the crowd at the inauguration must view politics as a sporting event why couldn't they have sung that Gary Glitter song instead? "Hey!" isn't disrespectful to anyone.
It's Orwellian for someone to refer to this record as "Liberation."
Alphalib, you forgot one tiny little fact that destroys your entire "Bush contracted freedom" spin:
28 Million people in Iraq now live in a democracy, free from the fear and the oppression of a murderous tyrant.
28 Million is a lot of people dude. You're going to have to come up with a lot more Gitmos to counter 28 Million made free, in the balance of justice and morality.
"because so many liberals have been CowedLiberals for so long and we need to change that."
Yes, that's been a serious problem for the left in the past 75 years. Hardly ever do we hear the liberal side of politics in the news, on TV, in the movies, by pop singers, by grade school teachers, or college professors.
God bless you in that arduous and pioneering task, AL.
AL -
How disingenuous of you. You came in with your "Liberation Day" comment - implicitly equating Bush with Hitler, how original - before anyone said any damn thing about "liberals" or "democrats." Then, on a post specifically about boorish behavior - by Democrats - you fly off the handle at the suggestion that some Democrats are boors! How can you be so blind? So dishonest?
Look, there are plenty of hurt feelings on both sides to go around, but your side won, you got everything you could legitimately ask for. Is a pittance of magnanimity simply beyond your ability?
You claim to want dialog and insult-free argument. Explain how your first comment furthered that. What did you really think it would accomplish? Can you even answer that honestly? I suspect not.
You make statements like "We're filled with JOY for a new day for our country and our world" as though you are attempting to deny even the reality of your own statements or those of your political allies, in an attempt to argue that the hard feelings of your opponents are unjustified or irrational. Well, they're not, and you could gain a lot of honor simply by granting the legitimacy of other peoples' feelings - yet you seemingly cannot bring yourself to do even this.
That is why you have no credibility, no civilized friends, and nobody willing to be pleasant to you: because you have no honor. Even now, in your moment of triumph, you are small and weak.
Good day to you sir.
madawaskan said...
"One has half the people saying it is proper to spit on or throw shoes at Americans if they can do so safely. The other is run by a corrupt ring of heroin smugglers."
Oh come on-San Francisco and Chicago ain't all bad.
And that is just how they were without Bush attempting to "liberate them". Had he tried, no doubt he would have bungled it and US hatred would have increased in SF, and heroin drug activities doubled, following the Iraq and Afghanistan models.
Palladian -See, argument is choice. I can choose if I want to argue or not, and if my opponent is a serious and worthy person who actually wants to have an honest discussion and debate.
Pretty rich, a discussion of worthiness coming from a true chickenhawk, in the pre-9/11 meaning of the word.
Palladian, as a teacher, deals in a world of secret shame, which makes him bellicose tending to not argue with, but insult those posters he thinks are not sympatheric to his lifestyle.
Think, a Zionist-loving Republican teacher. And a gay one who thinks salami-smoking younger men is the pinnacle of his existence. He has dark secrets he doesn't want his peers at worl to know. Especially the Republican part.
Being a chickenhawk might be forgivable in their eyes...
Few conservatives are polite or capable of talking with someone who doesn't agree with them.
That's rich.
Sofa King:
You came in with your "Liberation Day" comment - implicitly equating Bush with Hitler,
Really? I equated Bush with Hitler? Only in your imagination. I never did in words. You just made that up.
I sincerely feel liberated. I've been jokingly referring to it as "Liberation Day" for some time.
You claim to want dialog and insult-free argument. Explain how your first comment furthered that.
Well, someone could say, "What are you talking about? I think Bush brought freedom to new heights." And then I make my case (as I did later in the thread).
But not one can could make the case that Bush expanded freedom (except for big business, for which a good case can be made). Instead, we saw the insult gusher spew forth. (And, you blame me for their insults, incidentally).
Then, on a post specifically about boorish behavior - by Democrats - you fly off the handle at the suggestion that some Democrats are boors!
First, I gently separated myself from the chants. I disagreed with them.
But, again, false. I took offense at someone mangling the name of the Democratic Party ...all the while denouncing juvenile behavior and pointed out the irony of their comment.
So..... should I conclude by your comments that the fault lies with me for objecting to the mangling of the name, but not to the mangler?
Do you really think that's fair?
You make statements like "We're filled with JOY for a new day for our country and our world"
Again, I can't see your point. I'm trying to be positive and that makes me a terrible person?
I've read your post and considered your points. They're quite wanting.
Sofa King, your claim that I was equating Bush to Hitler made me wonder if the crack isn't doing so unintentionally.
So, I consulted the Source of All Wisdom, Wikipedia. Yes, there is an entry for "Liberation Day."
25 entries, not one mention of Hitler, only one of WWII Germany.
So... I guess it's a fine thing to continue using. Perhaps you were a tad hyper-sensitive, no? In a bit of a rush to denounce. Inaccurate. All that.
OK. Now I need to go celebrate Liberation Day. Uncowed.
Really? I equated Bush with Hitler? Only in your imagination. I never did in words.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "implicitly?" And fine, maybe Hitler is too specific to be plausible. But as the very wiki page you point to states, "Liberation Day" is normally used in case of revolution or removal of foreign occupation, both of which are inappropriate to a constitutional inauguration. I think you know this perfectly well.
Well, someone could say, "What are you talking about? I think Bush brought freedom to new heights."
They could, if they were in a mood to ignore your ridiculous equation. But if you want to start an argument by being inflammatory and hoping people ask you to clarify your inflammatory comments, you shouldn't be so shocked that you simply inflame instead. Why, you yourself are inflamed by every perceived slight imaginable.
First, I gently separated myself from the chants. I disagreed with them.
I don't believe you did.
But, again, false. I took offense at someone mangling the name of the Democratic Party ...all the while denouncing juvenile behavior and pointed out the irony of their comment.
I can't believe you would take offense to this. It wasn't even directed at you. I sincerely believe you just wanted an excuse to attack someone and looked for anything.
So..... should I conclude by your comments that the fault lies with me for objecting to the mangling of the name, but not to the mangler?
You're the one who brought that whole exchange up. My previous comment stands even if that never took place.
Again, I can't see your point. I'm trying to be positive and that makes me a terrible person?
My point is that you are making universal, not individual statements. Don't you know the difference between "I" and "we?" You are thereby attempting to deny that there is any real basis for hard feelings. There is, and what you are doing is rude.
I've read your post and considered your points. They're quite wanting.
Your opinion is worth nothing to me. My comments are for the benefit of the other readers.
"Keep trying. Eventually you'll get to clever."
Yeah, waiting for you to get there too. :)
"Pretty rich, a discussion of worthiness coming from a true chickenhawk, in the pre-9/11 meaning of the word."
Again with the pedophile insinuations! Is diddling little children all you think about?
"Palladian, as a teacher, deals in a world of secret shame,"
LOL. Yes! Secret shame!
Lord, you sound like a 1954 issue of Confidential magazine. "This week: Shocking! The strange, twilight world of the homosexual!"
"...which makes him bellicose tending to not argue with, but insult those posters he thinks are not sympatheric to his lifestyle."
Wait, so now even the liberals I insult aren't sympathetic to my lifestyle, in the strange, twilight world of the homosexual?! Geez, when the liberals don't even have sympathy for the homosexual, you know you're in trouble!
"Think, a Zionist-loving Republican teacher."
Wait, are you talking about me or Victor Davis Hanson? I'm not now nor have I ever been a Republican. And I'm not sure what "Zionist-loving" means. Did you mean to call me a Zionist? Or are you suggesting that, while I'm not a Zionist myself, I have affection for Zionists? Maybe it's because my father's family came from a town in Utah near Zion National Park. Are you calling my boyfriend a Zionist, since I love him?
I am a teacher, so you got one thing correct.
"And a gay one who thinks salami-smoking younger men is the pinnacle of his existence."
Ah yes, because I just can't stop talking about how smoking salamis brings meaning to my life. I've never made salami, smoked or otherwise, with any men, younger or older. The closest I've come was making Pâté de Campagne Forestière with my boyfriend. Well, I did most of the work. And I love to cook, but pinnacle of my life?
Or are you talking about something else?
"He has dark secrets he doesn't want his peers at worl to know."
Ah yes, me and my dark secrets, hidden in the strange, twilight world of the homosexual...
"Especially the Republican part."
I'm not now nor have I ever been a Republican. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But I don't hide my views from my students or my colleagues, though being an art school and given the independent nature of my college, we tend not to get into political discussions. It seems you're projecting, as you're probably the one who has to hide the fact that you're a socialist Jew-hater from your co-workers. That's even less socially acceptable than being a smoked Pâté making non-Republican homosexual.
"Being a chickenhawk might be forgivable in their eyes..."
Ok, now you've lost me.
Wait! What am I doing?! Why am I wasting my time "fisking" an anonymous Nazi?!
Did the Azalea Trail Maids get in the parade?
Bush is giving a cute speech on his arrvial in Midland, TX, right now.
"I left Washington with the same values that I had on entering it"
I don't know why, but I'm gonna miss that guy...
If you want, please click on this link to give thanks to President Bush for his service.
it would be unconscionable to just let him fly to Crawford for a dignified retirement.
Crawford was a prop. He's going to Dallas, where's there's golf and good restaurants. Crawford will be nice for a weekend getaway, but I doubt W will be clearing much brush anymore, without the photo-ops.
Palladian, I can't wait to see the cover of the penny dreadful based on your life story: Chickenhawks in Twilight
Thrill to dark adventures of teacher by day, boy-diddler by night!
Gasp at the revelations of Republican-Zionist man-younger man love!
Ralph: apparently the trail maids did indeed make the parade:
"Palladian, I can't wait to see the cover of the penny dreadful based on your life story: Chickenhawks in Twilight
Thrill to dark adventures of teacher by day, boy-diddler by night!
Gasp at the revelations of Republican-Zionist man-younger man love!"
You don't know the half of it, honey!
Sofa King:
But as the very wiki page you point to states, "Liberation Day" is normally used in case of revolution or removal of foreign occupation, both of which are inappropriate to a constitutional inauguration. I think you know this perfectly well.
Well many of us did refer to Bush as the Oval Office Occupant for a number of years.
You claim this simple phrase is "inflammatory" but are fine with "loons" and any other right-based inflammatory statements.
Yeesh. All this huff and puff over a simple phrase. Relax, SK, have a home brew.
Hey hey hey, good bye.
I wonder how many would be thrilled if the helicopter was LANDING and Mr. Bush was to stroll down Pennsylvania Ave to another term.
If the crowd could have though of a chant to "get lost and good riddance" it would perhaps be more fitting but you get what you get.
and to all of you who assume that the crowd was purely made up of democrats, please check your poll numbers...Mr Bush suffers the distain of nearly a majority of republicans...leaving him with...drum roll please...22%.
Gotta love the logic.
Chickenhawks in Twilight
Sorry, I'm too plugged in to the 'tween girl scene these days, and had to wonder WTF Palladian had to do with vampires in the Pacific Northwest?
Anyway, good for a (very brief) laugh -- thanks.
Americans say good bye to George Bush.
There are all sort of messages there. Part of one....
The George W. Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages and
accepting donations. The Library will include:
The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is still under construction.
The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you won't be able to remember anything.
The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you don't even have to show up.
The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they don't let you in.
The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they don't let you out.
The majority of thinking Americans are not concerned one scintilla about the Patriot Act and are not worried about what Albert Gonzalez did or did not do.
I bet 95% could care less if Gitmo stayed open for the next 100 years. And it might stay open for a long time if Obama gets his way. Heh.
As to TANG, I recall Dan Rather thought he had the goods on that story and ran with it even though he did not have the facts.
In my scorebook, that leaves you with Katrina. I'll concede you that point.
Blogger Beth said...
it would be unconscionable to just let him fly to Crawford for a dignified retirement.
Crawford was a prop. He's going to Dallas, where's there's golf and good restaurants. Crawford will be nice for a weekend getaway, but I doubt W will be clearing much brush anymore, without the photo-ops.
6:13 PM
Tell ya what, Beth...let's check back on him over a year. If you're wrong, you can either blow me, or clean my kitchen. If you're right, I'll either go down on you, or mow your lawn. Deal?
They bought a house in Dallas. Google it. They never lived in Crawford until the 2000 election. It's all theater, baby.
AJ, that was a joke. But...
As to TANG, I recall Dan Rather thought he had the goods on that story and ran with it even though he did not have the facts.
The Rather episode didn't prove Bush showed up for service in Alabma!
Garry Trudeau very publicly offered $10,000 to the first person who could prove that George Bush shows up for duty in Alabama.
He still has his money. Why don't you provide the evidence and collect?
And, yeah, Crawford was a prop. Bush has a new place in Dallas. Funny how that works.
Of course I want to say thank you. I voted for Bush in 2004 for one reason only (aside from the fact that Kerry was/is a complete moron) and that was victory in Iraq. I was scared to death that the liberals would succeed in defeating America ONCE AGAIN on the international stage. But Bush delivered. It took a while, but that’s okay. He delivered. That alone washes all the other disappointments (amnesty, etc.) away. God bless you, President Bush.
Of course I want to say thank you. I voted for Bush in 2004 for one reason only (aside from the fact that Kerry was/is a complete moron) and that was victory in Iraq. I was scared to death that the liberals would succeed in defeating America ONCE AGAIN on the international stage. But Bush delivered. It took a while, but that’s okay. He delivered. That alone washes all the other disappointments (amnesty, etc.) away. God bless you, President Bush.
Doyle: "I'm reminded of 2003 when Democrats were regularly accused of having terrorist sympathies."
-Whereas, later we learned that they have terrorist "family friends", not sympathies. Anyway, nobody would say that if prominent Dems would stop sympathising with terrorists.
garage - or how about the leftists who tried to egg Bush in 2001 and forced him to cancel the walk to the White House, which of course Obama was able to enjoy in peace today. And since when is having poll watchers and scrutineers a bad things? Oh right, when it interfered with ACORN-type fraud?
Palladian said: Wait! What am I doing?! Why am I wasting my time "fisking" an anonymous Nazi?!
Dayum, another thread winner. Thanks for the laugh.
AJ Lynch said...
"The majority of thinking Americans are not concerned one scintilla about the Patriot Act and are not worried about what Albert Gonzalez did or did not do."
ahhh AJ again wins the "wrong" prize.
First your sentence reads better and more accurately if you say "non-Thinking Americans". It is you dolts who don't want to think about it.
and to Mr. G and Gitmo, I can guarantee you that we look on both as horror shows and prime examples of Bush ignorance.
I know he has a house in Dallas now. I don't think that means there will be tumbleweeds blowing through Crawford, though for all I know people like Cindy Sheehan have made it unpleasant enough for him to sell out and move.
But he has always been physically active, physically fit, and I don't think he got into brush-cutting for the sake of the cameras. There are better things to do for the cameras, like horse riding, which apparently he does not do.
Nonetheless, on the condition that you bathe, I am prepared to hold up my end of the bet. Sounds like you're not (I bathe). It's OK, you probably couldn't take the whole thing anyway ;>.
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